Today's topics:
* MI5 Persecution: Clapham Junction 6/5/00 (15567) - 1 messages, 1 author
* Dump the Dollar, China State TV Tells Viewers - 1 messages, 1 author
* THANKSGIVING: Living Family and Fun Portal - 1 messages, 1 author
* Who has second freezer to save on groceries? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* MI5 Persecution: he's an idiot you know 3/11/00 (17742) - 1 messages, 1
* White Population in the World Set to Drop from 17% to 7% by 2050 - 2
messages, 2 authors
* The USA's going bankrupt; China's takeover has just begun - 4 messages, 4
* Discount item scalping - 5 messages, 1 author
* Free Coach Broyles' Playbook (Alzheimer's) - 1 messages, 1 author
* MI5 Persecution: tinker tailor wanker thief 2/12/00 (19917) - 1 messages, 1
* 11% inflation - 1 messages, 1 author
* MI5 Persecution: Jon Holmes (4-5/Jan/2002) (22092) - 1 messages, 1 author
* MI5 Persecution: Post Office 14/11/02 (24267) - 1 messages, 1 author
* Inexpensive Notebook..aka Laptop-------TY - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: MI5 Persecution: Clapham Junction 6/5/00 (15567)
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 5:28 am
Clapham Junction (6/May/2000)
Certainty level: 60%
On Saturday 6 May 2000, I was in Clapham Junction, shopping and visiting
the library. At precisely 12:29pm, the above audio clip was recorded,
in front of Arding and Hobbs department store. One girl was saying to
her friend,
"He's a homosexual, they can say whatever they want."
There are several reasons why I think this comment might be about me.
Firstly, temporal proximity to other such incidents. The persecution
had restarted about two to three days before this clip was recorded.
Cause of restart unknown. Personally I think it's because I was going
on holiday to France the following Monday - MI5 do like to take holidays
abroad at the taxpayer's expense, and inventing reasons to resurrect their
hate campaign just before I go on holiday is something they've done
Secondly, although I am not gay, they have used such references against
me before. At Oxford Computer Group in 1994, manager Steve Mitchell
simultaneously abused me and another employee but saying we were "of a
similar bent". Such insults show latent or quite overt homosexuality
on the part of the abuser.
Thirdly, the sort of people who abuse on the basis of mental illness
are the same people who abuse others on the basis of sexuality, race,
religion, etc. If they can abuse a disabled man, then they will surely
do so based on the other criteria mentioned.
There is still some room for doubt, though, which is why I have assigned
this recording a certainty level of only slightly above evens. But "they
can say whatever they want" is what gives the game away; they just choose
a differentiating feature on which to base their abuse; and if one such
feature gets too boring ("we've called him a nutter for the last ten years
so now we'll call him something else") then they invent a different lie
to throw at me.
Posted via - Premium Uncensored Newsgroup Service
Unlimited Access, Anonymous Accounts, Uncensored Broadband Access
TOPIC: Dump the Dollar, China State TV Tells Viewers
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 9:31 am
From: Jeff
Democracy Highlander wrote:
> phil scott wrote:
>>i hear you... however china will pull its punches because those would
>>easily take out the world economy, hurting china badly.
> Well, this is quite a misconception. The popular myth that China need US as
> a market to survive does not have any backing.
> Let assume that tomorrow China decide to dump all US dollars they have and
> stop any trading with US.
> 1. Dollar is going to fall. As a result, more other countries holding large
> US reserves will start to get out of their dollars too accelerating the
> collapse.
It's down about 40% since W.
> 2. In last 10 years US corporations dismantled their US factories and moved
> them to China in quest for cheap labor. For example, today over 95% of all
> our clothing are imported. Around 70% from China if I remember well.
> The trade freeze between US and china will create a scarcity of clothes. The
> demand (stay the same) will overpass the supply (30% of the original) and
> this is going to make prices for clothes to skyrocket, aka inflation. The
> inflation will weaken the dollar even more.
W has done nothing to support the dollar. The dollar is supported by
other nations. Note the recent collapse of the yen cary trade.
> 3. The US corporations with factories in China want to go out, but the
> Chinese government say: "You either stay and play by OUR rules or we
> nationalize the factories. You can leave but all the equipment STAY here
> with the workers". China factories will keep the same level of production
> while selling the coats directly on oil to Iran, Venezuela and other not
> quite US friendly regimes.
Most likely is that the Chinese economy will draw more on internal
consumption. It's on the way up and eventually (a decade or so), China
will no longer be export tied.
> 4. Due to big drop in dollar, OPEC countries are going to decide to switch
> out of the dollar as oil currency.
