Sunday, December 30, 2007

25 new messages in 15 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* wholesale cheap ed hardy jeans red monkey jeans evisu jeans
or sell ugg chanel boots and sell gucci prada shoes AF1 lv shoes adidas nike
shoes and wholesale lv chanel handbags D&G chloe handbags etc - 1 messages, 1
* AMT ?? - 2 messages, 1 author
* Yet another Best Buy consumer horror story -- woman tasered by cop. - 2
messages, 2 authors
* Cheap survival idea to stay warm? - 1 messages, 1 author
* how to make fluros more friendly? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Read this important topic - 1 messages, 1 author
* Baya Health Bath Care Samples - 1 messages, 1 author
* "...The half without digital TVs will be paying less for their sets than the
half who already have them." - 1 messages, 1 author
* How Do Work Boots Protect You - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Living With A Person In The Dorms- What You Need To Know - 2 messages, 2
* Panasonic KX-6054B - base speaker noise - 2 messages, 2 authors
* popular fashion ,world popular fashion,businesser preferred net store http:// - 1 messages, 1 author
* Where did RodSpeed go? - 1 messages, 1 author
* purchasing affordable health insurance - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Best prepaid or "Pay As You Go" cel plan for occasional user? - 4 messages,
2 authors

TOPIC: wholesale cheap ed hardy jeans red monkey jeans evisu
jeans or sell ugg chanel boots and sell gucci prada shoes AF1 lv shoes adidas
nike shoes and wholesale lv chanel handbags D&G chloe handbags etc

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 5:34 pm
From: ""

Happy new year~!
(((UPDATE now))) a new shopping online website is updating on
2007,welcome to our new


== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 6:07 pm
From: clams_casino

Dennis wrote:

>On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 11:06:02 -0500, George <george@nospam.invalid>
>>Have a sales tax *only* system. From what I have read it would need to
>>be ~ 35% . The first thing that would happen is that people would react
>>to the high rate when they purchased something because the government
>>would have no other method to pull money out of your pocket such as the
>>$15 from your cell phone etc so government spending would be in a
>>spotlight because all taxes would be applied in one place.
>>It would be totally fair because if you have the ability to buy more
>>stuff you can afford the tax. The sales tax would have the same
>>exemptions most do now for items such as unprepared food.
>>It would also massively simplify accounting and collection since there
>>wouldn't be thousands of conditions inserted into the tax laws.
>Another added benefit is that it would also provide some tax revenue
>from the underground economy that goes mostly untaxed now. Drug
>dealers, white collar criminals with offshore accounts and the
>under-the-table cash-only crowd have to buy things too.

Biggest problem with going to all all sales tax is that the IRS would
likely have to be increased a good 10-20X to oversee all the additional

Read somewhere recently that the IRS knows about 99% of all income
(business are only too glad to report all income as it becomes their
deduction), but only have full knowledge of some 70% of all sales.

Second problem is that total US taxes are some $3.6T with current sales
taxes only about $0.5T of that total. To replace all taxes with sales
taxes, the rate would likely have to be increased to something like
40% - just to be revenue neutral and assuming their was no increased
fraud (NOT likely). Can you think of a better way to tank the US economy?

Furthermore, that increased fraud would likely end up making the IRS
become the largest US employer to make the system equitable.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 6:09 pm
From: clams_casino

Marsha wrote:

> jdoe wrote:
>> On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 17:30:33 -0500, <h> wrote:
>>>> it's no wonder you make so little, stay focused, the discussion is
>>>> about federal income taxes.
>>> Umm, yeah, that's included in there, too. Since I'm self-employed
>>> they take 15% off the top to start, not just the 7.5% the wage
>>> slaves pay. And, since when is $30,000 "so little"? It's more than
>>> I made in the corporate cube farm.
>> 30k a year? do you think that is a good salary? my teen aged son makes
>> 15k a year working a few hours a week in the winter and 25 hours a
>> week in the summer. my property taxes are almost 20k a year.
>> __________________________________________
> 20k a year??? Do you own half of California? I'm never going to
> complain about my taxes again.
> Marsha/Ohio
If you believe that, I have a line of watches & shoes I'd like to sell

TOPIC: Yet another Best Buy consumer horror story -- woman tasered by cop.

