Saturday, November 8, 2008

25 new messages in 8 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* TURN 6 DOLLARS INTO 50K IN 30DAYS!!!! - 1 messages, 1 author
* 'Affirmative Action' preferences for 25 million amnestied illegals + their
relatives = "Illegal Aliens Will Be More Than Equal Citizens" - 2 messages, 2
* Best election analysis: 'GOP allowed neo-cons and Zionists to control the
party and the neo-cons/zionists lead us right over a cliff' - 2 messages, 1
* black mould washing machine door seal - 12 messages, 8 authors
* Bean Paste and eternity. - 5 messages, 4 authors
* GENUINE COUPLE SEEK YOUR HELP NOW - 1 messages, 1 author
* Do you have issues with CBS airing practice on Amazing Race show? - 1
messages, 1 author
* This works especially well as you age - 1 messages, 1 author


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Nov 7 2008 11:37 pm

TURN 6 DOLLARS INTO 50K IN 30 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
A while back, I was browsing some message boards,
just like you are now, and came across an article
similar to this that said you could make thousands
of CASH within weeks with only an initial investment
of $6.00 plus stamps! So I thought, "Yeah, right,
this must be a scam!" But like most of us I was
curious and kept reading. It said that if you send
$1.00 to each of the 6 names and addresses listed
in the article, you could make thousands
in a very short period of time. You then place your
own name and address at the bottom of the list at
#6, and post the article to at least 300
newsgroups. (There are about 32, 000 of them out there
and that's quite a large market pool).

I called a lawyer first. I told him it
sounded a lot like a chain letter but the details of
the system (SEE BELOW) actually made it a legitimate
legal business.

I called them: 1-800-725-2161 and they confirmed THIS IS
ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! (See 18, h sections1302 NS 1341 of
Postal Lottery Laws).

3. IS IT RIGHT? Well, everyone who sends me a buck has
a good chance of getting A LOT of CASH ... a much
better chance than buying a lottery ticket!!!

IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent;
it is not illegal; and it is virtually no risk - it
really works!!!!

Please follow these directions EXACTLY, and $50, 000 or
more can be yours in

20 to 60 days. This program remains successful because of
the honesty and integrity of the
participants. Please continue its success by
carefully adhering to the instructions.
You will now become part of the Mail Order
business. In this business your
product is not solid and tangible, it's
a service. You are in the business of developing
Mailing Lists.
Here are the 4 easy steps to success:

STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper and
write the following on each piece of paper "PLEASE
bills and place ONE inside EACH of the 6 pieces of
paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope
(to prevent thievery). Place one paper in each of
the 6 envelopes and seal them. You should now have
6 sealed envelopes, each with a piece of paper stating
the above phrase, your name and address, and a $1.00
bill. What you are doing is creating a service. THIS
IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! You are requesting a
legitimate service and you are paying for it! Like most
of us I was a little skeptical and a little
worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I
checked it out with the U.S. Post Office
(1-800-725-2161) and they confirmed that it is indeed
legal! Mail the 6 envelopes to the following addresses:

#1) Brian J Patrick
2881 Country Drive
Sun Prairie, WI 53590

#2) Paco Azcu
107 ote Matancillas
Monterrey NL
Mexico 66230

3) Chevon Lewis
1701 E. 12th Street apt 15R
Cleveland, Ohio 44114

#4) Quameeka Lang
7701 Lindbergh Blvd#225
Philadelphia, PA 19153

5) Willie Murrell
75 Riverchase Blvd apt 128
Beaufort, SC 29906

#6) Isaiah Davis
1930 W 58st
Davenport, Iowa 52806

2: Now take the #1 name off the list that you
see above, move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5
becomes 4, etc...) and add YOUR Name as number 6 on
the list.

STEP 3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep
this article as close to original as possible. Now,
post your amended article to at least 300 newsgroups.
(I think there are close to 32, 000 groups) All you
need is 300, but remember, the more you post, the more
CASH you make! This is perfectly legal! If you have
any doubts, refer to 18 Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the Postal
lottery laws. Keep a copy of these steps
for yourself and, whenever you need CASH, you can use it
again, and again.