One of the reasons for the Iraq war. Iraq was switching to the euro and
that portended future switches by other OPEC nations.
Barter is unlikely and unneeded. Either the Euro or a basket of
currencies, the basket because it antagonizes the US less as the dollar
would be part of it. Whether there will be a switch or whether the
dollar will remain (with oil rising as the dollar falls) is unknown. I
suspect the latter.
Due to the chaotic times, it is very
> likely that oil countries will prefer goods for oil instead of money.
> Most of what we call now "US companies" have their production facilities in
> China. China is going to have exports to buy oil thanks to "US
> corporations", US have first to rebuild their factories from scratch.
> And the oil required to rebuild them ..... is nowhere to be found.
> 5. The switch from dollars to barter for oil will prompt every other country
> to dump the dollars as fast as they can. The 95% of drop predicted by Bill
> may not be far away from the truth once US economy collapse entirely.
Highly unlikely. The next president will address the dollar instead of
pushing it off. Clinton pursued strong dollar policies and the DJIA rose
from 3500 to 11,000. Compare that to the weak dollar polices of W and
factor in the dollar is worth 40% less and it looks like all that has
happened is a transfer of wealth to the top tier that will be paid by
future generations. W added three trillion dollars (50%) to the debt
(and he's not done). Imagine what it would be if he had not inherited a
> Keep in mind that production is what create raw value. Trade just move raw
> value from one place into another to get more raw value created by somebody
> else by exploiting a local scarcity. The country having the biggest
> production capacity is the country that is going to rule the world. It was
> the production capacity of US what won the WWII.
No, the world is dominated by services, not products. That doesn't mean
manufacturing is unimportant, it just isn't the dominant factor that is
was in the 40's (and before) through about the 70's.
> One may ask:
> "But if China crash US economy what they will gain in exchange for all the
> dollars they are going to lose?"
> Well, first of all Chine already "bought" a lot of US factories with the
> money they still have. Yes, by exploiting the mindless corporate greed,
> China was able to have the cake and eat it in the same time. The assets
> located in China will be Chinese assets as soon as China wants it. The
> ownership paper for those "investments" will worth less than his weight in
> toilet paper. China ALREADY bought production assets while still holding on
> those money.
China is more interested in the technology rather than the equipment.
They now have a substantial amount of transferred technology but lack
the current next generation.
> Wealth it is the amount of goods and services one can afford. If all the
> factories producing now for US will start working for China, the Chinese
> will be able to afford to buy a lot more while Americans will be able to
> consume a lot less. The balance of wealth will reverse with a flip of a
> switch !!!! US will become a third world country (until we are able to
> rebuild all the production capacity lost) and China an advanced nation.
> US military is the best in the world because of over 50 years US had wealth
> to spend to build it that way. It was the US economy backing the US
> military might and not anything else. Collapse US economy and in 10 years
> US military will be almost irrelevant in the world, except for the
> stockpile of nukes.
A ten year old stealth fighter will still be a formidable weapon. No one
is close in military aviation.
> So, China will win the war for the new world domination. This is what they
> have to gain while not loosing anything. The single reason China still
> maintain the current status quo to keep attracting more investments. To
> foul more idiotic corporations to dismantle US factories and give it as
> gift to them. Once the majority of US production ability is moved offshore,
> the Chinese (and others)
It already is.
will have no single reason not to take offensive
> and win the "New War" without firing a single shoot.
> Corporate greed and the stupidity of conservative ideology are weapons China
> can use at will against US.
> Again: The single way to create new wealth is production.
> The "new service oriented economy" it is just a big lie intended to hide the
> truth that we are running off the cliff.
It's not a new economy at all. It's really no different that the old
real estate axiom about location, location, location. Note that much if
not most of the value of a product is on the retail end, which stays in
the US.
Oddly you've overlooked that the US savings rate has been nil to
negative for a couple of years now. With home values deflating that
leaves a bubble that will collapse that is more or less tied to the
credit crunch. Unhappy times.
TOPIC: THANKSGIVING: Living Family and Fun Portal
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 10:00 am
From: family-living
THANKSGIVING: Living Family and Fun Portal
with Genealogy and Family History Ties
Strengthen family ties with fun times, shopping,
finances, home life, working, education, recreation
and social interactions. The genealogy and history of
products and services used in the various aspects
of daily family living are included throughout this site.
Eating and Food includes The FOOD Museum
and Food History-Science Tracer Bullet.
Auto Resources & Vehicles includes
Automotive History and Driver's License.
Consumer concerns includes Underwriters Laboratories Inc.,
trusted source across the globe for product compliance.
Marriage & Family Ties includes retirement and extended
family (links that bind), from the beginning (true love).
