Today's topics:
* learn chinese kongfu is so easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!click
- 1 messages, 1 author
* YOU MUST KNOW THIS MAN - 1 messages, 1 author
* Surviving in New York on 99 cents - 4 messages, 2 authors
* For Non-Muslims - 12 messages, 4 authors
* recording shows if using analog - digital converter box - 1 messages, 1
* Why do homeowners have to make profit for their houses? - 1 messages, 1
* 生活有你而精彩 - 1 messages, 1 author
* cheap wholesale,Dsquared ,shoes ( cheap accept ) ( ) - 1
messages, 1 author
* wholesale nike air force one sneakers wholesale nike
air rift ... - 1 messages, 1 author
* The Definition - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: learn chinese kongfu is so easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!click :www.kungfuer.
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 2:10 pm
From: Al Bundy wrote:
> Wushu is the history of the Chinese nation in the long-term evolution
> of the process of continuous creation and gradually formed a sport.
> Learn chinese kung fu is so easy!
I have an 11 year old girl that could probably kick your ass.
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 2:14 pm
From: Al Bundy wrote:
> In The Name Of Allaah,
> Most Gracious, Most Merciful
> Written by S.H. Pasha
I used to think only cockroaches could multiply this fast. The Chinese
and Islam posters have proven me wrong.
TOPIC: Surviving in New York on 99 cents
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 2:30 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
William Souden <> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> William Souden <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>>>> wrote
>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Real Bev <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Donna wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> George Grapman <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interesting story. Our dollar stores are not that great
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> around here and often carry really inferior products.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm thinking NYC has more to offer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The 99-Cents-Only stores in the Los Angeles (and other, I guess) area carry a lot of foreign food
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (mostly China, but not exclusively), a variety of name-brand sausage/hotdog products,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trouble is that those are made from surplus cats and dogs and rats.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fresh vegetables and fruits, a lot of exotic sauces (the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Philippine banana sauce was pretty bland, but wotthehell) and a nice variety of brand-name toothpaste
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and deodorant as well as a lot of imported bathroom needs and cleaning supplies. Like Fry's, you could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> live in a 99-Cents-Only store :-)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I love those stores. The penny-a-minute long distance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cards alone are worth the price of admission.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You're better off with voip.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Until your internet connection goes down. VOIP is fine
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for social calls or for companies with offices in different countries that need to call each other but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> would not want my business to customer calls dependent on that service.
>>>>>>>>>>>> There arent likely to be too many businesses that rely on penny-a-minute long distance cards alone, cretin.
>>>>>>>>>>> But some businesses do rely on VOIP
>>>>>>>>>> None rely on penny-a-minute long distance cards alone, cretin.
>>>>>>>>>>> and the inherent problems were pointed out.
>>>>>>>>>> Nope, you fucked that up completely. Any properly
>>>>>>>>>> implemented voip system falls back to the PSTN fuckwit.
>>>>>>>>> And that requires paying the monthly per line fees for both
>>>>>>>>> local and long distance service that VOIP is supposed to avoid.
>>>>>>>> But avoids the call charges except when the broadband is down.
>>>>>>> Most plans give x number of minutes before you pay added charges.
>>>>>> Irrelevant to the penny-a-minute long distance cards being discussed.
>>>>>>> Most business land lines have per minute charges even for a call across the street.
>>>>>> Which is why anyone with a clue uses untimed voip instead.
>>>>> Repeat: connection quality can be very poor with VOIP.
>>>> Repeat: anyone with a clue can implement voip so that the connection quality is indistinguishable from what you get
>>>> with the PSTN.
>>>>> I would not want to depend on it for business calls,
>>>> Your terminal pig ignorance is your problem, fuckwit.
>>>> No surprise that you dont get to do a damned thing technology wise and ended up a race track bum.
>> <reams of your mindless raving completely irrelevant to what is being
>> discussed, penny-a-minute long distance cards, flushed where it belongs>
>>>>>>> As earlier stated I would not want to depend on the voice quality of VOIP for business calls.
