Today's topics:
* "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's red .... - 1 messages, 1 author
* Bush To Let Illegal Aliens Get $40 Digital TV Coupons - 2 messages, 1 author
* LCD power consumption - 1 messages, 1 author
* dishtv programmable remote (channel timer) for std receiver/tuner? - 1
messages, 1 author
* Frugal catalog case? - 1 messages, 1 author
* For those who rarely fill their refrigerators..... - 1 messages, 1 author
* Ugly Dish Antennas Nauseate Me - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Free Learn to Fly Kit - 1 messages, 1 author
* !! EARN $1000 per Day Without Investing Single Cent !! - 2 messages, 1
TOPIC: "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's red ....
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Oct 17 2007 2:54 pm
From: Chris McGonnell
On Wed, 17 Oct 2007 17:31:08 -0400, Otto Bahn wrote:
>"HangEveryRepubliKKKan" <> wrote in
>> > Do you spread the smegma all over your penis when you masturbate?
>> Do you swallow your Daddy's smegma when you felate him? Smegma Boy.
>Don't be stupid. What we're trying to ascertain is how one
>gets smegma on their hands merely by taking a pee. I figure
>you'd have to "work at it", IYKWIM, AITYD.
Since he's a DEMONcrat, I'm guessin' he "works at it a lot," while
kissing a poster of Hillary Clinton.
Chris McG.
Harming humanity since 1951.
"Well now you're just getting SILLY." -- Darla
Posted via a free Usenet account from
TOPIC: Bush To Let Illegal Aliens Get $40 Digital TV Coupons
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 18 2007 8:37 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
Jerry Okamura <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote
>>>>> Thanatos <> wrote
>>>>>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote
>>>>>>> Thanatos <> wrote
>>>>>>>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote
>>>>>>>>> Thanatos <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>> But they have to do it according to established law. They can't (legally) just pass a law declaring something
>>>>>>>>>> to be illegal and then ignore it.
>>>>>>>>> They are the ones who make the laws.
>>>>>>>> And they also have to abide by them.
>>>>>>> Not really.
>>>>>> Yes really.
>>>>> If everyone abided by the law, you would not need laws.
>>>> Irrelevant to what is being discussed there, the LAWMAKERS needing to abide by them.
>>> That would be nice if they did. But of course we all know they do not.
>> Those that dont get dealt with the same way that everyone else does.
> Like William Jefferson you mean?
He's completely irrelevant to what was being discussed.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 18 2007 8:40 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
Jerry Okamura <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote
>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote
>>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote
>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jerry Okamura <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But any market reform in Mexico would be better than what they have now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wouldnt fix the problem. NAFTA had no effect on the number of illegals.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> First of all the comment was "any market reform in Mexico...", it did not even mention NAFTA.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Its a similar economic change.
>>>>>>>>>>> Why is it "similar"?
>>>>>>>>>> Because its another way of getting economic change.
>>>>>>>>> Ageed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Second, while it is true that NAFTA will not fix the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem (it is not intended to fix the problem), are you going to argue that it won't "help"?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Nope, that while it may well help the economic situation in
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mexico, that wont have any effect on the number that still
>>>>>>>>>>>> decide that their prospects are much better in the US than
>>>>>>>>>>>> back in Mexico.
>>>>>>>>> Agreed again, but it helps....
>>>>>>>> Not with what is being discussed, the number of illegals from Mexico.
>>>>>>>>>>> Huh? Does it provide jobs for some in Mexico that they would not otherwise have,
>>>>>>>>>> Thats arguable given that china manages fine without that.
>>>>>>>>> huh?
>>>>>>>> China doesnt have anything like NAFTA with the US and
>>>>>>>> has plenty of jobs in areas that export to the US anyway.
>>>>>>>>>>> and doesn't that provide them with the incentive not to enter this country illegally?
>>>>>>>>>> Nope, because work in those operations that do benefit from
>>>>>>>>>> NAFTA still provides them with much worse living standards
>>>>>>>>>> than moving to the US does.
>>>>>>>>> so?