Pets and Animals includes AnimalSearch, the Macaulay
Library Catalog and World Animal Net; animal related
search sites and networks for families.
And, in the United States, for Black Friday (shopping)
the day after Thanksgiving, use:
(1) Apparel & Department Stores (which includes
lists of Department stores from around the World)
(2) Shopping & Savings, which includes world wide
lists and histories of the art of Shopping, the
Shopping Mall, a List of leading Shopping streets
and districts by City, as well as a List of Superstores.
In the British Isles, around two thousand years ago,
"to buy a clothing outfit at auction, an average Roman
soldier would have paid 8 percent of his yearly income
(25 denarii). He would have had to fork out another 10
percent for a cloak to protect him from Britain's hostile climate."
SEE ALSO: History Specialties: History of. . . .
Respectfully yours,
Tom Tinney, Sr.
Who's Who in America,
Millennium Edition [54th] through 2004
Who's Who In Genealogy and Heraldry, [both editions]
Family Genealogy & History Internet Education Directory
TOPIC: Who has second freezer to save on groceries?
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 10:09 am
From: varois83 wrote
>>Personally, we would not go with a side-by-side for a number of
Tom we want a side by side because we also need extra fridge space. We
want to place all drinks and bottled sauces that take a lot of room in
the extra fridge.
>>are you buying something from a yard sale or a specific deal?.
We wanted to buy new but posts here made us change our mind. We are
going to be looking at used.
>>You mentioned buying a side-by-side with an icemaker...why would you
need a unit with an icemaker?
Our old side by side would go in the basement as the spare unit and
the new one would go in our kitchen this is why we need an ice maker.
Thanks for all the answers!
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 5:21 pm
From: val189
On Nov 10, 12:25 pm, varois83 <> wrote:
> Hi
> We are considering buying a second side by side refrigerator/freezer
> to take advantage of meat/fish/frozen veggies sales.
> Also wife needs more fridge room.
> I have calculated that it could pay for itself in 1 year(Including
> electricity) as we can't take advantage of grocerie store sales right
> now as we would want to.
> Example chicken cutlets most of the time regular at $4.99 lb but they
> do go on sale for $1.99 lb but we can't stock up.
> To buy 30 lb of these would roughly be $150 at $4.99 lb and $60 at
> $1.99 lb, that is a saving of $90 just on that.
> A month ago the wife came home with packages of salmon on sale for
> $1.99 lb regular was $8.99 lb, she bought 4 packages but she would
> have stocked up if we had the freezer.
> Frozen veggies do go on sale too.
> We are looking at a Maytag, energy efficient with ice maker, 26 cub
> feet.
> Does anyone here do that and what has your experience/savings been?
> Thanks a lot
> Patrick
It might be helpful to know a few facts:
how many in your household? Have you kept accurate records on your
annual food costs?
Distance from your primary grocery store?
How likely are power outages?
As to freezers, I wouldn't have one. I live in a hurricane zone,
don't like 'freezer taste, don't have the room for a freezer, don't
want to stockpile food, don't live far from the store and would rather
find other areas in which to be frugal about food, like eschewing
convenience junk and cooking as close to scratch as I can.
TOPIC: MI5 Persecution: he's an idiot you know 3/11/00 (17742)
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 7:12 am
Balham High Road (3/Nov/2000)
Certainty level: 60%
On 3 November 2000, I had just got off the bus in Balham High Road,
when I heard a group of schoolgirls shouting and laughing. One of them yelled;
"He's an idiot you know."
You can hear this on the above clip; it is followed by laughter. I am
not quite sure this is about me, which is why I have only given it
a two in three probability. I have been attacked many times with the
word "idiot", which seems to be a favourite with intellectual lightweights
who want to bring down bigger game. (Back in 1992 I was so worried by the
attacks on my intelligence that I took the test and joined Mensa......
does that make me a *clever* idiot? Never mind.)
Posted via - Premium Uncensored Newsgroup Service
Unlimited Access, Anonymous Accounts, Uncensored Broadband Access
TOPIC: White Population in the World Set to Drop from 17% to 7% by 2050
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 11:19 am
From: ""
White Population in the World Set to Drop from 17% to 7% by 2050
While the populations of Europe, Russia, and the US have levelled off
and even decreased, the populations of China and Africa are
accelerating beyond all expectations. Immigration reduced the
percentage of Whites in the US from 99% when the US Constitution was
written to only 71% today, and similar patterns are being followed in
several European countries because of the failure by their governments
to do anything about unbridled immigration.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 11:30 am
From: mike3
On Nov 17, 12:19 pm, "" <>
> White Population in the World Set to Drop from 17% to 7% by 2050
> While the populations of Europe, Russia, and the US have levelled off
> and even decreased, the populations of China and Africa are
> accelerating beyond all expectations. Immigration reduced the
> percentage of Whites in the US from 99% when the US Constitution was
> written to only 71% today, and similar patterns are being followed in
> several European countries because of the failure by their governments
> to do anything about unbridled immigration.
