Friday, December 5, 2008

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 25 new messages in 11 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* the professional AAAAA+++ replica products suppliers specializing on
wholeselling and reselling all kind of brand watches. - 1 messages, 1 author
* Frugal Kitchen Tip - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Folks, this is a real depression, protect your assets - 5 messages, 5
* supreme court to determine obama presidential eligibilty - 5 messages, 4
* ccleaner - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Are name-brand low-energy fluorescent "Green" bulbs any brighter than store
brand? - 1 messages, 1 author
* order glasses by mail - 2 messages, 2 authors
* online bill paying gets riskier - 1 messages, 1 author
* Doorbell always uses electricity! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Govt. wimps rush to bailout banks, autos. How about getting rid of up to 20
million illegal alien leeches? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Need Opinions on Ordering Magazine Subscriptions Online - 2 messages, 2

TOPIC: the professional AAAAA+++ replica products suppliers specializing on
wholeselling and reselling all kind of brand watches.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 6:47 am

professional AAAAA+++ replica products suppliers
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TOPIC: Frugal Kitchen Tip

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 7:13 am
From: Evelyn Leeper

Seerialmom wrote:
> On Dec 4, 9:34 am, Evelyn Leeper <> wrote:
>> Seerialmom wrote:
>>> On Dec 3, 1:29 pm, Evelyn Leeper <> wrote:
>>>> Go to the dollar store and buy however many iced tea spoons one can get
>>>> for a dollar these days. The long handles and small tips are perfect
>>>> for getting the last bits out of jars and cans, particularly tall ones.
>>>> For that matter, when you are using a can of, say, tomato sauce, and you
>>>> are also adding water to what you're cooking, put the water in the can
>>>> and swish it around to get all the sauce out.
>>>> You may not save lots of money, but you will get better value for your
>>>> money.
>>> I just use a butter knife; does the same thing. One other trick I use
>>> with some sauces is to take some of the cooked noodles while they're
>>> hot and drop them into the can, swish them around to catch some of the
>>> left over bits.
>> Maybe I use taller jars--certainly getting olives and capers out of tall
>> jars is easier with the added length of the iced tea spoon. but for
>> stuff like mayonnaise, a butter knife or spatula should work as well.
>> (I see that Miracle Whip now has a wider mouth jar to let you get the
>> end bit out--their squeeze jar wasted *way* too much!)
>> --
>> Evelyn C. Leeper
>> Be braver. You cannot cross a chasm in two small jumps.
> They probably do that by design figuring "most" people won't try to
> get the last bits out and will buy a new jar. Now along the lines of
> what you use the spoon for, you might want to keep your eyes open for
> those handy "lifter" containers Tupperware has. I have a couple from
> years ago, even though I rarely buy/use pickles, I did when the kids
> were younger.
> Good picture of the "Pick-a-Deli" here:

Looks like the pasta/corn cookers I've seen. I have one of those, but
the size of it means I don't use it very much, as it takes *forever* to
boil that amount of water! It is handy for people who have problems
lifting heavy pots though, since one can lift just the pasta/whatever
without the water and then deal with the pot of water later.

Evelyn C. Leeper
Be braver. You cannot cross a chasm in two small jumps.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 9:18 am
From: Seerialmom

