Sunday, July 27, 2008

22 new messages in 11 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* How many here own food freezer? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Molded wood -vs- plastic toilet seat - 1 messages, 1 author
* clothes washers and dryers for older units with "weak" plumbing? - 2
messages, 2 authors
* How to stop debt collectors from calling? - 10 messages, 7 authors
* Dieting on a budget - 2 messages, 2 authors
* cheap air jordan 22 PayPal - 1 messages, 1 author
* Wonderful!!!!good news!!! Newest NIKE shoes at 8-35usd - 1
messages, 1 author
* Help with a jerry rig cooling system - 1 messages, 1 author
* Frugal tea making: Automate it? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Bug stray - 1 messages, 1 author
* How to spend less electricity? - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: How many here own food freezer?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 10:19 am
From: Terri wrote in

> What size?
29.5 cubit ft chest freezer-biggest one I could find.
I'd spent the past two years without a freezer for the
first time in years and years, and it just about drove
me crazy.
> And do you think its REALLY a frugal thing to own?
Yes I do.
> If yes..... how and in what ways?
I use it a LOT. I make casseroles and freeze for later
when the growing/gardening season comes fast and furious.
It allows me to store the abundance of food for later when I have
the time to deal with it.
It allows me to double up recipes for items such as bread
so I can just freeze the shaped loaf and thaw and bake later.
It allows me to buy things in bulk at a lower price.
As an added bonus buying in bulk means using less gas to
run to the store. That in itself is something I consider
a huge savings as I'm about a 40 mile or so round trip from
the nearest large market such as Costco and Winco.
I also have a Food Saver that reduces the air in the package
giving me even more room in the freezer and excess leftovers are easy to
pop in the freezer for later on.

The list is endless of what I can do with one over what I
cannot do without one.

TOPIC: Molded wood -vs- plastic toilet seat

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 10:55 am
From: Nate Nagel

Vic Smith wrote:
> On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 12:24:18 GMT, aemeijers <> wrote:
>>clams_casino wrote:
>>>Doc wrote:
>>>>What's the benefit of a molded wood seat? Some of them were pretty
>>>>expensive, so it doesn't seem to be just a "cheap" alternative.
>>>"As a rule, wood toilet seats are slightly more expensive than plastic
>>>toilet seats.
>>>Generally speaking, wood seats are thicker, warmer to sit on, sturdier,
>>>and more durable than plastic.
>>>Plastic lids are less durable & likely to show scratches -- even from
>>>soft sponges used when cleaning. They are also more likely to crack."
>>Sounds like a sales pitch from a wood seat manufacturer. I never found
>>wood seats to be very durable, and they are definitely harder to keep
>>clean. Once the finish degrades, they tend to go downhill quickly. This
>>house came with plastic seats, and aside from the mounting bolts being a
>>little too small in diameter so the seats need to be tightened every few
>>months, I've been quite happy with them for three years now. Previous
>>places I've lived, I could count on replacing the wood seats every 3-5
>>years when the finish started flaking off.
> That's pretty much my experience. Every "wood" seat I've seen looks
> "worn" in some fashion. The vinyl padded seats - our previous -
> develop tears, and have seams to collect dirt before that.
> I put on a solid white plastic seat about 6 years ago and it still
> looks new. Never had to retighten it. Never noticed any difference
> in heat either. It wasn't the cheapest seat they were selling at the
> store, and cost only a few bucks less than a solid wood seat.
> But it has solid hardware.
> The only issue with it is the outer edge is flush with the bowl outer
> edge, so you have to get a finger just right to lift it. It's all
> mostly a matter of personal taste anyway.
> --Vic

One comment about toilet seats... even the fancy one that SWMBO picked
out for our bathroom, with chromed brass hinges, still had plain old
zinc plated steel screws to hold the hinges to the toilet seat. She, of
course, has watched me slowly build my '55 Stude's engine and
drivetrain, and knows that I insist on stainless whenever possible and
anti-seize is more popular in my garage than beer, so she insisted on
picking up stainless wood screws to put the seat together. Overkill,
maybe, but it is a nice touch to not have to see rust when you take your
morning constitutional.


replace "roosters" with "cox" to reply.

TOPIC: clothes washers and dryers for older units with "weak" plumbing?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 10:56 am
From: CJ

On Jul 26, 10:36 am, WDS <> wrote:
> That's nothing do to with suds and everything to do with not having a
> large enough water heater.

