Tuesday, August 19, 2008

25 new messages in 13 topics - digest



Today's topics:

* Valentine Cards - 1 messages, 1 author
* Facts on Georgia-Russia conflict expose Bush's continual lying. - 1 messages,
1 author
* Life Insurance - 1 messages, 1 author
* sealant around steel shed - 3 messages, 3 authors
* refinancing a double to get moved quickly - questions - 1 messages, 1 author
* Frugal hi speed internet? - 4 messages, 4 authors
Askshoes.com) - 1 messages, 1 author
* Should I buy a gas gussler? - 4 messages, 4 authors
* Buying a used car - Tips - 1 messages, 1 author
* WARNING -- SAME SPAMMER Re: Please Help...Need your recommendations - Lasik -
2 messages, 2 authors
* Compact Flourescent bulbs - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Trip Report -- Algodones Dentistry - 2 messages, 1 author
* Homemade Cleaner? - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Valentine Cards

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 3:46 pm
From: Al Bundy

On Aug 19, 1:54 pm, clams_casino <PeterGrif...@DrunkinClam.com> wrote:
> daniel.ge...@googlemail.com wrote:
> >On Aug 19, 12:04 pm, clams_casino <PeterGrif...@DrunkinClam.com>
> >wrote:
> >>freefreeho...@yahoo.com wrote:
> >>>Websites to provide Free Valentine Cards
> >>and what could possibly go wrong getting free downloads from a spammer
> >>in China?
> >you are great clam thank you for rescuing me from this bad bad man
> Hmm - A spammer and a stalker.

It's interesting to watch some of these postings cropping up now. Many
are people testing their new Web construction skills or wanting to
learn the language. They must not realize how transparent they are as
they misspell words and otherwise trash the language. They might start
up a site with a few pictures and things they copied off the Internet
and expect traffic to gravitate to them immediately. Another hint is
the inappropriateness of the post. In this case, who is looking for
Valentine cards at this time of year?

I feel mostly immune to viruses because I clone my HD regularly. I
don't need to chase a virus down and fix it. I will sometimes check
unfamiliar sites out and almost never get infected anyway because I
don't run script there and I believe Firefox is better protected. I
received my first message from Google last week where they questioned
a site and provided background information. It turned out to be

Still, the bottom line is that you don't have to go to these useless
sites to begin with and probably should not.

TOPIC: Facts on Georgia-Russia conflict expose Bush's continual lying.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 3:50 pm
From: Al Bundy

On Aug 18, 12:21 am, "Brutus" <bru...@freetidbet.orb> wrote:
> "Al Bundy" <MSfort...@mcpmail.com> wrote in message
> news:2429aba9-1b81-437d-bcb4-3705256aa3a1@m36g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
> > On Aug 16, 8:21 pm, wis...@yahoo.com wrote:
> >>http://www.davidduke.com/index.php?s=russia&submit=go
> >> Thank goodness White House propaganda mill garbage and the general
> >> media
> >> swill is being rejected.
> >> ted
> > However, Bush showed superior restraint in not patting that women's
> > beach volleyball star on her ass last week.
> Clinton and Edwards would have tried to get her in bed.
> Brutus

Like the bad girl said to the good girl, "Is it hard to be good?"
She answered, "It has to be hard to be good."

TOPIC: Life Insurance

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 3:54 pm
From: Al Bundy

A VFW wrote:
> In article
> <648f1e7e-8158-472c-b8cb-a158c6ab4769@v39g2000pro.googlegroups.com>,
> AndyTao <22265737@qq.com> wrote:
> > No medical exam required. Coverage begins for a $1. Request info.
> > http://www.ogogo123sina.cn
> I wouldn't want to insure with a co. that would have me as a client.
> --
> If guns are out-lawed. Only the Out-laws & politicians will have guns.

No medical exam is required. The reason is that anything you then come
up with will be considered a preexisting condition and receive no
payment. You will not get much for a dollar either. If you are young
with children, get a renewable term policy for what you can afford.
If older, self insure for your own burial/cremation.

TOPIC: sealant around steel shed

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 3:57 pm

"john hamilton" <bluestar@mail.invalid> wrote in message
> Have just erected a yardmaster tin shed. I need to put a 'sealant' around
> the edge of the steel frame base where it sits on the concrete foundation,
> to prevent water traveling in under the frame.
> I normally get things like sealants from Wickes or Screwfix, but there are
> a bewildering array of different sealants available. Would anyone
> recommend which would be the one to use in this particular application
> please?


