Tuesday, September 7, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 8 new messages in 6 topics - digest



Today's topics:

* Democracy is very imperfect (Holland)... that's why God will bring a perfect
tyranny - 2 messages, 2 authors
* long lasting razor - 1 messages, 1 author
* Free cell phones for illegal alien welfare parasites - Cost to taxpayers?
Over $1 billion/year - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Friday the 13th encounter with Big Brother - 1 messages, 1 author
* Old lunatic Neal Warren aka Gregory Hall from Islamorada, Florida, on his
little boat "Cut the Mustard" stalks woman relentlessly - 1 messages, 1 author
* paying $4.95 a month for Internet, but may upgrade - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Democracy is very imperfect (Holland)... that's why God will bring a
perfect tyranny

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 2:10 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle"

On Sep 6, 11:32 am, Larry <no...@home.com> wrote:
> "His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle"
> <nolionnoprob...@yahoo.com> wrote in news:91d0bf3a-62b5-43b5-972e-
> 69c6406ee...@g17g2000yqe.googlegroups.com:
> > Check Google. The word "god" appears 621 million times; "Holland" 133
> > million...
> > Does that tell you something?
> Fuck
> About 132,000,000 results (0.14 seconds)
> Sex
> About 569,000,000 results (0.18 seconds)
> Climate
> About 226,000,000 results (0.22 seconds)
> terror
> About 342,000,000 results (0.29 seconds)
> dead
> About 569,000,000 results (0.19 seconds)
> Looks like there's as much sex as there are dead on Google!
> So what??

Well, he's trying to dismiss my post based on my statement that
Holland is a country... It should be the Netherlands. So I'm trying to
prove that there's no God either, but his name is still quite popular.

Actually Holland/Netherlands has earned its name by some meritorious
works such as the dams and the bike facilities and God has scored
nothing. His experiment with Adam & Eve went totally wrong...

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 5:55 pm
From: "Edward Dolan"

"His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Spirits of the Jungle"
<comandante.banana@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Well, he's trying to dismiss my post based on my statement that
> Holland is a country... It should be the Netherlands. So I'm trying to
> prove that there's no God either, but his name is still quite popular.
> Actually Holland/Netherlands has earned its name by some meritorious
> works such as the dams and the bike facilities and God has scored
> nothing. His experiment with Adam & Eve went totally wrong...

TM is a poor crazy bastard who just posts on his one favorite subject -
hatred of motor vehicles because they interfere with his use of the roads.
His other favorite subject is attacking Christianity. If you respond to this
poor crazy bastard, then you are a poor crazy bastard too.

He likes to reference monkeys and other wild animals normally found only in
zoos because he is most likely a wild beast himself. I think he fornicates
with monkeys, but I can't prove it.

TM should confine himself to just one thread instead of proliferating them
like a poor crazy bastard. He is insane of course. I liken him to the
village idiot of olden times. The difference these days is that no one any
longer recognizes the village idiot because idiocy has become so widespread.

But I will be here to remind one and all of what a poor crazy bastard TM is.
It is mark of My Greatness that I can still recognize the village idiot even
if the rest of you can't.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

TOPIC: long lasting razor

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 2:18 pm
From: Al

On Sep 6, 11:24 am, Jeff Thies <jeff_th...@att.net> wrote:
>    Seems like I only get a shave a two out of a razor before I need a
> need one.
>    What razors have got better longevity or what tricks can I use to get
> more shaves?
> Google suggests these:
> http://www.goodfella.com/razor_blades.html
> http://www.greatrazors.com/
> http://personalshaversblog.com/how-to-make-razor-blade-cartridges-las...
> Even a decent cheapy disposable would be better than throwing away high
> dollar cartridges.
>    Jeff

Garage sale electric razors are a buck or two. I have used such for
years and years without buying anything new and never cutting myself
either. I gave up cutting myself with a razor when I was a teen.

TOPIC: Free cell phones for illegal alien welfare parasites - Cost to
taxpayers? Over $1 billion/year

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 2:25 pm
From: Al

On Sep 5, 6:45 pm, walt tonne <tonnewalt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 5, 2:29 pm, "GeorgeWashingtonFan"
> <GWashing...@teapartycentral.net> wrote:
> >   Note to anyone planning to claim "but illegal aliens aren't eligible
> > for welfare!"
> >   You're completely WRONG!
> >   The VAST MAJORITY of illegal aliens in the U.S. receive Food Stamps
> > (this alone makes them eligible for the free cell phones from the
> > government. Just check the eligibility requirements at the second
> > website noted below!
> > ITEM:http://blog.heritage.org/2010/01/18/government-welfare-cell-phones-for-t
> > he-poor/
> > ITEM:https://www.safelinkwireless.com/EnrollmentPublic/Home.aspx
> > "In general, you may qualify if...
> > 1.You already participate in other State or Federal assistance program
> > such as Federal Public Housing Assistance, Food Stamps and Medicaid.
> > OR
> > 2.Your total household income is at or below of the poverty guidelines
> > set by your State and/or the Federal Government."
> > * FACT: Most illegal aliens receive Food Stamps for their anchor babies.
> > * FACT: Virtually *EVERY* illegal alien understates their income when
> > dealing with government programs, be it applying for Food Stamps or
> > filling out free breakfast and free lunch applications for their anchor
> > babies.
> > ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >       What Would America's Founders Say?
> >   The two enemies of the people are criminals
> >   and government, so let us tie the second down
> >   with the chains of the Constitution so the
> >   second will not become the legalized version
> >   of the first.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >   Those who hammer their guns into plows will
> >   plow for those who do not.
> >    --Thomas Jefferson
> >   It does not take a majority to prevail ... but
> >   rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on
> >   setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of
> >   men.
> >   --Samuel Adams
> >   The strongest reason for the people to retain
> >   the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last
> >   resort, to protect themselves against tyranny
> >   in government.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >    A free people ought not only to be armed and
> >    disciplined, but they should have sufficient
> >    arms and ammunition to maintain a status of
> >    independence from any who might attempt to
> >    abuse them, which would include their own
> >    government."
> >    -- George Washington
> >   No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >   If the freedom of speech is taken away then
> >   dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to
> >   the slaughter.
> >   -- George Washington
> >   When governments fear the people there is liberty.
> >   When the people fear the government there is tyranny.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >   Laws that forbid the carrying of arms... Disarm only
> >   those who are neither inclined nor determined to
> >   commit crimes.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >   Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a
> >    standing army, an enslaved press, and a disarmed
> >    populace.
> >     -- James Madison
> >   If the representatives of the people betray
> >   their constituents, there is then no resource
> >   left but in the exertion of that original
> >   right of self-defense which is paramount to
> >   all positive forms of government ... The
> >   citizens must rush tumultuously to arms,
> >   without concert, without system, without
> >   resource; except in their courage and despair
> >   ... The natural strength of the people in a
> >   large community, in proportion to the artificial
> >   strength of the government, is greater than in a
> >   small ... the people, without exaggeration, may
> >   be said to be entirely the masters of their own fate.
> >   -- Alexander Hamilton
> >   All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people
> >   of good conscience to remain silent.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >   Every government degenerates when trusted to the
> >   rulers of the people alone. The people themselves
> >   are its only safe depositories.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >   As our enemies have found we can reason like men,
> >   so now let us show them we can fight like men also.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >   Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act!
> >   Action will delineate and define you.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >   Merchants have no country. The mere spot they
> >   stand on does not constitute so strong an
> >   attachment as that from which they draw their gains.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >   I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy
> >   of our monied corporations which dare already to
> >   challenge our government to a trial by strength,
> >   and bid defiance to the laws of our country.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >   I believe that banking institutions are more
> >   dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >   Experience hath shewn, that even under the best
> >   forms of government those entrusted with power
> >   have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted
> >   it into tyranny.
> >   -- Thomas Jefferson
> >   A Founding Father speaks out on what's nowadays
> >   called "political correctness":
> >   Do not suffer yourselves to be wheeled out of
> >   your liberty to publish by any pretenses of
> >   politeness, delicacy or decency. These, as they
> >   are so often used, are but three different names
> >   for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice.
> >   --John Adams
> > --
> And like dazed sheep the public tolerates the existence of the
> invading cancer cells.