First, I really appreciate the replies. However, as to the specifics,
it can't be the size of the hot water heater. The condo complex
consists of a couple of dozen garden style units, and they are all fed
off a common water supply -- I think there are two boilers that feed
the whole place. And when I say that someone using a washer takes
away the hot water, it's like, the hot water just isn't there, and as
then at some point it's there again. So it's like the hot water
pressure in the pipes is affected by the (illegal!) washing machine
that someone is using.

But, I am wondering if these High Efficiency washer/dryers could work
in our complex. I will have to bring it up with the condo board.

Any other suggestions are appreciated as well!

> On Jul 25, 8:36 pm, CJ <> wrote:
> > Original Poster -- OK, I really should have included this in the
> > original post: Every now and then some new owner (or new renter,
> > since some people rent out the units) goes out and buys a portable
> > washer/dryer. And as soon as they run it, everyone else has no hot
> > water. (That's how we know they are doing it, the hot water goes
> > away....) So, maybe there are issues with draining the suds as well,
> > and I have no idea how we'd ventilate the dryers, but the one clear
> > issue seems to be that for some reasons -- again, I know nothing about
> > plumbing -- but when people put washers in, they hot water seems to
> > get drained from the pipes for everyone else. So the question, maybe,
> > is whether there are some low water flow washers out there that are
> > meant for this sort of thing.
> That's nothing do to with suds and everything to do with not having a
> large enough water heater.
> There are washers that run only on cold water and heat their own
> water. We used to have one and it worked great.
> As for dryers there are ones that don't need to be ventilated
> outside. They condense the moisture out of the outflow air. Those
> are quite common in Europe.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 11:18 am
From: Vic Smith

On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 10:56:28 -0700 (PDT), CJ
<> wrote:

>On Jul 26, 10:36 am, WDS <> wrote:
>> That's nothing do to with suds and everything to do with not having a
>> large enough water heater.
>First, I really appreciate the replies. However, as to the specifics,
>it can't be the size of the hot water heater. The condo complex
>consists of a couple of dozen garden style units, and they are all fed
>off a common water supply -- I think there are two boilers that feed
>the whole place. And when I say that someone using a washer takes
>away the hot water, it's like, the hot water just isn't there, and as
>then at some point it's there again. So it's like the hot water
>pressure in the pipes is affected by the (illegal!) washing machine
>that someone is using.
Sound like a psychological issue. Why don't the "no hot water"
complaints happen when somebody fills a tub, takes a shower, or
washes dishes?
Because those are legal activities?
The hot water pipes are the same no matter the use, and the valves can
be cranked wide open in every case.


TOPIC: How to stop debt collectors from calling?

== 1 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 11:59 am
From: "SpammersDie"

"OhioGuy" <> wrote in message news:g6fm7m$efd$
> Yeah, I'm sure you're saying "Pay them", or something like that, but it's
> a lot more complicated, and the debt is not mine.
> We own a double, and we live on the south side. For the past couple of
> years, my sister has lived on the north side. She pays a bit of rent to
> help out, but she doesn't make a lot at her job, so she didn't have a
> phone. I wired a connection over there so that she could occasionally make
> outgoing calls if she needed to.
> Long story short, 10 years ago she had a messy divorce, where her husband
> took off with her best friend. She then found out he owed a LOT of money,
> which he had hidden from her. Despite his assurances of taking care of
> it, he took the cheaper way out of bankruptcy, which left my sister
> holding the bag. All of the creditors went after her. (this was when she
> lived in Michigan)
> She paid what she could, but it wasn't much. Fast forward 10 years. My
> sister tells me that the "statute of limitations" is long past, and that
> no one can still try to collect for any of the past debts. But guess
> what? They are. Any given day, we receive between half a dozen to a dozen
> automated phone calls. 3 or 4 of these leave messages asking for her to
> call them back about a "personal business matter", and always have a part
> that says "by continuing to listen to this message, you acknowledge
> receipt of the message".
> It is getting pretty annoying. It started about a year ago, and it has
> gotten worse and worse over time, instead of abating like she told us it
> should. It appears that even 10 years later, the debt is being sold to
> new companies, and they are going after her with a continuous barrage of
> telephone calls and messages. The annoying thing is that it is on OUR
> line, and our machine, which she doesn't check.
> Is there anything we can do in order to stop all of these harassing
> calls?

