Today's topics:
* Need A Car? Get Free Help - 1 messages, 1 author
* Best Internet Service Provider - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Photo scanning service? - Follow up #2 - 1 messages, 1 author
* Frugal pre-paid funeral expenses? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Hand wash??? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* OK to cut vitamins in half? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Rod Speed, how is Australia ? - 4 messages, 2 authors
* Student Loan Consolidation Programs - 1 messages, 1 author
* Make Money - 3 messages, 1 author
* Collect Lottery Checks Even If You LOSE! - 3 messages, 2 authors
* The best online shopping offers - 3 messages, 3 authors
* FREE Satellite TV for your PC or Laptop - 1 messages, 1 author
* Consumer Reports on Internet Privacy Threats - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: Need A Car? Get Free Help
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 9:25 am
From: jessi
Great Services...
TOPIC: Best Internet Service Provider
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 10:37 am
From: Derald wrote:
>Verizon's installing FIOS in my neighborhood (with door-to-door
>salesmen with big discounts :-) But DSL's enough for me, so far.
>I want my phone to work in a power outage.
Gee, in the part of town where (Verizon) FIOS is up and running,
standalone data access is available irrespective of telephone service.
It is not an "either/or" proposition.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 9:53 am
From: "Lori"
"E Z Peaces" <cash@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
> wrote:
>> Anthony Matonak <> wrote:
>>> What I want is FIOS, 30Mbps to start and Gigabit for a little more.
>>> I could turn blue, die, decompose and come back as Elvis before
>>> they'll install it though. Why sell real broadband where there
>>> is plenty of DSL to go around?
>> Verizon's installing FIOS in my neighborhood (with door-to-door
>> salesmen with big discounts :-) But DSL's enough for me, so far.
>> I want my phone to work in a power outage.
>> Nick
> I think Verizon includes a battery backup good for eight hours or more.
Keep an eye on their prices for a while. When they started here in Tampa
area it was about $130 a month for FIOS internet, T.V. and phone. Now they
are offering it for $99 with a 1 year contract. I don't need the landline
or the contract.
TOPIC: Photo scanning service? - Follow up #2
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 10:28 am
From: Rick wrote:
> Rick <> wrote:
> >Each one of those photos has to be
> >manually placed into a scanner, scanned, saved and then all burned onto
> >a CD once it's all done. Digitizing just about *any* other format -
> >slides, negatives, video tape or 8mm film - is a lot less labor
> >intensive than individual photos. They key here - and cost - is having
> >someone else do it.
> Yep
> It IS manually you said each print has
> to be inserted into the scanner
So I was in Ritz camera yesterday. Originally I was guestimating on the
$2.00 cost per photo if you had someone else do it. Turns out I was
right. That's what Ritz camera charges - $2.00 per scan - if you have
them do the job for you. That includes no retouching services at all. So
your question is: It this worth the $200.00 to you to have someone else
scan those 100 photos?
In another post you mentioned being in school. Doesn't the school have a
media lab where you can do this kind of stuff, possibly for a nominal
TOPIC: Frugal pre-paid funeral expenses?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 10:35 am
On Aug 3, 1:28 am, Logan Shaw <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > Rod Speed is definitely one who "gets it" in terms of this issue.
> I don't want to get into a debate, but I want to emphasize something,
> because I think it's important.
> What I want to emphasize is that suicide is often chosen when you're
> in a state that makes it very difficult to think rationally or
> objectively. For example, when a mother chooses suicide and leaves
> behind young children, was she likely thinking rationally? The
> parenting instinct is incredibly strong, so for anything to
> override it must mean that that thing has a powerful ability to
> alter your thinking.
> No, I can't prove that everyone who ever chose suicide was acting
> irrationally. But of all the people who commit suicide, what
> percentage of them were thinking rationally? Not very many. The
> stresses and personal difficulties that push people to the point of
> considering suicide are also hard on your mind and can compromise
> your ability to think clearly.
> I say all that because I want to ask you to examine your thoughts
> and be sure you are thinking clearly. There is often a tendency to
> rationalize and justify the choice. So I'm asking you to check
> for yourself whether you're being honest with yourself about who
> you will be hurting and how much, whether you're rationalizing
> things, and in general whether you can be confident that you're
> thinking clearly.
> Once again, this is not meant to make you feel guilty, since that
> would serve no purpose. I am only hoping to help in some way if I
> can. Even though I don't know what I really can do, at least know
> that I am thinking about you. (And most likely, I'm not the only
> one.)
> - Logan
I do appreciate your senitments. I really do, and you seem like a
thoughtful and decent person. I realize that there are caring people
out there.
However, I also know that the decision to end one's life can be a
perfectly rational one, that is well thought-out.
