Tuesday, June 17, 2008

25 new messages in 10 topics - digest



Today's topics:

* Our Troubled Country - Importing Poverty ( Frosty Wooldridge ) - 1 messages,
1 author
* Storm door handle REPAIR? - 4 messages, 3 authors
* Capital One Bank overauthorizes then charges high late fee - 1 messages, 1
* Take a hot shower w/o your water tank - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Best Buy bad PC purchase - 6 messages, 5 authors
* Gore's personal electricity consumption up 10% - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Vanilla Ice vs. MC Hammer - 2 messages, 2 authors
* ooma Hub - VoIP phone device, 58% off - 1 messages, 1 author
* Water 4 Gas - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Our Troubled Country - Importing Poverty ( Frosty Wooldridge )

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 12:02 pm
From: billimmelman@yahoo.com

On Jun 17, 3:36 am, wis...@yahoo.com wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Jun 2008 07:46:18 GMT, jazzerci...@hotmail.com (-) wrote:
> >http://www.rense.com/general82/importing.htm
> >Our Troubled Country - Importing Poverty
> >By Frosty Wooldridge
> >6-17-8
> >Brian Williams reported to the nation last month that Detroit, Michigan high
> >schools suffer a 76 percent drop-out/flunk-out rate for high school seniors.
> >All totaled, 1.2 million eighteen year olds hit the streets functionally
> >illiterate annually. In Denver, Colorado, 73 percent of children live in
> >poverty.
> >U.S. Representative Tom Tancredo said, "Immigration, both legal and illegal,
> >is the cause of a significant part of Colorado's increase in child poverty."
> >The number of children under the age of 18 living in poverty increased from
> >104,000 in 2000 to 180,000 in 2006, in Colorado. Colorado led the nation in
> >child poverty, yet features only 4.6 million people-except---that state houses
> >500,000 and as high as 695,000 illegal alien migrants. Colorado schools suffer
> >43 different languages, which cause havoc in classrooms. One in five teachers
> >quits or transfers out of Denver Public Schools every nine months. (Source:
> >Rocky Mountain News)
> >"It is irresponsible for the media and the governor to not recognize the fact
> >that immigration is largely to blame for this increase," Tancredo said. "If
> >Colorado were actually enforcing its own laws, we would reduce the number of
> >people in the poverty category."
> >However, Colorado Governor Bill Ritter (D) refuses to enforce H.B. 1023. The
> >legislature passed that law in 2006 to fine and imprison employers of illegal
> >aliens. Ritter won't enforce it while Colorado taxpayers shell out $1.1
> >billion annually for all services for illegal aliens and their children.
> >The president of the Colorado Children's Campaign gave a lame excuse,
> >"changing demographics of the state." As in Detroit, Chicago, New York,
> >Dallas, Houston and Los Angeles, political correctness disavows the reason for
> >a total breakdown in U.S. schools and accelerating poverty.
> >"The research is clear," Tancredo said. "An increase in immigration leads to
> >an increase in poverty. If we truly want to do something about poverty in
> >Colorado and our nation, we must stop importing poverty. We must begin
> >enforcing the laws, primarily against hiring illegal aliens, which will force
> >self-deportation of others in that category."
> >How fast do immigrants and illegal migrants pour into the United States? For a
> >stupefying understanding of the numbers, every 30 days, 182,000 to 200,000
> >legal immigrants and illegal aliens arrive in America. To give you an idea of
> >how many people that represents: those immigrants fill two 100,000 seat
> >Pasadena Rose Bowls. At the end of the month, they empty into the streets,
> >communities and states of America at a cost of $346 billion annually to U.S.
> >taxpayers. (Source:
> ><http://www.thesocialcontract.com/>www.thesocialcontract.com) They overload
> >schools, hospitals and prisons. Even the legal immigrants tap into billions of
> >dollars for resettlement into this country.
> >During the next month, two more Rose Bowls fill up! Again, they empty out into
> >America, month in and month out, year in and year out.
> >Across the nation, every aspect of immigration impedes America's ability to
> >solve poverty, create jobs, maintain living wages, sustain viable educational
> >standards and keep pace with prison populations.
> >Both legal and illegal immigrants arrive from third world countries with
> >cultures and educations that remain incompatible with America's first world
> >culture.
> >As those immigrants receive aid for their problems, The National Coalition for
> >the Homeless, <http://www.nationalhomeless.org/>www.nationalhomeless.org
> >reported 3.5 million homeless citizens struggled for survival in the streets
> >of America in 2006. Of that number, 1.35 million consist of homeless
> >children. Reports show 13 million American children suffer daily from
> >malnutrition and hunger in America. A shocking 37 million Americans live below
> >the poverty line, which is 12.7 percent of our population.
> >As reported by ABC's Charles Gibson, an astounding 28 million Americans live
> >on food stamps in 2008.
> >In my travels throughout Mexico, I witnessed our future. On the outskirts of
> >Mexico City with 22 million people, in excess of two million people live in
