Friday, September 16, 2022

Digest for - 4 updates in 2 topics

Lenona <>: Sep 16 08:17AM -0700

On Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 2:29:35 PM UTC-4, Bob F wrote:
> term. First, banning abortion, then they will be aiming at banning birth
> control in every form they can get away with. They seem to want to ban
> sex unless it is for the purpose of producing babies.
Personally, I think it's less about punishing sex and more about punishing the childless, the childfree, and those young couples who refuse to have more than one child.
The reason I'm saying that is, in highly conservative/religious communities, young men and women alike who refuse to find spouses AND refuse to become religious or conservative missionaries, tend to get treated very badly even if they don't HAVE sex lives. (Unfortunately, liberals aren't too kind to heterosexual men who refuse to get married either. Liberals tend to forget that if women have the right to stay single and childfree, so do men.)
What's more, if a man and a woman are both over 60 and having a premarital (not adulterous) affair, unless they're well-known as pillars of their church, are the conservative church leaders really likely to "out" them as sinners?
Most of the time, I suspect, the leaders don't really care about those couples. What they ARE opposed to is young people taking control of their own futures by not having babies, whether through abortion, birth control or celibacy.
Childfree singles often have more money - and they vote. Many people see childfree WOMEN, with their political power, as more terrifying than childfree men - but who knows why. Both have the power to change society greatly, as the childfree Ralph Nader did. (As anyone knows, he's had no shortage of enemies in Big Business.)
Banning abortion and birth control are clearly great ways to keep poor people poor and easier to control. Heaven forbid that everyone be well-fed, well-educated, and politically active. Especially minorities.
And anyone who honestly thinks abortion is an "industry" should realize by now that if anyone made it an industry, it's the ones who want to restrict ADULTS' access to birth control. Hint: that ain't Planned Parenthood.
Lenona <>: Sep 16 08:27AM -0700

Something I wrote elsewhere:
Once, at Amy Alkon's now-defunct blog, I posted a link to a Margery Eagan column that mentioned the long anti-abortion standing of white supremacists. (Of course, that doesn't mean the converse is true - and yes, there are plenty of nonwhite anti-abortionists.) Title:
"Race, not abortion, was the founding issue of the religious right."
You can read the column here:
At least one person thought it was ludicrous to suggest that such people would be anti-abortion - he said something like: "that would be advocating for more black babies!"
Well, first of all, since when are white supremacists in favor of women's rights in general, duh?
And opposing abortion is a great way for politicians to keep poor people poor and easier to control. So white supremacists (voters and politicians alike) had to choose between:
1. allowing black families to become more affluent due to family planning
2. forcing white families, even poor ones, to have more babies.
I think it's clear why #1 would not be considered acceptable - and why #2 would be considered no big deal.
Which would also help to explain why access to birth control and sterilization is likely next on the chopping block, as UMass professor Karen Lindsey (born in 1944) sort of predicted back in 1972. "Why Children?" (1980, ed. Dowrick & Grundberg) is a collection of essays by 18 women. Most of the women became mothers. Lindsey got sterilized at age 28, despite the opposition of her relatives AND her left-wing "friends." Her essay is on pages 243-249. Quote:
"Abortion and other forms of contraception still allow room for the myth of woman's destiny: 'I don't want children YET.' Sterilization says, firmly, that for the woman seeking it, the question is not birth control but birth prevention, and childless women who opt for sterilization are making it clear that they, and not society, will determine their 'roles.' "
(The rest of the essay is fascinating; she said she first got an image of how happy a childfree life could be at age 7, when she saw Betty Hutton as a trapeze artist in the movie "The Greatest Show on Earth.")
Lenona <>: Sep 16 08:38AM -0700

And speaking of punishing the childless and the childfree, I know two single men in their 50s who are very well-educated, but they both struggle financially - and I remember one of them complaining about how, when he asked for housing help from the state, he found that you pretty much have to have small children before anyone cares about your plight.
(Maybe not the best example, but it's the only one I heard about that wasn't from an anonymous online source.)
At any rate, we've all heard how politicians worry about "where is the cannon fodder going to come from" when the poverty rate goes down due to family planning.
gggg gggg <>: Sep 15 08:58PM -0700

On Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 9:45:55 AM UTC-8, wrote:
Rising food prices was predicted in the 1973 movie SOYLENT GREEN:
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