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 6:15 pm
From: "Joel Koltner"

Have you noticed, Rod, that a lot more people seem to disagree with you than
agree with you? I respect your opinion, but right now I'm very glad we live
in (more or less of) a democracy!

See you at the polling booth in 2008...

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 7:06 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Joel Koltner <> wrote

> Have you noticed, Rod, that a lot more people seem to disagree with you than agree with you?

I've noticed that a lot more disagree with any post than agree with it too.

Thats the way usenet works.

> I respect your opinion, but right now I'm very glad we live in (more or less of) a democracy!

You wont be getting the cops to only use tasers in life threatening
situations any century soon, essentially because they are a very effective
and safe and efficient way of dealing with fools like that stupid woman.

You'll never know just how many incidents like that wont happen in the
future because hordes are now aware of what can happen to you when
you are actually stupid enough to behave in the way that stupid woman did.

And you can be completely sure that she wont be doing it again herself too.

> See you at the polling booth in 2008...

You'll need miraculous eyes to do that.

TOPIC: Cheap survival idea to stay warm?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 3:24 pm
From: Gunner Asch

On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 18:50:23 -0500, Jeff <> wrote:

>Gunner Asch wrote:
>> On Sun, 30 Dec 2007 10:27:19 -0500, Jeff <> wrote:
>>> Stormin Mormon wrote:
>>>> You can not get a bumble bee to fly.
>>>> Well, actually, both have been done for centuries.
>>> Actually a good analogy.
>>> A bumble bee falls from the sky the moment it stops burning energy
>>> buzzing. Just as there is no glide path for a bumble bee there is little
>>> for an uninsulated house. It has a low thermal time constant and loses
>>> heat rapidly, hence you have to keep the heat going, or at least not
>>> leave it off long. Radiant heat sources, like those oil filled heaters,
>>> work better in such an environment.
>>> Jeff
>> True indeed.
>> Good analogy
> How's the ceiling to floor ducts working out?
> Years ago I had a commercial product that had a rectangular duct
>about 2" x 8" that ran from near the ceiling and was exhausted by a
>squirrel cage fan at the bottom. In my house I'm seeing a couple
>degrees difference from near the floor to near the ceiling, not worth
>bothering with I think. I have one room with an uninsulated floor and
>the temp gradiant is about the same there; although the room is overall

Its worked very well for me, for years. It does require a fair sized
fan with some suck to it for it to pull a fair amount of air off the

Thinking back on it..I made some 6" ones for some guard shacks we
had, that had an electric heater. Guards were complaining they were
sweating while their feet froze. Put one in each shack, they stopped
bitching and thanked me.
> I think hot ceilings may be due to the heater output temp, overall
>hotter air tending to rise more than more mildly warmed or radiant
>heating that indirectly heats the air. I don't know... I suppose air
>infiltration plays a part in cooling leaky floors.

Hot air rises. It stays as high up as possible, with a big thermal
gradiant from floor to ceiling. Get it circulating, mixing the good.


> Jeff
>> Gunner

TOPIC: how to make fluros more friendly?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 6:43 pm
From: larry

Don Klipstein wrote:
> In <fl9b0p$>,
> wrote:
>>Don Klipstein <> wrote:
>>>... Do you know the "lighting technology geek" method of rolling your
>>>eyes while looking at one?
>>No. How does that work?
> I don't know how many people actually do or know that one, but I have
> heard enough to know that I am not the only one in the world.
> I look at a lamp, then roll my eyes up and down, and I see the streak
> traced in my vision by the lamp (sometimes even a bit of an afterimage of
> this). I see the stroboscopic pattern (or lack thereof).
> LED holiday lights generally go completely out between half-cycles.
> Most have halfwave rectification and are off more than half the time.
> Some incandescent dusk-to-dawn nightlights have diodes to dim them. I
> see the 60 Hz variation in filament brightness and color in those.

It's easier to move the lamp, or at least bump it ... or
your chin ;-)

As a kid, I would put an NE-2(aka A1A) at the end of a thin
cable and swing it in a circle.

