Sunday, February 8, 2009

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 21 new messages in 12 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Made up statistics - 3 messages, 2 authors
* How McDonald's responds to cheap bastards like us - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Bathtub question - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Activité très rentable depuis votre domicile - 1 messages, 1 author
* Boycott Kellogg's! - 2 messages, 2 authors
* McDonald's Angus third pounder burger - 1 messages, 1 author
* Tankless Water Heaters - 1 messages, 1 author
* Have you ever improved your Vision? - 3 messages, 3 authors
* New Listserv - The Frugal Idealist - 2 messages, 1 author
* * Huge Tits Movies Images Archive75v6-7 - 1 messages, 1 author
* zip unzip - 1 messages, 1 author
* nice shopping plaza - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Made up statistics

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 2:36 pm

On Feb 7, 3:33 pm, clams_casino <> wrote:
> wrote:
> >On Feb 7, 1:43 pm, clams_casino <> wrote:
> >> wrote:
> >>>On Feb 7, 12:40 pm, clams_casino <> wrote:
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>>Illegal aliens cost our country over $250 billion in just social
> >>>>>services a year double that when you add in Free State & county funded
> >>>>>services that do not ask about legal standing double that when you add
> >>>>>in job and crimes (lower wages, identity theft, uninsured drivers, etc…
> >>>>Is that a Rush statistic?   Sounds like his type babble considering the
> >>>>entire 2007 federal outlay for social programs was $500B where the
> >>>>biggest costs were for Medicaid, unemployment compensation & food stamps.
> >>>>Are you saying only illegals get federal assistance?
> >>>Yes, there are ways around the rules. Below is the cost just for
> >>>California.
> >>>California's nearly 3 million illegal immigrants cost taxpayers nearly
> >>>$9 billion each year, according to a new report released last week by
> >>>the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a Washington, D.C.-
> >>>based group that promotes stricter immigration policies
> >>So at an average of $3k for each illegal in CA, assuming CA is typical,
> >>$250B nationally works out to 83M illegals in the US.
> >>Considering the US population is 303M, that means 27% of the US
> >>population is here illegally?- Hide quoted text -
> >>- Show quoted text -
> >YES!
> Yea, right - Go back to listening to Rush & Foxnews..- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I am a Dem who's bleeding heart has dried up, I have awaken and seen
the light

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 6:45 pm
From: "f. barnes"

On Feb 7, 4:05 pm, * US * wrote:
> On Sat, 7 Feb 2009 10:13:51 -0800 (PST), wrote:
> >Illegal aliens cost our country over $250 billion ...
> "The study says the United States would eventually lose 2.8 million jobs and $551 billion
> in annual spending without undocumented workers..."

That is total bullshit, just more lies put out by greedy scumbag
businesses that hire illegals, and other illegal advocates. Ho hum,
nothing new here. They are lying again, as ususal.

> Can you compare 250 billion  to 550 billion?

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 6:46 pm
From: "f. barnes"

On Feb 7, 2:43 pm, clams_casino <> wrote:
> wrote:
> >On Feb 7, 12:40 pm, clams_casino <> wrote:
> >> wrote:
> >>>Illegal aliens cost our country over $250 billion in just social
> >>>services a year double that when you add in Free State & county funded
> >>>services that do not ask about legal standing double that when you add
> >>>in job and crimes (lower wages, identity theft, uninsured drivers, etc…
> >>Is that a Rush statistic?   Sounds like his type babble considering the
> >>entire 2007 federal outlay for social programs was $500B where the
> >>biggest costs were for Medicaid, unemployment compensation & food stamps.
> >>Are you saying only illegals get federal assistance?
> >Yes, there are ways around the rules. Below is the cost just for
> >California.
> >California's nearly 3 million illegal immigrants cost taxpayers nearly
> >$9 billion each year, according to a new report released last week by
> >the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a Washington, D.C.-
> >based group that promotes stricter immigration policies
> So at an average of $3k for each illegal in CA, assuming CA is typical,
> $250B nationally works out to 83M illegals in the US.
> Considering the US population is 303M, that means 27% of the US
> population is here illegally?- Hide quoted text -

That's sounds about right, maybe plus or minus a couple of million.

