Thursday, June 10, 2010

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 24 new messages in 11 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* What would Jesus ask a Darwinian? A possible explanation - 4 messages, 3
* How much power does a 120v 15A lighted switch use anyway? - 2 messages, 2
* ** Do you like the new forms of gold? Come ** - 1 messages, 1 author
* Simple hack to get $500 to your home - 1 messages, 1 author
* Nike Air Max90 Shoes Wholesale( (PayPal Payment) -
1 messages, 1 author
* Bicycle Culture: A Lady doesn't Sweat - 9 messages, 5 authors
* BICYCLES you find at YARD SALES - how to price them - 1 messages, 1 author
* HOT SEX - 1 messages, 1 author
* best hot photos - 1 messages, 1 author
* what's the best way to fake a death? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Are you worried BP goes under and the UK becomes the 51st State? - 1
messages, 1 author

TOPIC: What would Jesus ask a Darwinian? A possible explanation

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 12:03 am
From: "Rod Speed"

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote

>> Wrong, as always. Almost everyone is able to walk stupid.

> You ain't able to walk

Wrong, as always. I walk a hell of a long way almost every day.

> or ride a bike...

> On Jun 9, 3:43 pm, e_space <> wrote:
>> no i dont sorry ... think outside the cage my friend ;-^)
> Hey the cage is everywhere, you live in a cage and when you step out
> the cage and get into your car you get into another cage, because the
> jungle is IMPOSSIBLE to walk due to long distances or because it's
> crazy to ride a bike on the road.
> My girlfriend says she would not sweat to get to work. But I say,
> provide showers at work. Anyway I propose that you can ride a bike
> whenever and wherever is practical, so the option is yours. OPTIONS is
> not a word to be afraid of. Actually it should be part of a democracy
> where the sheep don't run your life.
> So the revolution will have to include people who are willing to
> sweat, but unwilling to take shit from drivers...
> Source: Talking Point, BBC News
> Having lived in the US last year, I can say most of the comments here
> belittling this lawsuit stem from ignorance of life in the US. People
> here in the UK are MUCH more aware of what is healthy. In the US "Big
> Food" dominates the airwaves and the vast majority of people are
> genuinely misinformed. Americans live off processed food regularly
> now.
> Having said that, I think the lawsuit is partially misguided because
> bad
> food is no more than half the problem of obesity that is now coming to
> the fore in the US. The other half is the lifestyle the country
> imposes
> on people. In the US you are literally FORCED to drive everywhere -
> even
> a 5 minute hop to a local supermarket. People live in a system where
> they do everything sitting down. So it is not just that massive
> amounts
> of calories (with little nutrition) are readily and cheaply on offer,
> but that burning any of it off in the normal course of a day is near
> impossible.
> James, UK

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 6:02 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

On Jun 10, 2:50 am, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote
> > Rod Speed <> wrote
> >> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote
> >>> Rod Speed <> wrote
> >>>> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of
> >>>> Tantra-Hammock wrote
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>> Nope, that dump has the most obscene slums in the world.
> >>>>> Well, they are relocating them too.
> >>>> Nope.
> >>>> Its actually just an example of a complete fuckup where they did
> >>>> produce a quite decent living environment for a subset of the city's
> >>>> population and some utterly obscene slums for the group that didnt
> >>>> get to live in the well designed part, because the cost of the well
> >>>> designed part was insane.
> >>>>> It's the third world,
> >>>> Nope, thats the second world, stupid.
> >>> They call it by a euphemism now, stupid: "DEVELOPING NATIONS," as if they will ever be developed...
> >> They called singapore that at one time, and its more developed than some parts of the US now.
> > Ha, ha, ha. They will be developed competing against the
> > Chinese who are willing to work their life away for pennies.
> Singapore is doing fine economically. Corse they dont bother with much manufacturing at all.
> > How about all that corruption in those Banana Republics meant to pave the way for inversions?
> > Do you think Mexico will ever be developed,
> Depends on what you mean by developed. They do have a
> rather better car industry than china does. So does Brazil.

Fuck the cars. We are talking real comprehensive transportation
infrastructure. Curitiba has a lot to show for it, other poor
countries just are copycats of the West.

Funny the poor countries (I kind of like the word) don't have
trillions of bikes.

> > where there's no law because of your stupid War on Drugs?
> Taint my war on drugs, monkeyboy.
> >>> Certainly, not following the path indicated by the West.
> >> Wrong, as always.
> > The Law of the Jungle from the West. Gated Communities
> Fuck all in the west live in gated communitys.

Many that can afford it, do. Those are the very people that could lift
the whole community if they wanted too.

> > and SUVs for the elites
> Its stupid women that buy SUVs, not the elites, stupid.

RACIST PIG. You got alpha males and alpha females in predators, so you
are just feeding their natural killing instincts. Actually the
lionesses do the job for the lion.

