Saturday, October 13, 2007

25 new messages in 8 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* For those who rarely fill their refrigerators..... - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Bush To Let Illegal Aliens Get $40 Digital TV Coupons - 14 messages, 3
* Don't drain bathwater...use for flushing toliet and brushing teeth - 1
messages, 1 author
* Empty 2 liter pop bottles excellent for keeping food in - 2 messages, 2
* Buy local produce - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Find a cheap cabin near Yosemite - 1 messages, 1 author
* Ugly Dish Antennas Nauseate Me - 1 messages, 1 author
* Worried about your wedding speech? - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: For those who rarely fill their refrigerators.....

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 4:31 pm
From: "Bob F"

"Abe" <> wrote in message
> >"Shadowland" <> wrote in message
>>> If you find that your refrigerator is say usually only half full,
>>> place containers of water into the empty areas.
>>> Once that water cools, it acts like a cold sink. When you open the
>>> refrig door, all the cool air gets out and the all the new air must be
>>> cooled again.
>>> With containers of water filling up empty space...that just means
>>> there's less air that needs to be cooled.
>>> That water keeps the coolness much better than the air.
>>How about filling it with plastic peanuts instead?
>>Being an insulator, the peanuts will absorb heat from the outside
>>air slower than containers of water.
>>Or air-bag packing? Or thermos bottles? Or defunct vacuum tubes?
> I think you need something with mass. Water or bricks, or Gel packs.

Only if you want to spend energy cooling them down. And lose it when you take
them out. If you are just trying to cut door-opening losses, bags of foam
peanuts would help more.


== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 7:28 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"George" <george@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> Don K wrote:
>> "Shadowland" <> wrote in message
>>> If you find that your refrigerator is say usually only half full,
>>> place containers of water into the empty areas.
>>> Once that water cools, it acts like a cold sink. When you open the
>>> refrig door, all the cool air gets out and the all the new air must be
>>> cooled again.
>>> With containers of water filling up empty space...that just means
>>> there's less air that needs to be cooled.
>>> That water keeps the coolness much better than the air.
>> How about filling it with plastic peanuts instead?
>> Being an insulator, the peanuts will absorb heat from the outside
>> air slower than containers of water.
>> Or air-bag packing? Or thermos bottles? Or defunct vacuum tubes?
>> Don
> How about buckets of cool whip? It probably has a higher specific heat
> that water and I think it has a twenty year storage life.

with the bonus of being edible ! NOT!!!!

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 7:30 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"Abe" <> wrote in message
> >"Shadowland" <> wrote in message
>>> If you find that your refrigerator is say usually only half full,
>>> place containers of water into the empty areas.
>>> Once that water cools, it acts like a cold sink. When you open the
>>> refrig door, all the cool air gets out and the all the new air must be
>>> cooled again.
>>> With containers of water filling up empty space...that just means
>>> there's less air that needs to be cooled.
>>> That water keeps the coolness much better than the air.
>>How about filling it with plastic peanuts instead?
>>Being an insulator, the peanuts will absorb heat from the outside
>>air slower than containers of water.
>>Or air-bag packing? Or thermos bottles? Or defunct vacuum tubes?
> I think you need something with mass. Water or bricks, or Gel packs.

why don't we just stack some slate in there. they absorb heat all day
and let it out at night. maybe they work in reverse.

TOPIC: Bush To Let Illegal Aliens Get $40 Digital TV Coupons

== 1 of 14 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 4:31 pm
From: "Jerry Okamura"

"Rick" <videojockey1a@yahoo.comzzzz> wrote in message
> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
> news:470d7468$0$9534$
>> <> wrote in message
>>> On Oct 10, 1:57 pm, "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote:
>>>> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
>>>> > In article <470c2a86$0$7506$>,
>>>> > "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote:
>>>> >> I asked for what someone would suggest we do about the problem.
>>>> >> Do you have a workable plan?
>>>> > Not the point. You're bascially saying, "Yeah, there's a problem but
>>>> > until someone tells me how it can be solved (at which point I will do
>>>> > my
>>>> > damndest to torpedo whatever they come up with), nothing should be
>>>> > done
>>>> > at all."
>>>> I had a boss who told me once, you know every Tom, Dick and Harry can
>>>> tell
>>>> me about what they see as a problem. It does very little good to hear
>>>> about
>>>> a problem if they do not have a solution to the perceived problem.
>>> Your boss was obviously an idiot. Suppose an employee came to the
>>> boss and said "Every 10th widget that comes off the assembly line has
>>> cracks in it and is going in the scrap pile." According to the
>>> boss, that does very little good because the employee doesn't have a
>>> solution to the problem.
>> Yes, because the boss may not have a solution to the problem either, so
>> telling him about the problem does not solve the problem. On the other
>> hand, if you told the boss "every 10th widgtet that comes off the
>> assembly line has cracks in it and is going in the scrap pile" and you
>> had a solution to stop that from happening, that you have not only
>> pointed out a problem, but you have a way to stop that from happening.
>> Problems cannot be corrected without a solution. It is not bad to point
>> out problems, but it is a whole lot better, if you poitned out a problem
>> and had a proposed solution.
>>> If you
>>>> believe that something is a problem and you have no solution to solving
>>>> the
>>>> problem, then the problem will never go away....because SOMEONE has to
>>>> come
>>>> up with a solution.
>>> Regarding the illegal immigration problem, there are obvious
>>> solutions. The only problem is, no one has the political will to
>>> implement them. Primarily because they are all afraid of being
>>> branded as racists, similar to what you see trying to be done in this
>>> thread.
>> Okay, let us talk about illegal immigration. First of all, no society
>> has been very successdul at stopping people from doing what they want to
>> do. People enter this country illegally because they believe they have a
>> shot a living a better life here than where they come from. So, if you
>> do not address that dynamic, then nothing else you do will work.
>>> Solutions:
>>> Have guest worker permits that allow foreigners to work here legally
>>> for a limited time. Bush proposed this 5 years ago and it got shot
>>> down by everyone.
>> that is not a bad idea.
>>> Then enforce penalties against employers that hire illegal aliens.
>>> Increase the penalties where appropriate. Once there are no jobs for
>>> illegals, they'll stop coming.
>> That also is not a bad idea, but it ain't going to solve the problem.
>> First because you cannot possibly stop businesses from hiring these
>> people. You can make it a whole lot more difficult on them, and you may
>> stop more or most of them from hiring these illegals, but you will NEVER
>> stop ALL of them from hiring illegals. But for the sake of discussion,
>> let us for the moment assume that we can stop all businesses from hiring
>> illegals. Will that work? No, it won't work. If you were in this
>> country illegally, what you would do is work the underground economy, so
>> all you have succeeded in doing is driving them to work in the
>> underground economy, and then you have just made the job of finding them
>> that much harder, if not impossible.
>>> Allow and encourage police at all levels to report illegal aliens that
>>> they encounter.
>> Not a bad idea, but it won't happen.
>>> Deport those that are found
>> Lousy idea. You deport them and they just turn right around and re-enter
>> this country illegally again. "If" we were really serious about
>> providing them with a incentive not to enter this country illegally, let
>> them spend some time in prison. And if they come back into this country
>> illegally again, put them in prison for a longer period of time. That
>> alone would work a whole lot better.
>>> Get working on high tech solutions to manage the border. Surely with
>>> satellites, drone aircraft, sensor on the ground and the like, we can
>>> make it extremely difficult to get across the border. In fact, this
>>> would solve much of our problem in Iraq. If you can secure the
>>> borders, then no more explosives and terrorists would be coming in to
>>> Iraq and what explosives they have would be used up in short order.
>> Nothing wrong with that idea. Of course there is a whole lot of water
>> surrounding the United States, and there is the northern border which is
>> open.
> But where is the fence?
> It works in Israel.