>>>>>> Any properly implemented voip system falls back to the PSTN if you need reliability.
>>>>> Again, the latter incurs monthly charges per line whether you use it or not.
>>>> But avoids the call charges except when the broadband is down.
>>> But you still pay monthly charges per line so if you office has 50
>>> lines there is a substantial cost for a service that is rarely used.
>> Only a stupid race track bum would have that many lines for when the broadband is down.
> Yep. only a stupid race track bum would work in an office with 50 employees all of whom need phones.
Only a stupid race track bum would have them using penny-a-minute long distance cards.
Anyone with a clue would have them all using voip on redundant
broadband so they dont lose all broadband at once.
>> Anyone with a clue would have more than one broadband so that doesnt all go down at once.
>> No surprise that you dont get to do a damned thing
>> technology wise and ended up a race track bum.
<reams of your mindless raving completely irrelevant to what is being
discussed, penny-a-minute long distance cards, flushed where it belongs>
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 2:37 pm
From: William Souden
Rod Speed wrote:
> William Souden <> wrote
>> Rod Speed wrote
>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>>>>> wrote
>>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Real Bev <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Donna wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> George Grapman <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interesting story. Our dollar stores are not that great
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> around here and often carry really inferior products.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm thinking NYC has more to offer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The 99-Cents-Only stores in the Los Angeles (and other, I guess) area carry a lot of foreign food
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (mostly China, but not exclusively), a variety of name-brand sausage/hotdog products,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trouble is that those are made from surplus cats and dogs and rats.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fresh vegetables and fruits, a lot of exotic sauces (the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Philippine banana sauce was pretty bland, but wotthehell) and a nice variety of brand-name toothpaste
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and deodorant as well as a lot of imported bathroom needs and cleaning supplies. Like Fry's, you could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> live in a 99-Cents-Only store :-)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I love those stores. The penny-a-minute long distance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cards alone are worth the price of admission.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You're better off with voip.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Until your internet connection goes down. VOIP is fine
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for social calls or for companies with offices in different countries that need to call each other but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would not want my business to customer calls dependent on that service.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> There arent likely to be too many businesses that rely on penny-a-minute long distance cards alone, cretin.
>>>>>>>>>>>> But some businesses do rely on VOIP
>>>>>>>>>>> None rely on penny-a-minute long distance cards alone, cretin.
>>>>>>>>>>>> and the inherent problems were pointed out.
>>>>>>>>>>> Nope, you fucked that up completely. Any properly
>>>>>>>>>>> implemented voip system falls back to the PSTN fuckwit.
>>>>>>>>>> And that requires paying the monthly per line fees for both
>>>>>>>>>> local and long distance service that VOIP is supposed to avoid.
>>>>>>>>> But avoids the call charges except when the broadband is down.
>>>>>>>> Most plans give x number of minutes before you pay added charges.
>>>>>>> Irrelevant to the penny-a-minute long distance cards being discussed.
>>>>>>>> Most business land lines have per minute charges even for a call across the street.
>>>>>>> Which is why anyone with a clue uses untimed voip instead.
>>>>>> Repeat: connection quality can be very poor with VOIP.
>>>>> Repeat: anyone with a clue can implement voip so that the connection quality is indistinguishable from what you get
>>>>> with the PSTN.
>>>>>> I would not want to depend on it for business calls,
>>>>> Your terminal pig ignorance is your problem, fuckwit.
>>>>> No surprise that you dont get to do a damned thing technology wise and ended up a race track bum.
>>> <reams of your mindless raving completely irrelevant to what is being
>>> discussed, penny-a-minute long distance cards, flushed where it belongs>
>>>>>>>> As earlier stated I would not want to depend on the voice quality of VOIP for business calls.
>>>>>>> Any properly implemented voip system falls back to the PSTN if you need reliability.
>>>>>> Again, the latter incurs monthly charges per line whether you use it or not.