TOPIC: How McDonald's responds to cheap bastards like us

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 2:42 pm
From: Kayak44

On Feb 7, 1:17 pm, "Dave" <now...@noway2.not> wrote:
> "John A. Weeks III" <> wrote in
> > In article <%5Jil.237644$>,
> >  "Woody" <> wrote:
> > > Any business will keep their prices as high as possible, as long as
> > > possible, in order to fatten their bottom line.
> > The facts show that is not true.  Walmart has a policy of always
> > trying to offer the lowest possible price.
> OMG, we've found the perfect consumer.  The guy who buys the advertising
> lies, hook line and sinker.  -Dave

Walmarts prices always come with some bullshit game. As an example,
they sold a six-pack of Pepsi, 24 oz bottles for $2.89. for months.
All of the sudden there's a sign saying "Rollback, was $3.50, now
$2.98". WTH? Rollback and it's now 9 cents more than it usually sold
for. They pull this shit all the time.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 7:01 pm
From: Tim Campbell

On Feb 5, 6:25 pm, "John A. Weeks III" <> wrote:
> In article <%5Jil.237644$>,
>  "Woody" <> wrote:
> > Any business will keep their prices as high as possible, as long as
> > possible, in order to fatten their bottom line.
> The facts show that is not true.  Walmart has a policy of always
> trying to offer the lowest possible price.  They account for a
> major slice of the retail market.
> -john-

But, as I've noticed, you have to keep an eye on Walmart.

Their sign doesn't say "Always the Lowest Price," it says "Always Low

There are many items at Walmart that one can do better on elsewhere.

TOPIC: Bathtub question

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 2:45 pm
From: Bobk207

On Feb 7, 2:20 pm, Kompu Kid <> wrote:
> On Feb 6, 9:25 pm, BobK207 <> wrote:
> > > Hello Bob:
> > > I am trying to clean a clogged drain. I am being told that I am
> > > supposed to stick a snake through the hole that the knob covers.
> > > Since I could not get that knob off, I thought maybe this enzyme stuff
> > > may help loosen the clogged material.
> > > So far no luck, though.
> > > Deguza
> > Ok....... are you getting any flow  ...that is, does the tub empty
> > after many minutes or hours?
> > Or does it not empty after many hours?
> > If you're getting some flow....empties after many minutes you might
> > get lucky with a chemical drain opener.
> > Unfortunately, using a chemical drain opener will preclude using the
> > plunger with standing water (there would be a good chance in splashing
> > the stuff all over place)
> > Also in order to get really effective plunger action you've got to
> > block the overflow....sometimes not easy to do completely in a bathtub
> > or even a bathroom sink.  And depend on where the clog is...plunging
> > could just send air & water up the vent.
> > A really badly blocked drain often needs a snake...... a slow drain or
> > even a "very slow" drain can be opened with enzyme drain cleaner or
> > chemical drain cleaner.
> > If the tub is on the first floor and the house is built on a
> > can access the drain plumbing from the crawlspace.
> > There might be a cleanout in the bathtub line.
> > But now that another poster has pointed out that I missed in your OP
> > you clogged drain reference.......
> > The knob might pry off......revealing some sort of fastening.    But
> > if the installation is really old, the knob might be frozen on the
> > shaft & prying might break something.   If you do choose to attempt to
> > pry the knob off, use two same size screwdrivers or small pry bars and
> > protect the surface of the tub with cardboard or wood (paint
> > stirrers).  Pry gently ...... its an acquired skill (unfortunately,
> > acquired by breaking things)
> >
> > Drain maintenance using Zep Drain Care® Build Up Remover   will
> > prevent these issues in the future
> > Use this products on clogs   Zep Professional Strength Drain Opener
> > Good luck
> > cheers
> > Bob
> Well, I must be lucky: It drains slowly. If I get 1 or 2 inches  of
> water it takes about 5 minutes or so. In fact, this improved a bit
> since I used the enzyme.
> I agree I have to use the snake eventually. I have a crawl space where
> I can probably access the pipes easily, but I do not want to go down
> there in this damp and rainy weather.
> Also, for future issues like this I think it would be best to develop
> the capability to clear the pipe from the bathroom.
> The bathroom is relatively new. The house was built 60 year ago, but
> the previous owner must have done a remodel within the past 10 years
> or so.
> I am afraid to pry the knob though. One poster was saying earlier that
> he has seen this type of knob at his mother's home, and it was secured
> from the back.
> Even if the clog clears, I will cut the backpanel of the counter in
> the kitchen and the Sheetrock and see if I can reach the knob and the
> pipes from behind.
> By the way, thanks for all the suggestions.
> Deguza