I gather it is in the "construction" phase...sort of like a work in

== 2 of 14 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 4:35 pm
From: "Jerry Okamura"

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> Rick <videojockey1a@yahoo.comzzzz> wrote:
>> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
>> news:470d7468$0$9534$
>>> <> wrote in message
>>>> On Oct 10, 1:57 pm, "Jerry Okamura" <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> In article <470c2a86$0$7506$>,
>>>>>> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote:
>>>>>>> I asked for what someone would suggest we do about the problem.
>>>>>>> Do you have a workable plan?
>>>>>> Not the point. You're bascially saying, "Yeah, there's a problem
>>>>>> but until someone tells me how it can be solved (at which point I
>>>>>> will do my
>>>>>> damndest to torpedo whatever they come up with), nothing should be
>>>>>> done
>>>>>> at all."
>>>>> I had a boss who told me once, you know every Tom, Dick and Harry
>>>>> can tell
>>>>> me about what they see as a problem. It does very little good to
>>>>> hear about
>>>>> a problem if they do not have a solution to the perceived problem.
>>>> Your boss was obviously an idiot. Suppose an employee came to the
>>>> boss and said "Every 10th widget that comes off the assembly line
>>>> has cracks in it and is going in the scrap pile." According to
>>>> the boss, that does very little good because the employee doesn't
>>>> have a solution to the problem.
>>> Yes, because the boss may not have a solution to the problem either,
>>> so telling him about the problem does not solve the problem. On the
>>> other hand, if you told the boss "every 10th widgtet that comes off
>>> the assembly line has cracks in it and is going in the scrap pile"
>>> and you had a solution to stop that from happening, that you have
>>> not only pointed out a problem, but you have a way to stop that from
>>> happening. Problems cannot be corrected without a solution. It is
>>> not bad to point out problems, but it is a whole lot better, if you
>>> poitned out a problem and had a proposed solution.
>>>> If you
>>>>> believe that something is a problem and you have no solution to
>>>>> solving the
>>>>> problem, then the problem will never go away....because SOMEONE
>>>>> has to come
>>>>> up with a solution.
>>>> Regarding the illegal immigration problem, there are obvious
>>>> solutions. The only problem is, no one has the political will to
>>>> implement them. Primarily because they are all afraid of being
>>>> branded as racists, similar to what you see trying to be done in
>>>> this thread.
>>> Okay, let us talk about illegal immigration. First of all, no
>>> society has been very successdul at stopping people from doing what
>>> they want to do. People enter this country illegally because they
>>> believe they have a shot a living a better life here than where they
>>> come from. So, if you do not address that dynamic, then nothing
>>> else you do will work.
>>>> Solutions:
>>>> Have guest worker permits that allow foreigners to work here legally
>>>> for a limited time. Bush proposed this 5 years ago and it got shot
>>>> down by everyone.
>>> that is not a bad idea.
>>>> Then enforce penalties against employers that hire illegal aliens.
>>>> Increase the penalties where appropriate. Once there are no jobs
>>>> for illegals, they'll stop coming.
>>> That also is not a bad idea, but it ain't going to solve the problem.
>>> First because you cannot possibly stop businesses from hiring these
>>> people. You can make it a whole lot more difficult on them, and you
>>> may stop more or most of them from hiring these illegals, but you
>>> will NEVER stop ALL of them from hiring illegals. But for the sake
>>> of discussion, let us for the moment assume that we can stop all
>>> businesses from hiring illegals. Will that work? No, it won't
>>> work. If you were in this country illegally, what you would do is
>>> work the underground economy, so all you have succeeded in doing is
>>> driving them to work in the underground economy, and then you have
>>> just made the job of finding them that much harder, if not
>>> impossible.
>>>> Allow and encourage police at all levels to report illegal aliens
>>>> that they encounter.
>>> Not a bad idea, but it won't happen.
>>>> Deport those that are found
>>> Lousy idea. You deport them and they just turn right around and
>>> re-enter this country illegally again. "If" we were really serious
>>> about providing them with a incentive not to enter this country
>>> illegally, let them spend some time in prison. And if they come
>>> back into this country illegally again, put them in prison for a
>>> longer period of time. That alone would work a whole lot better.
>>>> Get working on high tech solutions to manage the border. Surely
>>>> with satellites, drone aircraft, sensor on the ground and the like,
>>>> we can make it extremely difficult to get across the border. In
>>>> fact, this would solve much of our problem in Iraq. If you can
>>>> secure the borders, then no more explosives and terrorists would be
>>>> coming in to Iraq and what explosives they have would be used up in
>>>> short order.
>>> Nothing wrong with that idea. Of course there is a whole lot of
>>> water surrounding the United States, and there is the northern
>>> border which is open.
>> But where is the fence?
>> It works in Israel.
> And wouldnt work with Mexico.

why son't it work?
> There's already much better than a fence with Cuba
> and there are hordes of Cubans in the country anyway.

A couple of thoughts on Cuba. First, even though it is much more difficult
for them to come, they do keep coming. Second, we do have a wet foot/dry
foot policy in this country when it comes to Cubans. It is not exactly a
good policy if you don't want them to enter this country, instead it
encourages them to keep trying. Thirdly, that is what is inconsistent about
this whole argument about illegals. The government of the United States
decides who is a legal alien and who is not, the wet foot/dry foot rule is a
good example.

