Monday, May 19, 2008

25 new messages in 9 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Watch chafing arm. Remedy? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Inexpensive car radio? - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Stumped on home repair of GFCI circuit all dead after light repair - 3
messages, 3 authors
* Camcorder Hard Drive - Find Tips - SALES on Camcorders all Brand Names - 2
messages, 1 author
* What's the best purchase you've ever made and why ? - 10 messages, 6 authors
* Eton FR400 Self-Powered Water-Resistant AM/FM Radio with NOAA and TV-VHF - 1
messages, 1 author
* Instant coffee - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Rents in Paris are so high, some young women are forced to trade sex for
accommodation. - 1 messages, 1 author
* Car Buying Tips Article - LONG! - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Watch chafing arm. Remedy?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 10:01 am
From: Ken

In this hot sweaty weather my watch chafes my arm badly, sliding up and
down. Is there anything I can put on the inside of the watch and metal
expansion ban to reduce this? I switch the watch from one arm to the
other every few days and wear the watch only when going out away from
clocks. That helps but it would be nice to eliminate the problem.

Any suggestions?



"When you choose the lesser of two evils, always
remember that it is still an evil." - Max Lerner

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 1:32 pm
From: Al Bundy

Ken wrote:
> In this hot sweaty weather my watch chafes my arm badly, sliding up and
> down. Is there anything I can put on the inside of the watch and metal
> expansion ban to reduce this? I switch the watch from one arm to the
> other every few days and wear the watch only when going out away from
> clocks. That helps but it would be nice to eliminate the problem.
> Any suggestions?
> Ken
Apparently, the watch band does not fit. It's too big and moves
around. It should be snug enough to stay in place and not tight enough
to restrict. If you know how to do it, removing links in expansion
bands is an easy process. Pick a spot in the middle. Bend the tabs on
the decorative cover and pull one cover off. Then you can remove what
you need and reassemble. You need to remove metal "U" springs on each
side for the band to come apart. It's fairly intuitive once you get
into it. Or a jeweler can do it. Or you can buy a leather adjustable

TOPIC: Inexpensive car radio?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 10:17 am
From: Ken

Where'a a good, preferably local, place to buy a very basic reliable
generic radio for a 20-year-old pickup? Just the AM/FM with a couple of
station buttons. No CD, tape, high power, GPS, fancy displays, quad
sound, etc. needed. Chinese junk or good stuff?

Radio Shack, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, ... Who?



"When you choose the lesser of two evils, always
remember that it is still an evil." - Max Lerner

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 1:06 pm
From: Zuke

Junk yard?

On Mon, 19 May 2008, Ken wrote:

> Where'a a good, preferably local, place to buy a very basic reliable
> generic radio for a 20-year-old pickup? Just the AM/FM with a couple of
> station buttons. No CD, tape, high power, GPS, fancy displays, quad
> sound, etc. needed. Chinese junk or good stuff?
> Radio Shack, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, ... Who?
> Ken
> --
> "When you choose the lesser of two evils, always
> remember that it is still an evil." - Max Lerner

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 1:26 pm
From: Al Bundy

On May 19, 4:06 pm, Zuke <> wrote:
> Junk yard?
> On Mon, 19 May 2008, Ken wrote:
> > Where'a a good, preferably local, place to buy a very basic reliable
> > generic radio for a 20-year-old pickup? Just the AM/FM with a couple of
> > station buttons. No CD, tape, high power, GPS, fancy displays, quad
> > sound, etc. needed. Chinese junk or good stuff?
> > Radio Shack, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, ... Who?
> > TIA
> > Ken
> > --
> > "When you choose the lesser of two evils, always
> > remember that it is still an evil." - Max Lerner

Second that opinion.
Easy to install and probably $10-12.