-larry / dallas

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 8:16 pm
From: Derald (Don Klipstein) wrote:

> Ever look at one with a photodiode (with a resistor and battery)
>connected to an oscilloscope?
Nah. Connected to a audio oscillator.
>Do you know the "lighting technology
>geek" method f rolling your eyes while looking at one?
Well, maybe a variant but certainly not by name....
> Also, rated light output is average and not peak.
Thanks. Regardless, they certainly "look" less bright than their
incandescent equivalents, at least, to me.
> Usually "soft white" and "warm white" are 2700 K with a color rendering
>index of 82.
OP may find additional more-to-less useful information here:
and on the related GE pages, although, she may do best simply to buy a
selection and take them home for a test drive.
Thanks for the additional info and corrections.

TOPIC: Read this important topic

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 7:21 pm
From: Islam

Excuse me!!
Would you stop for a moment?!
Haven't you thought-one day- about yourself ?
Who has made it?
Have you seen a design which hasn't a designer ?!
Have you seen a wonderful,delicate work without a worker ?!
It's you and the whole universe!..
Who has made them all ?!!
You know who ?.. It's "ALLAH",prise be to him.
Just think for a moment.
How are you going to be after death ?!
Can you believe that this exact system of the universe and all of
these great creation will end in nothing...just after death!
Have you thought, for a second, How to save your soul from Allah's
Haven't you thought about what is the right religion?!
Here you will get the answer


TOPIC: Baya Health Bath Care Samples

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 7:22 pm
From: ""

Baya Health Bath Care Samples

TOPIC: "...The half without digital TVs will be paying less for their sets
than the half who already have them."

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 7:58 pm
From: ""

TOPIC: How Do Work Boots Protect You

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 8:02 pm

It should be an obligation for worker to wear work boots when they are
in the field or in dangerous zone. Preventing is better than to cure
when unexpected happen to those workers.

You too! Don't forget to wear your work boots when you work outside!
You have to protect your feet. You don't want to face any trouble
while working, right? Your work boots will protect you from mud,
water, electricity hazard or other unwanted stuffs which you might
step on to.

Don't worry; you are safe working outside because your work boots have
been designed for a wide range of conditions. The simple waterproof
boots are made in different length of uppers and, in extreme cases,
thigh-boots called "waders" by anglers end at waist-level of the

Who are wearing work boots and what boots are they wearing? Well,
these boots are made to protect steelworkers if they get caught in
pools of molten metal. And this goes also for chemical workers.
Meanwhile, workers in Antarctic continent are wearing boots designed
for walking in the Antarctic continent which are more insulated and
inflatable. You might want to find the information in

Most workers are suggested to wear work boots to protect themselves. A
bit different with other boots in general, most work boots are
"laceups" made from leather and shod with hobnails and heal -and toe-

Boots which are designed as protection from the elements may be made
of a single closely-stitched piece of leather or rubber, etc to
prevent the entry of water, mud or dirt through the gaps left between
laces and tongue in other types of shoes.

There are some shoe company produces these works boots, such as
Wolverine, Lucchese, Timberland and other more. Every company
introduces their own technology in producing these works boots, which
of course, benefit for the consumers. Workers can choose any of these
work boots which they feel more comfortable wearing it.

If you want to purchase work boots why not go to retail store or
Internet. As a matter of fact, online stores often offer discounts off
or less expensive prices. It's more convenience to shop online. So,
once you determine what you need, you can always order your work boots
over the Internet.

Be sure to purchase work boots that are a match for the function you
need them. This way you will not be disappointed with your purchase
and your feet will be thankful you spent the extra money on the proper
work boots. Now, let see how you can find your work boots.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 10:01 pm
From: "Rod Speed" wrote:

> It should be an obligation for worker to wear work
> boots when they are in the field or in dangerous zone.

Only in a mindless nanny society.

> Preventing is better than to cure when unexpected happen to those workers.

Using that mindlessly silly line, you should wear them to bed too,
you never know when there might be a real emergency and you
need to be able to run out of the house without injuring your feet.

