Saturday, November 15, 2008

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 25 new messages in 11 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Off topic somewhat XM SIRIUS merg - 1 messages, 1 author
* Bob Brinker the financial genius... how to 'make' money - 1 messages, 1
* Need a new camera - 6 messages, 5 authors
* Evading parking tickets - 8 messages, 4 authors
* Cheap Advertising, Great Results! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Do you want your tax money to pay a forklift operator $103,000.00 a year - 2
messages, 2 authors
* Wholesale cheap jordan 3 fusion shoes, $40 save 45% off, you can get a free
christmas gift - 1 messages, 1 author
* wholesale cheap air jordan shoes, $40 save 35 % off, you
can get a free shirt, click in now ! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Americans Get a Dire and Stark Warning From South Africa.. - 2 messages, 2
* What do you do with $2 left on a virtual debit card? - 1 messages, 1 author
* supply discount ugg boots, up to 70% off, fast delivery! - 1
messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Off topic somewhat XM SIRIUS merg

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 11:33 am
From: "Nicik Name"

NO GOOD things come from a merg
Sirius just decimated my XM channels.

TOPIC: Bob Brinker the financial genius... how to 'make' money

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 12:07 pm
From: phil scott

a person can get lost in the terms.... the facts remain however.

the fact is that that USA has limitlessly more debt than it can repay,
as it has sent production off shore, wasting its workforce.... now
retiring with no way to pay their pensions in many cases.

the US Dollar is sitting on top of this nasty ass
will be worthless shortly...... along with its debt....

it will reboot, just like Argentina, with a work ethic renewed out of
dire necesity..... . its money changers in disgrace.

these terms 'inflation' etc , allt smoke relative to this real
time real life scene.....

all through history fiat currency evaporates to nothing.....not a
single solitary exception in the entire world from the beginning of
recorded history..not one.
Fiat currency, cheap metal coinage, marker sticks, all that... in the
end turns worthless.

Real assets though, such as precious metals etc , land, mineral
wealth etc...retain their value relative to a loaf of bread forever it
seems.... but yet cannot make an investment... these stays constant
relative to real goods in the end. ... to make them an investment,
'money' had to be created.

Lacking this, these real assets, gold, metals, minerals. land etc are
simply a store of wealth (thats fine), but not a way for a useless
class of folk to *make money.

for a worthless class to earn a living they need fiat currency, that
can be inflated, manipulated etc to gain an advantage,
'interest'...which can compound, and make the useless criminally
inclined class rich...

Relying on terms such as hyper inflation, deflation, stagfliton etc
has that range of problems, its a distraction from the real issues...
as people try to beat the game by use of the fiat currency.....the
people do not win in the end on such a rigged game.

wrong game to be playing...imo. its a frausters game... a game for
the criminally insane who think money is senior to production as Henry
Paulson has now clearly demonstrated....

and as that moron Bob Brinker was so 'shocked' to find out... he had
been selling his listeners into a worthless pit of funny money and

so now he just blubbers on the radio.

Phil scott

TOPIC: Need a new camera

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 12:11 pm
From: Al Bundy

On Nov 15, 11:38 am, OhioGuy <> wrote:
> > No offense intended, but you surely need more practice with the camera
> You're probably right - I've never messed with most of the settings.
> My current problem is that I'm so far away from the squirrel in
> question that the max optical zoom still has him way, WAY too small in
> the resulting pictures, so I have to engage the digital zoom to even get
> it close to the necessary size.
> We're talking about a squirrel here, roughly 1 foot in size, and 80
> to 100 feet away. I think the digital zoom is what ends up making it
> look blocky in the resulting pictures, because the camera said something
> like
> "200k resolution" when I was zoomed in. I think that's two tenths of a
> megapixel resolution, right? Not so great, which was why I was looking
> for a better optical zoom and higher resolution. My current camera just
> isn't up to the job.