>>>>> But avoids the call charges except when the broadband is down.
>>>> But you still pay monthly charges per line so if you office has 50
>>>> lines there is a substantial cost for a service that is rarely used.
>>> Only a stupid race track bum would have that many lines for when the broadband is down.
>> Yep. only a stupid race track bum would work in an office with 50 employees all of whom need phones.
> Only a stupid race track bum would have them using penny-a-minute long distance cards.
> Anyone with a clue would have them all using voip on redundant
> broadband so they dont lose all broadband at once.
>>> Anyone with a clue would have more than one broadband so that doesnt all go down at once.
What part of bad call quality is bad for business was not
clear?Oh,right, you are a welfare leech.
>>> No surprise that you dont get to do a damned thing
>>> technology wise and ended up a race track bum.
> <reams of your mindless raving completely irrelevant to what is being
> discussed, penny-a-minute long distance cards, flushed where it belongs>
I never suggested phone cards,welfare boy.
Bet you can not explain why we like to see clueless people at the track.
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 2:42 pm
From: William Souden
Looks as if it is time to repost the pitiful work history of Rod
He has had a total of one job as an adult.
A fast food place made the mistake of hiring him. He was moved from
the register because he could not handle public contact (customers
rarely enjoy being called fuckwits) and was moved to the fry grill.
He dropped a burger. The manager said "no problem, we all make
mistakes". Rod went into a tantrum and blamed the manager because, as we
know, he is never wrong.
He was then given the job of cleaning the rest rooms. He was fired
when , rather than scrub a toilet, he kept flushing it while yelling
"reams of puerile shit flushed down the toilet.
This all happened before lunch on the first day.
Rod has never had a another job. Keep in mind when one starts a new
job these things happen:
Your boss tells you what to do- Rod can never bear that.
You have questions-Rod never admits to not knowing everything.
You make a mistake-Rod can never admit to one.
Ever since then Rod has been on the dole. The check comes twice a
month and near the end of the cycle his posts make it obvious that the
meds have run out.
Each new case worker at the welfare office is assigned to Rod. They
keep hoping that a new person is hired to take over his case.
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 3:16 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
William Souden <> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> William Souden <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>>>>>> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Real Bev <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Donna wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> George Grapman <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interesting story. Our dollar stores are not that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> great around here and often carry really inferior
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> products. I'm thinking NYC has more to offer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The 99-Cents-Only stores in the Los Angeles (and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other, I guess) area carry a lot of foreign food
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (mostly China, but not exclusively), a variety of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name-brand sausage/hotdog products,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trouble is that those are made from surplus cats and dogs and rats.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fresh vegetables and fruits, a lot of exotic sauces
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (the Philippine banana sauce was pretty bland, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wotthehell) and a nice variety of brand-name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> toothpaste and deodorant as well as a lot of imported
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bathroom needs and cleaning supplies. Like Fry's,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you could live in a 99-Cents-Only store :-)
I love those stores. The penny-a-minute long distance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cards alone are worth the price of admission.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You're better off with voip.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Until your internet connection goes down. VOIP is fine
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for social calls or for companies with offices in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different countries that need to call each other but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would not want my business to customer calls dependent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on that service.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There arent likely to be too many businesses that rely
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on penny-a-minute long distance cards alone, cretin.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> But some businesses do rely on VOIP
>>>>>>>>>>>> None rely on penny-a-minute long distance cards alone, cretin.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the inherent problems were pointed out.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Nope, you fucked that up completely. Any properly
>>>>>>>>>>>> implemented voip system falls back to the PSTN fuckwit.
>>>>>>>>>>> And that requires paying the monthly per line fees for both
>>>>>>>>>>> local and long distance service that VOIP is supposed to avoid.
>>>>>>>>>> But avoids the call charges except when the broadband is down.
>>>>>>>>> Most plans give x number of minutes before you pay added charges.
>>>>>>>> Irrelevant to the penny-a-minute long distance cards being discussed.