> >cardboard shacks. They squat for their morning constitutional with their
> >chickens. They live in abject misery, filth, disease and hopelessness.
> >Guess what? They're moving to America. Millions of them!
> >Third world slums began appearing along our borders (on our side) from
> >Brownsville, Texas to San Diego, California in the 80s. They're called
> >"Colonias," which in Spanish means "new neighborhoods." They feature shacks,
> >no sewers, no streets, no running water, no electricity, toilet facilities or
> >waste pickup.
> >The New York Times, March 3, 1988, "Along the US Border, a Third World is
> >Reborn," reported, "Colonias are rusted trailers and shacks nailed together
> >from tar paper and packing pallets without indoor toiletswith mounds of
> >uncollected trash that attract ratsthe lack of sanitation has polluted the
> >ground water to the point where many residents drink their own wastethe
> >colonias feature Third World levels of hepatitis, dysentery, diarrhea, skin
> >rashes, cholera and tuberculosisthey are contaminated, explosive, fecal,
> >filthy, illegal, miserable, polluted, powder kegs, putrid, shocking, sick,
> >stench filled, suffering and wrenching."
> >Since their appearance in the early 80s, according to the Times, the 1988
> >population totaled 185,000; the 1995 population exceeded 500,000; the 2005
> >population exceeded 1.5 million. At the current rate of growth, these human
> >misery settlements shall reach 20 million by 2021. Little known to most
> >Americans, Mexico expects to triple their population from 100 million to 300
> >million in this century. Thus, no end of the line of migrants plodding north
> >to America in search of a better life!
> >I spent two weeks filming colonias in Texas. I haven't been as sickened to my
> >stomach since my travels in Asia. It's worse than any description the New York
> >Times or I could give you. Colonias represent human misery at its disturbing
> >worst levels.
> >These slums represent a health hazard of unprecedented dimensions. Given
> >enough time, large areas of southern California, Arizona and Texas will
> >resemble the outskirts of Mexico City. Two decades of denial continues the
> >expansion of American "colonias."
> >Who becomes the final victim? America and her citizens plunge into poverty via
> >the addition of two Rose Bowls loaded with immigrants every 30 days, month in
> >and month out until our poor and middle class cannot find a job, a home or a
> >place to run from this madness.
> >Can anyone name a single, solitary reason for continuing this kind of national
> >suicide? Who brings it to you? Your U.S. States Senate and House of
> >Representatives!
> >##
> >To take action:www.numbersusa.com
> >www.thesocialcontract.com
> >www.fairus.org
> >www.proenglish.org
> >www.capsweb.org
> >www.vdare.com
> >Final note: I am looking for thinkers, writers and advocates to add to my
> >monthly "Master Mind Think Tank." In reality, our politicians foment the
> >problems that they campaign to solve. They never solve them; thus we spiral
> >into deeper national chaos. I need new ideas and new creative thinkers to help
> >me bring our most pressing issues onto the front burner: overpopulation in
> >America caused by ceaseless legal and illegal immigration. As you know, the
> >recent PEW report shows immigration adding 100 million people to our country
> >in 30 years. We need to stop it and we need to stop it now. Join me in saving
> >our civilization. fros...@juno.com
> >Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents - from the Arctic to the
> >South Pole - as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to
> >border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece.
> >He presents "The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do
> >about it" to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works
> >to bring about sensible world population balance atwww.frostywooldridge.com
> >From: Frosty Wooldridge
> >This three minute interview with Adam Schrager on "Your Show" May 4, 2008, NBC
> >Channel 9 News, addresses the ramifications of adding 120 million people to
> >USA in 35 years and six million people to Colorado as to water shortages, air
> >pollution, loss of farmland, energy costs and degradation of quality of life.
> >In the interview, Frosty Wooldridge explains the ramifications of adding 120
> >million people to the USA in 35 years. He advances new concepts such as a
> >"Colorado Carrying Capacity Policy"; "Colorado Environmental Impact Policy";
> >"Colorado Water Usage Policy"; "Colorado Sustainable Population Policy".
> >Nationally, the USA needs a "National Sustainable Population Policy" to
> >determine the carrying capacity of this nation for the short and long term.
> >Wooldridge is available for interviews on radio and TV having interviewed on
> >ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and FOX.
> >Click the link to view the 3 minute interview with NBC's Adam Schrager:
> >http://www.9news.com/video/player.aspx?aid=52364
> >Frosty Wooldridge
> >www.frostywooldridge.com
> >Disclaimer
> >MainPage
> >http://www.rense.com
> >This Site Served by TheHostPros
> Only a comatose public coupled with a whoreish political system allows
> this national tragedy to continue.
> ted- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