Forget the digital zoom. I keep mine turned off. Use the maximum
optical zoom and make sure your picture size is set to the biggest
picture available. Take the shot and crop it later using something
like Irfanview. You will be surprised how large and close that
squirrel appears. If that's not enough then you do need more
professional equipment with a telephoto lens.
Also, for $1.29 you could buy a jar of peanut butter that would bring
you 70 feet closer. One time I threw out a ball of peanut butter and
the squirrel had no other interest in life other than that for some

== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 3:08 pm
From: The Real Bev

OhioGuy wrote:

>> No offense intended, but you surely need more practice with the camera
> You're probably right - I've never messed with most of the settings.
> My current problem is that I'm so far away from the squirrel in
> question that the max optical zoom still has him way, WAY too small in
> the resulting pictures, so I have to engage the digital zoom to even get
> it close to the necessary size.

Digital zoom is useless -- exactly the same as cropping and enlarging
the result.

> We're talking about a squirrel here, roughly 1 foot in size, and 80
> to 100 feet away. I think the digital zoom is what ends up making it
> look blocky in the resulting pictures, because the camera said something
> like
> "200k resolution" when I was zoomed in. I think that's two tenths of a
> megapixel resolution, right?

Is that the file size? The darker the image the smaller the resulting
file needs to be at full resolution -- My biggest files are between 1
and 3 megabytes. I can cut that down to 200K, which looks OK on my
1680x1280 monitor, but I wouldn't want to print them. Actually, I don't
want to print ANYTHING -- digital photography has finally freed us of
the need to store bales of paper.

> Not so great, which was why I was looking
> for a better optical zoom and higher resolution. My current camera just
> isn't up to the job.

Newer is always better :-) but I recently read somewhere that 8
megapixels is just about the useful limit -- anything bigger actually
degrades the image for some forgotten reason.

If it weren't for pain, we wouldn't have any fun at all.

== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 6:00 pm
From: The Real Bev

Al Bundy wrote:

> Also, for $1.29 you could buy a jar of peanut butter that would bring
> you 70 feet closer. One time I threw out a ball of peanut butter and
> the squirrel had no other interest in life other than that for some
> time.

A fond memory -- a raccoon cleaning out a peanut butter jar. Delicate
little hands scooping out every last morsel of greasy goodness.

Cheers, Bev
Self Test for Paranoia: You know you have it when you can't
think of anything that's your own fault.

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 9:25 pm
From: BigDog1

On Nov 15, 4:08 pm, The Real Bev <> wrote:

> Newer is always better :-) but I recently read somewhere that 8
> megapixels is just about the useful limit -- anything bigger actually
> degrades the image for some forgotten reason.

Hmmmm - never heard that. 8 megapixels is certainly more than the
average point and shoot digital camera user will ever need. In fact
anything more than 3 or 4 megapixels is overkill in most cases (but
don't try to find a new 4 megapixel camera anywhere). That's more
than enough for 4x6 "snapshots", or the occasional minimally cropped
5x7 or 8x10 enlargement. And for viewing on the computer, cell phone
cameras have enough resolution.

My Canon 40D has a resolution of slightly more than 10 megapixels. I
can assure you there is no degradation of those images. Quite the
contrary. I've cropped to as little as 20% of the original image, and
made tack sharp 8x10 enlargements.

The problem most people run into is the size of the files high
megapixel cameras produce. My Canon produces 3 to 5 MB jpegs, and 15
- 20 MB RAW files when set at maximum resolution. It takes pretty
robust hardware and software to efficiently deal with files that
size, An older computer with minimum memory and a small hard drive
would be overwhelmed.

I certainly agree that we're printing far less than we used to - and
that's good on many levels.. But I still print quite a bit. My wife
can't show off the photos of our grandchildren when she goes to lunch
with her friends, if they're all on the computer at home. And of
course I've still got to keep track of many file boxes full of slides,
negatives, contact sheets and enlargements from 30+ years photography
before I went digital.

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 9:37 pm
From: Jeff

BigDog1 wrote:
> On Nov 15, 4:08 pm, The Real Bev <> wrote:
> [Snipped}
>> Newer is always better :-) but I recently read somewhere that 8
>> megapixels is just about the useful limit -- anything bigger actually
>> degrades the image for some forgotten reason.
> Hmmmm - never heard that.