> You too! Don't forget to wear your work boots when you work outside!
> You have to protect your feet.

No I dont. I built a house wearing what we call thongs
and you illiterate savages call flip flops in summer thanks.

> You don't want to face any trouble while working, right?

Dont want to when jumping out of bed either.

> Your work boots will protect you from mud, water,

I appear to have been able to survive both of those fine without work boots.

Cant imagine why for the life of me.

> electricity hazard

Survived that fine too.

> or other unwanted stuffs which you might step on to.

I have stepped on a dog turd at times, and into a
cow turd once, and managed to survive that fine too.

> Don't worry; you are safe working outside because your work
> boots have been designed for a wide range of conditions.

So have my thongs.

> The simple waterproof boots are made in different length of uppers and, in extreme
> cases, thigh-boots called "waders" by anglers end at waist-level of the wearer.

I dont actually work in waist high water very often and expect
I would survive the ocassional exposure to that even if I did since
I have managed to survive much deep water than that fine.

Come to think of it, if its deeper, you could end up drowning due to the work boots.

> Who are wearing work boots and what boots are they wearing?
> Well, these boots are made to protect steelworkers if they get
> caught in pools of molten metal.

Dont come across that very much in my work. Cant imagine why for the life of me.

> And this goes also for chemical workers.

Dont come across that very much in my work. Cant imagine why for the life of me.

> Meanwhile, workers in Antarctic continent are wearing boots designed for
> walking in the Antarctic continent which are more insulated and inflatable.

Dont come across that very much in my work. Cant imagine why for the life of me.

> You might want to find the information in

Or I might not too. Have they got thongs in there ?

<reams of mindless silly shit flushed where it belongs>

TOPIC: Living With A Person In The Dorms- What You Need To Know

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 8:06 pm

Living in the halls is an important and exciting part of college life.
Whether you know your roommate or are meeting for the first time,
living with another person is difficult at times. Open, honest and
constant communication is the key to successful roommate
relationships. Often it is difficult to talk about differences when
you and your roommate are first trying to get to know each other. If
you intend to live together happily, you need to realize and resolve
your personal difference early in the fall semester. The first step is
to begin talking about the things you value and about your lifestyles,
so that you can find out where differences exist.

After sharing some background information, you and your roommate
should begin to get to know each other and feel more comfortable about
discussing more sensitive subjects. Take some time to talk about the
things you like and dislike, and those things about you that he or she
needs to know. Be sure to listen to you roommate carefully.

The way I feel about dating is...
When it comes to smoking, I'd rather...
The kinds of grades I would like to get this semester are...
The amount of sleep I like to get each night is...
The types of foods I like to eat are...
The things I do for fun are...
Can I sleep with the lights on or do I need total darkness?...
Do I study with music playing in the background or do I need complete
What I like to do when I need some exercise is...
The things I like to do in my spare time are...
The way I feel about religion is...
The way I feel about loaning things is...
The way I would like to decorate our room is...
An important part of understanding your roommate is learning how he or
she feels in certain situations. Roommates who enjoy living with each
other typically "read" each other's feeling fairly accurately, and are
able to respond to one another accordingly. If you can share your
feelings and reactions in some of the following situations, you will
be ahead of the game in understanding and empathizing with your
roommate during the ups and downs of college life.

The way I react when I'm happy is...
The way I react when working under pressure is...
When I'm depressed I act like...
When I'd rather be alone I...
The way I react when I meet people for the first time is...
Something that will usually cheer me up when I'm down is...
I usually let people know I'm angry by...
Some things that make me tense or uptight are...
I become easily annoyed by...
The way I let people know what I'm feeling or what I need is...
Quite often roommates have different ideas of just how clean and neat
the place should be. Let your feelings be known early, and take the
time to find out the attitudes and preferences of your roommate. Some
of the duties you need to discuss are:

Making beds (probably a pact to do it individually)
Washing dirty dishes
Taking out the trash
Watch out for becoming too dependent on your roommate for friendship.
Doing so may result in hurt feelings on your part and resentment on
his/hers. As the school year gets underway, remember that it is
natural for good friendships to develop between students who are not

Perhaps the most sensitive issue that can arise conflict is also the
one that can be the most uncomfortable to discuss. When a roommate
brings home an intimate guest, it may create an awkward situation.
Feelings about this situation are difficult to discuss. We encourage
you to be honest with your roommate about your feelings and
expectations in this area. Anything you or your roommate do that might
affect the other should be discussed an agreed upon beforehand. You
both have a right to privacy and room use, but you each have a
responsibility to the other, as well.