Hopefully the GLOBAL population will drop some. The Earth can't take
having so many people demanding from it.
Oh, and I don't really give a darn, as "races" don't really matter, at
least they shouldn't. There isn't a problem, provided that it doesn't
lead to discrimination (from ANY "races" involved.). That's the
TOPIC: The USA's going bankrupt; China's takeover has just begun
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 1:06 pm
The government must change how it does business now or the United
States will face a serious fiscal crisis in the future, said David
Walker, Comptroller General of the U.S. Government Accountability
Office (GAO), at the Conference on Public Service & the Law dinner
March 17. He challenged law students to take on the issues faced by
the government by getting involved in public service at some point in
their careers.
"The United States government faces some serious challenges in the
21st century," Walker warned. "Deficits, changing security threats,
demographics, quality-of-life concerns, rapidly evolving technology,
can go on and on and on."
Plagued by waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement, the government
reconsider longstanding policies to sustain its superpower status and
leave the country better positioned for the future. "Washington is
of control," Walker asserted, not blaming anyone in particular. "I
mean this on a nonpartisan basis.
"We could eliminate every dime of waste...and this nation would still
have large and growing structural deficits," Walker said. There are
"too many layers, too many players, too many turf battles, and too
many hardened silos."
In order to make the necessary changes, the government needs more
leaders with courage, integrity, creativity, and stewardship and who
are willing to reform entitlement policies, namely Social Security,
Medicare, and Medicaid. The government also needs to re-engineer the
base of spending and re-evaluate tax policies.
The GAO, which provides the fiscal oversight, insight, and foresight
for government initiatives, is at the forefront of making critical
changes to government operations, starting with their own agency. "We
try very much as an institution and I try very much as an individual,
to practice what we preach and to keep in mind that leading by
is a powerful, powerful, but simple concept."
Walker was able to turn the GAO from an at-risk agency to a model
agency by being a good leader and adhering to three core values;
accountability, integrity, and reliability. The GAO, for example, is
the only government entity that has changed to a flat, market-based,
skills-, knowledge-, and performance-oriented classification and
compensation system.
The government is operating under policies that were meant for
conditions that existed in the 1940s, 50s, 60s, and 70s, Walker
charged, which hurts government productivity. Once a program or
has been approved, it becomes part of the base set of programs in the
annual budget.
"The base is unaffordable, unsustainable. The base is going to have
be dramatically reengineered and GAO is going to be in the forefront
of efforts to analyze what's working, what's not working, and what is
a possible way forward."
In Walker's estimation, the government has specific problem areas
must be addressed now. "Number one, a budget deficit. Number two, a
balance of payments deficit, of which the trade deficit is a
[and] both of those [were] record levels last year. Number three, a
savings deficit. Americans are great at spending, we're poor at
and then we have, probably the most serious deficit of all and that
a leadership deficit. And that is a bipartisan statement," Walker
"Where's the accountability for spending increases and tax cuts that
are unaffordable and unsustainable over time? Where's the
accountability for government programs and tax preferences that
getting real results? ... Where's the accountability for
projects, better know as earmarks or pork barrel spending, at a time
of record budget deficits? Where is the outrage about these issues?"
The apathy of citizens will result in record deficits and will affect
generations to come. "When our new grandson was born this afternoon,
he not only got a birth certificate, he received a birth burden of
$156,000. Now I know why he was crying," Walker joked. More and more
of our debt must be financed by foreign nations.
The United States has gone from the largest creditor nation to the
largest debtor nation--and not due to the war on terrorism, Walker
noted. "Of that $760 billion deficit last year, only $100 billion had
anything to do with Iraq, Afghanistan or incremental Homeland
costs," Walker said.
The first baby boomers will reach age 62 in two years, making them
eligible for Social Security. In five years, they will be eligible
Medicare, escalating the debt dramatically. The baby boom generation
will not leave the country "better positioned for the future,"
fiscally speaking, Walker said. "We need to get serious soon because
the longer we wait, the more dramatic the changes are going to have
be, the more disruptive that they'll be, and the less time that we'll
have to be able to transition to a more positive and sustainable
After Hurricane Andrew, the GAO issued a series of recommendations,
many of which were not adopted but could have been useful for
responders to prepare, respond, and recover before, during, and after
Hurricane Katrina. After Katrina, the GAO again identified areas of
improvement. The national response plan needs clarity, consistency,
and more common sense, Walker said. More training is needed to
mobilize responders in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.
government needs to take a risk- management approach and re-evaluate
whether FEMA even needs to be in the Department of Homeland Security.