>>>>>>>>> Most business land lines have per minute charges even for a call across the street.
>>>>>>>> Which is why anyone with a clue uses untimed voip instead.
>>>>>>> Repeat: connection quality can be very poor with VOIP.
>>>>>> Repeat: anyone with a clue can implement voip so that the connection quality is indistinguishable from what you
>>>>>> get with the PSTN.
>>>>>>> I would not want to depend on it for business calls,
>>>>>> Your terminal pig ignorance is your problem, fuckwit.
>>>>>> No surprise that you dont get to do a damned thing technology wise and ended up a race track bum.
>>>> <reams of your mindless raving completely irrelevant to what is being discussed, penny-a-minute long distance
>>>> cards, flushed where it belongs>
>>>>>>>>> As earlier stated I would not want to depend on the voice quality of VOIP for business calls.
>>>>>>>> Any properly implemented voip system falls back to the PSTN if you need reliability.
>>>>>>> Again, the latter incurs monthly charges per line whether you use it or not.
>>>>>> But avoids the call charges except when the broadband is down.
>>>>> But you still pay monthly charges per line so if you office has 50
>>>>> lines there is a substantial cost for a service that is rarely used.
>>>> Only a stupid race track bum would have that many lines for when the broadband is down.
>>> Yep. only a stupid race track bum would work in an office with 50 employees all of whom need phones.
>> Only a stupid race track bum would have them using penny-a-minute long distance cards.
>> Anyone with a clue would have them all using voip on redundant
>> broadband so they dont lose all broadband at once.
>>>> Anyone with a clue would have more than one broadband so that doesnt all go down at once.
> What part of bad call quality is bad for business was not clear?
Only a stupid race track cretin would be stupid enough to have any
business exclusively using penny-a-minute long distance cards.
And only a stupid race track bum wouldnt be able to
implement voip so no one would be able to detect any
difference in call quality in a proper double blind trial.
>>>> No surprise that you dont get to do a damned thing
>>>> technology wise and ended up a race track bum.
>> <reams of your mindless raving completely irrelevant to what is being
>> discussed, penny-a-minute long distance cards, flushed where it belongs>
> I never suggested phone cards
You were stupid enough to make your original comment when it
was penny-a-minute long distance cards being discussed, fuckwit.
TOPIC: For Non-Muslims
== 1 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 2:36 pm
From: Lookout
On 30 Mar 2008 19:55:34 GMT, Scientology is a cult <Your@ema.yil>
>Markku Grönroos <> wrote in
>> "Scientology is a cult" <Your@ema.yil> kirjoitti
>> viestissä:Xns9A71B0BD12B6CGenyooineLRH@
>>> äÓãÉ ÇíãÇä <> wrote in
>>> news:19dd678b-48e6-4200-aad2-
>>>> Islam is the complete submission and obedience to Allah (God).
>>> I don't submit to or am obedient to any human. Why should I submit
>>> to or be obedient to something manufactured by humans?
>>> --
>>> Posted via a free Usenet account from
>You seemed to have dropped a newsgroup in your non-reply. I restored it.
All religions are cults dumbass
== 2 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 1:51 pm
From: Scientology is a cult
Lookout <> wrote in
> On 30 Mar 2008 19:55:34 GMT, Scientology is a cult <Your@ema.yil>
> wrote:
>>Markku Gr"nroos <> wrote in
>>> "Scientology is a cult" <Your@ema.yil> kirjoitti
>>> viestiss„:Xns9A71B0BD12B6CGenyooineLRH@
>>>> „àÆ €¡Æ€„ <> wrote in
>>>> news:19dd678b-48e6-4200-aad2-
>>>>> Islam is the complete submission and obedience to Allah (God).
>>>> I don't submit to or am obedient to any human. Why should I submit
>>>> to or be obedient to something manufactured by humans?
>>>> --
>>>> Posted via a free Usenet account from
>>You seemed to have dropped a newsgroup in your non-reply. I restored
> All religions are cults dumbass
What a brilliant, intelligent, well-thought out reply!