> > and fuck the rest.
> They do a hell of a lot better than some ape on a bike thats too
> stupid to be able to work out the risk he is taking on a bike.

Maybe say CONSCIOUS where you you say STUPID, because he's the only
one not feeding the OIL SLICK.

> Great, time we got some darwinian selection back into the system.
> Hopefully you havent bred yet.

Actually my type is yet to emerge from the shadow of the dinosaurs.

> >>>>> what do you expect. There's another problem: If Brazil has a problem
> >>>>> with poverty but Curitiba didn't, then all the poor would move there, right?
> >>>> Wrong.
> >>>>> The do have Universal Healthcare believe it or not,
> >>>> So does every other modern first and second world country except the US.
> >>> Well, they are working their way up to civilization then.
> >> But cant even manage viable govt yet.
> >> Or even work out how many kids their circumstances can support either.
> > Only a few brilliant example like Curitiba,
> Nothing brilliant about it given the much bigger obscene slums all around it.
> The west does it much better, nothing like those slums in the west anymore.

The West is much cleaner, but also much more wasteful. Your sprawl is
the most stupid thing in the world. Even London put a cap on it in the
30's. But you keep pushing this model to whoever crazy elite loves the
idea of living in the boondocks.

> > which is going their own way, can come out of the capitalist jungle.
> Just another of your silly little pig ignorant fantasys.

Funny you steal the word PIG when I should be calling you CAPITALIST

> > Public transportation, pedestrian-only streets,
> > lots of parks, putting the homeless to work...
> Pity about the immense slums surrounding it.

Yes, part of life in the Poor Nations, and they are there to supply
raw materials for you and follow your distorted Darwinism.

> >>>>> so they may be ahead of us in some areas.
> >>>> Nope. There are parts of the US that are as well designed.
> >>>>> Our Emergency Rooms look like Haiti after the earthquake.
> >>>> And those in other modern first world countrys arent.
> >>> Not if you practice PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, such as RIDING A BIKE
> >>> OR WALKING, something few are able to do freely in the West.
> >> Wrong, as always. Almost everyone is able to walk stupid.
> > Come to Miami!
> No thanks, too many fools like you there.

Exactly, living in fear and sprawl, like most cities in the South. Not
NYC certainly.

> > No one outside, some more in Miami Beach.
> Because they choose not to. Not because they arent able to.
> Corse there are hordes so obscenely obese they cant even manage to
> walk around the store and load up with vast amounts of food to pig out on....

Because MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO, and they are not daring enough to walk
where others don't.

> > The s-p-r-a-w-l is the b-i-g p-r-o-b-l-e-m, but other problems is that there's
> > no space for bikes on the road. What can you do, masturbate for peace? ;)
> You do that furiously, it clearly isnt working.

Neither is your prayers. Not even your Mother Teresa. But you are a
wolf in plain view, not a religious sheep in wolf's clothing.

You must be a funny American Libertarian promoting the Law of the
Jungle without the government.

> > Source: Talking Point, BBC News
> > Having lived in the US last year, I can say most of the comments
> > here belittling this lawsuit stem from ignorance of life in the US.
> > People here in the UK are MUCH more aware of what is healthy.
> Another pig ignorant lie. You stupid poms actually have even worse
> health problems than most of the whites in the leafy suburbs of the US.
> > In the US "Big Food" dominates the airwaves and the vast majority of people
> > are genuinely misinformed. Americans live off processed food regularly now.
> Corse none of you stupid poms ever do anything like that, eh ?

ADDICTED TO JUNK FOOD. Nice concept, huh?

The sheep fight a War on Drugs, but are addicted to Junk Food. Funny

> > Having said that, I think the lawsuit is partially misguided
> > because bad food is no more than half the problem of
> > obesity that is now coming to the fore in the US.
> The food's fine. The problem is the quantity of it that fools keep shovelling into their mouths.

The food is all wrong. Read FAST FOOD NATION.

Of course, even worse is the fact they can't BURN THE CALORIES.

> > The other half is the lifestyle the country imposes on people. In the US you are
> > literally FORCED to drive everywhere - even a 5 minute hop to a local supermarket.
> Pigs arse you are.
> > People live in a system where they do everything sitting down.
> Pigs arse they do.

They try to survive in a system designed for the pig. The fatter the
more industries he feeds, including the Medical Industry.

> > So it is not just that massive amounts of calories (with little nutrition) are readily and cheaply
> > on offer, but that burning any of it off in the normal course of a day is near impossible.
> Wrong, as always.
> > James, UK
> Guess which silly little monkey boy is about to get comprehensively shafted by his new govt.

Not even Obama with his best intentions can change the jungle. Too
many hungry predators won't let him and drag him down. That's why I

"Illegitimi non carborundum" is a mock-Latin aphorism meaning "Don't
let the bastards grind you down".