Now that rebuilding has begun, tough decisions have to be made, with
the state and local governments taking the lead, Walker said.
The GAO itself has made some tough and unpopular decisions under
Walker's watch, one of which was suing Vice President Dick Cheney. "I
don't like the idea of suing, unless you have to, and I don't
particularly like suing the vice president of the United States. On
the other hand, if we are committed to truth and transparency, if we
believe that anybody who is a public servant is subject to the law
that nobody is above the law and the public has a right to know who
met with whom, when, about what, and what did it cost when it deals
with issues as significant as our national energy policy, and if we
were concerned that if we did not act that we were going to face
based records access problems throughout the entire government, then
under those circumstances, we did what we had to do. We sued." A
district court ultimately dismissed the case, ruling that the GAO
lacked standing to sue.
The GAO chose not to appeal for several reasons; however, the message
got across. The GAO has not had to take any similar action since.
The GAO also acted on the Bush administration's release of government
news stories produced to influence the public on a variety of issues.
Walker said the GAO brought the practice to light because they wanted
citizens to know the government was trying influence them with
propaganda" financed with their tax money. Congress ultimately
legislation to stop it.
"I'm a strong believer if you don't learn from history, you're doomed
to repeat it. Unfortunately, I wish we had more Americans that
understood that because in many ways, we're not learning from
history," Walker said. "We have a great country, but we face serious
challenges." We need to address those challenges starting today, he
said, and take steps now to create a better tomorrow.
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 1:13 pm
From: Blash wrote on 11/17/07 4:06 PM:
> The government must change how it does business now or the United
> States will face a serious fiscal crisis in the future, said David
> Walker, Comptroller General of the U.S. Government Accountability
> Office (GAO), at the Conference on Public Service & the Law dinner
> March 17.
MARCH 17 ?????
(You're a little behind on your reading......)
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 2:33 pm
From: "Rod Speed" wrote:
> The government must change how it does business now or the United
> States will face a serious fiscal crisis in the future, said David Walker,
> Comptroller General of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO),
Just another completely mindless fool.
> at the Conference on Public Service & the Law dinner March 17.
> He challenged law students to take on the issues faced by the government
> by getting involved in public service at some point in their careers.
What a fucking wanker.
> "The United States government faces some serious challenges in the
> 21st century," Walker warned. "Deficits, changing security threats,
> demographics, quality-of-life concerns, rapidly evolving technology,
> I can go on and on and on."
So does any govt, fool.
> Plagued by waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement,
None of that has a damned thing to do with the real fundamental problem, fool.
> the government must reconsider longstanding
> policies to sustain its superpower status
What a fucking wanker.
> and leave the country better positioned for the future. "Washington
> is out of control," Walker asserted, not blaming anyone in particular.
> "I mean this on a nonpartisan basis.
Yeah, you just like the sound of your own voice, fool.
> "We could eliminate every dime of waste...and this nation would
> still have large and growing structural deficits," Walker said.
Yep, that crap isnt the real problem.
> There are "too many layers, too many players, too
> many turf battles, and too many hardened silos."
Nope, too much pissed against the wall in Iraq, actually.
> In order to make the necessary changes, the government needs
> more leaders with courage, integrity, creativity, and stewardship
> and who are willing to reform entitlement policies, namely Social
> Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The government also needs
> to re-engineer the base of spending and re-evaluate tax policies.
Nope, just get out of Iraq and not do any more stupiditys like that.
<reams of mindless irrelevant rabitting on flushed where it belongs>
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 6:03 pm
From: "lubow"
> MARCH 17 ?????
> (You're a little behind on your reading......)
St. Patty's Day, Mr. Blash.
To see my stock picks go to Enter lubow in
Portfolio/Stock box
TOPIC: Discount item scalping
== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 1:28 pm
From: BrotherSandMonkey
On Nov 12, 11:46 pm, Seerialmom <> wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2:09 pm, BrotherSandMonkey <> wrote:
> > Is this a fair practice? Arab-owned and Asian Indian-owned food marker
> > dealers are purchasing sufficient quantities, of food items from
> >discountsrores as Aldi and Save A Lot, and
> > stocking them in their own stores with a boost in price? Then they
> > expect cusromers to buy them along with Name Brand items (which are
> > also higher in price but that is understood.).