If you can get the drainage to improve even slightly
...continue you use your enzyme product or switch to the Zep Drain
Care Build Up remover.

I've been using & recommending that stuff for YEARS (close to 30).
When used as a drain maintenance method it will improve drain
performance and usually preclude the need for ever using a snake.

I would hold off on tearing into the back side of the tub area for a
while, give the drain enzyme a every night for a
week. If the flow is acceptable switch to 3 days in a row per week
for a month & then drop back to every 6 months.

Way easier than cutting an access hole.


== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 4:01 pm
From: mm

On Thu, 5 Feb 2009 07:08:47 -0800 (PST), noel888 <>

>On Feb 5, 1:29 am, Kompu Kid <> wrote:
>> Hello All:
>> I want to remove the knob that moves my pop-up plug for the drain up
>> and down.
>> I tried to pull this knob but it is not moving.  I looked around for a
>> set screw. There is none.
>> I have photos of the knob at:
>> Is there any trick to removing this type of knob?
>> I need to remove it to open the clogged drain.
>> Thanks!
>> Deguza
>Sorry, i read your post did say 'bathtub'...I got confused

He said it in the subject line but not in the post. It's his fault.

>with the pop-up of the sink in bathrooms. Why ask in this frugal
> would be better off in so many of those "How do I..."
>forums which can be found by googling it? I still say that link of
>yours takes me directly to windows live...go figure.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 4:08 pm
From: mm

On Thu, 5 Feb 2009 12:45:09 -0800 (PST), Kompu Kid
<> wrote:

>I am sorry that the link is not working. I checked it from my end
>without signing on to hotmail. It seems to be there.
>What the pictures depict is a somewhat rounded triangular knob. There
>are no external fasteners (i.e. no screws, pins, etc). I am afraid to
>pull this too hard, in case there is a different way of removing it.
>I wish we could post photos on usenet along with our text...

See if you can find something like it at a borg and read their
instructions. Or go to a real plumbing supply store, and tip the guy
5 dollars if you have to for him to show you one. (I never know how
much to tip. )

TOPIC: Activité très rentable depuis votre domicile

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 2:59 pm
From: ""

Activité très rentable depuis votre domicile
Formation Solide assurée
Travail à temps choisi ou complet, selon disponibilité
Statut Assimilé Salarié, pour votre démarrage
Choix des horaires - Internet est un plus pour vous
Revenus importants possibles à temps complet

Inscrivez-vous pour être sélectionné sur :
pour un entretien
MSN au :

TOPIC: Boycott Kellogg's!

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 3:57 pm
From: RF | wrote:
> On Feb 6, 3:00 am, wrote:
>> On Thu, 5 Feb 2009 23:09:30 -0800 (PST), wrote:
>>> Kellogg's had withdrawn its sponsorship of Michael Phelps because of
>>> the photo of him smoking marijuana. If you smoke pot, you are
>>> probably familiar with Kellogg's products like Pop-Tarts, Froot-Loops,
>>> Keebler cookies, Cheez-It crackers, and dozens of other brands of junk
>>> food loaded with sugar, salt, and partially hydrogenated soybean oil.
>>> WTF was Kellogg's thinking? They have no problem with stoners eating
>>> their junk food, but refuse to let a stoner endorse the same junk
>>> food. I am calling for a boycott of all Kellogg's products, which
>>> shouldn't be difficult to comply with because there are plenty of
>>> other companies that manufacture similar products.
>>> Corporate rivals of Kellogg's include Kraft/Nabisco, Frito-Lay, and
>>> Proctor & Gamble, and together they manufacture more than enough empty
>>> calories to satisfy everyone's munchies. Please do not purchase or
>>> consume Kellogg's products until it reinstates its sponsorship of
>>> Michael Phelps and apologizes for insulting its target audience.
>>> Contact Kellogg's at:
>> Phelps puffing $5.00 worth of weed has caused Kellogg's marketing
>> department to suddenly acquire "negro dignity". Compare Phelp's
>> treatment to the kid-glove handling of Obama's tax evading nominees!
>> ted
> LOL.
> I can't boycott Kellogg's as I don't use any of their
> products...........Trig

