Thursday, April 28, 2016

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic Apr 27 09:26PM -0700

I own a Staber washing machine. I bought it when I lived in a city where the water bills were very expensive.
I love my Staber. When I returned to where my family lives, I brought the Staber with me.
The Staber is now located at my sister's house. Lots of different family members go there and do their laundry. She has a beach front so she uses tons of towels in the summer.
I did have to replace the pump (my husband washed clothes without checking his pockets and the pump did crack - I used it in my former home basement which was a cement floor for several years) when the machine was moved to my sister's house and resides on a floor. I did replace the belt (after over 4 years of strenuous use). I realized when I replaced the motor that my nephew and nephew-in-law did not level the machine so it had worked extra hard for about 3 years of abuse. I have since let down the one leg they forgot.
Yes, it does make a lot of noise. But I miss it when I am doing laundry at my father's house where there is an agitator washer. It takes far longer to dry my clothes after washing them in the agitator washer and I see more fabric wear with the agitator washer.
If my sister did not love the Staber, I would haul it to my father's in a heart beat.
This Staber machine works great and my son brings his laundry with him when he comes back every couple of months because he likes how his clothes come out cleaner and softer than from the agitator washer in his apartment building.
My experience with Staber has been positive. I have always been mechanically inclined so making the repairs was not difficult for me.
I am saving up to purchase another Staber. I, after years of using HE laundry detergent, finally bought a case of Staber laundry soap and I love the soap. It was expensive to ship it to Wisconsin but was well worth the price. I think we have used two cases so far and are using the last bottle now.
I am saddened that your experience has not been more positive.
I plan to purchase a Staber again. I think my Staber is nearing 10 years of heavy use and still working great.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

Dennis <>: Apr 26 01:23PM -0700

On Sun, 3 Apr 2016 12:23:47 -0700, The Real Bev <>
>> what curdled the milk into cheese. That's how most cheese is still
>> made today, using a renneting agent, while bacteria adds flavor.
>So the dunghill thing is an urban legend? Damn!
I dunno, my dad used to tell of an old German farmer he knew in his
youth who aged his cheese in the manure pile. I think the desired
effect was more about the temperature of the composting manure (this
was in Minnesota) than any aroma/flavor imparted, though.
Dennis (evil)
I'm behind the eight ball, ahead of the curve, riding the wave,
dodging the bullet and pushing the envelope. -George Carlin
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Monday, April 25, 2016

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic Apr 25 08:22AM -0700

On Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 12:47:34 PM UTC-4, Camellia Sinensis wrote:

> >Lenona.
> Where did you get that dumb idea? The LDS Church (based in Utah) has never
> been against birth control. That is strictly up to the couple.
Including unmarried teen couples? Or unmarried adult couples in very small towns? Ha. Anyone who was born in the late 1950s and tried to buy condoms as a teen in the 1970s, almost ANYWHERE in the U.S., will tell you how humiliating the store clerks could be.
At any rate, I've never heard that the LDS Church is exactly friendly to those who want to marry and have lots of sex and have NO children whatsoever. I.e., the childfree, whom other churches describe as engaging in "moral rebellion."
From Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY:
"this worldview [of intentional childlessness] is sick...Christians must recognize that this rebellion against parenthood represents nothing less than an absolute revolt against God's design."
"Couples are not given the option of chosen childlessness in the biblical revelation."
And here's an amusing response to that, with references to St. Paul's celibacy, plus the Mormon Church:
Finally, here's an interesting perspective from a Mormon woman (who did make more or less the same points you made - but note that the young women getting physical exams were apparently engaged to be married):
...Want more evidence that Mormons think contraception is A-OK? A 2004 article from the BYU student newspaper reported that at least 80% of the young women who go to the BYU Health Center for premarital gynecological exams request some form of birth control. Go Cougars!
Maybe it wasn't this way thirty years ago. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, there was a popular Mormon musical called Saturday's Warrior that put a negative spin on limiting family size (sing it with me now: "Zero Population is the an-swer, my friennnnnd!") and sent lots of good LDS couples home to bed to try for just one more "Saturday's Warrior" baby. These days, while you'll still find young LDS families with seven or more children--bless them!--a recent mantra I've heard in Mormon circles declares that "three is the new six."...
There are 55 comments.
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Sunday, April 24, 2016

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic

"Camellia Sinensis" <>: Apr 24 09:47AM -0700

>And it wouldn't surprise me if people had trouble buying condoms in, say,
Where did you get that dumb idea? The LDS Church (based in Utah) has never
been against birth control. That is strictly up to the couple. The Church
teaches that one of the most important factors in determining family size is
the physical and mental health of the mother.
ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Apr 24 03:04PM -0700

On Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 11:47:34 AM UTC-5, Camellia Sinensis wrote:
> been against birth control. That is strictly up to the couple. The Church
> teaches that one of the most important factors in determining family size is
> the physical and mental health of the mother.
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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

Michael Black <>: Apr 21 12:58PM -0400

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic Apr 20 11:56AM -0700

On Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 4:29:20 PM UTC-4, ItsJoan NotJoann wrote:

> the clerk what you need, grab what you need and head to the
> cash register.
> Shocking how *modern* we are down here.
I only said "maybe." Obviously I can't check out every single drugstore.
Besides, it's no secret - or at least it wasn't in 2006 - that it CAN be pretty difficult for adults(!) to get their hands on birth control pills, especially if they don't live in a big city.
Want proof of that?
(This was a cover story for the New York Times Magazine, by historian Russell Shorto.)
And it wouldn't surprise me if people had trouble buying condoms in, say, Utah.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic Apr 19 01:16PM -0700

It's satire, of course - but how many young men won't realize that?
But...I have to wonder if there ARE some - many? - drugstores left where you have to ask for the condoms before buying them. In the Bible Belt, maybe?
ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Apr 19 01:29PM -0700

> But...I have to wonder if there ARE some - many? - drugstores left where you have to ask for the condoms before buying them. In the Bible Belt, maybe?
> Lenona.
You need to do a bit of travelling. I live in the "Bible
Belt" and condoms are right there on the shelves just like
sanitary pads, tampons, and K-Y jelly. No whispering to
the clerk what you need, grab what you need and head to the
cash register.
Shocking how *modern* we are down here.
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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic Apr 16 08:42AM -0700

On Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 3:44:43 PM UTC-4, The Real Bev wrote:
> Hmph. I thought everybody knew that REAL coffee purists regard the use
> of blade grinders as only a smidge above buying canned ground coffee.
He didn't say he was a coffee purist. The difference between the cheaper
blade type grinders and the burr type is that with the blade you don't get
uniform size grinds. Some pieces are much larger, others are small. Burr
type produces uniform grinds. I think there have been blind taste tests
that showed the burr type is better. It probably depends on how good the
grinders are too. I'd suspect there is a lot more variation in what comes
out among the blade type than among the burr type.
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Friday, April 15, 2016

Digest for - 6 updates in 2 topics

ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Apr 14 07:13PM -0700

On Thursday, April 14, 2016 at 8:46:04 AM UTC-5, Dee wrote:
> I also use Tide Free and have for many years. I use approx. half the
> amount listed on the container since it works so well.
> Dee
Have you tried the pods? I keep getting these $2 off
coupons for them so I have been using them of late.
Dee <d@d.d>: Apr 15 12:53PM

ItsJoan NotJoann <> wrote in
>> Dee
> Have you tried the pods? I keep getting these $2 off
> coupons for them so I have been using them of late.
No, I haven't yet, though I'm tempted. Since I use only half the
recommended amount, I wondered if the pods might be too much, i.e.
overkill, for my purposes.
How do you like them?
Nyssa <>: Apr 15 09:54AM -0400

> Any recommendations?
Purex Free. No dyes and fragrance-free.
And less expensive than Tide or Cheer Free. I stock up
when on sale and save even more.
Nyssa, who is pinching those pennies hard
ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Apr 15 12:37PM -0700

On Friday, April 15, 2016 at 7:53:38 AM UTC-5, Dee wrote:
> overkill, for my purposes.
> How do you like them?
> Dee
I like them rather well and they are the 'high efficiency'
pods so there's not much in the way of suds. I toss one in
the washer and then put whatever I'm washing in there. They
dissolve quickly and cold, warm, or hot water they do well.
They come in different size bags so you might want to try
the smallest bag which I think is 16 pods per bag.
ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Apr 15 12:39PM -0700

On Friday, April 15, 2016 at 8:55:48 AM UTC-5, Nyssa wrote:
> And less expensive than Tide or Cheer Free. I stock up
> when on sale and save even more.
> Nyssa, who is pinching those pennies hard
I'm with you on the pinching pennies. 99% of the time
when I buy detergent, or dishwashing liquid for that
matter, I have a coupon and if my store has it on sale
I feel like I've really scored!
The Real Bev <>: Apr 14 11:09PM -0700

