Sunday, April 27, 2008

24 new messages in 16 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* NEW ! Convert Your Car/Truck to BURN WATER - 1 messages, 1 author
* The Cost of Cheap Food - 1 messages, 1 author
* Food shortage ethanol follies, I've planted a food garden. - 1 messages, 1
* Milenko Kindl makes our day - 1 messages, 1 author
* Milenko Kindl is superhero - 1 messages, 1 author
* Milenko Kindl makes us pride - 1 messages, 1 author
* Incandescent that avoids upcoming ban - 4 messages, 3 authors
* vluchten naar phuket goedkoop bangkok air tickets bangkok thailand reizen
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vlucht brussel bangkok vlucht amsterdam bangkok - 1 messages, 1 author
* Accutron Watches Torino Cheap - Accutron Watches Torino Watch - 1 messages,
1 author
* Coupon for digital Tv converter - 1 messages, 1 author
* goedkope vliegtickets naar thailand goedkoop vliegen naar bangkok
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thailand goedkoop vliegen bangkok aanbiedingen bangkok vluchten thailand
brussel bangkok thailand vakanties - 1 messages, 1 author
* billig flug nach manila manila reise billig flug nach manila billig fluege
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fliegen manila fluege von manila frankfurt manila hamburg manila - 3 messages,
2 authors
* Illegal Aliens ( breeders) come to US for free births-and anchor babies - 4
messages, 3 authors
* Would you like to make $71,000 OR $250,000 in a few weeks? As seen on the
Oprah Winfrey show and ABC's 20/20 - 1 messages, 1 author
* The Camcorder Hard Disk - What you Should Know - 1 messages, 1 author
* Futon Mattress Find a SALE Today - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: NEW ! Convert Your Car/Truck to BURN WATER

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 4:14 pm
From: "Windy Anderson"

Convert Your Car/Truck to BURN WATER as well as Gasoline
Yes, this new technology provides you with a great ENTRY-LEVEL
solution you can install in a few minutes without engine

TOPIC: The Cost of Cheap Food

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 4:20 pm
From: "Lee K"

Putting pollution on grocery bills
By Elisabeth Rosenthal

Friday, April 25, 2008
ROME: Cod caught off Norway is shipped to China to be turned into filets,
then shipped back to Norway for sale. Argentine lemons fill supermarket
shelves on the Spanish Citrus Coast as local lemons rot on the ground. Half
of the peas in Europe are grown and packaged in Kenya.

In the United States, proclaims kiwi season has expanded to
"All year!" now that Italy has become the world's leading supplier of the
national fruit of New Zealand, taking over in the Southern Hemisphere's

Food has moved around the world since Europeans discovered tea in China, but
never at the speed or in the amounts it has over the last few years.
Consumers in not only the richest nations but also, increasingly, the
developing world expect food whenever they crave it, with no concession to
season or geography.

Increasingly efficient global transport networks make it practical to bring
food before it spoils from distant places where labor costs are lower. And
the penetration of megamarkets in nations from China to Mexico with supply
and distribution chains that gird the globe - like Wal-Mart, Carrefour and
Tesco - has accelerated the trend.

But the movable feast comes at a cost: pollution, especially carbon dioxide,
from transporting the food.

Under longstanding trade agreements, fuel for international freight carried
by sea and air is not taxed. Now, many economists, environmentalists and
politicians say it is time to make shippers and shoppers pay for the
pollution, through taxes or other measures.

"We're shifting goods around the world in a way that looks really bizarre,"
said Paul Watkiss, an Oxford University economist who wrote a recent
European Union report on food imports. He noted that Britain, for example,
imports - and exports - 15,000 tons of waffles, and similarly exchanges 20
tons of bottled water with Australia.

More important, Watkiss said, "we are not paying the environmental cost of
all that travel."

Europe is poised to change that. The European Commission announced this year
that all freight-carrying flights into and out of Europe would be included
in the European emissions trading program by 2012, meaning that permits will
have to be purchased for the pollution they generate.

The commission, the EU's executive arm, is negotiating with the global
shipping organization, the International Maritime Organization, over a tax
or other plan to reduce greenhouse gases. If there is no solution by
yearend, sea freight will eventually be included in the emissions trading
program, too, said Barbara Helferrich, spokesman for the European Commission
Environment Directorate.

"We're really ready to have everyone reduce - or pay in some way," she said.

The European Union, the world's leading food importer, has increased imports
20 percent in the last five years. The value of fresh fruit and vegetables
imported by the United States, in second place, nearly doubled between 2000
and 2006.

Under a little known international treaty called the Convention on
International Civil Aviation, signed in Chicago in 1944 to help the
fledgling airline industry, fuel for international travel and transport of
goods, including food, is exempt from taxes levied on fuel for trucks, cars
and buses. There is also no tax on fuel used by ocean freighters.

Proponents say ending these breaks could help ensure that producers and
consumers pay the environmental cost of increasingly well-traveled food.

The food and transport industries say the issue is more complicated. The
debate has put some companies on the defensive, including Tesco, the largest
British supermarket chain, known as a vocal promoter of green initiatives.

