Monday, November 24, 2008

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 25 new messages in 10 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Doorbell always uses electricity! - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Hello From New Member - 1 messages, 1 author
* 10 Things the Food Industry Doesn't Want You to Know - 8 messages, 6 authors
* streaming adult videos - 1 messages, 1 author
* do you plant to lower your indoor temp this winter? - 4 messages, 3 authors
* The Constitution of the Kingdom of God, Earth ( - 2
messages, 2 authors
* Bailout costs every taxpayer $24,000.00. Are Americans just fat sheeple? - 3
messages, 3 authors
* Microsoft Owes Vista Owners a Free Replacement that Works - Petition to
Microsoft - 1 messages, 1 author
* If Detroit automakers sink.... - 1 messages, 1 author
* Bed Bath & Beyond - ridiculous gifts, laughable prices - 2 messages, 2

TOPIC: Doorbell always uses electricity!

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 10:27 am
From: "Rod Speed"

Gary H <garyh@notspammable.invalid> wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Nov 2008 08:17:33 -0500, George <george@nospam.invalid>
> wrote:
> [snip]
>> But the Chi Coms need to meet our requirements if it is sold here. I
>> can't remember the last time I saw a new walwart that wasn't a much
>> more efficient switcher design instead of an inefficient transformer.

> The new wall-warts are smaller, but it's NOT by eliminating the
> transformer. These new ones begin with an AC-to-AC converter,
> that operates on line voltage and raises the frequency. A higher
> frequency requires a smaller transformer.

They dont have any transformer that uses power all the time.

> "Switcher" refers to a more efficient voltage regulator,

Wrong. It always refers to what you listed above.

> that controls the DC output by turning it on and off rather than by
> wasting power like a linear regulator (as in older wall warts) does.
> This also makes it smaller by reducing the need for a heat sink.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 11:57 am
From: Dave Garland wrote:
> the outlet strip likely has a power on light of some sort wasting
> power when its on..

But not when it's off :) And that power is probably returned manyfold
by virtue of the fact that the light reminds you that the other things
plugged in are continuing to use power, so you turn it off sooner.

In any case, mostly the power-on light is a switch with something like a
built-in NE-2 (1/17 watt) bulb. No big deal.

> individually the amount wasted is likely small, however nationwide for
> everyone it must add up and waste is waste.....

It's true. But we need to maintain a sense of proportionality. A
single person running central air sucks as much power (3-20KW) as
150,000 outlet strip indicator lights. A single load of clothes in an
electric dryer uses as much power (6KWH) as 12 outlet strip indicator
lights do in a year. So while we don't want to completely ignore the
small stuff, the bulk of our effort needs to be reducing the use of
those power hogs.


TOPIC: Hello From New Member

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 10:42 am
From: fruitpie

On Nov 24, 10:32 am, Dennis <> wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Nov 2008 19:36:27 -0600, wrote:
> >On Sun, 23 Nov 2008 16:08:40 -0800 (PST), fruitpie
> ><> wrote:
> >>Hi,
> >>I'm new to this site because I thought I could learn something.  But,
> >>it seems the site is spammed with tennis shoe sales.  Is this normal
> >>or does this site really have interactive discussions?
> >It used to.  Set your filters to delete nike and rod, and you might
> >see enough legit posts to continue.
> >Was there something in particular you wanted to know?
> I've been wondering where to find the best sales on tennis shoes.  Any
> ideas?
> Dennis (evil)
> --
> "There is a fine line between participation and mockery" - Wally

Oh Dennis, you are evil. I don't exactly have any questions yet but I
am sure I will. I hope to move to Mexico in the next 15 months (to
retire) and will want to look into different ways to use energy when
building a home. But, with the way things are in the states right
now, it may be longer then 15 months before I retire. Thanks for the
filter suggestion. I will have to try that.

TOPIC: 10 Things the Food Industry Doesn't Want You to Know

== 1 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 11:01 am
From: Ron Peterson

On Nov 21, 2:42 pm, "h" <> wrote:
> "Tim Campbell" <> wrote in message
> >10 Things the Food Industry Doesn't Want You to Know
> All you really need to do is declare high fructose corn syrup unfit for
> human consumption, like most other civilized countries.

The ban is on hydrofluorocarbons, not high fructose corn syrup.