Make her get her own phone. Given how long you've allowed this to persist,
changing your own phone number may be the only pragmatic solution.

The business between the caller and your sister is between the caller and
your sister - you have no standing to make them stop calling her, only she

== 2 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 1:39 pm

On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 18:59:38 GMT, "SpammersDie" <xx@xx.xx> wrote:

>>Any given day, we receive between half a dozen to a dozen
>> automated phone calls. 3 or 4 of these leave messages asking for her to
>> call them back about a "personal business matter", and always have a part
>> that says "by continuing to listen to this message, you acknowledge
>> receipt of the message".

Call the number they give and report that she longer uses the number
and you don't know her whereabouts. We had a similar problem on a
phone number we were given by the phone company, and after doing this,
the calls dropped to nothing. It takes a little while for the word to
get around, but it does. BTW, keep track of those numbers and the
date and times of your conversations.

== 3 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 12:44 pm
From: Vic Smith

On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 14:39:45 -0600, wrote:

>On Sat, 26 Jul 2008 18:59:38 GMT, "SpammersDie" <xx@xx.xx> wrote:
>>>Any given day, we receive between half a dozen to a dozen
>>> automated phone calls. 3 or 4 of these leave messages asking for her to
>>> call them back about a "personal business matter", and always have a part
>>> that says "by continuing to listen to this message, you acknowledge
>>> receipt of the message".
>Call the number they give and report that she longer uses the number
>and you don't know her whereabouts. We had a similar problem on a
>phone number we were given by the phone company, and after doing this,
>the calls dropped to nothing. It takes a little while for the word to
>get around, but it does. BTW, keep track of those numbers and the
>date and times of your conversations.

Won't do any good if she's still using his number and giving it out.
Only solution is to cut her away from his number.


== 4 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 1:10 pm
From: "ChairMan"

In news:g6fm7m$efd$,
OhioGuy <>spewed forth:
> Yeah, I'm sure you're saying "Pay them", or something like that, but
> it's a lot more complicated, and the debt is not mine.
> We own a double, and we live on the south side. For the past couple
> of years, my sister has lived on the north side. She pays a bit of
> rent to help out, but she doesn't make a lot at her job, so she
> didn't have a phone. I wired a connection over there so that she
> could occasionally make outgoing calls if she needed to.
> Long story short, 10 years ago she had a messy divorce, where her
> husband took off with her best friend. She then found out he owed a
> LOT of money, which he had hidden from her. Despite his assurances
> of taking care of it, he took the cheaper way out of bankruptcy,
> which left my sister holding the bag. All of the creditors went
> after her. (this was when she lived in Michigan)
> She paid what she could, but it wasn't much. Fast forward 10 years.
> My sister tells me that the "statute of limitations" is long past,
> and that no one can still try to collect for any of the past debts. But
> guess what? They are. Any given day, we receive between half a
> dozen to a dozen automated phone calls. 3 or 4 of these leave
> messages asking for her to call them back about a "personal business
> matter", and always have a part that says "by continuing to listen to
> this message, you acknowledge receipt of the message".
> It is getting pretty annoying. It started about a year ago, and it
> has gotten worse and worse over time, instead of abating like she
> told us it should. It appears that even 10 years later, the debt is
> being sold to new companies, and they are going after her with a
> continuous barrage of telephone calls and messages. The annoying
> thing is that it is on OUR line, and our machine, which she doesn't
> check.
> Is there anything we can do in order to stop all of these harassing
> calls?
> Thanks!

Tell them to cease and desist
(c) CEASING COMMUNICATION. If a consumer notifies a debt collector in
writing that the consumer refuses to pay a debt or that the consumer wishes
the debt collector to cease further communication with the consumer, the
debt collector shall not communicate further with the consumer with respect
to such debt, except --

(1) to advise the consumer that the debt collector's further efforts are
being terminated;

(2) to notify the consumer that the debt collector or creditor may invoke
specified remedies which are ordinarily invoked by such debt collector or
creditor; or

(3) where applicable, to notify the consumer that the debt collector or
creditor intends to invoke a specified remedy.

If such notice from the consumer is made by mail, notification shall be
complete upon receipt.