== 3 of 14 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 4:40 pm
From: "Jerry Okamura"

"Rick" <videojockey1a@yahoo.comzzzz> wrote in message
> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
> news:470bd495$0$11082$
>> This is getting to be silly. There are some, what, 40 million of them in
>> this country as we speak. What percentage of them are picking crops?
>> Why complain about a problem, if you have no solution to the problem?
>> What is your solution to the problem? I am willing to bet whatever
>> "solution" you propose, I can poke holes into your "solution" of why it
>> won't work.
>> "RuleOfLaw" <> wrote in message
>>> On Oct 4, 6:06 am, cloud dreamer <Global_Warm...@is.real> wrote:
>>>> Funny how guys like Bill will whine over illegal immigrants but is
>>>> happy
>>>> to buy cheap strawberries made possible only by their labour. I doubt
>>>> he'd be willing to bend over and pick in the hot sun for their wages.
>>> Enonomists have thoroughly exploded the myth of "cheap
>>> strawberries" (or is "cheap lettuce" more your hollow cliche of
>>> choice?)
>>> First of all, the use of illegal alien laborAT MOST reduces produce
>>> prices a few cents per pound.
>>> Secondly, the citizen taxpayers pay ENORMOUS amounts of money (and
>>> sometimes with their very lives) to harbor this "cheap" illegal alien
>>> labor. Right nos MY local hospital is CLOSING due to illegal aliens
>>> bankrupting it!!!!!!!!!!!
>>> Thirdly, it's been convincingly argued that the presence of illegal
>>> aliens actually HINDERS growers' introduction of what would be LABOR-
>>> SAVING automation which would TRULY LOWER prices. With so many
>>> illegals around growers have little reason to further automate.
> Well for one none of them have a legal Social Security Card. You want a
> job get a legal SSC. If you don't no employment from any business in the
> United States and no Welfare either with out a SSC.

Did you read about what is actually happening. We now require employers to
give the Social Security Administration the social security number of ANY
new employee. If the Social Security Administration find no match, they
advise the employer. But they have no authority to do anything "if" the
employer does nothing about the notification. When there is a no match, the
Social Securitu Administration sends that information to the Homeland
Security people, who have no law enforcement ability. So, what good does
the whole thing do?

== 4 of 14 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 4:41 pm
From: "Jerry Okamura"

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> Rick <videojockey1a@yahoo.comzzzz> wrote:
>> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
>> news:470bd495$0$11082$
>>> This is getting to be silly. There are some, what, 40 million of
>>> them in this country as we speak. What percentage of them are
>>> picking crops? Why complain about a problem, if you have no
>>> solution to the problem? What is your solution to the problem? I
>>> am willing to bet whatever "solution" you propose, I can poke holes
>>> into your "solution" of why it won't work. "RuleOfLaw"
>>> <> wrote in message
>>>> On Oct 4, 6:06 am, cloud dreamer <Global_Warm...@is.real> wrote:
>>>>> Funny how guys like Bill will whine over illegal immigrants but is
>>>>> happy to buy cheap strawberries made possible only by their
>>>>> labour. I doubt he'd be willing to bend over and pick in the hot
>>>>> sun for their wages.
>>>> Enonomists have thoroughly exploded the myth of "cheap
>>>> strawberries" (or is "cheap lettuce" more your hollow cliche of
>>>> choice?)
>>>> First of all, the use of illegal alien laborAT MOST reduces produce
>>>> prices a few cents per pound.
>>>> Secondly, the citizen taxpayers pay ENORMOUS amounts of money (and
>>>> sometimes with their very lives) to harbor this "cheap" illegal
>>>> alien labor. Right nos MY local hospital is CLOSING due to illegal
>>>> aliens bankrupting it!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>> Thirdly, it's been convincingly argued that the presence of illegal
>>>> aliens actually HINDERS growers' introduction of what would be
>>>> LABOR- SAVING automation which would TRULY LOWER prices. With so
>>>> many illegals around growers have little reason to further automate.
>> Well for one none of them have a legal Social Security Card. You want
>> a job get a legal SSC. If you don't no employment from any business
>> in the United States and no Welfare either with out a SSC.
> They'd just get a SSC, just like they get fake passports.

I did not think of that. Get a fake passport and present that as proof of
citizenship. I wonder if that would work?

== 5 of 14 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 7:27 pm
From: Thanatos

In article <>,
"Rod Speed" <> wrote:

> Thanatos <> wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> >
> >> Rick <videojockey1a@yahoo.comzzzz> wrote:
> >>> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
> >>> news:470bd495$0$11082$
> >>>> This is getting to be silly. There are some, what, 40 million of
> >>>> them in this country as we speak. What percentage of them are
> >>>> picking crops? Why complain about a problem, if you have no
> >>>> solution to the problem? What is your solution to the problem? I
> >>>> am willing to bet whatever "solution" you propose, I can poke holes
> >>>> into your "solution" of why it won't work. "RuleOfLaw"
> >>>> <> wrote in message
> >>>>
> >>>>> On Oct 4, 6:06 am, cloud dreamer <Global_Warm...@is.real> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Funny how guys like Bill will whine over illegal immigrants but
> >>>>>> is happy to buy cheap strawberries made possible only by their
> >>>>>> labour. I doubt he'd be willing to bend over and pick in the hot
> >>>>>> sun for their wages.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Enonomists have thoroughly exploded the myth of "cheap
> >>>>> strawberries" (or is "cheap lettuce" more your hollow cliche of
> >>>>> choice?)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> First of all, the use of illegal alien laborAT MOST reduces
> >>>>> produce prices a few cents per pound.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Secondly, the citizen taxpayers pay ENORMOUS amounts of money (and
> >>>>> sometimes with their very lives) to harbor this "cheap" illegal
> >>>>> alien labor. Right nos MY local hospital is CLOSING due to illegal
> >>>>> aliens bankrupting it!!!!!!!!!!!
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thirdly, it's been convincingly argued that the presence of
> >>>>> illegal aliens actually HINDERS growers' introduction of what
> >>>>> would be LABOR- SAVING automation which would TRULY LOWER prices.
> >>>>> With so many illegals around growers have little reason to
> >>>>> further automate.
> >>>>>
> >>> Well for one none of them have a legal Social Security Card. You
> >>> want a job get a legal SSC. If you don't no employment from any
> >>> business in the United States and no Welfare either with out a SSC.
> >>
> >> They'd just get a SSC, just like they get fake passports.
> >
> > And the penalty for possession of fake federal documents
> > should be a felony.

> Wont stop them.