== 2 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 11:19 am
From: "h"

"tyuj" <> wrote in message
>h <> wrote
>> SoCalMike <> wrote
>>> h wrote
>>>> Tim Campbell <> wrote
>>>>> 10 Things the Food Industry Doesn't Want You to Know
>>>> All you really need to do is declare high fructose corn syrup unfit for
>>>> human consumption, like most other civilized countries.
>>> which countries have banned it? what are their obesity rates?
>> Canada and I believe most Latin American countries.
> You're wrong/lying.
>> I don't know if it's completely banned in the EU, but they have strict
>> quotas on the production of non-sugar (sucrose/cane) sweeteners,
> Pig ignorant lie.
>> so it can't be used much if at all in Europe.
> Another pig ignorant lie.
>> HFCS should not be consumed by humans.
> Another pig ignorant lie.
>> I can't believe anyone would eat anything with that poison in it.
> Your problem.
>> It's not like it even tastes good. Yuck.
> Your problem.

You must work for the corn refiner's conglomerate, and therefore feel the
need to offer insults along with your lies. PLONK.

== 3 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 11:30 am
From: Dave Garland

h wrote:
> I don't know if it's
> completely banned in the EU, but they have strict quotas on the production
> of non-sugar (sucrose/cane) sweeteners, so it can't be used much if at all
> in Europe.

If so, I suspect the reason is less related to health, than to the fact
that European farmers grow sugar beets rather than sugar cane. Farm
lobbies are strong everywhere.


== 4 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 11:43 am
From: "up yours"

h <> wrote
> tyuj <> wrote
>> h <> wrote
>>> SoCalMike <> wrote
>>>> h wrote
>>>>> Tim Campbell <> wrote

>>>>>> 10 Things the Food Industry Doesn't Want You to Know

>>>>> All you really need to do is declare high fructose corn syrup
>>>>> unfit for human consumption, like most other civilized countries.

>>>> which countries have banned it? what are their obesity rates?

>>> Canada and I believe most Latin American countries.

>> You're wrong/lying.

>>> I don't know if it's completely banned in the EU, but they have strict quotas on the production of non-sugar
>>> (sucrose/cane) sweeteners,

>> Pig ignorant lie.

>>> so it can't be used much if at all in Europe.

>> Another pig ignorant lie.

>>> HFCS should not be consumed by humans.

>> Another pig ignorant lie.

>>> I can't believe anyone would eat anything with that poison in it.

>> Your problem.

>>> It's not like it even tastes good. Yuck.

>> Your problem.

> You must work for the corn refiner's conglomerate,

You're lying, as always.

> and therefore feel the need to offer insults along with your lies.

Corse you never ever do anything like that yourself, eh ?


Fat lot of good that will ever do you, you stupid plonker.

== 5 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 11:58 am
From: "h"

"Dave Garland" <> wrote in message
>h wrote:
>> I don't know if it's
>> completely banned in the EU, but they have strict quotas on the
>> production
>> of non-sugar (sucrose/cane) sweeteners, so it can't be used much if at
>> all
>> in Europe.
> If so, I suspect the reason is less related to health, than to the fact
> that European farmers grow sugar beets rather than sugar cane. Farm
> lobbies are strong everywhere.

I believe that's the case. The reason they have the quotas is to protect
their own industries, but the side benefit is that there is less HFCS in the
EU. Now, I'm certainly not a fan of sugar nor any other processed carbs, but
sugar is less un-healthy than HFCS. The upside is that it's pretty easy to
avoid all of that crap by simply not buying processed foods.

== 6 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 1:36 pm
From: Seerialmom

