Today's topics:
* Canned Tuna in Water - 1 messages, 1 author
* Do you like paying for air? (food packages) - 5 messages, 5 authors
* Looking for digital camera with specific features - 4 messages, 2 authors
* Don't pay for ring tones etc. - 3 messages, 2 authors
* An odd occurence - 4 messages, 3 authors
* Walnut honey guy in (I think) North Dakota? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Harry Potter - Friend or Foe of Christians? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Bank of America-Unfrugal ATM fees - 2 messages, 2 authors
* When news media whine about 'labor shortages' it simply means employers don'
t want to pay existing workers as much - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Some Dominos Pizza Online Coupons - 1 messages, 1 author
* Repalcement for Yahoo Photos - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: Canned Tuna in Water
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Sep 13 2007 10:11 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
Greggie Gibson <> wrote:
> Rod Speed <> wrote
<reams of your puerile shit any 2 year old could leave for dead, flushed where it belongs>
TOPIC: Do you like paying for air? (food packages)
== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 2:31 am
How funny.
I'm actually eating a box of goldfish right now, I noticed how skimpy
the contents were (the box was barely 60% full when I opened it!),
then typed in "air", "bag of chips" into google, and what do you
know...other people feel the same way.
A bag of chips has turned into a joke. Especially the clear bags. You
can see right through them and see they're only 40-50% full (and even
then, they're round, crinkled..still more air).
This Goldfish box is absolutely ridiculous. The silver bag inside
comes up to 80% of the top of the box. Then the goldfish were about
60% to the top of the silver bag. Now, a half hour later, I'm looking
at a box that's 40% full!
Looking at the packaging, they also hid it well by making the silver
bag inside fold inward (I dont think thats accidental). Makes the
whole thing look really narrow.
If you guys want to sell something, just put it in a tall narrow box.
Makes it look much bigger than if the crackers came in a short little
Always follow the money. If they can sell the same size box, and put
only 75% of the content in as before, isn't that like increasing the
price by 33%?
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 3:46 am
From: clams casino wrote:
>How funny.
>A bag of chips has turned into a joke. Especially the clear bags. You
>can see right through them and see they're only 40-50% full (and even
>then, they're round, crinkled..still more air).
Duh - do you prefer crumbs or chips?
Hint - the air protects the shape.
== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 5:06 am
From: ""
On Sep 14, 5:31 am, wrote:
> This Goldfish box is absolutely ridiculous. The silver bag inside
> comes up to 80% of the top of the box. Then the goldfish were about
> 60% to the top of the silver bag. Now, a half hour later, I'm looking
> at a box that's 40% full!
Did you ever notice that most of these sorts of products have a notice
on the package that says "THIS PRODUCT IS SOLD BY WEIGHT, NOT BY
Sure, that bag of Goldfish might not look full, but there are whatever
amount of Goldfish that weigh the amount stated on the package. In
the case of a box of cereal, GOldfish or whatever, the box might be
full when they fill it, but it settles while it sits on the shelf.
Having said that, it IS true that in some cases the manufacturers
reduce the amount of the product in an attempt to boost
profits....take for example the 13 oz. 'pound' of coffee, the one and
half quart 'half gallon' of ice cream. That is true.
In the case of the chips, crackers and cookies, there does need to be
some amount of air cushioning in the package or the product would
break. I don't want to buy potato chip crumbs.
== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 7:57 am
From: George Grapman
clams casino wrote:
> wrote:
>> How funny.
>> A bag of chips has turned into a joke. Especially the clear bags. You
>> can see right through them and see they're only 40-50% full (and even
>> then, they're round, crinkled..still more air).
> Duh - do you prefer crumbs or chips?
> Hint - the air protects the shape.
Two more hints:
The weight is listed on the package which is all that matters.
If they were trying to fool you they would not have a clear bag.
== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 9:06 am
From: et472@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Michael Black)
George Grapman ( writes:
> clams casino wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> How funny.
>>> A bag of chips has turned into a joke. Especially the clear bags. You
>>> can see right through them and see they're only 40-50% full (and even
>>> then, they're round, crinkled..still more air).
>> Duh - do you prefer crumbs or chips?
>> Hint - the air protects the shape.
> Two more hints:
> The weight is listed on the package which is all that matters.
> If they were trying to fool you they would not have a clear bag.
But the original post, and many that follow, seem to suggest they
are "secretly" giving you less for your money.
A different way of viewing it, as I mentioned earlier, is that it's a price
People would grumble if the price went up. People grumble when the price
goes up, but it's done via reducing the contents (and as has been pointed
out, they do change the markings on the box to indicate the reduced contents).