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 12:17 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of
>>>> Tantra-Hammock wrote
>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of
>>>>>> Tantra-Hammock wrote


>>>>>>>> Nope, that dump has the most obscene slums in the world.

>>>>>>> Well, they are relocating them too.

>>>>>> Nope.

>>>>>> Its actually just an example of a complete fuckup where they did
>>>>>> produce a quite decent living environment for a subset of the
>>>>>> city's population and some utterly obscene slums for the group
>>>>>> that didnt get to live in the well designed part, because the cost
>>>>>> of the well designed part was insane.

>>>>>>> It's the third world,

>>>>>> Nope, thats the second world, stupid.

>>>>> They call it by a euphemism now, stupid: "DEVELOPING NATIONS," as
>>>>> if they will ever be developed...

>>>> They called singapore that at one time, and its more developed
>>>> than some parts of the US now.

>>> Ha, ha, ha. They will be developed competing against the
>>> Chinese who are willing to work their life away for pennies.

>> Singapore is doing fine economically. Corse they dont bother with much manufacturing at all.

>>> How about all that corruption in those Banana Republics meant to pave the way for inversions?

>>> Do you think Mexico will ever be developed,

>> Depends on what you mean by developed. They do have a
>> rather better car industry than china does. So does Brazil.

> Fuck the cars.

No thanks, I'll fuck the bikes instead.

> We are talking real comprehensive transportation infrastructure.

Pity about the immense swath of slums that the bulk of those who 'life' in that city have to live in.

> Curitiba has a lot to show for it,

Yeah, like all those slums.

> other poor countries just are copycats of the West.

Because that works a hell of a lot better than Curitiba does.

> Funny the poor countries (I kind of like the word) don't have trillions of bikes.

China used to and is now discarding them.

>>> where there's no law because of your stupid War on Drugs?

>> Taint my war on drugs, monkeyboy.

>>>>> Certainly, not following the path indicated by the West.

>>>> Wrong, as always.

>>> The Law of the Jungle from the West. Gated Communities

>> Fuck all in the west live in gated communitys.

> Many that can afford it, do.

Nope, fuck all do. Even in the US, the highest estimate is 8M people.

Thats fuck all of the total US population.

> Those are the very people that could lift the whole community if they wanted too.

Mindless silly stuff.

>>> and SUVs for the elites

>> Its stupid women that buy SUVs, not the elites, stupid.


Women arent a race, fuckwit.

> You got alpha males and alpha females in predators,
> so you are just feeding their natural killing instincts.
> Actually the lionesses do the job for the lion.

Even you should have noticed that not too many lions drive SUVs.

>>> and fuck the rest.

>> They do a hell of a lot better than some ape on a bike thats
>> too stupid to be able to work out the risk he is taking on a bike.

> Maybe say CONSCIOUS where you you say STUPID,
> because he's the only one not feeding the OIL SLICK.

Thats a lie too.

>> Great, time we got some darwinian selection back into the system.

>> Hopefully you havent bred yet.

> Actually my type is yet to emerge from the shadow of the dinosaurs.

Taint gunna happen. You'll die out because the risk is so much greater on a bike.

Darwinian selection in action.

>>>>>>> what do you expect. There's another problem: If Brazil has a problem
>>>>>>> with poverty but Curitiba didn't, then all the poor would move there, right?

>>>>>> Wrong.

>>>>>>> The do have Universal Healthcare believe it or not,

>>>>>> So does every other modern first and second world country except the US.

>>>>> Well, they are working their way up to civilization then.

>>>> But cant even manage viable govt yet.

>>>> Or even work out how many kids their circumstances can support either.

>>> Only a few brilliant example like Curitiba,

>> Nothing brilliant about it given the much bigger obscene slums all around it.

>> The west does it much better, nothing like those slums in the west anymore.

> The West is much cleaner, but also much more wasteful.

Like that or lump it, monkey boy.

> Your sprawl is the most stupid thing in the world.

No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to even visit.

You're always welcome ot fuck off to somewhere like HongKong any time you like.

> Even London put a cap on it in the 30's.

Like hell they did.

> But you keep pushing this model to whoever crazy elite loves the idea of living in the boondocks.

Taint just the elite that prefers to live like that, monkey boy.

>>> which is going their own way, can come out of the capitalist jungle.

>> Just another of your silly little pig ignorant fantasys.

> Funny you steal the word PIG

Everyone can see for themselves that you are lying, as always.

I've been using that since LONG before you ever showed up, monkey boy.

> when I should be calling you CAPITALIST PIG.

Its your labor party that fucked the british economy, monkey boy.

>>> Public transportation, pedestrian-only streets,
>>> lots of parks, putting the homeless to work...