On Nov 21, 12:14 pm, Tim Campbell <> wrote:
> 10 Things the Food Industry Doesn't Want You to Know
> Two nutrition experts argue that you can't take marketing campaigns at
> face value. -
> By Adam Voiland, U.S. News & World Report -
> With America's obesity problem among kids reaching crisis proportions,
> even junk food makers have started to claim they want to steer
> children toward more healthful choices. In a study released earlier
> this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported
> that about 32 percent of children were overweight but not obese, 16
> percent were obese, and 11 percent were extremely obese. Food giant
> PepsiCo, for example, points out on its Web site that "we can play an
> important role in helping kids lead healthier lives by offering
> healthy product choices in schools." The company highlights what it
> considers its healthier products within various food categories
> through a "Smart Spot" marketing campaign that features green symbols
> on packaging. PepsiCo's inclusive criteria—explained here—award spots
> to foods of dubious nutritional value such as Diet Pepsi, Cap'n Crunch
> cereal, reduced-fat Doritos, and Cheetos, as well as to more
> nutritious products such as Quaker Oatmeal and Tropicana Orange
> Juice.But are wellness initiatives like Smart Spot just marketing
> ploys? Such moves by the food industry may seem to be a step in the
> right direction, but ultimately makers of popular junk foods have an
> obligation to stockholders to encourage kids to eat more—not less—of
> the foods that fuel their profits, says David Ludwig, a pediatrician
> and the co-author of a commentary published in a recent Journal of the
> American Medical Association that raises questions about whether big
> food companies can be trusted to help combat obesity. Ludwig and
> article co-author Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition at New York
> University, both of whom have long histories of tracking the food
> industry, spoke with U.S. News and highlighted 10 things that junk
> food makers don't want you to know about their products and how they
> promote them.
> 1. Junk food makers spend billions advertising unhealthy foods to
> kids.According to the Federal Trade Commission, food makers spend some
> $1.6 billion annually to reach children through the traditional media
> as well the Internet, in-store advertising, and sweepstakes. An
> article published in 2006 in the Journal of Public Health Policy puts
> the number as high as $10 billion annually. Promotions often use
> cartoon characters or free giveaways to entice kids into the junk food
> fold. PepsiCo has pledged that it will advertise only "Smart Spot"
> products to children under 12.
> 2. The studies that food producers support tend to minimize health
> concerns associated with their products.In fact, according to a review
> led by Ludwig of hundreds of studies that looked at the health effects
> of milk, juice, and soda, the likelihood of conclusions favorable to
> the industry was several times higher among industry-sponsored
> research than studies that received no industry funding. "If a study
> is funded by the industry, it may be closer to advertising than
> science," he says.
> 3. Junk food makers donate large sums of money to professional
> nutrition associations.The American Dietetic Association, for example,
> accepts money from companies such as Coca-Cola, which get access to
> decision makers in the food and nutrition marketplace via ADA events
> and programs, as this release explains. As Nestle notes in her blog
> and discusses at length in her book Food Politics (University of
> California Press, 2007), the group even distributes nutritional fact
> sheets that are directly sponsored by specific industry groups. This
> one, for example, which is sponsored by an industry group that
> promotes lamb, rather unsurprisingly touts the nutritional benefits of
> lamb.The ADA's reasoning: "These collaborations take place with the
> understanding that ADA does not support any program or message that
> does not correspond with ADA's science-based healthful-eating messages
> and positions," according to the group's president, dietitian Martin
> Yadrick. "In fact, we think it's important for us to be at the same
> table with food companies because of the positive influence that we
> can have on them."
> 4. More processing means more profits, but typically makes the food
> less healthy.Minimally processed foods such as fresh fruits and
> vegetables obviously aren't where food companies look for profits. The
> big bucks stem from turning government-subsidized commodity crops—
> mainly corn, wheat, and soybeans—into fast foods, snack foods, and
> beverages. High-profit products derived from these commodity crops are
> generally high in calories and low in nutritional value.
> 5. Less-processed foods are generally more satiating than their highly
> processed counterparts.Fresh apples have an abundance of fiber and
> nutrients that are lost when they are processed into applesauce. And
> the added sugar or other sweeteners increase the number of calories
> without necessarily making the applesauce any more filling. Apple
> juice, which is even more processed, has had almost all of the fiber
> and nutrients stripped out. This same stripping out of nutrients, says
> Ludwig, happens with highly refined white bread compared with stone-
> ground whole wheat bread.
> 6. Many supposedly healthy replacement foods are hardly healthier than
> the foods they replace.In 2006, for example, major beverage makers
> agreed to remove sugary sodas from school vending machines. But the
> industry mounted an intense lobbying effort that persuaded lawmakers
> to allow sports drinks and vitamin waters that—despite their slightly
> healthier reputations—still can be packed with sugar and calories.
> 7. A health claim on the label doesn't necessarily make a food
> healthy.Health claims such as "zero trans fats" or "contains whole
> wheat" may create the false impression that a product is healthy when
> it's not. While the claims may be true, a product is not going to
> benefit your kid's health if it's also loaded with salt and sugar or
> saturated fat, say, and lacks fiber or other nutrients. "These claims
> are calorie distracters," adds Nestle. "They make people forget about
> the calories." Dave DeCecco, a spokesperson for PepsiCo, counters that
> the intent of a labeling program such as Smart Spot is simply to help
> consumers pick a healthier choice within a category. "We're not trying
> to tell people that a bag of Doritos is healthier than asparagus. But,
> if you're buying chips, and you're busy, and you don't have a lot of
> time to read every part of the label, it's an easy way to make a
> smarter choice," he says.
> 8. Food industry pressure has made nutritional guidelines confusing.As
> Nestle explained in Food Politics, the food industry has a history of
> preferring scientific jargon to straight talk. As far back as 1977,
> public health officials attempted to include the advice "reduce
> consumption of meat" in an important report called "Dietary Goals for
> the United States." The report's authors capitulated to intense
> pushback from the cattle industry and used this less-direct and more
> ambiguous advice: "Choose meats, poultry, and fish which will reduce
> saturated fat intake." Overall, says Nestle, the government has a hard
> time suggesting that people eat less of anything.
> 9. The food industry funds front groups that fight anti-obesity public
> health initiatives.Unless you follow politics closely, you wouldn't
> necessarily realize that a group with a name like the Center for
> Consumer Freedom has anything to do with the food industry. In fact,
> Ludwig and Nestle point out, this group lobbies aggressively against
> obesity-related public health campaigns—such as the one directed at
> removing junk food from schools—and is funded, according to the Center
> for Media and Democracy, primarily through donations from big food
> companies such as Coca-Cola, Cargill, Tyson Foods, and Wendy's.
> 10. The food industry works aggressively to discredit its
> critics.According to the new JAMA article, the Center for Consumer
> Freedom boasts that "[our strategy] is to shoot the messenger. We've
> got to attack [activists'] credibility as spokespersons." Here's the
> group's entry on Marion Nestle.The bottom line, says Nestle, is quite
> simple: Kids need to eat less, include more fruits and vegetables in
> their diet, and limit the junk food.

