Sunday, July 8, 2007

25 new messages in 5 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* A/C working properly? Cost -> lower temp? - 19 messages, 9 authors
* New Frugal eBook Special! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Get-together/club/course about frugal living in Southampton - 1 messages, 1
* Finding 1 cent items on - 1 messages, 1 author
* Supreme Court reverses century-old ban on price fixing, inviting mobster-
like behavior from manufacturers. - 3 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: A/C working properly? Cost -> lower temp?

== 1 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 3:56 pm
From: Oren

On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 13:27:40 -0700, jJim McLaughlin
<> wrote:
>Lady, you are wrapped just a little bit too tght.

You mean emotion vs logic?

OP - do you have a window open??!


..through the use of electrical or duct tape, achieve the configuration in the photo..

== 2 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 4:33 pm
From: Oren

On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 18:40:13 -0400, Tekkie(r) <>
>Now this post I can agree with! Geez cross posting fundie idiots...

And you are the third idiot (3rd) I've read that thinks alt.hvac is
a protected space. Get a date!


..through the use of electrical or duct tape, achieve the configuration in the photo..

== 3 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 4:35 pm

On Jul 8, 3:13 pm, "HeyBub" <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > On Jul 7, 8:08 pm, "HeyBub" <> wrote:
> >> Smitty Two wrote:
> >>> Sorry, 12:00 p.m. *is* noon.
> >> Only if you define twelve hours after the sun is at its highest
> >> point to be noon.
> > Because more than 1 person is disputing whether 12:00 PM is noon, I
> > decided to do some looking.
> > uses it.
> > So does DHL, a major delivery compay. They have a service called ""DHL
> > Next Day 12:00pm"
> > Fedex uses it too (search Google: "12:00 pm" )
> > Then there's the loads of radio and TV stations that use it
> > (schedules).
> > Here's one: The TV series "24" - where each episode covers one hour.
> >
> > Better idea. Who on Google uses "12:00 PM noon" as opposed to "12:00
> > AM noon?" -The searches below also match with "p.m." and "(noon)",
> > the search is for a string, not words anywhere in a document.
> > "12:00 PM noon" matches "about 195,000" documents on Google
> > "12:00PM noon" matches "about 32,700"
> > "12:00 AM noon" matches about 436
> > "12:00AM noon" matches about 49
> > So:
> > Total documents using "12:00pm noon" or "12:00 pm noon" = 227,700 /
> > 228,185 = 99.8%
> > Total documents using "12:00am noon" or "12:00 am noon" = 485 /
> > 228,185 = 0.2%
> > So (roughly) 2 people in 1000 think that 12:00am means noon. (The
> > margin of error with this is not significant enough to matter.)
> > That should settle this, but of course it won't...
> > Ever watch a digital watch change from 11:59:59 AM to 12:00:00 PM?
> > Or how about this - what is 3-2? Of course it is 1. What I mean is
> > that at 12:00:00PM half the day has already, at that instant, passed,
> > and it is now the beginning of the second half of the day.
> > I could care less what some guy says on some government website. If we
> > lived in a universe where time could move backwards, then that
> > discussion
> > would make more sense.
> But you hold that FedEx, a 24!, and, most importantly, TV Guide are somehow
> kept under glass at the National Bureau of Standards as exemplars of
> institutional knowledge?
> Your observations are, however, excellent! I blame the school systems. Heck,
> in my state 60% of high school biology teachers (according to a recent
> survey) believed that humans and dinosaurs were contemporaries!
> Science and standards are not subject to majority vote (except in the case
> of global warming), so whatever "votes" you discover are meaningless. Well,
> there is obviously a nuggest of truth in the numbers, but that nugget has
> nothing to do with the subject matter.
> Your searches (12:00AM noon, et al) were wrong. There is no such thing in
> the real world as "12:00AM noon." 12:00 a.m and noon are contradictory -
> they cannot both exist at the same time. Likewise "12:00 p.m. and noon" are
> also mutually exclusive.
> But because something cannot exist does not mean you won't find Google
> references. Heck "living+dead" resulted in almost 90 million hits,
> "black+white" yields almost 400 million events, "catholic+atheist" shows
> over 2 million instances!
> An appeal to Google as an arbiter of physical standards is not the epitome
> of scientific rigor.
> Ignorance can be fixed. It's knowing something that's wrong that's a shame.

You think that Google has an opinion on this matter??? You think
Google is not indexing pages that contain "12:00am noon" for purposes
of squewing results??? This may have something to do with your not
understanding my analysis.

You say 12:00am and noon are contradictory. Yes. That's the point.
You say 12:00pm and noon are mutually exclusive. You don't know what
mutually exclusive means if you also think 12am and noon are
contradictory. Elementary logic 101. Mutually exclusive means both
can't be the case at the same time, like being pregnant and not being
pregnant at the same time. This lack of logical ability and lack of
grasping the meaning of commonly used phrases (mutually esclusive)
could have something to do with your not understaing my analysis.
(If you are going to come back and say you think 12:00am and 12:00pm
are both contradictory to noon (it appears you may believe mutually
exclusive means redundant, but I can't read your mind), then you need
to look up contradictory. Just letting you know so you can do that in
advance of replying.)

On a related note: "12:00pm" and "12:00 pm" match about 24,180,000
documents. "Mutually exclusive," which you used even though you don't
know what it means, matches about 2,240,000 documents, far fewer. Do
you see the point? You used something much less common than "12:00 pm"