Name me one criminal law that has ever actually stopped people from
committing the act that's criminalized. Yet no one sane is suggesting we
scrap the entire penal code just because it doesn't induce 100%

== 6 of 14 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 7:29 pm
From: Thanatos

In article <4711576a$0$25686$>,
"Jerry Okamura" <> wrote:

> "Rick" <videojockey1a@yahoo.comzzzz> wrote in message
> >
> > "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
> > news:470bd495$0$11082$
> >> This is getting to be silly. There are some, what, 40 million of them in
> >> this country as we speak. What percentage of them are picking crops?
> >> Why complain about a problem, if you have no solution to the problem?
> >> What is your solution to the problem? I am willing to bet whatever
> >> "solution" you propose, I can poke holes into your "solution" of why it
> >> won't work.
> >>
> >>
> >> "RuleOfLaw" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> On Oct 4, 6:06 am, cloud dreamer <Global_Warm...@is.real> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Funny how guys like Bill will whine over illegal immigrants but is
> >>>> happy
> >>>> to buy cheap strawberries made possible only by their labour. I doubt
> >>>> he'd be willing to bend over and pick in the hot sun for their wages.
> >>>
> >>> Enonomists have thoroughly exploded the myth of "cheap
> >>> strawberries" (or is "cheap lettuce" more your hollow cliche of
> >>> choice?)
> >>>
> >>> First of all, the use of illegal alien laborAT MOST reduces produce
> >>> prices a few cents per pound.
> >>>
> >>> Secondly, the citizen taxpayers pay ENORMOUS amounts of money (and
> >>> sometimes with their very lives) to harbor this "cheap" illegal alien
> >>> labor. Right nos MY local hospital is CLOSING due to illegal aliens
> >>> bankrupting it!!!!!!!!!!!
> >>>
> >>> Thirdly, it's been convincingly argued that the presence of illegal
> >>> aliens actually HINDERS growers' introduction of what would be LABOR-
> >>> SAVING automation which would TRULY LOWER prices. With so many
> >>> illegals around growers have little reason to further automate.
> >>>
> > Well for one none of them have a legal Social Security Card. You want a
> > job get a legal SSC. If you don't no employment from any business in the
> > United States and no Welfare either with out a SSC.
> >
> Did you read about what is actually happening. We now require employers to
> give the Social Security Administration the social security number of ANY
> new employee. If the Social Security Administration find no match, they
> advise the employer. But they have no authority to do anything "if" the
> employer does nothing about the notification. When there is a no match, the
> Social Securitu Administration sends that information to the Homeland
> Security people, who have no law enforcement ability.

Where do you get the idea that Homeland Security has no law enforcement
capability. The Border Patrol, ICE, Coast Guard and Secret Service all
have law enforcement authority and are all part of the Department of
Homeland Security.

== 7 of 14 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 8:00 pm
From: "Rick"

"Thanatos" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> Audie Murphy's Ghost <> wrote:
>> In article <>, Thanatos
>> <> wrote:
>> > In article <>,
>> > Audie Murphy's Ghost <> wrote:
>> > > I have never, not once, heard any of you Mexican-bashers
>> > > say anything about illegal immigration by Canadians,
>> > > Irish (or any other Western Europeans), or pretty much
>> > > anybody that's white and has some money.
>> > Well, now you have. An illegal Irish or Canadian or
>> > Australian alien should be scooped up and kicked out
>> > of the country just like any other illegal alien.
>> Too damn late, Thanny.
> Too late for what?
>> Anyway, in five minutes this'll be all about
>> Mexicans again.
> They are the vast majority of the offenders of the law. Why wouldn't
> most of the discussion be about them?
> In Washington, DC, the vast majority of murders are committed by blacks.
> Should we just stop enforcing the homicide laws until the white people
> catch up on the killing?

If you could zero out the black homicides you would find from the FBI and
Justice Department stats that the US homicide rate would be slightly higher
than the European average.

== 8 of 14 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 8:25 pm
From: "Rick"

<> wrote in message
> On Oct 6, 11:55 am, bearc...@cruller.invalid wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> Thanatos <> wrote:
>> > In article <>,
>> > bearc...@cruller.invalid wrote:
>> > > In article <RPyNi.107992$GO6.96...@newsfe21.lga>,
>> > > clams casino <> wrote:
>> > > > Any examples of which (illegal) groups are being over looked?
>> > > How about the guys that piloted the planes into the WTC?
>> > They weren't here illegally. They were actually documented foreign
>> > nationals. Unfortunately.
>> Really? So then, how about illegals who have plotted or carried out
>> similar actions?
>> What? There aren't any?
> Let's clear up one basic fact here that is incorrect. Three of the
> 911 hijackers had in fact VIOLATED US IMMIGRATION LAW. Here's an
> excerpt from the 911 Commission Report:
> ""Of the five hijackers who entered the United States more than once,
> three of them violated immigration law."
> It's true they didn't just walk across the border, but 3 were here in
> clear violation of US immigration law. One can only wonder if the US
> didn't have what amounts to a "don't ask, don't tell" policy when
> dealing with anyone who might be here illegally, if they would have
> been caught, checked out and/or deported. But, besides ignoring our
> borders, if someone is stopped by the police, in just about all
> jurisdictions, they aren't allowed to even question their immigration
> status. Here in NJ, the policy has been that even after being caught
> and suspected of a felony, an illegal was not reported to INS. They
> are routinely released on bail, without regard to their immigration
> status, which is beyond belief. The whole purpose of setting bail is
> to ensure that they return to court. Only a kook liberal would say
> that whether they are here legally or not has no bearing on that
> decision. Only after sentencing were they then usually reported to
> the INS. That whole process has now come under scrutiny, following
> an execution style murder of 3 college students in Newark a few months
> ago, where the vicitims were shot and one beheaded. Of the 4
> arrested for the murders, 2 were illegal aliens. One of the illegals
> was out on bail, despite having been arrested twice before here on
> felonies including assault, weapons charges and the rape of a child.
> And if anyone with common sense thinks about it, why wouldn't wanted
> criminals slip into the USA? In their own country, if they were
> wanted and got pulled over, the police would very likely identify them
> and arrest them. Here, you can start over again and be shielded by
> the liberals, who deny police the right to even question who you are
> and where you came from. And I'm sure I'll be called a racist too,
> for citing the above Newark example. I think the families of the
> victims, who happen to be black, however, would agree that race has
> nothing to do with this. It's just common sense law enforcement to
> know who is coming into your country and to deport those that are here
> illegally.
> For those that think allowing 1mil+ unknown persons to walk across the
> Mexican border, I'd like to ask this question. Why should that
> border be treated any different than any other entry point? Should
> we remove all immigration and customs checkpoints at our airports?
> And if some pro illegal immigration group wants to start chartering
> Boeing 747s, load them up in any 3rd world country and start bringing
> millions more uneducated, unskilled and unknown people here to the
> land of freedom, is that a good idea? We could start in Haiti or the
> Sudan,or parts of India. They are pretty bad off. And if not,
> isn't it discrimination against them, by only allowing it to occur at
> the MExican border? I expect that will be the next bogus claim and
> step down the liberal kook path.
> Oh, and one other thing from you, Bear, that I would like to
> address. You try to paint anyone that wants to enforce our
> immigration laws as racist, which the vast majority of us are not.
> Yet in one of your other posts, you feel free to make this comment:
> "Just like homosexuals, being a flaming racist doesn't make you not a
> racist. "
> While uniform enforcement of immigration laws is not racist, your
> comment clearly shows you to be a bigot. Sounds just like Archie
> Bunker.
Well in Mexico 3 low cost airlines have started flying passengers to the US
border knowing full well their passengers are about to illegally cross the