I thought you were going to say that: "SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!" :p

== 7 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 1:38 pm
From: Seerialmom

On Nov 24, 10:21 am, "tyuj" <> wrote:
> h <> wrote
> > SoCalMike <> wrote
> >> h wrote
> >>> Tim Campbell <> wrote
> >>>> 10 Things the Food Industry Doesn't Want You to Know
> >>> All you really need to do is declare high fructose corn syrup unfit for human consumption, like most other civilized
> >>> countries.
> >> which countries have banned it? what are their obesity rates?
> > Canada and I believe most Latin American countries.
> You're wrong/lying.
> > I don't know if it's completely banned in the EU, but they have strict quotas on the production of non-sugar
> > (sucrose/cane) sweeteners,
> Pig ignorant lie.
> > so it can't be used much if at all in Europe.
> Another pig ignorant lie.
> > HFCS should not be consumed by humans.
> Another pig ignorant lie.
> > I can't believe anyone would eat anything with that poison in it.
> Your problem.
> > It's not like it even tastes good. Yuck.
> Your problem.

Is this Rod Speed in disguise??

== 8 of 8 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 4:15 pm
From: (Don Klipstein)

In article <ggetu3$t94$>, h wrote:
>"tyuj" <> wrote in message

"tyuj" appears to me to be Rod Speed. Extremely unlikely working for
the corn industry, admittedly retired, apparently on a disability
pension for a mental condition. He has been known to use alternate
handles to get around killfiles.

- Don Klipstein (

TOPIC: streaming adult videos

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 12:44 pm
From: Freedom Is Not Free

On Mon, 24 Nov 2008 09:29:37 -0800 (PST), wrote:
Information related to ' -'
inetnum: -
netname: WEBAZILLA
descr: WebaZilla
remarks: INFRA-AW
country: NL
admin-c: WZNL1-RIPE
tech-c: WZNL1-RIPE
mnt-by: WZNET-MNT
source: RIPE # Filtered
role: WebaZilla RIPE Manager
address: WebaZilla B.V.
address: Postbus 19115
address: 3501DC Utrecht
address: Netherlands
phone: +31612253464
fax-no: +31303100299
mnt-by: WZNET-MNT
admin-c: BK5536-RIPE
tech-c: BK5536-RIPE
tech-c: KV1670-RIPE
nic-hdl: WZNL1-RIPE
source: RIPE # Filtered
% Information related to ''

TOPIC: do you plant to lower your indoor temp this winter?

