Wednesday, September 12, 2007

23 new messages in 11 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* I was looking at barter websites today - 2 messages, 2 authors
* RodSpeed, I am talking to you, don't turn away! - 2 messages, 1 author
* When news media whine about 'labor shortages' it simply means employers don'
t want to pay existing workers as much - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Consumer mentality: (was)Re: Drive your car to death, save $31,000 - 2
messages, 2 authors
* Repairing a broken drain line - 1 messages, 1 author
* Where are the cheap HD movies? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* epidemic SATURN problems (9/11/07) - 1 messages, 1 author
* Harry Potter - Friend or Foe of Christians? - 4 messages, 4 authors
* Canned Tuna in Water - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Never Forget - 1 messages, 1 author
* My First Payday Loan - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: I was looking at barter websites today

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 2:37 pm
From: "OhioGuy"

The Amish who live near my parents have bartering down to a fine art.
Each family specializes in a different item. One family will raise sheep
(for lamb & wool), another will have apples, another chickens, yet another
cows. There will be dozens of different things that various families
specialize in. Then they will trade with each other, and in this way obtain
variety in their lives, without having to try to do a bit of everything.

I think Craigslist is a good place for bartering. You can list your
skills, and what you would like in trade.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 2:56 pm
From: et472@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Michael Black)

"OhioGuy" ( writes:
> The Amish who live near my parents have bartering down to a fine art.
> Each family specializes in a different item. One family will raise sheep
> (for lamb & wool), another will have apples, another chickens, yet another
> cows. There will be dozens of different things that various families
> specialize in. Then they will trade with each other, and in this way obtain
> variety in their lives, without having to try to do a bit of everything.
But isn't that more a direct thing, I will trade you my product for
your product.

The poster seems to be talking about something more like a bank, so
you do a deed, get points in the "bank", and then withdraw when you
need it, by taking those points to someone else who can use those
points for something they want.

That seems to be the trend, and it seems to reflect once again the
lives of people today. Instead of being connected to their neighbors
(and family and friends), where someone could offer their skill to
others around them, people now feel a need to create "money" for
all this, because they don't like real money.


TOPIC: RodSpeed, I am talking to you, don't turn away!

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 2:46 pm
From: TwoAllBeefPatties

Look, as things get worse and worse here in the northern hemi, Oz is
gonna be a place to flee to. Use your knowledge and start stockpiling.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 2:49 pm
From: TwoAllBeefPatties

Look, as things get worse and worse here in the northern hemi, Oz is
gonna be a place to flee to. Use your knowledge and start stockpiling.

TOPIC: When news media whine about 'labor shortages' it simply means employers
don't want to pay existing workers as much

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 3:07 pm
From: BeaForoni

On Sep 10, 11:37 pm, professorchaos <>
> BeaForoni wrote:
> > money. He may have to adjust his crops around school schedules.
> Sorry I had to see this in print again. It is a riot. Lets see, I will
> just change the weather so the temperature is right so I can plant
> broccoli a month earlier so school kids can pick it.

See Professor you are ignorant as to modern farming. Many crops have
large windows of time for planting and subsequent harvesting.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 3:58 pm

On Tue, 11 Sep 2007 07:48:04 +1000, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:

> wrote
>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>> wrote
>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>> Mindless stuff. Its also seen when the unemployment rate is very low
>>>>> and you dont even get any applicants at all for a particular well paid job.
>>>> LOL! Unless the qualifications are EXTREMELY narrow or the
>>>> job opening not publicized, that simply does not ever happen.
>>> Corse it does, we have seen some employers desperate to get
>>> qualified staff, who dont get even a single applicant in response
>>> to their national ads, jobs as basic as truck driving etc.
>> Hehe. Truck driving for a private contractor in Iraq, perhaps....?
>Nope, in a country thats never had a civil war, or even
>riots that have needed the troops to be called out either.

Your claims continue to lack any evidence.

-- Roy L

TOPIC: Consumer mentality: (was)Re: Drive your car to death, save $31,000

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 3:01 pm
From: Usenet2007@THE-DOMAIN-IN.SIG

In article <Xns99A7C298043E1greederxprtnet@>, says...
> Seerialmom <> wrote in news:1189450106.533860.216870
> > The writer of the article apparently doesn't understand the consumer
> > mentality though, my own daughter was bought a 92 Camry for
> > $500....ran just fine...but her BF insisted they had to have a NEW
> > Dodge Charger...with it's $500 a month payments (not counting
> > insurance).