== 9 of 14 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 8:28 pm
From: "Rick"

"William December Starr" <> wrote in message
> In article <1mINi.10$Ge3.4@newsfe24.lga>,
> clams casino <> said:
>> Explain how being an illegal immigrant is better (for the US) than
>> being a legal one.
>> Other than perhaps (for the illegal) bypassing the line for all
>> those who are attempting to get here legally.
> I don't say it's better. I just say that it doesn't seem like that
> big a deal to me, especially in comparison to all the heat that's
> being generated over it these days.
> --
>Well for one thing they could be criminals or terrorists mixed in with the
>other illegals. Thought that would be pretty obvious.

== 10 of 14 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 8:44 pm
From: "Rick"

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> Rick <videojockey1a@yahoo.comzzzz> wrote:
>> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote
>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote
>>>>>>>>> Trouble is that there are no 'solutions' that will actually do
>>>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>>> There is "always" a solution.
>>>>>>> Nope.
>>>>>> Then if there is no solution, learn to live with the problem?
>>>>> Or just deal with the parts of the problem that are feasible to
>>>>> deal with.
>>>> What parts of the problem is that?
>>> One obvious area that can be dealth with is the anchor baby part of
>>> the problem.
>>> All that would take is a constitutional amendment and there
>>> isnt any doubt that that would get overwhelming support.
>>> Most modern first world countrys have binned that stupidity for a
>>> long time now.
>>>>>>>> There "may not be the will", but there is a solution.
>>>>>>> Nope.
>>>>>>>> For instance, the government in Mexcio is one big part of the
>>>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>> Nope, no govt of mexico can actually do anything about the real
>>>>>>> problem, they pump out FAR more kids than the economy can
>>>>>>> possibly sustain with decent living standards, so there are
>>>>>>> inevitably hordes who notice that the living standards in the US
>>>>>>> are much better than in mexico and so they move to US if they
>>>>>>> can.
>>>>>>>> They cannot seem to adopt policies that will actually
>>>>>>>> dramatically improve the lives of their citizens.
>>>>>>> There are no such policys. Even a very draconian approach like
>>>>>>> the chinese adopted of forcing most to only have one brat STILL
>>>>>>> didnt fix the problem that the living standards in the US are
>>>>>>> MUCH better than in china, and so hordes would prefer to leave
>>>>>>> china.
>>>>>>>> One solution (though I am not saying we should do it) is to
>>>>>>>> forcibly change the government in Mexico.
>>>>>>> Wont do a damned thing about the fundamental problem.
>>>>>> what is the "fundamental problem"?
>>>>> I told you, they pump out FAR more kids than their economy
>>>>> can ever support and thats what produces so many that find
>>>>> that moving to the US will improve their personal living standards.
>>>> you have got to be kidding me.
>>> Nope.
>>>> Societies have managed to take care of their people, regardless of
>>>> their birth rate.
>>> Have fun listing a single one thats got a birth
>>> rate like Mexico has thats actually done that.
>>> And like I said, even when china did fix the birth rate problem, that
>>> STILL didnt stop the other fundamental problem, that the living
>>> standards are STILL so far below what they are in the US that
>>> hordes of people STILL want to leave that country and migrate to
>>> another one, and that many of them are prepared to do that illegally.
>>>> While some countries have not.
>>> Like the entire third world, which just happens
>>> to be where the illegals are mostly coming from.
>>>>>>> And it clearly didnt work with Iraq anyway.
>>>>>> No one can say it will not work in Iraq.
>>>>> Corse anyone with a clue can say that.
>>>> Only someone who knows what will happen in the futrre can do that.
>>> Wrong. Its perfectly possible to notice that full civil war doesnt
>>> just stop by
>>> itself and that what the US is doing in Iraq isnt going to stop it
>>> any time soon.
>>>>>> All we can say is that it is not working yet.
>>>>> And it wont, you watch. Replacing the govt produced the inevitable
>>>>> result, a full civil war, and those dont just go away by wishing
>>>>> that would happen.
>>>>> Some have lasted for hundreds of years effectively, like with
>>>>> Ireland.
>>>> Yep, and there is no civil war in Ireland now, because the english
>>>> did not give up.
>>> Nope, because the Irish eventually came to their senses, after
>>> CENTURYS. There isnt a shred of evidence that the stupid rag heads
>>> in Iraq will be giving up on their civil war any time soon.
>> If you can get the government of Mexico to get rid of most of their govt
>> run companies and free up that economy we wouldn't have to build a fence.
> Fantasy. The chinese have gone that route and there are STILL hordes of
> chinese that would move to any first world country that would have them.
>> Build the Fence!
> They'd just do an end run around it, like the Cubans do.
But fewer will try and that's a good thing. But any market reform in Mexico
would be better than what they have now.

== 11 of 14 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 8:45 pm
From: "Rick"

"Audie Murphy's Ghost" <> wrote in message
> In article <>, Rick
> <videojockey1a@yahoo.comzzzz> wrote:
>> Build the Fence!
> That's exactly what Nikita Khrushchev said, and look how well *that*
> worked out.
> I guess they knew what they were doing when they named them the "red
> states."

But Khrushchev was keeping the East Germans from leaving. We just want to
keep the criminals and terrorists out.