Catholicism was made up. I left Catholicism but I am allowed to live and
have Catholic friends.
Scientology was made up. Someone leaves Scientology they're
"disconnected", harassed, assaulted, and sometimes killed.
If you can't see the difference, it's not me being the dumbass here.
Posted via a free Usenet account from
== 3 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 2:54 pm
From: Vlemmix
On 30 ãÇÑÓ, 16:47, "AC" <> wrote:
> "Lookout2.0" <> wrote in message
> > Lookout wrote:
> >> On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 13:53:47 +0100, spack <> wrote:
> >>> In article <19dd678b-48e6-4200-aad2-40093a50cd54
> >>>>, says...
> >>>> Allah (God)
> >>> <tedious bollocks snipped>
> >>> Thanks for this. If I want to find out about Islam or any other mass
> >>> delusions, I'll ask.
> >> snicker
> > Why are you doing that? There is no god according to you, but you are on
> > your way to hell --- snicker. You can run but you can't hide. I am not
> > going to cut you up too much, just a little bit. ;-)
> There is no God, heaven or hell. When you die you rot and become worm food.
> Make the best of the life you have right now, because that all you're gonna
> get.
> And if Im wrong, God will forgive you.
> - ÚÑÖ ÇáäÕ ÇáãÞÊÈÓ -
They said: Hast come to turn us away from our gods ? Then bring upon
us that wherewith thou threatenest us, if thou art of the truthful.
He said: The knowledge is with Allah only. I convey unto you that
wherewith I have been sent, but I see you are a folk that know not.
Then, when they beheld it as a dense cloud coming toward their
valleys, they said: Here is a cloud bringing us rain. Nay, but it is
that which ye did seek to hasten, a wind wherein is painful torment,
Destroying all things by commandment of its Lord. And morning found
them so that naught could be seen save their dwellings. Thus do We
reward the guilty folk.
And verily We had empowered them with that wherewith We have not
empowered you, and had assigned them ears and eyes and hearts; but
their ears and eyes and hearts availed them naught since they denied
the revelations of Allah; and what they used to mock befell them.
And verily We have destroyed townships round about you, and displayed
(for them) Our revelation, that haply they might return.
Then why did those whom they had chosen for gods as a way of approach
(unto Allah) not help them ? Nay, but they did fail them utterly. And
(all) that was their lie, and what they used to invent.
And when We inclined toward thee (Muhammad) certain of the jinn, who
wished to hear the Qur'an and, when they were in its presence, said:
Give ear! and, when it was finished, turned back to their people,
== 4 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 2:58 pm
From: Lookout
On 30 Mar 2008 20:51:23 GMT, Scientology is a cult <Your@ema.yil>
>Lookout <> wrote in
>> On 30 Mar 2008 19:55:34 GMT, Scientology is a cult <Your@ema.yil>
>> wrote:
>>>Markku Gr"nroos <> wrote in
>>>> "Scientology is a cult" <Your@ema.yil> kirjoitti
>>>> viestiss„:Xns9A71B0BD12B6CGenyooineLRH@
>>>>> „àÆ? €¡Æ€„ <> wrote in
>>>>> news:19dd678b-48e6-4200-aad2-
>>>>>> Islam is the complete submission and obedience to Allah (God).
>>>>> I don't submit to or am obedient to any human. Why should I submit
>>>>> to or be obedient to something manufactured by humans?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Posted via a free Usenet account from
>>>You seemed to have dropped a newsgroup in your non-reply. I restored
>> All religions are cults dumbass
>What a brilliant, intelligent, well-thought out reply!
>Catholicism was made up. I left Catholicism but I am allowed to live and
>have Catholic friends.
>Scientology was made up. Someone leaves Scientology they're
>"disconnected", harassed, assaulted, and sometimes killed.
>If you can't see the difference, it's not me being the dumbass here.
They can be the same and different dumbass.