>> Pity about the immense slums surrounding it.

> Yes, part of life in the Poor Nations, and they are there to supply
> raw materials for you and follow your distorted Darwinism.

Brazil doesnt supply even a shred of anything like that to me, monkeyboy.

>>>>>>> so they may be ahead of us in some areas.

>>>>>> Nope. There are parts of the US that are as well designed.

>>>>>>> Our Emergency Rooms look like Haiti after the earthquake.

>>>>>> And those in other modern first world countrys arent.

>>>>> Not if you practice PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, such as RIDING A BIKE
>>>>> OR WALKING, something few are able to do freely in the West.

>>>> Wrong, as always. Almost everyone is able to walk stupid.

>>> Come to Miami!

>> No thanks, too many fools like you there.

> Exactly, living in fear and sprawl, like most cities in the South. Not NYC certainly.

Yep, hordes of the dregs of central america there.

>>> No one outside, some more in Miami Beach.

>> Because they choose not to. Not because they arent able to.

>> Corse there are hordes so obscenely obese they cant even manage to
>> walk around the store and load up with vast amounts of food to pig out on....


Nope, they find fast food convenient, monkey boy.

Hordes of you stupid poms do too.

> and they are not daring enough to walk where others don't.

So stupid it didnt even notice the 60s, presumably because you werent even born then.

>>> The s-p-r-a-w-l is the b-i-g p-r-o-b-l-e-m, but other problems is that there's
>>> no space for bikes on the road. What can you do, masturbate for peace? ;)

>> You do that furiously, it clearly isnt working.

> Neither is your prayers.

Never prayed in my life, monkey boy.

> Not even your Mother Teresa.

That stupid cow has nothing to do with me, monkey boy.

> But you are a wolf in plain view, not a religious sheep in wolf's clothing.

> You must be a funny American Libertarian

So stupid it cant even get the country right, or anything else at all either.

Typical stupid pom.

> promoting the Law of the Jungle without the government.

Completely off with the fucking fairys, as always.

>>> Source: Talking Point, BBC News
>>> Having lived in the US last year, I can say most of the comments
>>> here belittling this lawsuit stem from ignorance of life in the US.
>>> People here in the UK are MUCH more aware of what is healthy.

>> Another pig ignorant lie. You stupid poms actually have even worse
>> health problems than most of the whites in the leafy suburbs of the US.

>>> In the US "Big Food" dominates the airwaves and the vast majority of people
>>> are genuinely misinformed. Americans live off processed food regularly now.

>> Corse none of you stupid poms ever do anything like that, eh ?


Corse none of you stupid poms ever do anything like that, eh monkey boy ?

> The sheep fight a War on Drugs, but are addicted to Junk Food. Funny sheep!

Corse nothing like that ever happens on that pathetic soggy little island of yours, eh monkey boy ?

>>> Having said that, I think the lawsuit is partially misguided
>>> because bad food is no more than half the problem of
>>> obesity that is now coming to the fore in the US.

>> The food's fine. The problem is the quantity of it that fools keep shovelling into their mouths.

> The food is all wrong.

That pathetic soggy little island is absolutely notorious
for having the worst food in the entire world.


> Of course, even worse is the fact they can't BURN THE CALORIES.

Anyone with even half a clue doesnt shovel into their mouths what they cant burn, monkey boy.

>>> The other half is the lifestyle the country imposes on people. In the US you are
>>> literally FORCED to drive everywhere - even a 5 minute hop to a local supermarket.

>> Pigs arse you are.

>>> People live in a system where they do everything sitting down.

>> Pigs arse they do.

> They try to survive in a system designed for the pig. The fatter
> the more industries he feeds, including the Medical Industry.

Corse nothing like that ever happens on that soggy little island of yours, eh monkey boy ?

>>> So it is not just that massive amounts of calories (with little
>>> nutrition) are readily and cheaply on offer, but that burning any
>>> of it off in the normal course of a day is near impossible.

>> Wrong, as always.

>>> James, UK

>> Guess which silly little monkey boy is about to get comprehensively shafted by his new govt.

> Not even Obama with his best intentions can change the jungle.

Clegg will change things for stupid bludgers like you, you watch.

> Too many hungry predators won't let him and drag him down. That's why I say:

> "Illegitimi non carborundum"

Sorreee, dont speak wog.

> is a mock-Latin aphorism meaning "Don't let the bastards grind you down".

How stunningly original, monkey boy.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 1:02 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

On Jun 10, 3:17 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote

> > We are talking real comprehensive transportation infrastructure.
> Pity about the immense swath of slums that the bulk of those who 'life' in that city have to live in.

At least they can have transportation and universal healthcare, right?

> Yeah, like all those slums.
> > other poor countries just are copycats of the West.
> Because that works a hell of a lot better than Curitiba does.