== 12 of 14 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 8:49 pm
From: "Rick"

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> Rick <videojockey1a@yahoo.comzzzz> wrote:
>> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
>> news:470d7468$0$9534$
>>> <> wrote in message
>>>> On Oct 10, 1:57 pm, "Jerry Okamura" <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> In article <470c2a86$0$7506$>,
>>>>>> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote:
>>>>>>> I asked for what someone would suggest we do about the problem.
>>>>>>> Do you have a workable plan?
>>>>>> Not the point. You're bascially saying, "Yeah, there's a problem
>>>>>> but until someone tells me how it can be solved (at which point I
>>>>>> will do my
>>>>>> damndest to torpedo whatever they come up with), nothing should be
>>>>>> done
>>>>>> at all."
>>>>> I had a boss who told me once, you know every Tom, Dick and Harry
>>>>> can tell
>>>>> me about what they see as a problem. It does very little good to
>>>>> hear about
>>>>> a problem if they do not have a solution to the perceived problem.
>>>> Your boss was obviously an idiot. Suppose an employee came to the
>>>> boss and said "Every 10th widget that comes off the assembly line
>>>> has cracks in it and is going in the scrap pile." According to
>>>> the boss, that does very little good because the employee doesn't
>>>> have a solution to the problem.
>>> Yes, because the boss may not have a solution to the problem either,
>>> so telling him about the problem does not solve the problem. On the
>>> other hand, if you told the boss "every 10th widgtet that comes off
>>> the assembly line has cracks in it and is going in the scrap pile"
>>> and you had a solution to stop that from happening, that you have
>>> not only pointed out a problem, but you have a way to stop that from
>>> happening. Problems cannot be corrected without a solution. It is
>>> not bad to point out problems, but it is a whole lot better, if you
>>> poitned out a problem and had a proposed solution.
>>>> If you
>>>>> believe that something is a problem and you have no solution to
>>>>> solving the
>>>>> problem, then the problem will never go away....because SOMEONE
>>>>> has to come
>>>>> up with a solution.
>>>> Regarding the illegal immigration problem, there are obvious
>>>> solutions. The only problem is, no one has the political will to
>>>> implement them. Primarily because they are all afraid of being
>>>> branded as racists, similar to what you see trying to be done in
>>>> this thread.
>>> Okay, let us talk about illegal immigration. First of all, no
>>> society has been very successdul at stopping people from doing what
>>> they want to do. People enter this country illegally because they
>>> believe they have a shot a living a better life here than where they
>>> come from. So, if you do not address that dynamic, then nothing
>>> else you do will work.
>>>> Solutions:
>>>> Have guest worker permits that allow foreigners to work here legally
>>>> for a limited time. Bush proposed this 5 years ago and it got shot
>>>> down by everyone.
>>> that is not a bad idea.
>>>> Then enforce penalties against employers that hire illegal aliens.
>>>> Increase the penalties where appropriate. Once there are no jobs
>>>> for illegals, they'll stop coming.
>>> That also is not a bad idea, but it ain't going to solve the problem.
>>> First because you cannot possibly stop businesses from hiring these
>>> people. You can make it a whole lot more difficult on them, and you
>>> may stop more or most of them from hiring these illegals, but you
>>> will NEVER stop ALL of them from hiring illegals. But for the sake
>>> of discussion, let us for the moment assume that we can stop all
>>> businesses from hiring illegals. Will that work? No, it won't
>>> work. If you were in this country illegally, what you would do is
>>> work the underground economy, so all you have succeeded in doing is
>>> driving them to work in the underground economy, and then you have
>>> just made the job of finding them that much harder, if not
>>> impossible.
>>>> Allow and encourage police at all levels to report illegal aliens
>>>> that they encounter.
>>> Not a bad idea, but it won't happen.
>>>> Deport those that are found
>>> Lousy idea. You deport them and they just turn right around and
>>> re-enter this country illegally again. "If" we were really serious
>>> about providing them with a incentive not to enter this country
>>> illegally, let them spend some time in prison. And if they come
>>> back into this country illegally again, put them in prison for a
>>> longer period of time. That alone would work a whole lot better.
>>>> Get working on high tech solutions to manage the border. Surely
>>>> with satellites, drone aircraft, sensor on the ground and the like,
>>>> we can make it extremely difficult to get across the border. In
>>>> fact, this would solve much of our problem in Iraq. If you can
>>>> secure the borders, then no more explosives and terrorists would be
>>>> coming in to Iraq and what explosives they have would be used up in
>>>> short order.
>>> Nothing wrong with that idea. Of course there is a whole lot of
>>> water surrounding the United States, and there is the northern
>>> border which is open.
>> But where is the fence?
>> It works in Israel.
> And wouldnt work with Mexico.
> There's already much better than a fence with Cuba
> and there are hordes of Cubans in the country anyway.
It would put a big dent in it that's for sure

Where's the Fence!

== 13 of 14 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 8:50 pm
From: "Rick"

"Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
> "Rick" <videojockey1a@yahoo.comzzzz> wrote in message
>> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
>> news:470d7468$0$9534$
>>> <> wrote in message
>>>> On Oct 10, 1:57 pm, "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote:
>>>>> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
>>>>> > In article <470c2a86$0$7506$>,
>>>>> > "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote:
>>>>> >> I asked for what someone would suggest we do about the problem.
>>>>> >> Do you have a workable plan?
>>>>> > Not the point. You're bascially saying, "Yeah, there's a problem but
>>>>> > until someone tells me how it can be solved (at which point I will
>>>>> > do my
>>>>> > damndest to torpedo whatever they come up with), nothing should be
>>>>> > done
>>>>> > at all."
>>>>> I had a boss who told me once, you know every Tom, Dick and Harry can
>>>>> tell
>>>>> me about what they see as a problem. It does very little good to hear
>>>>> about
>>>>> a problem if they do not have a solution to the perceived problem.
>>>> Your boss was obviously an idiot. Suppose an employee came to the
>>>> boss and said "Every 10th widget that comes off the assembly line has
>>>> cracks in it and is going in the scrap pile." According to the
>>>> boss, that does very little good because the employee doesn't have a
>>>> solution to the problem.
>>> Yes, because the boss may not have a solution to the problem either, so
>>> telling him about the problem does not solve the problem. On the other
>>> hand, if you told the boss "every 10th widgtet that comes off the
>>> assembly line has cracks in it and is going in the scrap pile" and you
>>> had a solution to stop that from happening, that you have not only
>>> pointed out a problem, but you have a way to stop that from happening.
>>> Problems cannot be corrected without a solution. It is not bad to point
>>> out problems, but it is a whole lot better, if you poitned out a problem
>>> and had a proposed solution.
>>>> If you
>>>>> believe that something is a problem and you have no solution to
>>>>> solving the
>>>>> problem, then the problem will never go away....because SOMEONE has to
>>>>> come
>>>>> up with a solution.
>>>> Regarding the illegal immigration problem, there are obvious
>>>> solutions. The only problem is, no one has the political will to
>>>> implement them. Primarily because they are all afraid of being
>>>> branded as racists, similar to what you see trying to be done in this
>>>> thread.
>>> Okay, let us talk about illegal immigration. First of all, no society
>>> has been very successdul at stopping people from doing what they want to
>>> do. People enter this country illegally because they believe they have a
>>> shot a living a better life here than where they come from. So, if you
>>> do not address that dynamic, then nothing else you do will work.
>>>> Solutions:
>>>> Have guest worker permits that allow foreigners to work here legally
>>>> for a limited time. Bush proposed this 5 years ago and it got shot
>>>> down by everyone.
>>> that is not a bad idea.
>>>> Then enforce penalties against employers that hire illegal aliens.
>>>> Increase the penalties where appropriate. Once there are no jobs for
>>>> illegals, they'll stop coming.
>>> That also is not a bad idea, but it ain't going to solve the problem.
>>> First because you cannot possibly stop businesses from hiring these
>>> people. You can make it a whole lot more difficult on them, and you may
>>> stop more or most of them from hiring these illegals, but you will NEVER
>>> stop ALL of them from hiring illegals. But for the sake of discussion,
>>> let us for the moment assume that we can stop all businesses from hiring
>>> illegals. Will that work? No, it won't work. If you were in this
>>> country illegally, what you would do is work the underground economy, so
>>> all you have succeeded in doing is driving them to work in the
>>> underground economy, and then you have just made the job of finding them
>>> that much harder, if not impossible.
>>>> Allow and encourage police at all levels to report illegal aliens that
>>>> they encounter.
>>> Not a bad idea, but it won't happen.
>>>> Deport those that are found
>>> Lousy idea. You deport them and they just turn right around and
>>> re-enter this country illegally again. "If" we were really serious
>>> about providing them with a incentive not to enter this country
>>> illegally, let them spend some time in prison. And if they come back
>>> into this country illegally again, put them in prison for a longer
>>> period of time. That alone would work a whole lot better.
>>>> Get working on high tech solutions to manage the border. Surely with
>>>> satellites, drone aircraft, sensor on the ground and the like, we can
>>>> make it extremely difficult to get across the border. In fact, this
>>>> would solve much of our problem in Iraq. If you can secure the
>>>> borders, then no more explosives and terrorists would be coming in to
>>>> Iraq and what explosives they have would be used up in short order.
>>> Nothing wrong with that idea. Of course there is a whole lot of water
>>> surrounding the United States, and there is the northern border which is
>>> open.
>> But where is the fence?
>> It works in Israel.
> I gather it is in the "construction" phase...sort of like a work in
> progress...

Have the Illegals build the fence which would cut the cost down for sure
then when it's almost complete push the workers over the fence.

Where's the fence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

== 14 of 14 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 8:52 pm
From: "Rick"

"Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>> Rick <videojockey1a@yahoo.comzzzz> wrote:
>>> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
>>> news:470d7468$0$9534$
>>>> <> wrote in message
>>>>> On Oct 10, 1:57 pm, "Jerry Okamura" <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> "Thanatos" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> In article <470c2a86$0$7506$>,
>>>>>>> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I asked for what someone would suggest we do about the problem.
>>>>>>>> Do you have a workable plan?
>>>>>>> Not the point. You're bascially saying, "Yeah, there's a problem
>>>>>>> but until someone tells me how it can be solved (at which point I
>>>>>>> will do my
>>>>>>> damndest to torpedo whatever they come up with), nothing should be
>>>>>>> done
>>>>>>> at all."
>>>>>> I had a boss who told me once, you know every Tom, Dick and Harry
>>>>>> can tell
>>>>>> me about what they see as a problem. It does very little good to
>>>>>> hear about
>>>>>> a problem if they do not have a solution to the perceived problem.
>>>>> Your boss was obviously an idiot. Suppose an employee came to the
>>>>> boss and said "Every 10th widget that comes off the assembly line
>>>>> has cracks in it and is going in the scrap pile." According to
>>>>> the boss, that does very little good because the employee doesn't
>>>>> have a solution to the problem.
>>>> Yes, because the boss may not have a solution to the problem either,
>>>> so telling him about the problem does not solve the problem. On the
>>>> other hand, if you told the boss "every 10th widgtet that comes off
>>>> the assembly line has cracks in it and is going in the scrap pile"
>>>> and you had a solution to stop that from happening, that you have
>>>> not only pointed out a problem, but you have a way to stop that from
>>>> happening. Problems cannot be corrected without a solution. It is
>>>> not bad to point out problems, but it is a whole lot better, if you
>>>> poitned out a problem and had a proposed solution.
>>>>> If you
>>>>>> believe that something is a problem and you have no solution to
>>>>>> solving the
>>>>>> problem, then the problem will never go away....because SOMEONE
>>>>>> has to come
>>>>>> up with a solution.
>>>>> Regarding the illegal immigration problem, there are obvious
>>>>> solutions. The only problem is, no one has the political will to
>>>>> implement them. Primarily because they are all afraid of being
>>>>> branded as racists, similar to what you see trying to be done in
>>>>> this thread.
>>>> Okay, let us talk about illegal immigration. First of all, no
>>>> society has been very successdul at stopping people from doing what
>>>> they want to do. People enter this country illegally because they
>>>> believe they have a shot a living a better life here than where they
>>>> come from. So, if you do not address that dynamic, then nothing
>>>> else you do will work.
>>>>> Solutions:
>>>>> Have guest worker permits that allow foreigners to work here legally
>>>>> for a limited time. Bush proposed this 5 years ago and it got shot
>>>>> down by everyone.
>>>> that is not a bad idea.
>>>>> Then enforce penalties against employers that hire illegal aliens.
>>>>> Increase the penalties where appropriate. Once there are no jobs
>>>>> for illegals, they'll stop coming.
>>>> That also is not a bad idea, but it ain't going to solve the problem.
>>>> First because you cannot possibly stop businesses from hiring these
>>>> people. You can make it a whole lot more difficult on them, and you
>>>> may stop more or most of them from hiring these illegals, but you
>>>> will NEVER stop ALL of them from hiring illegals. But for the sake
>>>> of discussion, let us for the moment assume that we can stop all
>>>> businesses from hiring illegals. Will that work? No, it won't
>>>> work. If you were in this country illegally, what you would do is
>>>> work the underground economy, so all you have succeeded in doing is
>>>> driving them to work in the underground economy, and then you have
>>>> just made the job of finding them that much harder, if not
>>>> impossible.
>>>>> Allow and encourage police at all levels to report illegal aliens
>>>>> that they encounter.
>>>> Not a bad idea, but it won't happen.
>>>>> Deport those that are found
>>>> Lousy idea. You deport them and they just turn right around and
>>>> re-enter this country illegally again. "If" we were really serious
>>>> about providing them with a incentive not to enter this country
>>>> illegally, let them spend some time in prison. And if they come
>>>> back into this country illegally again, put them in prison for a
>>>> longer period of time. That alone would work a whole lot better.
>>>>> Get working on high tech solutions to manage the border. Surely
>>>>> with satellites, drone aircraft, sensor on the ground and the like,
>>>>> we can make it extremely difficult to get across the border. In
>>>>> fact, this would solve much of our problem in Iraq. If you can
>>>>> secure the borders, then no more explosives and terrorists would be
>>>>> coming in to Iraq and what explosives they have would be used up in
>>>>> short order.
>>>> Nothing wrong with that idea. Of course there is a whole lot of
>>>> water surrounding the United States, and there is the northern
>>>> border which is open.
>>> But where is the fence?
>>> It works in Israel.
>> And wouldnt work with Mexico.
> why son't it work?
>> There's already much better than a fence with Cuba
>> and there are hordes of Cubans in the country anyway.
> A couple of thoughts on Cuba. First, even though it is much more
> difficult for them to come, they do keep coming. Second, we do have a wet
> foot/dry foot policy in this country when it comes to Cubans. It is not
> exactly a good policy if you don't want them to enter this country,
> instead it encourages them to keep trying. Thirdly, that is what is
> inconsistent about this whole argument about illegals. The government of
> the United States decides who is a legal alien and who is not, the wet
> foot/dry foot rule is a good example.
Well who should decide who should be legal or illegal?
Rod Speed?

