Today's topics:
* Car runs down Critical Mass in Brazil - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Impoverished queirdo Chief Thracian can't afford a website host - 1 messages,
1 author
* ``****HOT SEXY PHOTOS&VIDEOS**** - 1 messages, 1 author
* how many repairs in a year before something is considered a lemon?? - 1
messages, 1 author
* Rod vs. Ed... you be the referee - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Dutch fight bicycle theft with GPS - 1 messages, 1 author
* up side of gas prices - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Fry's Supermarket Idiot Tucson Employees - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Do cyclists suffer from traumatic stress disorder? - 1 messages, 1 author
* This is the?jimmy choo shoes sale network, and all the people of the world -
1 messages, 1 author
* I have a Tolilet Flush Idea... - 3 messages, 3 authors
TOPIC: Car runs down Critical Mass in Brazil
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Mar 4 2011 11:32 pm
From: Joel
On Fri, 04 Mar 2011 18:52:18 -0700, His Highness the TibetanMonkey,
originator of the Stop the Bullshit Campaign <>
> Perhaps I have got it wrong but I assume that the majority of those
> who participate in these events imagine that they are somehow
> promoting the cause of cycling. No doubt I share their aspirations.
> Even so, I deplore their participation in these events.
> If cyclists who currently participate in critical mass events cannot
> rise to this challenge then I suggest that critical mass in the UK
> should be abandoned – for it amounts to nothing more than an
> inconsiderate self-indulgence on the part of participants which
> offers nothing positive to the cause of cycling.
I rode in *one* CM event. The idea was to ride down one lane of traffic on
a busy lane that had multiple lanes going in both directions. After about
five minutes of this the group leaders changed tactics and started
'counting coup' on cars by circling around them when they were stopped at
a red light. The car they chose had an elderly couple driving a sedan. The
cyclists circled the car, hollering and pounding on the car.
My 20-mile daily commute is on roads for about 15 miles, which I'm not too
worried about because I've selected the route carefully, ride it nearly
every weekday, and have become a defensive rider. But after that CM event?
No more of that - harassing an elderly couple for driving somewhere in a
car? Hell, I'm not in a car more than once or twice a month as a passenger
- the damned things pollute, cost too much, and bust up would could
otherwise be nice quiet neighbors. But the one CM event I participated in
and the others I've seen are narcissistic and adolescent. Maybe there are
some not as confrontational.
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 2:06 am
From: Tºm Shermªn™ °_° <""twshermanREMOVE\"@THI$">
On 3/5/2011 1:32 AM, Joel ??? wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Mar 2011 18:52:18 -0700, His Highness the TibetanMonkey,
> originator of the Stop the Bullshit Campaign
> <> wrote:
>> Perhaps I have got it wrong but I assume that the majority of those
>> who participate in these events imagine that they are somehow
>> promoting the cause of cycling. No doubt I share their aspirations.
>> Even so, I deplore their participation in these events.
> <snip>
>> If cyclists who currently participate in critical mass events cannot
>> rise to this challenge then I suggest that critical mass in the UK
>> should be abandoned – for it amounts to nothing more than an
>> inconsiderate self-indulgence on the part of participants which
>> offers nothing positive to the cause of cycling.
> I rode in *one* CM event. The idea was to ride down one lane of traffic
> on a busy lane that had multiple lanes going in both directions. After
> about five minutes of this the group leaders changed tactics and started
> 'counting coup' on cars by circling around them when they were stopped
> at a red light. The car they chose had an elderly couple driving a
> sedan. The cyclists circled the car, hollering and pounding on the car.
> My 20-mile daily commute is on roads for about 15 miles, which I'm not
> too worried about because I've selected the route carefully, ride it
> nearly every weekday, and have become a defensive rider. But after that
> CM event? No more of that - harassing an elderly couple for driving
> somewhere in a car? Hell, I'm not in a car more than once or twice a
> month as a passenger - the damned things pollute, cost too much, and
> bust up would could otherwise be nice quiet neighbors. But the one CM
> event I participated in and the others I've seen are narcissistic and
> adolescent. Maybe there are some not as confrontational.
Classic case of venting frustration on an innocent party that was chosen
because they looked like they would not retaliate.