If something like the above, don't think it needs any sealant. Have three of
this and it never leaked - the roof will rust out befor it will leak. Mine
were Arrow, not Yardmaster but it look the same.


== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 4:40 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Frank wrote:
> "john hamilton" <bluestar@mail.invalid> wrote in message
> news:g8dqn7$3sq$1@registered.motzarella.org...
>> Have just erected a yardmaster tin shed. I need to put a 'sealant'
>> around the edge of the steel frame base where it sits on the
>> concrete foundation, to prevent water traveling in under the frame.
>> I normally get things like sealants from Wickes or Screwfix, but
>> there are a bewildering array of different sealants available. Would anyone recommend which would be the one to use
>> in this
>> particular application please?

> http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gardencentredirect.co.uk/images/products/yardmaster/geys.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.gardencentredirect.co.uk/FAQs/540&h=265&w=265&sz=26&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=t0hAGYDPNRhDhM:&tbnh=112&tbnw=112&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dyardmaster%2Btin%2Bshed%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG

> If something like the above, don't think it needs any sealant.

Its not the shed that matters, what matters is whether the concrete its
mounted on gets standing water on it. If it does, it will get in under the
bottom of the walls and what is inside the shed will get wet.

> Have three of this and it never leaked

He's not saying that the shed itself leaks, just that water can get between the concrete floor and the walls.

> - the roof will rust out befor it will leak. Mine were Arrow, not Yardmaster but it look the same.

> http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.supplyhero.com/_FileLibrary/Product/42626/VM108L.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.supplyhero.com/Arrow-Shed-Vinyl-Milford-10-x-12.1289.42626.3.htm&h=346&w=436&sz=97&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=bV9qFWV2M4RQuM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=126&prev=/images%3Fq%3Darrow%2Bshed%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 7:18 pm
From: gheston@hiwaay.net (Gary Heston)

In article <g8dqn7$3sq$1@registered.motzarella.org>,
john hamilton <bluestar@mail.invalid> wrote:
>Have just erected a yardmaster tin shed. I need to put a 'sealant' around
>the edge of the steel frame base where it sits on the concrete foundation,
>to prevent water traveling in under the frame.

>I normally get things like sealants from Wickes or Screwfix, but there are a
>bewildering array of different sealants available. Would anyone recommend
>which would be the one to use in this particular application please?

Clear silicone caulk should work fine.


Gary Heston gheston@hiwaay.net http://www.thebreastcancersite.com/

Why is it that these days, the words "What idiot" are so frequently
followed by the words "at Microsoft"?

TOPIC: refinancing a double to get moved quickly - questions

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 3:58 pm
From: Al Bundy

On Aug 19, 1:15 am, Tony Sivori <TonySiv...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 15:32:34 -0400, OhioGuy wrote:
> Tony Sivori
> Due to spam, I'm now filtering all Google Groups posters.

"Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil." You already have the
picture. It's in your mirror.

TOPIC: Frugal hi speed internet?

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 3:59 pm
From: George Grapman

Gordon wrote:
> nonsense@mynonsense.net wrote in news:ae1ef6e7-7a2f-41e7-ac3f-
> 98733f3c7a3b@w7g2000hsa.googlegroups.com:
>> I am looking for cheap hi-speed internet. My current provider, Comcast
>> is raising the price to $60/ month but it includes basic cable which I
>> dont care for. I notice AT&T has a $20/ month plan. Does one need to
>> have a landline for that? If not, how much does the final bill end up
>> being after taxes and everything?
> Usually DSL is piggy backed onto the Landline (POTS) service.
> The best pricing for DSL is available if there is also POTS
> service on the line. Without POTS, the price of DSL goes up.
> I don't know about AT&T, but with Verizon, the price of
> DSL w/o POTS is only a buck cheaper than DSL + POTS.
> Other options for frugal internet are to share your neighbors
> Wi-fi. But don't steal it. Make an arrangement and agree to
> pay part of their internet service.
> I think I remamber that someone in this group was (still is?)
> getting wi-fi access from AT&T through his local McD's.
> Check the web sites of the various cell phone providers. Many
> of them will have internet over cell service. The most common
> service is via an Air Card. But that is also the most expensive.
> There are also Phone as Modem plans that can be less expensive.
> All you need is the proper phone, but you can get one pretty
> cheap off of e-bay.