== 4 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 5:26 pm

On Jul 8, 4:32 pm, jJim McLaughlin <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > On Jul 7, 4:52 pm, mm <> wrote:
> >>On Sat, 07 Jul 2007 14:57:04 -0500, Logan Shaw
> >><> wrote:
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>On Jul 7, 7:29 am, "HeyBub" <> wrote:
> >>>>>Hmm. 12:00PM implies twelve hours past midday (p.m. = "post meridian" = past
> >>>>>midday). That would be midnight. From there to 7:46PM means the ac has been
> >>>>>on for almost twenty hours.
> >>>>>Of course one could also say 12:00AM (a.m. = "ante meridian" = before
> >>>>>midday) which would also be midnight.
> >>>>Sorry, 12:00PM is noon. Have a High School diploma?? Is English your
> >>>>native language??
> >>>I have a high school (and college) diploma. Yet, I don't think everything
> >>>I heard in high school (or college) is automatically true. In particular,
> >>>2000 wasn't the first year of the new millenium, and 12:00 PM is not noon.
> >>>Here's an explanation of why:
> >>>
> >>This is so on-point, I think it deserves to be quoted. Also, I don't
> >>think there can be copyright issues with government websites info, all
> >>of which should be in the public domain"
> >>Are noon and midnight 12 a.m. or 12 p.m.?
> >> This is a tricky question. The answer is that the terms 12 a.m.
> >>and 12 p.m. are wrong and should not be used.
> >> To illustrate this, consider that "a.m" and "p.m." are
> >>abbreviations for "ante meridiem" and "post meridiem." They mean
> >>"before noon" and "after noon," respectively. Noon is neither before
> >>or after noon; it is simply noon. Therefore, neither the "a.m." nor
> >>"p.m." designation is correct. On the other hand, midnight is both 12
> >>hours before noon and 12 hours after noon. Therefore, either 12 a.m.
> >>or 12 p.m. could work as a designation for midnight, but both would be
> >>ambiguous as to the date intended.
> >> When a specific date is important, and when we can use a 24-hour
> >>clock, we prefer to designate that moment not as 1200 midnight, but
> >>rather as 0000 if we are referring to the beginning of a given day (or
> >>date), or 2400 if we are designating the end of a given day (or date).
> >> To be certain of avoiding ambiguity (while still using a 12-hour
> >>clock), specify an event as beginning at 1201 a.m. or ending at 1159
> >>p.m., for example; this method is used by the railroads and airlines
> >>for schedules, and is often found on legal papers such as contracts
> >>and insurance policies.
> >>===> I've heard this before.
> >> If one is referring not to a specific date, but rather to
> >>several days, or days in general, use the terms noon and midnight
> >>instead of 12 a.m. and 12 p.m. For example, a bank might be open on
> >>Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Or a grocery store might be open daily
> >>until midnight. The terms "12 noon" and "12 midnight" are also
> >>correct, though redundant.
> >>====> On July 3, I was a at a supermarket that had a temporary sign,
> >>and someone had written "Open July 4, 7AM to 12AM, and then it had a
> >>dark P written over the second A.
> >>>Note that this comes from NIST, the National Institute of Standards
> >>>and Technology, which is the US federal government agency responsible
> >>>for standardizing measurements.
> >>I liked it better when it was the National Bureau of Standards. They
> >>keep changing names and confusing me. (I'm just going to call the INS
> >>"la Migra" so I don't have to worry when it changes names.)
> >>>These are the people who operate
> >>>NIST-F1, the atomic clock which is the primary reference for timekeeping
> >>>in the United States, and one of the primary references worldwide.
> >>I'll tell you how I remmeber this, and how I think it arose. The
> >>moment of noon is neither before noon or after noon, but the
> >>59.999999999...... seconds after that are after noon, and yet still
> >>part of the minute that is 12:00. (and part of the second that is
> >>12:00:00.) So even though all but the tiniest bit of the minute is not
> >>noon, most of 12:00 noon is PM.
> >>> - Logan
> > I posted a detailed reply to the 12:00 thing elsewhere is this thread.
> Who cares what you posted. Is your AC working? If yes, shut up. If
> no, shut up and go hire a repair person.
> You are an annoying and self defeating fool.

Apparently you get enjoyment reading this, or replying to it, or maybe
you are a masochist. I've tried several newsreaders, and haven't seen
one that makes you read particular threads.

== 5 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 9 2007 12:36 am
From: udarrell wrote:

>On Jul 8, 1:15 pm, Logan Shaw <> wrote:
>> wrote:
>>>On Jul 7, 5:42 pm, mm <> wrote:
>>>>On Sat, 07 Jul 2007 09:27:18 -0700, wrote:
>>>>>"Why do you think it should be 20 deg
>>>>>different?" he says. I told him that's what I found on the internet.
>>>>>He checked more wires with his probe for another 5 minutes, then
>>>>>checked the temperature again. It now said 64 deg (18 deg different).
>>>>Now the thing is working! Darn. It's much much harder to fix most
>>>>things when they are working right.
>>>I'm not sure what you mean. Are you being sarcastic? He didn't adjust
>>>anything, he was just using something that looked like a voltmeter
>>>(and scratching his head, without actually doing that). Telling him
>>>the A/C couldn't get the apt down below 83 deg all day didn't mean
>>>anything to him.
>>The function of the A/C unit *itself* is to pump out air that's about
>>15F to 20F colder than the air that comes in (or actually, whatever
>>temperature difference is in its specifications). If it's doing that,
>>then *it* is working.
>>Now, in a larger context, the purpose of the A/C unit within your
>>actual apartment unit is to achieve a comfortable indoor temperature.
>>It is possible that the A/C unit is working perfectly according to its
>>specs but can't do that. In that case, the problem might be that the
>>A/C unit is simply undersized for the load it's having to handle.
>>That doesn't mean the A/C unit is broken. It means that you have the
>>wrong A/C unit. *If* this is the case, it cannot be fixed by tinkering
>>with the A/C unit.
>>To make a car analogy, if I try to tow a large trailer up a mountain
>>with a Toyota Corolla and I fail, does this mean the Toyota Corolla
>>is broken? No, and if I start looking in the engine compartment to
>>see what's "wrong" with the Toyota's engine, I am looking in the wrong
>>The point is, perhaps the problem is that whoever designed the apartment
>>complex failed to choose appropriate A/C units given the size of the
>>apartments, the amount of insulation (which may be NONE), and variables
>>like that. And maybe they chose A/C units which are really energy-
>>inefficient. I don't know how common this type of bad engineering is,
>>but it seems like a plausible explanation for your situation.
>> - Logan
>I've been here for over a year and a half, and never had an electric
>bill like that, the A/C has never ran continously like it is, and I
>never had any problems getting the temp down to 76 deg.
>The unit couldn't get the temperature below 83 the other day, when the
>temperature outside was ONLY 90 deg with 37% humidity.
That is a very low humidity & if the conditioned space is also low in
humidity the latent-heatload will be minimal, allowing the sensible
heatload to be removed & transferred outside much faster. Pull down the
shades & close the drapes to keep the radiant heat from entering the
conditioned space. Vent the bathroom after taking showers, don't cook
things that steam up the kitchen, etc., the latent heatload reduces the
evaporators Sensible (or Temperature Reducing) capacity!
You can do a lot to keep the heatload much lower; do those things &
reduce your utility bills!
- udarrell


(* My Airconditioning Links *, Hunting Shooting, Angus Cattle, etc.) ***

Reality Is Not An Easy Thing To Be Confronted With, or to Accept!

