Sunday, July 22, 2007

25 new messages in 10 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Spigot for bleach - 7 messages, 7 authors
* Walmart - 4 messages, 3 authors
* Breast-Feeding: Private Act or Public Right? - 6 messages, 3 authors
MONEY! - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Watch FREE Satellite TV on your PC - 1 messages, 1 author
* Life Insurance Basics - Do you need, and how much do you need? - 1 messages,
1 author
* Currency exchange rates - 1 messages, 1 author
* Vitamin C useless in combatting colds - 1 messages, 1 author
* Attention, Costco Shoppers! - 1 messages, 1 author
* looking for property in california - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Spigot for bleach

== 1 of 7 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 11:02 am
From: Boothbay

I need to fill cracks on my patio with bleach to kill weeds. Lately,
I'be been told to spill bleach to those cracks, and it seems to waste
a lot of bleach unless I can get some gadget that would give me a
steady stream, instead of a spray. Any inexpensive suggestions? Also,
need to rejuvenate a small appliance touch up bottle for a dab of a
spot in my white tub. Would a little turp do ?

== 2 of 7 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 11:28 am

In article <>, says...
> I need to fill cracks on my patio with bleach to kill weeds. Lately,
> I'be been told to spill bleach to those cracks, and it seems to waste
> a lot of bleach unless I can get some gadget that would give me a
> steady stream, instead of a spray. Any inexpensive suggestions?

Polyethylene squeeze bottle with a flip-up dispenser top.

An old shampoo bottle should work, just make sure to label it clearly so
you don't bleach yourself in the shower.

-- is Joshua Putnam
Updated Infrared Photography Gallery:

== 3 of 7 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 11:52 am
From: Logan Shaw

Boothbay wrote:
> I need to fill cracks on my patio with bleach to kill weeds. Lately,
> I'be been told to spill bleach to those cracks, and it seems to waste
> a lot of bleach unless I can get some gadget that would give me a
> steady stream, instead of a spray. Any inexpensive suggestions?

An alternate approach is to just go buy some Tilex Mildew Root
Penetrator & Remover with Foaming Action. The name makes it
sound like something super fancy and complicated, but it's actually
just 2.4% sodium hypochlorite, a/k/a chlorine bleach!

It costs more than regular chlorine bleach, so why would I recommend
it? Well, I tried putting regular chlorine bleach in an old Windex
bottle[1], and it didn't work so well: the spray thing clogged up
and it wouldn't spray very well after a while. This stuff seems to
have a better spray nozzle that works well for chlorine bleach. I
don't know for sure, but I suspect the spray nozzle is what makes
the "foaming action" happen rather than the contents of the bottle.

Anyway, by having a good sprayer thingy, it seems like you don't have
to use very much of it. So, if you won't need to actually fill the
cracks but only need to get some bleach on them (which I'm not sure
about), maybe that would work.

Also, can't you just use boiling water on weeds?

- Logan

[1] after rinsing very thoroughly, since Windex contains ammonia...

== 4 of 7 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 12:19 pm
From: Ward Abbott

On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 11:02:45 -0700, Boothbay <>

>I need to fill cracks on my patio with bleach to kill weeds. Lately,
>I'be been told to spill bleach to those cracks, and it seems to waste
>a lot of bleach unless I can get some gadget that would give me a
>steady stream, instead of a spray.

That is pretty caustic. Why don't you use boiling water...lot more
friendly to the environment. Rock salt will get you great results

== 5 of 7 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 12:21 pm
From: "Don K"

<> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> says...
>> I need to fill cracks on my patio with bleach to kill weeds. Lately,
>> I'be been told to spill bleach to those cracks, and it seems to waste
>> a lot of bleach unless I can get some gadget that would give me a
>> steady stream, instead of a spray. Any inexpensive suggestions?
> Polyethylene squeeze bottle with a flip-up dispenser top.

And use a funnel to fill it.
Of course you do have a household funnel, don't you?
If not then bend some plastic to form a trough to guide the bleach
as you pour it into the smaller container.

You could probably also dilute the bleach somewhat without
compromising its effectivity. That way you can splatter it all
around the cracks without worrying much about wasting bleach.


== 6 of 7 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 12:54 pm
From: amber00

Fill those cracks with cheap salt - the cheapest you can find. Just
sprinkle it in.
It works as well as bleach and you don't run the risk of staining
either your clothes or the paving slabs.

> > says...
> >> I need to fill cracks on my patio with bleach to kill weeds.