They are both made up. That's a fact.
So what if you're left behind by a cult you don't want to be part of.
Who cares?
Religion makes you stupid. Period.
== 5 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 3:02 pm
From: "Lookout666.6"
Lookout wrote:
> On 30 Mar 2008 20:51:23 GMT, Scientology is a cult <Your@ema.yil>
> wrote:
>> Lookout <> wrote in
>>> On 30 Mar 2008 19:55:34 GMT, Scientology is a cult <Your@ema.yil>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Markku Gr"nroos <> wrote in
>>>> news:hGSHj.318388$
>>>>> "Scientology is a cult" <Your@ema.yil> kirjoitti
>>>>> viestiss„:Xns9A71B0BD12B6CGenyooineLRH@
>>>>>> „àÆ? €¡Æ€„ <> wrote in
>>>>>> news:19dd678b-48e6-4200-aad2-
>>>>>>> Islam is the complete submission and obedience to Allah (God).
>>>>>> I don't submit to or am obedient to any human. Why should I submit
>>>>>> to or be obedient to something manufactured by humans?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Posted via a free Usenet account from
>>>> You seemed to have dropped a newsgroup in your non-reply. I restored
>> it.
>>> All religions are cults dumbass
>> What a brilliant, intelligent, well-thought out reply!
>> Catholicism was made up. I left Catholicism but I am allowed to live and
>> have Catholic friends.
>> Scientology was made up. Someone leaves Scientology they're
>> "disconnected", harassed, assaulted, and sometimes killed.
>> If you can't see the difference, it's not me being the dumbass here.
> They can be the same and different dumbass.
> They are both made up. That's a fact.
> So what if you're left behind by a cult you don't want to be part of.
> Who cares?
> Religion makes you stupid. Period.
You heard it from the Unset God, a delusional clown named *Lookout*.
----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet News==---- The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups
----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----
== 6 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 3:05 pm
From: "olfart"
> You can not normally do this withe these kinds of scum because they change
> their email and name all of the time. So do what the rest of us do and
> hate them like the rest of the world.
looks like you are using OE so set up a message rule to delete "Muslim" in
the subject line
== 7 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 2:20 pm
From: Scientology is a cult
Lookout <> wrote in
>>> All religions are cults dumbass
>>What a brilliant, intelligent, well-thought out reply!
>>Catholicism was made up. I left Catholicism but I am allowed to live
>>and have Catholic friends.
>>Scientology was made up. Someone leaves Scientology they're
>>"disconnected", harassed, assaulted, and sometimes killed.
>>If you can't see the difference, it's not me being the dumbass here.
> They can be the same and different dumbass.
> They are both made up. That's a fact.
> So what if you're left behind by a cult you don't want to be part of.
> Who cares?
> Religion makes you stupid. Period.
You're obviously not religious - what's your excuse then?
Posted via a free Usenet account from
== 8 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 3:48 pm
From: Lookout
On 30 Mar 2008 21:20:43 GMT, Scientology is a cult <Your@ema.yil>
>Lookout <> wrote in
>>>> All religions are cults dumbass
>>>What a brilliant, intelligent, well-thought out reply!
>>>Catholicism was made up. I left Catholicism but I am allowed to live
>>>and have Catholic friends.
>>>Scientology was made up. Someone leaves Scientology they're
>>>"disconnected", harassed, assaulted, and sometimes killed.
>>>If you can't see the difference, it's not me being the dumbass here.
>> They can be the same and different dumbass.
>> They are both made up. That's a fact.
>> So what if you're left behind by a cult you don't want to be part of.
>> Who cares?
>> Religion makes you stupid. Period.
>You're obviously not religious - what's your excuse then?
Of course I'm not.
