Sunday, October 5, 2008

25 new messages in 15 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* How many trillion has the FED already injected? - 5 messages, 3 authors
* Math on the bailout doesn't add up... - 1 messages, 1 author
* your future - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Diamonds ARE NOT RARE, Whatsoever! - 1 messages, 1 author
* investment advice - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Iam earning money from home part time without investment - 3 messages, 1
* Iam earning money from home part time No Investment - 2 messages, 1 author
* Iam earning money without investment from home part time - 1 messages, 1
* Pashmina Scarves - 1 messages, 1 author
* REPAIR YOUR SHOES! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Do Warehouse Stores Really Save You Money? ping George - 1 messages, 1
* Fat-assed wimp America deserves a mulatto President. - 1 messages, 1 author
* Apparently 99 cents Only is really a buck now? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Choosing a Private Investigator - Los Angeles Private Investigators - 1
messages, 1 author
* The $810 BILLION bailout ... what does it mean to ME??? - 1 messages, 1

TOPIC: How many trillion has the FED already injected?

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2008 3:56 pm
From: Coffee's For Closers

In article <3cSEk.2775$>,
paulpopinjay[nospam] says...
> "John Weiss" <jrweiss@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
> news:gc0pg1$1vh$
> > "Paul Popinjay" <paulpopinjay[nospam]> wrote...
> >>
> >> Rod, I have already asked you not to reply to my posts. I have that
> >> right. Please don't reply to my posts, or I will report you.
> >
> > Unfortunately, there's nobody who can do anything about him. Ignore him.

> John, before I took over the brunt of the Senior Coordinator's
> responsibilities, I had to get certified. You are right, I should, and I
> will, ignore Rod's comments. But he has no right to continue to read and
> reply to my posts when it is in a thread I start.

Usenet is a public space. Claiming that Rod doesn't have a right
to read your posts in that public space, is silly. He also has a
privilege of replying, as long as his NNTP provider allows it.

> I know I did not start
> this thread so it does not reply. I just want him to know that I am no one
> to push around as I have a great deal of credibility and credentials on
>, plus I was certified.

If that group isn't moderated, then there is nothing that you
personally/directly can do to prevent him from posting there.

And Rod seems immune to criticism, disagreement, or shunning.
Including by whole groups. He has made it clear that he doesn't
care about things like "credibility and credentials" (including
his own lack of them.)

> I can report him to the agency if
> he doesn't watch his vulgar mouth.

"The agency"? Do you mean his access provider? Or some other
sort of organisation with which you have special "credibility and
credentials"? Some kind of Usenet police? The cabal?

> He should not be surprised if suddenly
> his keyboard starts typing those little stars like ***** if he tries to post
> to

I would be surprised if that happened, since there isn't any way
to cause that, without installing some kind of filter on his
actual computer. It cannot be done at his ISP, or anywhere else,
merely based on a complaint from you.

> Thank you for your advice, though, John. I may have been coordinating
> for a few years now but I still have a lot to learn.
> Thanks.

If you want to dismiss Rod from your life, then the thing to
learn is how to use the killfile on your own newsreader. Some
are even able to filter on body text, so as to dump replies
mentioning his name.

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== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2008 6:52 pm
From: "Beldin the Sorcerer"


Paul Popinfresh is a usenet troll.
He's also a sockpuppet.
Do not waste your time trying to educate him.

Fucking with him is fine, of course.

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2008 10:12 pm
From: "Paul Popinjay"

"Coffee's For Closers" <usenet2008@THE-DOMAIN-IN.SIG> wrote in message

> Usenet is a public space. Claiming that Rod doesn't have a right
> to read your posts in that public space, is silly. He also has a
> privilege of replying, as long as his NNTP provider allows it.