If you talk your way through these areas you and your roommate should
be well on the way to a good relationship. Remember that none of us
are perfect. If problems develop between you and your roommate that
you can't seem to solve, see your Resident Advisor or House Director.
These students have training and experience dealing with such
situations. They will be glad to work with you and your roommate on a

More friendly advice from
dan the roommate man

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 9:52 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Easy to imagine the hilarity that will greet anyone actually stupid enough to follow this pathetically silly
prescription. wrote:
> Living in the halls is an important and exciting part of college life.
> Whether you know your roommate or are meeting for the first time,
> living with another person is difficult at times. Open, honest and
> constant communication is the key to successful roommate
> relationships. Often it is difficult to talk about differences when
> you and your roommate are first trying to get to know each other. If
> you intend to live together happily, you need to realize and resolve
> your personal difference early in the fall semester. The first step is
> to begin talking about the things you value and about your lifestyles,
> so that you can find out where differences exist.
> After sharing some background information, you and your roommate
> should begin to get to know each other and feel more comfortable about
> discussing more sensitive subjects. Take some time to talk about the
> things you like and dislike, and those things about you that he or she
> needs to know. Be sure to listen to you roommate carefully.
> The way I feel about dating is...
> When it comes to smoking, I'd rather...
> The kinds of grades I would like to get this semester are...
> The amount of sleep I like to get each night is...
> The types of foods I like to eat are...
> The things I do for fun are...
> Can I sleep with the lights on or do I need total darkness?...
> Do I study with music playing in the background or do I need complete
> silence?...
> What I like to do when I need some exercise is...
> The things I like to do in my spare time are...
> The way I feel about religion is...
> The way I feel about loaning things is...
> The way I would like to decorate our room is...
> An important part of understanding your roommate is learning how he or
> she feels in certain situations. Roommates who enjoy living with each
> other typically "read" each other's feeling fairly accurately, and are
> able to respond to one another accordingly. If you can share your
> feelings and reactions in some of the following situations, you will
> be ahead of the game in understanding and empathizing with your
> roommate during the ups and downs of college life.
> The way I react when I'm happy is...
> The way I react when working under pressure is...
> When I'm depressed I act like...
> When I'd rather be alone I...
> The way I react when I meet people for the first time is...
> Something that will usually cheer me up when I'm down is...
> I usually let people know I'm angry by...
> Some things that make me tense or uptight are...
> I become easily annoyed by...
> The way I let people know what I'm feeling or what I need is...
> Quite often roommates have different ideas of just how clean and neat
> the place should be. Let your feelings be known early, and take the
> time to find out the attitudes and preferences of your roommate. Some
> of the duties you need to discuss are:
> Vacuuming
> Making beds (probably a pact to do it individually)
> Dusting
> Washing dirty dishes
> Taking out the trash
> Watch out for becoming too dependent on your roommate for friendship.
> Doing so may result in hurt feelings on your part and resentment on
> his/hers. As the school year gets underway, remember that it is
> natural for good friendships to develop between students who are not
> roommates.
> Perhaps the most sensitive issue that can arise conflict is also the
> one that can be the most uncomfortable to discuss. When a roommate
> brings home an intimate guest, it may create an awkward situation.
> Feelings about this situation are difficult to discuss. We encourage
> you to be honest with your roommate about your feelings and
> expectations in this area. Anything you or your roommate do that might
> affect the other should be discussed an agreed upon beforehand. You
> both have a right to privacy and room use, but you each have a
> responsibility to the other, as well.
> If you talk your way through these areas you and your roommate should
> be well on the way to a good relationship. Remember that none of us
> are perfect. If problems develop between you and your roommate that
> you can't seem to solve, see your Resident Advisor or House Director.
> These students have training and experience dealing with such
> situations. They will be glad to work with you and your roommate on a
> solution.
> More friendly advice from
> dan the roommate man