TOPIC: Stumped on home repair of GFCI circuit all dead after light repair

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 10:19 am
From: David Nebenzahl

On 5/19/2008 4:44 AM John Grabowski spake thus:

> It is unusual to have so many GFI receptacles on the same circuit from the
> original builder. In many cases one GFI would protect all of the
> receptacles down stream. I have had a few customers think that they need to
> change every outlet in a bathroom to a GFI and they wind up creating GFI
> hell. They put three or four GFI's in series. When a ground fault occurs
> in one of the downstream GFI's, one of the GFI's before it sometimes trips.
> In that case the homeowner needs to go push the reset button on each GFI.

In that case (multiple GFCIs in a room), wouldn't it make much more
sense *not* to wire them in series, and just have each outlet protect
itself? What's the point of wiring multiple GFCIs in series?

That way, you'd know exactly which one tripped, and it wouldn't affect
any of its neighbors.

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute
conversation with the average voter.

- Attributed to Winston Churchill

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 12:08 pm
From: WDS

On May 19, 12:19 pm, David Nebenzahl <> wrote:
> In that case (multiple GFCIs in a room), wouldn't it make much more
> sense *not* to wire them in series, and just have each outlet protect
> itself? What's the point of wiring multiple GFCIs in series?

Cost. A GFCI can cost more than 10x what a "plain" outlet costs.

But, yeah, in a pain to find what's tripping the GFCI sometimes or
even find the blasted thing when one trips. I had an outside socket
go dead and I had to find the wire and trace it to the laundry room to
find where the electrician had hooked it up.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 1:14 pm
From: "John Grabowski"

"David Nebenzahl" <> wrote in message
> On 5/19/2008 4:44 AM John Grabowski spake thus:
>> It is unusual to have so many GFI receptacles on the same circuit from
>> the original builder. In many cases one GFI would protect all of the
>> receptacles down stream. I have had a few customers think that they need
>> to change every outlet in a bathroom to a GFI and they wind up creating
>> GFI hell. They put three or four GFI's in series. When a ground fault
>> occurs in one of the downstream GFI's, one of the GFI's before it
>> sometimes trips. In that case the homeowner needs to go push the reset
>> button on each GFI.
> In that case (multiple GFCIs in a room), wouldn't it make much more sense
> *not* to wire them in series, and just have each outlet protect itself?
> What's the point of wiring multiple GFCIs in series?

The ones that I have seen this way were all done by the homeowners
themselves. Need I say more?

> That way, you'd know exactly which one tripped, and it wouldn't affect any
> of its neighbors.
> --
> The best argument against democracy is a five-minute
> conversation with the average voter.
> - Attributed to Winston Churchill

TOPIC: Camcorder Hard Drive - Find Tips - SALES on Camcorders all Brand Names

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 10:27 am
From: "Bill's News"

"Richard Crowley" <> wrote in message
> "Rod Speed" wrote ...

>>> If you filter all google group postings,
> Assuming you are using a newsreader that will do that.
> Alas, there is no practical way to do that with OE. :-(

The version of OE (6.00.2900.5512) used here seems to provide
for such filtering and way more. Which version are you using,

I don't mind in the least that I may not see a non-spammer
posting from google or yahoo. However, a few spammers
occasionally slip through the filters I've set so far. They are
seldom worth the time to pattern their behavior to new filters.
Unless of course they become more irritating.

If I'm unable to devise a filter, there is always content
searching before reading the posts available. Which you might
note, by the 6 days between your post and this reply, in my case
is sometimes weekly.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 11:06 am
From: "Bill's News"