Exactly my sentiments. I cannot ever remember
buying anything with their brand.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 10:26 pm
From: USA1st

If Kelloggs is paying Phelps then they have every right to expect him
to keep his nose clean. If he doesn't want to abide by their
requirements, then he doesn't have to accept their money or be their
spokesman. They are paying him for his image and if they require a
clean cut image, then he should decline being their "face". He has
tarnished their image. I would have been tougher on him than they

On Feb 6, 6:00 am, wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Feb 2009 23:09:30 -0800 (PST), wrote:
> >Kellogg's had withdrawn its sponsorship of Michael Phelps because of
> >the photo of him smoking marijuana.  If you smoke pot, you are
> >probably familiar with Kellogg's products like Pop-Tarts, Froot-Loops,
> >Keebler cookies, Cheez-It crackers, and dozens of other brands of junk
> >food loaded with sugar, salt, and partially hydrogenated soybean oil.
> >WTF was Kellogg's thinking?  They have no problem with stoners eating
> >their junk food, but refuse to let a stoner endorse the same junk
> >food.  I am calling for a boycott of all Kellogg's products, which
> >shouldn't be difficult to comply with because there are plenty of
> >other companies that manufacture similar products.
> >Corporate rivals of Kellogg's include Kraft/Nabisco, Frito-Lay, and
> >Proctor & Gamble, and together they manufacture more than enough empty
> >calories to satisfy everyone's munchies.  Please do not purchase or
> >consume Kellogg's products until it reinstates its sponsorship of
> >Michael Phelps and apologizes for insulting its target audience.
> >Contact Kellogg's at:
> >
> Phelps puffing $5.00 worth of weed has  caused Kellogg's marketing
> department to suddenly acquire "negro dignity". Compare Phelp's
> treatment to the kid-glove handling of Obama's tax evading nominees!
> ted- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

TOPIC: McDonald's Angus third pounder burger

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 5:23 pm
From: (Kevin Hawerchuk)

James wrote:
"Its not news to me that there are variations in pricing at various
McDonalds. Niagara Falls Canada seems to be home to the most expensive
fast food I've encountered. I would suppose it varies based on the
location costs, and competition. Denny's was much worse BTW - their
prices were much much higher."
I remember eating in Niagara Falls years ago. The Denny's that was
closest to the actual natural wonder was more expensive than another
Denny's just several blocks away on Lundy's Lane!
Proximity to the main tourist attraction really does seem to affect the
prices in restaurants in that city.

TOPIC: Tankless Water Heaters

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 6:46 pm
From: Tim Campbell

On Feb 6, 5:46 pm, "catalpa" <> wrote:
> "Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds" <Malcolm_Mal_Reyno...@invalid.invalid> wrote in
> messagenews:Xns9BAA7841C5BF4TBAnoonecarescom@
> > Any comments? Any brand suggestions
> Don't expect to save money and make sure you know all the drawbacks. See
> If you have very cold water during the winter you must pay attention to
> maximum temperature rise if considering an electric tankless.
> I opted to stay with a regular tank gas water heater. Most of my hot water
> use is start and stop, so using a tankless water heater would be an
> annoyance and more expensive to install and use.

Good advice above. I had a friend who recently yanked his out. Too
many problems with temperature consistency and had pressure
differential trouble between the unit and the city's pressure...