>>>>>>>> So your line about improving the economic situation in Mexico
>>>>>>>> wont actually have any effect on the number of illegals
>>>>>>>> choosing to move to the US, essentially because whatever is
>>>>>>>> done in Mexico will STILL see them with much worse living
>>>>>>>> standards in mexico than in the US.
>>>>>>>>> Does it or does it not convince some that they prefer to stay in Mexico rather than enter this country
>>>>>>>>> illegally?
>>>>>>>> Nope, wont make any difference to that, essentially because
>>>>>>>> working conditions in mexico are so much worse than in the
>>>>>>>> US even if jobs are made available for them in mexico.
>>>>>>> then why aren't more of them here?
>>>>>> Because the US makes it hard for mexicans to just move to the US.
>>>>> that sure has worked hasn't it?
>>>> Have you the remotest concept of how many there would have been if
>>>> any south american that wanted to move to the US was free to do so ?
>>>> In spades with the rest of the world.
>>> Well yes. But my argument is they would not want to come here in
>>> droves, if they could make a decent living in the country of their birth.
>> Pity that no one has managed to work out how to produce the same
>> living standards in those countrys as there are in the US to stop hordes deciding that their economic situation would
>> be much better in the US.
> Yes. But that does not stop us from complaining about the problem...and not how to really solve the problem.....
There is no solution to that particular problem, as I told you right from the start.
TOPIC: LCD power consumption
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 18 2007 9:02 pm
From: Jeff
Gary Heston wrote:
> In article <>,
> <> wrote:
>>>IMO, a 20" screen is perfectly comfortable for watching TV at 8 feet.
>>>Why do you think you need a bigger screen? Or is it that you just
>>>_want_ a bigger screen?
>>Could be.... that I just assumed I needed bigger
> Keep in mind that "large" console TVs used to be 25", so a 32" or 37"
> screen should be fine for television viewing at eight feet.
I went down to computer row in my hometown and visited my favorite
used computer store.
Here's what they told me. They have monitors with TVs for about the
same price as regular monitors, but they said the performance as monitor
suffered. I wound up with a LG1970HR (19" 2 msec) for about $160. Lots
of PCI video/fm cards in the $30 to $40 range but did not see a digital
TV card.
I've got a 21" TV here and it is fine by me. I guess if you have a
"family" room, you may wish something bigger.
Here it is on resolution:
<URL: />
For regular-size standard definition TVs ranging from 37-inch to 40-inch
diagonal, the optimum TV viewing distance range within which most
viewers will feel comfortable with, is a minimum of 7.5 feet and a
maximum of 14 feet. For HDTV sets, these minimum and maximum distances
would get down to approx. 5.5 feet to 10 feet respectively - thus
allowing for a more immersive viewing experience. Though TV sets within
the 29-inch to 34-inch range are often listed under the 'big screen'
category, yet their pictures are not just big enough to qualify for Home
Frankly I usually don't want TV to be such a dominating experience and
prefer it smaller. You may want the full experience!
Now, I guess monitors fall into roughly the HD rules and at 3' that 19"
or 20" is all you want. Of course the monitor resolution is higher but
too much is too much! I have a friend with a 24" and you need to back
off of it.
> Target lists a number of models between $500 and $999 in that size range
> which include computer video inputs. Digging through the specs is a bit
> tedious, and a few are missing (refresh rate, response time). But you
> can probably find something suitable.
> Gary
TOPIC: dishtv programmable remote (channel timer) for std receiver/tuner?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 18 2007 9:04 pm
From: Anthony Matonak wrote:
> VCR? They still make those? Five dollars a month and you get the DVR
> which is so easy to use.
My recommendation, save up your money and either buy your own
DVR or add a TV capture card to your computer.
TOPIC: Frugal catalog case?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 18 2007 9:08 pm
From: Anthony Matonak wrote:
> I'm a full time student....carry big books to class
> I've tried the backpack route but its really hard on my
> expensive books as they flop around in the odd shaped
> backpack a lot..... lots of wear on books
This is not exactly the question you were asking but you
could get a tablet or laptop computer and scan your books.
You don't even need to OCR them. Most scanners these days
come with software to convert the images to a PDF. You
might even be able to find a book scanner on campus that
you can borrow.
Carry one computer with all your books on it.