== 5 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 1:32 pm
From: "SpammersDie"

> Tell them to cease and desist
> (c) CEASING COMMUNICATION. If a consumer notifies a debt collector in
> writing that the consumer refuses to pay a debt or that the consumer
> wishes the debt collector to cease further communication with the
> consumer, the debt collector shall not communicate further with the
> consumer with respect to such debt, except --

The OP is not the "natural person obligated or allegedly obligated to pay
any debt" so he has no standing to exercise this clause. Only his sister

== 6 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 2:57 pm
From: "ChairMan"

In news:sRLik.266572$,
SpammersDie <xx@xx.xx>spewed forth:
>> Tell them to cease and desist
>> (c) CEASING COMMUNICATION. If a consumer notifies a debt collector
>> in writing that the consumer refuses to pay a debt or that the
>> consumer wishes the debt collector to cease further communication
>> with the consumer, the debt collector shall not communicate further
>> with the consumer with respect to such debt, except --
> The OP is not the "natural person obligated or allegedly obligated to
> pay any debt" so he has no standing to exercise this clause. Only his
> sister does.

I've used it when collectors have called for my daughters, besides his
sister is using the same #, she can tell them,too.
It doesn't even matter if she gets a new #, they have to cease under federal

== 7 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 3:34 pm
From: clams_casino

SpammersDie wrote:

>"OhioGuy" <> wrote in message news:g6fm7m$efd$
>> Yeah, I'm sure you're saying "Pay them", or something like that, but it's
>>a lot more complicated, and the debt is not mine.
>Make her get her own phone. Given how long you've allowed this to persist,
>changing your own phone number may be the only pragmatic solution.

We've been pestered by dozens of collection agencies over a bogus debt
(debt that's that's not ours) - never did business with the claimed bank
& now never will (alleged charge card is currently in good order).

Problem is someone with the same name as me evidently reneged on some
debt about 10 years ago (in a state where I've never lived).

I've tried most everything from hanging up, cussing them extensively,
being nice & answering most questions & in most every cases, clearly
stating it's not my debt, not to ever call me again and to remove me
from their calling list. Many claim they will remove me, but weeks /
months later - bingo....

After some internet searching, I found most of the collection agencies
to be related in upstate New York. Legally, it appears they can't keep
hassling you, but there is no problem for them to shift the abuse from
subsidiary to subsidiary, as long as it's always a "different" company.
Reporting them is a waste, because they always call from a different
number (typically a cell phone) with a different company name (each
collector / agent appears to have an ever changing company name).

A few years back, they contacted my brother in another state. At one
time, his current phone number was briefly in my name. My best guess is
they have done some internet searches & contact anyone with a matching
name, hoping to find the right person. Once one's name / number is
documented, it appears to become apart of the document they pass around.
is a site to check their phone number - note the box on the right side -
to see how others are being harassed in a similar manner.

Best advice I received (by several of the agencies) was to either change
my name and / or my phone number.

== 8 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 3:36 pm
From: clams_casino

ChairMan wrote:

>In news:g6fm7m$efd$,
>OhioGuy <>spewed forth:
>> Yeah, I'm sure you're saying "Pay them", or something like that, but
>>it's a lot more complicated, and the debt is not mine.
>Tell them to cease and desist

This only works if it's the same collector that calls over and over.
Their game is to pass your information around.

== 9 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 4:21 pm
From: EllyBelle

We had the same situation (dunned for a debt my husband never incurred)
and, after exchanging a couple of letters, I did some research and
copied this letter off (I think) the Department of Consumer Affairs for
New York City.......

This is a request to cease any further communication with regard to this
matter. Your account of my alleged debt is inaccurate. Any further
communication beyond what is legally allowed is a violation of the law.

Further, according to the New York State Department of Consumer Affairs,
Scuzzy Debt Collection is unlicensed in both (original City where debt
occurred) and New York City. As an unlicensed agency, you should not be
contacting me about any alleged debt.

You are also warned against falsely reporting this alleged debt to any
other party.

Please note that this letter should not be construed as an
acknowledgment of the alleged debt.

Thank you blah blah.....

After receiving a letter of this type a collection agency may only
contact you to let you know that they are suing you. We NEVER heard
from this agency again.

This, of course, is only for debts that you have NOT incurred.