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 12:42 pm
From: "'nam vet."

In article <VScWk.15360$qh4.3006@newsfe04.iad>,
clams_casino <> wrote:

> wrote:
> >I usually have about 73F indoors, but now with the expensive heating
> >costs ive been thinking of maybe going a bit lower.
> >So last week i tried sinking it all the way down to 60F and see how it
> >felt, and it was unbelievably damn COLD! I had to wear socks and t-
> >shirt while sleeping LOL!
> >Maybe something around 66F would be better?
> >
> >Have you experimented with lower indoor temp? What is a alrite lowest
> >temp?
> >
> >
> You should probably drop in stages. During the summer, we are quite
> comfortable at 75F, but find around 67F to be quite comfortable in the
> winter. A lot will depend on how much / type of clothing you typically
> wear. Do consider programmable thermostats, especially if you have
> multi-zone heating / cooling.
> We set the temp downstairs back to 63 over night & ramp it up to 67
> after 5am. Upstairs, we set it back to 63 during the day & keep the
> doors closed so the downstairs isn't simply heating the upstairs during
> the day where we ramp it to 67 after 7 pm. It ramps down to 66 after 9
> am. When not around during the day, we typically set the temp back
> down to 63 & reset when we return. The gradual increase tends to
> be just as comfortable vs. walking into a 67F home. We also ramp up
> the downstairs temp up 2F at 4pm (from 66 to 68) to offset the typical
> sun set chill, setting it back down to 63 overnight at around 9 pm.
> For some reason, 66F can be quite comfortable during the day, but it
> becomes chilly as the sun sets.
> It may sound involved, but it's a cycle that we've developed over the
> years that's left to the programmable thermostats, except for the manual
> adjustments downstairs when we leave for extended periods during the
> day. Having the downstairs thermostat near the exit to the garage makes
> it an easy task.

We have the wood stove and it's Radiant Heat. we love it and wood warms
you many times ; getting it, cutting it, stacking and burning it.
I hope everyone has discovered flannel sheets for the bed. Wonderful.
And we make our own Polar fleece hats. A lot of your body heat goes out
through you head.
And every year we do an additional thing to lower our carbon foot-print.
Insulate, more double glazing if needed. etc.
Good luck, group. and wear brighter more colorful clothing. Keeps the
spirits up. and Smile at someone you pass on the street. They'll wonder
what you're up to.
When the Power of Love,replaces the Love of Power.
that's Evolution.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 1:16 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

'nam vet. <> wrote:
> In article <VScWk.15360$qh4.3006@newsfe04.iad>,
> clams_casino <> wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> I usually have about 73F indoors, but now with the expensive heating
>>> costs ive been thinking of maybe going a bit lower.
>>> So last week i tried sinking it all the way down to 60F and see how
>>> it felt, and it was unbelievably damn COLD! I had to wear socks and
>>> t- shirt while sleeping LOL!
>>> Maybe something around 66F would be better?
>>> Have you experimented with lower indoor temp? What is a alrite
>>> lowest temp?
>> You should probably drop in stages. During the summer, we are quite
>> comfortable at 75F, but find around 67F to be quite comfortable in
>> the winter. A lot will depend on how much / type of clothing you
>> typically wear. Do consider programmable thermostats, especially
>> if you have multi-zone heating / cooling.
>> We set the temp downstairs back to 63 over night & ramp it up to 67
>> after 5am. Upstairs, we set it back to 63 during the day & keep
>> the doors closed so the downstairs isn't simply heating the upstairs
>> during the day where we ramp it to 67 after 7 pm. It ramps down to
>> 66 after 9 am. When not around during the day, we typically set the
>> temp back down to 63 & reset when we return. The gradual
>> increase tends to be just as comfortable vs. walking into a 67F
>> home. We also ramp up the downstairs temp up 2F at 4pm (from 66 to
>> 68) to offset the typical sun set chill, setting it back down to 63
>> overnight at around 9 pm.
>> For some reason, 66F can be quite comfortable during the day, but it
>> becomes chilly as the sun sets.
>> It may sound involved, but it's a cycle that we've developed over the
>> years that's left to the programmable thermostats, except for the
>> manual adjustments downstairs when we leave for extended periods
>> during the day. Having the downstairs thermostat near the exit to
>> the garage makes it an easy task.