Excuse me? Not if it is my post he doesn't! This is still America, and
there is such a thing as property rights. Have you ever heard of property
rights, Coffee? Obviously I cannot issue a blank demand that Rod never post
again, but I can certainly request, AND demand, that he does not read OR
reply to any of MY posts. I can also demand that he not even post in an
entire thread, if that thread was STARTED by me. Please don't try to tell
me what I can and cannot do with my own property, Coffee. Where do you get


>> I can report him to the agency if
>> he doesn't watch his vulgar mouth.
> "The agency"? Do you mean his access provider? Or some other
> sort of organisation with which you have special "credibility and
> credentials"? Some kind of Usenet police? The cabal?

I didn't SAY his "access provider". Did I SAY his "access provider"? If I
had MEANT his "access provider" I would have SAID his "access provider".
I'm NOT stupid! Please do not talk down to me.

>> He should not be surprised if suddenly
>> his keyboard starts typing those little stars like ***** if he tries to
>> post
>> to
> I would be surprised if that happened, since there isn't any way
> to cause that, without installing some kind of filter on his
> actual computer. It cannot be done at his ISP, or anywhere else,
> merely based on a complaint from you.

I cannot help it if you would be surprised. I am not here just to try to
educate you internet n00bes. Learn on your own time. I'm a busy man, plus
I don't have the patience.

> If you want to dismiss Rod from your life, then the thing to
> learn is how to use the killfile on your own newsreader. Some
> are even able to filter on body text, so as to dump replies
> mentioning his name.

I don't killfile anyone. I have never killfiled anyone. I don't have to
killfile anyone if I ban them. If I ban Rod, then he cannot read or reply
to MY posts, but I can still read HIS posts. I would prefer to ban people
instead of killfiling them. And I have that right.

-best regards,
-Paul Popinjay

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2008 10:16 pm
From: "Paul Popinjay"

"Beldin the Sorcerer" <> wrote in message
> <snip>
> Coffee,
> Paul Popinfresh is a usenet troll.
> He's also a sockpuppet.
> Do not waste your time trying to educate him.
> Fucking with him is fine, of course.

Now STOP THAT! I am NOT a troll! And what's more, Beldin, you KNOW that!
I am perhaps one of the all-time most serious posters in all of's history. And that applies to both on-topic threads AND
off-topic threads. Please, Beldin, stop trying to get a rise out of me.

-Paul Popinjay

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2008 11:53 pm
From: "Beldin the Sorcerer"

"Paul Popinjay" <paulpopinjay[nospam]> wrote in message
> "Beldin the Sorcerer" <> wrote in message
> news:d5VFk.720$
>> <snip>
>> Coffee,
>> Paul Popinfresh is a usenet troll.
>> He's also a sockpuppet.
>> Do not waste your time trying to educate him.
>> Fucking with him is fine, of course.

Why Paul!
You know you love it.

I am NOT a troll! And what's more, Beldin, you KNOW that!

Yessir, mr assistant RGP coordinator, sir.

> I am perhaps one of the all-time most serious posters in all of
>'s history.

More likely not.

And that applies to both on-topic threads AND
> off-topic threads. Please, Beldin, stop trying to get a rise out of me.

I KNEW you wuz gay!

TOPIC: Math on the bailout doesn't add up...

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2008 6:38 pm
From: Curly Surmudgeon

On Fri, 03 Oct 2008 20:44:33 -0400, Bob Brock wrote:

> On Fri, 03 Oct 2008 19:09:20 -0500, Dean Hoffman
> <""dh0496\"@ine$br#as&"> wrote:
>>Michael Coburn wrote:
>>> The Republicans were indeed responsible for the Tech Stock bubble and
>>> the Housing bubble.
>>> The Bubbles:
>>> IN 1997 the Gingrich Congress passed the "Taxpayer Relief Act" as a
>>> totally veto proof bill. Clinton could no more veto this Republican
>>> tax cut than he could have turned back the tide. The vote in the House
>>> was 3xx to < 50 and in the Senate it was 90 to 8 (or close to it). No
>>> veto of that bill was possible. It was a Republican bill all the way.
>>> That tax code adjustment allowed people to cash out of their homes (a
>>> retirement vehicle for most Americans) and to use the TAX FREE capital
>>> gains for speculative purposes in the highly touted tech stocks and, at
>>> the sam3e time to use a new home as a speculative vehicle.. And the
>>> gains from such gambling ("investment") would be taxed at a mere 15%.
>>> Prior to this speculation enabling bill homeowners could move from one
>>> home to another with no tax penalty and could then take a one time
>>> exemption at retirement (empty nest). But the new rules allowed the
>>> American to use the money from the house to gamble in both real estate
>>> and in the stock market.
>> The Act was veto proof because a lot of Senate Democrats voted for
>>it. The election in 1996 ended with the Reps having a 55-45 edge over
>>the Dems.
>> The Republican edge in the House was 228 to 206. There were not
>>enough Republicans to override a Presidential veto there either.
>> For the non Americans a veto override requires a 2/3 majority in
>>both the House and the Senate. Article 1, Section 7.
>> The Senate has 100 members, the House 435.
>> Dean
>>----== Posted via Pronews.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet
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> There was no need to worry about overriding a Presidential veto when the
> Republicans controlled Congress and Bush was President. Bush got
> everything that he wanted and vetoed nothing.

I seem to remember a report that said htat Bush has _never_ vetoed a
single bill sent to him. None. Not a one.

Regards, Curly
$700,000,000,000.00 Not no but "HELL NO!"

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TOPIC: your future

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2008 8:29 pm
From: timeOday

Derald wrote:
> Did you notice the way that cracker consummate bullshit artist redefined
> wealth redistribution as "fairness"? Unfortunately, he didn't explain
> what's "fair" about seizing the fruits of one person's labor and giving
> it to someone else for no particular reason.

You must be referring to the Wall Street bailout? Or did you mean the
auto maker bailout?

America taxes wages (the fruits of labor) more than capital gains (a
reward for already having wealth). Now THAT is wealth redistribution.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2008 10:44 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

timeOday <> wrote:
> Derald wrote:

>> Did you notice the way that cracker consummate bullshit artist
>> redefined wealth redistribution as "fairness"? Unfortunately, he
>> didn't explain what's "fair" about seizing the fruits of one person's labor and giving it to someone else for no
>> particular reason.

> You must be referring to the Wall Street bailout? Or did you mean the auto maker bailout?

> America taxes wages (the fruits of labor) more than capital gains (a reward for already having wealth).

There is a hell of a lot more taxed than just those two.

> Now THAT is wealth redistribution.

Nope. Nothing like wealth with most wage slaves and it mostly doesnt go to those who pay capital gains tax anyway.

TOPIC: Diamonds ARE NOT RARE, Whatsoever!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2008 9:13 pm
From: Hackamore

St Georges Day April 23rd wrote:
> Diamonds are not rare, whatsoever! This might come as a shock to a
> person who has just paid 1,000 dollars for a one-carat stone, but
> there are enough diamonds in the world to give every man, woman, and
> child in America a cupful. Although they have the best reputation,
> diamonds are not the most expensive gemstone, either. A top-quality
> ruby would be double the expense of a diamond of the same carat. A
> diamond's expense comes from a human-imposed drought rather than a
> true drought. The whole theory of supply and demand plays very nicely
> here into the hands of the diamond-governing corporations!


it's true that the price of gem quality diamonds is manipulated...

as a travel agent I see grooms planning honeymoons (the groom is
responsible for the engagement ring, her ring, and the honeymoon) and
I've started offering a service locally (Memphis, Tennessee) where a
groom can shop for the stone he wants, get it priced, and bring me the

then I get him 2 stones 1 with comparable specs (but for much less, and
one with a comparable price (but much better specs, people usually want
size) and I charge a consulting fee of 100$...

on a 1 carat stone I can usually either save him 500-1500$ or get about
25% more size.