== 9 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 3:49 pm
From: Lookout
On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 16:58:20 -0500, Lookout <>
>On 30 Mar 2008 20:51:23 GMT, Scientology is a cult <Your@ema.yil>
>>Lookout <> wrote in
>>> On 30 Mar 2008 19:55:34 GMT, Scientology is a cult <Your@ema.yil>
>>> wrote:
>>>>Markku Gr"nroos <> wrote in
>>>>> "Scientology is a cult" <Your@ema.yil> kirjoitti
>>>>> viestiss„:Xns9A71B0BD12B6CGenyooineLRH@
>>>>>> „àÆ? €¡Æ€„ <> wrote in
>>>>>> news:19dd678b-48e6-4200-aad2-
>>>>>>> Islam is the complete submission and obedience to Allah (God).
>>>>>> I don't submit to or am obedient to any human. Why should I submit
>>>>>> to or be obedient to something manufactured by humans?
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Posted via a free Usenet account from
>>>>You seemed to have dropped a newsgroup in your non-reply. I restored
>>> All religions are cults dumbass
>>What a brilliant, intelligent, well-thought out reply!
>>Catholicism was made up. I left Catholicism but I am allowed to live and
>>have Catholic friends.
>>Scientology was made up. Someone leaves Scientology they're
>>"disconnected", harassed, assaulted, and sometimes killed.
>>If you can't see the difference, it's not me being the dumbass here.
>They can be the same and different dumbass.
>They are both made up. That's a fact.
>So what if you're left behind by a cult you don't want to be part of.
>Who cares?
>Religion makes you stupid. Period.;_ylt=AuVpdw_A2ozu0zyPPp8kgCys0NUE
Muslims more numerous than Catholics
By the way..non believers make up 11% of the world population. Much
more than the scientology idiots.
== 10 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 3:06 pm
From: Scientology is a cult
Lookout <> wrote in
>>> They can be the same and different dumbass.
>>> They are both made up. That's a fact.
>>> So what if you're left behind by a cult you don't want to be part of.
>>> Who cares?
>>> Religion makes you stupid. Period.
>>You're obviously not religious - what's your excuse then?
> Of course I'm not.
I'm a secular humanist. Religion is not for me.
I do know the difference between a crutch that helps a person walk and a
life support system that keeps them going after death.
Mainstream religion = crutch
Scientology = life support system
Figure it out.
Posted via a free Usenet account from
== 11 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 5:04 pm
From: Lookout
On 30 Mar 2008 22:06:20 GMT, Scientology is a cult <Your@ema.yil>
>Lookout <> wrote in
>>>> They can be the same and different dumbass.
>>>> They are both made up. That's a fact.
>>>> So what if you're left behind by a cult you don't want to be part of.
>>>> Who cares?
>>>> Religion makes you stupid. Period.
>>>You're obviously not religious - what's your excuse then?
>> Of course I'm not.
>I'm a secular humanist. Religion is not for me.
>I do know the difference between a crutch that helps a person walk and a
>life support system that keeps them going after death.
>Mainstream religion = crutch
>Scientology = life support system
>Figure it out.
Prove there is life after death.
== 12 of 12 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 4:45 pm
From: Scientology is a cult
Lookout <> wrote in
> On 30 Mar 2008 22:06:20 GMT, Scientology is a cult <Your@ema.yil>
> wrote:
>>Lookout <> wrote in
>>>>> They can be the same and different dumbass.
>>>>> They are both made up. That's a fact.
>>>>> So what if you're left behind by a cult you don't want to be part
>>>>> Who cares?
>>>>> Religion makes you stupid. Period.
>>>>You're obviously not religious - what's your excuse then?
>>> Of course I'm not.
>>I'm a secular humanist. Religion is not for me.
>>I do know the difference between a crutch that helps a person walk and
>>life support system that keeps them going after death.
>>Mainstream religion = crutch
>>Scientology = life support system
>>Figure it out.
> Prove there is life after death.
You obviously haven't read the first line of my post. I don't believe
there is an afterlife. I don't need to be bribed with the promise of
reward or the threat of punishment to behave as a decent human.