== 6 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 9 2007 12:45 am
From: udarrell wrote:

>On Jul 8, 3:13 pm, "HeyBub" <> wrote:
>> wrote:
>>>On Jul 7, 8:08 pm, "HeyBub" <> wrote:
>>>>Smitty Two wrote:
>>>>>Sorry, 12:00 p.m. *is* noon.
>>>>Only if you define twelve hours after the sun is at its highest
>>>>point to be noon.
>>>Because more than 1 person is disputing whether 12:00 PM is noon, I
>>>decided to do some looking.
>>> uses it.
>>>So does DHL, a major delivery compay. They have a service called ""DHL
>>>Next Day 12:00pm"
>>>Fedex uses it too (search Google: "12:00 pm" )
>>>Then there's the loads of radio and TV stations that use it
>>>Here's one: The TV series "24" - where each episode covers one hour.
>>>Better idea. Who on Google uses "12:00 PM noon" as opposed to "12:00
>>>AM noon?" -The searches below also match with "p.m." and "(noon)",
>>>the search is for a string, not words anywhere in a document.
>>>"12:00 PM noon" matches "about 195,000" documents on Google
>>>"12:00PM noon" matches "about 32,700"
>>>"12:00 AM noon" matches about 436
>>>"12:00AM noon" matches about 49
>>>Total documents using "12:00pm noon" or "12:00 pm noon" = 227,700 /
>>>228,185 = 99.8%
>>>Total documents using "12:00am noon" or "12:00 am noon" = 485 /
>>>228,185 = 0.2%
>>>So (roughly) 2 people in 1000 think that 12:00am means noon. (The
>>>margin of error with this is not significant enough to matter.)
>>>That should settle this, but of course it won't...
>>>Ever watch a digital watch change from 11:59:59 AM to 12:00:00 PM?
>>>Or how about this - what is 3-2? Of course it is 1. What I mean is
>>>that at 12:00:00PM half the day has already, at that instant, passed,
>>>and it is now the beginning of the second half of the day.
>>>I could care less what some guy says on some government website. If we
>>>lived in a universe where time could move backwards, then that
>>>would make more sense.
>>But you hold that FedEx, a 24!, and, most importantly, TV Guide are somehow
>>kept under glass at the National Bureau of Standards as exemplars of
>>institutional knowledge?
>>Your observations are, however, excellent! I blame the school systems. Heck,
>>in my state 60% of high school biology teachers (according to a recent
>>survey) believed that humans and dinosaurs were contemporaries!
>>Science and standards are not subject to majority vote (except in the case
>>of global warming), so whatever "votes" you discover are meaningless. Well,
>>there is obviously a nuggest of truth in the numbers, but that nugget has
>>nothing to do with the subject matter.
>>Your searches (12:00AM noon, et al) were wrong. There is no such thing in
>>the real world as "12:00AM noon." 12:00 a.m and noon are contradictory -
>>they cannot both exist at the same time. Likewise "12:00 p.m. and noon" are
>>also mutually exclusive.
>>But because something cannot exist does not mean you won't find Google
>>references. Heck "living+dead" resulted in almost 90 million hits,
>>"black+white" yields almost 400 million events, "catholic+atheist" shows
>>over 2 million instances!
>>An appeal to Google as an arbiter of physical standards is not the epitome
>>of scientific rigor.
>>Ignorance can be fixed. It's knowing something that's wrong that's a shame.
>You think that Google has an opinion on this matter??? You think
>Google is not indexing pages that contain "12:00am noon" for purposes
>of squewing results??? This may have something to do with your not
>understanding my analysis.
>You say 12:00am and noon are contradictory. Yes. That's the point.
>You say 12:00pm and noon are mutually exclusive. You don't know what
>mutually exclusive means if you also think 12am and noon are
>contradictory. Elementary logic 101. Mutually exclusive means both
>can't be the case at the same time, like being pregnant and not being
>pregnant at the same time. This lack of logical ability and lack of
>grasping the meaning of commonly used phrases (mutually esclusive)
>could have something to do with your not understaing my analysis.
>(If you are going to come back and say you think 12:00am and 12:00pm
>are both contradictory to noon (it appears you may believe mutually
>exclusive means redundant, but I can't read your mind), then you need
>to look up contradictory. Just letting you know so you can do that in
>advance of replying.)
>On a related note: "12:00pm" and "12:00 pm" match about 24,180,000
>documents. "Mutually exclusive," which you used even though you don't
>know what it means, matches about 2,240,000 documents, far fewer. Do
>you see the point? You used something much less common than "12:00 pm"
I thought you wanted an AC fixed or at least to be enabled to be
What is this nonsense all about, winning a dumb argument.
Read & learn some things that can be helpful. It is all free... . -


(My Airconditioning Links, Hunting Shooting, Angus Cattle, etc.) ***

Reality Is Not An Easy Thing To Be Confronted With, or to Accept!

== 7 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 8:06 pm
From: "Noon-Air"