> We have the wood stove and it's Radiant Heat. we love it and wood
> warms you many times ; getting it, cutting it, stacking and burning it.
> I hope everyone has discovered flannel sheets for the bed. Wonderful.

> And we make our own Polar fleece hats. A lot of your body heat goes out through you head.

Trouble is those home made balaclavas can get you summarily executed as a terrorist.

> And every year we do an additional thing to lower our carbon
> foot-print. Insulate, more double glazing if needed. etc.

You'd save a lot more carbon by hanging yourself with second hand rope.

> Good luck, group. and wear brighter more colorful clothing. Keeps the spirits up.
> and Smile at someone you pass on the street. They'll wonder what you're up to.

Or gun you down when they decide you must be another of those loonys we used to keep in locked wards.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 1:20 pm
From: "'nam vet."

In article
"'nam vet." <> wrote:

> In article <VScWk.15360$qh4.3006@newsfe04.iad>,
> clams_casino <> wrote:
> > wrote:
> >
> > >I usually have about 73F indoors, but now with the expensive heating
> > >costs ive been thinking of maybe going a bit lower.
> > >So last week i tried sinking it all the way down to 60F and see how it
> > >felt, and it was unbelievably damn COLD! I had to wear socks and t-
> > >shirt while sleeping LOL!
> > >Maybe something around 66F would be better?
> > >
> > >Have you experimented with lower indoor temp? What is a alrite lowest
> > >temp?
> > >
> > >
> >
> > You should probably drop in stages. During the summer, we are quite
> > comfortable at 75F, but find around 67F to be quite comfortable in the
> > winter. A lot will depend on how much / type of clothing you typically
> > wear. Do consider programmable thermostats, especially if you have
> > multi-zone heating / cooling.
> >
> > We set the temp downstairs back to 63 over night & ramp it up to 67
> > after 5am. Upstairs, we set it back to 63 during the day & keep the
> > doors closed so the downstairs isn't simply heating the upstairs during
> > the day where we ramp it to 67 after 7 pm. It ramps down to 66 after 9
> > am. When not around during the day, we typically set the temp back
> > down to 63 & reset when we return. The gradual increase tends to
> > be just as comfortable vs. walking into a 67F home. We also ramp up
> > the downstairs temp up 2F at 4pm (from 66 to 68) to offset the typical
> > sun set chill, setting it back down to 63 overnight at around 9 pm.
> > For some reason, 66F can be quite comfortable during the day, but it
> > becomes chilly as the sun sets.
> >
> > It may sound involved, but it's a cycle that we've developed over the
> > years that's left to the programmable thermostats, except for the manual
> > adjustments downstairs when we leave for extended periods during the
> > day. Having the downstairs thermostat near the exit to the garage makes
> > it an easy task.
> We have the wood stove and it's Radiant Heat. we love it and wood warms
> you many times ; getting it, cutting it, stacking and burning it.
> I hope everyone has discovered flannel sheets for the bed. Wonderful.
> And we make our own Polar fleece hats. A lot of your body heat goes out
> through you head.
> And every year we do an additional thing to lower our carbon foot-print.
> Insulate, more double glazing if needed. etc.
> Good luck, group. and wear brighter more colorful clothing. Keeps the
> spirits up. and Smile at someone you pass on the street. They'll wonder
> what you're up to.

Oh, I forgot, If your feet get cold, it's so hard to sleep. we used to
heat up a large smooth rock on the wood stove and put it at the foot of
the bed, Soooo nice !
Remember the "bed Warmer">?
Stay cosy! and there's always Three Dog Nite.
When the Power of Love,replaces the Love of Power.
that's Evolution.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 1:52 pm
From: Vic Smith

On Mon, 24 Nov 2008 13:20:48 -0800, "'nam vet."
<> wrote:

>Oh, I forgot, If your feet get cold, it's so hard to sleep. we used to
>heat up a large smooth rock on the wood stove and put it at the foot of
>the bed, Soooo nice !
>Remember the "bed Warmer">?
>Stay cosy! and there's always Three Dog Nite.

Even one dog helps. Got a small pooch that jumps on the bed after I
turn off the lights. She nestles between my legs, the blankets making
sort of a hammock there.
Wife gets jealous though.