TOPIC: Storm door handle REPAIR?

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 12:19 pm
From: turtlelover

I know that I can purchase new handles for my storm doors, but I wonder if anyone has successfully repaired the latching mechanism.

Both front and back doors will not latch properly; that is, there is probably a spring inside the mechanism that pushes the latch (not sure if that's the proper terminology) out, and both springs are "shot." I have to pull the handle several times to get the latch to come out, and then I have to pull the latch further to get it to open all the way. It is only then that I can lock the door.

I'm guessing that it's a spring inside, and that the spring is worn out (or detached).

Since we're all about being frugal, has anyone repaired such a handle with this type of problem -- or should I bite the bullet and buy new handles?

Thanks, Frugalites.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 6:33 pm
From: Gordon

turtlelover <turtlelover@DONOTenter.net> wrote in

> I know that I can purchase new handles for my storm doors, but I
> wonder if anyone has successfully repaired the latching mechanism.
> Both front and back doors will not latch properly; that is, there is
> probably a spring inside the mechanism that pushes the latch (not sure
> if that's the proper terminology) out, and both springs are "shot." I
> have to pull the handle several times to get the latch to come out,
> and then I have to pull the latch further to get it to open all the
> way. It is only then that I can lock the door.
> I'm guessing that it's a spring inside, and that the spring is worn
> out (or detached).
> Since we're all about being frugal, has anyone repaired such a handle
> with this type of problem -- or should I bite the bullet and buy new
> handles?
> Thanks, Frugalites.

Take the thing off the door (only three screws). The spring will
be quite evident. Take it to a good hardware store and get a
replacement spring.

Note: Springs are not a commonly stocked item. You might have to
try an auto parts store. Once you find a store that stocks a
good source of springs; remember it.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 7:51 pm
From: turtlelover

Gordon wrote:
> turtlelover <turtlelover@DONOTenter.net> wrote in
> news:48580e80$0$18913$cd3e3bf6@news.enter.net:
>>I know that I can purchase new handles for my storm doors, but I
>>wonder if anyone has successfully repaired the latching mechanism.

<description snipped>

>>Thanks, Frugalites.
> Take the thing off the door (only three screws). The spring will
> be quite evident. Take it to a good hardware store and get a
> replacement spring.
> Note: Springs are not a commonly stocked item. You might have to
> try an auto parts store. Once you find a store that stocks a
> good source of springs; remember it.

Thanks, Gordon!


== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 8:06 pm

"turtlelover" <turtlelover@DONOTenter.net> wrote in message
> Gordon wrote:
>> turtlelover <turtlelover@DONOTenter.net> wrote in
>> news:48580e80$0$18913$cd3e3bf6@news.enter.net:
>>>I know that I can purchase new handles for my storm doors, but I
>>>wonder if anyone has successfully repaired the latching mechanism.
> <description snipped>
>>>Thanks, Frugalites.
>> Take the thing off the door (only three screws). The spring will
>> be quite evident. Take it to a good hardware store and get a
>> replacement spring. Note: Springs are not a commonly stocked item. You
>> might have to
>> try an auto parts store. Once you find a store that stocks a good source
>> of springs; remember it.

