Saturday, January 12, 2019

Digest for - 2 updates in 2 topics Jan 12 03:20PM -0800

On Thursday, January 10, 2019 at 11:54:10 AM UTC-5, KenK wrote:
> Just me?
> --
> I love a good meal! That's why I don't cook.
Check out MintSim, another MVNO, they use Tmobile. I've had it a year,
very happy with it. $15 to $25 a month for unlimited v and texts and
3GB or 12GB of data. If you're interested, let me know here, I think
they still have a referal thing going where you get a discount and I get
a referral bounty. Consumer Cellular was like $25 a month, but for a
lot less v,t, and data. Mintsim after the monthly data is exceeded,
it's still unlimited, but at 2G speeds. How well it works for you
will depend on Tmobile coverage in your area. I get 170 Mbits/sec data
here in NJ, excellent call quality.
"catalpa" <>: Jan 12 05:50PM -0500

"ItsJoan NotJoann" <> wrote in message
> to do with my e-filing experience. However, I am frugal but still have
> gotten a
> refund since the first time I filed a tax return.
Well this is the frugal living group and the part of your post relevant to
the group is the refund part.
While a refund may have a psychological benefit to you there is no monetary
benefit. I want to have my money now, not a year from now. The government
doesn't get or deserve a free money ride at my expense. My psychological
benefit comes from me contolling my money not the government.
The added benefits are I don't have to worry about my refund being stolen
and I don't have to file early to get my refund.
Frugal is as frugal does.
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