> Yes it's fair. And you can also find items that were in Dollar Tree
> or the 99¢ Only store at flea markets as well as the aforementioned
> ethnic stores.
> I've often seen items at 99¢ Only store that could be
> repackaged/repurposed and sold for higher prices (if I had that
> initiative, that is).
Now, that's somewhat a rip idea, trying to make a buck off an SSI
recepient or PA resident living in a hood
where the sandboys run the show.
>Last, around Christmas just take a look at the
> local want ads or'll see the "hot toy/gadget" going for
> much higher than what it originally sold for.
Right, a rip.
> This is the root of capitalism, right?
This is what the MOSLEM world HATES, sister, capitalism.
> Those sellers are counting on people who aren't
> savvy enough to find the items when they were cheap or are perhaps
> "wheel challenged" (hence the mom/pop grocery stores in the inner
> cities).
Well, that is matter of factly, a rip. An item cannot be escalated
a year later as a rare or hot item, nothing
but a rip. Wait ten years for value to rise well.
No, it ain't fair; it's the sandmonkey dealers that don't want to
go to the wholesale outfit (usually
they have their own, and SHOULD have their OWN, they also have their
own stores where they stock for their own
sand-homeboys) but think African bros are stupid malt liquor-slurping
apes who don't eat anything only buy
Fortybowls, lottery tickets, clothes and maybe... white
ain't the case. Smart sistas shop at Dollar
Tree (like you mentioned) and take the BUS to Aldi and Save A Lot to
bypass the clever Sandboys in their hoods.
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 1:33 pm
From: BrotherSandMonkey
On Nov 13, 10:42 am, James <> wrote:
> Lets be realistic.
> Grocery stores work on volume. Most food items have a markup of a
> couple of percent. (non groceries may be much much higher) Loss
> leaders may be so far below wholesale prices it makes them attractive.
> A mom and pop convenience store has to make a much higher markup just
> to break even - their relative costs are higher. They don't buy in the
> same quantities that grocery chains do.
> Such a law would foce these places out of business, and we would all
> be poorer for it.
Mom and Pop stores? That's a thiong of the past, at least in the
inner city. It's sandmonkey and
Asian Indian (India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan) convenience
stores, Jimmy. These clever
hot climate 'refugees' especially the Yemenites loan $ to each other
within interest and the thing
may be they don't have to pay tax for the first year or so.
== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 1:37 pm
From: BrotherSandMonkey
On Nov 13, 1:48 pm, Seerialmom <> wrote:
> I have no problem with the practice of buying from one store and
> selling in another; it was the OP who was using the veiled argument
> about fairness (when it was really something completely different but
> I think we all did a pretty good job at ignoring it).- Hide quoted text -
Selling in a retail store with merchandise bought in a wholesale
outfit is the fair practice. And maybe these
sandmonkey stores may be 1. selling beer and nonfood items for food
stamp debit cards and 2. supplying
contraband operators of their kind with $ made to give our govt a
hard time. I'm sure you get my drift, sister,
== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 1:38 pm
From: BrotherSandMonkey
On Nov 14, 7:30 pm, clams casino <>
> BrotherSandMonkey wrote:
> >On Nov 11, 4:50 pm, clams casino <>
> >wrote:
> >>BrotherSandMonkey wrote:
> >>With a relative in the restaurant business, I can vouch that many items
> >>at Sams, Costco, etc are cheaper than typical wholesalers.- Hide quoted text -
> > Not for dealers to buy. For the individual consumer.
> Are you suggesting Sams, Costco, BJ's etc should forbid dealers /
> retailers from buying at their locations?
You said it, brother, not I.
== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 1:47 pm
From: BrotherSandMonkey
On Nov 15, 11:31 am, James <> wrote:
> Let's stop feeding the racist troll he is enjoying this too much.
If it is racism, it's reverse racism against nonArab and nonAsian
Indian peoples in the sense of buying and selling.
Am I enjoying it? I'm glad to get my ire out of my system by stating
the issue here for you to read. Believe me,
I'm not wasting your or my time. I thank you for your responses
regardless of whether you agree or not. If enough
people would complain, there could be something done. Charmuta!
(Arab=bitch, used as a cuss word) I worked
for an Arab dealer once, a Palestinian, not a third world Arab or
third world monkey you see today.
TOPIC: Free Coach Broyles' Playbook (Alzheimer's)
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 1:42 pm
From: ""
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TOPIC: MI5 Persecution: tinker tailor wanker thief 2/12/00 (19917)
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 9:50 am
Crescent Grove, Clapham Common (2/Dec/2000)
Certainty level: 100%
This is one of those clips where I am absolutely, 100% certain it's
inflicted by MI5 on me, because of background, context. On Saturday
2 December 2000, I was walking from my home to a pub on Clapham Common,
and on the way was in proximity to a group of three English youths
who were walking the other way. They turned from the main road into a
private estate called Crescent Grove. Here is what they said;
(first youth) "He masturbates!"