>>>==>> Hackamore <<==<<<

TOPIC: investment advice

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 4 2008 9:11 pm
From: JonL

Lou wrote:
> If you had purchased $1,000 of Delta Air Lines stock one year ago, you would
> have $49 left. With Fannie Mae, you would have $2.50 left of the original
> $1,000. With AIG, you would have less than $15 left. But, if you had
> purchased $1,000 worth of beer one year ago, drunk all of the beer, then
> turned in the cans for the aluminum recycling REFUND, you would have $214
> cash. Based on the above, the best current investment advice is to drink
> heavily and recycle

Sadly, the refund amount is totally unrealistic. Even ultra-cheap beer @
75 cents wouldn't yield a $214 refund.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 7:31 am
From: Shaun Eli

Yeah, but the house you were drinking the beer in is worth less than
it was a year ago, and with all the empty beer cans sitting around you
probably didn't get any offers to buy the house.

Plus, the cost of the gas required to drive back to the store to
return the cans has gone up.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 1:07 pm
From: "catalpa"

"Shaun Eli" <> wrote in message
> Yeah, but the house you were drinking the beer in is worth less than
> it was a year ago, and with all the empty beer cans sitting around you
> probably didn't get any offers to buy the house.
> Plus, the cost of the gas required to drive back to the store to
> return the cans has gone up.

You have to drive to the store anyway to buy more beer.

TOPIC: Iam earning money from home part time without investment

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 4:19 am
From: cool

Earn more money awarded as the most visited home job site. More than
5 Million people are working . Grab this job offer. Make a massive
monthly income. Easy & simple job. Earn $3-$5 per registrition .
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== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 4:21 am
From: cool

Earn more money awarded as the most visited home job site. More than
5 Million people are working . Grab this job offer. Make a massive
monthly income. Easy & simple job. Earn $3-$5 per registrition .
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== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 4:22 am
From: cool

Earn more money awarded as the most visited home job site. More than
5 Million people are working . Grab this job offer. Make a massive
monthly income. Easy & simple job. Earn $3-$5 per registrition .
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TOPIC: Iam earning money from home part time No Investment

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 4:20 am
From: cool

Earn more money awarded as the most visited home job site. More than
5 Million people are working . Grab this job offer. Make a massive
monthly income. Easy & simple job. Earn $3-$5 per registrition .
Maximum Earning is $15000+
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Primary ClickBucks Gateway:

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 4:21 am
From: cool

Earn more money awarded as the most visited home job site. More than
5 Million people are working . Grab this job offer. Make a massive
monthly income. Easy & simple job. Earn $3-$5 per registrition .
Maximum Earning is $15000+
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Primary ClickBucks Gateway:

TOPIC: Iam earning money without investment from home part time

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 4:23 am
From: cool

Earn more money awarded as the most visited home job site. More than
5 Million people are working . Grab this job offer. Make a massive
monthly income. Easy & simple job. Earn $3-$5 per registrition .
Maximum Earning is $15000+
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Primary ClickBucks Gateway:

TOPIC: Pashmina Scarves

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 5:00 am
From: nhangen

I have a contact in Kabul Afghanistan that can get pashmina scarves
and shawls straight from the bazaars. I can save you tons of money by
offering them from 10-15 dollars each plus shipping.


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 5:13 am

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RE-HEEL--have your worn heels replaced
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repair shop to have:
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Protective Plates (heel and toe) Installed
Get Water and Stain Protection

Visit us for information about Shoe Repair and Shoe Care

TOPIC: Do Warehouse Stores Really Save You Money? ping George

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 6:00 am
From: freeisbest

On Sep 27, 9:29 am, George <geo...@nospam.invalid> wrote:
> tin cup wrote:
> > AllEmailDeletedImmediately wrote:
> >> Consider this brain buster: You go to a discount warehouse and buy two
> >> dozen frozen bagels for, say, $9.60. Or you go to your local bagel
> >> shop and buy them for 75 cents apiece. Which one saves you more money?
> >>
> >> i'm generally a disciplined shopper.
> > We go to Sam's to buy meat, because it is not preserved by weird
> > chemicals, except for frozen chicken and a few odds and ends.
> > We end up throwing half, of it, out because we can't use all, of a
> > package in a day or so. They only sell large packages.
> > So, no we don't save money.
> > We now go to the Fresh Market and pay about one and half times as much
> > but it gets eaten rather than thrown away. We actually save a bit.
> > If you have a large family, of course you could probably save.
> > I don't much care for going to one now as they have limited their
> > catagories and choices to just a few.
> > I use to go to look at what new buys they had in tools and gizmos I
> > didn't actually need, most of the time.
> We buy most of our meat at a large local market that has a meat
> dept in house. None of their meat is the embalmed walmart style "fresh"
> meat and the same with their poultry which is all quality Farmer's Pride
> brand. Prices are really good and we can buy whatever quantity we want.
> They also have a fantastic produce dept. So the warehouse places are no
> value for us.

