Monday, September 19, 2022

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

Dim Witte <>: Sep 19 05:26AM -0700

What with ongoing pandemic masks and isolation, and being impacted by all kinds of craziness, from phone ads about Medicare, political polls, and remote cell phone calls, etc., I'm finding that frugal living is practical, because I'm unloading material things and computer toys like someone going through a reverse hoarding melt down.
I do like my smart phone, but now am no longer opting for apps. Going to cut the cord on cable Internet and just use my Android cell phone and Amazon Fire. Sold my car and finding ways to do shopping by Amazon, store deliveries, and shared transportation. Picking up on my reading interests.
Just like the idea of going back to essentials, sort of like Thoreau and his Walden Pond.
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