When I switched to DSL the savings on dropping the extra land line
was something like $2 a month so I decided to keep in case there was
ever a problem with my main phone. The modem number is not listed and I
never give it out so when it rings it is a wrong number or,more often a
telemarketer. I usually ignore it but every so often I say"Federal Trade
Commission,phone fraud unit,may I help you?" and hear a click.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 4:29 pm
From: Shawn Hirn

In article
nonsense@mynonsense.net wrote:

> I am looking for cheap hi-speed internet. My current provider, Comcast
> is raising the price to $60/ month but it includes basic cable which I
> dont care for. I notice AT&T has a $20/ month plan. Does one need to
> have a landline for that? If not, how much does the final bill end up
> being after taxes and everything?

One option to consider is to keep your current Internet service, but buy
a wi-fi router and let some neighbors use it in return for helping to
pay your monthly Internet service bills.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 5:22 pm
From: "Lou"

"Shawn Hirn" <srhi@comcast.net> wrote in message
> In article
> <ae1ef6e7-7a2f-41e7-ac3f-98733f3c7a3b@w7g2000hsa.googlegroups.com>,
> nonsense@mynonsense.net wrote:
> > I am looking for cheap hi-speed internet. My current provider, Comcast
> > is raising the price to $60/ month but it includes basic cable which I
> > dont care for. I notice AT&T has a $20/ month plan. Does one need to
> > have a landline for that? If not, how much does the final bill end up
> > being after taxes and everything?
> One option to consider is to keep your current Internet service, but buy
> a wi-fi router and let some neighbors use it in return for helping to
> pay your monthly Internet service bills.

For whatever it's worth, such an arrangement probably conflicts with the
terms of service. If your neighbor brings his/her laptop over to your house
is OK, but to set yourself up as a mini-ISP is not.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 8:34 pm
From: The Real Bev

nonsense@mynonsense.net wrote:

> I am looking for cheap hi-speed internet. My current provider, Comcast
> is raising the price to $60/ month but it includes basic cable which I
> dont care for.

Try haggling. I pay $30/month for 5Mb cablemodem service. No TV, no
phone, just internet. You have to be willing to quit and you have to
make sure that they know it. If the first-level droid won't play, ask
to speak to its supervisor. "Your service just isn't worth that much"
and "Will you elevate this to the next tier?" seem to have some magical

> I notice AT&T has a $20/ month plan. Does one need to
> have a landline for that? If not, how much does the final bill end up
> being after taxes and everything?

DSL. 756kb service. You get both. And at the end of 6 months you'll
have to haggle with them too.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
'Politics' comes from an ancient Greek word meaning
'many blood-sucking leeches.' -- Mark Russell


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 5:05 pm
From: askshoes

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AIR Jordan Fusion 13
AIR Jordan Fusion 14
AIR Jordan Fusion 15
AIR Jordan Fusion 16
AIR Jordan Fusion 17
AIR Jordan Fusion 18
AIR Jordan Fusion 19
AIR Jordan Fusion 20
AIR Jordan Fusion 21
AIR Jordan Fusion 22
AIR Jordan Fusion 23
Jordan Fusion 1
Jordan Fusion 2
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Jordan Fusion 14
Jordan Fusion 15
Jordan Fusion 16
Jordan Fusion 17
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TOPIC: Should I buy a gas gussler?

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 5:29 pm
From: "Lou"

"Jonathan Grobe" <grobe@netins.net> wrote in message
> On 2008-08-16, Lou <lpogoda@verizon.net> wrote:
> >
> > "Ken Lay" <livin_la_vida_morte@skilling.the.whipping.boy> wrote in
> > news:livin_la_vida_morte-C47E75.09060015082008@news.supernews.com...
> >> In article <YNqdne-BN6DL5jjVnZ2dnUVZ_qninZ2d@earthlink.com>,
> >> Jeff <jeff@spam_me_not.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> > Drive any new car off the lot and it's immediately worth
> >> > substantially less.
> >>
> >> Average loss immediately upon leaving the dealer's lot: 15%
> >
> > And how's that any different from buying say, a new pair of shoes, or a
> > suit? I don't think cars are anything special in that regard.
> >
> When you buy a new pair of shoes you pay for it immediately.