When I took a very concentrated look at what the lasting effects would
be related to my passing there just simply is no doubt in my mind that
it's going to be a very good and worthwhile thing. I never made any
kind of impact in life, or deep connections to people. As for my
family, when I think about the income they've spent on me since
childhood (support, food, clothes, school, etc), it's staggering to
think of how all of this has been wasted. I've also never been any
kind of success in terms of making good money or having any kind of
decent job. All of my jobs have been dead-end, and with no benefits.
All of this takes a toll on a family over a period of many years.
Eventually, you can tell how ashamed they are of you inside. They
won't say it of course, but it's true.
I'm sure my suicide at first may not be the most comfortable thing for
them (since when anyone dies it can be a shock).
But when I think of the years they'll have without having to deal with
anything related to me anymore, it's really going to a very good thing
for all. After a few years, and memories start to fade, their lives
will have returned to how things were before I was around. The freedom
they will have in being able to live once more will be the greatest
gift I could have ever given them.
TOPIC: Hand wash???
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 10:37 am
From: Rick
Anthony Matonak wrote:
> wrote:
> > We grabbed some new dishtowels from Kmart on a recent shopping trip,
> > Martha Stewfart approved if that matters. Washed them and they came
> > out incredibly wrinkled. Looked on the label... Made in India, 100%
> > cotton. HAND WASH in cold water. Right, we'll get mammy to do that
> > next time. WTF??? HAND WASH dish towels??? Gee, what next, ironing
> > paper towels before use?
> It's that 100% cotton that is the wrinkle magnet. I don't know about
> hand washing them but you probably want to line dry and iron. :)
> Anthony
It could also be how the cotton is finished. We have 100% cotton sheets
that come out of the dryer in reasonable condition. Then we have other
100% cotton sheets that just wad up into a wrinkled ball of fabric in
the dryer. Short of ironing them - like that's gonna happen - those
particular sheets always look like hell. Impossible to fold.
I would do what other's have suggested - take them back. That's just
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 11:26 am
From: Binyamin Dissen
On Tue, 7 Aug 2007 11:19:27 -0500 "Ms P" <> wrote:
:><> wrote in message
:>> We grabbed some new dishtowels from Kmart on a recent shopping trip,
:>> Martha Stewfart approved if that matters. Washed them and they came
:>> out incredibly wrinkled. Looked on the label... Made in India, 100%
:>> cotton. HAND WASH in cold water. Right, we'll get mammy to do that
:>> next time. WTF??? HAND WASH dish towels??? Gee, what next, ironing
:>> paper towels before use?
:>Are the wrinkles going to affect their preformance? Can you dry dishes with
:>wrinkled towels?
I don't get it either.
Who cares if a towel is wrinkled?
Binyamin Dissen <>
Should you use the mailblocks package and expect a response from me,
you should preauthorize the domain.
I very rarely bother responding to challenge/response systems,
especially those from irresponsible companies.
TOPIC: OK to cut vitamins in half?
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 11:47 am
From: wrote:
>> Think it OK to cut vitamins in half or even quarters
>> and take that way? Or do they have some kind of
>> enteric coating on them that slows down absorption that
>> cutting would hinder?
>Yes, to first Q. And yes, to second Q when there is a special-
>purpose coating only.
The vitamins I have are generic Walmart brand
multivitamins for people over age 50
How can I tell if they have enteric coating on them
just by looking at them?
Label has no info on whether or not it has enteric
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 1:12 pm
From: et472@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Michael Black)
( writes:
> Been thinking abt starting to take a daily vitamin such
> as Centrum
> But got to looking at label and some of the doses are
> at 400%!!
So don't buy such a powerful vitamin, it will have the
advantage of being cheaper.
But of course, if you were really frugal you'd be doing
your own research on vitamins, instead of jumping to
the nonsense solution of cutting them in half, and learn
about vitamins.
Some vitamins, you don't want to get too much of, since
they do accumulate in your body.
Others, they don't so an "overdose" doesn't matter.
Of course, since you're so concerned about the more
than the "daily requirement", you'd better be thinking about
whether you really need vitamins in the first place. Because
chances are good, unless your diet is really lousy, that
you will be getting more than the RDA on some of those
vitamins anyway, since the food you eat will give you
the vitamins.
Again, the frugal solution might be to eat better so
you don't need (or don't feel you need) vitamin supplements.
Or realize you are eating okay, and you don't need the vitamin
supplement, or at the very most need only a specific supplement
to compensate for one or a handful of missing vitamins or minerals.
TOPIC: Rod Speed, how is Australia ?
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 11:49 am
Jimington <wvzubqtr@gfa.pp> wrote:
>Perhaps it'd be wise to add that the climate can vary a bit since
>Australia takes up 7+ million km² of the earth's surface area.
>My bit of Australia doesn't get (anywhere near) as cold as Rod's nor
>has as many or as severe hot days.
Oh sure. understand that. I realize Aus is BIG!! your opinion what part of Aus has best climate
overall.... not to hot... not too cold?
