Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Digest for misc.consumers.frugal-living@googlegroups.com - 1 update in 1 topic

lenona321@yahoo.com: Jun 30 03:59PM -0700

22 comments. Some are fascinating.
(For the record, I have NEVER paid interest on a credit card.)
One said:
"Men do not like to accumulate debt so much, because we walk the highwire without a net to catch us if we fall. We don't get to run to Daddy or Mommy or a new girlfriend or wife to bail us out. It's unmanly."
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Friday, June 26, 2015

Digest for misc.consumers.frugal-living@googlegroups.com - 3 updates in 1 topic

LMehl <mehl@cyvest.com>: Jun 25 08:51PM -0700

Hello --
In 2015 Feb I took a private 3-day tour of Vietnam's Mekong Delta. The
quality of the tour was very poor, involving an inattentive and
inconsiderate guide, poor accomodations, uncomfortable and dirty car,
and an itinerary that differed from the brochure I was given by the
travel agent who booked the tour.
I disputed approx 40% of the charge on my Chase Ink card. The tour
company is challenging me, saying only that they "provided the tour". I
provided Chase with a lengthy description of my experiences with the
poor quality/various shortcomings of this tour and the original
itinerary I received.
Chase is not convinced, saying I must provide evidence of what the
provider "did not deliver". Defective services are evidently judged
differently than defective products. Simply describing the bad
experiences is not enough.
Do any readers have experience with this kind of a credit card charge
dispute and can give me some advice about how to word my claim to Chase
or other suggest actions to take in my dispute?
Thanks in advance for any help,
Larry Mehl
"John Weiss" <jrweiss@attglobal.net>: Jun 26 04:07AM

LMehl wrote:
> Do any readers have experience with this kind of a credit card charge
> dispute and can give me some advice about how to word my claim to
> Chase or other suggest actions to take in my dispute?
Vietnam? You're probably screwed.
However, if you can produce your contract (or description of services,
if no contract), you might be able to detail line by line what they did
not provide. If he described the type of transportation, and provided
less, show a picture. Same with hotel...
The Real Bev <bashley101@gmail.com>: Jun 26 01:08PM -0700

On 06/25/2015 08:51 PM, LMehl wrote:
> inconsiderate guide, poor accomodations, uncomfortable and dirty car,
> and an itinerary that differed from the brochure I was given by the
> travel agent who booked the tour...
My daughter is a tour director who works for many tour companies as an
independednt contractor, which is standard practice. She says that some
tour companies are very organized -- reservations at good places,
buses/transport on time and adequate, just what you'd want. Others get
the reservations wrong, choose food and accommodation that sucks, bad
transport, lost luggage, etc. It's the tour director's job to fix
problems for the guests, but they have limited capabilities to actually
change the venues chosen by the tour company. Some directors (like my
kid) are good at it and others suck badly.
Before taking a trip, try to find REAL reviews of the tour company.
Never easy to do finding actual reviews for anything, but it's probably
worth some effort.
If you have good documentation you might consider suing the tour company
in small claims court, but if you win and they appeal they can get a
lawyer and tie stuff up forever.
Cheers, Bev
The Marketing Professional's Motto: "We don't screw the customers. All
we're doing is holding them down while the salespeople screw them."
-- Scott Adams
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Friday, June 19, 2015

Digest for misc.consumers.frugal-living@googlegroups.com - 1 update in 1 topic

f.kanan100@gmail.com: Jun 19 02:20PM -0700

إعداد رسائل ماجستير/ دكتوراه/ أبحاث [باللغة الانجليزية] لكافة الاختصاصات
يسرني تقديم الخدمات التالية وفق طلبات واشتراطات صاحب العمل:
- المساعدة بتقديم واقتراح واختيار عنوان: البحث/ رسالة ماجستير/ رسالة دكتوراه
- المساعدة في عمل مخطط بحث - رسالة
- المساعدة بأعداد الإطار النظري
- المساعدة في عمل ملخص للدراسات السابقة
- المساعدة في عمل الرسالة أو المشروع
- المساعدة بإعداد إجراءات الدراسة - المنهج، أداة الدراسة، العينة، ... الخ.
- ترجمة الدراسات السابقة والمقالات الإغراض علمية
- تحليل إحصائي / بغض النظر عن هدف أو طبيعة البيانات/ بيانات دراسات وأبحاث ورسائل ماجستير وأطروحة دكتوراه وتجارية
- تدقيق لغوي /التنسيق وإخراج الطباعة والمظهر العام: المطبوعات العلمية/ أبحاث/ دراسات/ رسائل/ تقارير
- تحديد كمية النقل الحرفي من كافة المصادر (Turnitin report)
- توفير مراجع ودراسات من مجلات علمية محكمة لكافة التخصصات
- كافة الإعمال [باللغة الانجليزية] لكافة الموضوعات وفق للأفضل المعايير العالمية وتدقيها للدرجة تنقيح 100% وليس حصرا على دراسات ذات تخصص اللغة الانجليزية، بل لكافة التخصصات.
* ملاحظة: تتقاضي ما لا يقل عن 25% من الأجر مقدما وقبل بدأ العمل، نعتذر عن التعاقد مع من لا يوافق هذا الشرط.
للتواصل والاستفسار: يوسف إبراهيم
خلوي (جوال)، و واتس اب
سكايب – [educationaids]
Yousef Ibraheem
الفيس بوك
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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Digest for misc.consumers.frugal-living@googlegroups.com - 1 update in 1 topic

lenona321@yahoo.com: Jun 10 08:26AM -0700

I can't remember the last time a comic strip parent made a kid WORK for the ordinary luxuries the kid wants (when the kid's allowance can't cover them)...
But, it's too easy to imagine your average preteen saying: "Oh, never mind, Dad, I don't really need all that stuff; I'll just get some recent DVDs from the library that I haven't seen yet."
As I've mentioned before, it used to be pretty common, a century ago or so, for parents not to give "allowances" at all - and to make them do chores for nothing. If they wanted any money, either they had to do EXTRA chores or do chores for the neighbors. Just because that system is pretty unusual these days doesn't mean that it wouldn't be better than what parents so often do now. It would force kids to learn to prioritize, for one thing - and it would teach them that we ALL have unpaid work to do, even as adults. (Even rich people have to do the work of going to long meetings with their financial advisers - and pay THEM, not the other way around!)
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Monday, June 8, 2015

Digest for misc.consumers.frugal-living@googlegroups.com - 1 update in 1 topic

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