You can also get the right wire and make your own springs. You just need the
right size metal core with a hole in one end. For really large springs or
heavy wire, insert the core in your drill and slowly wind the wire around
the core. That's the easiest way to make chain mail, although you wind that
a lot tighter than a spring.

TOPIC: Capital One Bank overauthorizes then charges high late fee

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 12:52 pm

"Cindy Hamilton" <angelicapaganelli@hotmail.com> wrote in message
On Jun 17, 10:45 am, seeker <mothman20052...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Jun 13, 9:51 am, George Grapman <sfgeo...@paccbell.net> wrote:
> > seeker wrote:
> > > Hi i have noticed thatCapitaloneroutinely authorizes more than the
> > > account limit only to assess a $39 late fee
> > Don't go over your limit.
> The thing is, when you call for your account balance to get available
> credit,it is not always accurate... so you think you have more
> available than you actually have

>I'll do George Grapman one better:

>Don't get so close to your limit. If you have to call the credit card
>to find out if you're close to going over, you're too damn close.

>Likewise, if you have to call the bank to find out what your checking
>balance is supposed to be, you need to get in the habit of reconciling
>checkbook against your statements every single month.

Or, better yet, use your credit card for everything, get the cash back, then
pay it off each month using online payment drawn on your checking account. I
use my checking account 4 times a month - for the mortgage payment (no
online options), phone payment, utility payment, and credit card. Everything
else is charged to the credit card. Why doesn't everyone do that? Don't they
like getting cash back?


== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 1:06 pm
From: "sanity"

<wismel@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 22:50:25 -0400, "ElParedon" <serwad@bellsouth.net>
> wrote:
>>BOSTON (Reuters) - A former hedge fund manager convicted of fraud is alive
>>and on the run a week after staging a suicide on a bridge above New York's
>>Hudson River, U.S. authorities said on Monday.
>>The U.S. Marshals Service confirmed that Samuel Israel III, who engineered
>>the $2 trillion hedge fund industry's most brazen and long-running fraud,
>>did not leap to his death last Monday when his GMC Envoy was found on a
>>bridge above the Hudson River, its engine idling and the words "suicide is
>>painless" etched in dust on its hood.
>>"Suicide has been ruled out," William Dundon, a spokesman for the U.S.
>>Marshals Service, said in an e-mail to Reuters.
>>Another law enforcement official who is familiar with the investigation,
>>not authorized to speak publicly on the matter said "the investigation is
>>solely a fugitive investigation now."
>>Israel, 48, had been due to begin serving a 20-year prison term in Ayer,
>>Massachusetts a week ago.
>>Officials would not say how authorities had learned that Israel, who
>>back and heart problems, was alive. But after no body washed up on the
>>Hudson's shores for days, police became skeptical he was dead.
>>In April, Israel was sentenced for fabricating investment returns, making
>>an accounting firm to sign off on documents and ultimately stealing $450
>>million from investors, including Indiana's DePauw University.
>>He was out on bail to allow time for prison officials to prepare his
>>medication, court documents show.
>>In an ironic twist, Israel's disappearance may be especially awkward for
>>Lawyers at Morvillo, Abramowitz, Grand, Iason, Anello & Bohrer, P.C.
>>defended Israel plus another fugitive, Jacob "Kobi" Alexander, the former
>>chief executive of Comverse Technology Inc, who is wanted in the U.S. on
>>stock-options backdating charges. Alexander escaped U.S. authorities in
>>and has been living in Namibia since then.
>>(Editing by Jason Szep)

And why do you think he is Jewish? Jews do not use numerals after their
names because they name after the dead, not the living.

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 3:05 pm
From: "BuffettHater@gmail.com"

Sam Israel could be gentile?
I also think Abe Lincoln was jewish, after all, he was shot in the
Besides, if Sam the sham was jewish he'd have gone to israel as there
is no extradition for non-capital crimes.