TOPIC: 'Affirmative Action' preferences for 25 million amnestied illegals +
their relatives = "Illegal Aliens Will Be More Than Equal Citizens"

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 4:04 am

On Nov 8, 12:31 am, Kalimansi <> wrote:
>   This is REALITY: Working class and middle-class white American
> citizens are truly being slowly genocided.
>   They have been so profoundly and tragically conditioned by
> "political correctness" (pc = both "political correctness" *and*
> "psychological castration") that they dare not give voice to their own
> basic human rights in their own country for fear of being called a
> "racist," "bigot" or "hater".
>   Right *now* -- even as I type this -- every anchor baby of every
> illegal alien who snuck into the U.S. is eligible for racial
> preferences over white American citizens whose ancestors never owned a
> slave in their lives. Ironically, the same cannot be said of the
> "Affirmative Action" receiving anchor babies because in so many
> instances their very own Spanish ancestors were the most plentiful and
> cruelest slaveowners in the Americas. (Yes, Hispanics brought FAR more
> Africans to the Americas as slaves than the British did. Research it
> yourself!)
>   Under admitted "Affirmative Action" beneficiary Obama and his trust-
> fund-baby terrorist friend William Ayers not only will 25+ million
> illegal alien criminals be given U.S. citizenship but they will
> immediately also become eligible to continue their rewarding line-
> jumping ways by receiving "Affirmative Action" preferences over poor,
> struggling, working-class and middle-class white Americans.
>   Now THAT is what I call "state-sponsored terrorism."
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­------------------------------
> From
> May 25, 2006
> Illegal Aliens Will Be More Than Equal Citizens
> Some believe that with the amnesty W and the Senate are promoting,
> illegal aliens from Mexico will have the same rights as American
> citizens. But as Thomas Sowell points out, this is incorrect.
> Actually, they will have more rights than legitimate citizens:
> Affirmative action preferences for jobs.
> Race-based advantages in landing government contracts.
> Easier admission to college as a reward for not being Caucasian or
> Asian.
> In-state tuition when they aren't in-state or even in-country.
> No need to pay all back taxes.
> Protection from arrest for other crimes when pulled over for traffic
> violations.
> A free pass for committing Social Security fraud — complete with
> benefits paid!
> As Sowell wisely observes:
> "What the immigration bill in the Senate has become is just another
> attempt to pander to another special interest, in disregard of how
> that affects the country as a whole."
> Amnesty advocates are also disregarding both the past and the future.
> When similar legislation was misguidedly enacted in 1986, the
> predictable result was a tsunami of more illegal immigrants. When this
> happens again, it will be even more predictable.
> Also predictable are the cataclysmic consequences of importing a
> massive underclass that cannot be assimilated, due to sheer numbers
> and of course to the corrosive sociopathology known as
> multiculturalism. Sure illegals come to work, and are grateful for the
> $10 an hour they can make at labor that would pay a quarter of that in
> Mexico. But their kids won't be so grateful. Cars are set aflame by
> the hundreds in Paris not by Arab immigrants, but by their
> unassimilated, utterly alienated offspring.
> It won't be long before America develops the sort of "no-go" areas
> that have been breaking out in Europe like cancerous chancres: pockets
> of hostile territory within our own country, where English will not be
> spoken and English speakers will not be safe, and where not even the
> police will dare to go. Our tax money will pour into these ulcers;
> violent crime will seep out like pus. With each passing year, the
> sores will grow larger, until our country just isn't here anymore.
> But that's not important — at least not to the Senate. What really
> matters is the tussle among bureaucrats over who gets the Hispanic
> voter block.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>      What Would the U.S.A.'s Founding Fathers Do?
>   If the representatives of the people betray their constituents,
> there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that
> original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive
> forms of government ... The citizens must rush tumultuously to
> arms, without concert, without system, without resource;
> except in their courage and despair ...
>   The natural strength of the people in a large community, in
> proportion to the artificial strength of the government, is greater
> than in a small ... the people, without exaggeration, may be said
> to be entirely the masters of their own fate.
>   -- Alexander Hamilton
>   We in America do not have government by the majority.
> We have government by the majority who participate.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good
> conscience to remain silent.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of
> the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe
> depositories.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to
> keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves
> against tyranny in government.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   As our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now
> let us show them we can fight like men also.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Don't talk about what you have done or what you are going
> to do.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the
> Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will
> delineate and define you.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on
> does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which
> they draw their gains.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>  I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied
> corporations which dare already to challenge our government to
> a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our
> liberties than standing armies.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government
> those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations,
> perverted it into tyranny.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson

Are Americans so fat and lazy that they will bury their heads in the

mitch Western Voices World News

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 7:11 am
From: Boston Blackie (I didn't think a lot, but I pulled my gun)

On 2008-11-08 06:04:55 -0600, said:

> On Nov 8, 12:31€am, Kalimansi <> wrote:
>> € This is REALITY: Working class and middle-class white American
>> citizens are truly being slowly genocided.
>> € They have been so profoundly and tragically conditioned by
>> "political correctness" (pc = both "political correctness" *and*
>> "psychological castration") that they dare not give voice to their own
>> basic human rights in their own country for fear of being called a
>> "racist," "bigot" or "hater".
>> € Right *now* -- even as I type this -- every anchor baby of every
>> illegal alien who snuck into the U.S. is eligible for racial
>> preferences over white American citizens whose ancestors never owned a
>> slave in their lives. Ironically, the same cannot be said of the
>> "Affirmative Action" receiving anchor babies because in so many
>> instances their very own Spanish ancestors were the most plentiful and
>> cruelest slaveowners in the Americas. (Yes, Hispanics brought FAR more
>> Africans to the Americas as slaves than the British did. Research it
>> yourself!)
>> € Under admitted "Affirmative Action" beneficiary Obama and his trust-
>> fund-baby terrorist friend William Ayers not only will 25+ million
>> illegal alien criminals be given U.S. citizenship but they will
>> immediately also become eligible to continue their rewarding line-
>> jumping ways by receiving "Affirmative Action" preferences over poor,
>> struggling, working-class and middle-class white Americans.
>> € Now THAT is what I call "state-sponsored terrorism."
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --¡©------------------------------
>> From
>> May 25, 2006
>> Illegal Aliens Will Be More Than Equal Citizens
>> Some believe that with the amnesty W and the Senate are promoting,
>> illegal aliens from Mexico will have the same rights as American
>> citizens. But as Thomas Sowell points out, this is incorrect.
>> Actually, they will have more rights than legitimate citizens:
>> Affirmative action preferences for jobs.
>> Race-based advantages in landing government contracts.
>> Easier admission to college as a reward for not being Caucasian or
>> Asian.
>> In-state tuition when they aren't in-state or even in-country.
>> No need to pay all back taxes.
>> Protection from arrest for other crimes when pulled over for traffic
>> violations.
>> A free pass for committing Social Security fraud ¡ª complete with
>> benefits paid!
>> As Sowell wisely observes:
>> "What the immigration bill in the Senate has become is just another
>> attempt to pander to another special interest, in disregard of how
>> that affects the country as a whole."
>> Amnesty advocates are also disregarding both the past and the future.
>> When similar legislation was misguidedly enacted in 1986, the
>> predictable result was a tsunami of more illegal immigrants. When this
>> happens again, it will be even more predictable.
>> Also predictable are the cataclysmic consequences of importing a
>> massive underclass that cannot be assimilated, due to sheer numbers
>> and of course to the corrosive sociopathology known as
>> multiculturalism. Sure illegals come to work, and are grateful for the
>> $10 an hour they can make at labor that would pay a quarter of that in
>> Mexico. But their kids won't be so grateful. Cars are set aflame by
>> the hundreds in Paris not by Arab immigrants, but by their
>> unassimilated, utterly alienated offspring.
>> It won't be long before America develops the sort of "no-go" areas
>> that have been breaking out in Europe like cancerous chancres: pockets
>> of hostile territory within our own country, where English will not be
>> spoken and English speakers will not be safe, and where not even the
>> police will dare to go. Our tax money will pour into these ulcers;
>> violent crime will seep out like pus. With each passing year, the
>> sores will grow larger, until our country just isn't here anymore.
>> But that's not important ¡ª at least not to the Senate. What really
>> matters is the tussle among bureaucrats over who gets the Hispanic
>> voter block.
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> € € €What Would the U.S.A.'s Founding Fathers Do?
>> € If the representatives of the people betray their constituents,
>> there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that
>> original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive
>> forms of government ... The citizens must rush tumultuously to
>> arms, without concert, without system, without resource;
>> except in their courage and despair ...
>> € The natural strength of the people in a large community, in
>> proportion to the artificial strength of the government, is greater
>> than in a small ... the people, without exaggeration, may be said
>> to be entirely the masters of their own fate.
>> € -- Alexander Hamilton
>> € We in America do not have government by the majority.
>> We have government by the majority who participate.
>> € -- Thomas Jefferson
>> € All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good
>> conscience to remain silent.
>> € -- Thomas Jefferson
>> € Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of
>> the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe
>> depositories.
>> € -- Thomas Jefferson
>> € No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
>> € -- Thomas Jefferson
>> € The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to
>> keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves
>> against tyranny in government.
>> € -- Thomas Jefferson
>> € As our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now
>> let us show them we can fight like men also.
>> € -- Thomas Jefferson
>> € Don't talk about what you have done or what you are going
>> to do.
>> € -- Thomas Jefferson
>> € Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the
>> Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
>> € -- Thomas Jefferson
>> € Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will
>> delineate and define you.
>> € -- Thomas Jefferson
>> € Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on
>> does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which
>> they draw their gains.
>> € -- Thomas Jefferson
>> €I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied
>> corporations which dare already to challenge our government to
>> a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.
>> € -- Thomas Jefferson
>> € I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our
>> liberties than standing armies.
>> € -- Thomas Jefferson
>> € Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government
>> those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations,
>> perverted it into tyranny.
>> € -- Thomas Jefferson
> Are Americans so fat and lazy that they will bury their heads in the
> sand?
> mitch
> Western Voices World News