I wonder what part of the country you live in? We try to do the
same here, but local prices are never frugal. ($6/lb chuck steak,
$5.50/gallon milk for instance). We're in a small town in NC. We have
lots of friends and relatives who live in other states, so we know for
sure that food prices are consistently higher here than in cities in
other parts of the country. Afaics the reason for the high prices is
just that that retailers can get it - there are a lot of people here
who think that they _are_ getting a low price "compared to the rest of
the country", as I've been told several times by both other customers
and store clerks.. Well, I just wanted to complain about that, and
thanks for listening. :^)

TOPIC: Fat-assed wimp America deserves a mulatto President.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 10:40 am

On Sun, 05 Oct 2008 10:16:32 -0700, wrote:

>What an interesting era lies ahead. A systemically flawed consumer
>economy, third-worlding via immigration, political and social
>divisivness, etc.
>John Q. Public, imagining himself a warrior, abuses his Harley by
>plunkng his massive posterior on the long-suffering seat. Other gather
>before the boob tube rooting for an assortment of negroes running up
>and down a field with an inflated animal skin. It will be most amusing
>to watch the financial system begin an even more rapid decline.
>Anticipate a chorus of screams, groans, fart, and moans.

TOPIC: Apparently 99 cents Only is really a buck now?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 10:50 am
From: Seerialmom

On Oct 3, 4:09 pm, larry <> wrote:
> Seerialmom wrote:
> > Not that I'll stop shopping there but 99 cents Only (sorry...normally
> > I'd use the actual cents symbol but I haven't figured out how to do
> > alt-0162 on this iMAC G3 :P)  Anyway, the store still shows the big 99
> > Only but I must have missed the little .99 they stuck on some of the
> > signs inside.  The register shows .99999 and that's how they're
> > staying under $1...sort of.  All the shelf markings, however, still
> > show .99.  According to this USA Today story it's the first time in 26
> > years they raised prices:
> You're lucky, all of our various 99 cent stores are now
> $1.39 stores.  They didn't change the signage though.  About
> 1/2 of our Asian and Middle East 99 cent and dollar stores
> have closed up in the last year.
> -- larry/dallas

The 99 cent/dollar stores in Dallas you've mentioned were most likely
single owner ventures stocked with mainly imported cheap stuff.
Dollar Tree is a nationwide chain and 99 Cents Only is mostly on the
west coast but there are stores in Dallas, too (why can't I get ASCII
to work on this machine...guess it's time to buy Macs For
Dummies..heheh). Anyway the difference is DT and 99CO stores carry
major name brand items whereas the mom/pop dollar stores carry mostly
imported/generic stuff. Most around here close not too long after
they open because of the quality.

TOPIC: Choosing a Private Investigator - Los Angeles Private Investigators

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 3:10 pm
From: 4Front <>

Los Angeles Private Investigator, San Diego Private Investigator


At last count we understand there are over 10,000 private investigaors
nationwide! How to select a private investigator if the need arises

1. Check the credentials of the Firm or Private Investigator your
considering. Many times we have seen the worst of the worst in the
Private Investigation business. There are many "private investigators"
out there that have what we refer to as "book smarts" but have little
or no experience in the investigation field at all. They hang a
shingle on their door and start advertising for business. At 4Front
Investigations rank and file are 100% retired law enforcement agents
WITHOUT exception.

2. More often than not, the field of investigations is something that
cant be learned from a class or from a book. There are many
Investigation firms that hire college kids, young adults, people that
have attended schools or investigation courses, truth be told this is
no where near enough to qualify them as an Investigator. In management
alone at 4Front Investigations we have over 300 years of Law
Enforcement Investigation experience. Serious criminal investigative
experience such as homicides, rape, arson, fraud, corporate crimes and
so on. We host and teach Homicide Investigation seminars for other
Investigators yearly.