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 4:31 pm
From: "Econotron"

"sanity" <sanerthanyou@gmail.com> wrote in message
> And why do you think he is Jewish? Jews do not use numerals after their
> names because they name after the dead, not the living.
Actually, he is not Jewish. I mentioned that fact in the earlier thread, but
the peanut brains are too lazy and stupid to do the research. They see the
word Israel, and it invokes an automatic reflex. The reason the authorities
became suspicious in the first place was the comments of those who knew the
swindler. They stated that did not believe he had committed a suicide, as it
would have been contrary to his Christian beliefs. As Archie Banker would
have said "The Jews use Israel as their first name, but not as their last

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 7:07 pm
From: "sanity"

"Econotron" <njmfis-1@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> "sanity" <sanerthanyou@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:5NU5k.6714$3F5.812@bignews2.bellsouth.net...
> [snip]
>> And why do you think he is Jewish? Jews do not use numerals after their
>> names because they name after the dead, not the living.
> Actually, he is not Jewish. I mentioned that fact in the earlier thread,
> but the peanut brains are too lazy and stupid to do the research. They see
> the word Israel, and it invokes an automatic reflex. The reason the
> authorities became suspicious in the first place was the comments of those
> who knew the swindler. They stated that did not believe he had committed a
> suicide, as it would have been contrary to his Christian beliefs. As
> Archie Banker would have said "The Jews use Israel as their first name,
> but not as their last one".:-)
> e.
The truth of the matter is that some people look to blame a Jew for
everything whether true or not.

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 7:26 pm
From: -DirtBag(c)

"sanity" <sanerthanyou@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "Econotron" <njmfis-1@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:8PX5k.8269$1x.5051@trndny06...
>> "sanity" <sanerthanyou@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:5NU5k.6714$3F5.812@bignews2.bellsouth.net...
>> [snip]
>>> And why do you think he is Jewish? Jews do not use numerals after
>>> their names because they name after the dead, not the living.
>> Actually, he is not Jewish. I mentioned that fact in the earlier thread,
>> but the peanut brains are too lazy and stupid to do the research. They
>> see the word Israel, and it invokes an automatic reflex. The reason the
>> authorities became suspicious in the first place was the comments of
>> those who knew the swindler. They stated that did not believe he had
>> committed a suicide, as it would have been contrary to his Christian
>> beliefs. As Archie Banker would have said "The Jews use Israel as their
>> first name, but not as their last one".:-)
>> e.
> The truth of the matter is that some people look to blame a Jew for
> everything whether true or not.

Obviously you have never dealt with a Turkish Rug merchant. <grin>

TOPIC: Take a hot shower w/o your water tank

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 1:10 pm
From: Seerialmom

On Jun 13, 9:04 am, Cheapo Groovo <c...@nospam.com> wrote:
> Just use a solar/camp shower in the summerhttp://store.sundancesolar.com/sosh5ga.html
> http://www.cheapogroovo.com

I've considered this for years; even without buying a special "solar"
shower you should be able to set up a water tank that gets full sun
exposure and then connect a hose from it to one of those backyard pool
showers they sell at Target. Then again, you could be lazy and buy
one of the "solar showers" they mention on this site (they also have
the one I was talking about, just noticed they also have the solar
ones as well):


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 1:35 pm
From: James

On Jun 17, 4:10 pm, Seerialmom <seerial...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Jun 13, 9:04 am, Cheapo Groovo <c...@nospam.com> wrote:
> > Just use a solar/camp shower in the summerhttp://store.sundancesolar.com/sosh5ga.html
> >http://www.cheapogroovo.com
> I've considered this for years; even without buying a special "solar"
> shower you should be able to set up a water tank that gets full sun
> exposure and then connect a hose from it to one of those backyard pool
> showers they sell at Target. Then again, you could be lazy and buy
> one of the "solar showers" they mention on this site (they also have
> the one I was talking about, just noticed they also have the solar
> ones as well):
I bought this one for camping - instructions on the box - leave out in
the sun for three hours. Apparently it can heat the water over 100

Note the same site has more durable ones. For three times the price. I
might spring for something more durable if I planned to use it at my


TOPIC: Best Buy bad PC purchase

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 4:20 pm
From: josh.kaplan1@comcast.net

Use caution when buying a PC from Best Buy. I bought a laptop from
them recently for almost $1k. The antivirus program that came with it
was MacAfee, which slowed windows down quite a bit, especially in
booting up time.

I removed it through add/remove programs, and all of a sudden I
couldn't get online anymore.