Some of those companies say that they are working to limit greenhouse gases
produced by their businesses but that the question is how to do it. They
oppose regulation and new taxes and, partly in an effort to head them off,
are advocating consumer education instead. Tesco, for instance, is
introducing a labeling system that will let consumers assess a product's
carbon footprint.

"This may be as radical for environmental consuming as putting a calorie
count on the side of packages to help people who want to lose weight," said
Trevor Datson, a spokesman for Tesco.

Some foods that travel long distances may actually have an environmental
advantage over local products, like flowers grown in the tropics instead of
in energy-hungry northern greenhouses.

Better transportation networks have sharply reduced the time required to
ship food abroad. For instance, better roads in Africa have helped cut the
time it takes for goods to go from farms on that continent to stores in
Europe to 4 days from 10 in recent years.

And with far cheaper labor costs in African nations, Morocco and Egypt have
displaced Spain in just a few seasons as important suppliers of tomatoes and
salad greens to central Europe.

"If there's an opportunity for cheaper production in terms of logistics or
supply it will be taken," said Ed Moorehouse, a consultant to the food
industry in London, adding that some of these shifts also create valuable
jobs in the developing world.

The economics are compelling. For example, Norwegian cod costs a
manufacturer about $2.99 a kilogram, or $1.36 a pound, to process in Europe,
but only 50 cents a kilogram, to process in Asia.

The ability to transport food cheaply has given rise to new and booming

"In the past few years there have been new plantations all over the center
of Italy," said Antonio Baglioni, export manager of Apofruit, a major
Italian kiwi exporter.

Kiwis from Sanifrutta, another Italian exporter, travel by sea in
refrigerated containers: 18 days to the United States, 28 to South Africa
and more than a month to reach New Zealand.

Some studies have calculated that as little as 3 percent of emissions from
the food sector are caused by transportation. But Watkiss, the Oxford
economist, said the percentage was growing rapidly. Moreover, imported foods
generate more emissions than generally acknowledged because they require
layers of packaging and, in the case of perishable food, refrigeration.

Britain, with its short growing season and powerful supermarket chains,
imports 95 percent of its fruit and more than half of its vegetables. Food
accounts for 25 percent of truck shipments in Britain, according to the
British Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Datson, the Tesco spokesman, acknowledged that there were environmental
consequences to the increased distances food travels, but he said his
company was merely responding to consumer appetites.

"The offer and range has been growing because our customers want things like
snap peas year-round," Datson said. "We don't see our job as consumer choice

Global supermarket chains like Tesco and Carrefour, spreading throughout
Eastern Europe and Asia, cater to a market for convenience foods, like
washed lettuce and cut vegetables, as well as global brands.

Pringles potato chips, for example, are sold in more than 180 countries,
though they are manufactured in only a handful of places, said Kay Puryear,
a spokesman for Procter & Gamble, which makes Pringles. A Pringles plant in
Tennessee, for example, ships to 80 countries, including Japan.

China, whose traditional cuisine rarely uses potatoes, is now the world's
biggest potato producer.

Proponents of taxing transportation fuel say it would end such uses by
changing the economic calculus.

"Food is traveling because transport has become so cheap in a world of
globalization," said Frederic Hague, head of the Norwegian environmental
group Bellona. "If it was just a matter of processing fish cheaper in China,
I'd be happy with it traveling there. The problem is pollution."

The European Union has led the world in proposals to incorporate
environmental costs into the price consumers pay for food at the market.
Switzerland, which does not belong to the EU, already taxes trucks that
cross its borders.

In addition to bringing airlines under its emission-trading scheme, the
European Commission is also considering a freight charge specifically tied
to the environmental toll of food travel to shift the current calculus that
"transporting freight is cheaper than producing goods locally."

The problem is measuring those emissions. The fact that food travels farther
does not necessarily mean more energy is used. Some studies have shown that
shipping fresh apples, onions and lamb from New Zealand might produce lower
emissions than producing the goods in Europe, where for example, storing
apples for months would require refrigeration.

But those studies were done in New Zealand, and the food travel debate is
inevitably intertwined with economic interests.

Last month, Tony Burke, the Australian minister for agriculture, fisheries
and forestry, said carbon footprinting and labeling food miles - the
distance food has traveled - is "nothing more than protectionism."

Shippers have vigorously fought the idea of levying a transportation fuel
tax, noting that if some countries repealed those provisions of the Chicago
Convention, it would wreak havoc with global trade, creating an uneven
patchwork of fuel taxes.

It would also give countries that kept the exemption a huge trade advantage.

Some European retailers hope that voluntary green measures like Tesco's
labeling, which is set to begin this year, will slow the momentum for new
taxes and regulations.

The company will begin testing the labeling system, starting with products
like orange juice and laundry detergent. Customers may be surprised by what
they discover.

Box Fresh Organics, a popular British brand, for example, advertises that 85
percent of its vegetables come from the British Midlands. But in winter, in
its standard basket, only the potatoes and carrots are grown in Britain. The
grapes are from South Africa, the fennel is from Spain and the squash is
from Italy.

Retailers today could not survive if they failed to offer such variety, said
Moorehouse, the British food consultant.

"Unfortunately," he said, "we've educated our customers to expect cheap
food, that they can go to the market to get whatever they want, whenever
they want it. All year. 24/7."