3. In the matter of Domestic Infidelity Investigations. An
Investigator has to maintain the knowledge of basic investigative
skills to know how to investigate infidelity matters. We have seen
very very sloppy investigations with many other firms that frankly we
couldnt believe a client paid for.

4. If your first impression with speaking with an Investigator or Firm
is "questionable" go with that gut feeling. More often than not your
gut tells you what is right and wrong and instinct is correct most of
the time.

5. When a client calls 4Front Investigations our approach is NOT to
hurry and make a sale. We flat out tell our clients why do you think
you need the services of a private investigator. There have been
countless times we have told clients your not ready for a Private
Investigator or call the Police of Law Enforcement Investigators and
save your money. Trust us, you wont hear this honesty from most
private investigators in this business who are in too much of a hurry
to make a sale and collect your money.

6. Comming from Law Enforcement and spending a great number of years
in Homicide Investigations as well as serious crimes unit, there are
far too many "hang a shingle on the door" type Private Investigation
firms out there preying on the consumers. Many of the so called
Private Investigators have zero law enforcement background, take a few
courses or read a book and then advertise for clients. If you are
looking to select a private investigator in any arena, be it a Divorce
Matter, Infidelity, Asset Search, Sexual Harassment case, Fraud,
workers compensation or other, the last thing you want is some
"college kid" trying to portray himself as an Investigator. Its like
comparing a Ford Pinto to a Rolls Royce.

7. Often times a client does not need the services of a Private
Investigator. If your involved in a relationship and for instance your
spouse comes home very late one night and your questioning his or her
where abouts, dont rush out and pay good money for a Private
Investigator. Sit back and over a period of time review the persons
behavior. If you see many of these circumstances occuring with
frequency than call a private investigator. There are too many
"vultures" out there pushing sales for their services on the consumer
right away. Too many of these less than proffesional Private
Investigators want your money and not to help you with your problem.

8. Be smart when choosing a Private Investigator. Many times there are
indicators of a firm that should be overlooked. We at ForeFront
Investigations have been seen on countless TV programs and
publications for one reason or another but we dont feel the need to
advertise this. Frankly, there is no need to. Often times the consumer
will see Firms advertising "as seen on TV" or "as seen on channel such
and such" These may be firms to use caution with. If a private
investigation firm feels they need to "toot their own horn" about
being seen on TV, usually this is an indicator that they may lack the
down home investigation skills you are looking for and are more a
"show boat" private investigaton firm looking to be noticed as opposed
to providing genuine solid Investigation skills

9. In short, ask questions, ask for references, dont ask what book
they wrote or what tv channel they were on. Dont be afraid to call
around and go with your gut instinct. Your number one and your matter
is most important to you so be cautious and make an informed decision

TOPIC: The $810 BILLION bailout ... what does it mean to ME???

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 3:16 pm
From: "Dave"

No bullshit, no hype, just the facts:
- It was $700 Billion, but that was rejected. The version signed into law
recently is worse. It is $810 Billion.
- We don't have $810 Billion, we will have to borrow it from other
countries, like China.
- The payoff on the loan will be a minimum of $1.6 TRILLION. Some experts
say the number is closer to $10 TRILLION.
- There are about 138,000,000 taxpayers (debtors) in the U.S. right now
- The Bailout will cost EACH taxpayer $11,594.20 MINIMUM.
- The Bailout will cost a two-income family $23,188.40 MINIMUM.

Some idiots are speculating that we might make a profit of up to $200
Billion on the money we are throwing at the banks which are bankrupt and
mis-managed. If so, (and that's a HUGE 'IF') this will reduce our loss to a
measly $1.4 TRILLION dollars.

- The Bailout will cost EACH taxpayer $11,594.20 MINIMUM.

IMHO, every congressman who voted for this should spend a minimum of 10
years in Federal prison. -Dave


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