Today's topics:
* Breast-Feeding: Private Act or Public Right? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Walmart - 5 messages, 5 authors
1 author
* Does closing off unused bedrooms and vents really save electricity for AC? -
1 messages, 1 author
* A/C working properly? Cost -> lower temp? - 5 messages, 3 authors
* Reciept Checking At Stores - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Vitamin C useless in combatting colds - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Online travel sites not always frugal - 1 messages, 1 author
* Rod Speed, what do you know about currency? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* 32 ways to save when grocery shopping - 1 messages, 1 author
* Great Depression talk - 1 messages, 1 author
* Frugal living & tourism in Paris, France - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: Breast-Feeding: Private Act or Public Right?
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 12:08 am
From: Kelsey Bjarnason
On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 03:55:37 +0000, William Wingstedt wrote:
> Your speculation about what I might like to do seems a bit out of line
> with what meant to convey. I was trying to say that without
> considering the consequences of one's actions, one is doomed to suffer
> them as a burden, whereas the realization and acceptance of one's
> responsibilities allows one to more fully enjoy the actions that lead
> to them.
And I say all hail latex and abortions. Kids are for other people.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." - James Randi
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 5:50 am
From: (William Wingstedt)
On Sat, 21 Jul 2007 07:08:01 GMT, Kelsey Bjarnason
<> wrote:
>On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 03:55:37 +0000, William Wingstedt wrote:
>> Your speculation about what I might like to do seems a bit out of line
>> with what meant to convey. I was trying to say that without
>> considering the consequences of one's actions, one is doomed to suffer
>> them as a burden, whereas the realization and acceptance of one's
>> responsibilities allows one to more fully enjoy the actions that lead
>> to them.
>And I say all hail latex and abortions. Kids are for other people.
Perfectly valid.
>"No amount of belief makes something a fact." - James Randi
TOPIC: Walmart
== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 12:21 am
I was wondering if anyone knows if Walmart has an official policy for
dealing with people who go in the 10 item or less lane with 50 or so
items. I always get stuck behind these people, and the cashiers just
check them out as if nothing was wrong.
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 4:26 am
From: Ward Abbott
On Sat, 21 Jul 2007 00:21:51 -0700, wrote:
>I was wondering if anyone knows if Walmart has an official policy for
>dealing with people who go in the 10 item or less lane with 50 or so
>items. I always get stuck behind these people, and the cashiers just
>check them out as if nothing was wrong.
I don't think so...but damn...they should program their registers to
ring up twenty items....and then the register is forced to total out
and not accept any further item.
== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 4:53 am
From: et472@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Michael Black)
( writes:
> I was wondering if anyone knows if Walmart has an official policy for
> dealing with people who go in the 10 item or less lane with 50 or so
> items. I always get stuck behind these people, and the cashiers just
> check them out as if nothing was wrong.
And how is this a FRUGAL issue?
Take it to misc.consumers where it at least belongs.
== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 7:49 am
From: WaterBoy
in Nevada Walmarts,
annyone caught "over-item-buying" in the 10-20 item lane
receives the death penalty
== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 7:58 am
From: "Don K"
"Ward Abbott" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 21 Jul 2007 00:21:51 -0700, wrote:
>>I was wondering if anyone knows if Walmart has an official policy for
>>dealing with people who go in the 10 item or less lane with 50 or so
>>items. I always get stuck behind these people, and the cashiers just
>>check them out as if nothing was wrong.
> I don't think so...but damn...they should program their registers to
> ring up twenty items....and then the register is forced to total out
> and not accept any further item.
And then have to go back to the end of the line with the rest.
Of course that sounds a lot like the various immigration bills.
It's nice to fantasize, but unlikely that such things will ever happen.
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 3:48 am
From: kiran-travelfury
Here is good news for those who always have a great holiday and are
always successful. Now you can miserably fail and break your holiday
and yourself into pieces.
1/ Never plan or else you will never be able to go...2/Don't aren't a kid...
Read the full secret:
TOPIC: Does closing off unused bedrooms and vents really save electricity for
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 4:14 am
From: Shaun Eli
I have a four bedroom house and regularly use only two bedrooms. So I
shut off the A/C vents in the other two rooms, and also flip down the
flaps to cut down air circulation around the baseboard heating
In the summer those rooms are noticeably warmer, and in the winter
they're much colder, so clearly I'm not spending as much money cooling/
heating those rooms.
They make vents adjustable and closable for a reason, don't they?
Shaun Eli
Brain Champagne: Clever Comedy for Smart Minds (sm)
TOPIC: A/C working properly? Cost -> lower temp?
== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 4:32 am
From: Home Enviro Health Specialists wrote:
> On Jul 6, 8:06 pm, "Noon-Air" <> wrote:
>> "Bob F" <> wrote in message
>>> <> wrote in message
>>>> On Jul 6, 7:40 pm, ftwhd <> wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>>> Go away.
>>>> Are you suggesting that this post is not on-topic to a particualr
>>>> group?
>>> It must be one of the jerks on alt.hvac.
>> Ya think it might be because its CROSS POSTED TO 3 DIFFERENT GROUPS?????
> No, I didn't think that. The post is about repairing A/C, and
> saving money. Three relevant groups is well within accepted usage
> standards.
> A quick check on Wikipedia for "crossposting" says "Crossposting
> is usually practiced when material is relevant and of interest to the
> readers of more than one newsgroup." and "Crossposting to more than a
> small number of newsgroups is likely to be counterproductive. A
> commonly suggested limit is three newsgroups."
> I've read elsewhere that up to 5 is okay if the groups are
> relevant.
So Bill I guess this post would equate to yet another lie that came out
of you mouth, when you say I am a spammer.
Jim - UV-C Light Purification
HVAC Coil Irradiation to kill *Mold, *Mildew,
*Viruses and *Bacteria.
*Downstream Air Purification
Proven case studies, EPA Evaluation, Etc.
Find an additional source of income to your present HVAC business and
provide a healthier environment for your clients, energy savings, and
extend life of the HVAC.
Please contact me with any questions, suggestions or input that you may
Thank You
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 4:33 am
From: Home Enviro Health Specialists wrote:
> On Jul 6, 10:32 pm, "Jeffrey Lebowski" <> wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
> ...
>> Despite what you might like to think, your post is not appropriate to the
>> group alt.hvac...
> The description of the group on Google is "Heating, venting and air
> conditioning."
> That's what this post is about.
> I went and browsed the group and read some relevant threads. There is
> no FAQ or charter that was voted on. There are a few people there
> that are unhappy that sci.engr.heat-vent-ac didn't get popular...
> which may be what this is about. The overwhelming response in the
> threads is that alt.hvac is public, and for general discussion.
> To anybody else replying to this guys post, note he added a "follow-up
> to:" header to alt.fucktard, and your newsreader may send it there and
> not to the relevant groups. Posting via Google will do that, so just
> replace alt.fucktard with ",misc.consumers.frugal-
> living,alt.hvac"
> This guy is talking about netiquette, and this says a lot about his
> post.
So Bill I guess this post would equate to yet another lie that came out
of you mouth. When you asked me "did you apply to the charter for
Jim - UV-C Light Purification
HVAC Coil Irradiation to kill *Mold, *Mildew,
*Viruses and *Bacteria.
*Downstream Air Purification
Proven case studies, EPA Evaluation, Etc.
Find an additional source of income to your present HVAC business and
provide a healthier environment for your clients, energy savings, and
extend life of the HVAC.
Please contact me with any questions, suggestions or input that you may
Thank You
== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 7:41 am
"Home Enviro Health Specialists" <> wrote in
message news:6amoi.2$fY4.0@newsfe12.lga...
Still trying to sell your snake oil products?
== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 7:41 am
"Home Enviro Health Specialists" <> wrote in
message news:%8moi.1$fY4.0@newsfe12.lga...
Still trying to sell your snake oil products?
== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 8:32 am
From: Bill
In article <>,
"Bob F" <> wrote:
> Read a little. Go see what Richard Clarke had to say about the intelligence
> at
> that time. The bushies hand picked intelligence, or manufactured it to meet
> their desires. Read about the downing street memos. Saddam was contained - he
> was no danger to us. He had no WMDs. There was plenty of intelligence that
> said
> not to invade. But that wasn't what bushie and cheney wanted.
Saddam was still shooting at our planes. He was violating the ceasefire
and UN agreements.
Just let him fester is your answer. Worthless. That's what Clinton did.
There is no answer you'll accept except Bush fucked up.
Bush made a Command decision. Something Clinton never did. Clinton
didn't do jack shit.
> Clinton didn't get us into Iraq. You idiots want to blame everything on
> clinton.
> HE was 4x the quality of president that bushie is. Bushie and bushies crew
> ignored all the warnings from Clinton about Al Queda and all the other
> warnings
> he had before 9/11. He did NOTHING.
And Clinton did what about it on his watch?
He had the police investigate. How many terrorist attacks occurred on
Clintons watch and what did he do?
Guess what Bush did and is still doing? :-)
> Let's see. 50% of the foreign fighters captured in Iraq are Saudies. Most of
> the
> 9/11 attackers were Saudies. Most of the Financing of Al Queda comes from
> Saudies. Good idea - lets attack Iran.