(his mate responds) "Yeah, he masturbates!"
(and again) "Thief!"
There is a lot of context associated with this incident, which I will now
Firstly, the verbal sexual abuse is a popular one with MI5, and as a statement
about me is currently mostly in their imaginations. The accusation has to be seen
relative to MI5's persecutory actions in late November and early December 2000,
and in fact for some months leading up to this. Their relevant activities in
June 2000 are documented in a message in this evidence item;
following from that, they sent someone to simulate an act in front of my window,
which was captured on film.
It is the publication of the video of their agent performing the act on himself
which caused MI5 to restart this thread of harassment in the first few days of
December 2000. But there are some subtleties; I uploaded the digitised video
to this website on 26/November/2000; but I did not announce its existence on the
newsgroups until Sunday 3/December/2000. These youths' slur was made the previous
day, on Saturday 2/Dec. That tells us quite a lot. According to my website logs,
there were no accesses to the video file before Sunday 3/Dec. So why did MI5 restart
this particular thread of abuse, before their agent's activities were
published on the newsgroup? The conclusion we reach is that they were watching my
internet connection, either decoding the telephone line, or at the ISP; and/or they
may be able to physically see what is on my notebook computer's screen, from
RF transmissions from its VGA circuitry. I do not know whether the latter is
technically feasible, but the former certainly is, and I have known for years
that MI5 bugs my internet activities and phone calls. It is from their observation
of my internet connection that they were able to tell, without accessing the
video file over the net, that it was of their agent in a compromising position;
and it was from that observation that their shouted slur on 2/Dec emanates.
The second accusation, "Thief!", is even more interesting. It relates to occurrences
from June of 2000, some six months before these youths threw the word at me. It shows
just how wide in reach geographically and temporally the MI5 persecution is;
they react to something which happened half a year previously.
In the first half of 2000, MI5 made a determined assault on my friendships. In one
particular case, that of A. whom I had known for virtually all my life, they partly
succeeded. This person made pointed references to me which made it clear he knew
what was happening; at one point he started asking "do you know anything about the
FBI and the CIA". In June 2000, we went to see a film in the West End. I paid for
both of us, and then asked him to return what I had paid for his ticket, some £7.50.
He was reluctant to do so. Eventually he returned £5, settling for the lesser gain of £2.50.
I did not call him a thief to his face, but I may have spoken the word while I was
at home, either conscious or in my sleep. MI5 have very tight control over everything
I do and say in my home through their bugs; if I say anything against someone in
"their" camp, they turn round the accusation against me. So, from the fact that A.
tried to garner a few pounds at my expense, MI5 create the accusation, six months
later..... "thief!".
Posted via - Premium Uncensored Newsgroup Service
Unlimited Access, Anonymous Accounts, Uncensored Broadband Access
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 1:51 pm
From: GG
Our website is full of information on all things real estate. If you
are looking to refinance you home loan we can help. Our website is
totally free, but full of valuable information that can save you a ton
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TOPIC: 11% inflation
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 1:55 pm
From: "** Frank **"
"timeOday" <> wrote in message
> <>
> WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. consumers will pay 11 percent more for the
> traditional Thanksgiving meal this year, due in part to higher energy
> costs, the American Farm Bureau Federation said on Thursday.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> How do the official inflation figures stay so low? Food, gas, health
> care, travel, all shooting up in price.
Isn't core inflation something like 2% excluding housing, food and whatever
else? Not too much inflation is good to impede recession.
I'm sick of having turkey year after year, so we're going to the in-laws for
Thanksgiving, German ox tail stew. Today wife did Asian deli takeout - flat
white noodle, roast duck and pork, Korean ribs, deep fried shrimps, BBQ
chicken, including a can of soda, etc. - all this for a whopping $8! This
would feed both of us for lunch and dinner, $2 per person per meal - how's
that for inflation?
TOPIC: MI5 Persecution: Jon Holmes (4-5/Jan/2002) (22092)
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 12:26 pm
Virgin Radio-Jon Holmes (4-5/Jan/2002)
Here are two segments from Virgin FM, one on Friday, the other on Saturday,
both from the Jon Holmes evening show.
Certainty level: 80%
In early January 2002 I listened for the first time in some months to Virgin Radio,
specifically to the Jon Holmes evening show on Friday 4 January 2002. They promptly
attacked me verbally. Again, context is relevant. There are three instances in the
space of two minutes on this extract;
00:18 "are you lying?"