On Dec 5, 7:13 am, Evelyn Leeper <> wrote:
> Seerialmom wrote:
> > On Dec 4, 9:34 am, Evelyn Leeper <> wrote:
> >> Seerialmom wrote:
> >>> On Dec 3, 1:29 pm, Evelyn Leeper <> wrote:
> >>>> Go to the dollar store and buy however many iced tea spoons one can get
> >>>> for a dollar these days.  The long handles and small tips are perfect
> >>>> for getting the last bits out of jars and cans, particularly tall ones.
> >>>> For that matter, when you are using a can of, say, tomato sauce, and you
> >>>> are also adding water to what you're cooking, put the water in the can
> >>>> and swish it around to get all the sauce out.
> >>>> You may not save lots of money, but you will get better value for your
> >>>> money.
> >>> I just use a butter knife; does the same thing.  One other trick I use
> >>> with some sauces is to take some of the cooked noodles while they're
> >>> hot and drop them into the can, swish them around to catch some of the
> >>> left over bits.
> >> Maybe I use taller jars--certainly getting olives and capers out of tall
> >> jars is easier with the added length of the iced tea spoon.  but for
> >> stuff like mayonnaise, a butter knife or spatula should work as well.
> >> (I see that Miracle Whip now has a wider mouth jar to let you get the
> >> end bit out--their squeeze jar wasted *way* too much!)
> >> --
> >> Evelyn C. Leeper
> >> Be braver.  You cannot cross a chasm in two small jumps.
> > They probably do that by design figuring "most" people won't try to
> > get the last bits out and will buy a new jar.  Now along the lines of
> > what you use the spoon for, you might want to keep your eyes open for
> > those handy "lifter" containers Tupperware has.  I have a couple from
> > years ago, even though I rarely buy/use pickles, I did when the kids
> > were younger.
> > Good picture of the "Pick-a-Deli" here:
> >
> Looks like the pasta/corn cookers I've seen.  I have one of those, but
> the size of it means I don't use it very much, as it takes *forever* to
> boil that amount of water!  It is handy for people who have problems
> lifting heavy pots though, since one can lift just the pasta/whatever
> without the water and then deal with the pot of water later.
> --
> Evelyn C. Leeper
> Be braver.  You cannot cross a chasm in two small jumps.

It's just a small plastic canister with an insert that you "lift" to
get the pickles or olives? Those pasta cookers they show on TV are
silly :p

TOPIC: Folks, this is a real depression, protect your assets

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 7:35 am

On Thu, 4 Dec 2008 21:07:17 -0500, "Dave" <noway1@noway2.not> wrote:

>> >
>> >I would tell him to balance the budget, no matter what it takes. And to
>> >decrease taxes by at least 50% per year, over the next few years.
>> >
>> >Failure to do those two things will prolong the depression. DOING those
>> >things might shorten it. But failing to do those two things will
>> >prolong the depression.
>> >
>> >Oh, and before some idiot screams "but it's only a recession", keep in
>> >that the actual unemployment rate right now is 16-17%, which is one
>> >indicator of a depression. So why is the "official" unemployment rate
>> >around 7%? Because that figure no longer counts discouraged
>> >discouraged workers are no less unemployed. In other words, if we were
>> >measuring unemployment in the 1970s, the figure would be about 17% right
>> >now. But as the formula has been fudged since then, the official figures
>> >for unemployment are very misleading. We are in a depression, a bad
>> >ne. -Dave
>> Thank you Hoobert Heever. It worked so well the first time. Cut taxes
>> and balance the budget during a Depression? Would you like to tell us
>> how that would work?
>Well trillions in business bailouts, using money borrowed from China is
>definitely a step in the wrong direction.


>> The tax base has gone to hell for the near future

>So let's increase spending and increase taxes. That will be soooooooo
>helpful, I'm sure.

I didn't say anything about increasing taxes. But if you're going to
balance the budget with less receipts, more unemployed, more use of
public programs, etc; where exactly do you think the cuts will come
from? Next years deficit is higher than the entire defense budget.
Hell, next year's REAL deficit is bigger than any total budget in US

>> One other comment - your numbers for the "real" unemployed
>> might just be on the low side.

>Ya think? My best guess is close to 25% and rising quickly. But People who
>know better than me tag the number at about 17% unemployed in the U.S. right

I think! Your best guess might be right by early next year. The Nat'l
Ass'n of Retailers believe that over 78,000 retail businesses will go
under in the first quarter next year putting another 600,000 out of
work. If only one of the auto manufacturers goes out, that would add
at least another 200-400,000 to the jobless roles. Add in the layoffs
occurring before the end of the year and/or planned for early '09, and
you could be adding another 1-1.5 million to the unemployment rolls by
the beginning of the 2nd Quarter in 2009. Now where would all those
budget cuts come from? The world's governments (except China and
Japan) will print money like there's no tomorrow.

WB Yeats

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 9:32 am
From: Jeff wrote:
> In misc.survivalism Dave <noway1@noway2.not> wrote:
>> With a budget imbalance of trillions, how do you propose increasing spending
>> without increasing taxes? Just print more money?
> Generally, spending is increased without increasing income by borrowing
> money.
We've borrowed 5 T or so in the last 8 years. There's a very good
reason to borrow now to keep the economy going. The real question is why
did W do it when times were better? Probably for the same reason that
Reagan did, because the Republican rabble have no problem with borrowing
money, they only have trouble paying it back. Time and again, it's been
a Democrat that had to fix that.


== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 9:35 am
From: Cheapo Groovo

It's about protecting assets, owning the right assets, and living within
your means. Not really that hard to do (except for the USA government)

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 10:02 am
From: "Rod Speed"

strabo <> wrote:
> wrote:
>> In misc.survivalism Dan <> wrote:
>>> Rod Speed wrote:
>>>> Socialism is about a hell of a lot more than JUST nationalizing
>>>> industrys.
>>> No, it is not.
>> It depends if you use words to mean what they mean, or if you use
>> them like NeoCons do.
>> For example, they claim that advocacy of a progressive income tax is
>> socialist, making that good ole Republican Rough Rider, Teddy
>> Roosevelt, a socialist. And they say that the Earned Income Credit
>> is a Socialist Policy, ignoring that it was signed into law by that
>> Goddamned Pinko Commie-Lover Ronald Reagan.
>> High marginal tax rates are practically the trademark of socialism,
>> so they say, making the era of the 1950's the high water mark of our
>> complicity with those Evil Marxist Bastards.
>> Words mean anything that they want them to mean.
> The meanings of some words, like 'liberal' and 'conservative' for
> example, are easily changed due to the ambiguous nature of the words.
> Others, like 'socialism' and 'fascism', will always retain their
> essential elements.
> Why is that?
> Socialism is a descriptive term as well as an ideological methodology.
> The former minimizes distortion of the words meaning.
> If an act is socialistic in function, it doesn't matter what political
> party is associated with the act. Taxes of any kind are socialistic
> because taxes, by design or not, steer or influence the behavior and
> attitudes of society. Rather than leaving individuals and their
> society free, government dictates such as taxes, directly intervene and
> *socialize* or change society. This is a degree of socialism.
> After the SCOTUS struck down the income tax in 1895 as
> unconstitutional, both parties stayed away from further attempts. Even still,
> individuals such as Teddy Roosevelt went against Republican policy and promoted
> the idea to Congress. This in part resulted in the income tax amendment of
> 1913.
> The US is a socialistic nation galloping towards the ideology of central command and control.
> Once this optimal level is attained, oppression will rapidly increase
> fostering a physical revolution and overthrow of government.

How odd that its actually the last modern first world country to have enough
of a clue to have a decent universal national health care funding system.

We wont be seeing any overthrow of govt, you watch.

That hasnt happened in even a single first world country for centurys now.

The world's moved on, fools like you havent even noticed.

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 10:05 am

In misc.survivalism Jeff <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > In misc.survivalism Dave <noway1@noway2.not> wrote:
> >
> >> With a budget imbalance of trillions, how do you propose increasing spending
> >> without increasing taxes? Just print more money?
> >
> > Generally, spending is increased without increasing income by borrowing
> > money.
> >
> >
> We've borrowed 5 T or so in the last 8 years. There's a very good
> reason to borrow now to keep the economy going. The real question is why
> did W do it when times were better?

He's pro-big government. That is typical of today's right wing.

Probably for the same reason that
> Reagan did, because the Republican rabble have no problem with borrowing
> money, they only have trouble paying it back. Time and again, it's been
> a Democrat that had to fix that.

Borrow and spend is the modern Pug's first inclination.

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so
certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
-- Bertrand Russel

TOPIC: supreme court to determine obama presidential eligibilty

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 7:42 am
From: Vic Smith

On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 06:46:48 -0500, "Daniel T."
<> wrote:

>"AllEmailDeletedImmediately" <> wrote:
>> "JonL" <> wrote:
>> > Announcements in the paper can be done by anyone. Often 1-2 weeks after
>> > birth.
>> and the newspapers just accept what's sent in. no fact checking there.
>> newspaper article is absolutely no proof of anything.
>But if there were no announcement, then you all would be yelling "Why no
>announcement? That proves he was born elsewhere!" Just more fishing.
>The real question is why did anybody put the announcement in the paper
>in the first place if it wasn't true? Where they expecting that Barack
>would one day run for president?
>How deep is this conspiracy?

As deep as it takes to keep it going.
Pure bullshit. Lots of it out there.


== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 9:33 am
From: Cheapo Groovo

In article <y4DZk.2657$>, says...
> it's all over the blogs.
> overnight fedex supreme court w/ your concerns; only way to reach them:
this is a frugal blog - where is claims casino now?