Hell, I'm too lazy to even read the entire post!
The Sayings of The Kent
{Thanks be to The Kent!}

"The grandfather of whoever wrote it put it as well or better than I
ever could."

"tough titty, kitties, you'll all have to chew it."

"She can deliver her lines with the proper amount of emotion."

"It's my understanding that the clothes will be donated to charity at
the end of the campaign, win or lose."

"Here's something else that was sent to me. "

"There will be some gangsta types who will take to the streets if Obama
wins and will try to intimidate any and all of the white folks they
meet. "
- [Beloved], kind, and gentle Master Kent -- wouldn't hurt a fly

"If Obama/Biden wins, the country may dissolve in the race war that
both Farrakhan and the KKK have been stoking for decades."
- [Beloved], kind and gentle Master Kent -- wouldn't hurt a fly

" one but the Obama camp is allowed to play the race card."

"Back when it was still PC to give the standard (sic) IQ test, I scored
something above 135. "

Would you like testimony from the 80 plus blacks I worked with at
Matthew Walker?

Here endeth the Sayings of the Kent
{Thanks be to The Kent!}

TOPIC: Best election analysis: 'GOP allowed neo-cons and Zionists to control
the party and the neo-cons/zionists lead us right over a cliff'

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 4:45 am
From: JonL wrote:
> Son of a Zionist Terrorist: Rahm Emanuel's Dirty Secret

Imo, that's not his biggest flaw, being the son of a terrorist.
Dick Morris on Faux News knows him well. Sez even Clinton didn't trust
him. He's a snitch, leaks to the Washington Post.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 4:52 am
From: JonL

Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Nov 6, 6:16 pm, wrote:
>> Son of a Zionist Terrorist: Rahm Emanuel's Dirty Secret
>> The new "golden boy" of the Democrat Party, the Israeli-American congressman
>> Rahm Emanuel, is the son of terrorist. Really, I am not making this up, the
>> chief power-broker of the Democrat Party, the 5-and-a-half foot foul-mouthed
>> Israeli named Rahm, is the son of terrorist – a real living terrorist.
>> So, what do we do as citizens of the land of the free and the home of the brave
>> fighting the War on Terror? Do we run and hide from the foul-mouthed little
>> Israeli who danced ballet and swears for effect - or do we laugh? Or do we
>> demand answers? How can we respect a U.S. Congressman who served in a foreign
>> army and whose father was a terrorist?
> What earthly significance does ballet have?