Hope this helps someone,

clams_casino wrote:

> We've been pestered by dozens of collection agencies over a bogus debt
> (debt that's that's not ours) - never did business with the claimed bank
> & now never will (alleged charge card is currently in good order).

== 10 of 10 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 6:47 pm

OhioGuy wrote:
> Yeah, I'm sure you're saying "Pay them", or something like that, but it's
> a lot more complicated, and the debt is not mine.
> We own a double, and we live on the south side. For the past couple of
> years, my sister has lived on the north side. She pays a bit of rent to
> help out, but she doesn't make a lot at her job, so she didn't have a phone.
> I wired a connection over there so that she could occasionally make outgoing
> calls if she needed to.
> Long story short, 10 years ago she had a messy divorce, where her husband
> took off with her best friend. She then found out he owed a LOT of money,
> which he had hidden from her. Despite his assurances of taking care of it,
> he took the cheaper way out of bankruptcy, which left my sister holding the
> bag. All of the creditors went after her. (this was when she lived in
> Michigan)
> She paid what she could, but it wasn't much. Fast forward 10 years. My
> sister tells me that the "statute of limitations" is long past, and that no
> one can still try to collect for any of the past debts. But guess what?
> They are. Any given day, we receive between half a dozen to a dozen
> automated phone calls. 3 or 4 of these leave messages asking for her to
> call them back about a "personal business matter", and always have a part
> that says "by continuing to listen to this message, you acknowledge receipt
> of the message".
> It is getting pretty annoying. It started about a year ago, and it has
> gotten worse and worse over time, instead of abating like she told us it
> should. It appears that even 10 years later, the debt is being sold to new
> companies, and they are going after her with a continuous barrage of
> telephone calls and messages. The annoying thing is that it is on OUR line,
> and our machine, which she doesn't check.
> Is there anything we can do in order to stop all of these harassing calls?
> Thanks!
I am not advising skipping out on a debt but you have numerous
options if you are being harassed:

By law each time they call they have to ,on request, provide their
name,the company name,address and phone number, the name of he
creditor,the amount due and the account number.

Send a certified letter to the collection agency demanding that they
cease all contact. At that point they have either follow the demand or
sue you. Yes, they can sell it to another collection agency but each one
that it gets passed on to is working for a smaller amount.

Tell the collector you are willing to set up a payment plan. Tell
them they have to be completely silent for 30 seconds while you make the
offer or you will hang up and send the aforementioned demand letter
meaning they get nothing. Offer these terms:

4 equal payments starting next month. If that is refused it will be 5
equal payments starting in two months. If that is refused you will send
the demand letter and mention you are doing it because
___________refused a reasonable payment plan. They are not used to
people being assertive and knowing their rights. This is not part of
their training.

Keep in mind they are trained to intimidate. They will address you by
your first name while calling themselves Mr. or Miss or Ms. Insist that
they address you in the same manner or they must gice your their first name.

Ask them what they intend to do if you do not pay. They will mention
something about "further action" or "legal action". Both can simply mean
more calls but they want you to think they will sue. Ask if they will
sue and listen to them hem and haw.

When they call ask them if you can record the call. Tell them if they
are acting in a legal manner they have nothing to fear.

TOPIC: Dieting on a budget

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 1:18 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Shawn Hirn <> wrote:
> In article <YOtik.57$aA5.1@trnddc05>, "Lou" <>
> wrote:
>> "Shawn Hirn" <> wrote in message
>>> In article
>>> <>,
>>> Al <> wrote:
>>>> Somehow it seems like eating less should cost less, but I always
>>>> end up spending more when I'm dieting. I just read this article:
>>>> It talks about how diets can fit every budget. But what are your
>>>> tips for losing weight on a tight budget?
>>>> Thanks!
>>> Get out and walk. Walking costs nothing ... except time. Its awesome
>>> exercise, burns lots of calories if you walk briskly, and its a
>>> great opportunity to clear your mind.
>> I guess it depends on your definition of "lots" - according to the
>> meter on my treadmill, a brisk 2 mile walk burns about 100 calories.

> Which isn't bad considering that sitting burns next to no calories,


> and that's what most people do too much of. My favorite aspects of
> walking are that it helps clear my mind, get me out of the house,
> costs next to nothing, strengthens my legs, and it is good exercise.

> You can also increase that calorie count by carrying some weight with you,
> such as those little barbells, or just wear a backpack with a few books in it.