TOPIC: Have you ever improved your Vision?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 6:53 pm
From: Tim Campbell

On Feb 6, 8:27 am, Okikuru <> wrote:
> eye exercises? hypnosis?
> Have you improved your eyesight and no longer need glasses. Tell me your
> story. OK?
> --
> Now,is the time for all good men to come
> to the aid of their country.

I'm 55 and a couple years ago when I needed to renew my driver's
license I was able to pass the vision part without using my glasses.
The lady behind the counter said, "What, have you had that surgery?"

I just told her that I had been eating a diet that included alot of
raw vegetables.

Now, lately, my vision has deteriorated again, a bit, because I got
off my good, predominantly vegetable, diet through the holidays...oh
well time to get back on alot of veggies and in a few weeks my vision
will clear again...

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 7:13 pm
From: "Bob F"

Okikuru wrote:
> eye exercises? hypnosis?
> Have you improved your eyesight and no longer need glasses. Tell me
> your story. OK?

I did a vision biofeedback thing years ago. I quit wearing glasses after a year
or two, but I only had moderate correction before.

The biofeedback gadget beeps at varying rate depending on the focus of your

After that, I just do exercises once in a while. Hold something with print as
close as you can focus clearly. Focus on it. Then focus on something more
distant till it is as clear as you can get it. Go back and forth for a few
minutes. You may find you can move the close print closer and still focus within
minutes. I did - when I was younger.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 11:38 pm
From: Dave Garland

Tim Campbell wrote:
> I'm 55 and a couple years ago when I needed to renew my driver's
> license I was able to pass the vision part without using my glasses.
> The lady behind the counter said, "What, have you had that surgery?"
> I just told her that I had been eating a diet that included alot of
> raw vegetables.
> Now, lately, my vision has deteriorated again, a bit, because I got
> off my good, predominantly vegetable, diet through the holidays...

I needed glasses to pass from 1963 through 1978. I haven't needed
glasses since. But next renewal, I might again. It's nothing to do
with diet, just that my eyes are getting older.


TOPIC: New Listserv - The Frugal Idealist

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 7:12 pm

Invitation to Join the Frugal Idealist

Be a consumer of nonconsumption! Work the system, but don't let it own
you. Share with others. Pay attention to your grandmother's home
remedies. Call it what it is. Embrace the joy of being a scavenger -
you're making sure that nothing goes to waste. Love the planet. It's
the only home we've got. The FrugalIdealist is dedicated to sharing of
ideas for living simply in a complex world, and being fair and green
without breaking the bank.

Subscribe from the listserv homepage:

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 7:13 pm
From: Mensch

Invitation to Join the Frugal Idealist

Be a consumer of nonconsumption! Work the system, but don't let it own
you. Share with others. Pay attention to your grandmother's home
remedies. Call it what it is. Embrace the joy of being a scavenger -
you're making sure that nothing goes to waste. Love the planet. It's
the only home we've got. The FrugalIdealist is dedicated to sharing of
ideas for living simply in a complex world, and being fair and green
without breaking the bank.

Subscribe from the listserv homepage:

TOPIC: * Huge Tits Movies Images Archive75v6-7

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 9:33 pm

Get it for free and download all the
movies and images for free and for promotion cometh neither from the
east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he
puteth down one, and setteth up another.

TOPIC: zip unzip

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 9:45 pm
From: Jeff

Parallax wrote:
> Jeff wrote:
>> When my boot drive died I lost WinZip.
>> Any suggestions for a freeware/shareware Unzip program?
>> I've tried a couple and the first failed to install and the second (7
>> zip) only installed the "Free Dolphin Screensaver" which I didn't
>> want, and not the Unzip program!
>> Jeff


I tried Gary Hestons suggestion (jZip) which apparently is 7Zip (from
your link) but with less "bonus" software to opt out of.

So far, works fine.

Thanks to all.

I have some vague memory of just doing this from a command prompt,
that must have been when OS's came on a floppy!


TOPIC: nice shopping plaza

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 10:40 pm
From: ""

hi,please check my web
we have a lot of nice products at low price and PAYPL accept.
sneaker,clothes,bags,and so on


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