== 7 of 7 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 3:17 pm
From: "teleflora"

How about one of those small watering cans with the long spouts? I think
they are used for indoor plants.


"Boothbay" <> wrote in message
>I need to fill cracks on my patio with bleach to kill weeds. Lately,
> I'be been told to spill bleach to those cracks, and it seems to waste
> a lot of bleach unless I can get some gadget that would give me a
> steady stream, instead of a spray. Any inexpensive suggestions? Also,
> need to rejuvenate a small appliance touch up bottle for a dab of a
> spot in my white tub. Would a little turp do ?

TOPIC: Walmart

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 11:15 am
From: Tim Smith

In article <>, (Don Klipstein) wrote:
> including that one. The other main checkout line issue was checkout line
> duration. (True!)

I've occasionally seen at some stores where they have sped up the line a
bit by starting to scan the items from the next person, while the
current person is writing their check. Apparently, many modern checkout
systems have the ability to start ringing up the next customer while
waiting to finish the transaction with the previous customer.

This has never been consistent. It seems that most of the people
running the registers either don't know about this capability, or just
don't want to bother with it.

--Tim Smith

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 11:48 am
From: George

Ward Abbott wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 08:42:01 -0400, George <george@nospam.invalid>
> wrote:
>> But they can't do that since "the customer is always right".
> No...they are NOT always right. Being a jerk doesn't make you right.

It would be welcomed at Walmart. People can drag in obviously trashed
power tools after they did a project and claim they were defective etc
and be welcomed with open arms.

That kind of stupid thinking has really changed the way people think. A
relative manages an shop that sells upscale products. She often tells me
about how rude and demanding (to the point of being ridiculous)
customers have become because of Walmart.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 1:52 pm
From: The Real Bev

Don K wrote:

> "Roger Shoaf" <> wrote in message
>> Why don't you say to the person in front of you that since you have 10 items
>> or less do you mind if you could cut in front of them as you do have 10
>> items or less and this is the 10 items or less lane.
> Has that tactic ever actually worked for you?
> From what I've seen, people become very defensive when it's pointed out
> they're doing something wrong. Often they turn it around and make it out
> like you're the rude one for complaining.
>> That should get the attention of the discourteous person. I suspect the
>> cashiers are instructed to ignore the customers that do not pay attention to
>> the sign.

I'm sure they are. I asked one once.

> That's true at all stores, not just Walmart. If they can get 90% compliance
> without any enforcement effort at all, that's probably good enough for them.
> The thing to do if you want to change that is to talk to the manager after you
> go thru the line and suggest they take down the limit signs if they're not
> going to enforce them.

No. As soon as you see somebody ahead of you with more than 10 items start
yelling for the manager. Don't be shushed. Explain loudly why you need to
speak to a manager NOW. Over and over again. Point to the offender with 12
items. Don't stop until you speak with a manager. Do it every single time
you need to.

Yeah, it might be embarrassing (or possibly fun), but it might also cause
the offender to get out of line or convince management that they really
should eject similar offenders. Either is a good outcome.

If there isn't an open line I use the autocheckout machines. Not as fast as
a regular checkstand, but faster than having to wait for one other person to
check out. I hate the machine's sweetly reasonable female voice; there
should be various options, perhaps a dominatrix who says "Put your
merchandise into the sack, you miserable worm, and be quick about it."

Cheers, Bev
"Arguing on the internet is like running a race in the Special
Olympics: even if you win, you're still retarded."

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 1:56 pm
From: The Real Bev

Tim Smith wrote:

> In article <>,
> (Don Klipstein) wrote:
>> including that one. The other main checkout line issue was checkout line
>> duration. (True!)
> I've occasionally seen at some stores where they have sped up the line a
> bit by starting to scan the items from the next person, while the
> current person is writing their check. Apparently, many modern checkout
> systems have the ability to start ringing up the next customer while
> waiting to finish the transaction with the previous customer.

Costco does this sometimes during rush hour -- a guy with a hand-held
scanner goes down the queue. Doesn't seem to make a mistake.

> This has never been consistent. It seems that most of the people
> running the registers either don't know about this capability, or just
> don't want to bother with it.

Why should they care? They're paid by the hour no matter how many customers
they process. If they cared about such things they'd qualify for a REAL job.

Cheers, Bev
"Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death."
-- Hunter S. Thompson

TOPIC: Breast-Feeding: Private Act or Public Right?