TOPIC: Panasonic KX-6054B - base speaker noise

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 8:13 pm
From: "Don K"

"P.Schuman" <> wrote in message
> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>> Don K <> wrote:
>>>> Anyway - the system works great.... there are some minor issues,
>>>> like when copying the phonebook entries to other handsets,
>>>> you don't have to the option to walk thru all the other handsets at
>>>> once, but must walk thru the entire keyboard process for each.
>>> Are you sure about that?
>>> I have an older version and I can copy the entire phonebook from
>>> any handset to any other handset with a few keystrokes.
>>> Menu (down-down-down-down)
>>> copy phonebook (select)
>>> copy one item (down)
>>> copy all items (select)
>>> enter extension (1,2,3)
> wants to copy to all handsets, not just one handset at a time..

It's quite reasonable that it is not configured to work that way.

There is apparently some "handshaking" going on when each
phonebook is being updated. That is, the remote sends back
a signal that it has received the update ok. I base this on the
fact that if a remote phonebook memory gets filled, I get
that message back that the remote memory is full.

If all phonebook memories were updated simultaneously
there would have to be a more complex (i.e. costly) multiplexing
scheme to enable a simultaneous update with 2-way handshake.

> now - the random raspy interference is not happening right now,
> but.... when ANY handset goes on TALK, there is a "speaker pop" on the base unit.
> Then when ANY handset is turned OFF, there is another "speaker pop",
> and then when the radio connection is idled, about 4 seconds later, there is another
> speaker pop....
> SO - when any of the 4 handsets are being used, the base unit emits these "speaker
> pops".
> Lastly, the base unit ringer sounds like someone gargling....
> Will probably contact Panasonic after the holdidays quiet down...

Yeah, unfortunately it sounds like a defective base unit that will have
to be replaced. Probably something involving a noisy signal switch
or squelch circuit is defective.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 10:06 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Don K <> wrote:
> "P.Schuman" <> wrote in message
> news:MxSdj.2280$
>> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>>> Don K <> wrote:
>>>>> Anyway - the system works great.... there are some minor issues,
>>>>> like when copying the phonebook entries to other handsets,
>>>>> you don't have to the option to walk thru all the other handsets
>>>>> at once, but must walk thru the entire keyboard process for each.
>>>> Are you sure about that?
>>>> I have an older version and I can copy the entire phonebook from
>>>> any handset to any other handset with a few keystrokes.
>>>> Menu (down-down-down-down)
>>>> copy phonebook (select)
>>>> copy one item (down)
>>>> copy all items (select)
>>>> enter extension (1,2,3)
>> wants to copy to all handsets, not just one handset at a time..
> It's quite reasonable that it is not configured to work that way.
> There is apparently some "handshaking" going on when each
> phonebook is being updated. That is, the remote sends back
> a signal that it has received the update ok. I base this on the
> fact that if a remote phonebook memory gets filled, I get
> that message back that the remote memory is full.
> If all phonebook memories were updated simultaneously
> there would have to be a more complex (i.e. costly) multiplexing
> scheme to enable a simultaneous update with 2-way handshake.

He didnt say simultaneously. Its perfectly possible to do automatically
what he has to do manually, copy to each handset in turn automatically.

Not a shred of rocket science required whatever.

And it would be even better to be able to replace the handset
phonebook with the new phone book if thats what the user wants
to do, so it cant overflow unless the handsets are different too.