<> wrote in message
> On Jul 8, 4:32 pm, jJim McLaughlin <> wrote:
>> wrote:
>> > On Jul 7, 4:52 pm, mm <> wrote:
>> >>On Sat, 07 Jul 2007 14:57:04 -0500, Logan Shaw
>> >><> wrote:
>> >>> wrote:
>> >>>>On Jul 7, 7:29 am, "HeyBub" <> wrote:
>> >>>>>Hmm. 12:00PM implies twelve hours past midday (p.m. = "post
>> >>>>>meridian" = past
>> >>>>>midday). That would be midnight. From there to 7:46PM means the ac
>> >>>>>has been
>> >>>>>on for almost twenty hours.
>> >>>>>Of course one could also say 12:00AM (a.m. = "ante meridian" =
>> >>>>>before
>> >>>>>midday) which would also be midnight.
>> >>>>Sorry, 12:00PM is noon. Have a High School diploma?? Is English your
>> >>>>native language??
>> >>>I have a high school (and college) diploma. Yet, I don't think
>> >>>everything
>> >>>I heard in high school (or college) is automatically true. In
>> >>>particular,
>> >>>2000 wasn't the first year of the new millenium, and 12:00 PM is not
>> >>>noon.
>> >>>Here's an explanation of why:
>> >>>
>> >>This is so on-point, I think it deserves to be quoted. Also, I don't
>> >>think there can be copyright issues with government websites info, all
>> >>of which should be in the public domain"
>> >>Are noon and midnight 12 a.m. or 12 p.m.?
>> >> This is a tricky question. The answer is that the terms 12 a.m.
>> >>and 12 p.m. are wrong and should not be used.
>> >> To illustrate this, consider that "a.m" and "p.m." are
>> >>abbreviations for "ante meridiem" and "post meridiem." They mean
>> >>"before noon" and "after noon," respectively. Noon is neither before
>> >>or after noon; it is simply noon. Therefore, neither the "a.m." nor
>> >>"p.m." designation is correct. On the other hand, midnight is both 12
>> >>hours before noon and 12 hours after noon. Therefore, either 12 a.m.
>> >>or 12 p.m. could work as a designation for midnight, but both would be
>> >>ambiguous as to the date intended.
>> >> When a specific date is important, and when we can use a 24-hour
>> >>clock, we prefer to designate that moment not as 1200 midnight, but
>> >>rather as 0000 if we are referring to the beginning of a given day (or
>> >>date), or 2400 if we are designating the end of a given day (or date).
>> >> To be certain of avoiding ambiguity (while still using a 12-hour
>> >>clock), specify an event as beginning at 1201 a.m. or ending at 1159
>> >>p.m., for example; this method is used by the railroads and airlines
>> >>for schedules, and is often found on legal papers such as contracts
>> >>and insurance policies.
>> >>===> I've heard this before.
>> >> If one is referring not to a specific date, but rather to
>> >>several days, or days in general, use the terms noon and midnight
>> >>instead of 12 a.m. and 12 p.m. For example, a bank might be open on
>> >>Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Or a grocery store might be open daily
>> >>until midnight. The terms "12 noon" and "12 midnight" are also
>> >>correct, though redundant.
>> >>====> On July 3, I was a at a supermarket that had a temporary sign,
>> >>and someone had written "Open July 4, 7AM to 12AM, and then it had a
>> >>dark P written over the second A.
>> >>>Note that this comes from NIST, the National Institute of Standards
>> >>>and Technology, which is the US federal government agency responsible
>> >>>for standardizing measurements.
>> >>I liked it better when it was the National Bureau of Standards. They
>> >>keep changing names and confusing me. (I'm just going to call the INS
>> >>"la Migra" so I don't have to worry when it changes names.)
>> >>>These are the people who operate
>> >>>NIST-F1, the atomic clock which is the primary reference for
>> >>>timekeeping
>> >>>in the United States, and one of the primary references worldwide.
>> >>I'll tell you how I remmeber this, and how I think it arose. The
>> >>moment of noon is neither before noon or after noon, but the
>> >>59.999999999...... seconds after that are after noon, and yet still
>> >>part of the minute that is 12:00. (and part of the second that is
>> >>12:00:00.) So even though all but the tiniest bit of the minute is not
>> >>noon, most of 12:00 noon is PM.
>> >>> - Logan
>> > I posted a detailed reply to the 12:00 thing elsewhere is this thread.
>> Who cares what you posted. Is your AC working? If yes, shut up. If
>> no, shut up and go hire a repair person.
>> You are an annoying and self defeating fool.
> Does your newsreader make you read everthing??? If you don't like the
> thread why are you reading it?

Maybe you can read this.... Welcome to my killfile


== 8 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 8:10 pm
From: "Noon-Air"

"Smitty Two" <> wrote in message
> someone wrote:
>> keep jumping on the landlord
>> Just flat tell the SOB
>> call him on the phone dozens of times a day
> Boy, this adversarial relationship between tenant and landlord (neighbor
> and neighbor, boss and employee, contractor and homeowner, etc. ad
> infinitum) that keeps getting advocated really irritates the shit out of
> me. I'm a tenant and a landlord, and I have fantastic, cooperative,
> sane, mutually beneficial relationships with the other party in both
> circumstances. Luck? No. Intention.

Maybe because you don't have to deal with slumlords that don't care about
anything but the money going into their pocket.
If her landlord cared about the tenent at all, he would have sent a pro to
begin with, not some minimum wage flake.

== 9 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 6:20 pm
From: Smitty Two

In article <>,
"Noon-Air" <> wrote:

> "Smitty Two" <> wrote in message
> > someone wrote:
> >
> >> keep jumping on the landlord
> >
> >> Just flat tell the SOB
> >
> >> call him on the phone dozens of times a day
> >
> > Boy, this adversarial relationship between tenant and landlord (neighbor
> > and neighbor, boss and employee, contractor and homeowner, etc. ad
> > infinitum) that keeps getting advocated really irritates the shit out of
> > me. I'm a tenant and a landlord, and I have fantastic, cooperative,
> > sane, mutually beneficial relationships with the other party in both
> > circumstances. Luck? No. Intention.
> Maybe because you don't have to deal with slumlords that don't care about
> anything but the money going into their pocket.
> If her landlord cared about the tenent at all, he would have sent a pro to
> begin with, not some minimum wage flake.

I don't choose to do business with people of no character. So no, you're
absolutely correct, I don't have to deal with slumlords. And I never
will, because I will never rent from one. Or be one, either.

== 10 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 9:30 pm
From: jheller

mm wrote:
> On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 16:37:41 -0400, mm <>
> wrote:
>>This is true even for heat, but for air conditioning, people
>>have almost no rights, partly because very few people will die without
>>AC, but many die without heat, and partly because AC is relatively
>>new, and didn't exist or wasn't very common when most tenants rights
>>laws were written, several decades ago.
> I don't want to give the impression that tenants have rights. IN some
> places there are tenants rights laws, but in most places afaik, there
> are none. And they only have the rights that are in the lease, and in
> general contract law or common law. Plus even those rights can be
> trampelled, especially if the landlord is wicked or if you tick off
> the landlord.
If you rent, and you need something fixed ,if it is not fixed in a
reasonable amount of time, you send a letter to your landlord with the
problem ,and that their rent money will be held in rent court until the
item is fixed. I have done this many times and all problems were fixed
before the rent was due.

== 11 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 9:53 pm
From: mm

On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 18:20:43 -0700, Smitty Two
<> wrote:

>In article <>,
> "Noon-Air" <> wrote:
>> "Smitty Two" <> wrote in message
>> > someone wrote:
>> >
>> >> keep jumping on the landlord
>> >
>> >> Just flat tell the SOB
>> >
>> >> call him on the phone dozens of times a day
>> >
>> > Boy, this adversarial relationship between tenant and landlord (neighbor
>> > and neighbor, boss and employee, contractor and homeowner, etc. ad
>> > infinitum) that keeps getting advocated really irritates the shit out of
>> > me. I'm a tenant and a landlord, and I have fantastic, cooperative,
>> > sane, mutually beneficial relationships with the other party in both
>> > circumstances. Luck? No. Intention.
>> Maybe because you don't have to deal with slumlords that don't care about
>> anything but the money going into their pocket.
>> If her landlord cared about the tenent at all, he would have sent a pro to
>> begin with, not some minimum wage flake.