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 12:13 pm
From: "Rod Speed" wrote
> Jimington <wvzubqtr@gfa.pp> wrote
>> Perhaps it'd be wise to add that the climate can vary a
>> bit since Australia takes up 7+ million km² of the earth's
>> surface area. My bit of Australia doesn't get (anywhere near)
>> as cold as Rod's nor has as many or as severe hot days.
> Oh sure. understand that. I realize Aus is BIG!!
> your opinion what part of Aus has best
> climate overall.... not to hot... not too cold?
The top half of the NSW coast.
There are some real advantages with coastal Queensland,
but its got the massive problem that the summer when you
want to go swimming sees stingers in the water than can kill
you. And a hell of a problem with sandflys etc in the winter too.
A crazy mate of mine migrates to a trailer park outside Ayr
for the winter, and a pack of them play gin rummy for 3 months
getting blotto every day. Not my idea of how to spend the winter.
Coastal Western Australia has some real advantages but its one
hell of a long way from anywhere. Great employment prospects
tho, its one of the states with a 1.x% unemployment rate. Its such
a boom that finding someone to live is one hell of a problem tho.
No big deal if you dont mind living in an RV and getting stinking
rich on the very high wages they pay in the mining industry tho.
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 12:41 pm
"Rod Speed" <> wrote:
>> your opinion what part of Aus has best
>> climate overall.... not to hot... not too cold?
>The top half of the NSW coast.
what towns say abt 30k people?
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 1:07 pm
From: "Rod Speed" wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> wrote
>>> your opinion what part of Aus has best
>>> climate overall.... not to hot... not too cold?
>> The top half of the NSW coast.
And around Noosa in Qld too. Getting pretty pricey now tho.
> what towns say abt 30k people?
port macquarie, coffs harbour
I like Kingscliff myself.
TOPIC: Student Loan Consolidation Programs
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 11:59 am
From: GT Terry
Anyone have any good websites that have articles on student loan help.
I found
on my own, but does anyone have more?
TOPIC: Make Money
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 12:38 pm
You can earn lots of money by surfing this site
so what are you waiting for go with the site and earn money
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 12:39 pm
You can earn lots of money by surfing this site
so what are you waiting for go with the site and earn money
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 1:47 pm
From: scumbagspammer wrote:
> You can earn rupees by surfing our site.
> We then make real money selling information we harvest off your computer.
TOPIC: Collect Lottery Checks Even If You LOSE!
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 1:49 pm
You can make money while playing the Florida Lottery from anywhere in
Call toll Free 24 hours a day for a FREE Brochure:
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"We joined LOTTO MAGIC in November 2001. By August 2007, our monthly
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== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 1:59 pm
From: "" wrote:
> We can make money while you play the Florida Lottery from our website.
> >
> Call toll Free 24 hours a day for free phone sex:
> 1-877-526-6957 ID# P0615
> >
> Why would you want to join a scam lottery club?
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== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 2:01 pm
From: George Grapman
> · If you can mail their attractive postcards and flyers, you will
> Request your FREE club membership booklet today! Call LOTTO MAGIC toll
> free anytime: 877-526-6957; Give your name, address, and the ID#
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And as an added bonus because the holder of a toll free number always
gets your number when you call your information gets sold to many other
outfits looking for gullible people.
Note: Calls to toll free numbers from a pay phone incurs a connection
charge of 49 cent a call that the holder of the number has to pay to the
owner of the pay phone so when you are waiting for a bus,delayed at an
airport and waiting for a table at a restaurant do not pass the time by
calling this number, hanging up and calling back over and over.
Also, do not post it to other groups.
TOPIC: The best online shopping offers
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 1:52 pm
From: ABS
Shop online for thousands of products offered by Planet Mall, the
hottest internet Mall:
- clothing
- accessories
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- entertainment
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 2:04 pm
From: George Grapman
Looks great, posting from yahoo with a web site that wants credit
cards but has no contact info other than email.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 4:12 pm
From: Derald
George Grapman <> wrote:
> Looks great, posting from yahoo with a web site that wants credit
>cards but has no contact info other than email.
Face it: The prevalence of hooker-wear being offered, as well as
the apparent unavailability of actual kids in that category speaks
TOPIC: FREE Satellite TV for your PC or Laptop
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 1:57 pm
From: J Nicky
Stop paying for high-priced cable or Satellite services...
Now you can watch 100's of LIVE worldwide channels on your PC, FREE OF
Enjoy all your favorite shows on your Computer from anywhere in the
>>>>Download Now<<<<
P.S - the development costs of this SOFTWARE alone is more than
TOPIC: Consumer Reports on Internet Privacy Threats
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 7 2007 3:52 pm
From: Derald
I can't figure out whether this article is free but I believe it to be.
Some may find it interesting reading:
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