Maybe not so much Walt.
I heard a spokesman for the industry yesterday who said the cost of
the "free" bandwidth was insignificant, pennies per month. They make
it all back with a huge profit as those people add more time and
services that are not free. The poor are probably subsidizing your

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 5:20 pm
From: Benj

On Sep 5, 6:45 pm, walt tonne <tonnewalt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >   The VAST MAJORITY of illegal aliens in the U.S. receive Food Stamps
> > (this alone makes them eligible for the free cell phones from the
> > government. Just check the eligibility requirements at the second
> > website noted below!
> > ITEM:http://blog.heritage.org/2010/01/18/government-welfare-cell-phones-for-t
> > he-poor/
> > ITEM:https://www.safelinkwireless.com/EnrollmentPublic/Home.aspx

Well this is good news! Now there's no problem tracking all the
millions of illegal invaders! The GPS in every cell-phone can tell
the gummint exactly where they all are every minute...Assuming that
the gummint wanted to know for some reason, of course. They are
probably a lot more interested in where YOU are!

TOPIC: Friday the 13th encounter with Big Brother

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 4:45 pm
From: "Bob F"

h wrote:
> "The Real Bev" <bashley101@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:i61fco$amo$1@news.eternal-
>> No. What actually happens when a city goes bankrupt? Restructuring,
>> maybe?
> Yup. I don't know what planet most of you came from, but if you can't
> live, quite comfortably, on MUCH less than $50K a year, then you have
> serious issues. I live just fine on less than $12K. And I own my own
> home, and it's paid off. Yes, after property, school, and income
> taxes I only have about $7K, but that's more than I need. Get over
> yourselves and your ridiculous "needs".

You have a HUGE advantage. A paid off house. Yes, people can live cheaper than
they do (as do I), but no one with a mortgage in any big city can live that
cheap. Most people cannot pay off their mortgage without many years of paying

Paying off the mortgage makes a huge difference in cash flow. It's good for the
psychie, that's for sure.

TOPIC: Old lunatic Neal Warren aka Gregory Hall from Islamorada, Florida, on
his little boat "Cut the Mustard" stalks woman relentlessly

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 6:27 pm
From: Theo Smith


APP: Hi, Barbara, thought I give you a ring and ask how its going.

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Thanks, how are you?

APP: I'm curious – as always… What are you up to these days?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I can't talk about details as it would be exploited
by my stalkers. I left alt.religion.Scientology (ARS) last year
because I got sick and tired of interacting with libelers and
stalkers. Posting there is such a trap. All that you get there are
cyberstalkers. It is such a destructive waste of time. I have a blog
now and like it a lot better than posting in the same forum with
criminal creeps.

APP: Found it: http://barbaraschwarz.wordpress.com/ . Got more peace

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I wish. Despite that I left ARS last year, I learned
that stalker Neal Warren (aka Gregory Hall and his many socks) from
Islamorada, Florida posts almost every day libel and defamation
against me on ARS.

This bum is utterly disturbed and he harasses and trolls on Usenet and
other C of S related forums 24/7. That is his "work" and his social
life! I also believe that he is an Alcoholic and probably will die
soon on liver cancer. He retaliates because I don't want to become his
"helpmate". I don't want to have anything to do with the perverted and
criminal bum. He is a dirty old man and he ran the URL of my blog
through a harassing web application called Pornolizer and campaigns
and lies on Usenet that HIS PORN VERSION of my blog would be my blog.
He calls his stalking and harassment of me and his lies about me his
"freedom of speech". He also posts remailers on ARS, talks to them as
I would have posted them and he forges me too. He is disturbed prison
material... His pornolized version of my blog isn't funny, it is just
very primitive like he is...

APP: May I say something?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Not yet. Warren posts anonymous remailers on Usenet,
saying how brilliant he (his alias Gregory Hall) is. He thinks people
are stupid and won't get that the only person who posts these
flattering postings on himself is himself. He hopes that his victims
will forget the personal bad experiences that they had with him, the
dummy, abuser and that his abuse suddenly doesn't count anymore. I
have met stupid men in the past, but I believe he tops them all as far
as stupidity is concerned. He wants me to have amnesia as to what he
did and still does to me. He also sometimes attacks himself in
remailer postings and then replies TO HIS OWN REMAILER POSTING: "I
know, Barbarella, you can't stay away from me." This man disgusts me.
When I post: Leave me alone, man, he twists everything around and
posts something like: "She loves me, she is stalking me!" What a
disgusting worthless animal that man is. Smart men are kind to women.
He emailed me once what a great independent woman I would be and that
he would attract only the dependable type. He doesn't attract any
woman! On Usenet he posts that he wants a dependable woman (that
serves him) and doesn't get any. I told him to never e-mail me again
and to stay way from my blog but he still posts abusive comments with
proxies to my blog. He is also a Peeping Tom and spies on undressed
women in his area. He has a female sock puppets called "Lady Pilot".
He defamed and attacked me with this sock puppet and other vile sock
puppets beyond belief and thinks that I would think it is somebody
else. His hostile style and so much more gave him away. Sometimes he
uses an anonymous remailer and posts something extremely libelous
about a woman, then he "comes to the rescue" of the woman that he just
maliciously attacked by "correcting" the anonymous remailer posting
that he himself just posted. And that should make the woman fall for
him. He tried any trick in the book except honesty and decency. He
says he is a former Catholic and now a Baptist. Shame on these
churches that failed to make that animal into a human being. The
incomprehensible thing is that with all that rotten behavior, he
doesn't understand that he is the last person I ever want to meet. He
spreads deliberate falsehoods in anonymous remailers about me using my
real name and then "scolds" his own anonymous posting with his usual
sock Gregory Hall, and this is his "alibi" that he was not the person
who published the libel under my real name. That man's IQ is lower
than that of a cockroach. That should make me fall in love with him,
except that I know that he did the remailer posting too! He thinks he
can commit crimes against women and they don't get it. He is the
dumbest man who was ever born by thinking that women like jerks,
obnoxious characters, stalkers and abusers. Women like good and smart
men with manners not dumb animals as he is one. This man was alone all
his life because he is too retarded to understand that no woman wants
to be abused by him and serve a homeless intoxicated bum. He thinks
that God is a sexist and made women to be the property of perverted
men like himself. His ideas are disgusting. His is Taliban material.
This is how he treats women! And any woman is smarter than he is. He
interprets the Bible literally but doesn't mind using avatars as
AntiChristus in another forum. He is blaming his loneliness and even
his ED on the fact that women can't stand him and not on his abusive
bum personality and his lack of health. Lately, he runs a campaign
that I am a lesbian because I don't want to be with him. I am anything
but a lesbian. I am a woman that doesn't need or want bums or stalkers
in her life. I am not available and don't want this old stinky
criminal Alcoholic bum. He also forges Marty Rathbun under
"Martyrathbun10" in a Wordpress blog by mixing two person with that
name together. He lies that I am "a bag lady". I have a very nice home
with all sanitary equipment. HE IS THE HOMELESS BUM! He tells people
that he doesn't has the stomach to read my blog but he is clicking at
it sometimes over 100 times a day! He is the most obsessed man ever.
He is so obsessed and has such a deep hatred against women that I
think he is capable of murdering women. I made the mistake being
friendly to him like I am to anybody else before I knew that he is a
disturbed stalker. But I sure never made this man (many years older
than me) any hopes. I posted with an ID that said that I love Marty,
he has no excuse for what he is doing to me. Somebody called him the
4th Stooge. Not me, I call him what really he is: a criminal stalker
and disturbed abuser who should be behind bars. He also indicated that
he is violent towards women and would beat them to "make them
obedient" to him. If this guy ever would learn where I live, it would
really worry me. He posted on Usenet how he would trace me to my home
asking personnel in supermarkets if they have seen me and where I live
and that he would "come to my salon with roses" in his hands. I can
buy my own roses. I don't want his stench near me. I would call police
immediately to arrest him if he would show up at my doorstep.