No, because they are more corrupt.
> > Funny the poor countries (I kind of like the word) don't have trillions of bikes.
> China used to and is now discarding them.

Japan dismissed the Chinese way. Bullet trains are better than

> >>> where there's no law because of your stupid War on Drugs?
> >> Taint my war on drugs, monkeyboy.
> >>>>> Certainly, not following the path indicated by the West.
> >>>> Wrong, as always.
> >>> The Law of the Jungle from the West. Gated Communities
> >> Fuck all in the west live in gated communitys.
> > Many that can afford it, do.
> Nope, fuck all do. Even in the US, the highest estimate is 8M people.

La Creme de la Creme, right? The very people who can change the world

> Thats fuck all of the total US population.
> > Those are the very people that could lift the whole community if they wanted too.
> Mindless silly stuff.
> >>> and SUVs for the elites
> >> Its stupid women that buy SUVs, not the elites, stupid.
> Women arent a race, fuckwit.

You are a chauvinist pig, I make the correction.

> > You got alpha males and alpha females in predators,
> > so you are just feeding their natural killing instincts.
> > Actually the lionesses do the job for the lion.
> Even you should have noticed that not too many lions drive SUVs.

Have you actually seen those lions on the back of Land Rovers? They
are pussycats compared to the American SUVs.

> >>> and fuck the rest.
> >> They do a hell of a lot better than some ape on a bike thats
> >> too stupid to be able to work out the risk he is taking on a bike.
> > Maybe say CONSCIOUS where you you say STUPID,
> > because he's the only one not feeding the OIL SLICK.
> Thats a lie too.
> >> Great, time we got some darwinian selection back into the system.
> >> Hopefully you havent bred yet.
> > Actually my type is yet to emerge from the shadow of the dinosaurs.
> Taint gunna happen. You'll die out because the risk is so much greater on a bike.

Because of the dinosaurs.

> Darwinian selection in action.

Darwinism also means that stupid dinosaurs went extinct when smarter
forms of life survived.

> >>>>>>> what do you expect. There's another problem: If Brazil has a problem
> >>>>>>> with poverty but Curitiba didn't, then all the poor would move there, right?
> >>>>>> Wrong.
> >>>>>>> The do have Universal Healthcare believe it or not,
> >>>>>> So does every other modern first and second world country except the US.
> >>>>> Well, they are working their way up to civilization then.
> >>>> But cant even manage viable govt yet.
> >>>> Or even work out how many kids their circumstances can support either.
> >>> Only a few brilliant example like Curitiba,
> >> Nothing brilliant about it given the much bigger obscene slums all around it.
> >> The west does it much better, nothing like those slums in the west anymore.
> > The West is much cleaner, but also much more wasteful.
> Like that or lump it, monkey boy.
> > Your sprawl is the most stupid thing in the world.
> No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to even visit.
> You're always welcome ot fuck off to somewhere like HongKong any time you like.

Holland sounds good to me.
> > Even London put a cap on it in the 30's.
> Like hell they did.
> > But you keep pushing this model to whoever crazy elite loves the idea of living in the boondocks.
> Taint just the elite that prefers to live like that, monkey boy.

The same elite that refuses to evolve.

> >>> which is going their own way, can come out of the capitalist jungle.
> >> Just another of your silly little pig ignorant fantasys.
> > Funny you steal the word PIG
> Everyone can see for themselves that you are lying, as always.
> I've been using that since LONG before you ever showed up, monkey boy.
> > when I should be calling you CAPITALIST PIG.
> Its your labor party that fucked the british economy, monkey boy.

And you are the same Conservatives that fucked up America and the

> >>> Public transportation, pedestrian-only streets,
> >>> lots of parks, putting the homeless to work...
> >> Pity about the immense slums surrounding it.
> > Yes, part of life in the Poor Nations, and they are there to supply
> > raw materials for you and follow your distorted Darwinism.
> Brazil doesnt supply even a shred of anything like that to me, monkeyboy.

My hammock has wood from Brazil, but it's a tiny amount for such a
great result.

> >>>>>>> so they may be ahead of us in some areas.
> >>>>>> Nope. There are parts of the US that are as well designed.
> >>>>>>> Our Emergency Rooms look like Haiti after the earthquake.
> >>>>>> And those in other modern first world countrys arent.
> >>>>> Not if you practice PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, such as RIDING A BIKE
> >>>>> OR WALKING, something few are able to do freely in the West.
> >>>> Wrong, as always. Almost everyone is able to walk stupid.
> >>> Come to Miami!
> >> No thanks, too many fools like you there.
> > Exactly, living in fear and sprawl, like most cities in the South. Not NYC certainly.
> Yep, hordes of the dregs of central america there.

From all over the world, that is.