I think what this is referencing is that higher megapixel cameras tend
to be noisier at the the same ISO, because the individual pixel is
smaller. Newer sensors, and full frame sensors have ameliorated that.

About 150 pixels/inch (for a glossy print) seems OK, so your figure
of 3 megapixels for a 4*6 is about right. As you know there's a lot of


8 megapixels is certainly more than the
> average point and shoot digital camera user will ever need. In fact
> anything more than 3 or 4 megapixels is overkill in most cases (but
> don't try to find a new 4 megapixel camera anywhere). That's more
> than enough for 4x6 "snapshots", or the occasional minimally cropped
> 5x7 or 8x10 enlargement. And for viewing on the computer, cell phone
> cameras have enough resolution.
> My Canon 40D has a resolution of slightly more than 10 megapixels. I
> can assure you there is no degradation of those images. Quite the
> contrary. I've cropped to as little as 20% of the original image, and
> made tack sharp 8x10 enlargements.
> The problem most people run into is the size of the files high
> megapixel cameras produce. My Canon produces 3 to 5 MB jpegs, and 15
> - 20 MB RAW files when set at maximum resolution. It takes pretty
> robust hardware and software to efficiently deal with files that
> size, An older computer with minimum memory and a small hard drive
> would be overwhelmed.
> I certainly agree that we're printing far less than we used to - and
> that's good on many levels.. But I still print quite a bit. My wife
> can't show off the photos of our grandchildren when she goes to lunch
> with her friends, if they're all on the computer at home. And of
> course I've still got to keep track of many file boxes full of slides,
> negatives, contact sheets and enlargements from 30+ years photography
> before I went digital.

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 9:54 pm
From: The Real Bev

BigDog1 wrote:

> On Nov 15, 4:08 pm, The Real Bev <> wrote:
>> Newer is always better :-) but I recently read somewhere that 8
>> megapixels is just about the useful limit -- anything bigger actually
>> degrades the image for some forgotten reason.
> Hmmmm - never heard that. 8 megapixels is certainly more than the
> average point and shoot digital camera user will ever need. In fact
> anything more than 3 or 4 megapixels is overkill in most cases (but
> don't try to find a new 4 megapixel camera anywhere). That's more
> than enough for 4x6 "snapshots", or the occasional minimally cropped
> 5x7 or 8x10 enlargement. And for viewing on the computer, cell phone
> cameras have enough resolution.

Well, my 640x480 is pretty inadequate, but it's good enough for
convincing somebody that if he keys your car you'll have a record of his
face and license plate. Other 'record' shots too...

> My Canon 40D has a resolution of slightly more than 10 megapixels. I
> can assure you there is no degradation of those images. Quite the
> contrary. I've cropped to as little as 20% of the original image, and
> made tack sharp 8x10 enlargements.

Can't remember where I read it or the details. Ergo, worthless.

> The problem most people run into is the size of the files high
> megapixel cameras produce. My Canon produces 3 to 5 MB jpegs, and 15
> - 20 MB RAW files when set at maximum resolution. It takes pretty
> robust hardware and software to efficiently deal with files that
> size, An older computer with minimum memory and a small hard drive
> would be overwhelmed.

Raw files are overkill in my case. I took 200K shots with my Coolpix
800 for 6 years and was perfectly satisfied except for the 2x zoom,
inadequate flash and slow write-speed (hence the 200K shots).

> I certainly agree that we're printing far less than we used to - and
> that's good on many levels.. But I still print quite a bit. My wife
> can't show off the photos of our grandchildren when she goes to lunch
> with her friends, if they're all on the computer at home. And of
> course I've still got to keep track of many file boxes full of slides,
> negatives, contact sheets and enlargements from 30+ years photography
> before I went digital.

I've scanned the best of the 35mm and 2.25^2 slides (I'm really happy
with my Canon scanner, even if it is windows-only) and have a big box of
prints to do... and another big box of 8x10 b&w to do... one of these
days... As long as I keep them all on multiple HDs I figure I'm way
better off than with paper.