Makes fuck all difference.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 8:31 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Rod Speed, ye full-gorged vassal, thy breath stinks with eating toasted
cheese, ye tehee'd:

> Loudmouthed bufty with lean john thomas, diseased nadgers, and limp
> dirt-factory begs for ripe mr. sniffles for howling tugs of war with
> cyclops and repulsive jerk off time trials.
> All replies to my email address at

TOPIC: cheap air jordan 22 PayPal

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 4:20 pm
From: Al Bundy wrote:
> cheap air jordan 22 PayPal
> welcome to shopping on
> 1.5% paypal handling charge supports the online payment!
> 2.Use your intergla replacement more good gift!
> 3.notes by email and website of deliver each package at first time.
> Have a good day!

Here we go again folks. The calculus man. He just doesn't understand
that nobody else can understand him. Buy more and get a smaller
discount. And now his integrals have transformed into intergla.

TOPIC: Wonderful!!!!good news!!! Newest NIKE shoes at 8-35usd www.cicitrade.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 4:25 pm
From: Al Bundy

On Jul 24, 8:56 am, wrote:
> We are supplier in china,sell Jordan shoes,air max shoes,shox
> trainers, dunk shoes,air force
> one,etc..our company supply are as follows:
> 1).AIR Jordans shoes
> Jordan 1 jordan 1.5 jordan 2 jordan 3 jordan 3.5 jordan 4 jordan 5
> jordan 5.5 jordan 6 jordan 6.5 jordan 7 jordan 8 jordan 9 jordan 9.5
> jordan 10 jordan 11 jordan 12 jordan 13 jordan 13.5 jordan 14 jordan
> 15 jordan 16 jordan 17 jordan 18 jordan 18.5 jordan 19 jordan 20
> jordan 21 jordan 21.5 jordan 22 jordan King jordan Dub Zero Jordan 23
> Jordan 7.5
> 2).Air Force One Air Force one (low) Air Force one (High) Air Force
> one (Mid) Air Force one (clear) Air Force One 25 year
> 3).SHOX Shox R3 Shox R4 Shox R5 Shox TL1 Shox TL2 Shox TL3 Shox NZ
> Shox OZ Shox Turbo Show GO Shox CL Shox Coqnescenti Shox Energia Shox
> Explodine Shox Monster Shox Rhythmic Shox Warrior
> 4).Bape Shoes Bape Bape (transparent)
> 5).Air max AirMax 90 AirMax 95 AirMax 97 AirMax 2003 AirMax 2004
> AirMax 2005 Air Max 2006 AirMax 180 AirMax LTD AirMax TN AirMax solas
> AirMax 87 AirMax Rift

> Putian City Chengxiang District CiCi Trade Co., Ltd

Sheesh! All that work he did and it's a dead link anyway.