> >>> No one outside, some more in Miami Beach.
> >> Because they choose not to. Not because they arent able to.
> >> Corse there are hordes so obscenely obese they cant even manage to
> >> walk around the store and load up with vast amounts of food to pig out on....
> Nope, they find fast food convenient, monkey boy.
> Hordes of you stupid poms do too.

Fast food and obesity are killing people a long agonizing death.

> >> Corse none of you stupid poms ever do anything like that, eh ?
> Corse none of you stupid poms ever do anything like that, eh monkey boy ?

It's restricted in Scandinavia. Good move.

> > The sheep fight a War on Drugs, but are addicted to Junk Food. Funny sheep!
> Corse nothing like that ever happens on that pathetic soggy little island of yours, eh monkey boy ?

You are killing the sheep.

> >>> Having said that, I think the lawsuit is partially misguided
> >>> because bad food is no more than half the problem of
> >>> obesity that is now coming to the fore in the US.
> >> The food's fine. The problem is the quantity of it that fools keep shovelling into their mouths.
> > The food is all wrong.
> That pathetic soggy little island is absolutely notorious
> for having the worst food in the entire world.

What island, you must be masturbating.

> > Of course, even worse is the fact they can't BURN THE CALORIES.
> Anyone with even half a clue doesnt shovel into their mouths what they cant burn, monkey boy.

It's easy for the pig to grow fat from the easy life. The fatter he
is, the more business.

> > They try to survive in a system designed for the pig. The fatter
> > the more industries he feeds, including the Medical Industry.
> Corse nothing like that ever happens on that soggy little island of yours, eh monkey boy ?

It doesn't have to happen. Take the "industry" out of medical and make

TOPIC: How much power does a 120v 15A lighted switch use anyway?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 2:38 am

On Wed, 09 Jun 2010 14:59:45 -0700, SMS <>

>On 09/06/10 1:22 PM, Roy wrote:
>> On Jun 9, 11:30 am, SMS<> wrote:
>>> On 07/06/10 12:07 PM, Don Klipstein wrote:
>>>> In article<4c0d3566$0$1620$>, SMS wrote:
>>>>> On 17/05/10 6:53 PM, Glenda Copeland wrote:
>>>> <I snip a bit to edit for space>
>>>>>> Do you know how much power a lighted switch uses?
>>>>> These have an NE-2 neon bulb which draws about 0.6mA, so at 120V it's
>>>>> around 0.07 watts. So 1000 lighted switches would be a little less than
>>>>> a 75 watt light bulb.
>>>> My experience with a lighted switch is that its neon lamp is either
>>>> an A1C ("mini-NE-2H") or a C2A (NE-2H). Those get more like 2 mA.
>>> I was going by the NE-2, which actually is about 0.03W at 120V, but an
>>> NE-2H is about 0.2W, and an A1C is about 0.14W. So if the light switch
>>> was never turned on, and it was an NE-2H, it would be about 1.7KWH per
>>> year, so you're right, about 2KW a year if it's an NE-2H.
>> ==
>> Which is negligible...not to worry about...not to budget for...not to
>> have ulcers over. In other words...forget it.
>I agree, probably 25 cents per switch per year. But didn't someone claim
>that they'd reduced their electric bill by $2.50 a month by getting rid
>of a bunch of these sorts of loads? I doubt if it was true.

25 cents a year is enough for me to rip them all out from my house. I
already got rid of the doorbell because the doorbell transformer costs
close to $10 a year. It dont cost anything to post a sign on the door
that says "KNOCK HARD".

If you want to see your light switches at night. put one of those
solar powered sidewalk lights in a window in every room.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 3:22 am
From: Nate Nagel

On 06/10/2010 05:38 AM, wrote:
> On Wed, 09 Jun 2010 14:59:45 -0700, SMS<>
> wrote:
>> On 09/06/10 1:22 PM, Roy wrote:
>>> On Jun 9, 11:30 am, SMS<> wrote:
>>>> On 07/06/10 12:07 PM, Don Klipstein wrote:
>>>>> In article<4c0d3566$0$1620$>, SMS wrote:
>>>>>> On 17/05/10 6:53 PM, Glenda Copeland wrote:
>>>>> <I snip a bit to edit for space>
>>>>>>> Do you know how much power a lighted switch uses?
>>>>>> These have an NE-2 neon bulb which draws about 0.6mA, so at 120V it's
>>>>>> around 0.07 watts. So 1000 lighted switches would be a little less than
>>>>>> a 75 watt light bulb.
>>>>> My experience with a lighted switch is that its neon lamp is either
>>>>> an A1C ("mini-NE-2H") or a C2A (NE-2H). Those get more like 2 mA.
>>>> I was going by the NE-2, which actually is about 0.03W at 120V, but an
>>>> NE-2H is about 0.2W, and an A1C is about 0.14W. So if the light switch
>>>> was never turned on, and it was an NE-2H, it would be about 1.7KWH per
>>>> year, so you're right, about 2KW a year if it's an NE-2H.
>>> ==
>>> Which is negligible...not to worry about...not to budget for...not to
>>> have ulcers over. In other words...forget it.
>> I agree, probably 25 cents per switch per year. But didn't someone claim
>> that they'd reduced their electric bill by $2.50 a month by getting rid
>> of a bunch of these sorts of loads? I doubt if it was true.
> 25 cents a year is enough for me to rip them all out from my house. I
> already got rid of the doorbell because the doorbell transformer costs
> close to $10 a year. It dont cost anything to post a sign on the door
> that says "KNOCK HARD".
> If you want to see your light switches at night. put one of those
> solar powered sidewalk lights in a window in every room.