A sure sign he's "differently normal". Ballet dancing is often a
"gateway" hobby, leading to worse things, such as cross-dressing and
even homersexuality, imo.
Might we have a drag queen in the White House.....??

TOPIC: black mould washing machine door seal

== 1 of 12 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 5:00 am
From: "john d hamilton"

we have got a ten year old AEG washing machine, and black mould seems to
have penetrated into the light grey rubbery-plastic door seal. Is there
any good way of removing this black stain please? Thanks.

== 2 of 12 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 5:05 am
From: 1

john d hamilton wrote:
> we have got a ten year old AEG washing machine, and black mould seems to
> have penetrated into the light grey rubbery-plastic door seal. Is there
> any good way of removing this black stain please? Thanks.
soap and water.

mild chlorine solution.

leave door open when not inuse.

== 3 of 12 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 5:10 am
From: clams_casino

1 wrote:

> john d hamilton wrote:
>> we have got a ten year old AEG washing machine, and black mould seems
>> to have penetrated into the light grey rubbery-plastic door seal.
>> Is there any good way of removing this black stain please? Thanks.
> soap and water.
> mild chlorine solution.
> leave door open when not inuse.

Chlorine is the only practical way to kill the mold. Unfortunately,
it can adversely affect the rubber seal. Do start with a weak solution
- perhaps 5% solution of 5% chlorine.

Increase the strength, only if needed so as to minimize damage to the seal.

== 4 of 12 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 5:16 am
From: (Andrew Gabriel)

In article <L5gRk.58057$>,
1 <stripe@st.ext> writes:
> john d hamilton wrote:
>> we have got a ten year old AEG washing machine, and black mould seems to
>> have penetrated into the light grey rubbery-plastic door seal. Is there
>> any good way of removing this black stain please? Thanks.
> soap and water.
> mild chlorine solution.

Don't use chlorine (bleach) if the washing machine has a GRP
(glass reinforced resin/plastic) outer drum, as it will make
it brittle and liable to crack. (Or at least, keep it well
clear of the plastic.)

Don't know what AEG parts cost, but spare parts like the
door seal are very cheap for Hotpoint machines, and I would
consider replacing it.

Andrew Gabriel
[email address is not usable -- followup in the newsgroup]

== 5 of 12 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 5:22 am

On Nov 8, 1:00 pm, "john d hamilton" <blues...@mail.invalid> wrote:
> we have got a ten year old AEG washing machine, and black mould seems to
> have penetrated into the light grey rubbery-plastic door seal.   Is there
> any good way of removing this black stain please?    Thanks.

I used HCl based patio cleaner for this, it was very effective.
However it needs to be brushed repeatedly to work, and of course you
cant do a wash cycle with HCl.

A boiling hot wash should kill any mould. LEave the door ajar and hot
wash monthly to prevent recurrence. You might also need to demould the
soap dispensing area.


== 6 of 12 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 5:59 am
From: (Andrew Gabriel)

In article <7dgRk.32$6s5.3@newsfe01.iad>,
clams_casino <> writes:
> Chlorine is the only practical way to kill the mold.

Actually, removing what it's living on (which is a residue deposited
on the surfaces) is the only way to get rid of it long-term. Chlorine
will temporarily kill it, but there's a food source still there and
very like a high concentration of spores from other areas in the
machine, and it will inevitably reinfect unless residue food source
is removed. Chlorine is useless at cleaning things, but it's good at
making dirt invisible;-)

Andrew Gabriel
[email address is not usable -- followup in the newsgroup]

== 7 of 12 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 6:11 am
From: "Don Phillipson"

"john d hamilton" <bluestar@mail.invalid> wrote in message

> we have got a ten year old AEG washing machine, and black mould seems to
> have penetrated into the light grey rubbery-plastic door seal. Is there
> any good way of removing this black stain please? Thanks.

After 10 years, you will soon need to replace the door gasket
(if available.) After removing the old one you can clean thoroughly
(with chlorine) the groove that secures the gasket.