TOPIC: Food shortage ethanol follies, I've planted a food garden.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 4:18 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

habshi <> wrote:
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> habshi <> wrote

>>> Once it takes more oil energy to pump oil to the
>>> surface than you get out of it , you have run out of oil

>> Not necessarily, depends on what energy you use to do the pumping.

> You could use nuclear energy to pump the oil but
> uranium reserves would vanish within a decade

Wrong. And there are breeder reactors even if that was true.

TOPIC: Milenko Kindl makes our day

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 4:33 pm
From: David Beckham

Milenko Kindl
Banja Luka

KABUL, Afghanistan - Militants firing rockets and automatic rifles
attacked the Afghan president at a ceremony in Kabul on Sunday,
missing their target but killing three and wounding eight others.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the assault that sent President
Hamid Karzai and foreign ambassadors scurrying for cover, underscoring
the fragile grip of his U.S.-backed government.

Gunmen opened fire as a 21-gun salute echoed over the capital at an
anniversary ceremony to mark the mujahedeen victory over the Soviet
occupation of Afghanistan.

Hundreds of people, including army and police that had formed an honor
guard inspected by Karzai minutes earlier, fled in chaos as shots rang
out. The president was hustled away, surrounded by bodyguards, and
left in a convoy of four black SUVs.

The gunfire apparently came from a three-story guesthouse, popular
with migrant laborers, about 300 yards from the stands where Karzai
was seated alongside Cabinet ministers and senior diplomats, who all
escaped unharmed. A U.S. Embassy official confirmed U.S. Ambassador
William Wood was also not hurt.

A lawmaker who was about 30 yards from the president was killed in the

Residents reported that a 30-minute gunbattle broke out between
security forces and gunmen holed up in the guesthouse, located in a
neighborhood of ruined mud brick buildings.

Defense Minister Gen. Abdul Rahim Wardak said three attackers were
killed by security forces, and assault rifles and machine guns were

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujaheed said six militants were deployed
to target the president, and three of those militants died in the
attack. He said they were armed with guns, rockets and suicide vests
although no suicide bombings were reported.

The initial moments of the attack, which came as a marching band
played the finale of the national anthem, were broadcast live until TV
transmissions were cut. Hundreds of dignitaries could be seen diving
for cover. Two lawmakers were hit by the gunfire. One of the men
slumped back in his seat, while the other lay on the ground.

Less than two hours later, Karzai appeared on state-run TV and said
"everything is OK."

Appearing calm, Karzai said "the enemy of Afghanistan" tried to
disrupt the ceremony but was thwarted by security forces. He said
several suspects were arrested and smiled as he signed off his brief
recorded statement.

About 100 people were rounded up for questioning, an Afghan
intelligence official said on condition of anonymity because he was
not authorized to speak to media.

Associated Press reporters saw a half dozen people, who appeared to be
migrant laborers from northern Afghanistan, sitting in the back of a
police van outside the guesthouse, which was pocked with bullet holes.
Windows were smashed, and police barred the reporters from entering.

The militant attack, the first in the capital since mid-March, came
despite unprecedented tight security for Sunday's celebrations. In
January, three Taliban suicide attackers hit Kabul's upscale Serena
Hotel, killing eight people, including an American.

For days Kabul was ringed by checkpoints with security forces and
plainclothes intelligence officials searching vehicles. The area where
the ceremonies took place had been blocked by troops, tanks and
armored personnel carriers, and was closed to the general public.

The live coverage of the assassination attempt will add to the sense
of insecurity in the Afghan capital, which has been spared the worst
of the violence as fighting has escalated between Taliban insurgents
and NATO and U.S.-led forces.

The fighting left about 8,000 dead last year, mostly militants in the
south and east of the country, where Karzai's government has only a
tenuous grip and little public support.

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer joined several foreign
leaders, including some from neighboring Pakistan, in condemning
Sunday's attack.

"The Taliban has demonstrated once again that they will use the most
extreme violence to oppose Afghanistan's freedom and democratic
development," de Hoop Scheffer said in a statement.

The presidency said Nasir Ahmad Latefi, a local Shiite leader, and a
10-year boy died in the attack. Lawmaker Fazel Rahman Samkanai died of
his injuries at a hospital, Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Mohammad
Zahir Azimi said.

Taliban spokesman Mujaheed said the insurgents had managed to
penetrate the security cordon and reach the national stadium near the
parade area where the event was held.

He said BM-12 missiles — a crude rocket launched from a small platform
— were used in the attack. He spoke to an AP reporter by phone from an
undisclosed location.

Mohammad Saleh Saljoqi, a lawmaker at the ceremony, said there was
continuous AK-47 fire, and one rocket, which he described as a rocket-
propelled grenade, hit inside the Eid Gah mosque opposite where Karzai
was sitting. Another rocket struck after the president had already
left, about 50 yards away.

Karzai, who has led Afghanistan since soon after a U.S.-led invasion
ousted the Taliban regime in 2001, has escaped several assassination

His narrowest escape since he became president came in September 2002
when a gunman opened fire at close quarters as he visited the southern
city of Kandahar. Three people, including the gunman, died in that

TOPIC: Milenko Kindl is superhero

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 4:34 pm
From: David Beckham

Milenko Kindl
Banja Luka

KABUL, Afghanistan - Militants firing rockets and automatic rifles
attacked the Afghan president at a ceremony in Kabul on Sunday,
missing their target but killing three and wounding eight others.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the assault that sent President
Hamid Karzai and foreign ambassadors scurrying for cover, underscoring
the fragile grip of his U.S.-backed government.