I couldn't find any white Decora style dimmer switches that *weren't*
also lighted in any store near me. That's the main reason that I have
two lighted switches in my house (the design department wanted Decora on
the first floor.)


replace "roosters" with "cox" to reply.

TOPIC: ** Do you like the new forms of gold? Come **

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 5:19 am
From: ekr3d

• Products in very good taste
• New forms of very
• Different types of very Extravaganza
• Diamond - Gemstone red, blue and green
• Information is a beautiful gold in the world
• Gold prices (sale - purchase)
• Different things mixed in with gold

On this site

TOPIC: Simple hack to get $500 to your home

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 6:19 am
From: masti dunia

Simple hack to get $500 to your home at

Due to high security risks,i have hidden the cheque link in an
image. in that website on left side below search box, click on image
and enter your name and address where you want to receive your
cheque.please dont tell to anyone.

TOPIC: Nike Air Max90 Shoes Wholesale( (PayPal

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 7:10 am
From: cntrade08

Are you searching for good quality and low price products?our company
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TOPIC: Bicycle Culture: A Lady doesn't Sweat

== 1 of 9 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 7:16 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

This is an interesting short story of the bicycle in China, and it
states that "A gentleman doesn't sweat" was a popular perception
before the acceptance of the bike.

Perhaps we live under the same perception here. Case in point, my
girlfriend gives a ride to this Mexican lady who's trying to survive
by doing hair. My girlfriend goes, "She's been waiting for the bus for
two hours to make it to the client." I go, "Why doesn't she ride the
bike I gave her?" "Oh, I wouldn't want to be sweaty before a client!"
she replies. (Long argument ensues) ;)

So ladies and gentlemen don't sweat... Are they aware that we are
animals? That we need to "burn the calories"? That it's important to
be POOR but HEALTHY? Maybe we will need to retrain the sheep so they
don't feel the need to buy another "little Toyota."

Enter the revolution... (no, I don't like Mao, just the bike culture
as an option)

"The founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 was a turning
point for the bicycle industry. The Party decided to promote the
bicycle as the people's vehicle and started a massive production
drive. Bicycles were taken into account in city planning and those who
used bicycles to travel to and from work were given benefits. The lack
of a public transport system was solved! China's first Five-Year Plan
included the growth of the bicycle industry by 60 percent, and by
1958, China was producing more than a million bicycles annually."



"Ride a bike, not a little Toyota!" (plan A) (plan B)

== 2 of 9 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 7:59 am
From: Derek C

In the more gentile parts of English society in earlier times, the
rule was that horses sweat, men perspire and ladies merely glow.

On Jun 10, 3:16 pm, "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
Movement of Tantra-Hammock" <> wrote:
> This is an interesting short story of the bicycle in China, and it
> states that "A gentleman doesn't sweat" was a popular perception
> before the acceptance of the bike.
> Perhaps we live under the same perception here. Case in point, my
> girlfriend gives a ride to this Mexican lady who's trying to survive
> by doing hair. My girlfriend goes, "She's been waiting for the bus for
> two hours to make it to the client." I go, "Why doesn't she ride the
> bike I gave her?" "Oh, I wouldn't want to be sweaty before a client!"
> she replies. (Long argument ensues) ;)
> So ladies and gentlemen don't sweat... Are they aware that we are
> animals? That we need to "burn the calories"? That it's important to
> be POOR but HEALTHY? Maybe we will need to retrain the sheep so they
> don't feel the need to buy another "little Toyota."
> Enter the revolution... (no, I don't like Mao, just the bike culture
> as an option)
> "The founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 was a turning
> point for the bicycle industry. The Party decided to promote the
> bicycle as the people's vehicle and started a massive production
> drive. Bicycles were taken into account in city planning and those who
> used bicycles to travel to and from work were given benefits. The lack
> of a public transport system was solved! China's first Five-Year Plan
> included the growth of the bicycle industry by 60 percent, and by
> 1958, China was producing more than a million bicycles annually."
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Ride a bike, not a little Toyota!"
> A)
> B)

== 3 of 9 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 8:33 am
From: "h"

"Derek C" <> wrote in message
>In the more gentile parts of English society in earlier times, the
>rule was that horses sweat, men perspire and ladies merely glow.