It's been over a year now
Where's the Fence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TOPIC: Don't drain bathwater...use for flushing toliet and brushing teeth

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 7:26 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"Shadowland" <> wrote in message
> Our fresh water supply is under threat !
> An easy way to conserve water is to use your used bath water to flush
> the toliet.
> I'm mean heck, the tub and toliet are right next to each other
> anyhow, right ?
> Just have a bucket handy and there you go.
> And at the beginning of you bath/shower, why not brush your teeth in
> that clean water ?
> If you use a pure soap like Ivory, you may also use the water to
> water your plants with.

and here i thought were all supposed to be showering to save water.
i know i certainly don't want to stand around in dirty, soapy water
until my shower is done.

TOPIC: Empty 2 liter pop bottles excellent for keeping food in

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 7:31 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"Abe" <> wrote in message
> >On Oct 13, 4:29 pm, Shadowland <> wrote:
>>> I use empty 2 liter pop bottles to keep things like rice, oat meal,
>>> etc in and place these on
>>> top of my refrigerator.
>>> The containers are transparent. They're airtight and durable. I think
>>> superior to the original containers.
>>Right. And who doesn't have all day to pour rice through a funnel into
>>a tiny hole?
>>Transparent is not always great for food storage either, but in this
>>case it could be an advantage. You can watch the small bugs crawling
>>around in your meal.
> All day? Try 15 seconds.

doesn't take long for those oatmeal bugs to hatch out.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 8:34 pm
From: PaPaPeng

On Sat, 13 Oct 2007 13:29:33 -0700, Shadowland <>

> I use empty 2 liter pop bottles to keep things like rice, oat meal,
>etc in and place these on
> top of my refrigerator.
> The containers are transparent. They're airtight and durable. I think
>superior to the original containers.

There all shapes and sizes of plastic containers at the Dollar Stores,
They look good, are sealable and stackable A buck a container is
cheaper than the price of 2 litre bottle of pop you'd be better off
not drinking. There is a limit to being frugal beyond which it
becomes ridiculous.

TOPIC: Buy local produce

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 7:33 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"Shadowland" <> wrote in message
> When you buy far flung produce you encourage long distance shipping.
> Let save all that fuel and buy local. Spending locally help your
> local economy also.

we can't grow oranges and bananas here. or grapefruit. or pineapple.
then again, we don't have giant, hissing cockroaches, either. :)

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 8:17 pm
From: Anthony Matonak

AllEmailDeletedImmediately wrote:
> we can't grow oranges and bananas here. or grapefruit. or pineapple.
> then again, we don't have giant, hissing cockroaches, either. :)

If you spend enough money, you can grow anything anywhere.


TOPIC: Find a cheap cabin near Yosemite

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 7:33 pm

there are many affordable small cabins for sale or rent near yosemite.

TOPIC: Ugly Dish Antennas Nauseate Me

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 7:49 pm
From: Siskuwihane

On Oct 13, 6:09 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> Siskuwihane <> wrote:
> > On Oct 13, 5:43 pm, Siskuwihane <> wrote:
> >> On Oct 13, 5:40 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> >>> Anthony Matonak <> wrote:
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>> I can't believe how many people are sticking those godawful gray
> >>>>> dishes on the FRONT of their otherwise beautiful homes.
> >>>> As others have said, the owners probably left it up to the
> >>>> underpaid installers to choose the location. These installers
> >>>> don't care about appearances. This is the same reason that the
> >>>> trash cans hardly ever match the style of the house.
> >>>>> I was driving to work and went past a row of old beautiful well-
> >>>>> maintained gingerbread homes from around, oh, 1890's, and lo and
> >>>>> behold, the disgusting dish was popping out on the porch of one of
> >>>>> them.
> >>>> A row of stepford homes, all alike, strikes me as one of the
> >>>> ugliest things in the world. Gingerbread homes are especially
> >>>> ugly, only to be surpassed by the McMansion cubes that are
> >>>> sprouting up like weeds these days.
> >>>> On a frugal note, as long as it doesn't contain metal, you can
> >>>> paint these dishes any color or pattern you like.
> >>> Doesnt matter if it does contain metal. The dish itself is metal.
> >> No they're not
> > Should be, not all of them, mine is ABS.
> Which has a metallised surface. Wont work if it doesnt.- Hide quoted text -

Nope, they can have a mesh embedded in them. Stick to something you
know like sucking off the public teat.

TOPIC: Worried about your wedding speech?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 8:39 pm
From: Mark Anderson

In article says...
> What a load. Does your spam come with the shovel?
> What is more important, a great wedding or a great marriage?
> Shouldn't all the days after the wedding count for something?

Not only that but I thought it was the best man who had to sweat out the
speech business.


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