I returned it to Best Buy immediately, although I had to pay the
restocking fee, which Wal Mart to the best of my knowledge does NOT

The Geek Squad clerk tried to talk me into another laptop although i
said I was not interested, this thing was junk, and I wanted a
refund. They were very slow in giving me a refund and I was almost
late to work as a result.

I would also like to add, a friend of mine just bought a laptop from
Best Buy, and after a few days, she was unable to get online. She
called the Geek Squad support which she paid for and got someone in
India who she could barely understand. He said take the computer into
the store, which she did. The Geek Squad rep charged her $39 for a
diagnostic fee although she has a full warranty. Then the Verizon
people found it was a defective card and so she was charged $39 for
absolutely nothing.

Also, the Geek Squad clerk said not to use the back up restore discs
they gave her and only let them do this if needed. They said it was
because it would reformat the drive and if they had to reinstall
anything these discs didn't, it would cost $200.

Get your pinball dvds here!

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 4:42 pm
From: George Grapman

josh.kaplan1@comcast.net wrote:
> Use caution when buying a PC from Best Buy. I bought a laptop from
> them recently for almost $1k. The antivirus program that came with it
> was MacAfee, which slowed windows down quite a bit, especially in
> booting up time.
> I removed it through add/remove programs, and all of a sudden I
> couldn't get online anymore.
> I returned it to Best Buy immediately, although I had to pay the
> restocking fee, which Wal Mart to the best of my knowledge does NOT
> charge.
> The Geek Squad clerk tried to talk me into another laptop although i
> said I was not interested, this thing was junk, and I wanted a
> refund. They were very slow in giving me a refund and I was almost
> late to work as a result.
> I would also like to add, a friend of mine just bought a laptop from
> Best Buy, and after a few days, she was unable to get online. She
> called the Geek Squad support which she paid for and got someone in
> India who she could barely understand. He said take the computer into
> the store, which she did. The Geek Squad rep charged her $39 for a
> diagnostic fee although she has a full warranty. Then the Verizon
> people found it was a defective card and so she was charged $39 for
> absolutely nothing.
> Also, the Geek Squad clerk said not to use the back up restore discs
> they gave her and only let them do this if needed. They said it was
> because it would reformat the drive and if they had to reinstall
> anything these discs didn't, it would cost $200.

I have had two experiences with Best Buy.

1- I wanted a Caller ID box that would work with call waiting. The
only one on in stock was a display model. It took a while to find a
clerk who said he needed a mangers approval to sell it. He vanished and
I gave up after 15 minutes.

2- I was looking a a computer package that included a monitor. I asked
how much it would cost without the monitor and the clerk insisted that
my monitor which I got with Windows 98 would not work with XP.

== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 4:44 pm
From: Al Bundy

On Jun 17, 7:20 pm, josh.kapl...@comcast.net wrote:
> Use caution when buying a PC from Best Buy. I bought a laptop from
> them recently for almost $1k. The antivirus program that came with it
> was MacAfee, which slowed windows down quite a bit, especially in
> booting up time.
> I removed it through add/remove programs, and all of a sudden I
> couldn't get online anymore.

In your case it sounds like you did not know how to uninstall the
antivirus properly.
Your friends story is third hand and, therefore, not worth much
Let's face it, you are just looking to post your site here.

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 4:47 pm
From: Seerialmom

On Jun 17, 4:20 pm, josh.kapl...@comcast.net wrote:
> Use caution when buying a PC from Best Buy. I bought a laptop from
> them recently for almost $1k. The antivirus program that came with it
> was MacAfee, which slowed windows down quite a bit, especially in
> booting up time.
> I removed it through add/remove programs, and all of a sudden I
> couldn't get online anymore.
> I returned it to Best Buy immediately, although I had to pay the
> restocking fee, which Wal Mart to the best of my knowledge does NOT
> charge.
> The Geek Squad clerk tried to talk me into another laptop although i
> said I was not interested, this thing was junk, and I wanted a
> refund. They were very slow in giving me a refund and I was almost
> late to work as a result.
> I would also like to add, a friend of mine just bought a laptop from
> Best Buy, and after a few days, she was unable to get online. She
> called the Geek Squad support which she paid for and got someone in
> India who she could barely understand. He said take the computer into
> the store, which she did. The Geek Squad rep charged her $39 for a
> diagnostic fee although she has a full warranty. Then the Verizon
> people found it was a defective card and so she was charged $39 for
> absolutely nothing.
> Also, the Geek Squad clerk said not to use the back up restore discs
> they gave her and only let them do this if needed. They said it was
> because it would reformat the drive and if they had to reinstall
> anything these discs didn't, it would cost $200.
> Pingeekhttp://www.pingeek.com
> Get your pinball dvds here!