I've got a box of b&w prints from the 1920s -- friends and relatives of
my grandmother, I guess. My mom didn't know who those people were or
where they lived. I see stuff like that at estate sales too. Depressing.

Cheers, Bev
Self Test for Paranoia: You know you have it when you can't
think of anything that's your own fault.

TOPIC: Evading parking tickets

== 1 of 8 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 12:44 pm
From: phil scott

On Nov 15, 11:10 am, "DanG" <> wrote:
> It is really sad you feel this way.  YOU broke the law.  YOU are
> not carrying your fair share of the taxes everyone else pays (I
> see license plate fees as a type of tax).  And yet, you feel you
> have the right to do it wrong and threaten damage and destruction
> in retribution.
> Really sad.
> Probably symptomatic of one of the many things wrong in our
> society.
> --
> ______________________________
> Keep the whole world singing . . . .
> DanG  (remove the sevens)
> "Bruce C. Miller" <> wrote in
> > On Nov 11, 2:29 pm, wrote:
> >> On Nov 11, 10:35 am, "Bruce C. Miller" <>
> >> wrote:
> >>  There is a difference between frugal and cheap. Get your cheap
> >> ass in
> >> gear, pay the ticket, register your car and become a
> >> contributing part
> >> of society
> > I have zero shame in being cheap or a non-contributing member of
> > society.
> > I'll pay it, but I'll make a note to destroy some government
> > property
> > equal to around $80 in value sometime in the future to make up
> > for it.
> > It's only fair, after all.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Hi dan,
that attitude develops in a culture over time... government at first,
uncorrupt, of the people, by the people and for the people, all good
men gladly contribute, even giving their lives.

as govt goes corrupt... those feelings abate.

Leaving only patriots willing to support the corruption, you know,
kill a few milion camel jockies to nail one for wilfull l failure to
kiss its ass etc.... such govt perverts, supportsfraudulent monitary
and banking practices that create a 100 trillion dollar debt bubble
that ruins all nations and starves hundreds of millions (conservative
figures iin these vents).

Our founding fathers wrote the patriots duty in this case into the US

. its good reading.... has to do with cutting the balls off of ones
own leaders in those cases..... surely not funding them.

Phil scott

== 2 of 8 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 3:19 pm
From: The Real Bev

DanG wrote:

> It is really sad you feel this way. YOU broke the law. YOU are
> not carrying your fair share of the taxes everyone else pays (I
> see license plate fees as a type of tax). And yet, you feel you
> have the right to do it wrong and threaten damage and destruction
> in retribution.

Look at it another way: Who among us ever voted to install parking
meters or limit parking? I'd like to get rid of the 2-hour limit in
front of my house; there's no reason for anybody but us residents to
park there, and it's a monumental nuisance to us.

I suppose I could get up a petition, of course...

If it weren't for pain, we wouldn't have any fun at all.

== 3 of 8 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 4:43 pm
From: George Grapman

The Real Bev wrote:
> DanG wrote:
>> It is really sad you feel this way. YOU broke the law. YOU are not
>> carrying your fair share of the taxes everyone else pays (I see
>> license plate fees as a type of tax). And yet, you feel you have the
>> right to do it wrong and threaten damage and destruction in retribution.
> Look at it another way: Who among us ever voted to install parking
> meters or limit parking? I'd like to get rid of the 2-hour limit in
> front of my house; there's no reason for anybody but us residents to
> park there, and it's a monumental nuisance to us.
> I suppose I could get up a petition, of course...
In some areas of San Francisco residents of certain areas that have
such limits can get stickers that exempt them.
One problem is that as new areas get them adjacent areas with no
restrictions become harder to park in.
Some of the restricted areas are near BART station and other areas
with with decent public transit downtown to prevent commuters from
parking all day.

== 4 of 8 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 6:06 pm
From: The Real Bev

George Grapman wrote:

> The Real Bev wrote:
>> DanG wrote:
>>> It is really sad you feel this way. YOU broke the law. YOU are not
>>> carrying your fair share of the taxes everyone else pays (I see
>>> license plate fees as a type of tax). And yet, you feel you have the
>>> right to do it wrong and threaten damage and destruction in retribution.
>> Look at it another way: Who among us ever voted to install parking
>> meters or limit parking? I'd like to get rid of the 2-hour limit in
>> front of my house; there's no reason for anybody but us residents to
>> park there, and it's a monumental nuisance to us.
>> I suppose I could get up a petition, of course...
> In some areas of San Francisco residents of certain areas that have
> such limits can get stickers that exempt them.