Gunmen opened fire as a 21-gun salute echoed over the capital at an
anniversary ceremony to mark the mujahedeen victory over the Soviet
occupation of Afghanistan.

Hundreds of people, including army and police that had formed an honor
guard inspected by Karzai minutes earlier, fled in chaos as shots rang
out. The president was hustled away, surrounded by bodyguards, and
left in a convoy of four black SUVs.

The gunfire apparently came from a three-story guesthouse, popular
with migrant laborers, about 300 yards from the stands where Karzai
was seated alongside Cabinet ministers and senior diplomats, who all
escaped unharmed. A U.S. Embassy official confirmed U.S. Ambassador
William Wood was also not hurt.

A lawmaker who was about 30 yards from the president was killed in the

Residents reported that a 30-minute gunbattle broke out between
security forces and gunmen holed up in the guesthouse, located in a
neighborhood of ruined mud brick buildings.

Defense Minister Gen. Abdul Rahim Wardak said three attackers were
killed by security forces, and assault rifles and machine guns were

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujaheed said six militants were deployed
to target the president, and three of those militants died in the
attack. He said they were armed with guns, rockets and suicide vests
although no suicide bombings were reported.

The initial moments of the attack, which came as a marching band
played the finale of the national anthem, were broadcast live until TV
transmissions were cut. Hundreds of dignitaries could be seen diving
for cover. Two lawmakers were hit by the gunfire. One of the men
slumped back in his seat, while the other lay on the ground.

Less than two hours later, Karzai appeared on state-run TV and said
"everything is OK."

Appearing calm, Karzai said "the enemy of Afghanistan" tried to
disrupt the ceremony but was thwarted by security forces. He said
several suspects were arrested and smiled as he signed off his brief
recorded statement.

About 100 people were rounded up for questioning, an Afghan
intelligence official said on condition of anonymity because he was
not authorized to speak to media.

Associated Press reporters saw a half dozen people, who appeared to be
migrant laborers from northern Afghanistan, sitting in the back of a
police van outside the guesthouse, which was pocked with bullet holes.
Windows were smashed, and police barred the reporters from entering.

The militant attack, the first in the capital since mid-March, came
despite unprecedented tight security for Sunday's celebrations. In
January, three Taliban suicide attackers hit Kabul's upscale Serena
Hotel, killing eight people, including an American.

For days Kabul was ringed by checkpoints with security forces and
plainclothes intelligence officials searching vehicles. The area where
the ceremonies took place had been blocked by troops, tanks and
armored personnel carriers, and was closed to the general public.

The live coverage of the assassination attempt will add to the sense
of insecurity in the Afghan capital, which has been spared the worst
of the violence as fighting has escalated between Taliban insurgents
and NATO and U.S.-led forces.

The fighting left about 8,000 dead last year, mostly militants in the
south and east of the country, where Karzai's government has only a
tenuous grip and little public support.

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer joined several foreign
leaders, including some from neighboring Pakistan, in condemning
Sunday's attack.

"The Taliban has demonstrated once again that they will use the most
extreme violence to oppose Afghanistan's freedom and democratic
development," de Hoop Scheffer said in a statement.

The presidency said Nasir Ahmad Latefi, a local Shiite leader, and a
10-year boy died in the attack. Lawmaker Fazel Rahman Samkanai died of
his injuries at a hospital, Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Mohammad
Zahir Azimi said.

Taliban spokesman Mujaheed said the insurgents had managed to
penetrate the security cordon and reach the national stadium near the
parade area where the event was held.

He said BM-12 missiles — a crude rocket launched from a small platform
— were used in the attack. He spoke to an AP reporter by phone from an
undisclosed location.

Mohammad Saleh Saljoqi, a lawmaker at the ceremony, said there was
continuous AK-47 fire, and one rocket, which he described as a rocket-
propelled grenade, hit inside the Eid Gah mosque opposite where Karzai
was sitting. Another rocket struck after the president had already
left, about 50 yards away.

Karzai, who has led Afghanistan since soon after a U.S.-led invasion
ousted the Taliban regime in 2001, has escaped several assassination

His narrowest escape since he became president came in September 2002
when a gunman opened fire at close quarters as he visited the southern
city of Kandahar. Three people, including the gunman, died in that

TOPIC: Milenko Kindl makes us pride

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 4:35 pm
From: David Beckham

Milenko Kindl
Banja Luka

KABUL, Afghanistan - Militants firing rockets and automatic rifles
attacked the Afghan president at a ceremony in Kabul on Sunday,
missing their target but killing three and wounding eight others.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the assault that sent President
Hamid Karzai and foreign ambassadors scurrying for cover, underscoring
the fragile grip of his U.S.-backed government.

Gunmen opened fire as a 21-gun salute echoed over the capital at an
anniversary ceremony to mark the mujahedeen victory over the Soviet
occupation of Afghanistan.

Hundreds of people, including army and police that had formed an honor
guard inspected by Karzai minutes earlier, fled in chaos as shots rang
out. The president was hustled away, surrounded by bodyguards, and
left in a convoy of four black SUVs.