Don Phillipson
Carlsbad Springs
(Ottawa, Canada)

== 8 of 12 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 6:27 am
From: ransley

On Nov 8, 7:16 am, (Andrew Gabriel) wrote:
> In article <L5gRk.58057$>,
>         1 <str...@st.ext> writes:
> > john d hamilton wrote:
> >> we have got a ten year old AEG washing machine, and black mould seems to
> >> have penetrated into the light grey rubbery-plastic door seal.   Is there
> >> any good way of removing this black stain please?    Thanks.
> > soap and water.
> > mild chlorine solution.
> Don't use chlorine (bleach) if the washing machine has a GRP
> (glass reinforced resin/plastic) outer drum, as it will make
> it brittle and liable to crack. (Or at least, keep it well
> clear of the plastic.)
> Don't know what AEG parts cost, but spare parts like the
> door seal are very cheap for Hotpoint machines, and I would
> consider replacing it.
> --
> Andrew Gabriel
> [email address is not usable -- followup in the newsgroup]

Now dont you just think a clothes washer where you use bleach to
wash, as a normal everyday additive, would have been thought about by
the manufacturer.

Use bleach, keep door open when not in use.

== 9 of 12 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 7:09 am
From: (Andrew Gabriel)

In article <>,
ransley <> writes:
> Now dont you just think a clothes washer where you use bleach to
> wash, as a normal everyday additive, would have been thought about by
> the manufacturer.

Yes, which is why manufacturers have warned against using bleach
in washing machines for decades. It's brilliant for giving you
fractured plastic parts.

Bleach used in washing detergents (in Europe) isn't chlorine based.

(Note, I'm answering for UK/Europe as two of the newsgroups the OP
included are uk-based. Soap powders used in the US are completely
different from the washing detergents used in Europe, and machines
have completely different washing cycles for the two products.)

Andrew Gabriel
[email address is not usable -- followup in the newsgroup]

== 10 of 12 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 7:43 am
From: ransley

On Nov 8, 9:09 am, (Andrew Gabriel) wrote:
> In article <>,
>         ransley <> writes:
> >  Now dont you just think a clothes washer where you use bleach to
> > wash, as a normal everyday additive, would have been thought about by
> > the manufacturer.
> Yes, which is why manufacturers have warned against using bleach
> in washing machines for decades. It's brilliant for giving you
> fractured plastic parts.
> Bleach used in washing detergents (in Europe) isn't chlorine based.
> (Note, I'm answering for UK/Europe as two of the newsgroups the OP
> included are uk-based. Soap powders used in the US are completely
> different from the washing detergents used in Europe, and machines
> have completely different washing cycles for the two products.)
> --
> Andrew Gabriel
> [email address is not usable -- followup in the newsgroup]

And here no laundrymat says dont use the bleach we sell here. Gee my
machine tells me how much bleach to use, and just when to add it, ON
THE DOOR of the washer. And there aint no warning, and there have been
no problems. These things are designed to be used, not worried about.
It would be like saying if you have dirty stained clothes dont buy
this machine, buy that one.

== 11 of 12 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 8:56 am
From: Norminn

clams_casino wrote:

> 1 wrote:
>> john d hamilton wrote:
>>> we have got a ten year old AEG washing machine, and black mould
>>> seems to have penetrated into the light grey rubbery-plastic door
>>> seal. Is there any good way of removing this black stain
>>> please? Thanks.
>> soap and water.
>> mild chlorine solution.
>> leave door open when not inuse.
> Chlorine is the only practical way to kill the mold.
> Unfortunately, it can adversely affect the rubber seal. Do start with
> a weak solution - perhaps 5% solution of 5% chlorine.
> Increase the strength, only if needed so as to minimize damage to the
> seal.

The light grey seal may be permanently STAINED, so even killing the mold
with bleach may not remove the stain. Use the bleach to kill mold
and then keep the door ajar slightly so that it dries between uses.

