Wednesday, July 18, 2007

6 new messages in 6 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* a point about China's problems - 1 messages, 1 author
* No more car rental costs - just spam - 1 messages, 1 author
* Frugal pre-paid funeral expenses? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Why don't the liberal whiners start a health insurance company? - 1 messages,
1 author
* Woman is content living in 84-sq. ft. tiny dream home. - 1 messages, 1
* Walgreen printer cart refills - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: a point about China's problems

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jul 17 2007 4:20 am
From: Vic Smith

On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 04:43:52 GMT, PaPaPeng <> wrote:

>On Sun, 15 Jul 2007 11:57:23 -0700, "D." <> wrote:
>>I would suggest anyone interested in this topic read the personal
>>views of this food reporter, who loves China, the Chinese people, and
>>Chinese food. Perhaps the problems are more widespread that PaPaPeng
>>would lead us to believe,
>Must be a slow summer. There's a lot of self induced hysteria over
>Made in China product safety in the States. It hardly comes up as a
>news item here in the Great White North. Probably there is a pinko
>commie conspiracy to poison Americans or at least drive them up the
It was the pet food poisoning that got it going strong. Had to throw
some out myself. That and a general feeling that this administration
is not doing the job in ensuring food safety. The spinach e.coli
poisonings late last year is still fresh in peoples minds too.

>I live in Canada and hardly ever use China made food products or
>personal hygiene products. Shopping and cooking the regular grocery
>store stuff is so much more convenient. If I want authentic Chinese
>cusine I go to a Chinese restaurant. You don't want to make that from
>scratch. Its too ridiculously difficult to get it right. I dine out
>there maybe once to four times a fortnight. They'd have a hard time
>poisoning me if they tried.
The dead pets weren't eating Chinese. There are many processed foods
which give no indication of where the ingredients come from, or under
what inspection regimes safety checks take place.
There is a strong sense here that corporate and business interests are
undermining food safety, whether it be Chinese sourced or not.
I've seen no racist overtones to any of this, and suspect it is your
own racial pride that gets you ticked off. Get over it.

>I am frugal but not that hard-up as to shop at the Dollar Store for
>personal hygiene products. The savings if any are not enough to make
>a difference. Shopping for me is a very quick and predictable affair
>and I have stuck to the same core products (non Chinese) for several
>decades now. Old habits and old tastes die hard.
>I love all the other Dollar Store knickknacks though. They're cheap
>enough to use and to experiment with anything new. If its crap just
>toss it. It is never worth the expense in time and a trip for a
>refund. I enjoy expermenting with new stuff until I find something
>that works for me and may stick to it. There isn't very much that is
>new that I need to changes my preferences for. This is no brainer
>ordinary. common sense. I presume all of you consider yourselves in
>this category.
Most of the dollar store stuff is poor quality and we seldom browse
there anymore. Most dollar store items we've bought get were shortly
in the trash.
We do make the occasional trip for certain items.
Just last week I told my wife I wanted one of those magnifying glasses
she uses for myself. Some numbers are difficult to discern without
putting on stronger reading glasses, and it's easier on the eyes to
just put the glass over it. We stopped at a dollar store in the mall
and found even better magnifying glasses than she had, and picked up a
couple pairs of reading glasses too. Quality is fine.
There are a few other items she shops for there, but it is rare.


TOPIC: No more car rental costs - just spam

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jul 17 2007 4:26 am
From: et472@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Michael Black)

clams casino ( writes:
> Arsenal wrote:
>>A new website has been launched
> and just how many on this newsgroup will be renting cars from ireland?

I seem to recall someone did once ask about going to Ireland on the cheap,
though I'm not sure the question was really about frugality.


TOPIC: Frugal pre-paid funeral expenses?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jul 17 2007 6:49 am
From: "Melissa"

> If you are serious, why not consider cremation services? You need to
> be the one to suggest it because the funeral homes don't make big
> money on such minimal work. If you have the ashes buried, that's an
> added expense for the plot and marker if desired. The cheapest way
> would be cremation where a relative takes the ashes and disposes of
> them. All the remains of my uncle's family were distributed in the
> lake where they owned a cottage.
> You could be like Mr. T. His doctors said he had a year to live so he
> gave away all his vast resources. Then he got well and had to go back
> to work.

My father died in 2000. He was also cremated. We did have one set of
calling hours with a "viewing", then he was cremated after. That funeral
still cost over $6000. In 1992, we pre-paid for a Great Aunt who was ill.
She died in 1997. Even with pre-paying, and going without a limo, and one
of the least expensive coffins, it cost about $6000. It was the same for my
Grandmother at a different funeral home. Opening (digging) the grave also
cost about $400 back then, and wasn't included in the price of the pre-pray.
We had to contact the cemetary seperately. Most people don't realize it's a
seperate cost.

The only way you could get a funeral for a lot less would be with nothing
happening at all at the funeral home. No calling hours, no viewing at all,
just the service at a church instead. That just doesn't work for many
families. IMO, calling hours are a necessary part of grieving and dealing
with the loss. If you want to have a viewing at the church, then you have to
pay to have the body taken there by the funeral home hearse, then on to the

I know people disagree, but it's how we feel about it. We've made sure to
have a certain amount of our life insurance left to the person who will be
making those arrangements. In my father's case, the funeral home knew about
the policy and they waited until it was paid out for their payment. Those
aren't usually drug out by the insurance companies.


TOPIC: Why don't the liberal whiners start a health insurance company?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jul 17 2007 5:57 am
From: bearclaw@cruller.invalid

In article <>,
krw <krw@att.bizzzz> wrote:

> One eyeball on an Xray (or, or in
> my case, EKG, Echo, MRI, ...) and they've got an easy $500.
> ...rinse, repeat.

No doubt you would feel much better if they never looked at your xray.
Hey, Doc: let my insides rot so my wallet stays healthy, okay?

I don't know. Maybe you found a way to take it with you.

TOPIC: Woman is content living in 84-sq. ft. tiny dream home.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jul 17 2007 6:23 am
From: "Paul Thomas, CPA"

"Paul Maffia" <> wrote
> Paul, that is true on modern Tridents. But in the old pig boats of WWII,
> each sailor had a lot less than that. Even the Capt, made do with less.

Bed space is different than total available living space.

In any event, not a place to bring a date home to.

Paul A. Thomas, CPA
Athens, Georgia

TOPIC: Walgreen printer cart refills

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jul 17 2007 6:53 am
From: "Pat in Atlanta"

I always buy mine online at places like They're cheaper
than Walmart.
"Ken Knecht" <> wrote in message
> Anyone tried the $10 injet cartridge refills at Walgreens? How long does
> it actually take them to refill a cartridge? Do the cartridges work well?
> I have a black HP 832 cartridge I'm tempted to try.
> --
> Untie the two knots to email me
> Every silver lining has a cloud.


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