I suspect the manufacturers have done studies, or learned from experience,
that price increases are often a bad move, so the only way to keep up
with costs is to reduce the contents.
TOPIC: Looking for digital camera with specific features
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 6:28 am
From: "OhioGuy"
>If you "hate" making a folder to put image files into I >don't think anyone
>in the camera industry can help you >with that. I have a Sony
I don't hate doing that - which is why I cut and paste from the camera
However, what I do hate is when the pictures aren't already grouped into
folders by day taken, like my old Argus was. Then I have to manually go
through hundreds, perhaps even 1,000 or more photos, creating many, many
folders by day taken, then cutting and pasting in multiple operations.
Why would I enjoy that, when it was done for me automatically in the past
with my old camera?
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 6:37 am
From: "OhioGuy"
>Most people choose a digital camera so they can see >he results
>immediately, not two months later.
We do, using the LCD screen on the camera. It displays the pic
immediately after we take it.
However, the main reason we are taking all of these pictures is so that
later on, we can look back at our kids when they were 3 and 4 years old, to
remember old trips, etc.
For some reason, using the USB cable to transfer pictures took forever, so
I was used to using the SD card, which was much faster. Since we only did
it every couple of months, it wasn't too much of a hassle. However, as soon
as we got a Kodak digital camera, it became one. That camera had the SD
card in the same compartment as the batteries, which meant that every single
time I transferred pictures, it would forget the date, etc.
Anyway, yes, if you transferred pictures every day or something, it
wouldn't matter too much how the camera organized the pictures. However, if
you prefer to only transfer them every month or two, then it becomes quite
My main point is that an inexpensive Argus digital camera got it right -
each day that pictures were taken, it created a new folder on the SD card
named after that date, and all the pictures taken that day went in there.
All I had to do was copy over to the computer, then organize by month. It
was very little work, and we had all of our pictures organized in a way
where it was very easy to find specific pictures by month and day. Now I
find out that some of these more expensive cameras don't have this feature,
and I simply can't stand owning any of those, because it is so much more
That's why I'm asking if anyone knows, from experience, what brands/models
organize pictures into folders by date taken, and create a new folder each
day. That's what I expect, because that makes sense. To just put them all
out there into a communal folder is stupid.
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 10:24 am
From: Rick
Don K wrote:
> "Michael Black" <et472@FreeNet.Carleton.CA> wrote in message
> news:fcchig$egh$
> > "Don K" ( writes:
> >
> >> I never could figure out why the digital cameras don't just name each
> >> photo with a date and time-stamp.
> >> something like 2007.09.13@17.32.02.jpg
> >> rather than some meaningless arbitrary name and number.
> >> since every camera has a built-in clock.
> >>
> > Aren't the files dated?
> >
> > With my camera, they are. And indeed a few times I've taken
> > photos mainly to show a progression, the content is less important
> > than the level of things at a certain point in time.
> >
> > I move the to my computer, and the dates are kept intact. Thus
> > it is easy to keep track of when photos were taken.
> The date is intact until you edit the photo and resave the result.
> Then it has a new date.
> When I edit 2007.09.13@17.32.02.jpg
> I'd save it as 2007.09.13@17.32.02a.jpg
> or maybe I'd rename a batch of files as
> 2007.09.13_outer_banks-001.jpg or something.
> An encoded date as part of the file name makes it a lot easier to
> sort and organize photos. It makes a lot more sense than something like
> P5220075,jpg,
> P5220076jpg,
> etc.
> Don
That's one reason why I never edit original image files. Or to be more
correct, I never over write an original image in order to keep the date
time stamp the picture was taken. The edited version is just saved and
renamed something else. If the original image file name is DSCF2497.TIF
I save the edited version as DSCF2497B.TIF. If there's a second edit or
version it gets the next obvious name of DSCF2497C.TIF etc. Keeps it all
in order.
The other, much more serious reason reason I never over write original
images is because you can't un-ring the bell when over writing the
original. If you screw up and don't like the editing, or the computer
screws up and writes out a corrupted file you don't have your original
to back track to.
> > And yes, every time I upload photos to my computer, I make a separate
> > directory that is named with the date of the first of the photos in
> > the string.
> >
> > Michael
Do you take that many pictures on a single day? To each his own, but I
find just a single folder for each month of the year is sufficient.