Unless you charge it on a credit card that you don't pay in full every

And really, how/when you pay for it is not the point - almost anything you
buy, the value drops precipitously as you leave the store or the first time
you use it. Visit just about any yard sale. There may be more dollars
invovled when the item under consideration is a car, but the principle is
the same.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 5:47 pm
From: clams_casino

Lou wrote:

>"Jonathan Grobe" <grobe@netins.net> wrote in message
>>On 2008-08-16, Lou <lpogoda@verizon.net> wrote:
>>>"Ken Lay" <livin_la_vida_morte@skilling.the.whipping.boy> wrote in
>>>>In article <YNqdne-BN6DL5jjVnZ2dnUVZ_qninZ2d@earthlink.com>,
>>>> Jeff <jeff@spam_me_not.com> wrote:
>>>>>Drive any new car off the lot and it's immediately worth
>>>>>substantially less.
>>>>Average loss immediately upon leaving the dealer's lot: 15%
>>>And how's that any different from buying say, a new pair of shoes, or a
>>>suit? I don't think cars are anything special in that regard.
>>When you buy a new pair of shoes you pay for it immediately.
>Unless you charge it on a credit card that you don't pay in full every
>And really, how/when you pay for it is not the point - almost anything you
>buy, the value drops precipitously as you leave the store or the first time
>you use it. Visit just about any yard sale. There may be more dollars
>invovled when the item under consideration is a car, but the principle is
>the same.
Certainly a used car doesn't lose value when it's driven off the

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 6:16 pm
From: "SpammersDie"

"Jonathan Grobe" <grobe@netins.net> wrote in message
> On 2008-08-16, Lou <lpogoda@verizon.net> wrote:
>> "Ken Lay" <livin_la_vida_morte@skilling.the.whipping.boy> wrote in
>> message
>> news:livin_la_vida_morte-C47E75.09060015082008@news.supernews.com...
>>> In article <YNqdne-BN6DL5jjVnZ2dnUVZ_qninZ2d@earthlink.com>,
>>> Jeff <jeff@spam_me_not.com> wrote:
>>> > Drive any new car off the lot and it's immediately worth
>>> > substantially less.
>>> Average loss immediately upon leaving the dealer's lot: 15%
>> And how's that any different from buying say, a new pair of shoes, or a
>> suit? I don't think cars are anything special in that regard.
> When you buy a new pair of shoes you pay for it immediately.

As do you when you buy a car - if you finance, you're renting the money, not
the car. The dealer gets paid in full immediately. Same as if you buy the
shoes using a credit card.

This doesn't bear on depreciation at all.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 6:58 pm
From: Vic Smith

On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 01:16:46 GMT, "SpammersDie" <xx@xx.xx> wrote:

>"Jonathan Grobe" <grobe@netins.net> wrote in message
>> On 2008-08-16, Lou <lpogoda@verizon.net> wrote:
>>> "Ken Lay" <livin_la_vida_morte@skilling.the.whipping.boy> wrote in
>>> message
>>> news:livin_la_vida_morte-C47E75.09060015082008@news.supernews.com...
>>>> In article <YNqdne-BN6DL5jjVnZ2dnUVZ_qninZ2d@earthlink.com>,
>>>> Jeff <jeff@spam_me_not.com> wrote:
>>>> > Drive any new car off the lot and it's immediately worth
>>>> > substantially less.
>>>> Average loss immediately upon leaving the dealer's lot: 15%
>>> And how's that any different from buying say, a new pair of shoes, or a
>>> suit? I don't think cars are anything special in that regard.
>> When you buy a new pair of shoes you pay for it immediately.
>As do you when you buy a car - if you finance, you're renting the money, not
>the car. The dealer gets paid in full immediately. Same as if you buy the
>shoes using a credit card.
>This doesn't bear on depreciation at all.