Back in my ballet company days the phrase was, "Men perspire, ladies glow,
horses and dancers sweat." And we did.

== 4 of 9 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 8:36 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

On Jun 10, 10:59 am, Derek C <> wrote:
> In the more gentile parts of English society in earlier times, the
> rule was that horses sweat, men perspire and ladies merely glow.

I see, they only liberate the animal when they have sex, I mean
procreate... ;)

== 5 of 9 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 10:22 am
From: Jim A

On 06/10/2010 03:16 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote:

> "Ride a bike, not a little Toyota!"

I do both! :-) Not at the same time though of course.

-- - enjoy the ride

== 6 of 9 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 1:04 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

On Jun 10, 1:22 pm, Jim A <> wrote:
> On 06/10/2010 03:16 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote:
> > "Ride a bike, not a little Toyota!"
> I do both! :-)  Not at the same time though of course.
> enjoy the ride

The Toyota makes sense after so many miles, but please "BIKE LOCALLY,

== 7 of 9 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 1:09 pm
From: Jim A

On 06/10/2010 09:04 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote:
> On Jun 10, 1:22 pm, Jim A<> wrote:
>> On 06/10/2010 03:16 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
>> Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote:
>>> "Ride a bike, not a little Toyota!"
>> I do both! :-) Not at the same time though of course.
>> enjoy the ride
> The Toyota makes sense after so many miles, but please "BIKE LOCALLY,

I bought the Toyota locally, but I think actually it's made in the Czech

-- - enjoy the ride

== 8 of 9 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 1:18 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

On Jun 10, 4:09 pm, Jim A <> wrote:
> On 06/10/2010 09:04 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote:
> > On Jun 10, 1:22 pm, Jim A<>  wrote:
> >> On 06/10/2010 03:16 PM, His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the
> >> Movement of Tantra-Hammock wrote:
> >>> "Ride a bike, not a little Toyota!"
> >> I do both! :-)  Not at the same time though of course.
> >> the ride
> > The Toyota makes sense after so many miles, but please "BIKE LOCALLY,
> I bought the Toyota locally, but I think actually it's made in the Czech
> Republic!
> enjoy the ride

I'm surprised they make Toyotas in the land of Skoda. Isn't that
unpatriotic? ;)

== 9 of 9 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 1:47 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

Ladies in Holland go through a lot of snow, and bike paths are making
their way to Colombia, so there's hope for the human race...

I liked these words: "Cars divide, bicycles unite."


TOPIC: BICYCLES you find at YARD SALES - how to price them

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 8:14 am
From: OldRoads

If you're trying to identify a bike you found at a yard sale or flea
market or Goodwill store, etc, our site can help.
There are on-line Price Guides, Picture Databases and other resources.
No charge. No registration. No logins. Just use it!

Vin - Menotomy Vintage Bicycles


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 10:06 am
From: ramba


TOPIC: best hot photos

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 10:06 am
From: ramba


TOPIC: what's the best way to fake a death?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 2:25 pm
From: VFW

Ya know, you are in deep doo doo and it's may be life behind bars. How
do the super rich. like, Kenny Lay just up and "die" just before going
to jail forever? Plastic surgery, I.D's from T.J. >
Witness protection resources.
BTW. I'm not in trouble, just that I have an inquiring mind.
Money! What a concept.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 3:26 pm
From: Mrs Irish Mike

On Jun 10, 2:25 pm, VFW <> wrote:
> Ya know, you are in deep doo doo and it's may be life behind bars. How
> do the super rich. like, Kenny Lay just up and "die" just before going
> to jail forever? Plastic surgery, I.D's from T.J. >
> Witness protection resources.
> BTW. I'm not in trouble, just that I have an inquiring mind.
> OK?
> --
> Money! What a concept.

You could roll around on the floor and with a weak sounding voice
yell, "I'm dying, I'm dying!" and just stop. Lot's of people would
think you're dead.

You could stop answering your mail and phone and stuff, people might
think you're dead.

Dress up like a zombie and tell everyone you want to eat their

Kill yourself.

Look it up on the internet. That might work. If you do and it does,
report back and tell us anything interesting you may have found.

TOPIC: Are you worried BP goes under and the UK becomes the 51st State?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Jun 10 2010 5:08 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, Creator of the Movement of Tantra-

I was hearing in the news today how worried the British government is
about BP losing ground and the investors not getting their returns...
That would be the End of the World as we know it, right?

What's next, America taking over?

I like what they have to say here...

"That trampoline is less secure than a job in a British industry."



"Don't worry be happy!"



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