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 11:21 am
From: Dennis

On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 00:50:21 -0500, Shawn Hirn <>

>In article <olHZk.2660$>,
> "AllEmailDeletedImmediately" <> wrote:
>> "Daniel T." <> wrote in message
>> > "Dave" <noway1@noway2.not> wrote:
>> >
>> >> "max" <> wrote in message
>> >>
>> >> > In article <y4DZk.2657$>,
>> >> > "AllEmailDeletedImmediately" <> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > > it's all over the blogs.
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >>
>> >> 5
>> >> 74
>> >> > > 74;topicseen
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > > overnight fedex supreme court w/ your concerns; only way to reach
>> >> > > them:
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >> > >
>> >>
>> >> q
>> >> =s
>> >> > > upreme+court+obama+eli
>> >> >
>> >> > dipshit.
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> What? This is a real court case that the supremes are going to have to
>> >> rule
>> >> on. I for one am interested in what the supremes have to say on the
>> >> atter. -Dave
>> >
>> > They already dismissed it.
>> i think that was a federal judge. i don't think they're looking at this
>> until friday
>It was Justice Souter. Here's the link ...
>end of story.

Um, no:

CHICAGO The U.S. Supreme Court will consider Friday whether to take
up a lawsuit challenging President-elect Barack Obama's U.S.
citizenship, a continuation of a New Jersey case embraced by some
opponents of Obama's election.

Dennis (evil)
What government gives, it must first take away.

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 1:26 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"Daniel T." <> wrote in message
> "AllEmailDeletedImmediately" <> wrote:
>> "JonL" <> wrote:
>> > Announcements in the paper can be done by anyone. Often 1-2 weeks after
>> > birth.
>> and the newspapers just accept what's sent in. no fact checking there.
>> newspaper article is absolutely no proof of anything.
> But if there were no announcement, then you all would be yelling "Why no
> announcement? That proves he was born elsewhere!" Just more fishing.

no. not everyone puts a birth announcement in the papers. they mean and
> The real question is why did anybody put the announcement in the paper
> in the first place if it wasn't true? Where they expecting that Barack
> would one day run for president?

put it in upon return to hawaii just to let friends there know? no need to
bo to do anything spectacular. just a late announcement. then again,
she wanted "proof" that he was u.s. born. nice to be even if not running
for prez.
> How deep is this conspiracy?

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 1:27 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"

"Cheapo Groovo" <> wrote in message
> In article <y4DZk.2657$>,
> says...
>> it's all over the blogs.
>> overnight fedex supreme court w/ your concerns; only way to reach them:
> this is a frugal blog - where is claims casino now?

it went to hell a long time ago. this is the stuff that's being discussed.

TOPIC: ccleaner

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 7:42 am

clams_casino wrote:
> Is anyone familiar with ?
> Any concerns? I'm always hesitant about free software, but someone
> suggested this one.

Where have you been?
CCleaner has been around for years and I've been using it for years.
It does a tremendous job and has many options. I use it before
shutting down. I get rid of everything from the current session.
Otherwise you can end up with temporary files that can be
"troublesome" when you restart your computer. I bet jaquele even uses

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 9:48 am
From: Dave Garland

clams_casino wrote:
> Is anyone familiar with ?
> Any concerns? I'm always hesitant about free software, but someone
> suggested this one.

CCleaner is great, far better than MS's Diskcleaner. Just pay
attention to the options (always a good recommendation with any
software that's new to you), so you don't clean up things (like
cookies) that you maybe wanted to keep.

(Some) free software is great (and certainly frugal). If you have
hesitations, google for recommendations and stick with the stuff that
people give praise to.


== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 3:27 pm
From: "TKM"

"Dave Garland" <> wrote in message
> clams_casino wrote:
>> Is anyone familiar with ?
>> Any concerns? I'm always hesitant about free software, but someone
>> suggested this one.
> CCleaner is great, far better than MS's Diskcleaner. Just pay
> attention to the options (always a good recommendation with any
> software that's new to you), so you don't clean up things (like
> cookies) that you maybe wanted to keep.
> (Some) free software is great (and certainly frugal). If you have
> hesitations, google for recommendations and stick with the stuff that
> people give praise to.
> Dave

Good advice from Dave. I used it after a recommendation from the tech group
at Smart Computing. No problems at all. But it does find all of the
cookies on your browser(s) and they're gone if you click too quickly.