Really dumb thing to do in the US, since if the driver claimed that
he/she was in fear of his/her life and got out of there by running over
some cyclists, most juries would accept the explanation.
Tºm Shermªn - 42.435731,-83.985007
I am a vehicular cyclist.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 6:09 pm
From: Joy Beeson
I know exactly one thing about Critical Mass -- when they were just
starting up and sent a news release to the newsletter I was editing at
the time, I filed it under "cold chills".
Joy Beeson
joy beeson at comcast dot net
TOPIC: Impoverished queirdo Chief Thracian can't afford a website host
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 1:56 am
From: Chief Thracian
On Sun, 20 Feb 2011 08:08:50 +0000, "(^^,)" <_@_> wrote:
>Zeke Krahlin
>That is what you said in MID <>
>The header info matches yours
I /know/ I said that, dufus. Does that make it true? You're a troll.
Trolls lie all the time. Posting something in a newsgroup does not
make it truth. Trolls fabricate things all the time, they impersonate
others, hijack their identity, and so on.
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 2:50 am
priyamani hot&sexy photos
TOPIC: how many repairs in a year before something is considered a lemon??
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 7:37 am
From: Derald
Ohioguy <> wrote:
> If you've spent roughly $5k on a new furnace/heat pump that is
>supposed to pay for itself with lower electricity, at what point (how
>many repair calls) would the heat pump unit be considered a "lemon"?
After the first year, any service call beyond cleaning that is directly
related to the refrigeration unit during the next twenty years indicates a
"lemon", IMO.
>What are my options? Should I just keep putting up with the thing
>conking out, and hope they eventually get it right? I'm really starting
>to suspect that the thing is really a piece of junk. At this point I
>would never recommend that anyone install a Rheem or Weather King heat
>pump, due to all of these continuing problems.
In your position, I'd ascertain the warranty terms and contact the U.S.
manufacturer or distributor in order to specifically find out to obtain warranty
performance. The warranty may have specific contact or claim information
embedded in it. You may be dealing with the wrong business entitity or at the
wrong sludge stratum therein. For example, if you're dealing with a multi-store
operation, take your claim to the next level of the organization. If the
warranty specifically covers repairs and service calls, then call another
company that sells the same product and check out their dance steps. If
replacement is an option, I say, insist on no less. Unfortunately it is fairly
commonplace for dealers of large-ticket items to try to use up the exchange
period with ineffectual repairs. Be nice but take names. Take lots of pictures,
too: Somewhere down the line, someone may have to apportion responsibility
between the goods and their installation.
TOPIC: Rod vs. Ed... you be the referee
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 10:37 am
From: "Edward Dolan"
"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> Edward Dolan wrote
>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>> Edward Dolan wrote
>>>> Even so, we have a democracy where tens of millions of folks vote every
>>>> few years and so things can always be changed.
>>> Yes.
>>>> However, I think things have to hit rock bottom before any change can
>>>> ever take place.
>>> Nope, that isnt how it happened in any of the great democracys.
>> Nope, Canada threw out all the liberals in an election not so many years
>> ago.
> That wasnt the liberals, stupid, and they didnt hit rock bottom before
> they did that either.
The hell you say! How do we know you are not lying?
>>> That isnt how they all ended up with a decent modern health care system.
>> Nope, things must always get worse before they get better.
> How odd that isnt how they all ended up with a decent modern health care
> system.
The hell you say! How do we know you are not lying?
>>> It isnt even how the US ended up with medicare either.
>> It is exactly how we ended up with Medicare.
> Another bare faced pig ignorant lie.
The hell you say! How do we know you are not lying?
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 11:57 am
From: "Rod Speed"
Mr Ed the donkey Dolan wrote just the puerile shit any 2 year old could leave for dead.
TOPIC: Dutch fight bicycle theft with GPS
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 11:50 am
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, originator of the Stop the Bullshit
I thought of this for a long time, and the Dutch must have learned
about the Wisdom of the Jungle...