== 1 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 12:08 pm
From: Anthony Matonak

Kelsey Bjarnason wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 06:25:15 +1000, Rod Speed wrote:
...<the same kind of nonsense he's been posting for years>...
> This is about the fourth time you've said this; you're starting to sound
> like a six-year-old with his fingers in his ears, humming loudly to avoid
> having to hear something he doesn't want to hear.

You have struck on one of the common themes of a troll. It isn't
so much what they post but that they post it often and elicit

Arguing with a troll is very much like arguing with a small child.
They don't care about the argument. They win if you keep paying


== 2 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 1:07 pm
From: Terry Austin

Anthony Matonak <> wrote in

> Kelsey Bjarnason wrote:
>> On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 06:25:15 +1000, Rod Speed wrote:
> ...<the same kind of nonsense he's been posting for years>...
>> This is about the fourth time you've said this; you're starting to
>> sound like a six-year-old with his fingers in his ears, humming
>> loudly to avoid having to hear something he doesn't want to hear.
> You have struck on one of the common themes of a troll. It isn't
> so much what they post but that they post it often and elicit
> replies.
> Arguing with a troll is very much like arguing with a small child.
> They don't care about the argument. They win if you keep paying
> attention.
There is no way to win. The only way to not lose is to not play.

Terry Austin
History is made at night. Character is what you are in the dark.

== 3 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 1:08 pm
From: Terry Austin

Kelsey Bjarnason <> wrote in

> On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 01:02:02 +0000, Terry Austin wrote:
>> Dubh Ghall <puck@pooks.hill.fey> wrote in
>>> On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 08:21:03 +1000, "Rod Speed"
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>Never ever could bullshit and lie its way out of a wet paper bag.
>>> Not being xtians, we don't have much cause to learn how.
>> Indeed. For atheists, it is apparently a natural talent, not learned
>> behavior.
> Please explain what the correlation is between atheism and lying or
> bullshitting. If you cannot demonstrate such a correlation, then your
> statement is, itself, a lie, which doesn't exactly give you the moral
> high ground, now does it?
You're not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?

Terry Austin
History is made at night. Character is what you are in the dark.

== 4 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 1:33 pm
From: "345" <>

Some fuckwit claiming to be
Kelsey Bjarnason <> wrote
just the puerile shit thats all it can ever manage.

== 5 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 1:36 pm
From: "345" <>

Kelsey Bjarnason <> wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 04:27:02 +1000, Rod Speed wrote:
>> AllEmailDeletedImmediately <> wrote:
>>> "Fester" <> wrote in message
>>> news:469d75cb$0$29633$
>>> snip
>>>> Urination is perfectly natural and performed by most men, women and
>>>> children as well. I don't have much of an opinion either way on
>>>> this issue, other than to say that the majority of the citizens
>>>> have a right to decide if it should be allowed in public.
>>> pottying in public needs to be prohibited because of the disease
>>> factor.
>> There is no 'disease factor'
> Depends what one means by "in public". There certainly is a disease
> factor if crap is flowing in the streets.

Nope. And it was piss being discussed not crap anyway.

== 6 of 6 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 3:00 pm
From: Terry Austin

"345" <> wrote in news:46a3bfcc$0$2997$61c65585@un-2park-

> Kelsey Bjarnason <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 04:27:02 +1000, Rod Speed wrote:
>>> AllEmailDeletedImmediately <> wrote:
>>>> "Fester" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:469d75cb$0$29633$
>>>> snip
>>>>> Urination is perfectly natural and performed by most men, women and
>>>>> children as well. I don't have much of an opinion either way on
>>>>> this issue, other than to say that the majority of the citizens
>>>>> have a right to decide if it should be allowed in public.
>>>> pottying in public needs to be prohibited because of the disease
>>>> factor.
>>> There is no 'disease factor'
>> Depends what one means by "in public". There certainly is a disease
>> factor if crap is flowing in the streets.
> Nope.

There are a number of diseases, some of the nastier ones, transmitted by
exposure to human feces. If you don't believe it, you can prove yourself
right by smearing my feces all over your body, and reporting back on what
you do or don't catch.

But we all know you're just lying, troll-boy.

> And it was piss being discussed not crap anyway.
Urine, of course, is sterile, unless one is already quite ill.

Terry Austin
History is made at night. Character is what you are in the dark.


== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 1:12 pm
From: ""


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== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 1:14 pm
From: "Rod Speed" wrote



> Are YOU A Person that Can Handle being RICH , and FAMOUS?

Nope but I can work out how to capitalise.