== 12 of 12 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 9:31 am

On Nov 8, 3:43 pm, ransley <> wrote:
> On Nov 8, 9:09 am, (Andrew Gabriel) wrote:
> > In article <>,
> >         ransley <> writes:
> > >  Now dont you just think a clothes washer where you use bleach to
> > > wash, as a normal everyday additive, would have been thought about by
> > > the manufacturer.
> > Yes, which is why manufacturers have warned against using bleach
> > in washing machines for decades. It's brilliant for giving you
> > fractured plastic parts.
> > Bleach used in washing detergents (in Europe) isn't chlorine based.
> > (Note, I'm answering for UK/Europe as two of the newsgroups the OP
> > included are uk-based. Soap powders used in the US are completely
> > different from the washing detergents used in Europe, and machines
> > have completely different washing cycles for the two products.)
> > --
> > Andrew Gabriel
> > [email address is not usable -- followup in the newsgroup]
> And here no laundrymat says dont use the bleach we sell here. Gee my
> machine tells me how much bleach to use, and just when to add it, ON
> THE DOOR of the washer. And there aint no warning, and there have been
> no problems. These things are designed to be used, not worried about.
> It would be like saying if you have dirty stained clothes dont buy
> this machine, buy that one.

what country are you in?


TOPIC: Bean Paste and eternity.

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 5:44 am
From: "john d hamilton"

we have a jar of 'woh hup' *black bean paste* (mild).

Here in London u.k., we invariably have information on the jar's label about
when the contents must be *consumed by*, once opened. That's as well as the
usual *best before* date stamped on the lid, (that's for before its opened).

This bean paste is imported from Singapore and does not have any 'consume
by' information on the label. It only says refrigerate after opening. The
contents are listed as: black beans, vegetable oil, salt, chili, yeast
extract, and sugar, sesame oil, and natural spices.

My son takes this to mean there is no 'consume by' date applicable and it's
still in the fridge for many months 'after' being opened. Do you think
this is safe to use? I know some things last forever, i.e. fermented Soya
bean paste (miso) and pickled salt plums and the proprietor of our local
Indian shops says his jars of pickles would last forever and is annoyed food
regulations force him to put a 'best before' date on his pickles.

Maybe the 'original market' Chinese would automatically know if it should be
used more or less straight-away, but here in London we don't have a clue,
and feel uneasy with my son's optimism about this paste. Grateful for
advice on how long we can safely keep it please.

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 6:17 am
From: Sqwertz

john d hamilton <bluestar@mail.invalid> wrote:

> This bean paste is imported from Singapore and does not have any 'consume
> by' information on the label. It only says refrigerate after opening. The
> contents are listed as: black beans, vegetable oil, salt, chili, yeast
> extract, and sugar, sesame oil, and natural spices.

Bean pastes last up to 12 months in the fridge. Often longer. Mine
last 6 months before they're used up and they've been fine in that
period. I suspect they could go for at least twice that long.


== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 6:42 am
From: "john d hamilton"

"Sqwertz" <swertz@cluemail.compost> wrote in message
> john d hamilton <bluestar@mail.invalid> wrote:
>> This bean paste is imported from Singapore and does not have any 'consume
>> by' information on the label. It only says refrigerate after opening. The
>> contents are listed as: black beans, vegetable oil, salt, chili, yeast
>> extract, and sugar, sesame oil, and natural spices.
> Bean pastes last up to 12 months in the fridge. Often longer. Mine
> last 6 months before they're used up and they've been fine in that
> period. I suspect they could go for at least twice that long.
> -sw

many thanks. I'm surprised it lasts that long because if i cook beans they
seem to go 'off' pretty quickly soon after even in the fridge. Would it be
the salt and chili that preserves the beans in this case, i wonder?

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 9:05 am
From: (Victor Sack)

john d hamilton <bluestar@mail.invalid> wrote:

> we have a jar of 'woh hup' *black bean paste* (mild).
> Here in London u.k., we invariably have information on the jar's label about
> when the contents must be *consumed by*, once opened. That's as well as the
> usual *best before* date stamped on the lid, (that's for before its opened).
> This bean paste is imported from Singapore and does not have any 'consume
> by' information on the label. It only says refrigerate after opening.