The gunfire apparently came from a three-story guesthouse, popular
with migrant laborers, about 300 yards from the stands where Karzai
was seated alongside Cabinet ministers and senior diplomats, who all
escaped unharmed. A U.S. Embassy official confirmed U.S. Ambassador
William Wood was also not hurt.

A lawmaker who was about 30 yards from the president was killed in the

Residents reported that a 30-minute gunbattle broke out between
security forces and gunmen holed up in the guesthouse, located in a
neighborhood of ruined mud brick buildings.

Defense Minister Gen. Abdul Rahim Wardak said three attackers were
killed by security forces, and assault rifles and machine guns were

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujaheed said six militants were deployed
to target the president, and three of those militants died in the
attack. He said they were armed with guns, rockets and suicide vests
although no suicide bombings were reported.

The initial moments of the attack, which came as a marching band
played the finale of the national anthem, were broadcast live until TV
transmissions were cut. Hundreds of dignitaries could be seen diving
for cover. Two lawmakers were hit by the gunfire. One of the men
slumped back in his seat, while the other lay on the ground.

Less than two hours later, Karzai appeared on state-run TV and said
"everything is OK."

Appearing calm, Karzai said "the enemy of Afghanistan" tried to
disrupt the ceremony but was thwarted by security forces. He said
several suspects were arrested and smiled as he signed off his brief
recorded statement.

About 100 people were rounded up for questioning, an Afghan
intelligence official said on condition of anonymity because he was
not authorized to speak to media.

Associated Press reporters saw a half dozen people, who appeared to be
migrant laborers from northern Afghanistan, sitting in the back of a
police van outside the guesthouse, which was pocked with bullet holes.
Windows were smashed, and police barred the reporters from entering.

The militant attack, the first in the capital since mid-March, came
despite unprecedented tight security for Sunday's celebrations. In
January, three Taliban suicide attackers hit Kabul's upscale Serena
Hotel, killing eight people, including an American.

For days Kabul was ringed by checkpoints with security forces and
plainclothes intelligence officials searching vehicles. The area where
the ceremonies took place had been blocked by troops, tanks and
armored personnel carriers, and was closed to the general public.

The live coverage of the assassination attempt will add to the sense
of insecurity in the Afghan capital, which has been spared the worst
of the violence as fighting has escalated between Taliban insurgents
and NATO and U.S.-led forces.

The fighting left about 8,000 dead last year, mostly militants in the
south and east of the country, where Karzai's government has only a
tenuous grip and little public support.

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer joined several foreign
leaders, including some from neighboring Pakistan, in condemning
Sunday's attack.

"The Taliban has demonstrated once again that they will use the most
extreme violence to oppose Afghanistan's freedom and democratic
development," de Hoop Scheffer said in a statement.

The presidency said Nasir Ahmad Latefi, a local Shiite leader, and a
10-year boy died in the attack. Lawmaker Fazel Rahman Samkanai died of
his injuries at a hospital, Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Mohammad
Zahir Azimi said.

Taliban spokesman Mujaheed said the insurgents had managed to
penetrate the security cordon and reach the national stadium near the
parade area where the event was held.

He said BM-12 missiles — a crude rocket launched from a small platform
— were used in the attack. He spoke to an AP reporter by phone from an
undisclosed location.

Mohammad Saleh Saljoqi, a lawmaker at the ceremony, said there was
continuous AK-47 fire, and one rocket, which he described as a rocket-
propelled grenade, hit inside the Eid Gah mosque opposite where Karzai
was sitting. Another rocket struck after the president had already
left, about 50 yards away.

Karzai, who has led Afghanistan since soon after a U.S.-led invasion
ousted the Taliban regime in 2001, has escaped several assassination

His narrowest escape since he became president came in September 2002
when a gunman opened fire at close quarters as he visited the southern
city of Kandahar. Three people, including the gunman, died in that

TOPIC: Incandescent that avoids upcoming ban

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 4:49 pm
From: (Don Klipstein)

There is now a retail-available incandescent that has enough energy
efficiency to get around the upcoming 2012-2014 ban until 2020.

Thanks to Paul M. Eldridge for mentioning this in article
<> in in the
"candlelight thread" on April 19th!

These are truly incandescent lamps producing about 90-91% as much light
for 70% as much electricity, in comparison to the highest light output
grades of standard incandescents. Light output is fully on par with soft
white ones that have life expectancy extended to 1500 hours. These
improved incandescents have rated life expectancy of 3,000 hours.

They look like soft white incandescents, both while off and while on.
They actually are incandescent, specifically a variation of the halogen
lamp known as "HIR". They gain energy efficiency by using an
infrared-reflecting coating on the inner surface of the inner halogen

Despite being halogen, they are rated to be fully dimmable. Just don't
expect dimming to increase their life as much as dimming increases life of
non-halogen incandescents, since halogens have an extra aging mechanism
that is slowed to a lesser extent by dimming (filament end notching).

Their color, spectrum and color rendering properties are
incandescent-like. The color is more greenish than conventional
incandescent to an extent so small that I usually cannot see this, even
side-by-side against a conventional incandescent while looking for this.
The color difference is of a scale that I have seen between different
conventional incandescents of same color temperature but different
filament winding styles and maybe different tungsten grades. The HIR
lamps definitely *do not* have anywhere near even halfway a "gas mantle"
extent of being greenish.