Here is photo of the criminal man:


This is how he lies about himself:

Now, you can ask me another question.

APP: Sir Gregory Hall, Esq.? Isn't he an old Usenet ally of attorney
Charles Novin?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I can't imagine that Charles Novin approves of Neal
Warren's law violations. I strongly assume that attorney Novin doesn't
correspond with Neal Warren aka Gregory Hall any longer. Warren isn't
an attorney and of course no Sir, he is a criminal primitive stalker
bum who lives on a tiny yellow bathtub with name "Cut the Mustard" and
want me to "move in", in other words become homeless with him and take
care of him, the old criminal pervert. The boat is so small that he
can't stand in it. And he wants me to share these inhuman conditions
or he wants to move in my big and cozy home. Any woman would be better
off alone but with him. He is an old man who a drinks. I think he got
his ED from drinking, he needs a nurse not a much younger woman or any
woman. For a long time, Warren tried to imply that he is an attorney
but he also does his libel and harassment under the title of
"spokesperson". There are many postings on Usenet that accuse Neal
Warren or Gregory Hall of being Cecil Warren, a convicted child rapist
and that he is from Marathon, Florida. These postings are done by Neal
Warren himself to 1) keep himself in the headlines because he is a
boring nobody craving for attention 2) distract from who he really is
and that he lives as homless in Islamorada. Like Korey Kruse's
strategy. If somebody reads in a modern posting that he is a convicted
Nazi war criminal and finds out that Kruse is just around 40 years
old, he might think that his other criminal records (which are his
true criminal records) are also fabricated. If the police or somebody
else checks Neal Warren's paper, they will find that he is not Cecil
Warren and might think that anything else about him is also a lie,
which is not. Neal Warren is one of the worst cyberstalkers on the
Internet. He is mean, stupid, old, poor, homeless, dirty, criminal,
dishonest, rude, sick, perverted, abusive and dangerous, a hypocrite,
a hate monger, and he drinks too. Any of my admirers is a better catch
in any way than he is. He commits his stalking and defaming and other
crimes against me in the name of Jesus. Yes, he is a nut. I told him
over and over that I am not interested in him and that he should leave
me alone but he keeps on stalking and defaming me. He thinks that I
should be "flattered" by his attention. No woman is flattered by a
jerk, drunk, abuser, and stalker. They pray everyday that the stalker
goes away. I hope he is eaten by a shark, I don't need and want his
sick attention. He makes me throw up.

APP: He posts on a.r.s?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Warren trolls just about any Usenet group with male
and female socks and just about any Internet forum somehow related to
Scientology in hope that I see it and that he gets an reaction out of
me, if not positive then negative. The police characteristics of a
stalker fits on that man a 100%. Most people have killfiled him. He
defames my state of mind, lies that I am suffering of a mental illness
of which he learned from Wikipedia...

APP: Professional folks don't take Wikipedia seriously...

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Warren is anything but professional. He posted before
that he compared the photos of L. Ron Hubbard and Marty Rathbun and
came also to the conclusion that they had doppelgangers. But after I
don't post on ARS anymore to get rid of him, he smears under stolen
identity Marty Rathbun's identity that believing that people can have
doppelgangers are a mental illness because Wikipedia says so. As
Warren agreed earlier that he too believed that they had/have
doppelgangers, that means that Warren himself is having that "mental
illness". He also posts lunatic and harassing comments with proxies to
my blog and harasses me under the name of Eisenhower and other fake
IDs. He forgets that the ISP from the Marina and libraries in
Islamorada can acknowledge that these criminal acts were committed by
him. He tries to copy Garry Scarff's abusive posting style to blame
Scarff because Neal Warren is such a coward. But Scarff never was in
Islamorada. I think that Neal Warren will spend the rest of his life
in prison with a male warden as his "helpmate".
I know right away when it is Warren and when it is Scarff or somebody
else. I prohibited Warren to e-mail me or post to my blog but he still
does it as he is an insane stalker. I think he was a little soldier
once but so was Timothy McVeigh. Then he left or was not honorably
discharged and never had any kind of career probably never held a
steady job and became homeless three decades ago and still is. His
inability to make a living, he blames on women. If a man wants a woman
he at least has to keep up with the women's ability to make a living.
He wants women but hates them because they are all more successful
that he is. He can't live off a woman and at the same time make her to
be his slave. He is nuts. Of course he is alone as no woman is that
dumb to hook up with him. I think the only women that he gets are paid
cheap prostitutes. He posted that Islamic women would "know their
place". He is such an idiot because suppressed women hate suppressive
husbands and systems. Moreover, Warren wouldn't get a woman in
Afghanistan, Iran or Saudi Arabia either because the families of these
women want lots of cash or material goods from the guy who gets the
woman, and he has nothing but an old bathtub called "Cut the Mustard".
Islamic families wouldn't give their women to that loser either. He
can't even pay the docking fees at the Marina and has to dock in the
ocean where he lives in fear at night being run over by another boat.
His inability to rent a place, he calls "modesty". This man is nothing
but a loser stalker. He wants to own a woman, physically and
spiritually. He has such a revolting personality that no woman can
love him. What did he do? He searched the Bible for sexist crap that
dirty old men like himself added in course of the centuries to Bible
editions and demands women to live by it as it would be the word of
God. Well, it is not the Word of God. Actually, I was shocked as to
how sexist the Bible is. If someone has a line to God and feels how he
really is, she or her knows that this perverted trash is never by God.
Warren posted that the only purpose of a woman is serving the man and
bearing children so that the male gender doesn't die.