TOPIC: For those who rarely fill their refrigerators.....
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 18 2007 9:16 pm
From: Jeff
Shadowland wrote:
I just came back from visiting the refrigerator section of my local
Home Despot. I looked in the biggest fridge they had and the Energy
Guide ratings listed it as $40/year (420 kWhr). Now that ain't much.
Cheaper but still large fridges were in the $50/year range. Smaller
refrigerators were under $30/year.
I'm thinking that at $4/month there are better targets for saving
money. That's if you have a relatively new fridge. I guess that as
expensive as they are you may have about a 20 year payback...
> If you find that your refrigerator is say usually only half full,
> place containers of water into the empty areas.
> Once that water cools, it acts like a cold sink. When you open the
> refrig door, all the cool air gets out and the all the new air must be
> cooled again.
> With containers of water filling up empty space...that just means
> there's less air that needs to be cooled.
> That water keeps the coolness much better than the air.
> With a filled refrig you'll find your frig saving energy.
TOPIC: Ugly Dish Antennas Nauseate Me
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 18 2007 9:19 pm
From: Scott in SoCal
Anthony Matonak <> said in
> wrote:
>> I can't believe how many people are sticking those godawful gray
>> dishes on the FRONT of their otherwise beautiful homes.
>As others have said, the owners probably left it up to the underpaid
>installers to choose the location. These installers don't care about
>appearances. This is the same reason that the trash cans hardly ever
>match the style of the house.
Tell me where I can buy some Queen Anne trash cans and I'll consider
it. :)
I went to Milwaukee on business a few years back. I was shocked at how
many homes - especially condos and apartments - had satellite dishes
just stuck on the sides and roofs of buildings with absolutely no
consideration given to aesthetics whatsoever. Here in SoCal no
homeowners' association would ever allow that kind of fugly dish
More reasons why PayPal SUCKS:
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 18 2007 10:27 pm
From: "joe brown"
Scott in SoCal <> wrote:
> Anthony Matonak <> said in
> misc.consumers.frugal-living:
>> wrote:
>>> I can't believe how many people are sticking those godawful gray
>>> dishes on the FRONT of their otherwise beautiful homes.
>> As others have said, the owners probably left it up to the underpaid
>> installers to choose the location. These installers don't care about
>> appearances. This is the same reason that the trash cans hardly ever
>> match the style of the house.
> Tell me where I can buy some Queen Anne trash cans and I'll consider
> it. :)
> I went to Milwaukee on business a few years back. I was shocked at how
> many homes - especially condos and apartments - had satellite dishes
> just stuck on the sides and roofs of buildings with absolutely no
> consideration given to aesthetics whatsoever. Here in SoCal no
> homeowners' association would ever allow that kind of fugly dish
> placement.
Only fools let goons like that tell them what they can and cannot do.
TOPIC: Free Learn to Fly Kit
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 18 2007 9:24 pm
From: Anthony Matonak
Al Bundy wrote:
> wrote:
>> Request our FREE Learn To Fly Kit now...
> Featuring half off for those who don't need to learn how to land.
I'm told that in the 60's you could get your Ticket to Ride for
just the cost of a stamp. :)
TOPIC: !! EARN $1000 per Day Without Investing Single Cent !!
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 18 2007 9:25 pm
From: jeny
Learn to Earn $1,000+ Every Day Working at Home From Your Computer.
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* Make quick good cash working 2 to 3 hours a day
* Work anywhere from home/ office without restrictions
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Get the Secret Formula Money Making Formula a the link below
WARNING: If someone tells you there are no secret techniques for
making money fast -- they either don't know what they're talking
about... or, they don't want YOU to know what THEY know.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 18 2007 9:27 pm
From: jeny
Learn to Earn $1,000+ Every Day Working at Home From Your Computer.
* Work part time or full time as you like
* Make quick good cash working 2 to 3 hours a day
* Work anywhere from home/ office without restrictions
* Genuine job program for life and not fake
* Guaranteed payment month after month
Get the Secret Formula Money Making Formula a the link below
WARNING: If someone tells you there are no secret techniques for
making money fast -- they either don't know what they're talking
about... or, they don't want YOU to know what THEY know.
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