The Saudi's have no nuke program. I see now. You're a "containment" guy.
That means you're willing to wait until a US city is vaporized to maybe,
maybe do something.
Preventing that is what sane people do. Iran's president has stated
exactly what they want to do. As have the terrorists.
You can ignore it. I find loonies typically do.
What Bush did was smart. History will bear it out.
Clinton will go down with Carter as another inept Democrat.
You can cherry pick whatever and hindsight all you want. Fortunately
people like you aren't in charge or we'd have had other 9/11s by now.
TOPIC: Reciept Checking At Stores
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 5:22 am
From: Pat in NJ
Millhaven wrote:
> I was leaving Fry's Electronics and this chick was checking and
> marking reciepts. It's not bad enough I had to wait enough line to buy
> the stuff, I had to wait in line a 2nd time so I could show them I
> bought it.
> It's an outrage that I give them my money only to be treated like a
> thief. AN OUTRAGE! What is this world coming to?
I used to feel the same way. However, one time when I was leaving
Costco, the receipt checker noticed that I'd been charged for one item
twice. I received an apology and a very quick refund. Made me change
my mind about the small inconvenience of checking the receipts.
Pat in NJ
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 8:46 am
From: Vineeth
On Jul 21, 8:22 am, Pat in NJ <> wrote:
> Millhaven wrote:
> > I was leaving Fry's Electronics and this chick was checking and
> > marking reciepts. It's not bad enough I had to wait enough line to buy
> > the stuff, I had to wait in line a 2nd time so I could show them I
> > bought it.
> > It's an outrage that I give them my money only to be treated like a
> > thief. AN OUTRAGE! What is this world coming to?
> I used to feel the same way. However, one time when I was leaving
> Costco, the receipt checker noticed that I'd been charged for one item
> twice. I received an apology and a very quick refund. Made me change
> my mind about the small inconvenience of checking the receipts.
> Pat in NJ
I was thinking of a similar incident where an item I had paid for &
mistakenly put in the wrong cart was recovered for me by the prompt
action at a costco door even before I realized it. Otherwise too at
Costco I have never felt it is a hassle. Maybe Sams club & Frys do it
different ....
TOPIC: Vitamin C useless in combatting colds
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 5:39 am
From: "Mark K. Bilbo"
On Sat, 21 Jul 2007 10:51:02 +1000, Rod Speed wrote:
> Mark K. Bilbo <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote
>> Rod Speed wrote
>>> Mark K. Bilbo <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote
>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>> Mark K. Bilbo <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote
>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote
>>>>>>> Mark K. Bilbo <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote
>>>>>>>> Geoff wrote
>>>>>>>>> Mark K. Bilbo wrote
>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote
>>>>>>>>>>> Wilson <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>> Vitamin C useless in combatting colds
>>>>>>>>>>>> a.. Taking vitamin C supplements to prevent a cold is a waste
>>>>>>>>>>>> of time and money, say researchers. A review of 30 studies
>>>>>>>>>>>> involving more than 11,000 people found that taking the
>>>>>>>>>>>> tablets had no effect on the average person.
>>>>>>>>>>> But Echinacia seems to be beneficial...
>>>>>>>>>> Actually, that one was debunked some time ago...
>>>>>>>>> What about those zinc tabs like Cold-Eze?
>>>>>>>> Nope.
>>>>>>>> It's all marketing fluff.
>>>>>>> Are you going to tell the publishers of "The Lancet"??
>>>>>> Zinc may have some effectiveness but I haven't seen a medical
>>>>>> expert yet that hasn't pointed out that obtaining vitamens via
>>>>>> vegetables is immensely better than any pill. Further, much of
>>>>>> what's on the market is dreck. At least in the US, the suppliment
>>>>>> market is totally unregulated and you can put pretty much anything
>>>>>> into a bottle and call it anything you want.
>>>>>> The bottom line being your mother was right, eat your veggies...
>>>>> Pity that doing that hasnt been shown to PREVENT colds.
>>>>> Vegetarians still get colds.
>>>> Well, other than being irrelevant,
>>> Nope, prevention of colds is clearly what was being discussed.
>> Yeah that explains that Subject line up there huh?
> Irrelevant to what the cited article was clearly about.
Dingleberry, the topic is whatever the people in the thread are talking
Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"You know, I'd get it if people were just looking for a
way to fill the holes. But they want the holes. They wanna
live in the holes. And they go nuts when someone else
pours dirt in their holes.
"Climb out of your holes people!"