APP: (laughs) I don't know any woman who would put up with this.

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Neither do I. He is so stupid that he don't get that
his loneliness has to do with his with own suppressive bum character.
He wants to own a woman but doesn't even want to provide a roof over
her head or sanitary conditions. He hasn't worked since 30 years while
the women he wants to OWN worked and made livings for themselves. Why
would any woman give that up and serve an dirty old drinking sexist
and criminal stalker? There are approx. 3 Billion men on this planet.
Why women not chose a much better man?

APP: Like me?

Barbara Schwarz: (laughs) In his next life time, he probably will be a
woman and then he will bitterly complain about sexists as he was
himself in his former male lifetime. What goes around, comes around.
He is old and drinks. He might die of liver cancer or any other
alcohol related disease any minute. Warren had no sisters and I don't
know what's was wrong with his mother that he never learned to respect
women. He is clueless about women and thinks that harassing, defaming
and stalking would bring him love and respect by women. A gorilla is
smarter than this man. Warren is insecure and a lazy coward. If he
wants to impress women, he should show them more than a dirty little
bathtub without sanitary equipment and should treat them with respect.
He thinks that it is the women's fault that they don't accept his
homeless bum conditions, and he blames them accordingly on what's
wrong with himself. He is too dishonest to admit that he is a
disturbed bum who wasted his life away being homeless and that no
woman wants to share this pathetic life. Neal Warren also forges me
and apparently also the Spacetraveler on a web forum named Mombu and
hides cowardly behind a lunatic header of Koos and Warren gets always

APP: How does he make a living?

Barbara Schwarz: He does not. He can't afford to rent a room. Many
decades ago, he was a very small soldier and probably gets 200 bucks
per month from the Army. He once posted that people should be glad
that they get older so coffee costs for senior citizens costs just
anymore 50 cents. I think he lost every job that he ever had because
he is a stalker and drinks. Who wants to employ such a man? Nobody,
and I can't blame them. So, he lives of the government like an animal
and all the free time that he has he uses to stalk and harass women
because nobody wants to live with him or interact with him.

APP: At least Garry Scarff, Korey Kruse, and some others leave you
alone now.

BARBARA SCHWARZ: No, not really. Kruse defames me on Wikipedia as
Anynobody. There is nobody on ARS or Scientology related forums who
doesn't know that Garry Scarff hides behind the harmless Avatar Smurf
and that he is a notorious liar. He lied these days: "I get nailed by
Babbles [derogatory name for me] for being the Commander of SEGNPMSS,
I live in a phony apartment on Hollywood Blvd that has a secret
underground subway in its basement that speeds me to the Nazi units
under my command, and I control people by inserting remote-controlled
ants & gnats in the ears of my unsuspecting victims."

APP: (laughs) What does that mean?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: It means that Scarff is a liar and a nut. I never
said or wrote anything like that. Scarff is a guy who lives in a tiny
room in a transient house in a non-glamorous part of Hollywood without
cooking possibilities for decades, and his neighbors say that his
landlord can't kick him out as he has papers that prove that he is
mentally ill. He is a disturbed nobody and defames me on having his
mental problems. Neither Michelle Sterling aka Emma nor Tiny Dancer or
any other WWP moderator ever ask their posters: "Where is the proof
that she did that?" Scarff simply lies and hopes that stupid people
believe him and don't ask him for evidence. Once he is asked to
provide the proof, he either provides a forgery that he did using my
name illegally or he runs. And these are the guys who want
Scientologists and all of the world to follow their lead and advice.
It is so ridiculous. They are nothing but a bunch of losers. Hate
forums like ESMB, OCMB, WWP but also Wikipedia are ideal for these
stalkers and defamers to hide their real identity to find other hate
mongers and liars trying to destroy their target's reputation and
life. What they want is to isolate their victims. Anybody should
believe their lies and forgeries and the targeted persons should be
shunned by their own family members, friends, colleagues, should not
get a job, should not find housing and should kill themselves. (If
they do, they would blame Scientology on it instead their very own
hate campaigns.) That is the real purposes of posting against
individuals on these boards. These hate mongers who should be ashamed
of their past and present want to shame those who have no reason to be
ashamed about anything.

APP: Do you post on these forums?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I am not interested in posting on forums that are
moderated by people who are hate mongers and above the laws. I posted
on Usenet and now on my blog. I never would have posted on Usenet
either if hate mongers would not have defamed and libeled me before I
ever posted anywhere. Hate message boards as that of Australian
Michelle Sterling (formerly Ryan) aka "Emma", WWP, or that of Andreas
Heldal-Lund violate international laws by libeling and defaming me or
others and also violating my or others copyrights.

APP: If you would post there would they ban you?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Of course. They would ban me the moment I'd register
and before I ever could post one posting. They never would allow my
right of correcting the lies on me on their message boards. Hate
message boards as that of Australian Michelle Sterling "ESMB",
formerly Ryan, aka "Emma", WWP, moderated by some anonymous guys, one
calls himself "Tiny Dancer" or "Curly Sue", etc. or OCMB, the hate
message board of Andreas Heldal-Lund or Wikipedia violate
international laws by allowing libel, defamation, forgeries, and some
are also violating copyrights. Take Roadrunner, for example. He is a
private non-defamer with good manners who doesn't hate Scientology and
L. Ron Hubbard. He was banned on just about all these forums because
he doesn't hate. This is the only reason they banned him. He doesn't
hate Scientology or L. Ron Hubbard and that is why they don't allow
him freedom of speech.

APP: YouTube has clean hands on you?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: No. YouTube also provides a platform for lies, libel,
immature and retarded defamation and harassment to the worst libeler
and any criminal person like convicted felon Brian "Brielle" Bruns and
his lawless AHBL. What's wrong with themselves, they blame on me.

APP: Did they succeed with destroying your family and you social

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Smart people look through those hate posters, only
dumb people fall for them, and I don't want any dumb social
connections. Nobody smart believes them over me. But stupid people do
and they can make your life miserable. These defamers and libelers
didn't meet me in real life. My defamers are all people who are fools
who either make stuff up about me or base their opinion on the lies of
other people, which is evidence of their pitiful IQs. They accuse me
on are their very own faults. The "Barbara Schwarz" that they describe
does not exist. Their "ideas" about me are in their heads only that is
full with either booze or street drugs or psychiatric drugs.

APP: What are you going to do?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I am not Anonymous but I don't forget and forgive
either. Once I get the money to hire the sharpest attorneys I will sue
the hell out of them in court of laws. I will do it and will hold them
accountable for each and any lie, defamation, libel, harassment that
they published about me and for each copyright violation. I will sue
them for each cent that they got and beyond.

