Thursday, January 8, 2009

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 6 new messages in 5 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Stamps - 2 messages, 2 authors
* OT - Survivalism Retail Style - 1 messages, 1 author
* OT: NY Times & American Conservative on Afghanistan: GET OUT! - 1 messages,
1 author
* Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption - 1 messages, 1 author
* USENET USE EXPLODES - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Stamps

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 7 2009 8:44 pm
From: Dave Garland

The Real Bev wrote:
> I've been googling for over an hour for the USA Postal Regulations.
> What I'm trying to find out -- in chapter and verse -- is the legality
> of cutting unused stamps off envelopes and gluing them onto new
> envelopes...

Another option is to let them pile up, then take the bundle to the
post office. They'll give you (IIRC) 90% of the face value, after you
fill out an inventory form. On the one hand, that's not 100% of the
value, but on the other hand, it's cash money.

N.B. this applies to the US. YMMV, TWIAVBP.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 7 2009 8:58 pm
From: The Real Bev

Dave Garland wrote:

> The Real Bev wrote:
>> I've been googling for over an hour for the USA Postal Regulations.
>> What I'm trying to find out -- in chapter and verse -- is the legality
>> of cutting unused stamps off envelopes and gluing them onto new
>> envelopes...
> Another option is to let them pile up, then take the bundle to the
> post office. They'll give you (IIRC) 90% of the face value, after you
> fill out an inventory form. On the one hand, that's not 100% of the
> value, but on the other hand, it's cash money.
> N.B. this applies to the US. YMMV, TWIAVBP.

I'll have to get the Big Postmaster's approval for that -- the local jerk says
you can't do that either.

"If anyone disagrees with anything I say, I am quite prepared
not only to retract it, but also to deny under oath that I
ever said it." -- T. Lehrer

TOPIC: OT - Survivalism Retail Style

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 7 2009 9:21 pm
From: Too_Many_Tools

On Jan 7, 8:19 pm, "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
> "Too_Many_Tools" <> wrote in message
> On Jan 7, 4:54 pm, "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
> > "Too_Many_Tools" <> wrote in message
> >
> > On Jan 7, 2:58 pm, phil scott <> wrote:
> > > On Jan 7, 10:38 am, "Ed Huntress" <> wrote:
> > > > "CanopyCo" <> wrote in message
> > > >
> > > > What I don't get is how can they give 75% off and not loose money?
> > > > They can't. But they would lose more if it winds up as unsold
> > > > inventory.
> > > > They're clearing their inventory, which most retailers have to do from
> > > > time
> > > > to time -- at least, the ones that want to stay in business.
> > > > The counterexample is the old hardware store that keeps inventory
> > > > forever.
> > > > The last one I know of around here went broke 15 years ago.
> > > > >Did they mark it up 100% in the first place?
> > > > Markup, markon...don't get us confused. <g> They more than double the
> > > > price
> > > > they paid for it.
> > > > Clothing in big retailers is marked up around 60% or so. That means
> > > > that
> > > > they pay $4 and sell it for $10. Jewelry is around 70%. And so on.
> > > > >Maybe they will start charging a fair mark up instead of trying to
> > > > >burn us every time.
> > > > Those are the "fair" markups. At those rates, they just make a profit.
> > > > BTW, when I was marketing machine tools, our typical markup was 55%.
> > > > --
> > > > Ed Huntress
> > > brick and motar retail is going to be taking larger and larger hits as
> > > the same goods can be sold on line with
> > > a fraction of the storage costs... and in the case or 'order to suit'
> > > on line, almost no storage costs.
> > > This will put serious pressure on commcl real estate owners.. as its
> > > potential renters can no longer afford the rents.
> > > for the nation to recover that real estate will have to become part
> > > of the manufacturing cycle...imo.
> > > already we are seeing that in depressed home price markets, as empty
> > > homes are rented or taken over by squatters and used to
> > > make crack cocaine, speed, angel dust, pink pimps, or to grow
> > > majijanna. I have no earthly idea what can be done with all of this
> > > ludicrously over built retail space...especially as fully half of our
> > > work force retires over the next 8 years and begin dropping deader
> > > than hell shortly there after (80 million folk who will not give a
> > > damn where the walmart is)
> > > Phil scott- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -
> > >Phil makes a very good point about the aging demographics.
> > >This recession/depression could not have come at a worse time for the
> > >Baby Boomers.
> > >Are you ready for Mom and Dad to move into your house?
> > I *am* Dad. <g>
> > >...or join you
> > >under your selected bridge?
> > Chicken Little, it's time for you to get real. Haven't you lived through a
> > recession before? How old are you, anyway?
> > >I am waiting to see what happens when the Government defaults...and
> > >suddenly all those SS checks are worth the paper they are printed on.
> > Tell us about the last time the government defaulted. And tell us why it
> > would default now.
> > --
> > Ed Huntress- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> I have lived through many recessions Ed so this is the typical
> "Chicken Little" post.
> This is the worse this Country has seen since the Great Depression.
> Now repeat that previous sentence until it sinks in.
> Based on every data point I can find, that is the amount of
> spin can change that.
> If you have different data that says otherwise...let's see it.
> This Government can easily default...simply by our creditors refusing
> to fund any further US debt.
> ==============================================
> Ed:
> The United States, of all countries, cannot default. Most sovereign
> countries cannot default, but especially the US, because virtually all of
> the obligations against us are in US dollars.
> All we have to do to avoid default is to print money.
> Now, nobody with serious financial responsibility, including foreign central
> banks and private investors, thinks that's going to happen. That's why they
> bought our Treasury bills at 0% interest.
> ==============================================
> TMT:
> Take a hard look at China...they are already taking action to save
> their own.
> Are you worrying about the Chinese worker? Well they are not worrying
> about you either.
> And if you don't think the Government can default..well wasn't the SEC
> supposed to be policing the markets? Weren't Freddie and Fannie Mac
> supposed to be responsible? Wasn't AIG supposed to be covering
> everyone's back? Hell I can go on and on and on....the system is
> broken...really broken.
> ===============================================
> Ed:
> What the hell does that have to do with the government defaulting?
> ===============================================
> TMT:
> If you think SS is working properly and covered financially, you have
> been drinking the Republican koolaid.
> ===============================================
> Ed:
> SS is working properly. No, it isn't covered financially. To do that, you
> raise payroll taxes. And not by that much, actually.
> Next question, Mr. Little? <g>
> --
> Ed Huntress- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