TOPIC: The Constitution of the Kingdom of God, Earth (

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 1:00 pm
From: Al Bundy

On Nov 24, 3:46 am, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of God
<> wrote:
> The Constitution of the Kingdom of God, Earth (

Funny how the religious freaks always make the rest of us suffer
through the penance they feel necessary to perform in repeat postings.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 2:46 pm
From: Prime Minister Serge Grishenkoff

The Constitution of the Kingdom of God, Earth (

TOPIC: Bailout costs every taxpayer $24,000.00. Are Americans just fat sheeple?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 1:20 pm

> > Is it not interesting that the masses wander about scratching their
> > ample butts while  accepting the
> > theft of their money?

I find it very interesting. Unbelievable, actually.

>   They accepted the Bush regime's 9-11 fairy tale without thought
> or question, so why not the theft and redistribution of their
> money to billionaire corporate thieves and criminals?

And Obama and McCain were both right there to cheer on the symphony
while Paulson and Brananke were conducting.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 3:01 pm
From: "S'mee"

On Nov 24, 9:56 am, Henry <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > Is it not interesting that the masses wander about scratching their
> > ample butts while  accepting the
> > theft of their money?
>   They accepted the Bush regime's 9-11 fairy tale without thought
> or question, so why not the theft and redistribution of their
> money to billionaire corporate thieves and criminals?

ROTFLMAO!!! ITYMTS "They eat at McDonalds and drive
can't get stupider than that"

Because everyone knows it's logisiticly improbable much less possible
to blow up any skyscraper. Not and keep the preparations secret...


== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 3:48 pm
From: "catalpa"

<> wrote in message
> Is it not interesting that the masses wander about scratching their
> ample butts while accepting the
> theft of their money?
> ted

I don't have $24,000.00, so they better take an IOU.

TOPIC: Microsoft Owes Vista Owners a Free Replacement that Works - Petition to

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 3:44 pm
From: "Pete C."

Dave wrote:
> >> There is nothing wrong with Vista. Nothing.

Second the Vista is fine. I had heard all the propaganda that Vista was
terrible, but never heard a single example of how it was so bad. Not
having any particular reason to put Vista on anything I just ignored it
for a while.

Eventually I decided I needed a new laptop and ended up getting a very
nice HP one for a whopping $650, that happened to come with Vista HP
64bit. So far I haven't run into any issues.

I've loaded alternate browsers and newsreaders, and some relatively
obscure stuff like Dive computer interface software and diving gas
blending calculators and all either worked just fine or took 30 seconds
to download a 64 bit version of.

The one semi-issue I had was antivirus software, where the CA stuff I
use on my other machines didn't have a 64 bit version available, so I
had to stick with the Norton that came with the laptop. Whoop-dee-doo.

TOPIC: If Detroit automakers sink....

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 3:54 pm
From: kozmo

On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 05:10:11 +1100, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:

>val189 <> wrote:
>> what happens to extended warranties, dealers who handle service, recalls, and probably other issues.
>Those who were stupid enough to buy those cars have one hell of a problem.
>In spades with the value of those steaming turds with wheels.
>> Neighbor with two Dodge vehicles was wondering.
>They could always do the decent thing and hang themselves.
>> Another reason to bail?


TOPIC: Bed Bath & Beyond - ridiculous gifts, laughable prices

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 4:16 pm
From: Patricia Martin Steward

Got their flyer in the mail today, and I was laughing out loud at some
of the "gifts" they're selling (I'm rounding prices up on those ending
in .99):

wine chiller - $100 (I put mine in the fridge for free)
single-serve coffee brewer - $200 (my four-cup Mr. Coffee cost $14.99)
espresso maker - $230
knife set - $200
Aerogarden to grow herbs - $150
Proper Positioning bed pillow - $80
Braun shaver - $250 AFTER rebate

And finally, my favorite: a "do-it-yourself electric BACK HAIR SHAVER
for $40!!!!

I can only think they had this printed before the economy went down
the drain.

"This is our moment. This is our time - to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids;
to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American Dream and reaffirm that fundamental
truth - that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt,
and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people:
Yes We Can." President-elect Barack Obama, November, 4, 2008
** Posted from **

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Nov 24 2008 4:21 pm
From: Bert Hyman

In Patricia Martin
Steward <> wrote:

> And finally, my favorite: a "do-it-yourself electric BACK HAIR SHAVER
> for $40!!!!

Maybe they're trying to pick up the slack left by Sharper Image.

Bert Hyman St. Paul, MN


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