Did anybody stop and think that shoes don't lose $1500-3000 in value
when you walk out of the shoe store.
Oh sure, that $1500-3000 is the same as the maybe $100 bucks your
shoes just depreciated. Shoes essentially depreciate 100% when
you walk out of the store. Who would buy your shoes?
But it doesn't matter if you're going to wear them until they fall
apart, right? Just like a car.
So shoes are like cars. Which have wheels, and so do office chairs.
No difference, all the same.


TOPIC: Buying a used car - Tips

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 5:37 pm
From: Ron Peterson

On Aug 17, 6:17 pm, "Rod Speed" <rod.speed....@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Free is my favorite 4-letter word, too, but I'm not familiar with the
> > term "K-car."  What does that mean?

It was a compact front wheel drive car. I bought the 1982 station
wagon, which had a Mitsubishi engine (although it used a carburetor,
it never stalled). Unfortunately, it was totaled from a rear-end
collision 4 years later (it crumpled well leaving me uninjured and I
was able to drive it home).


TOPIC: WARNING -- SAME SPAMMER Re: Please Help...Need your recommendations -

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 5:30 pm
From: Walter

Samantha Hill - remove TRASH to reply <samhill@TRASHsonic.net>
wrote in news:48ab0788$0$17216$742ec2ed@news.sonic.net:

> This is the same spammer who is conducting consumer research
> studies on Usenet. GRRRRRR

report him/her to their ISP or posting nntp server.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 8:23 pm
From: Ron Peterson

On Aug 19, 12:48 pm, Samantha Hill - remove TRASH to reply
<samh...@TRASHsonic.net> wrote:
> This is the same spammer who is conducting consumer research studies on
> Usenet.  GRRRRRR

He's only got 5 postings.

Is he using other aliases?


TOPIC: Compact Flourescent bulbs

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 7:05 pm
From: gheston@hiwaay.net (Gary Heston)

In article <87aa4eb1-26c4-4098-8c11-021537936402@k13g2000hse.googlegroups.com>,
www.Queensbridge.us <NOTvalid@queensbridge.us> wrote:
[ ... ]
>So for bathroom at nite you should only use an incandescent nite lite
>that you leave on.
[ ... ]

For the bathroom, get one of the always-on electroluminescent night
lights that uses a few cents worth of electricity a month and plug it
in. It's enough for night-adapted eyes. They're less than $5 at Wal-Mart.

I have several that have been working fine for years.


Gary Heston gheston@hiwaay.net http://www.thebreastcancersite.com/

Why is it that these days, the words "What idiot" are so frequently
followed by the words "at Microsoft"?

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 7:32 pm
From: gheston@hiwaay.net (Gary Heston)

In article <CI-dnYPBoZ04OjfVnZ2dnUVZ_vjinZ2d@earthlink.com>,
David Harmon <bad@example.invalid> wrote:
>On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 18:46:55 GMT in misc.consumers.frugal-living,
>chief_thracian@yahoo.com (Chief Thracian) wrote,
>>The DEP sent a specialist to Bridges' house to test for mercury
>>contamination. The specialist found mercury levels in the bedroom in
>>excess of six times the state's "safe" level for mercury contamination
>>of 300 billionths of a gram per cubic meter.

>What was it before breaking the fluorescent bulb? How long since
>someone broke a thermometer in there and never cleaned it up?

Back in the old days, fluorescent bulbs had beryllium in them, which
was much more hazardous than mercury. So, they switched...

Keep in mind that with sufficiently sensitive instruments, you'll be
able to pick up traces of anything, and most of those "safe" levels
have little scientific basis.


Gary Heston gheston@hiwaay.net http://www.thebreastcancersite.com/

Why is it that these days, the words "What idiot" are so frequently
followed by the words "at Microsoft"?

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 7:58 pm
From: don@manx.misty.com (Don Klipstein)

In <87aa4eb1-26c4-4098-8c11-021537936402@k13g2000hse.googlegroups.com>,
www.Queensbridge.us wrote:

>WOW, the msgs here are a real tutorial on CFL
>"2. Frequent on/off duty, such as in motion sensor lights and bathrooms
>frequently used for short trips. "
>I have heard that once a CFL is turned on, you should leave it on for
>at least 15 minutes, or else its life is shortened.
>So for bathroom at nite you should only use an incandescent nite lite
>that you leave on.
>Use incandescent for closets where you only turn on long enuf to grab
>what you want

Reasonably true - except that incandescents mostly have very little life
shortening from frequent cold starts. What incandescents highly do is
become unable to survive a cold start a little before becoming unable to
survive continuous operation.