We don't know yet that he's a slumlord. IIRC he had the AC fixed a
month ago and while the guy might not have fixed it right, maybe this
is a new problem, and it did last 3 weeks to a month.

IIRC, it's the same guy this time. Maybe the guy knows how to fix
some problems and not others, or he was having a bad day, or his wife
left him, his kids in jail for drunken driving, and he's having a bad
week. Yes I know a pro should still do good work, but one can't count
on "should".

Or perhaps the company isn't very good, and the LL hired it precisely
because they are cheap. But maybe it's not even so cheap, but the
company itself is deteriorating, without the knowledge of the
landlord. Perhaps the owner is gambling and losing company money
(let's say it's a company he owns lock stock and barrell so it's not
even illegal what he's doing) so he's had to hire cheaper people than
he should. There are loads of things that the LL won't know about for
a while, especially if the employee is able to portray the tenant as

>I don't choose to do business with people of no character. So no, you're
>absolutely correct, I don't have to deal with slumlords. And I never
>will, because I will never rent from one.

What if your building is sold to a new landlord, like mine was.

>Or be one, either.

I sure hope not. I hope everyone's good plans go well. But what
happens if your wife or kid has medical bills beyond your insurance,
and the only way to raise the money is by bleeding your rental

What I would do is bleed my rental properties or sell them, but I can
imagine that it's a bad seller's market and I think I only need
another 20,000 and I can keep the property and catch up later. Then
another 20 grand, etc.

I don't think you would plan to become a slumlord, but things happen.

== 12 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 10:04 pm
From: mm

On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 21:30:21 -0400, jheller <> wrote:

>mm wrote:
>> On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 16:37:41 -0400, mm <>
>> wrote:
>>>This is true even for heat, but for air conditioning, people
>>>have almost no rights, partly because very few people will die without
>>>AC, but many die without heat, and partly because AC is relatively
>>>new, and didn't exist or wasn't very common when most tenants rights
>>>laws were written, several decades ago.
>> I don't want to give the impression that tenants have rights. IN some
>> places there are tenants rights laws, but in most places afaik, there
>> are none. And they only have the rights that are in the lease, and in
>> general contract law or common law. Plus even those rights can be
>> trampelled, especially if the landlord is wicked or if you tick off
>> the landlord.
>If you rent, and you need something fixed ,if it is not fixed in a
>reasonable amount of time, you send a letter to your landlord with the
>problem ,and that their rent money will be held in rent court until the
>item is fixed. I have done this many times and all problems were fixed
>before the rent was due.

That's not the law everywhere**. In some places, rural places for
example are especially likely places, there is no rent court that will
hold money until something is fixed. Laws are passed all the time,
and repealed once in a while, and I don't do this for a living or know
about the entire nation, but I'm sure this is the situation in lots of

There may be whole states where that is not the law.

**It's not the procedure in NYC even, though it has very strong
pro-tenant laws.


== 13 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 9:20 pm

"ftwhd" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 07 Jul 2007 09:28:06 -0000, BobK207 <>
> wrote:
> >On Jul 7, 1:13 am, wrote:
> >> On Jul 7, 3:12 am, mm <> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> > On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 16:47:19 -0700, wrote:
> >> > >On Jul 6, 7:45 pm, "Don K" <> wrote:
> >>
> >> > >> Running for hours could mean anything more than one hour. There's
> >> > >> much information there. Let it run overnight. If it can't bring
the apartment
> >> > >> down to temperature overnight, then there's something definitely
> >> > >> with it.
> >>
> >> > >> Don
> >>
> >> > >It's been running non-stop since 12:00 PM, it's 7:46PM, and the temp
> >> > >is still 83 deg, thermostat still at 80 deg. I would not have said
> >> > >"hours" if it wasn't...
> >>
> >> > You missed his point, that hours can mean 2 or 200. So we don't know
> >> > your personality and what you would have said it if, in your opinion,
> >> > it wasn't, and even if you would not have said "hours" if it wasn't,
> >> > we still didn't know how many hours. You could have said 7 hours
> >> > that would have been clear.
> >>
> >> > Don't be snotty, especially when you're asking for free advice.
> >>
> >> > Is there any chance the fan is on ON, and the thermostat is not
> >> > accurate? Turn the thermostat down to 70 and see if goes lower than
> >> > it is now.
> >>
> >> > Also check the outside unit and see if it is making noise, and see if
> >> > you can tell if the noise is the fan and the compressor, or just the
> >> > fan.
> >>
> >> You've got to be kidding. Enough "hours" that any human who has ever
> >> used A/C would recognize that there's a problem. Here's what he
> >> said:
> >> "Running for hours could mean anything more than one hour. There's
> >> not much information there. Let it run overnight. If it can't bring
> >> the apartment down to temperature overnight, then there's something
> >> definitely wrong with it."
> >>
> >> Gee, do you really think there's something wrong if it can't get down
> >> to 80 deg overnight??? (It would do that with open windows and no A/
> >> C.) I think I was more than polite.
> >>
> >> The fan is on "Auto," so as to not recirculate air through vents in a
> >> hot attic when the compressor isn't on.
> >
> >OP-
> >
> >Your original post was unclear as to exactly how many "hours" it had
> >been running 2? 3? 6?
> >
> >Trying to determine AC performance without thermometer is futile
> >
> >Oh & for clarity don't use 12:00PM ....use noon or midnight to avoid
> >confusion
> >
> >Clearly your AC unit is not working....for a 800 sq ft apt get a
> >window unit. It's in your interest to reduce the operating costs you
> >can easily save the cost of the unit in a few months.
> >
> >cheers
> >Bob
> Dont forget the 13 seer box fan accessory.