> Gotta love that consumer mentality. Even our president understands it.
> Anyone remember what his great mandate was after 9-11??
> Breaking free of the consumer mentality is the first strp to frugal living.

It's a big issue in relationships, like right there with the
cars. A great recipe for chronic conflict and resentment. One
partner focused on frugality and self-discipline, while the other
one has a desperate compulsion to blow as much cash and buy as
many toys as possible.

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== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 4:35 pm
From: Gordon

Usenet2007@THE-DOMAIN-IN.SIG <Usenet2007@THE-DOMAIN-IN.SIG> wrote in

> In article <Xns99A7C298043E1greederxprtnet@>,
> says...
>> Seerialmom <> wrote in
>> news:1189450106.533860.216870
>> > The writer of the article apparently doesn't understand the
>> > consumer mentality though, my own daughter was bought a 92 Camry
>> > for $500....ran just fine...but her BF insisted they had to have a
>> > NEW Dodge Charger...with it's $500 a month payments (not counting
>> > insurance).
>> Gotta love that consumer mentality. Even our president understands
>> it. Anyone remember what his great mandate was after 9-11??
>> Breaking free of the consumer mentality is the first strp to frugal
>> living.
> It's a big issue in relationships, like right there with the
> cars. A great recipe for chronic conflict and resentment. One
> partner focused on frugality and self-discipline, while the other
> one has a desperate compulsion to blow as much cash and buy as
> many toys as possible.

I'm lucky that way.

TOPIC: Repairing a broken drain line

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 8:06 pm
From: (Gary Heston)

In article <hrqFi.151094$rX4.1784@pd7urf2no>,
Rudy <> wrote:
[ ... ]
>Since its terracotta/clay pipe, it isnt s sewer drain [ ... ]

Bad assumption. Clay pipe was used for sewer runs for many years;
one of the recent This Old House shows (Boston three-story) had
a clay pipe drain that had settled and been penetrated by roots.


Gary Heston

Yoko Onos' former driver tried to extort $2M from her, threating to
"release embarassing recordings...". What, he has a copy of her album?

TOPIC: Where are the cheap HD movies?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 8:14 pm
From: "OhioGuy"

DVD was introduced in 1998. In 1999, I remember finding loads of movies
available on DVD for under 10 bucks each. It seemed like they almost wanted
to give them away to move them out the door. For example, I got a copy of
"The Mummy" right when it came out for about $8, shipped.

Where are these deals for HD-DVD and Blu-Ray now? I can't seem to find
much of anything under the $20 price point.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 8:41 pm
From: Logan Shaw

OhioGuy wrote:
> DVD was introduced in 1998. In 1999, I remember finding loads of movies
> available on DVD for under 10 bucks each. It seemed like they almost wanted
> to give them away to move them out the door. For example, I got a copy of
> "The Mummy" right when it came out for about $8, shipped.
> Where are these deals for HD-DVD and Blu-Ray now? I can't seem to find
> much of anything under the $20 price point.

Technical point: I'm pretty sure DVD was introduced in 1997, because I
watched a DVD at a friend's house when I lived in California, and I moved
from California to Texas in 1997. However, at the time, he was the only
person I'd ever met anywhere who had a DVD player. And we watched one of
the very few titles available on DVD. It was "Twister", starring Helen

Anyway, I think part of what's going on is that Blu-ray and HD-DVD are
both pretty new, and they expect to be able to keep prices high for a
while. I also think another part of what's going on is that now that
DVD exists and the going rate is something like $5-$15 depending on the
desirability of the individual title, they feel like they can price a
Blu-ray or a HD-DVD version higher than a DVD because it's higher
resolution (product differentiation). In fact, they may be counting
on DVDs continuing to exist for quite some time so that the comparison
to DVDs will continue to prop up the prices of the newer formats.
Sorta like how when cassettes and CDs were both popular, CDs cost more
even though they were a whole lot cheaper to produce. (Tape duplication
machines were expensive and clunky because they had to run at many
times nominal speed to get any decent quantity of tapes done per hour,
which made for a whole heap of mechanical and electrical engineering
challenges. Meanwhile, CDs can be pressed all at once in an instant.)

- Logan

TOPIC: epidemic SATURN problems (9/11/07)

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 8:17 pm
From: misterfactLIES

In article <>, says...
> On Tue, 11 Sep 2007 09:52:58 -0700, ""
> <> wrote:
> Smells like Steve Scharf (SMS).