<reams of your shit flushed where it belongs>

TOPIC: Watch FREE Satellite TV on your PC

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 1:19 pm
From: Camron S

Instantly Turn your Computer into a Super TV

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TOPIC: Life Insurance Basics - Do you need, and how much do you need?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 1:27 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

gjensen <> wrote:

> Here is a link to some good information abut how to
> determine how much life insurance you realistically need

> see download link for worksheet in a pdf file.

Fuck that, it needs to be a proper calculator or spreadsheet.

> Also if you click on Life Insurance ( in title) you can get a quote
> after you figure out how much life insurance you really need.

I already know that I dont need any.

> On Jul 21, 9:29 pm, John Stapleton <> wrote:
>> To some, life insurance seems like an unnecessary expense. But if you
>> have people who depend on you -- and your income -- you need it. The
>> purpose of life insurance is to take care of your dependents. As
>> such, it's an important part of your financial plan. How much life
>> insurance do you need?

TOPIC: Currency exchange rates

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 1:25 pm
From: "dfr" wrote:
> Something arrived in the mail which seems to make sense:
> I just returned from three weeks in England, Scotland, and Ireland.
> In terms of dollars, everything you buy is at least 50% more
> expensive. My belief that exchange rates will be the mechanism by
> which trade imbalances are corrected

Pity that the USD is locked to the chinese currency.

> was only reinforced and this is unfortunate as it makes certain
> a significant decline in U.S. living standrds. The shift to an
> export savings driven U.S. economy will take several years.

Taint gunna happen.

> Until accomplished, there's really no prospect of a better life
> for the American people. It will take time for higher paying export
> driven jobs to replace low paying service industrry employments.

Taint gunna happen.

> American labor must acquire a whole lot of new skills.

Nope, because it aint gunna happen.

> It would be very difficult to convince the public that there is little or
> no inflation in the United States. Currency adjustments are making
> imported goods cost more and we import much of what we consume.

Pity that most of what is imported comes from
china and its currency is locked to the USD.

> Productivity induced deflationary pressures have kept inflation in
> place everywhere even in the face of enormous excess liquidity.

Its mostly been very cheap imports from china that have done that.

> The situation is fueling worldwide economic growth which will likely accelerate.

We'll see...

> It is a perfect storm

Nope. That's just another glib cliche.

> and will certainly ease our situation.

Unlikely when the USD is locked to the chinese currency.

> The Chinese currency has fallen with the dollar since 2002 because
> it is pegged to the dollar. The undervalued yuan has stimulated
> their economy by promoting exports but has created excessive
> liquidity in China. Foreign capital has poured in looking to benefit
> from 10% plus growth opportunities. The currency peg has made it
> impossible to raise interest rates in any meaningful way to cool off
> their increasingly speculative economy. Even more money would
> simply pour in. The only effective solution is to abandon the peg
> and let the yuan float upward against the dollar.

Pity about the downsides of doing that.

> Their economy would benefit greatly.


> For us, Chinese goods costing more money puts
> further downward pressure on U.S. living standards.

> I'm continually amazed by Harbor Freight tool prices...

There's a hell of a lot more involved than just tool prices...

TOPIC: Vitamin C useless in combatting colds

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 1:32 pm
From: "345" <>

Kelsey Bjarnason <> wrote

> Awright, that does it. The fact you've been reduce to this *again*
> and seem to have nothing better to offer when you get bitch-slapped

Just another of your pathetic little drug crazed fantasys.

> means you're no longer worth the time to read. Good bye.

No one give a flying red fuck what fools like you do or do not claim to read.

TOPIC: Attention, Costco Shoppers!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 1:39 pm
From: The Real Bev

The company that makes their Cattle Drive chili with beans just announced a
botulism recall. Check the UPC on the bottom of the cans.


Don't phone (I was on hold for 10 minutes), email your refund request:

Real shame, it's really good canned chili.

Cheers, Bev
"Arguing on the internet is like running a race in the Special
Olympics: even if you win, you're still retarded."

TOPIC: looking for property in california

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jul 22 2007 3:16 pm

looking for property in california

weekend getaway place.

- small cottage
- 1 to 2 bedroom
- a few hours driving distance away from the San Francisco Bay Area,
CA (not more than 4 hours driving...prefer less)
- preferably off a river, lake or great view
- isolated, quiet, wilderness.
- hoping not to pay more than 100k - maybe more if required.

Any ideas where such a place could be ?
Counties ? Cities ?
off any particular lakes, rivers etc ?

I Smith


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