They cost money and are for visitors only on a $$/night basis. Screw
'em. Our city officials are as corrupt as they come; why else would
they put decorative paving in crosswalks in the center of town and leave
the rest of us with heaved sidewalks (some have 6" differences between
adjacent squares) and potholes.

> One problem is that as new areas get them adjacent areas with no
> restrictions become harder to park in.
> Some of the restricted areas are near BART station and other areas
> with with decent public transit downtown to prevent commuters from
> parking all day.

Yeah. The limit was established when there were serious businesses
across the street and it was easier for their visitors to park on the
street than in the parking lot. Move 30 years later and the serious
businesses have become a mall with convenient parking, so nobody parks
in front of our houses any more -- none of the stores open onto my
street. But the parking limit is still there.

I really need to think about that petition.

Cheers, Bev
Self Test for Paranoia: You know you have it when you can't
think of anything that's your own fault.

== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 6:47 pm
From: George Grapman

The Real Bev wrote:
> George Grapman wrote:
>> The Real Bev wrote:
>>> DanG wrote:
>>>> It is really sad you feel this way. YOU broke the law. YOU are not
>>>> carrying your fair share of the taxes everyone else pays (I see
>>>> license plate fees as a type of tax). And yet, you feel you have
>>>> the right to do it wrong and threaten damage and destruction in
>>>> retribution.
>>> Look at it another way: Who among us ever voted to install parking
>>> meters or limit parking? I'd like to get rid of the 2-hour limit in
>>> front of my house; there's no reason for anybody but us residents to
>>> park there, and it's a monumental nuisance to us.
>>> I suppose I could get up a petition, of course...
>> In some areas of San Francisco residents of certain areas that have
>> such limits can get stickers that exempt them.
> They cost money and are for visitors only on a $$/night basis. Screw
> 'em. Our city officials are as corrupt as they come; why else would
> they put decorative paving in crosswalks in the center of town and leave
> the rest of us with heaved sidewalks (some have 6" differences between
> adjacent squares) and potholes.
>> One problem is that as new areas get them adjacent areas with no
>> restrictions become harder to park in.
>> Some of the restricted areas are near BART station and other areas
>> with with decent public transit downtown to prevent commuters from
>> parking all day.
> Yeah. The limit was established when there were serious businesses
> across the street and it was easier for their visitors to park on the
> street than in the parking lot. Move 30 years later and the serious
> businesses have become a mall with convenient parking, so nobody parks
> in front of our houses any more -- none of the stores open onto my
> street. But the parking limit is still there.
> I really need to think about that petition.
I got angry last year when I got two parking tickets. One was in a
two hour zone. I had parked there for about 90 minutes,left the city
for a few hours,returned ,parked a block away and got a ticket saying my
card had been parked there several hours early. Neither the people who
write the tickets nor the Department of Parking and Transportation could
tell me how long one has to leave the area or how far away they have to
be when they return

The other time I returned to my car at a metered space and a truck
was double parked. I went fond the driver and could not locate him. I
returned a few minutes later and I was nailed for an expired meter but
the truck was not tagged.

Both times I filed written protests which were denied and passed on
wasting hours at a hearing (you have to pay the fine before getting a
date and the agency that writes the tickets holds the hearings).

I do notice that both times I wrote an appeal letters came back
telling me that dues to a backlog it would be 3 to 4 months before I got
a hearing and in the interim the ticket would be held in abeyance. Since
the city has declared war or parkers I have returned the favor. One each
of the three tickets since then I have written an appeal as the choice
is pay $50 now or pay $50.41 in three or four months.

== 6 of 8 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 6:59 pm
From: George Grapman

Allow me to change the topic to moving violations. I have read that
the best way to beat these is to show up in court and hope the officer
does not appear. The procedure here if you contest it is:

Show up on or before the due date and go the the clerks office for an
arraignment date.