> ...
>> now - the random raspy interference is not happening right now,
>> but.... when ANY handset goes on TALK, there is a "speaker pop" on
>> the base unit. Then when ANY handset is turned OFF, there is another
>> "speaker pop", and then when the radio connection is idled, about 4 seconds later,
>> there is another speaker pop....
>> SO - when any of the 4 handsets are being used, the base unit emits
>> these "speaker pops".
>> Lastly, the base unit ringer sounds like someone gargling....
>> Will probably contact Panasonic after the holdidays quiet down...
> Yeah, unfortunately it sounds like a defective base unit that will
> have to be replaced. Probably something involving a noisy signal
> switch or squelch circuit is defective.
> Don

TOPIC: popular fashion ,world popular fashion,businesser preferred net store

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 8:56 pm

popular fashion ,world popular fashion,businesser preferred net store

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TOPIC: Where did RodSpeed go?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 9:21 pm
From: KarlMarx_MiddleClass_Ipod_HipHop

On Dec 30, 2:29 pm, Bernardo Gui <> wrote:
> Well, since all of the threads with Rod's name in them are started by
> Rod himself, I'd say that you are the rascal, or perhaps his
> girlfriend.
> Bernardo

Rod is missing. I am calling that Simon dude from 'Frasier' .

TOPIC: purchasing affordable health insurance

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 9:54 pm
From: Shawn Hirn

In article <4777cb0d$0$14873$>,
<> wrote:

> I am an international student(26 years old, weight 135 pounds, height 5 feet
> 8 inches and
> don't have any pre-existing condition, single, no dependents) on F-1
> student visa currently
> attending a community college in Florida, U.S and plan to transfer to
> another community
> college in few months. The link I found

> gave some plans for a person like me and Study USA Plan B
> ce.pdf is for
> 56(51+5 application fee) per month as mentioned at

> and for subsequent renewals additional 5$. I hardly ever go to the doctor,
> but the plan
> described there mentions they will cover only 80% of the first 25K. I am
> currently insured,
> but the new college I am moving to does not offer health insurance to
> international students
> like me, but requires one to purchase it before getting admitted.
> Does something less expensive than this plan with less co-pay/deductible
> exist?

Check with your school. Some colleges offer a discount policy to

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 10:03 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Shawn Hirn <> wrote:
> In article <4777cb0d$0$14873$>,
> <> wrote:
>> I am an international student(26 years old, weight 135 pounds,
>> height 5 feet 8 inches and
>> don't have any pre-existing condition, single, no dependents) on
>> F-1 student visa currently
>> attending a community college in Florida, U.S and plan to transfer
>> to another community
>> college in few months. The link I found
>> gave some plans for a person like me and Study USA Plan B
>> ce.pdf is for
>> 56(51+5 application fee) per month as mentioned at
>> and for subsequent renewals additional 5$. I hardly ever go to the
>> doctor, but the plan
>> described there mentions they will cover only 80% of the first 25K.
>> I am currently insured,
>> but the new college I am moving to does not offer health insurance
>> to international students
>> like me, but requires one to purchase it before getting admitted.
>> Does something less expensive than this plan with less
>> co-pay/deductible exist?
> Check with your school. Some colleges offer a discount policy to students.

Which part of 'the new college I am moving to does not offer health insurance
to international students like me' are you having a problem with ?

TOPIC: Best prepaid or "Pay As You Go" cel plan for occasional user?

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 9:55 pm
From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply

Doc wrote:
> There are maybe half a dozen or fewer times a year when it might be
> convenient to have a cel phone, but I don't feel like tithing for a
> monthly fee for this little usage. Any opinions as to the best
> provider for a very occasional user? has a wizard to make recommendations based on what you want to
use it for. I found it very helpful.

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your
work with excellence.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 9:55 pm
From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply

This one is for prepaid.

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your
work with excellence.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 9:56 pm
From: Melinda Meahan - take out TRASH to reply

timeOday wrote:
> For a dozen calls per year, I really think a payphone is your best bet.
> Each call will be a ripoff, but I think you'll still come out ahead.

Or just buy a Tracfone or other prepaid one from a store, leave it
unopened, and only activate it when you need it.

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your
work with excellence.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 10:15 pm
From: Ron Peterson

On Dec 30, 3:13 pm, wrote:

> Virgin Mobile phones are $20 to $100 and a $20 "recharge" to your
> account every 3 months. The money never expires and "web" browsing is
> $5 per month/5 mb. They use sprint eecch.

I use Virgin Mobile because I make few calls.

At least they aren't using the ATT network.

My nephew decided to let his daughter use Virgin Mobile after she ran
up a tremendous number of text messaging charges on a regular cell



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