TOPIC: Help with a jerry rig cooling system

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 6:33 pm
From: Don Ocean

And I thought Nickie-Boi had died. ;-p wrote:
> Beatrice writes:
>> ... In reference to a new house here in Eugene Or...
> NREL says August is the warmest month in Eugene, with a 67.6 F daily
> average and a 53.2 and 81.8 min and max and a 53.3 deep ground temp
> and humidity ratio w = 0.0085 pounds of water per pound of dry air.
> That's within the ASHRAE comfort zone, so a house with well-shaded
> windows and minimal indoor electrical use would be comfortable on
> an average day.
>> I would like to do something very simple?(not?fancy,?not?too?pricey)??
>> to try to make use of the fact that I have about 750 sq ft of basement
>> slab in the ground to provide cooling. ?
> That's about 750ft^3x30Btu/h-F-ft^3 = 22.5K Btu/F of thermal mass,
> counting some soil beneath at about R2 per foot, which could be useful
> during a hot spell if it's kept cool with outdoor air on average days.
> Otherwise, it will warm up quickly. The slab needs a vapor barrier
> beneath to avoid adding humidity to house air.
>> One suggestion I have gotten is that some kind of collection of pipe
>> under the slab would allow me to make use od stac effect in summer --
>> drawing hot air out upstairs by keeping the house closed and drawing
>> air through the pipe to cool...
> That's better done at night, when outdoor air is cooler. Warm air rises,
> so in principle, a house with just one opening at the top might stay close
> to the outdoor min. Two chimneys would work better, with air flowing down
> one and up the other, vs conflicting flows in one chimney.
>> Anybody have any experience or very brass tacks practical advisce for
>> me on what I need to lay in the slab (soon) and how such a system
>> works, in terms of where the air intake and outlet need to be, etc.
>> ???Also hoping not to create critter condos by doing this....Canb't
>> wait to hear yr ideas. ?Remember SIMPLE, please!
> I'd forget the pipes and cool the basement slab and walls with outdoor air
> at night, below the comfort zone, if it's unoccupied, with a fan (eg Lasko's
> $50 2470 cfm 90 watt 2155A window fan) with a differential thermostat and
> a humidistat that moves outdoor air through the basement when it is cooler
> than basement air, as long as the basement air RH is under 60%, to avoid mold.
> Ventilate the house at night down to a low comfort temp with another fan
> with a differential thermostat and a humidistat and a low limit thermostat.
> On a hot day, circulate air between the basement and the living space with
> more controls. If all else fails, turn on a window AC. Nathan Hurst might
> supply a $75 2-watt diskless Norhtec PC with Linux on a 1 GB compact flash
> ram with some $50 1-wire temp/RH sensors and solid state relays on a single
> twisted pair to control everything, with multiple zones and setback times.
> Make the house airtight, with lots of insulation. We could quantify this
> with some back-of-the-envelope calcs or a TMY2 simulation. If it's 90 F
> outdoors for 3 days in a row and a house with a 200 Btu/h-F conductance
> uses 600 kWh/mo (2843 Btu/h) indoors, keeping it 80 F (an upper ASHRAE
> comfort temp) requires 2843+(90-80)200 = 4843 Btu/h of coolth (1 window
> AC.) A 750 ft^2 slab with a 1.5 Btu/h-F-ft^2 slow airfilm conductance
> can provide that until it reaches 80-4383/(750x1.5) = 76 F. If the slab
> starts at 60 F, it can keep the house 80 F for 22.5KBtu/F(76-60)/4843
> = 74 hours.
> If the slab is 60 F on an average day and T(t) = 67.6+(67.6-53.2)sin(15t)
> at time t in hours, outdoor air is less than 60 F for 7.75 hours per day,
> with an average temp of about 56.7. With a fan resistance of 1/2470 in
> series with a 1/(750x1.5) airfilm resistance, on an average day the slab
> can supply (60-56.7)x7.75/(1/2470+1/(750x1.5) = 20.1K Btu of cooling.
> Nick

TOPIC: Frugal tea making: Automate it?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 8:44 pm
From: (Gary Heston)

In article <>,
<> wrote:
>I drink a lot of tea and am currently buying it
>pre-made in gallon jug at the store

>I know making it at home is cheaper/better..... but
>would investing in a Mr Coffee tea maker make sense or
>is it best to just use a pot and heat water on stove
>and use tea bags?

>Bottom line...any value to buying an automatic tea
>maker such as link below?


I just use a regular coffee maker; place a large/family size bag
in the basket, run a carafe of water through, and dilute/sweeten
to taste.


Gary Heston

Why is it that these days, the words "What idiot" are so frequently
followed by the words "at Microsoft"?

TOPIC: Bug stray

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 8:54 pm
From: (Gary Heston)

In article <>,
Judi <> wrote:
[ ... ]
>We found RoachPruf which has borax in it. At that time it was easily
>obtainable. Through the years, the higher paying chemicals took the
>shelf space and today the only store I can find RoachPruf is at Ace
>hardware. I buy several cans when I can find it. When we built our
>house, we filled the walls with the stuff and scattered it all over the
[ ... ]

RoachPruf is simply powered boric acid (not borax) with inert blue
dye. You can usually find generic boric acid powder in the pharmacy
section of Wal-Mart, Winn-Dixie, or similar stores. Generic works
as well as RoachPruf, and is cheaper.


Gary Heston

Why is it that these days, the words "What idiot" are so frequently
followed by the words "at Microsoft"?

TOPIC: How to spend less electricity?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 9:29 pm
From: Arumugham

Use cold washes in your washing machine and dry clothes outside of
washing machine as far as possible.
Keep light fixtures clean to get optimum light.
When using computers, make use of power saving modes, turn off
peripherals when they are not in use.
Let your TV have small screen and if possible watch it together with
family members, for less time.


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