Show up on that date and either get a court date or ,if eligible,
traffic school.

Go to court for a hearing.

Last year I got my first ticket in about ten years. The cop said I
was doing 45 in a 25. While I may have been over the limit I know it was
not 46. Someone suggested going to court and paying attention the dates
people got. If they got different dates it meant they were setting them
by the cops calendar in which case I should take the school option but
if all got the a=same date I should ask for a hearing.

I got an arraignment date set and when I showed up and got the paper
work the officer never filed I report. I figured, great, maybe he is
lazy and will not show up. The clerk then called my name and several
others and said our cases were dismissed because of no report. I figured
one of the following happened:

Laziness by the officer.
Paperwork got lost.
Cop saw I had asked for a hearing,remembered I was polite a figured
two trips to court was sufficient. If that was the case it worked as I
am very careful on that street now.

== 7 of 8 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 8:55 pm
From: phil scott

On Nov 15, 6:47 pm, George Grapman <> wrote:
> The Real Bev wrote:
> > George Grapman wrote:
> >> The Real Bev wrote:
> >>> DanG wrote:
> >>>> It is really sad you feel this way.  YOU broke the law.  YOU are not
> >>>> carrying your fair share of the taxes everyone else pays (I see
> >>>> license plate fees as a type of tax).  And yet, you feel you have
> >>>> the right to do it wrong and threaten damage and destruction in
> >>>> retribution.
> >>> Look at it another way:  Who among us ever voted to install parking
> >>> meters or limit parking?  I'd like to get rid of the 2-hour limit in
> >>> front of my house;  there's no reason for anybody but us residents to
> >>> park there, and it's a monumental nuisance to us.
> >>> I suppose I could get up a petition, of course...
> >>    In some areas of San Francisco residents of certain areas that have
> >> such limits can get  stickers that exempt them.
> > They cost money and are for visitors only on a $$/night basis.  Screw
> > 'em.  Our city officials are as corrupt as they come;  why else would
> > they put decorative paving in crosswalks in the center of town and leave
> > the rest of us with heaved sidewalks (some have 6" differences between
> > adjacent squares) and potholes.
> >>     One problem is that as new areas get them adjacent areas with no
> >> restrictions become harder to park in.
> >>     Some of the restricted areas are near BART station and other areas
> >> with with decent public transit downtown to prevent commuters from
> >> parking all day.
> > Yeah.  The limit was established when there were serious businesses
> > across the street and it was easier for their visitors to park on the
> > street than in the parking lot.  Move 30 years later and the serious
> > businesses have become a mall with convenient parking, so nobody parks
> > in front of our houses any more -- none of the stores open onto my
> > street.  But the parking limit is still there.
> > I really need to think about that petition.
>     I got angry last year when I got two parking tickets. One was in a
> two hour zone. I had parked there  for about 90 minutes,left the city
> for a few hours,returned ,parked a block away and got a ticket saying my
> card had been parked there several hours early. Neither the people who
> write the tickets nor the Department of Parking and Transportation could
> tell me how long one has to leave the area or how far away they have to
> be when they return
>    The other time I returned to my car at a metered space and a truck
> was double parked. I went fond the driver and could not locate him. I
> returned a few minutes later and I was nailed for an expired meter but
> the truck was not tagged.
>    Both times I filed written protests which were denied and passed on
> wasting hours at a hearing (you have to pay the fine before getting a
> date and the agency that writes the tickets holds the hearings).
>   I do notice that both times I wrote an appeal letters came back
> telling me that dues to a backlog it would be 3 to 4 months before I got
> a hearing and in the interim the ticket would be held in abeyance. Since
> the city has declared war or parkers I have returned the favor. One each
> of the three tickets since then I have written an appeal as the choice
> is pay $50 now or pay $50.41 in three or four months.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

i and others avoid the city;;; so now when any building there needs
construction work they
get few bids, high bids...