You and other's may also want to look into a good image cataloging
program like Graphics Workshop. It's the program I prefer - there are
other ones out there. But the pertinent function is the creation of
thumbnails for images. In the case of most of these programs you can
store text information about the image file in the thumbnail - like the
date and time if you want to be redundant about that, along with any
other notes you care to make about the image. The programs provide a
search function for that text information you enter into the thumbnail.
I just like the way Graphics Workshop does this better than the other
programs I have looked at. Other programs are more rude and crude about
thumbnail creation and aren't all that useful.
Although these types of programs provide image editing filters, the
focus is cataloging images for easy organization. You can take a look at
Graphics Workshop here:
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 10:37 am
From: Rick
Don K wrote:
> "Anthony Matonak" <> wrote in message
> news:46e9f87f$0$24281$
> > Don K wrote:
> > ...
> >> An encoded date as part of the file name makes it a lot easier to
> >> sort and organize photos. It makes a lot more sense than something like
> >> P5220075,jpg,
> >> P5220076jpg,
> >> etc.
> >
> > Perhaps you'll do better with a utility on your computer that will
> > rename the files the way you want them to look. Then you don't need
> > to worry about how the camera generates filenames. It won't matter.
> >
> > For example...
> >
> >
> > Anthony
> Well that's essentially what I do. I'll use a freeware thing called rename-it,
> sometimes a freeware thing called digital camera contact sheet, or sometimes
> do a batch rename in thumbsplus.
> My point is that the cameras should give photos more meaningful names in
> the first place. What would be the downside of doing that?
> Don
Meaningful to who? And for what?
This is a lowest common denominator issue since the camera and it's
associated files won't be used just with the next Mr. Bill Windows
8,219th version of a Windoze operating system. If you start screwing
around with the complexity of the files and naming conventions you end
up with "Works with Mr. Bill's operating system only" cameras. And that
pisses off people who don't use the camera with Windows. And cuts into
market share for selling the cameras. You get sequentially named files,
no long file names, with the date and time stamped on the file. That
provides the most basic - and obvious - level of digital photo
organization that (almost) everybody can comprehend and that can be
downloaded into any operating system of your choice. If you want a
custom camera with only the features you want you are gonna have to pay
a heck of a lot more than 90 bucks to get it... It may need to be made
from scratch.
TOPIC: Don't pay for ring tones etc.
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 7:56 am
From: George Grapman
Of course you have to give them your phone number and the the contact
info is limited to a form that you send to them.
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 1:22 pm
From: Seerialmom
On Sep 14, 7:56 am, George Grapman <> wrote:
> Of course you have to give them your phone number and the the contact
> info is limited to a form that you send to them.
Even more likely that was a spam...since the newer phones let you
transfer MP3's in to use as ring tones, website or special
software needed. I had mine set to play the Beatles "Good morning,
good morning" (just the rooster crowing part and beginning riff of
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 2:05 pm
From: George Grapman
Seerialmom wrote:
> On Sep 14, 7:56 am, George Grapman <> wrote:
>> Of course you have to give them your phone number and the the contact
>> info is limited to a form that you send to them.
> Even more likely that was a spam...since the newer phones let you
> transfer MP3's in to use as ring tones, website or special
> software needed. I had mine set to play the Beatles "Good morning,
> good morning" (just the rooster crowing part and beginning riff of
> course).
I have my phone set for whatever ring sounds the most like a standard
land line so when I hear anything else in a crowd I know it is not my
phone. Amazing how few people use that type of ring.
TOPIC: An odd occurence
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 9:54 am
From: Dawn
Hello to the group,
So we decided to bbq hamburgers last night. Went to Albertsons to
purchase some buns and the hamburger (I like their butcher block for
that). At the register I grabbed a rewards card and handed it to the
clerk. As she took it I realized it was a Fred Meyers card and said
oh.. wrong card. She scanned it and said it didn't matter. It
worked, giving me my discount on the buns.
Dawn, who wonders if Safeway is also connected to Albertsons/Fred
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 10:35 am
From: "Gini"
"Dawn" wrote
> Hello to the group,
> So we decided to bbq hamburgers last night. Went to Albertsons to
> purchase some buns and the hamburger (I like their butcher block for
> that). At the register I grabbed a rewards card and handed it to the
> clerk. As she took it I realized it was a Fred Meyers card and said
> oh.. wrong card. She scanned it and said it didn't matter. It
> worked, giving me my discount on the buns.
> Dawn, who wonders if Safeway is also connected to Albertsons/Fred
> Meyers.
The clerk didn't know?