I see a couple of issues here:

1. Best Buy is a "retail store", not a computer store and therefore
will make money any possible way they can.
2. Best Buy was contacted for Tech Support, not the manufacturer

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 6:34 pm
From: josh.kaplan1@comcast.net

On Jun 17, 7:44 pm, Al Bundy <MSfort...@mcpmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 17, 7:20 pm, josh.kapl...@comcast.net wrote:
> > Use caution when buying a PC from Best Buy. I bought a laptop from
> > them recently for almost $1k. The antivirus program that came with it
> > was MacAfee, which slowed windows down quite a bit, especially in
> > booting up time.
> > I removed it through add/remove programs, and all of a sudden I
> > couldn't get online anymore.
> In your case it sounds like you did not know how to uninstall the
> antivirus properly.
> Your friends story is third hand and, therefore, not worth much
> either.
> Let's face it, you are just looking to post your site here.

The only way to uninstall the program was through add/remove.

As to my friend's story, well, I was there when it all happened.

Get your pinball dvds here!

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 9:23 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Al Bundy <MSfortune@mcpmail.com> wrote
> josh.kapl...@comcast.net wrote

>> Use caution when buying a PC from Best Buy. I bought a laptop from them
>> recently for almost $1k. The antivirus program that came with it was MacAfee,
>> which slowed windows down quite a bit, especially in booting up time.

>> I removed it through add/remove programs, and all of a sudden I couldn't get online anymore.

> In your case it sounds like you did not know how to uninstall the antivirus properly.

The way he did it should be all you need to do if it had been designed properly.

> Your friends story is third hand and, therefore, not worth much either.

> Let's face it, you are just looking to post your site here.

Mindless conspiracy theory.

TOPIC: Gore's personal electricity consumption up 10%

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 4:56 pm
From: "Brad Naylor"

Gore devours an average of 17,768 kWh per month - at a cost of $16,533 A

Energy Guzzled by Al Gore's Home in Past Year Could Power 232 U.S. Homes for
a Month
Gore's personal electricity consumption up 10%, despite "energy-efficient"
home renovations

NASHVILLE - In the year since Al Gore took steps to make his home more
energy-efficient, the former Vice President's home energy use surged more
than 10%, according to the Tennessee Center for Policy Research.

"A man's commitment to his beliefs is best measured by what he does behind
the closed doors of his own home," said Drew Johnson, President of the
Tennessee Center for Policy Research. "Al Gore is a hypocrite and a fraud
when it comes to his commitment to the environment, judging by his home
energy consumption."

In the past year, Gore's home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of
electricity, enough to power 232 average American households for a month.

In February 2007, An Inconvenient Truth, a film based on a climate change
speech developed by Gore, won an Academy Award for best documentary feature.
The next day, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research uncovered that Gore's
Nashville home guzzled 20 times more electricity than the average American

After the Tennessee Center for Policy Research exposed Gore's massive home
energy use, the former Vice President scurried to make his home more
energy-efficient. Despite adding solar panels, installing a geothermal
system, replacing existing light bulbs with more efficient models, and
overhauling the home's windows and ductwork, Gore now consumes more
electricity than before the "green" overhaul.

Since taking steps to make his home more environmentally-friendly last June,
Gore devours an average of 17,768 kWh per month -1,638 kWh more energy per
month than before the renovations - at a cost of $16,533. By comparison, the
average American household consumes 11,040 kWh in an entire year, according
to the Energy Information Administration.

In the wake of becoming the most well-known global warming alarmist, Gore
won an Oscar, a Grammy and the Nobel Peace Prize. In addition, Gore saw his
personal wealth increase by an estimated $100 million thanks largely to
speaking fees and investments related to global warming hysteria.