I do my businesa where I dont get screwed... the city is now in dire
financial straights, business is off, tax base is in collapse; I
told em if they dont want to go broke they better quit screwing the
people who do business there

its not rocket science

Phil scott

== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 9:53 pm
From: George Grapman

phil scott wrote:
> On Nov 15, 6:47 pm, George Grapman <> wrote:
>> The Real Bev wrote:
>>> George Grapman wrote:
>>>> The Real Bev wrote:
>>>>> DanG wrote:
>>>>>> It is really sad you feel this way. YOU broke the law. YOU are not
>>>>>> carrying your fair share of the taxes everyone else pays (I see
>>>>>> license plate fees as a type of tax). And yet, you feel you have
>>>>>> the right to do it wrong and threaten damage and destruction in
>>>>>> retribution.
>>>>> Look at it another way: Who among us ever voted to install parking
>>>>> meters or limit parking? I'd like to get rid of the 2-hour limit in
>>>>> front of my house; there's no reason for anybody but us residents to
>>>>> park there, and it's a monumental nuisance to us.
>>>>> I suppose I could get up a petition, of course...
>>>> In some areas of San Francisco residents of certain areas that have
>>>> such limits can get stickers that exempt them.
>>> They cost money and are for visitors only on a $$/night basis. Screw
>>> 'em. Our city officials are as corrupt as they come; why else would
>>> they put decorative paving in crosswalks in the center of town and leave
>>> the rest of us with heaved sidewalks (some have 6" differences between
>>> adjacent squares) and potholes.
>>>> One problem is that as new areas get them adjacent areas with no
>>>> restrictions become harder to park in.
>>>> Some of the restricted areas are near BART station and other areas
>>>> with with decent public transit downtown to prevent commuters from
>>>> parking all day.
>>> Yeah. The limit was established when there were serious businesses
>>> across the street and it was easier for their visitors to park on the
>>> street than in the parking lot. Move 30 years later and the serious
>>> businesses have become a mall with convenient parking, so nobody parks
>>> in front of our houses any more -- none of the stores open onto my
>>> street. But the parking limit is still there.
>>> I really need to think about that petition.
>> I got angry last year when I got two parking tickets. One was in a
>> two hour zone. I had parked there for about 90 minutes,left the city
>> for a few hours,returned ,parked a block away and got a ticket saying my
>> card had been parked there several hours early. Neither the people who
>> write the tickets nor the Department of Parking and Transportation could
>> tell me how long one has to leave the area or how far away they have to
>> be when they return
>> The other time I returned to my car at a metered space and a truck
>> was double parked. I went fond the driver and could not locate him. I
>> returned a few minutes later and I was nailed for an expired meter but
>> the truck was not tagged.
>> Both times I filed written protests which were denied and passed on
>> wasting hours at a hearing (you have to pay the fine before getting a
>> date and the agency that writes the tickets holds the hearings).
>> I do notice that both times I wrote an appeal letters came back
>> telling me that dues to a backlog it would be 3 to 4 months before I got
>> a hearing and in the interim the ticket would be held in abeyance. Since
>> the city has declared war or parkers I have returned the favor. One each
>> of the three tickets since then I have written an appeal as the choice
>> is pay $50 now or pay $50.41 in three or four months.- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> i and others avoid the city;;; so now when any building there needs
> construction work they
> get few bids, high bids...
> I do my businesa where I dont get screwed... the city is now in dire
> financial straights, business is off, tax base is in collapse; I
> told em if they dont want to go broke they better quit screwing the
> people who do business there
> its not rocket science
> Phil scott

As I am sure you know tickets just went up. That means more shoppers
getting dinged and heading for a mall next time.

TOPIC: Cheap Advertising, Great Results!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 2:07 pm
From: Al Bundy

On Nov 15, 10:34 am, Realtor Rich <> wrote:
> Take your still photos and email them to
> . They will resize and edit them. Then they'll put them in a video
> [yeah...stills in a video], edit the video then add captions and
> leads. Then they do the voice over. Finally, they format the video
> for the web and publish it on the internet. ALL THIS FOR $40 BUCKS!!
> You take the weblink to the video and plaster it all over town...or
> the country...or the world. Put it on your yard sign, put it in your
> [God forbid] classified ad, put it in every internet forum from here
> to eternity. Put it FREE on Google, Yahoo and Blogger http://
> This is the brave new world of marketing and advertising. This is
> what's happening. Classified ads are dead. Internet video rules!!
> Internet video ads last as long as you want and classifieds last ONE

There are enough free tools out there already for attention whores to
produce videos.