But for the people who do, the promise of afterlife reward for good deeds
and punishment for bad deeds is what keeps them in line. That is when
religion is good - when it keeps people from doing bad. It's a crutch,
yes, but it helps them walk.
Posted via a free Usenet account from
TOPIC: recording shows if using analog - digital converter box
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 3:00 pm
From: "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"
"LDC" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:32:32 GMT, "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"
> <> wrote:
>>so if you have one of those converter boxes and an analog tv set,
>>what can you record? just the station you're watching, right? 'cause
>>you won't have the ability to tune in another one?
> So now you are asking a question. I thought you were the one who
> started this thread by making statements saying the exact same
> thing.
> Get it straight, are you trying to provide information or ask
> questions? I raise the issue only because you took exception with
> someone saying you asked a question. If you took the time to
> compose your post in a standard English format, your messages would
> be clearer.
well, i was just making sure i understood what the guy was saying. which
seemed to be what i said.
> (unnecessary crosspost to m.c.f-l) deleted.
since when is it frugal to buy and item just to find out it doesn't do what
expected it to, thereby requiring another purchase, when you could have just
gotten the correct one to begin with if you read all about it on mcfl?
if you're gonna pick on grammar, the least you can do is get yours right.
let me correct YOUR grammar. i'm not worried about mine since i didn't
initiate this.
> Get it straight, are you trying to provide information or ask questions?
"Get it straight" is a complete sentence.
"are you trying to provide information or ask questions?" is also a complete
you join 2 complete sentences with a semi-colon (;), not a comma (,):
Get it straight; are you trying to provide information or ask questions?
The semi colon as external sentence marker
The sentence that follows the semi-colon must begin with a lower-case
letter, and it
must be a sentence. The particular role of the semi-colon is to indicate
that two
consecutive sentences relate more closely than do sentences separated by a
full stop.
Such a relationship exists between the next two sentences. The first says
about `Patrick's' position in the matter of `understatement'. The writer's
emphasises the humorous dichotomy of `would be' and `is':
To say that Patrick was relieved would be an understatement; understatement
is one
thing our flamboyant friend is not famous for.
In the next sentence the semi-colon highlights the irony in being told that
one may use
something that is not in evidence:
We were told that people may use the paper towels; we saw none
TOPIC: Why do homeowners have to make profit for their houses?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 3:25 pm
From: " Frank"
> Another advantage of stocks over real estate is that real estate is
> one of the least liquid investments out there, topped only by things
> like collectibles (you have to hold onto that Corvette for 30 years
> before it becomes a classic and its value goes up a lot). If you are
> forced into selling real estate at an inopportune time, you'll have
> to take a very low price.
That goes for everything including stocks.
Stocks are not that liquid either, but
> they're not as bad as real estate.
Close out a stock position, via an internet account or a live broker, have
the money in you hands from New York to California via snail mail in about 7
business days. Liquid enough for me.
You can diversify pretty easily.
> You can buy stock in a bunch of different companies in different
> industries and even different parts of the world. Mutual funds
> make this easy.
You could also diversify real estates in single family homes, apartments,
commercial buildings, and REITs makes it just as easy.
> So basically, people don't invest in real estate all that often
> because other forms of investment work better. That doesn't mean
> real estate can't be profitable. It's just that most people want
> to invest in the *most* profitable thing.
Sure they do, if they own a house or a condo, they are invested. More
millionairs due to real estate than anything else.
TOPIC: 生活有你而精彩
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 4:06 pm
From: 狂笑魔尊
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TOPIC: The Definition
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 5:27 pm
From: James Farrar
On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 05:33:00 +1100, "Rod Speed"
<> wrote:
>> I also think you'll find that the British army also helped a bit here and there
>Nope, without the yanks they wouldnt have lasted long.
Sorry, I lost track. Were we talking about World War I (UK declared
war on Germany 4th August 1914, US declared war on Germany 6th April
1917) or World War II (UK declared war on Germany 3rd September 1939,
US declared war on Germany 11th December 1941)?
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