APP: You wanna sue each one of them? That will cost you…

BARBARA SCHWARZ: (interrupts) They deserve it, they ask for it… I
don't care what it will cost, I'll win the money back anyway.

APP: Some people might say that you lost FOIA cases against the

BARBARA SCHWARZ: (interrupts) It's hard to win administrative cases
against the government for anybody but these stalkers and libelers are
all private and mostly unsuccessful people. It is not difficult to win
against them, besides, they are guilty like hell…

APP: You want to sue people whose identities you don't know? You know
some names like Neal Warren, Brian Bruns, Korey Kruse, Michelle
Sterling, Tilman Hausherr, David Rice, Frederic Rice, Claire Swazey,
and Garry Scarff but what about the others?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: PIs can find out all about their real identities or/
and Michelle Sterling, the former Michelle Ryan, Andreas Heldal Lund,
Curly Sue, Tiny Dancer, Wikipedia, etc. will be forced under the law
to provide the real identities of my other defamers, libelers,
stalkers and/or their Internet connections. Moderators who allow
anonymous libel, defamation, forgeries, copyright violations are the
dumbest people on Earth because they are ultimately responsible for
the libel, harassment, and abuse posted on their forums. They think
that putting up "posting rules" that they don't enforce will protect
them from legal consequences. They are so wrong. Michelle Sterling,
the WWP moderators, Andreas Heldal Lund, etc. are personally
responsible for any libelous word and any other law violation that
they ever allowed to be posted on their hate message boards because
they approved it.

APP: You really want to see them in court?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I don't want to see them in court. I want them to see
my sharp no-nonsense lawyers in court. I don't have the time to go
into all of that right now but just have a brief look at the lies, the
defamation, and the harassment of for example the Ex-Scientologists
Message Board, the hate message board of Michelle Ryan. She owns this
hate message board, she asks for donations, contributes to the hatred,
and approves of the hatred, the lies, the defamation, the harassment,
the cyber stalking, the copyright violation of her posters. I never
met Michelle Ryan, the later Michelle Sterling from Australia nor
posted anything about her before her message board didn't target me
while she cowardly hid behind a false name: Emma and other identities.
So, what is my crime? I don't hate L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology.
That is all. Well, I downloaded her photos from the web in case they
are needed for law enforcement purpose identifications.

APP: Why don't you get such a forum yourself?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I don't want to make money with defamation, libel,
copyright violations. I don't want to be held responsible for
anybody's libel and defamation. Right now, they think it is such fun
to libel, defame and harass people who never did anything to them by
not giving them access to correct the libel, etc. But they will not
more laughing when a serious law suit hits them. They and Sterling
better saves any cent that they got because I will take it all away
the sharpest Aussie lawyers ever. I think Michelle thinks that when my
name is slightly altered, I won't find the thread and will not note
the libel and the defamation. Or she thinks that the libel and
harassment is no libel and harassment when my name is slightly
altered. However, the fool forgets that some other hate mongers throw
the correct spelling of my name in the same thread and that makes it
libel and defamation on me and is actionable. It also looks like
Australia has stricter libel laws than the USA and law suits brought
against Michelle Sterling could result in her having to pay damages to
her victims until the end of the life because she approves those
libelous postings because she is the owner and moderator and makes
money with her lawless business. Read this court ruling:
She doesn't do her daughter any favors by trying to make money through
a defamation and libel board. The poor kid might one day inherit
nothing but legal debts from her mother.

APP: Wanna hear my opinion?


APP: I don't doubt your claims against Sterling, Warren, Scarff,
Heldal-Lund, WWP, etc. but attorneys are very expensive. Where do you
get that kind of dough?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Let this be my worries. I'll get the money legally,
and it will not be dirty like the "donations" or the advertisement
payments that these forum owners are getting by harassing, defaming,
libeling and cyber stalking others. ESMB (Michelle Sterling formerly
Ryan) claims that her forum consists of "former Scientologists" while
their top poster, Joe Lynn (who is on the www.religiousfreedomwatch.org)
never was in Scientology. That means: false advertisement. I have seen
also numerous other postings of people on that board who admitted they
never were in Scientology.

APP: But some of them were in Scientology.

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Hanging around in some Scientology orgs doesn't make
a person into a Scientologist. Sterling's biggest lie is that the site
would be not anti-Scientology. How dumb does she think people are to
buy that one? She bans people who are not anti-Scientology. She wants
Scientologists and others to read all the dirt, the misinformation,
and the lies on her forum but she bans those who want to post non-
hatred as the Roadrunner for example. And I am sure that there were
plenty more.

APP: You don't know any of the people who posts lies about you on

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Not personally.

APP: Do you know Zinjifar?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Never met the guy. I think that Joe Lynn aka Zinjifar
is some kind of German oriented agent like Krautfag, Sauerlaenderin,
Tilman Joerg Hausherr or Korey Jerome Kruse who blame anybody but the
real who behind the interruptions of my life: German psychiatry and
the German government. Joe Lynn seems hanging out on that hate message
board days and nights and has posted there almost 15000 hate messages,
and he thinks that is normal behavior and that he is sane. It is a
typical German secret service strategy to compare somebody to most
twisted people on the planet to ruin her reputation. You probably
heard of Koos, a former Dutch guy whose two daughters died under
mysterious circumstances, and numerous people posted that he was
involved in that.

APP: Koos Nolst Trenite?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Yes, that's the one. Lynn ran an Usenet/Internet
campaign for years against me and threw in Koos' name in each posting
about me to defame me despite I had nothing to do with Koos and his
dead daughters or anything else that Koos stood for or did. He posts
confused defamatory crap and lies, I don't. People could not be more
different than Koos and I. I could have retaliated against Joe Lynn by
throwing his name and the name of very infamous and disturbed person
always together in all my posting to position him with a name that is
under the shadow of two deaths - but didn't do it because I am not
scum like Lynn and truth means everything to me. I have nothing in
common with Koos or Lynn. - You really have to get the magnitude of
this: Koos is a guy who posts lots of confused stuff and might be
involved in the death of two of his daughters, and libeler Joe Lynn
has the guts to run a campaign comparing me with this man. This is
beyond insulting! This is beyond anything that is permitted under the
law! Lynn owes me apologies but I won't accept them because he doesn't
deserve my apologies. Lynn defamed me as "totally demented" on ARS
before I ever had posted anything and without knowing me. He sort of
admitted later on Usenet that I am not demented but what is wrong with
those people posting such stuff about people that they don't know just
because somebody tells them to hate Scientologists?

APP: Joe Lynn keeps Sterling's forum afloat?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: That's probably what he is trying to do. But I don't
think that he has time to run multiple posting accounts. With his many
hate postings, I believe he hasn't had time to walk outside the door.
He probably doesn't know what seasons it is. Hasn't seen grass or snow
in years. (Laughs). But I believe that others run multiple accounts on

APP: Does she pay him?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I don't know but he is probably stupid enough to work
for free like a typical ESMB cultist or robot. Joe Lynn and some other
liars posted that OSA pays me or runs me. It's complete crap. These
guys can't stand that a private person doesn't want to join their anti-
Scientology hate club so they make up that the person who doesn't
adopt their ways has no self-determination but is from OSA. Once you
reject them, they accuse you of being "OSA", an entity that deals with
the external affairs of the C of S. They are living in their little
hate world and don't get that as a critic of David Miscavige, he will
certainly not having his OSA paying me. I make my living completely
independent from any C of S entity.