== 14 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 9:29 pm

"mm" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 7 Jul 2007 11:06:44 -0500, <kjpro @> wrote:
> >
> >"mm" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> On Sat, 07 Jul 2007 01:13:10 -0700, wrote:
> >>
> >> >On Jul 7, 3:12 am, mm <> wrote:
> >> >> On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 16:47:19 -0700, wrote:
> >> >> >On Jul 6, 7:45 pm, "Don K" <> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> >> Running for hours could mean anything more than one hour. There's
> >not
> >> >> >> much information there. Let it run overnight. If it can't bring
> >apartment
> >> >> >> down to temperature overnight, then there's something definitely
> >wrong
> >> >> >> with it.
> >> >>
> >> >> >> Don
> >> >>
> >> >> >It's been running non-stop since 12:00 PM, it's 7:46PM, and the
> >> >> >is still 83 deg, thermostat still at 80 deg. I would not have said
> >> >> >"hours" if it wasn't...
> >> >>
> >> >> You missed his point, that hours can mean 2 or 200. So we don't
> >> >> your personality and what you would have said it if, in your
> >> >> it wasn't, and even if you would not have said "hours" if it
> >> >> we still didn't know how many hours. You could have said 7 hours
> >> >> that would have been clear.
> >> >>
> >> >> Don't be snotty, especially when you're asking for free advice.
> >> >>
> >> >> Is there any chance the fan is on ON, and the thermostat is not
> >> >> accurate? Turn the thermostat down to 70 and see if goes lower than
> >> >> it is now.
> >> >>
> >> >> Also check the outside unit and see if it is making noise, and see
> >> >> you can tell if the noise is the fan and the compressor, or just the
> >> >> fan.
> >> >
> >> >You've got to be kidding.
> >>
> >> No I"m not. Plenty of idiots post here. How do we tell who is an
> >> idiot and who isn't? Even half or more of the seemingly smart people
> >> fail to give enough information in their first post. EVen things they
> >> already know.
> >>
> >> We had one a couple days ago who dribbled out the important
> >> information a little at a time until most people had I'm sure stopped
> >> reading the thread before all the important facts were in.
> >>
> >> > Enough "hours" that any human who has ever
> >> >used A/C would recognize that there's a problem.
> >>
> >> And did you say that you had ever used AC before?
> >>
> >> And again, you hadn't said how many hours. We can't read your mind.
> >
> >
> >Again, did you miss the $320 electric bill.
> >
> >Clueless I tell you, just pure stupidity!
> >
> It could be that a neigbhor is using her electricity. There was a
> case on tv like that just last week. And oh yeah, there was a
> follow-up in this newsgroup just last week where another tenant was
> was using the poster's electricity, and had been for months, since he
> moved in.
> So she could have two separate problems, the bill and the lack of
> cooling.
> But I believe the AC is broken and it alone is using the electricity,
> and still we need to know details. She''s the one who wanted to
> prepare before the repairman came. This is not a case of "it's too
> difficult for you. Why investigate? Call the repairman." The
> repairman is coming but she wanted to be prepared for him.

Yeah, whatever, like that happens everyday.

You're still a clueless twit!

== 15 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 9:33 pm

<> wrote in message
> On Jul 7, 4:20 pm, krw <k...@att.bizzzz> wrote:
> > In article <468ff011$0$30622$>, lshaw-
> > says...
> >
> >
> >
> > > wrote:
> > > > On Jul 7, 7:29 am, "HeyBub" <> wrote:
> >
> > > >> Hmm. 12:00PM implies twelve hours past midday (p.m. = "post
meridian" = past
> > > >> midday). That would be midnight. From there to 7:46PM means the ac
has been
> > > >> on for almost twenty hours.
> >
> > > >> Of course one could also say 12:00AM (a.m. = "ante meridian" =
> > > >> midday) which would also be midnight.
> >
> > > > Sorry, 12:00PM is noon. Have a High School diploma?? Is English your
> > > > native language??
> >
> > > I have a high school (and college) diploma. Yet, I don't think
> > > I heard in high school (or college) is automatically true. In
> > > 2000 wasn't the first year of the new millenium, and 12:00 PM is not
> >
> > Well, we can't all be 100% correct. You're batting .500, which isn't
> > bad in some shapes.
> >
> > > Here's an explanation of why:
> >
> > >
> >
> > Sillyness.
> >
> > > Note that this comes from NIST, the National Institute of Standards
> > > and Technology, which is the US federal government agency responsible
> >
> > ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
> > 1. What part of government is "responsible" for anything?
> > 2. You _are_ talking about the US federal government.
> > 3. Oxymoronic.
> >
> > > for standardizing measurements. These are the people who operate
> > > NIST-F1, the atomic clock which is the primary reference for
> > > in the United States, and one of the primary references worldwide.
> >
> > 4. Pedantic.
> >
> > --
> > Keith
> >
> > --
> > Keith
> I posted a detailed reply to the 12:00 thing elsewhere is this thread.