"Jacques E. Bouchard" <invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
> "Ken Maltby" <> wrote in
>> Well it appears that the liberal efforts to boost the
>> "self-esteem"
> of
>> the marginally functional have succeeded, all too well again.
>> Everyone
>> else is "too stupid" or uncoordinated or in some other way,
>> not up to
>> the exalted intellectual standing of you two.
> Wrangle that knee there, Hopalong Cassidy. I never used the
> word
> "stupid" in reference to anyone here.
>> By the way you are both
>> able to just skip the "meaningless and inconsequential drop
>> in the
>> ocean that is usenet", anytime now (I doubt you well be
>> missed, and
>> you seem to believe that it is beneath you.)
> I do skip posts I find undesirable, every day. I don't quite
> understand,
> however, how that should somehow marginalize me to a place
> where I would
> not "be missed".
>> You two seem to have no
>> problem complaining about our postings, why do you think we
>> shouldn't
>> complain about GoogleGroups?
> Again, please refrain from making this a "us vs. you" issue. I
> (nor the
> world) am not out to get you, so by all means feel free to
> resist the
> urge to take the offensive.
> Besides, the issue isn't whether spammers use Google Groups,
> but whether
> one gains or loses by killfiling all posts originating from
> Google Groups
> - including the legitimate ones.
> In their effort to justify their actions, a lot of the
> killfilers have
> attempted to denigrate the "legitimate" posters by making it
> sound like
> it's their fault, through some flaw of their own, for posting
> through the
> web service. Personally, I find the practice transparent and
> childish.
> But I'm not surprised at the mob mentality of usenet.
>> Wait, don't answer that, I wouldn't
>> want anyone to think I would put any weight into one of your
>> replies.
> Well of course not, because in a simplistic world there is
> only room for
> one camp being right and one camp being wrong, I've so far
> failed to
> pledge total allegiance to the killfiling camp.
> jaybee

Many of my friends in our residential community use low cost
dial-up to access the net. Several of those use a dial-up
service which does not provide a news server. I've suggested to
each of them who wants to access groups, such as this, that they
use google. In so doing they will also be able to see posts
and replies made from outside of google as well - but obviously
not all outside posts and replies. I doubt they miss what's not
seen any more than I miss not seeing their posts. There are
possibly no-cost alternatives to using google groups for them,
but I don't know what they may be.

There have undoubtedly been absolutely brilliant or entertaining
or provocative posts made by googlers and other access points
which I've missed. Some due to filtering, some due to sheer
volume and unwisely worded subject lines. The day still goes on
as the earth spins.

TOPIC: What's the best purchase you've ever made and why ?

== 1 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 10:30 am
From: "Jerry Okamura"

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
> Jerry Okamura <> wrote:
>> "Rod Speed" <> wrote in message
>>> beadsbyirene <> wrote:
>>>> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:483062a6$0$30481$
>>>>> "beadsbyirene" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:pWLXj.143981$
>>>>>> "FrediFizzx" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> Yep, ditto on our house also. Bought for $23K back in the early
>>>>>>> 70's. Very good for keepin' the rain off your head. ;-)
>>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>>> "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:482f72c3$0$5707$
>>>>>>>> The house we are presently living in now. We got it at a great
>>>>>>>> price, and it has since appreciated in value considerably from
>>>>>>>> our purchase price, in about eight years.
>>>>>>>> "Joe" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>> Exlcuding anything to do with admirable things like making a
>>>>>>>>> charitable donation and / or paying for education (be it yours
>>>>>>>>> or someone elses), what so far is
>>>>>>>>> the best purchase you've ever made and please elaborate on why
>>>>>>>>> you think so.
>>>>>> You guys are so materialistic. The best purchase I ever made was
>>>>>> a marriage license for 3 bucks 48 years ago.
>>>>> Good point. But I do not consider the cost of a marriage license
>>>>> as a purchase, because you did not have to "purchase" a licnese to
>>>>> live with someone for the rest of your life. We do that because
>>>>> it is one of those things we are expected to do, when we marry
>>>>> someone.
>>>> 48 years ago, you had to purchase a license to live with someone
>>>> for the rest of your life. Living together without that license was
>>>> considered 'sin' in those days.
>>> No it wasnt, plenty did it even then. That was the 60s when doing
>>> that was rife.
>> This year is 2008. 48 years ago, would make it 1960.
> Duh. Plenty of people were doing that in 1960.

Well, heck. Depending on the definition of "plenty", they were doing it
before the '60's and they are sitll doing it.

== 2 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 10:32 am

Shawn Hirn <> wrote:

>1. My portable GPS.

Which brand and model do you have?