APP: Didn't Koos attack you too?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Yes, Koos defamed me maliciously too on Usenet. He
fits right in with my other defamers. Another fanatical ESMB posters
is Claire Swazey who calls herself the Fool on the Hill. She used the
posting name Fluffygirl or Ball of Fluff before and later the avatar
"Voltaire's child", I guess because Ron's child was taken in a way,
and she wastes her life away by posting on just about any message
board hate messages, almost 13000 postings on ESMB as of today and so
many more on other hate board, including WWP. It is impossible that
this woman has a life except posting hatred. She claimed years ago
that she would be a Scientologist but I noticed right away that she
was none. She admitted later than she is none. Isene Geir, some
European alleged "Independent" made her the moderator of yet another
message board, and Claire tries to recruit hate mongers from other
message boards to post on Isene Geir's. Looks like a tough competition
between those hate boards. (Laughs) Claire is known to lie about me
and insult my intelligence. She said that OSA would use me by mailing
me e-mails and I would not get that these e-mails are from OSA.
(Laughs) There is nothing that I don't get. I know exactly what I did
and why I did it and who I corresponded with.

APP: She sure is a busybody. Found lots of Fluffy and Voltaire's child
postings on Usenet and all these forums on Scientology…

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I was very new on ARS, just telling my story and
experiences when Claire aka Fluffy out of the blue attacked me and
defamed me. I really had not posted one word about her. I didn't knew
who she was. She followed me around and posted defamation about me
behind any postings of mine that she saw. However, around one x-mas,
we called it a truce. But then, I saw that she defamed me in another
forum again. Truce was off because she broke it and she admitted it
later in a posting that she broke it. I also found it despicable and
completely lawless that she fabricated later a "porn Sea Org order"
and forged Ron's name under it and accused Ron and Diana of incest.
She called the tasteless and hurtful forgery on ARS, a group that
thrives on lies and accepts lies as truth "a satire". Guess that says
all about Claire who claims also that I am delusional because I claim
that Ron and Marty have/had doppelgangers. By claiming so, Claire just
acknowledges that she is not the brightest crayon in the box. Guess
all FBI agents and CIA agents who found evidence that Saddam Hussein
and others had doppelgangers are all mentally ill in the Claire Swazey
but also Neal Warren universe.

BABARA SCHWARZ: Claire and Neal Warren don't like each other but they
post the same stupid lies. Foolish Claire says that doppelgangers are
delusional, psychiatric troll Neal Warren says that the doppelgangers
are not real but the "Capgras Sydrome". CIA and FBI investigators who
found evidence of doppelgangers are all mentally ill according to
"mental giants" Claire Swazey and Neal Warren. Hey, and the American
public who saw George Bush and Steve Bridges are all mentally ill
because they just imagine that there is one who looks and talks like
George Bush. (laughs)

APP: Steve Bridges is hilarious and the resemblance is uncanny.

Barbara Schwarz: Who is the real Saddam? Look at these pictures:

APP: You won't get political on me, won't you?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Not today. I had a good laugh when Bridges said
(impersonating President Bush): "You American don't have to worry
about the economy. This is my job. And I don't worry about it." But
the other stuff that Bridges said is funny too.

APP: Claire Swazey accused L. Ron Hubbard and Diana Hubbard of

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Yes. I saved that "porn order" that Claire issued in
his name. She says somebody else wrote it and she just would have
added to it. She added the incest part for sure. Claire gives a damn
on who she hurts and defames. She thinks it is funny to start such
disgusting rumors.

APP: What did Diana say?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I don't know if she saw it but if she finds it on the
net, I assume she will be anything but happy about it. – Another of
the Michelle Ryan Sterling hate message board supporter is Paul Adams
from the UK with the horrible posting ID "Dulloldfart" who defames me
on ESMB. If I would own a message board, I wouldn't want anyone with
this cheap posting ID post on my forum. I don't know this guy either.
I never corresponded with him, I also don't remember having met him on
ARS. He might have been one of the many who used an anonymous identity
to defame me but I sure never posted anything ever about him. Today is
the first time that I mention this guy. He calls himself also the Yawn
guy. Perhaps that is why he is so forgettable?

APP: Did you ever try stand up comedy?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Unfortunately, nothing funny about real life hate
mongers! Paul Adams came up with some kind of rubbing and yawn
therapy but perhaps he should come up with an anti-defamer and truth
therapy first and apply it himself, and so should Michelle Ryan
Sterling, and the others like her. Perhaps he hates Scientology and L.
Ron Hubbard because considers them a competition to his yawn and rub
therapy? He might be indeed what he claims he is: a squirrel, one who
uses an altered form of Scientology in his yawn and rub therapy.

APP: I just checked ESMB. He is the second active poster on this
message board. Close to 14000 postings…

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I think this board is a stupid competition as to who
posts the most. Quality and truth content of postings doesn't matter.
Another poster on the hate message board ESMB is Paul Horner aka Fred
Durks aka Darude al Ungar (using all kinds of fake posting names). He
used to rip off websites of others and Amazon and Microsoft filed
complaints against him. Here are some links.


He ripped off the www.religiousfreedomwatch.org too and webbed the
www.religiousfreedomwatch.info with very altered context, making the
extremists look very good and registered this rip off website in my
and Marty Rathbun's name. Exactly: criminal. It was on the net for a
long time and then he finally took it down or he sold it to somebody
who decided to take it down. There are some who think that Mosey's
husband never commented on me. But they are wrong. He e-mailed Paul
Horner on me and Paul published his message.

APP: How did that make you feel?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Unchanged because he isn't my Marty but another Mark.

APP: Microsoft or Amazon won against Horner but did he get jail time?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I don't know. He should have been arrested because he
continued the abusive registration pattern with me, Mark or Marty
Rathbun, and the RFW an who knows what he is up to now. – I don't
think that the ESMB has many posters but anybody can read their
defamation and libel on the net. The world has more than 6 Billion
people and she has around 50 members, and several of these might have
multiple accounts and are identical with the poster who post hatred on
OCBM and WWP. Probably any Scientology group has more members than she
has. Better people are appalled by the hatred that these groups
emanate. I think that Sterling doesn't understand that a hate message
board does not attract the people who she wants to attract: anyone.
She just attracts primitive, stupid and lawless people. There is also
ESMB poster Tigger, Shirley Jean Wilson from Oklahoma who likes to
defame me and called upon a campaign to ban me from posting to non-
moderated ARS because I posted that I fear that hostility against
Scientology could result into a terror attack against Scientologists,
and I think that this danger still exist. Shirley Jean Wilson never
was in Scientology, so she posting on an alleged ex-Scientologist
board is also false advertisement for ESMB.