Maybe ask the manufacturers at


== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 9:05 am
From: Dave Bell

john d hamilton wrote:
> "Sqwertz" <swertz@cluemail.compost> wrote in message
>> john d hamilton <bluestar@mail.invalid> wrote:
>>> This bean paste is imported from Singapore and does not have any 'consume
>>> by' information on the label. It only says refrigerate after opening. The
>>> contents are listed as: black beans, vegetable oil, salt, chili, yeast
>>> extract, and sugar, sesame oil, and natural spices.
>> Bean pastes last up to 12 months in the fridge. Often longer. Mine
>> last 6 months before they're used up and they've been fine in that
>> period. I suspect they could go for at least twice that long.
>> -sw
> many thanks. I'm surprised it lasts that long because if i cook beans they
> seem to go 'off' pretty quickly soon after even in the fridge. Would it be
> the salt and chili that preserves the beans in this case, i wonder?

Exactly! I've had some that I'm certain was years old, and couldn't
tell it from "fresh" (whatever that is!)



== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 6:53 am
From: PinderA

Seeking Help
We have just purchased our Dream property in France where we intend to
set up a luxury boarding kennels, However i have just been made
redundant in the UK and have now run out of funds to complete the

My Request is to see if there are any charitable people or business
from the group that could help my wife and i to realise our dream. (We
are Alan and Jane,)

Our dream was to be realised in the Loire Valley France,
We have done our research which proves there is more than enough
business for our Boarding Kennels business.

If sponsors can be found we would consider part of the kennels for the
rescue of animals. Something which is sadly lacking in France.

If you are an individual, vetinary or Drug business this could be your
opportunity to test products which are to be used for animal welfare,
all tested under your terms and conditions, and for sale throughout
the world, alternatively you may just care.

Would all potential sponsors please send details and how they would
like to help us become the flagship Boarding kennels and rescue centre
in France.

There is a Prize for the sponsor who donates the most money.

Please pay any amounts from £1.00 upwards to my pay-pal account


TOPIC: Do you have issues with CBS airing practice on Amazing Race show?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 6:59 am

Although in all published TV books, newspapers and the like, the
Amazing Race is printed as to air in 8-9pm on Sundays, but in reality,
CBS always delays it about 15-30 minutes, to the actual airing time at
about 8:15-8:30pm. Do you have issues with that? I can't stand it any
more and I have decided not to watch it again. I have not influence
but I can at least save the 1-hour extra time on something else.

TOPIC: This works especially well as you age

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 9:17 am
From: phil scott

Im 67 years old, and have run up a few businesses from scratch to
modest success... and suffered the personal effects of too soft a
life, sufficient money, then lazyness, got fat etc.

that sequence leads to tight cash flow, or worse.

What caused my recovery back to viability was dire financial
straights, forcing me back to work with the tools, on jobs beyond my
physical i was forced to eat sparingly and wisely (you
cant work hard with a giant glob of grease in your stomach and
arteries)... the first few days were always gruesome beyond belief,
so bad that i coudnt even move the next day.

but i pushed through due to dire financial necessity... within a
month i was nearly fit again... and over the next 2 years I would
achieve yet again economic viability.

it is the sloth brought on by sufficiency that ruins a person.... and
the goal 'to be happy' with happyness defined as not having to work or
be dilligent... a fatal range of miscomprehensions.

Viability, without over work, under conditions you can control
provides the best life in my experience.. (that rules out a job or a
boss in many but not all cases.. most jobs take more from you than
they return..I recommend self employment instead when it fits.).


In the US many wlll be going through this... it will be hard for them,
but the rewards are well worth it, both in dollars, and in fitness and
health. Be sure to get plenty of rest... dont waste much money on
junk food... eat lean, raw and well.

Looking for a slothful way out leads to more decay..then collapse at
warp speed...

hard work, but absolutely not work past an exhaustion limit (ever, not
even for a second) , will bail you or a company out. (with companies
its done by putting staff on incentives.. enough that they must earn
the incentives to stay viable.... piece work for example.)

such management has to come clean as well. those will survive...
the rest collapse, including government as many states and citys are
seeing now, and the largest corporations... corruption, sloth etc
ruins its host...

hallmarks of such ruin by the way are visciousness, and seeking to
trash others. (decent people dont have such needs... this is seem
amply in individuals, corporations and government... they self
destruct... takes about 20 years... final phase, when things start to
get obvious, 2 years to collapse.

Many states, corporations and govts in the US are already across that

You dont have to be though... you can turn it around for yourself
personally by these means.

Phil scott


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