>>of blade grinders as only a smidge above buying canned ground coffee.
> I smash my coffee beans with a frozen rock on the seventh day of the month when
> giant ardvarks are in mating season to get the best flavor.
BLASPHEMER! It's the NINTH day of the month. Apostasy will not be
tolerated. You have been warned.
Cheers, Bev
Judges are our only protection against a legal system that can
afford lots more prosecution than we can afford defense.
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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Digest for - 3 updates in 2 topics

The Real Bev <>: Apr 13 10:16PM -0700

>> To get that caffeine kick, is it possible W/O a coffee grinder?
>> Any recommendations?
> Coffee enemas.
Dual purpose, too!
Why not just chew coffee beans?
Cheers, Bev
"What fresh hell is this?" -- Dorothy Parker Apr 14 08:38PM -0500

>Hmph. I thought everybody knew that REAL coffee purists regard the use
>of blade grinders as only a smidge above buying canned ground coffee.
I smash my coffee beans with a frozen rock on the seventh day of the month when
giant ardvarks are in mating season to get the best flavor.
Dee <d@d.d>: Apr 14 01:46PM

ItsJoan NotJoann <> wrote in
> I use Tide Free but I would think most any commercial
> detergent stating it's free of dyes and perfumes shouldn't
> be an irritant.
I also use Tide Free and have for many years. I use approx. half the
amount listed on the container since it works so well.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Digest for - 8 updates in 3 topics Apr 12 10:35PM -0700

> To get that caffeine kick, is it possible W/O a coffee grinder?
> Any recommendations?
Has anyone tried any of these Proctor Silex coffee grinders? Apr 13 08:55AM -0700

> > To get that caffeine kick, is it possible W/O a coffee grinder?
> > Any recommendations?
> Has anyone tried any of these Proctor Silex coffee grinders?
Sorry. Here's the link:
Vic Smith <>: Apr 13 01:25PM -0500

>> Has anyone tried any of these Proctor Silex coffee grinders?
>Sorry. Here's the link:
Just pick one from Amazon with excellent reviews. I've had both burr
and blade type, and didn't see any real difference in grind quality.
The Real Bev <>: Apr 13 12:44PM -0700

On 04/13/2016 11:25 AM, Vic Smith wrote:
> Just pick one from Amazon with excellent reviews. I've had both burr
> and blade type, and didn't see any real difference in grind quality.
Hmph. I thought everybody knew that REAL coffee purists regard the use
of blade grinders as only a smidge above buying canned ground coffee.
I use Jose's coffee from Costco (or whatever is on sale) and buy blade
grinders at yard sales for a buck or so. They last a couple of years
until the switch gives out. I had a burr grinder which got stuck in the
'superfine' setting, was a nuisance to clean, took twice as long, and
the coffee didn't taste any better.
OTOH, I'm not a coffee purist. I tried a Bialetti espresso pot and
didn't think that was anything special either, certainly not worth the
Cheers, Bev
Children, your performance was miserable. Your parents will all
receive phone calls instructing them to love you less. Apr 13 06:32PM -0700

> To get that caffeine kick, is it possible W/O a coffee grinder?
> Any recommendations?
Coffee enemas. Apr 12 10:34PM -0700

Any recommendations?
ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Apr 13 04:45PM -0700

> Any recommendations?
I use Tide Free but I would think most any commercial
detergent stating it's free of dyes and perfumes shouldn't
be an irritant.
bleak_fire_ <>: Apr 13 10:26PM +0200
It seems that someone in the offices of Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-
CT) or Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), or perhaps both senators, has either
ordered clothing from a misleading China-based site or read Buzzfeed
recently. Both senators announced today that they've sent a letter to
Federal Trade Commission chair Edith Ramirez, urging the FTC to take
action against sites that advertise great deals and don't deliver what
customers expected.
We've discussed these sites before: operating under a wide variety of
names, they use photos of fashionable clothing and low prices to draw
customers, then ship something that sort of resembles that item,
sometimes taking so long to ship from China that customers miss their two-
month window to dispute charges on their credit cards.
"These sites are based in China, so we have no consumer protections
there," you might say. The Senators' letter points out that the FTC and
China's consumer protection agency, the State Administration for Industry
& Commerce, have a memorandum of understanding outlining ways that they
might cooperate in the future. True, the memo is more about discussing
consumer protection laws and holding symposia, and less about day-to-day
consumer protection and shutting down websites, but it's more than the
customers holding tiny dress-shaped sacks have.
"As you [Commissioner Ramirez] investigate this matter, we urge the FTC
to work with its counterparts to help ensure these fraudulent websites
are promptly dismantled if they cannot commit to being truthful and
accurate about the products they sell," the senators wrote.
Sen. Blumenthal is the ranking Democrat on the Senate's Subcommittee on
Consumer Protection, Product Safety, Insurance, and Data Security, and
has an interest in consumer protection as the former attorney general of
since nine-seven
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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