As for a bathroom nightlight, I suggest for energy savings:

* A 1/16-1/8 watt electroluminescent one (if you want something that has a
fair chance based on my experience of reasonably lasting only a few years)

* A .3-.4 watt LED one, preferably either green or blue for both really
long life expectancy (better chance decade-plus) and good illumination to
night vision.

* The Feit Electric "Eternalite" C7 - with power consumption around .4
watt and actual expectation of life expectancy appearing to me to be to be
very high (several years to decade-plus) despite using white LEDs that
have degradation-prone phosphors. This particular model has the LEDs
being run at much lower power than usual for LEDs of such size.

- Don Klipstein (don@misty.com)

TOPIC: Trip Report -- Algodones Dentistry

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 8:18 pm
From: The Real Bev

Jon von Leipzig@mayday.com wrote:

> On Aug 18, 12:07 am, The Real Bev <bashley101+use...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Bottom line: DO IT!
>> I had possibly 9 (I didn't count and don't have a
>> detailed bill yet) crowns and three fillings. Total chair time 16 hours
>> spread over 6 days. $2700. Husband has implants, crowns, a root canal,
>> a bridge and a partial. BIL had crowns, root canals and partials.
>> Their work required much less chair time than mine. Implant post
>> insertion and attached teeth still to go in 6 months.>
> Just bein' nosy.....whaddya think it'd cost in LA for all that
> work..??

I was quoted $7500 for less work, some of it deemed unnecessary by the
Algodones guy. A slightly cheaper option was $5500.

>> Had I accepted the offer of a private tour of the Yuma Sewage Treatment
>> Plant it would have been the highlight of the trip. There is nothing to
>> do in Yuma that you can't do in the town you left because there was
>> nothing to do there. Plan on bringing your entertainment with you
>> unless you're an alcoholic.
> What...no cheap hoes on the street??

Not that I noticed. It would take a mighty tough streetwalker to ply
her trade in 110*F weather. Anyway, most of the customers are senior
citizens in pairs. The last time we crossed the border, though, a group
of what looked like frat boys crossed ahead of us. I figured they were
on a quest for strong drink or the aforementioned strolling hostesses,
but they stopped at the first available men's room. Didn't see them
again for the rest of the day.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
'Politics' comes from an ancient Greek word meaning
'many blood-sucking leeches.' -- Mark Russell

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 8:26 pm
From: The Real Bev

Jon von Leipzig@mayday.com wrote:

>> I don't know how you choose a dentist. My SIL used one recommended by
>> someone she knew. I picked ours because they had the most
>> professional-looking webpage, handled all the procedures we needed, and
>> responded promptly and in excellent English to my emailed questions.
> Look for signs such as, "We sterilize our instruments"...(??)

More like "digital x-rays".

> Check diplomas on wall, might be from "Pedro's School of Bartending &
> Dentistry"
> Lots of fake dentists in bordertowns, I hear.

Given that the entire town exists for the purpose of servicing the
dental and optical needs of uninsured US citizens, generally of the
senior variety, I would think that a certain amount of self-policing
would be done -- the penalty for pissing in the soup is probably severe.

In my research, I didn't find a single negative comment -- just positive
ones. Given that people are far more likely to bitch about something
than praise it, I take that as useful information.

I saw no actual degree on the wall, but there were numerous certificates
for specialized workshops or seminars or whatever else they're called
from USC, UCLA, Loma Linda and a few other reputable medical schools;
the main guy was familiar with the area around USC.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
'Politics' comes from an ancient Greek word meaning
'many blood-sucking leeches.' -- Mark Russell

TOPIC: Homemade Cleaner?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 19 2008 8:46 pm
From: Pringles CheezUms

Is there a homemade cleaner that is as effective as (but cheaper than) a
commercial general-purpose cleaner?

If not, what is the most effective commercial cleaner? We've always used
409 and have been reasonably happy with it, but if there's something
more effective I'm open to switching. That could include something you
could get at a warehouse or cleaning supply house too. I know Sams has
commercial cleaners but have never tried them.
Can anybody get heavy-duty professional stuff? Anybody in the business?
What do you use?

Thanks for the help!


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