== 3 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 10:34 am
From: (Phred) wrote:

>My 30-year-old car which is still running reasonably well.

what you have?

== 4 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 10:34 am

Charlie Perrin <> wrote:

>Computer table bought in 1982-1983.

what brand and model?

== 5 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 11:38 am
From: "Rod Speed"

Jerry Okamura <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> beadsbyirene <> wrote
>>>>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote
>>>>>> beadsbyirene <> wrote
>>>>>>> FrediFizzx <> wrote

>>>>>>>> Yep, ditto on our house also. Bought for $23K back in the
>>>>>>>> early 70's. Very good for keepin' the rain off your head. ;-)

>>>>>>>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote

>>>>>>>>> The house we are presently living in now. We got it at a great price, and it has since appreciated in value
>>>>>>>>> considerably from our purchase price, in about eight years.

>>>>>>>>> Joe <> wrote

>>>>>>>>>> Exlcuding anything to do with admirable things like making a charitable donation and / or paying for
>>>>>>>>>> education (be it
>>>>>>>>>> yours or someone elses), what so far is the best purchase you've ever made and please elaborate on why you
>>>>>>>>>> think so.

>>>>>>> You guys are so materialistic. The best purchase I ever made was a marriage license for 3 bucks 48 years ago.

>>>>>> Good point. But I do not consider the cost of a marriage license as a purchase, because you did not have to
>>>>>> "purchase" a licnese to live with someone for the rest of your life. We do that because it is one of those
>>>>>> things we are expected to do, when we marry someone.

>>>>> 48 years ago, you had to purchase a license to live with someone for the rest of your life. Living together
>>>>> without that license was considered 'sin' in those days.

>>>> No it wasnt, plenty did it even then. That was the 60s when doing that was rife.

>>> This year is 2008. 48 years ago, would make it 1960.

>> Duh. Plenty of people were doing that in 1960.

> Well, heck. Depending on the definition of "plenty", they were doing it before the '60's

Yep, what I said in another post.

> and they are sitll doing it.

Yep, but she claimed that it wasnt done then. She is just plain wrong.

== 6 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 12:59 pm
From: Seerialmom

On May 17, 4:12 am, Gary <> wrote:
> On Fri, 16 May 2008 20:58:05 -0700 (PDT), Joe <>
> wrote:
> >Exlcuding anything to do with admirable things like making a
> >charitable donation and / or paying for education (be it yours or
> >someone elses), what so far is
> >the best purchase you've ever made and please elaborate on why you
> >think so.
> A 1957 Ford for $200.    Elaborations cost extra.  

Was that one of those retractable hard top Fords? :D

== 7 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 1:04 pm
From: meatnub

On May 16, 11:58 pm, Joe <> wrote:
> Exlcuding anything to do with admirable things like making a
> charitable donation and / or paying for education (be it yours or
> someone elses), what so far is
> the best purchase you've ever made and please elaborate on why you
> think so.

Too many things to list but here are some that come to mind:

1 week vacation at Secrets Capri Riviera Cancun in Playa Del Carmen,
Mexico, June 2006, for our honeymoon. Once-in-a-lifetime trip (as in,
now we have a baby). Food was amazing, weather was great.
Relaxation..... drinks were nice (we're not heavy drinkers). Would go
there again. Adults only though.

Canon 20D and subsequently Canon 40D digital SLR camera along with
Canon 100mm macro lense, Canon MP-E 65mm macro lense and Canon MT-24EX
twinlite flash. I used to do macro photography and these pieces of
equipment never let me down.

The 2 computers I built in June 2007 buying everything from Received everything in like 2 days. No problems
whatsoever, no RMA's. Sold 1 computer for small profit and still have
the other.

Weber Genesis Grill E300 series I just purchased today along with my
Waring Pro. yes I know i just bought them nad I have no idea if they
will be the best purchases i ever made but i have a feeling they will,
as i plan to get into some serious cooking.