00:22 "it's not fair"
01:24 "everyone at the amateur c+ turbo programmers club found it hilarious"
The first phrase is a straight slander. MI5 were trying to portray me as a liar at
around this time; I have other audio with the same accusation. "are you lying?"; unsophisticated.
It's closely followed by the words "it's not fair". Note carefully the way he says it,
quickly, as if to deny what he says. The phrase "not fair" was first created by OCTS MD
H S.-W. in Nov/1992, and picked up on my first visit to hospital soon after
"they should have paid your fare").
Again, unsophisticated parrotting of a key phrase.
The third phrase is explicable through contemporaneous context. That morning I had
phoned about a C++ course. "c+ turbo programmers club"... again, somewhat brazen
we're-listening-to-what-he-says-on-the-phone, and he-can't-prove-it. Something got lost
in translation from MI5's watchers to Virgin, because "c+ turbo" means nothing.... there
is no C+ turbo language, only C++, of which Turbo C++ is one implementation.
Certainty level: 80%
I wasn't entirely convinced from Friday's programme, but the following evening's
show confirmed it. It contained a number of references to my condition, of which the
following excerpt is one such;
00:09 "I'm not well, and no-one cares"
00:24 "my voice sounds all funny"
01:01 "do you mean people that aren't mad"
01:05 "medical problem is it"
"I'm not well" doesn't mean he has a cold; it means he is being sarcastic about my
mental illness. "my voice sounds all funny" refers to the change in nature of my
voice when acute illness hits. "do you mean people that aren't mad" is obvious.
"medical problem is it"..... rubbing salt into the wound.
Posted via - Premium Uncensored Newsgroup Service
Unlimited Access, Anonymous Accounts, Uncensored Broadband Access
TOPIC: MI5 Persecution: Post Office 14/11/02 (24267)
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 3:04 pm
Balham Hill Post Office (14/Nov/2002)
Certainty level: 80%
By mid-November 2002 the persecution had again dwindled, as happens sometimes, when along came this item.
I spent most of my time at home, going occasionally to the shops in Clapham South, or into town to meet people. On this particular
Thursday I only left the house once, for less than fifteen minutes to post a letter (special delivery, because my ordinary and
recorded delivery letters had been disappearing en route for some time - not that anyone would accuse MI5 of such petty harassment).
At the post office counter there was an Asian guy talking into his mobile phone and grinning away. There is a probability that
his comments were directed at me, as I will explain further. The second segment of audio closely follows the first segment.
"you'll do it today? let's meet about 3 o'clock and have some lunch. I got stuff to do and I'll go to the bank,
get this sh.. fucking moving yeah. Even just a little bit do something. He doesn't understand, you know what it is,
I don't want to tell him again cause then he might, he thinks we're having a go at him, I'm not having a go at him,
I'm explain to him"
Explanation: The guy is talking about some bloke who is unnamed, however it might be interpreted as being in code about me.
"I'll go to the bank"... variously interpretable, either literally, or as sounds-like "wank" which has been a consistent
theme in MI5's abuse. "get this shit fucking moving"... abuse... could be interpreted as MI5's criticism of my inertness.
The state spends hundreds of thousands of pounds a year - they want to see some result, not just neutrality and ordinariness.
"he doesn't understand"... MI5 claim I'm stupid... but the numbers and bits of paper prove otherwise, so perhaps what that
is really about is their agents' subconscious perception of themselves.
"having a go at him"... sounds like they're having a go at me, doesn't it? You might take the audio at face value and assume
it's about some other guy, but it's normal MI5 procedure to pretend to be talking about someone else, and make the content of
the message very relevant to me, or their perception of me.
"for some reason it doesn't get into his head, I don't know why... he's lost it completely, hasn't he"
What reason is there for it not getting into his (my) head? Stupidity is implied. Also implied is that it does get into his head;
we're intentionally causing him damage. He's lost it completely... for some time I have suffered from OCD... lost it completely
is the persecutors' observation of my illness, which they see through the surveillance on my home, which they caused.
Posted via - Premium Uncensored Newsgroup Service
Unlimited Access, Anonymous Accounts, Uncensored Broadband Access
TOPIC: Inexpensive Notebook..aka Laptop-------TY
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 7:05 pm
From: Bonita
† cal wrote:
> Thank you for all your replies.
> Now i have info to back me up in looking for one.
> cal
Don't forget to check Consumer Reports, and some of the
online reviews, too.
Um, this may be 'way too simple, but you do know that the
speed of your connection to the internet is not going to
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