- Dr. House, on faith
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 5:44 am
From: "Mark K. Bilbo"
On Sat, 21 Jul 2007 10:55:10 +0930, Michael Gray wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 07:47:03 -0500, "Mark K. Bilbo" <gmail@com.mkbilbo>
> wrote:
>>On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 11:56:03 +0930, Michael Gray wrote:
>>> On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 06:41:04 -0500, "Mark K. Bilbo"
>>> <gmail@com.mkbilbo> wrote:
>>>>On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 18:22:58 +0930, Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 00:15:00 -0400, "Wilson" <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>Vitamin C useless in combatting colds
>>>>>> a.. Taking vitamin C supplements to prevent a cold is a waste
>>>>>> of time
>>>>>>and money, say researchers. A review of 30 studies involving more
>>>>>>than 11,000 people found that taking the tablets had no effect on
>>>>>>the average person.
>>>>> But Echinacia seems to be beneficial...
>>>>Actually, that one was debunked some time ago...
>>> Nope.
>>> Last month in fact.
>>> See a previous response to another doubter which refers to a study
>>> published in "The Lancet".
>>That's a meta-study. I'd be leery of jumping on a bandwagon with only a
>>meda-study holding it up. Especially not when double-blind trials are
>>showing no effect.
>>The suppliment bunch retorted with, "The traditional scientific model
>>does not always apply to dietary supplements..."
> Which is a VERY strong pointer that the Scientific Results reflect
> reality!
> Whenever you hear that, it is RED FLAG time. They said exactly the same
> thing after each abject and utter failure of Homeopathy under "reality"
> conditions.
>>Which sounds a lot like faith to me...
I'm not jumping either way on this one, the studies are too conflicted.
But I'm leery of the suppliment industry. It's an industry riddled with
snake oil. Which is why a vitamen or herb can be effective but
suppliments are still useless. At least here in the US, nobody's making
them put anything in the bottle that has anything to do with what's on
the label.
Plus, we in the US are too obsessed with magic bullets. We wanna pop a
pill, not have to, oh, eat right or something extreme like that...
Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"Warned you we tried! Listen you did not! Now screwed
we will all be!"
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 5:54 am
From: Martin Phipps
On Jul 19, 12:15 pm, "Wilson" <> wrote:
> Vitamin C useless in combatting colds
> a.. Taking vitamin C supplements to prevent a cold is a waste of time
> and money, say researchers. A review of 30 studies involving more than
> 11,000 people found that taking the tablets had no effect on the average
> person.
This is misleading. It is often found that supplements have no effect
whereas vitamins and minerals from actual food have the desired
effect, the problem being that the supplements may not fully disolve
in the stomach and the nutrients can pass through the body to no
TOPIC: Online travel sites not always frugal
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 7:05 am
From: Patricia Martin Steward
On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 12:08:14 +0300, Binyamin Dissen
<> wrote:
>Try orbitz - it allows more options.
Better yet, try -- it incorporates travelocity, expedia,
orbitz, and many airline sites. I've used it to good effect twice.
I really like their search options, and if you register it's free and
you have even more search options. I have no interest in this site
other than being a satisfied user.
Face your fears.
Live your dreams.
TOPIC: Rod Speed, what do you know about currency?
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 8:25 am
From: TwoAllBeefPatties
Where would you invest, Rod Speed? Australia has had a run up in its
dollar. Our US dollar is sucking. Don't tell me commodities. That
stuff is already played out I bet. Maybe real estate in Australia? Who
is buying all these assets? Certainly not the average American, all
tapped out of cash.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 8:31 am
From: William Souden
TwoAllBeefPatties wrote:
> Where would you invest, Rod Speed? Australia has had a run up in its
> dollar. Our US dollar is sucking. Don't tell me commodities. That
> stuff is already played out I bet. Maybe real estate in Australia? Who
> is buying all these assets? Certainly not the average American, all
> tapped out of cash.
Rod has nothing to invest. He is on welfare.
TOPIC: 32 ways to save when grocery shopping
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 8:27 am
From: TwoAllBeefPatties
On Jul 18, 8:46 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
Don't buy food from China right now. In fact, buy locally produced
food or just do not as much if the bill for local food is too much.
TOPIC: Great Depression talk
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 8:28 am
From: TwoAllBeefPatties
On Jul 15, 11:14 pm, "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
> TwoAllBeefPatties <> wrote:
> >
> Just the usual crap from fools that havent even noticed
> that we have worked out how to avoid full depressions now.
OK, and you know that because....?
TOPIC: Frugal living & tourism in Paris, France
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Jul 21 2007 8:29 am
From: Useful Info
A guide to living & touring on the cheap...
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