TOPIC: Do you want your tax money to pay a forklift operator $103,000.00 a

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 3:51 pm

The write your folks in Congress and oppose the "bailout" of
terminally-ill General Motors. The correct path is for GM to file for
protectiong under Chapter 11 and hopefully reorganize. Contact via
site listed below:


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 4:27 pm
From: freeisbest

On Nov 15, 6:51 pm, wrote:
> The write your folks in Congress and oppose the "bailout" of
> terminally-ill General Motors. The correct path is for GM to file for
> protectiong under Chapter 11 and hopefully reorganize. Contact via
> site listed below:
> Mitch

"Do you want your tax money to pay a forklift operator $103,000.00
a year" Nope. Didn't want my money to fund the invasion of another
country, either. Or be used as the football in games in the Iraq
desert. Or be given as a present to 'financial institutions' that
could count using both hands and a calculator. Or....

TOPIC: Wholesale cheap jordan 3 fusion shoes, $40 save 45% off, you can get a
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TOPIC: Americans Get a Dire and Stark Warning From South Africa..

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 5:43 pm
From: Brian K

On 11/14/2008 11:08 PM S'mee did a "happy dance", then made these
> On Nov 14, 4:32 am, Kurt Ullman <> wrote:
>> In article
>> <>,
>> "S'mee" <> wrote:
>>> Anyway I figure we have the PERFECT government for the idiots that put
>>> it in place. I'm going to LOVE the next for years. Why you ask because
>>> I LOVE to hear idiots whine...
>> Just like I have for the last 8 years.
> Yes but mine was "FUCK HOW COULD YOU MORONS...never mind you're all
> soccer moms in mini-vans the lowest form of life on the planet."
> --
> Keith
I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss soccer moms. They wear more hats than
the average male: cook, chauffeur, nurse, vacation planner, party
planner, party caterer, child rearer to name a few. Also consider one
special soccer mom, of whom a hit tv show was patterned after. Her name
is Alison Du Bois, she's a bona fide psychic who's been called in as a
consultant by district attorneys and police detectives. Then there's
another mom. Her name is Erin Brockovich. She doggedly worked toward
helping people who were poisoned by a pharmaceutical company. She
started out as a file clerk, became a legal assistant and is now a
lawyer with her own firm. Then there's Sarah Palen, love her or hate
her, you can't dismiss this soccer mom's achievements. She's the
governor of Alaska and until recently the Republican party's choice for
Vice-President candidacy.

Never underestimate the soccer mom.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 7:07 pm
From: Timberwoof

In article <>,
Brian K <> wrote:

> Then there's Sarah Palen, love her or hate
> her, you can't dismiss this soccer mom's achievements.

Let's see. She got a little town into millions of dollars of debt to
build a hockey arena. She got the Republican Party to buy her and her
family new clothes costing tens of thousands of dollars more than her
house cost. She's not familiar with Supreme Court cases that affected
her own state, yet convinced a lot of people that she's ready for the
Vice Presidency. She practiced for the Presiden--I mean, Vice Presidency
ahead of time by exercising executive privilege and telling peopel she
was vindicated after a report found her guilty.

> She's the
> governor of Alaska and until recently the Republican party's choice for
> Vice-President candidacy.

Until recently.

> Never underestimate the soccer mom.

I think Sarah Palin has been misunderestimated.

Timberwoof <me at timberwoof dot com>
People who can't spell get kicked out of Hogwarts.

TOPIC: What do you do with $2 left on a virtual debit card?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 8:32 pm
From: Shaun Eli

Do you have any on-line grocery stores out there? Fresh Direct or
Peapod or something? Buy some groceries, use those cards and a
regular credit card for the remaining balance.

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