Wow Scharf would be insulted to be confused with Michael Korman (aka

> In any case, there's Saturn and GM and groups which will
> kick your ass, which you appear to desire.

From the looks of google archives they have already! He is such a joke
there no one even replies to him anymore LOL! I guess this attention
whore is trying his luck elsewhere.

> People here are fairly polite - and not known for car expertise.
> --Vic

TOPIC: Harry Potter - Friend or Foe of Christians?

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 9:22 pm

Harry Potter - Friend or Foe of Christians?

The Illumined heart Orthodox Radio Program (
podcasts/illuminedheart/ ) interviews, John Granger, a noted Harry
Potter expert - Mr. Granger has traveled
about the country speaking about these books, his predictions since
they were being written, and their place in the canon of English

Click bellow to listen

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 10:49 pm
From: Anthony Matonak wrote:
> Harry Potter - Friend or Foe of Christians?

Perhaps a more interesting question...
"Christians, Friend or Foe of Harry Potter?"


== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 10:50 pm
From: "Rod Speed" wrote:

> Harry Potter - Friend or Foe of Christians?

Who cares ? Kids like the books, thats all that matters.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 11:02 pm
From: Usenet2007@THE-DOMAIN-IN.SIG

In article
<>, says...
> Harry Potter - Friend or Foe of Christians?
> The Illumined heart Orthodox Radio Program (
> podcasts/illuminedheart/ ) interviews, John Granger, a noted Harry
> Potter expert - Mr. Granger has traveled
> about the country speaking about these books, his predictions since
> they were being written, and their place in the canon of English
> Literature.

Wow... That is a really modern and kewl academic credential...
"Harry Potter Expert."

I am feeling such awe and admiration. My only direct Harry
Potter exposure was from the local supermarket having one of
those movies playing on their small display of cheap DVD players
and TVs.

But, somehow, I must be culturally impoverished, or something.
Since I never felt any urge to delve any deeper into that
profound piece of English Literature.

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TOPIC: Canned Tuna in Water

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 9:26 pm
From: Greggie Gibson

"Rod Speed" <> wrote in news:5kdp7iF37v2bU1

> Rick <> wrote
>> PaPaPeng wrote
>>> Among the very few snacks I take is the hockey puck sized cans
>>> of Tuna in water. I have food sensitivities and can't eat canned
>>> fish in sauce or oil of any kind. I have been draining the water thus
>>> far and eat only the meat. It occured to me that since the flesh
>>> had been cooked and soaked in that water since canning the water
>>> would have a lot of protein in it. Throwing away that water seems
>>> wasteful. Is draining a common practice? Do you also eat/drink
>>> that water along with the meat?
>> Cat treat: if you have a cat. My guys go nuts when they get it.
> Doesnt work for the chinese, they have already eaten the cat.
>> The only other thing I can think of is turning into some kind
>> of fish stock, but I've never run across that being done yet.

I thought that's what they make export vegimite from

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 10:51 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Greggie Gibson <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Rick <> wrote
>>> PaPaPeng wrote

>>>> Among the very few snacks I take is the hockey puck sized cans
>>>> of Tuna in water. I have food sensitivities and can't eat canned
>>>> fish in sauce or oil of any kind. I have been draining the water
>>>> thus far and eat only the meat. It occured to me that since the flesh
>>>> had been cooked and soaked in that water since canning the water
>>>> would have a lot of protein in it. Throwing away that water seems
>>>> wasteful. Is draining a common practice? Do you also eat/drink
>>>> that water along with the meat?

>>> Cat treat: if you have a cat. My guys go nuts when they get it.

>> Doesnt work for the chinese, they have already eaten the cat.

>>> The only other thing I can think of is turning into some kind
>>> of fish stock, but I've never run across that being done yet.

> I thought that's what they make export vegimite from

Nope, that is made from illegal immigrants.

TOPIC: Never Forget

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 9:29 pm
From: "ChairMan"

this is 7mb but worth every minute

Never Forget

TOPIC: My First Payday Loan

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Sep 11 2007 11:00 pm
From: logi12

I know this is slightly off topic, but I thought it might be a little
helpful talking about money, loan payments etc. Unfortunately, I
really needed a bit of cash so I used this site today for a
paydayloan. Everything was fabulous, got my loan within a few hours.
Check it out if you need a payday loan:


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