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 12:48 pm
From: Dawn
On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 17:35:32 GMT, "Gini" <> wrote:
>"Dawn" wrote
>> Hello to the group,
>> So we decided to bbq hamburgers last night. Went to Albertsons to
>> purchase some buns and the hamburger (I like their butcher block for
>> that). At the register I grabbed a rewards card and handed it to the
>> clerk. As she took it I realized it was a Fred Meyers card and said
>> oh.. wrong card. She scanned it and said it didn't matter. It
>> worked, giving me my discount on the buns.
>> Dawn, who wonders if Safeway is also connected to Albertsons/Fred
>> Meyers.
>The clerk didn't know?
She knew. Wasn't the first Fred Meyers card she has scanned.
Dawn, just found it odd.
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 3:09 pm
From: "ChairMan"
Dawn <>spewed forth:
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 17:35:32 GMT, "Gini" <> wrote:
>> "Dawn" wrote
>>> Hello to the group,
>>> So we decided to bbq hamburgers last night. Went to Albertsons to
>>> purchase some buns and the hamburger (I like their butcher block for
>>> that). At the register I grabbed a rewards card and handed it to
>>> the clerk. As she took it I realized it was a Fred Meyers card and
>>> said oh.. wrong card. She scanned it and said it didn't matter. It
>>> worked, giving me my discount on the buns.
>>> Dawn, who wonders if Safeway is also connected to Albertsons/Fred
>>> Meyers.
>> ==
>> The clerk didn't know?
> She knew. Wasn't the first Fred Meyers card she has scanned.
> Dawn, just found it odd.
I accidently scanned my Albertsons card at Kroger gas pump and still got a
.03 discount.
Go figure
TOPIC: Walnut honey guy in (I think) North Dakota?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 10:04 am
From: Wooly
2-3 years ago I worked a swap with a man in (I believe) North Dakota: he
sent me a jar of walnut honey with some walnut husks for dyeing, I sent
him a handspun, handspun cap and scarf kit made from wool I dyed with
the husks.
The email correspondence is long gone.
Maybe he's still checking the list occasionally?
TOPIC: Harry Potter - Friend or Foe of Christians?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 10:05 am
From: Dawn
On Wed, 12 Sep 2007 15:50:12 +1000, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:
> wrote:
>> Harry Potter - Friend or Foe of Christians?
>Who cares ? Kids like the books, thats all that matters.
I like them too.
Dawn, who has the last one on her wish list for xmas. :)
TOPIC: Bank of America-Unfrugal ATM fees
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 10:10 am
From: George Grapman
They are now charging non-customers $3 to use their ATMs plus
whatever fee the users bank charges.
One more reason to stay with my credit union. Aside from free access
to a nationwide network of credit union ATMs ,some of which even accept
deposits, I can use the machines at most 7-11 stores without paying fees.
Another way to avoid charges is go to a chain store,buy something and
get cash back.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 12:34 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
George Grapman <> wrote
> They are now charging non-customers $3 to use their ATMs plus whatever fee the users bank charges.
> One more reason to stay with my credit union. Aside from free access
> to a nationwide network of credit union ATMs ,some of which even
> accept deposits, I can use the machines at most 7-11 stores without
> paying fees.
> Another way to avoid charges is go to a chain store,buy something and get cash back.
Anyone with a clue has been doing that last for decades now.
And most of ours dont even require you to make a purchase,
you're welcome to just get the cashout without a purchase too.
Havent used an ATM in decades.
TOPIC: When news media whine about 'labor shortages' it simply means employers
don't want to pay existing workers as much
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 10:21 am
On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 14:35:09 +1000, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:
> wrote:
>> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 04:54:00 +1000, "Rod Speed"
>> <> wrote:
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 06:03:14 +1000, "Rod Speed"
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> wrote
>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>> wrote
>>>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>>> wrote
>>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mindless stuff. Its also seen when the unemployment rate is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> very low
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and you dont even get any applicants at all for a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> particular well paid job.
>>>>>>>>>>>> LOL! Unless the qualifications are EXTREMELY narrow or the
>>>>>>>>>>>> job opening not publicized, that simply does not ever
>>>>>>>>>>>> happen.
>>>>>>>>>>> Corse it does, we have seen some employers desperate to get
>>>>>>>>>>> qualified staff, who dont get even a single applicant in
>>>>>>>>>>> response to their national ads, jobs as basic as truck
>>>>>>>>>>> driving etc.
>>>>>>>>>> Hehe. Truck driving for a private contractor in Iraq,
>>>>>>>>>> perhaps....?
>>>>>>>>> Nope, in a country thats never had a civil war, or even
>>>>>>>>> riots that have needed the troops to be called out either.