I just got some at Home Depot a couple hours ago. They are Philips
Halogena "energy saver".

The 70 watt one produces 1600 lumens (22.9 lumens/watt) and the 40 watt
one produces 800 lumens (20 lumens/watt).

Efficiency is improved over conventional incandescent, but is still only
around 35-40% of that of better compact fluorescents.

Since these are halogen lamps, they should have at least some regular
use with being on long enough to fully warm up to keep the "halogen cycle"
chemical process in the inner capsule working properly (as opposed to
being used only briefly). Because of this and their cost, I would rather
not use these in closet lights, refrigerator lights and motion sensor
lights - those applications are where conventional incandescent is plenty

Where I would recommend these: Other locations where compact
fluorescents are not acceptable due to warmup time, performance with
dimmers, temperature often being far from ideal for CFL, or in fixtures
where CFLs equal to 100 watt incandescent tend to overheat. These
should also be good where there is a critical color or color rendering
requirement that no CFL can meet (whether in fact or by fiat or in
someone's head), or for those who have big problems with disposable
built-in electronic ballasts or with lightbulbs having even 3 milligrams
of mercury.

Since these cost $5 per 2-pack and most ordinary spiral CFLs now cost no
more and also last longer and have at least twice the energy efficiency of
these improved incandescents, I still say use CFL where you can.

- Don Klipstein (

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 5:01 pm
From: ""

On Apr 27, 7:49�pm, (Don Klipstein) wrote:
> � There is now a retail-available incandescent that has enough energy
> efficiency to get around the upcoming 2012-2014 ban until 2020.
> � Thanks to Paul M. Eldridge for mentioning this in article
> <> in in the
> "candlelight thread" on April 19th!
> � These are truly incandescent lamps producing about 90-91% as much light
> for 70% as much electricity, in comparison to the highest light output
> grades of standard incandescents. �Light output is fully on par with soft
> white ones that have life expectancy extended to 1500 hours. �These
> improved incandescents have rated life expectancy of 3,000 hours.
> � They look like soft white incandescents, both while off and while on. �
> They actually are incandescent, specifically a variation of the halogen
> lamp known as "HIR". �They gain energy efficiency by using an
> infrared-reflecting coating on the inner surface of the inner halogen
> capsule.
> � Despite being halogen, they are rated to be fully dimmable. �Just don't
> expect dimming to increase their life as much as dimming increases life of
> non-halogen incandescents, since halogens have an extra aging mechanism
> that is slowed to a lesser extent by dimming (filament end notching).
> � Their color, spectrum and color rendering properties are
> incandescent-like. �The color is more greenish than conventional
> incandescent to an extent so small that I usually cannot see this, even
> side-by-side against a conventional incandescent while looking for this. �
> The color difference is of a scale that I have seen between different
> conventional incandescents of same color temperature but different
> filament winding styles and maybe different tungsten grades. �The HIR
> lamps definitely *do not* have anywhere near even halfway a "gas mantle"
> extent of being greenish.
> � I just got some at Home Depot a couple hours ago. �They are Philips
> Halogena "energy saver".
> � The 70 watt one produces 1600 lumens (22.9 lumens/watt) and the 40 watt
> one produces 800 lumens (20 lumens/watt).
> � Efficiency is improved over conventional incandescent, but is still only
> around 35-40% of that of better compact fluorescents.
> � Since these are halogen lamps, they should have at least some regular
> use with being on long enough to fully warm up to keep the "halogen cycle"
> chemical process in the inner capsule working properly (as opposed to
> being used only briefly). �Because of this and their cost, I would rather
> not use these in closet lights, refrigerator lights and motion sensor
> lights - those applications are where conventional incandescent is plenty
> good.
> � Where I would recommend these: �Other locations where compact
> fluorescents are not acceptable due to warmup time, performance with
> dimmers, temperature often being far from ideal for CFL, or in fixtures
> where CFLs equal to 100 watt incandescent tend to overheat. �These
> should also be good where there is a critical color or color rendering
> requirement that no CFL can meet (whether in fact or by fiat or in
> someone's head), or for those who have big problems with disposable
> built-in electronic ballasts or with lightbulbs having even 3 milligrams
> of mercury.
> � Since these cost $5 per 2-pack and most ordinary spiral CFLs now cost no
> more and also last longer and have at least twice the energy efficiency of
> these improved incandescents, I still say use CFL where you can.
> �- Don Klipstein (

one can buy cases of regular lamps, before the ban becomes

stored unused they should last forever

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 5:44 pm
From: "S. Barker"

What's this bs about a ban? I've not kept up with the messages.


"Don Klipstein" <> wrote in message
> There is now a retail-available incandescent that has enough energy
> efficiency to get around the upcoming 2012-2014 ban until 2020.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 7:01 pm
From: (Don Klipstein)

In article <>, S. Barker wrote:

>What's this bs about a ban? I've not kept up with the messages.

A recently enacted piece of USA Federal legislation bans manufacture,
sale and importation of certain incandescent lamps, starting in 2012.

