Friday, May 9, 2008

2 new messages in 1 topic - digest


Today's topics:

* Gas Prices - 2 messages, 2 authors

TOPIC: Gas Prices

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 11:24 pm
From: Larry Caldwell

In article <>, (Lou) says...

> If you want to buy a used car, look me up in about three years - that's
> around the next time I'll be ready to deal, and I'd rather see the car go to
> a person than to a dealer. 'Course, the car might not be old enough for
> you, it'll only have around 120,000 miles on it.

If those are highway miles, and you kept up your service schedule, there
will still be at least 50% of the car's useful life left. Driving like
you do, you should run it for about 250,000 before trading in.

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with my first name and last initial.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, May 8 2008 11:56 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Larry Caldwell <> wrote
> (Lou) wrote
>> Larry Caldwell <> wrote

>>> It also sounds like people are too dumb to avoid used car dealers.
>>> Never buy a used car off of a lot. Purchase a used car privately
>>> instead. You will save yourself thousands of dollars. Used car
>>> dealers typically price cars at around 2x what they paid for the car.

>> Your local supermarket probably averages a similar gross margin
>> on most items. Do you not shop there because of their markup?
>> What's the markup have to do with it in the first place?

> If you have lots of money to waste, more power too you. I have
> nothing against the wealthy dissipating their fortunes on extravagant
> purchases. The concentration of wealth is socially undesirable.

It aint just 'the wealthy' that buy cars new.

And they aint doing anything even remotely resembling anything
like 'dissipating their fortunes' when they buy new cars and keep
them for a decent time like say 15 years either.

> It may surprise you, but I also avoid supermarkets. Whenever
> possible, I buy meat and produce directly from farmers, bypassing the
> middle man. The food is fresher, the quality higher, and the price lower.

Different matter entirely to what makes sense with car purchases.


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