== 8 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 1:06 pm
From: Seerialmom

On May 17, 6:49 pm, "beadsbyirene" <> wrote:
> "FrediFizzx" <> wrote in message
> > Yep, ditto on our house also.  Bought for $23K back in the early 70's.
> > Very good for keepin' the rain off your head. ;-)
> > Fred
> > "Jerry Okamura" <> wrote in message
> >news:482f72c3$0$5707$
> >> The house we are presently living in now.  We got it at a great price,
> >> and it has since appreciated in value considerably from our purchase
> >> price, in about eight years.
> >> "Joe" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>> Exlcuding anything to do with admirable things like making a
> >>> charitable donation and / or paying for education (be it yours or
> >>> someone elses), what so far is
> >>> the best purchase you've ever made and please elaborate on why you
> >>> think so.
> You guys are so materialistic.  The best purchase I ever made was a marriage
> license for 3 bucks 48 years ago.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

In that case...the best purchase was my divorce filing fee. Regaining
sanity...priceless! :-D

== 9 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 1:08 pm
From: Seerialmom

On May 18, 8:39 am, Charlie Perrin <> wrote:
> On Fri, 16 May 2008 20:58:05 -0700 (PDT), Joe wrote:
> >what so far is the best purchase you've ever made and
> >please elaborate on why you think so.
> Computer table bought in 1982-1983.
> It's still running strong. While computers have changed greatly over
> the years, they're all compatible with the table.

Sure hope so considering computers today weigh like 1/4 what they did
back then, eh? :)

== 10 of 10 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 1:55 pm
From: "beadsbyirene"

"Seerialmom" <> wrote in message
On May 17, 6:49 pm, "beadsbyirene" <> wrote:
> "FrediFizzx" <> wrote in message

> You guys are so materialistic. The best purchase I ever made was a
> marriage
> license for 3 bucks 48 years ago.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

>In that case...the best purchase was my divorce filing fee. Regaining
>sanity...priceless! :-D

If you weren't lucky enough to marry the right person then yes, your
purchase is a good and worthy one.

TOPIC: Eton FR400 Self-Powered Water-Resistant AM/FM Radio with NOAA and TV-

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 10:35 am
From: GamesOnSale

List price $80, sale price $39.99 free shipping.

it's pretty good for camping and hiking, it's water resistant, and if
you ran out of battery, it has a hand crank to power the radio.

link here:

TOPIC: Instant coffee

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 10:48 am
From: Cindy Hamilton

On May 19, 4:23 am, "" <>
> Do you have a favorite?

I use Nescafe Classic.

Cindy Hamilton

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 1:34 pm
From: Al Bundy

On May 19, 4:23 am, "" <>
> Do you have a favorite?

I simply use raw cocoa powder instead. The antioxidants are supposed
to be good and I like the taste better than coffee.

TOPIC: Rents in Paris are so high, some young women are forced to trade sex
for accommodation.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 11:10 am
From: Joe

Read about it @

TOPIC: Car Buying Tips Article - LONG!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 1:43 pm
From: Al Bundy

On May 18, 9:24 pm, "Joe" <> wrote:
> >> Tips for when you buy a new vehicle - LOOOOOONG article.
> >> Confessions of a Car Salesman
> >> What really goes on in the back rooms of car dealerships across America?
> > Joe, you are just a time wasting poster like a few others. But at
> > least you warned us in the subject line.
> I'm a time wasting poster like a few others how? Are you saying the article
> someone turned me onto which I thought was useful was a waste of time for
> you? That I can understand.
> My first and gut reaction was to check your other posts to see if you are
> simply a troll, but it seems you posted legitimately at least on the
> occasions I read... So I'd love to know why you would call *me* a time
> waster rather than just refer to the article as a waste of time if that is
> indeed what you meant...
> ...Been here for years and lurk mostly now and I've never been called a time
> waster here (or anywhere else for that matter)... Intriguing. <G>
> --
> Joe in Northern, NJ - V#8013-R
Because it's a four year old article that has been posted and
reposted to Google Groups before and a simple link would suffice
instead of the copyright violation paste job.


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