>>>>>>>> Your claims continue to lack any evidence.
>>>>>>> No they dont. There's been enough comments made for anyone with
>>>>>>> a clue to work out where I am talking about and check the claims
>>>>>>> out for themselves on the desperate shortage of labor that blows
>>>>>>> that stupid claim in the subject line completely out of the
>>>>>>> water.
>>>>>> Wrong again.
>>>>> Right again, actually.
>>>>>> Until you provide some evidence,
>>>>> There's been enough comments made for anyone with a clue
>>>>> to work out where I am talking about and check the claims out
>>>>> for themselves on the desperate shortage of labor that blows
>>>>> that stupid claim in the subject line completely out of the water.
>>>> Thank you for admitting that you have simply been lying again.
>>> Never ever could bullshit and lie its way out of a wet paper bag.
>> More proof that you are a habitual, pathological liar.
>Never ever could bullshit and lie its way out of a wet paper bag.
>Its complete trivial for anyone with a clue to check if its true or not.
>Then there's fools like you that cant even manage to turn
>the longest iron ore trains in the entire world into a location.
It is you, lying garbage, who cannot turn your claims into one iota of
actual evidence.
-- Roy L
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 12:31 pm
From: "Rod Speed" wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 14:35:09 +1000, "Rod Speed"
> <> wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 04:54:00 +1000, "Rod Speed"
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 06:03:14 +1000, "Rod Speed"
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> wrote
>>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>> wrote
>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mindless stuff. Its also seen when the unemployment rate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is very low
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and you dont even get any applicants at all for a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particular well paid job.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOL! Unless the qualifications are EXTREMELY narrow or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the job opening not publicized, that simply does not ever
>>>>>>>>>>>>> happen.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Corse it does, we have seen some employers desperate to get
>>>>>>>>>>>> qualified staff, who dont get even a single applicant in
>>>>>>>>>>>> response to their national ads, jobs as basic as truck
>>>>>>>>>>>> driving etc.
>>>>>>>>>>> Hehe. Truck driving for a private contractor in Iraq,
>>>>>>>>>>> perhaps....?
>>>>>>>>>> Nope, in a country thats never had a civil war, or even
>>>>>>>>>> riots that have needed the troops to be called out either.
>>>>>>>>> Your claims continue to lack any evidence.
>>>>>>>> No they dont. There's been enough comments made for anyone with
>>>>>>>> a clue to work out where I am talking about and check the
>>>>>>>> claims out for themselves on the desperate shortage of labor
>>>>>>>> that blows that stupid claim in the subject line completely
>>>>>>>> out of the water.
>>>>>>> Wrong again.
>>>>>> Right again, actually.
>>>>>>> Until you provide some evidence,
>>>>>> There's been enough comments made for anyone with a clue
>>>>>> to work out where I am talking about and check the claims out
>>>>>> for themselves on the desperate shortage of labor that blows
>>>>>> that stupid claim in the subject line completely out of the
>>>>>> water.
>>>>> Thank you for admitting that you have simply been lying again.
>>>> Never ever could bullshit and lie its way out of a wet paper bag.
>>> More proof that you are a habitual, pathological liar.
>> Never ever could bullshit and lie its way out of a wet paper bag.
>> Its complete trivial for anyone with a clue to check if its true or
>> not.
>> Then there's fools like you that cant even manage to turn
>> the longest iron ore trains in the entire world into a location.
> It is you, lying garbage, who cannot turn your claims into one iota of
> actual evidence.
Even someone as stupid as you should be able to try
and check the first hit, fuckwit.
TOPIC: Some Dominos Pizza Online Coupons
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 1:11 pm
From: gjensen
Yummy, I love pizza
I love to make homemade pizza, great recipes here
free download cookbooks here
On Sep 13, 7:16 am, wrote:
> Codes for discounts on Dominos Pizzas
TOPIC: Repalcement for Yahoo Photos
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 2:34 pm
From: "John Richards"
"John Higdon" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> <> wrote:
>> AT&T and Yahoo are two different companies, and the decision to
>> discontinue Yahoo Photos was made by Yahoo, after they acquired flickr
>> and decided to migrate their photo hosting to the flickr platform.
>> What does AT&T have to do with it?
> PacBell/SBC/AT&T, or whatever the company name dujour, has been in bed
> with Yahoo for a long time. It is one of the reasons I have advised
> people to avoid their Internet services at all costs.
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
All the Yahoo stuff is optional, except for email, and even that can be
gotten around by using Gmail or one's own domain name.
AT&T DSL is a bargain.
John Richards
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