"General purpose" incandescent lamps of a certain range of light output
and failing to achieve some specific standard of energy efficiency will be
banned in 2012. This will include 100 and 75 watt "regular"
incandescents. In 2014, this will expand to include 60 and 40 watt
"regular" incandescents that fail to meet that level of energy efficiency.

The "usual regular" incandescents of 75-100 watts will be banned in 2012
and the "usual regular" incandescents of 40-60 watts will be banned in

The improved incandescents that Paul Eldridge and I mentioned have
sufficient energy efficiency to not be affected until 2020 according to
this law.

GE is planning to put similar ones on the market in 2010.

"Specialty" incandescents are largely not affected. Paul Eldridge
posted a list of unaffected ones in the "candlelight thread" in on April 20 in article

That one can be viewed via Google (along with 24 other articles in the
"candlelight thread" of at least 104 articles) by going to:

That article also mentions availability at Home Depot of incandescents
that have sufficient energy efficiency to not be banned in 2012-2014.

- Don Klipstein (

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== 1 of 1 ==
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TOPIC: Coupon for digital Tv converter

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 6:35 pm
From: The Real Bev

Jamie wrote:

> I finally got the coupon in the mail today. It expires on July 10. I
> did not count on getting a converter that soon. But I guess I'd
> better not put it off. I asked about the converters at Best Buy a few
> days ago.

The RCAs at Walmart are $50 + tax and work nicely.

Cheers, Bev
"I've had a Lucas pacemaker for years and have
never experienced any prob

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== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 9:03 pm
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TOPIC: Illegal Aliens ( breeders) come to US for free births-and anchor babies

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 7:49 pm
From: "Jerry Okamura"

"Cheapo Groovo" <> wrote in message
In article <aeb78f64-855d-48f3-9116->, says...
> On Apr 20, 6:44 pm, wrote:
> > (CBS) It was 5 a.m. and CBS News national correspondent Byron Pitts is
> > with a woman who is nine months pregnant. She's rushed to a south
> > Texas hospital to undergo a C-section - a $4,700 medical procedure
> > that won't cost her a dime. She qualifies for emergency Medicaid.
> >
> > She gave birth to a healthy, 8 1/2 pound baby boy - born in America.
> > His Mexican mother gave him an American name: Eliot.
> >
> > Eliot is one of an estimated 300,000 children of illegal immigrants
> > born in the United States every year, according to the Pew Hispanic
> > Center. They're given instant citizenship because they are born on
> > U.S. soil, which makes it easier for their parents to become U.S.
> > citizens.
> >
> > That's because those babies can eventually sponsor their parents -
> > when they turn 21 years old.
> >
> > As for Eliot's mother, no longer as fearful of deportation, she told
> > CBS News her name, Fabiola, and her story.
> >
> > "So your son is an American citizen. What does that mean to you?"
> > Pitts asked.
> >
> > "I am very glad that he was born. That's why I came here - so my
> > children, my husband and I could have a better life," she said through
> > a translator.
> >
> > Back in December, when she was six months pregnant, Fabiola, her
> > husband and their two daughters - ages 4 and 11 - crossed the Rio
> > Grande from Mexico into the U.S.
> >
> > Once on the other side of the river they walked for two hours in
> > search of a better life and free medical care for their unborn child.
> >
> > "Do many women in Mexico make the choice to have their children in the
> > United States?" Pitts asked.
> >
> > "Yes," she said through a translator. "I know people who have done
> > that. Things are much better here in the U.S. because they help
> > children so much more."
> >
> > It's a "better" life ... that American taxpayers help pay for.
> >
> > Take healthcare for example -- an estimated $1.1 billion per year for
> > undocumented men, women and children, according to the Rand
> > Corporation.
> >
> > Joe Riley is the CEO of the McAllen Texas Medical Center near the
> > Texas-Mexico border. Forty percent of the children born there, nearly
People like Rod Speed don't see the exploitation illegals face. Poor
working conditions, low wages, and who are they going to complain to?

It may be "exploitation" but put yourself in the shoes of that illegal. If
he stays in the native country, he may not be "exploited" but he won't be
able to make a whole lot of money. "If" he comes into this country, some
employer "may" exploit the fact that he is an illegal, but he will make more
than enough money in most cases that he can afford to feed himself, most
likely his family (if they came with him), AND may have some money to send
home to help someone else in his family that is still in Mexico.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 8:59 pm
From: Day Brown

Jerry Okamura wrote:
> It may be "exploitation" but put yourself in the shoes of that illegal.
> If he stays in the native country, he may not be "exploited" but he
> won't be able to make a whole lot of money. "If" he comes into this
> country, some employer "may" exploit the fact that he is an illegal, but
> he will make more than enough money in most cases that he can afford to
> feed himself, most likely his family (if they came with him), AND may
> have some money to send home to help someone else in his family that is
> still in Mexico.
Without regard to the morality, we have a national security problem.
They come here without proper immunizations, and we've seen disease
outbreaks result.

By jamming lotsa workers in the same house they reduce the cost to save
the money to send home. But they also create a nursery for pathogens
like TB and rhinoviruses. The proverbial schitt will really hit the fan
if the malnourished masses- with impaired immune systems have a serious
disease outbreak; which the WHO is already seriously worried about.