Michael Black <>: Apr 11 06:54PM -0400

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Monday, April 11, 2016

Digest for - 4 updates in 2 topics Apr 11 01:05AM -0700

> To get that caffeine kick, is it possible W/O a coffee grinder?
> Any recommendations?
What is the best way to extract the most caffeine when making coffee? Apr 11 01:08AM -0700

> To get that caffeine kick, is it possible W/O a coffee grinder?
> Any recommendations?
Tried any of these? (recent article): Apr 11 12:40PM -0700

> > To get that caffeine kick, is it possible W/O a coffee grinder?
> > Any recommendations?
> What is the best way to extract the most caffeine when making coffee?
a wild guess would be
to grind your beans as fine as possible,
and run the hot water over the ground beans [at least] twice...?
but what's your point?
what are you trying to accomplish
by trying to get a little more caffeine out of your coffee?
marc Apr 09 01:55PM -0700

On Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 2:40:27 PM UTC-7, Nicodemus wrote:
> > terrible instructions, errorful operation.
> I am using Sentry, bought from Amazon, works very well, block about 1,000
> numbers, on an xfinity line.
Within the last 24 hours I've received 5 calls from an 802
area code purporting to be from the IRS. They are insistent
that I call them back to forestall a lawsuit. I did answer the
first call and of course it was a recorded message and I guess
the reason they are calling back is they got a real human on
the first call. But they were blocked by the Pro Call Blocker
and all I hear is one short ring; when I check the P C Blocker
it's that 802 area code. So YES, indeed the Pro Call Blocker
d o e s work.
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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic Apr 07 05:18AM -0700

To get that caffeine kick, is it possible W/O a coffee grinder?
Any recommendations?
ItsJoan NotJoann <>: Apr 07 09:00AM -0700

> To get that caffeine kick, is it possible W/O a coffee grinder?
> Any recommendations?
Why would you think you need a coffee grinder to get a
caffeine fix?
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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

Nicodemus <Ancient-of-Days@Heaven.Net>: Apr 05 09:36PM

KenK <> wrote in
> callers very rudely. Robonomo seems to be not taking new users.
> Any others I should look at? Any you are thoroughly pleased with?
I am using Sentry, bought from Amazon, works very well, block about 1,000
numbers, on an xfinity line
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Monday, April 4, 2016

Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

"Rod Speed" <>: Apr 04 03:20PM +1000

<> wrote in message
>> taking new users.
>> Any others I should look at? Any you are thoroughly pleased with?
> Nope. None work.
Some do.
> If there was a technology that worked, the phone companies would offer it.
And British Telecom does just that and it works pretty well too.
> Just don't answer phone calls from people you don't recognize.
But that approach not only requires you to check who is calling
to see if it is someone you recognise, if say the hospital calls to
say that someone you know has asked them to call you because
that person is dying etc, you won't get that information.
> If they do trick you into answering the call,
> then trick them by wasting their time-
That just wastes even more of your time.
> card, whatever happened to Blockbuster, I once saw this wonderful
> movie starring that really handsome guy, what was his name... no...
> not him... oh yes, Ron Jeremy, that's his name."
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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Digest for - 2 updates in 1 topic Apr 03 08:21AM -0700

On Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 12:59:22 PM UTC-4, The Real Bev wrote:
> >> just like blue cheese. I think there's a handy hint in here somewhere...
> Remember, SOMEBODY had to bury milk in a dunghill, dig it up and then
> say "Hey, that looks good, I think I'll eat it."
Cheese actually originated from some of our ancestors putting milk
into drinking vessels made from cow or sheep stomachs, used when
traveling on horse, camel, whatever. The rennet left in there is
what curdled the milk into cheese. That's how most cheese is still
made today, using a renneting agent, while bacteria adds flavor.
The Real Bev <>: Apr 03 12:23PM -0700

> traveling on horse, camel, whatever. The rennet left in there is
> what curdled the milk into cheese. That's how most cheese is still
> made today, using a renneting agent, while bacteria adds flavor.
So the dunghill thing is an urban legend? Damn!
"Why does everybody always forget the eigthth dwarf? Just because
poor old Lumpy died of cancer doesn't mean he should be written
out of history." -- RMassey
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