LOL...yeah Ed...everything is one has lost any money...all
those TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS gone won't make a difference...nor will
the MULTI YEAR TRILLION decifits in your children's future.

And that money is continuing to be thrown at Freddie/Fannie, AIG, the
bank, the car problem.

And those 693,000 jobs just lost in December...well they don't matter

LOL..tell you what...why don't we just sit back and see who might be
more right in 2009-10?

Until then we can just agree to disagree. ;<)



TOPIC: OT: NY Times & American Conservative on Afghanistan: GET OUT!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 7 2009 9:53 pm
From: ""

As a friend of mine just wrote to me, not entirely hyperbolically,
"Afghanistan is where empires go to die, and it's the real reason the
USSR collapsed." Here are an Op-Ed piece from the NY Times and an
article from The American Conservative. Their recommendation re:
Afghanistan? GET OUT!

"The Afghan Quagmire"
New York Times, January 5, 2009

"Losing Afghanistan"
By Leon Hadar
Prolonging this good war may be worse than persisting in the bad one
in Iraq.
July 28, 2008 Issue

-david gable

TOPIC: Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 7 2009 10:04 pm
From: ""

Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption
By Marcia Angell
New York Review of Books, v. 56, no. 1, January 15, 2009

Here's a writer, an M.D. and former editor of The New England Journal
of Medicine, saying that you can't trust most of the research studies
that are published anymore, as the pharmaceutical company/academic
medicine combine strives to define ever more new diseases and
disorders to treat with their largely worthless nostrums:

"The problems I've discussed are not limited to psychiatry, although
they reach their most florid form there. Similar conflicts of interest
and biases exist in virtually every field of medicine, particularly
those that rely heavily on drugs or devices. It is simply no longer
possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published,
or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative
medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I
reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The
New England Journal of Medicine."


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jan 7 2009 10:19 pm
From: "catalpa"

"Dave Garland" <> wrote in message
> catalpa wrote:
>> The "unprecedented growth" seen by Giganews is because the complete moron
>> NY
>> AG Andrew Cuomo forced every ISP doing business in NY to dump Usenet
>> service
>> because a handful of binary groups contained kiddie porn.
> The ISPs are using that as an excuse, because they don't want to
> bother with Usenet anyhow. According to the people at my ISP, an ISP
> that probably has a much techier clientele than the average cable
> company, relatively few people use Usenet or even know what it is
> (some think it's a google operation), and it's a PITA to maintain the
> servers. So they got rid of their own servers and use Giganews as the
> server.
> After all, in the minds of the public, "Internet" == "web".
> Dave

Let's say you are an ISP such as Verizon, are you going to spend hundreds of
thousands or millions of dollars on legal fees fighting the complete moron
NY AG Andrew Cuomo and be unfairly labelled pro kiddie porn or are you just
going to cave in and dump 99% of Usenet?

ISPs have never needed an excuse to get rid of Usenet as every ISP's TOS
allows them to alter their service as they please.

In the past I have seen estimates that only 3% to 5% of the average ISP's
customers use Usenet. Someone must be very, very busy 24/7 posting that 4.6
terabytes that shows up on Usenet every day.


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