APP: Do you know somebody named "Ladayla" or "Challenge"?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: If you want to call a female stalker in her late 70s
who came uninvited with her husband to my apartment and after they
didn't meet me there, stalked me to the library in Salt Lake City
"knowing"? Ladayla's real name is Jana Moreillon and her own daughter
doesn't want to have anything to do with her, and I understand why
after she stalked to my apartment door and my library. She brags
having met me. But I rarely said anything to her because first I had
no clue who she was. Most of the 3 minutes she was there, I tried to
figure out who she was and what the hell she wanted. She posted lies
about me on Usenet that I am Marty Rathbun.

APP: She said that YOU are Marty Rathbun?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Yes, she spread a rumor on ARS that I am Marty
Rathbun. Suddenly she shows up without an invitation and was surprised
that I didn't remember her. She could have mailed an e-mail to my
posting e-mail address if I want to see her but I guess she knew that
I would not meet strangers and liars from Usenet and that is why she
ambushed me uninvited. I had no clue who she was, what she wanted and
why she disturbed other library users in the computer lab of the
library talking loud to me. She had no respect of my privacy and stuck
her nose right in middle of my computer screen and asked me what I
would work on. I saw that woman for 3 minutes maximum and most of
these minutes, I tried to figure out who she could be and what she
wanted from me and later she bragged on Usenet and in Internet forums
that she knows me and lied about my appearance. She doesn't know me at
all. I remembered that I was originally kind to her on Usenet but she
later defamed me and lied about me maliciously because I wasn't
impressed by her. Around one x-mas, Jana got a bad conscience about
her lies on me and wrote me a x-mas card. I didn't reply because she
lied about me so maliciously, and a x-mas card doesn't remove the pain
and defamation that she caused. She is back in her malicious pattern
to lie about me. I knew that this x-mas card meant nothing to her.
Right after x-mas, she turns into the hate monger that she is all year
round. She per se libeled me as mentally ill (per se and actionable)
but what do you make of a person who posted that I am Marty and who
disturbs others in the library and who doesn't respect somebody's
privacy and comes uninvited and wants me to remember a complete
stranger and who retaliates with lies because I didn't made that
stranger with no manner to be my friend? If somebody is pathetic, it
is Jana. I don't think that her husband is that off the rocker but she

APP: Who is poster NeverMe?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: A person who Michelle Sterling allows to make his/her
libel anonymous. She really is clueless. What I find despicable about
NeverMe and posters like that is the alleged sympathy that they fake.
There are a couple of defamers on the net who push lies that they are
on my but in same breath they they defame me. NeverMe "wishing me luck
in life" but in same time compares me to his paranoid schizo family
member. If somebody attacks another person maliciously, most people
are getting very quickly that the attacker has a vendetta. But when a
slimy snail like NeverMe lies that I'm mentally ill or something like
that by falsely claiming sympathy, some not so bright people fall for
that. Can you follow me?

APP: I hope so...

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Okay, for example, I am anything but mentally ill but
my defamers want to convince the world that I am. They launch a
campaign against me, trying to sell their libel. They lie that they
have good intentions towards me. Like this: "Do not taunt Barbara
Schwarz again. She suffers already enough under her mental condition."
Or: "I wish Barbara Schwarz the best and hope that she finally gets
her mental health therapy."
That is what I mean. They lie that they mean well while in fact they
are nothing but malicious defamers. They have the mental defects the
accuse me on. Everything is wrong with people who have to using such
methods to get rid of somebody who has the better arguments.

APP: I get it.... These people come out of the woods and attack you?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Some years back, newsgroup ARS was the meeting place
of all Scientology haters. They were 200 - 300 different posters and
they were pretty much all against my religion. I had the "guts" to
show up and often I was the only Scientologist who posted there. I got
all their hatred in my face. I was friendly to everyone unless they
libeled or defame me or harassed me in another way, then I told them
what I thought of them. They didn't succeed scaring me away, so most
of the fabricated lies about my state of mind were done to discredit
me. There were also some posters who didn't harass me like Andrew
Robertson from New Zealand, Peach, Mary, Monica or some others. We
were and still are fundamentally opposed about Scientology and with
some of them, I had discussions but these discussions always were
civilized how discussions should be between adults. But I sure had and
still have zero tolerance of those who defame my state of mind because
they think otherwise they don't win the argument.

APP: Not everyone on ESMB is nasty either. Larry Brennan posted kindly
in response to your criticism of him.

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I decorated the posting that I made on him with real
entertaining gifs, that must count for something. (Laughs) Actually,
Larry Brennan did meet me in real life in the early/mid 80 in LA when
he was the head of the SU but we had no conversation back then. If I
recall it correctly, it was Larry who (on a visit in Copenhagen)
assigned me an RTC mission. Back then, I never would have dreamed that
he would resign from his religion. We exchanged some postings later on
Usenet and these encounters were peaceful and friendly. It is true
that he never targeted me with defamation but I think that he
understands what I find so shocking about his later activities. Being
in disagreement over the actions of somebody who takes a leadership
role in the C of S is one thing, but lecturing against the religion
Scientology and Ron in p$ych institutions and Germany after he
allegedly promoted Scientology and Ron for decades, that is another
thing. What I find so incomprehensible about Larry is that after all
these years that he spent in Scientology that he threw the religion
away and works with psychiatrists and the Germans together whose
infiltration of Scientology is the cause of all the trouble. How can
one fight for decades for a religion and its mission and suddenly it
mean nothing to him? If the religion Scientology would be a fraud (it
is not but just for the sake of augment) why didn't Larry find this
out very quickly? I have nothing against Larry personally, actually I
did like him, but his later activities make no sense to me. Unless, he
was never a Scientologist to begin with.

APP: Some guys are joking that they can't be German operatives because
they speak no German…

BARBARA SCHWARZ: (interrupts) German secret service executives are
stupid but not that dumb that they didn't come up with an
international translator program that works a bit better than the
Babblefish translator. The worst defamers and libelers on the ESMB are
Klidov (who posts like habitual offender Jerome Kruse) the friend of
German agent Tilman Joerg Hausherr, Krautfag (another German) agent
and some international German robots as: Skollie,
ChuckNorrisCutmyLawn, Alanzo…. I don't know these guys, I never posted
anything about them, and they just prove that they have a large amount
of lose screws by harassing and defaming me. Parrotnutz is another
troll on ESMB who admitted having never been in Scientology. These
guys are too much. It's like non-astronauts wanting to tell
astronauts how it is in space and want to be taken seriously.
Parronutz claims that my story made him aware of abuses in Scientology
and that is why he got interested in the subject. This troll is
apparently an illiterate because I posted over and over that there is
nothing abusive in Scientology, except the infiltration by non-
Scientologists. Then there is Xenu"Prince". I call my Marty "Prince"
and he stole that for his low purposes. This guy is a complete idiot
suggesting that OSA runs me. Apparently, these guys are being run by
somebody. They can't imagine that there is somebody who has no case
officer. I wrote that DM "inherited" Scientology from the impostor not
from L. Ron Hubbard. DM is the boss of OSA. If OSA or anybody else
would run me, doppelganger facts would not be published.