And the simple minded people STILL can't comprehend it. LOL

== 16 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 9:39 pm

<> wrote in message
> On Jul 8, 4:32 pm, jJim McLaughlin <> wrote:
> > wrote:
> > > On Jul 7, 4:52 pm, mm <> wrote:
> >
> > >>On Sat, 07 Jul 2007 14:57:04 -0500, Logan Shaw
> >
> > >><> wrote:
> >
> > >>> wrote:
> >
> > >>>>On Jul 7, 7:29 am, "HeyBub" <> wrote:
> >
> > >>>>>Hmm. 12:00PM implies twelve hours past midday (p.m. = "post
meridian" = past
> > >>>>>midday). That would be midnight. From there to 7:46PM means the ac
has been
> > >>>>>on for almost twenty hours.
> >
> > >>>>>Of course one could also say 12:00AM (a.m. = "ante meridian" =
> > >>>>>midday) which would also be midnight.
> >
> > >>>>Sorry, 12:00PM is noon. Have a High School diploma?? Is English your
> > >>>>native language??
> >
> > >>>I have a high school (and college) diploma. Yet, I don't think
> > >>>I heard in high school (or college) is automatically true. In
> > >>>2000 wasn't the first year of the new millenium, and 12:00 PM is not
> >
> > >>>Here's an explanation of why:
> >
> > >>>
> >
> > >>This is so on-point, I think it deserves to be quoted. Also, I don't
> > >>think there can be copyright issues with government websites info, all
> > >>of which should be in the public domain"
> >
> > >>Are noon and midnight 12 a.m. or 12 p.m.?
> >
> > >> This is a tricky question. The answer is that the terms 12 a.m.
> > >>and 12 p.m. are wrong and should not be used.
> >
> > >> To illustrate this, consider that "a.m" and "p.m." are
> > >>abbreviations for "ante meridiem" and "post meridiem." They mean
> > >>"before noon" and "after noon," respectively. Noon is neither before
> > >>or after noon; it is simply noon. Therefore, neither the "a.m." nor
> > >>"p.m." designation is correct. On the other hand, midnight is both 12
> > >>hours before noon and 12 hours after noon. Therefore, either 12 a.m.
> > >>or 12 p.m. could work as a designation for midnight, but both would be
> > >>ambiguous as to the date intended.
> >
> > >> When a specific date is important, and when we can use a 24-hour
> > >>clock, we prefer to designate that moment not as 1200 midnight, but
> > >>rather as 0000 if we are referring to the beginning of a given day (or
> > >>date), or 2400 if we are designating the end of a given day (or date).
> >
> > >> To be certain of avoiding ambiguity (while still using a 12-hour
> > >>clock), specify an event as beginning at 1201 a.m. or ending at 1159
> > >>p.m., for example; this method is used by the railroads and airlines
> > >>for schedules, and is often found on legal papers such as contracts
> > >>and insurance policies.
> >
> > >>===> I've heard this before.
> >
> > >> If one is referring not to a specific date, but rather to
> > >>several days, or days in general, use the terms noon and midnight
> > >>instead of 12 a.m. and 12 p.m. For example, a bank might be open on
> > >>Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Or a grocery store might be open daily
> > >>until midnight. The terms "12 noon" and "12 midnight" are also
> > >>correct, though redundant.
> >
> > >>====> On July 3, I was a at a supermarket that had a temporary sign,
> > >>and someone had written "Open July 4, 7AM to 12AM, and then it had a
> > >>dark P written over the second A.
> >
> > >>>Note that this comes from NIST, the National Institute of Standards
> > >>>and Technology, which is the US federal government agency responsible
> > >>>for standardizing measurements.
> >
> > >>I liked it better when it was the National Bureau of Standards. They
> > >>keep changing names and confusing me. (I'm just going to call the INS
> > >>"la Migra" so I don't have to worry when it changes names.)
> >
> > >>>These are the people who operate
> > >>>NIST-F1, the atomic clock which is the primary reference for
> > >>>in the United States, and one of the primary references worldwide.
> >
> > >>I'll tell you how I remmeber this, and how I think it arose. The
> > >>moment of noon is neither before noon or after noon, but the
> > >>59.999999999...... seconds after that are after noon, and yet still
> > >>part of the minute that is 12:00. (and part of the second that is
> > >>12:00:00.) So even though all but the tiniest bit of the minute is not
> > >>noon, most of 12:00 noon is PM.
> >
> > >>> - Logan
> >
> > > I posted a detailed reply to the 12:00 thing elsewhere is this thread.
> >
> > Who cares what you posted. Is your AC working? If yes, shut up. If
> > no, shut up and go hire a repair person.
> >
> > You are an annoying and self defeating fool.
> Does your newsreader make you read everthing??? If you don't like the
> thread why are you reading it?

Cause he/she is an idiot. :-)

== 17 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 9:49 pm

"BobK207" <> wrote in message
> On Jul 7, 10:20 am, <kjpro @> wrote:
> > "BobK207" <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > On Jul 7, 9:45 am, <kjpro @> wrote:
> > > > "BobK207" <> wrote in message
> >
> > > >
> >
> > > > > On Jul 7, 9:41 am, wrote:
> > > > > > On Jul 7, 3:13 am, mm <> wrote:
> >
> > > > > > > On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 19:55:23 -0700, wrote:
> > > > > > > >On Jul 6, 8:05 pm, "Noon-Air" <> wrote:
> > > > > > > >> <> wrote in message
> > > > > > > >...
> >
> > > > > > > >> Hire a *competent*, licensed, bonded, insured,
> > > > trained HVAC
> > > > > > > >> technician, instead of depending on some flunkie handiman
> > > > couldn't make
> > > > > > > >> it doing anything else.
> >
> > > > > > > >What specifically do I ask him tomorrow? (Types of HVAC
> >
> > > > > > > Ask him what the problem is, and how long it will take to fix
> >
> > > > > > > Since he doesn't work for you, he may not tell you, but if you
> > > > > > > nice, and not the least bit snotty, he may well tell you.
> >
> > > > > > > Maybe ask him if it's worth repairing or not, although that is
> > his
> > > > > > > decision and he may be much less willing to speculate. OTOH,
> > he
> > > > > > > knows it's a 50 dollar problem, he may be wiling to speculate.
> > But
> > > > > > > you have to be even nicer to get answers to hard questions.
> > > > > > > (sometimes even when you yourself are paying).
> >
> > > > > > > >certifications?) He is being sent by the landlord, which I
> > pay
> > > > > > > >for.
> >
> > > > > > I just posted a description of what maintenance didn't do as a
> > reponse
> > > > > > to my original post.
> >
> > > > > why are you now posting multiple replies?
> >
> > > > > new to this whole thing,, huh?
> >
> > > > They might be, but at least they're smart enough to realize that a
> > > > electric bill isn't normal.
> >
> > > The fact that "a $320 electric bill isn't normal" for AC in a 800 sq
> > > ft is pretty much of a "duh"
> >
> > > It was clear early on that her AC isn't working
> >
> > For you and others to be harping on "how many hours has it been running"
> > pretty much mute, DUH!!!!
> >
> > You still don't get it.
> btw that would moot, not mute :)
> I get it just fine, IMO you're missing the point of "tangential"
> comments in some of the posts..............
> >>>>>For you and others to be harping on "how many hours has it been
running" <<<
> We were merely harping on the fashion in which the original
> information was conveyed....poorly.
> when she originally talked about running for "hours" it was unclear
> as to whether she was being accurate (that the unit had in fact been
> running for 7 hours) or exaggerating, like many non-technical people
> do.
> I've had a tenant tell me .......... "the heater's been running for a
> long time & the house is still cold"
> well the truth of the matter was 28F outside, 50F "soak" temp & the
> heater had been running for not quite 2 hours
> nothing wrong with the furnace, unrealistic expectation on the part of
> the "operator"
> its the details that matter..........

It's the "details" that you missed that started your stupid ass argument!!!!

== 18 of 19 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 9:51 pm

"ftwhd" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 7 Jul 2007 13:12:07 -0500, <kjpro @> wrote:
> >
> >"Jeff Wisnia" <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> >> Y'know Carie, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
> >>
> >> My curious mind wants to know....Are you married or single?
> >
> >
> >Hell, how about a picture? :-)
> >
> Tub girl?

Please NO!!