"Actions speak louder than words, and Gore's actions prove that he views
climate change not as a serious problem, but as a money-making opportunity,"
Johnson said. "Gore is exploiting the public's concern about the environment
to line his pockets and enhance his profile."

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research, a Nashville-based free market
think tank and watchdog organization, obtained information about Gore's home
energy use through a public records request to the Nashville Electric

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 6:18 pm
From: Derald

"Brad Naylor" <brad_naylor@live.com> wrote:

> "Al Gore is a hypocrite and a fraud
So where's the news? What else would you expect: He's the
politician son of a politician. There really is no business like show

TOPIC: Vanilla Ice vs. MC Hammer

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 7:11 pm
From: landmarktex@gmail.com

On Jun 17, 12:00 am, markritter...@gmail.com wrote:
> Who is cooler...Vanilla Ice or MC Hammer?
> MC Hammer:
> - is black
> - wears huge pants
> - does the typewriter dance better then anyone
> - says "propa'" instead of "proper"
> - blew tens of millions of $ in a few years
> Vanilla Ice:
> - shaves his eyebrows
> - starred in a hit movie with popular petition
> (http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/coolasicebluray)
> - banged Madonna
> - says "yep yep" instead of "yes" or "sure"



== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 7:46 pm
From: kennethnoisewater1@gmail.com

On Jun 16, 9:00 pm, markritter...@gmail.com wrote:
> Who is cooler...Vanilla Ice or MC Hammer?
> MC Hammer:
> - is black
> - wears huge pants
> - does the typewriter dance better then anyone
> - says "propa'" instead of "proper"
> - blew tens of millions of $ in a few years
> Vanilla Ice:
> - shaves his eyebrows
> - starred in a hit movie with popular petition
> (http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/coolasicebluray)
> - banged Madonna
> - says "yep yep" instead of "yes" or "sure"

This is a good question.

I've thought about it for a while, and I'm going with Vanilla Ice.
He's as lame and punk bitch as it comes. Sug Night hung him out a
balcony like 10 stories up and told him to never rap again, and he
never rapped again. If you thought his rapping was bad, his
alternative rock which he does now is the worst thing on this planet -
besides Scientology.

On a serious note, what song is cooler? Humpty Dance by Digital
Underground or I Wish by Skee-Lo

Humpty Dance (Have your oatmeal lumpy):

I wish:

TOPIC: ooma Hub - VoIP phone device, 58% off

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 8:35 pm
From: Ted

Amazon: http://easyurl.net/oomaHub

TOPIC: Water 4 Gas

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 17 2008 10:02 pm

Water 4 Gas
When you look closely at such 100% water driven technology, one ends
up spending even more than using the usual fuel for powering vehicles.

So, the method I recommend for powering your car with water that will
save you cost of fuel is to make your own low-cost hybrid car that
will run on water and gas, thereby saving you huge costs you would
have spent using only gas.

In other words - Hydrogen-On-Demand system where you run your car on
Hydrogen WHEN you need it!

Note that I am not saying you should build a car from scratch that
will run on water. Not at all. This instead is about constructing
simple devices that will enable your car to run on water as well as
gas. You don't have to alter your car make-up or get a new car. The
technology can work with almost any car or truck.

In simple words, this technology involves putting together home-made
devices that use a little electricity out of your car's battery to
separate water into a gas called HHO (2 Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen). HHO,
also known as Hydrogen*Oxygen(tm) or Hydroxy, burns beautifully and by so
doing provides TONS of energy.

And the most remarkable beauty is that this pound for pound HHO gas is
even much more potent than gasoline. In fact 3 times more potent than

By using such cars you effectively save money that would have been
spent on fuel for your car. It is estimated that this could save you
as much as $897.40 per year. If you are two, three or four drivers in
the family, this yearly savings increases dramatically. And what if
you have a fleet of 50 drivers in your company? Then your yearly
savings will multiply to $44,870.


First things first... this isn't about running your car on 100% water.
Of course there are information available about running your car on
100% water but I don't recommend them because they are not only
complicated but seriously expensive and completely unpredictable.

To learn more about water for gas technology and how you too can build
your own water for gas powered car,

visit http://www.linkbrander.com/go/64168

for all the SECRETS of Water Car Technology


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