"Bicycle theft is a type of criminality that often goes unpunished"
The rats of the jungle will be baited and then, then what. What do we
with the rats once we catch them? I'll think about it. ;)
TOPIC: up side of gas prices
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 3:31 pm
From: Vandy Terre
On Thu, 03 Mar 2011 07:51:42 -0800, Lamumba <> wrote:
>fewer "cowboyz" and their macho trucks.
In the city there is little need for those trucks. Out here in the sticks they
are a way of life. Yes, they drink a lot of fuel, but they pull the trailers
with tools or livestock or produce. Things the light weight city cars just can
not handle, plus try taking one of the nice little fuel efficient city cars
across a field or down a rough dirt road with out cracking the oil pan, ripping
off the muffler or ripping a hole in the fuel tank.
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 3:32 pm
From: Vandy Terre
On Thu, 03 Mar 2011 10:38:19 -0600, wrote:
>Lamumba <> wrote:
>>fewer "cowboyz" and their macho trucks.
>no shit!
>we have these HUGE diesel trucks here that spew black
>fumes and literally block vision going down road
Sounds like those black puffing diesels are using kerosene or other combinations
for fuel that will get them ticketed heavy when caught.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 6:35 pm
From: WaIIy
On Thu, 03 Mar 2011 07:51:42 -0800, Lamumba <> wrote:
>fewer "cowboyz" and their macho trucks.
Yes and fewer inadequate people who feel the need to infringe on the
rights of others and just won't shut the fuck up.
TOPIC: Fry's Supermarket Idiot Tucson Employees
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 5:05 pm
From: SusieQ
JustMike <> wrote in news:iks3ft$980$1
> For any new people moving or new to Tucson,
> in terms of customer service you will not get much of it
> at Fry's Supermarket. Also contrary to their TV spam ads with
> there lame CEO that does not answer customer complaints,
> their prices are not necessarily cheaper than other chains, in
> many cases HIGHER.
> Fortunately, in Tucson you have many, many choices.
> For the best produce prices, much lower than Fry's or other stores,
> try first Food City, then Sunflower Market. Lowest prices on produce
> in town. If you're on the South Side there is a new supermarket there
> with VERY LOW produce prices, called SUPRA? or similar, right on 6th
> Ave.
> For the best customer service use Safeway. There prices are higher, but
> their meat sale prices are lower than all other stores. Watch out for
> their ad small print deceptive practices though.
> For deeply discounted organic items, try Grocery Outlet, but be
> careful to watch the expiration dates-they like to sell stale stuff.
> Also you have Walmart Grocery stores and KMart Grocery stores.
> Not to mention Albertsons, Bashas and what other chains I am leaving
> out? Basha frequently has the best prices, especially on sale items for
> a major chain.
> There is no reason to put up with rude employees like you frequently
> find at Fry's and unresponsive management that does not answer consumer
> complaints. The latest example is the idiot who would not look for
> stock for me because he was too lazy to stop what he was doing, even
> though there was a pallet of product I wanted waiting to be stocked.
Yeah Fry's has the worst customer service of any of the stores I have
shopped. They have these "customer service" drones that walk around and
seem to do nothing. Safeway is better, but none are really that good-they
keep advertising things they do not have in stock.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 5:52 pm
From: JJ
JustMike <> wrote in news:iks3ft$980$1
> For any new people moving or new to Tucson,
> in terms of customer service you will not get much of it
> at Fry's Supermarket. Also contrary to their TV spam ads with
> there lame CEO that does not answer customer complaints,
> their prices are not necessarily cheaper than other chains, in
> many cases HIGHER.
> Fortunately, in Tucson you have many, many choices.
> For the best produce prices, much lower than Fry's or other stores,
> try first Food City, then Sunflower Market. Lowest prices on produce
> in town. If you're on the South Side there is a new supermarket there
> with VERY LOW produce prices, called SUPRA? or similar, right on 6th
> Ave.
> For the best customer service use Safeway. There prices are higher, but
> their meat sale prices are lower than all other stores. Watch out for
> their ad small print deceptive practices though.
> For deeply discounted organic items, try Grocery Outlet, but be
> careful to watch the expiration dates-they like to sell stale stuff.
> Also you have Walmart Grocery stores and KMart Grocery stores.
> Not to mention Albertsons, Bashas and what other chains I am leaving
> out? Basha frequently has the best prices, especially on sale items for
> a major chain.