APP: Is Sauerlaenderin a German word?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Yes, it means that it is a female from the South-East
of North Rhine Westphalia.

APP: She claims that you are a victim of Scientology and your mother
and she posted some references.

BARBARA SCHWARZ: References? I posted references on my blog how the
German state denied my rights, arresting me under false pretences and
denying an attorney to me and kidnapping me to Germany. If she wants
to call me a victim, she should at least say who really caused it: the
German government and its psychs and the infiltrators. Google the name
Juergen Keltsch and my name. Some posters post as if I would be dead.
I remember when hate mongers smeared Wikipiggy articles on me…

APP: Wikipiggy means Wikipedia?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Yep. Wikipiggy scribbers banned me and then they were
talking and guessing about me as if I would have died in the 17th
century. Why did she do that? Why did she go there? Where was she
born? When was she born? Where did she go to school? And so on. It was
completely nuts. There I am, alive and available for information, and
I know my life better than anyone but they don't ask me. They rather
guess and get it wrong. They rather fabricate and make things up.
Sauerlaenderin is such an example too. Instead of asking me, she
posted that German reporter Wüllenweber asked where my unemployed sick
mother got the 10.000 DM to pay the kidnappers.

I know where RB got the cash for the kidnapping but the ESMB posters
are too twisted than to ask the source as a sane person would do. RB
got the 10.000 DM from the German government. They gave her a
sweetheart credit to hire kidnappers. And yes, there is written
evidence on that. Nobody would have given her a credit but the German
government because they wanted me "deprogrammed" despite I never was

It also proves that Sauerlaenderin is wrong by not posting that her
beloved Germany did destroy my life. Because, Germany is completely
guilty of just that. I am not saying that my so-called mother was
innocent. She was freaking suppressive but she would have done nothing
of what she did if not the German government, its psychiatrists, its
cult "experts", its infiltration in Scientology, and the German media
wouldn't have prepared the ground for it and wouldn't have manipulated
her into that.

APP: Cyril Vosper was your kidnapper?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Yes, but he wasn't the only one. Interesting is that
those people who blame Scientology on what happened to me still
promote Cyril Vosper and his stupid lying book. They are lawless
hypocrites. Cyril Vosper was the lead kidnapper as determined by a
court but Scientology "critics", and posters on these message boards
still don't mind promoting his sick ideas and his book. Garry Scarff
aka Smurff tries to spread a nasty German agent Tilman Hausherr rumor
on ESMB, which was webbed by David Rice, Holysmoke website owner,
another one of my defamers who lives in a run down car that I knew of
my kidnapping in advance. I had no clue of it, and I would have done
all in my power not being kidnapped. I was badly hurt during that
kidnapping. Read the police report and the hospital report. How can
anybody fake this torture? http://barbara-schwarz2008.blogspot.com/2010/05/3.html
Hausherr is a liar like Scarff. Even my own sister knew I went with
her to safe undeserving Rosemarie's life and had no idea was waiting
of me.

APP: Saving her life? What was wrong with her?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I was home with my sister when we got a call that
Rosemarie needed her Asthma medicine to prevent her suffocating. I
grabbed her electrical inhaler and my sister her meds and then we
rushed off to that address. One of the kidnappers locked the door
behind me, and I heard my sister drive off. And this was the beginning
of the horrible ordeal. After I was badly hurt, and after I screamed
for many hours for help, police came finally and arrested them. Vosper
and his co-kidnappers got a low sentence because Scientologists
generally have no rights in Germany. Hausherr knows that and his hate
"work" against Scientology contributes a lot to this situation of no
rights for Scientologists. He is a disgusting liar and defamer.
Interesting is that Hausherr and Garry Scarff never got along
officially. Actually, Garry Scarff posted death threats against
Hausherr but Scarff cites Hausherr now as a credible source, and it
seems that they rather work for the same dirty goal and source and
everything else between them is just spectacle tying to make others
believe that they are not agents for the same German Scientology
persecuting secret service.

APP: Would you sue Hausherr in Germany?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: No, I want him extradited as German agent against the
USA to the USA to stand trial here. Then I want him spent a life
sentence with Garry Scarff together in a prison cell. (Laughs) That's
what they both deserve.

APP: Somebody put your name on the Encyclopedia Dramatica.

BARBARA SCHWARZ: I know. What a cheap website that is. It's like the
gutter of mankind! Disgusting. What is published there has felon Brian
aka Brielle Bruns aka Trista written all over it. He recommends his
own anti-freespeech AHBL FAQ lies on ED that he got a "decent FAQ" on
me. Like dummy Neal Warren, he forgets how easy it is for somebody
smart to discover who exactly is behind the libel and harassment.

APP: Is http://criminal-brian-j-bruns.blogspot.com/ one of your blogs?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: No, it is not but I think the blog owner did a great
job researching Bruns.

APP: K man has some beef with Bruns. Do you know who K man is?


APP: Who is it?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: It is not me, and I think you should ask K man

APP: So, you are not impressed by any of these ESMB posters?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: That says it very mildly. Neither impressed by these
who claim being on my side and "having given advice" to me "which I
took". I never took any advice of any poster on any hate board. What
advice can such people give who waste their lives away posting

APP: I'd say you are the kind of person who never listens to anyone.

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Michelle Sterling posts photos on her website to
which she has no copyright, e.g. of me, the real Marty Rathbun, L. Ron
Hubbard and probably others. I hope that Michelle Sterling prays every
day to a God that likes scum like herself (I don't know such a God but
I believe she believes in such a God if any) that I do not get a large
amount of cash any time soon. Because when I get it, I will hire the
sharpest lawyer in Australia to compel her to provide the real
identities of these defamers and hold the libelers and defamers
responsible under the law and ask for a lots of damages. And if she is
not able to provide these names, Michelle has to pay the legal tab for
any libel, defamation and copyright violation they did because she
provided the forum for these anonymous hate mongers for any of the
rights violation. I will apply the laws a lot tougher on her than OSA
or the RFW did.

APP: It is a small forum with only 53 registered members, is it really
worth suing them?

BARBARA SCHWARZ: Absolutely, because their lies, libel, and defamation
spreads all over the net, and Sterling, Heldal-Lund, and the WWP
moderators provide the forums and do not uphold laws and not even
their own rules. They allow lawlessness to happen.

APP: They probably laugh about this interview and your plans to sue

BARBARA SCHWARZ: The laughter will stop when they are being served.

APP: Oh well, thanks, Barbara. Always a pleasure. When rich, please
make a generous donation to the Anonymous Press Pioneer who has
nothing to do with the masked group Anonymous. I don't libel, defame,
stalk or harass.

BARBARA SCHWARZ: (laughs) Keep it that way!

TOPIC: paying $4.95 a month for Internet, but may upgrade

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Sep 6 2010 8:31 pm
From: Tony Sivori

Ohioguy wrote:

> I'm paying $4.95 a month for dialup Internet.

> Anybody know of a website or anywhere that has specials like this
> advertised regularly?

AT&T has a special for their slowest DSL for $14.95 per month. This is
available as "dry loop" DSL which means you don't have to pay for a land

See link for more info:


Tony Sivori
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