== 19 of 19 ==
Date: Mon, Jul 9 2007 2:56 am
From: BobK207

On Jul 8, 7:49 pm, <kjpro @> wrote:
> "BobK207" <> wrote in message
> > On Jul 7, 10:20 am, <kjpro @> wrote:
> > > "BobK207" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > > On Jul 7, 9:45 am, <kjpro @> wrote:
> > > > > "BobK207" <> wrote in message
> > > > >
> > > > > > On Jul 7, 9:41 am, wrote:
> > > > > > > On Jul 7, 3:13 am, mm <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > On Fri, 06 Jul 2007 19:55:23 -0700, wrote:
> > > > > > > > >On Jul 6, 8:05 pm, "Noon-Air" <> wrote:
> > > > > > > > >> <> wrote in message
> > > > > > > > >...
> > > > > > > > >> Hire a *competent*, licensed, bonded, insured,
> professionally
> > > > > trained HVAC
> > > > > > > > >> technician, instead of depending on some flunkie handiman
> that
> > > > > couldn't make
> > > > > > > > >> it doing anything else.
> > > > > > > > >What specifically do I ask him tomorrow? (Types of HVAC
> > > > > > > > Ask him what the problem is, and how long it will take to fix
> it.
> > > > > > > > Since he doesn't work for you, he may not tell you, but if you
> are
> > > > > > > > nice, and not the least bit snotty, he may well tell you.
> > > > > > > > Maybe ask him if it's worth repairing or not, although that is
> not
> > > his
> > > > > > > > decision and he may be much less willing to speculate. OTOH,
> if
> > > he
> > > > > > > > knows it's a 50 dollar problem, he may be wiling to speculate.
> > > But
> > > > > > > > you have to be even nicer to get answers to hard questions.
> > > > > > > > (sometimes even when you yourself are paying).
> > > > > > > > >certifications?) He is being sent by the landlord, which I
> don't
> > > pay
> > > > > > > > >for.
> > > > > > > I just posted a description of what maintenance didn't do as a
> > > reponse
> > > > > > > to my original post.
> > > > > > why are you now posting multiple replies?
> > > > > > new to this whole thing,, huh?
> > > > > They might be, but at least they're smart enough to realize that a
> $320
> > > > > electric bill isn't normal.
> > > > The fact that "a $320 electric bill isn't normal" for AC in a 800 sq
> > > > ft is pretty much of a "duh"
> > > > It was clear early on that her AC isn't working
> > > For you and others to be harping on "how many hours has it been running"
> is
> > > pretty much mute, DUH!!!!
> > > You still don't get it.
> > btw that would moot, not mute :)
> > I get it just fine, IMO you're missing the point of "tangential"
> > comments in some of the posts..............
> > >>>>>For you and others to be harping on "how many hours has it been
> running" <<<
> > We were merely harping on the fashion in which the original
> > information was conveyed....poorly.
> > when she originally talked about running for "hours" it was unclear
> > as to whether she was being accurate (that the unit had in fact been
> > running for 7 hours) or exaggerating, like many non-technical people
> > do.
> > I've had a tenant tell me .......... "the heater's been running for a
> > long time & the house is still cold"
> > well the truth of the matter was 28F outside, 50F "soak" temp & the
> > heater had been running for not quite 2 hours
> > nothing wrong with the furnace, unrealistic expectation on the part of
> > the "operator"
> > its the details that matter..........
> It's the "details" that you missed that started your stupid ass argument!!!!

I think you're missed it

TOPIC: New Frugal eBook Special!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 6:32 pm
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TOPIC: Get-together/club/course about frugal living in Southampton

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 9:37 pm
From: jheller

Rod Speed wrote:

> Traveller <> wrote
>>Hi all frugal persons,
> Only a microscopic subset of all frugal persons read this newsgroup...
>>I am looking for a get-together group or club or frugal course to exchange
>>ideas and learn something more about how to avoid pollute the earth
> The only way to avoid pollute the earth is to kill yourself thoughtfully.
>>and being consumeristic.
> No such animal.
>>I live in Southampton (Hampshire).
> Your problem.
>>Anyone knows a venue where people meet to discuss about this?
> Yes.
>>Anyone is interested to start a group?
> Yes.
>>Many thanks.
> For what >
>>I am also a beginner sewer
> Is that in the sense of being only a small sewer with not
> much shit in it yet, or at the start of a much bigger sewer ?
>>and a crocheter, but this is another subject. :-P
> Niether of which are particularly frugal today.
Sewing, crochet, and knitting, mending or making your clothes and
household needs not frugal??? since when?
>>Thanks for any reply.
> Even one that orders you to shove your head up a dead bear's arse ?

TOPIC: Finding 1 cent items on

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 10:07 pm
From: Gene S. Berkowitz

In article <>, says...
> There are times when I buy an item from that costs 24.99,
> and I need to add a 1 cent item to get to $25, and free super saver
> shipping.
> I haven't found any easy way to find 1 cent (or even 5 cent or so)
> items at Amazon, although I know they must exist.
> Anyone have insight into this? Maybe a place that indexes these kinds
> of items, or an Amazon search query that I haven't thought of?
> Thanks.

However, you usually won't find any legitimate deals below $0.25.
Most of the $0.01 deals are for a cell phone when you commit to a
service contract.


TOPIC: Supreme Court reverses century-old ban on price fixing, inviting
mobster-like behavior from manufacturers.

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 9:59 pm
From: bearclaw@cruller.invalid

In article <>,
Larry Bud <> wrote:

> Who's stopping you from becoming a supplier and filling the demand?

Way ahead of you.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 10:01 pm
From: bearclaw@cruller.invalid

In article <>,
Larry Bud <> wrote:

> IOW, "Almighty government, please, PROTECT ME FROM MYSELF!"

Not at all: protect me from people like you.

> I still find it incredible that allowing people to make decisions on
> their own is viewed by some as something that can't possibly be
> allowed to happen, that they somehow know better than the person
> making that decision.

Every decision has consequence. Live with it.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 8 2007 10:04 pm
From: bearclaw@cruller.invalid

In article <WQ3ki.5719$wG2.1837@newsfe17.lga>,
clams casino <> wrote:

> But you can not legally sell it or use it on another computer, even
> though you bought / paid for it. (You don't own that software that
> you "bought".)

If you read the eula on *some* of the software for which I have paid,
you will find that I do not own it. Why? Because of copyright law and
"intellectual property" law. This is not a free market, as a matter of
fact. Free markets are as mythical as unicorns. The only question is
"who regulates this market?"


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