> There is no reason to put up with rude employees like you frequently
> find at Fry's and unresponsive management that does not answer consumer
> complaints. The latest example is the idiot who would not look for
> stock for me because he was too lazy to stop what he was doing, even
> though there was a pallet of product I wanted waiting to be stocked.
Sunflower market employees are also bozos ime. I wonder if this has
anything to do with it? Just because you are a CEO that means NOTHING.
TOPIC: Do cyclists suffer from traumatic stress disorder?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 5:20 pm
From: "His Highness the TibetanMonkey, originator of the Stop the Bullshit
Reading from Afghanistan it sounds like the daily struggle for
survival among cyclists:
"It's a day-by-day thing and you don't know if you're going to be the
guy to get hit the next day, so you just keep on pushing"
I think we are all affected by it to degree or another, knowing that
no medals will be awarded. And that's what bugs me: no medals or
severance pay forthcoming.
Well, they say, "A man gotta do what a man gotta do!"
TOPIC: This is the?jimmy choo shoes sale network, and all the people of the
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 6:50 pm
From: shoestrade
<p>This is the?<a href="">jimmy choo shoes
sale</a> network, and all the people of the world are willing to spend
a good part, they share the news online in the website or with friends
and strangers to their lives. These days to organize the huge
potential, enjoy the Internet offers access to global market, make
person. It is no longer just about the content, It is also about the
content of the show. Into the flash. This software development, is
very popular, Macromedia used to create animation program based on
graphics. They provide full-screen navigation interface, pictures,
allow two-way interaction and support.</p> <p>In fact, the community a
melting pot of visitors and local traffic like Boise public library,
Boise main post office, can even this… The local <a href="http://">manolo blahnik shoes sale</a> media, including
TV (KTVB channel 7, KIVI channel 6, KBCI channel 2), radio, and print,
do not use African-American fundamental key, I fear that in a certain
degree of influence. Reason is, a person would conclude, African-
American or refuse jobs from these organizations (a kind of living) or
not join the provided the first place was 1960 – ish)! I'm willing to
bet $11,000 million that job provides kids in college of African
americans in novitiate or later, should be welcomed weapons for
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in Boise news, I want <a href="">neiman
marcus shoes sale</a> to Milli Vanilli is still considered true!</p>
TOPIC: I have a Tolilet Flush Idea...
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 6:56 pm
From: marco polo
hi all,
since I really haven't done any research,
this idea of mine may have been thought of long ago...
It's fairly simple, I think -- 2 water tank flush modes:
one for poop, and one for urine only.
I think urine can get by with much less water,
whereas poop needs a certain minimum.
I think this would save a lot of water over the long haul.
Now incorporating this into toilets is another thing.
The idea came from my father, years ago,
who never flushed if it was just pee, only poop.
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 7:04 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
marco polo wrote
> hi all,
all hanged himself, got too many posts.
> since I really haven't done any research, this
> idea of mine may have been thought of long ago...
It was indeed.
> It's fairly simple, I think -- 2 water tank flush modes:
> one for poop, and one for urine only.
You can buy them right now, often called dual flush.
> I think urine can get by with much less water,
> whereas poop needs a certain minimum.
> I think this would save a lot of water over the long haul.
Yes it does, but nothing like as much as is used on gardens.
> Now incorporating this into toilets is another thing.
Its easy enough. It doesnt actually use two tanks, just two
different amounts of water are released from the single tank.
> The idea came from my father, years ago,
> who never flushed if it was just pee, only poop.
Not very salubrious if you drop a decent sized turd and get a splash.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Mar 5 2011 7:08 pm
From: "Bob F"
marco polo wrote:
> hi all,
> since I really haven't done any research,
> this idea of mine may have been thought of long ago...
> It's fairly simple, I think -- 2 water tank flush modes:
> one for poop, and one for urine only.
> I think urine can get by with much less water,
> whereas poop needs a certain minimum.
> I think this would save a lot of water over the long haul.
> Now incorporating this into toilets is another thing.
> The idea came from my father, years ago,
> who never flushed if it was just pee, only poop.
Brilliant! Brilliant!
My several year old toilet had that from day one.
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