TOPIC: Are name-brand low-energy fluorescent "Green" bulbs any brighter than
store brand?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 7:55 am
From: Mark Lloyd

On Fri, 5 Dec 2008 01:36:32 +0000 (UTC), (Don
Klipstein) wrote:

>In <gh8v36$obi$>, GregS wrote in part:
>>In article <>, Mark Lloyd
><mlloyd@xmail.com10.invalid> wrote:
>>>I have used a lot of CFLs (of different brands) and have not had any
>>>that take more than a second or two to come on, until recently (these
>>>are flood lights).
>>Mine are also floodlights. In the cold they first turn on with a dark
>>purple, Deep Purple ?
> CFLs with outer bulbs have a general trend of starting dimmer and taking
>longer to warm up than ones with bare tubing.

Seems true here. All the plain CFLs I've used would warm up in a
couple of seconds. The floodlights (look like regular CFLs inside
enclosures) take awhile.

> The tubing in ones with
>outer bulbs is formulated to work best at a higher temperature.
>>Seems like they don't have it down quite right as far as light concentration
>>for more of a spot.
> The light from the reflector is less concentrated, because the initial
>source (spiral of tubing) is larger and less intense than a filament.
> - Don Klipstein (
20 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd

"The government of the United States is not, in
any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

TOPIC: order glasses by mail

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 8:35 am

On Dec 5, 1:17 am, "tommyone" <> wrote:
> It was mentioned in this newsgroup a while back on how to order eyeglasses
> over the internet.could some body repeat the url's. I have the prescription.
> much appreciated.
> --
> try this
> [url=][img]

Can you not do a search for the URL's?

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 10:39 am
From: The Real Bev

tommyone wrote:

> It was mentioned in this newsgroup a while back on how to order eyeglasses
> over the internet.could some body repeat the url's. I have the prescription.
> much appreciated.

Cheers, Bev
Q: How many lawyers does it take to grease a combine?
A: One, if you feed him in real slow.

TOPIC: online bill paying gets riskier

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 9:34 am
From: Cheapo Groovo

In article <>, says...
> Hackers are starting to target online payment services. Included is a
> link to a story about, whose domain name got hijacked.
> Not too much damage done, simply because of the short exposure before
> the problem was corrected. If the hackers had redirected to a spoof
> page instead of a blank page, the exploit wold likely have gone on far
> longer before being detected.
> <> or
> <
> rge_e-bill.html?hpid=sec-tech>
> .max
will obama stop this activity?

TOPIC: Doorbell always uses electricity!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 10:25 am
From: TD

so, maybe it should use water?

TOPIC: Govt. wimps rush to bailout banks, autos. How about getting rid of up
to 20 million illegal alien leeches?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 11:08 am
From: "Rod Speed" wrote:

> A great economic boom would ensue.

Just another of your pathetic little drug crazed pig ignorant bigotted fantasys.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 2:01 pm
From: Anonymous

In article <>
"Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > A great economic boom would ensue.
> Just another of your pathetic little drug crazed pig ignorant bigotted fantasys.

Get rid of an equal number of lazy leeching niggers and the
problem would be solved.

TOPIC: Need Opinions on Ordering Magazine Subscriptions Online

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 1:59 pm
From: Scruff


Has anyone had any luck (good OR bad) ordering cheap magazines online,
lately? If so, could you suggest a reliable site? I was going to
give magazine subscriptions as gifts this Christmas, but I don't want
the hassle of them not showing up.

I saw a couple of sites with pretty cheap prices (maybe too cheap?)--
anyone had any experience with these?

Thanks a bunch for any advice you can offer.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 3:27 pm
From: "TKM"

"Scruff" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Has anyone had any luck (good OR bad) ordering cheap magazines online,
> lately? If so, could you suggest a reliable site? I was going to
> give magazine subscriptions as gifts this Christmas, but I don't want
> the hassle of them not showing up.
> I saw a couple of sites with pretty cheap prices (maybe too cheap?)--
> anyone had any experience with these?
> Thanks a bunch for any advice you can offer.

I've used University Subscription Service for the last 20 years or so and
see that they have an online site at: The prices have always been good and even
better if you qualify for the educational discount. Never had a problem
with billing, ordering or delivery.



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