Studies already reveal that exposure to viruses in childhood can
interfere with proper mental development- eg trigger autism. So, they
come, put their kids in our schools, and put yours at risk.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 9:53 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Jerry Okamura <> wrote
> Cheapo Groovo <> wrote wrote
>> wrote

>>> (CBS) It was 5 a.m. and CBS News national correspondent Byron Pitts
>>> is with a woman who is nine months pregnant. She's rushed to a south
>>> Texas hospital to undergo a C-section - a $4,700 medical procedure
>>> that won't cost her a dime. She qualifies for emergency Medicaid.

>>> She gave birth to a healthy, 8 1/2 pound baby boy - born in America. His Mexican mother gave him an American name:
>>> Eliot.

>>> Eliot is one of an estimated 300,000 children of illegal immigrants
>>> born in the United States every year, according to the Pew Hispanic
>>> Center. They're given instant citizenship because they are born on U.S. soil, which makes it easier for their
>>> parents to become U.S. citizens.

>>> That's because those babies can eventually sponsor their parents -
>>> when they turn 21 years old.

>>> As for Eliot's mother, no longer as fearful of deportation, she told CBS News her name, Fabiola, and her story.

>>> "So your son is an American citizen. What does that mean to you?" Pitts asked.

>>> "I am very glad that he was born. That's why I came here - so my children, my husband and I could have a better
>>> life," she said through a translator.

>>> Back in December, when she was six months pregnant, Fabiola, her
>>> husband and their two daughters - ages 4 and 11 - crossed the Rio
>>> Grande from Mexico into the U.S.

>>> Once on the other side of the river they walked for two hours in
>>> search of a better life and free medical care for their unborn child.

>>> "Do many women in Mexico make the choice to have their children in
>>> the United States?" Pitts asked.

>>> "Yes," she said through a translator. "I know people who have done that. Things are much better here in the U.S.
>>> because they help children so much more."

>>> It's a "better" life ... that American taxpayers help pay for.

>>> Take healthcare for example -- an estimated $1.1 billion per year for undocumented men, women and children,
>>> according to the Rand Corporation.

>>> Joe Riley is the CEO of the McAllen Texas Medical Center near the
>>> Texas-Mexico border. Forty percent of the children born there, nearly

> People like Rod Speed don't see the exploitation illegals face.

Wrong. I realise that they choose to be exploited and even when they are
exploited, their circumstances are better than where they came from, or
they wouldnt be illegals in the first place and would return home etc.

> Poor working conditions, low wages, and who are they going to complain to?

They're welcome to stay back where they came from if they dont like the detail.

> It may be "exploitation" but put yourself in the shoes of that illegal. If he stays in the native country, he may not
> be "exploited" but he won't be able to make a whole lot of money. "If" he comes into this country, some employer
> "may" exploit the fact that he is an illegal, but he will make more than enough money in most cases that he can afford
> to feed himself, most likely his family (if they came with him), AND may have some money to send home to help someone
> else in his family that is still in Mexico.

So they have clearly decided that even when they are exploited, the
result they get is better than where they came from or they would return.

And when they are illegal, they get to wear the downsides of choosing to flout the law.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 10:01 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Day Brown <> wrote
> Jerry Okamura wrote

>> It may be "exploitation" but put yourself in the shoes of that
>> illegal. If he stays in the native country, he may not be "exploited" but he won't be able to make a whole lot of
>> money. "If" he comes into this country, some employer "may" exploit the fact that he is an illegal, but he will make
>> more than enough money in most cases that he can afford to feed himself, most likely his family (if they came with
>> him), AND may have some money to send home to help someone else in his family that is still in Mexico.

> Without regard to the morality, we have a national security problem.

Nope, just a few problems in other areas.

> They come here without proper immunizations, and we've seen disease outbreaks result.

Fuck all of those, its a very minor problem compared with their criminal activitys particularly.

> By jamming lotsa workers in the same house they reduce the cost to save the money to send home. But they also create a
> nursery for pathogens like TB and rhinoviruses.

Plenty of natives do that with their drug taking activitys.

> The proverbial schitt will really hit the fan if the malnourished masses-

There arent any of those in america, they eat very well compared with where they come from.

> with impaired immune systems

FAR more of those from drug taking activitys.

> have a serious disease outbreak;

Taint gunna happen, you watch.

> which the WHO is already seriously worried about.

Lie. Things are MUCH worse where they come from and even the WHO realises that.

> Studies already reveal that exposure to viruses in childhood can
> interfere with proper mental development- eg trigger autism.

You cant cite even a single peer reviewed scientific journal article that claims that.

> So, they come, put their kids in our schools, and put yours at risk.

Another lie. There's fuck all risk of infectious disease in schools and
what there is of that is trivially avoidable by proper immunisation.

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TOPIC: The Camcorder Hard Disk - What you Should Know

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 10:30 pm

ntroducing The Camcorder Hard Disk

You know who they are and maybe you are one of them. They are those
special people who always have their video camcorders pointed and
rolling. They have filmed every special event ranging from births to
funerals and baby' s first steps to graduations. Their stacks and
stacks of VCR tapes attest to their commitment and joy of committing
everything to film.

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TOPIC: Futon Mattress Find a SALE Today

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 10:46 pm

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