Today's topics:
* This is supposed to be an election where all the votes are counted, not a
Madonna concert ! - 1 messages, 1 author
* What would be the ultimate retail store job you'd love to work in,if you had
to ? - 5 messages, 3 authors
* CHINA SUPPLY AF1 JORDAN SHOES - 1 messages, 1 author
* Learn How To Rank #1 On Google In 24Hrs Or Less Google SEO Magic NEW LINK -
1 messages, 1 author
* Programs That WORK - 1 messages, 1 author
* Womens Health and Weight Loss - 1 messages, 1 author
* Trader Joe's, Whole Foods - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: This is supposed to be an election where all the votes are counted, not
a Madonna concert !
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 3:39 pm
From: krw
In article <HHlZj.89503$y05.19853@newsfe22.lga>,
> "Shawn Hirn" <> wrote
> >> If I'm not mistaken, Obama took his name off the ballot (or never
> >> petitioned to be on the ballot), respecting the rules of the DNC.
> >> Hillary did not. How can a delegation representing those
> >> circumstances be considered legit?
> >
> > It can't be legitimate. Hilly is such a hypocrite. She was one of the
> > most vocal supporters of putting Michigan and Florida in the dog house
> > for moving up their primaries. Now that she's behind, Clinton suddenly
> > thinks they should undo what she supported in the first place.
> >
> > The only fair thing to do is to split Michigan's delegates 50-50 between
> > Obama and Clinton. Of course, since that would not result in any change
> > at all in the outcome of primary season, why bother?
> If Michigans delegates were counted and split 50/50 that would be a net gain
> for Obama, since he wasn't even on the ballot because he was PLAYING BY THE
> RULES. The DNC said Florida and Michigan would not be seated or counted at
> the convention, so he didn't campain there. Who in their right mind would?
So, in your opinion, Shrillary's mind isn't right?
> Hillary did, and that is one of the reasons she's still hanging around so
> she can try to recoup the money she loaned her campaign that was spent in a
> place that "wasn't supposed to count". Now she's in Florida crying out
> about *every vote should count* when she was well aware of the fact that
> those votes and delegates would NOT be counted before the primary took
> place. The DNC screwed the pooch here, and now there is no "quick fix" they
> are stuck with Obama, who they really want to abandon like rats from a
> sinking ship, and Hillary wants him to lose to McDumbshit so she has HER
> shot in 4 years.
She's already lost to "McDumbShit". That's what we're discussing.
TOPIC: What would be the ultimate retail store job you'd love to work in,if
you had to ?
== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 3:53 pm
From: krw
In article <c270942b-adf5-4229-a3e6-f251728ebfe3>,
> On May 22, 11:24 pm, Karen <> wrote:
> > Irrespective whether you presently work in the retail sector or don't
> > and never have, what would be the ultimate retail store job you'd love
> > working in, if you had to have or choose one and please say why.
> I would have to be on the desperate, hairy edge of starvation before
> I'd work retail. By and large, I don't like people.
My son and daughter-in-law work retail. They're nuts!
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 3:54 pm
From: The Real Bev
Jay Pique wrote:
> On May 22, 11:42 pm, The Real Bev <> wrote:
>> Karen wrote:
>> > Irrespective whether you presently work in the retail sector or don't
>> > and never have, what would be the ultimate retail store job you'd love
>> > working in, if you had to have or choose one and please say why.
>> It would involve being able to whip some of the managers I worked for at
>> Sears when I was a kid. I realize they're probably dead by now, but
>> that's OK, they don't have to stand up.
>> The guy who ran the sheets+towels department is the exception -- he was
>> a good guy.
I wish I could remember his name. I remember the store manager's name
-- Owen Day. There was a slogan: "Sears Days are Day's days, so let's
get goin' with Owen." We had to say it in unison.
>> --
>> Cheers, Bev
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> All bleeding eventually stops.
> Bev? Is that you?! My god....worlds are colliding. So are you a
> woodworker?
No, I'm frugal. Bruno's a woodworker. Or maybe it's Fernando... Did I
tell you about my $5 skis+boots? The original jerk posted into several
unrelated newsgroups. As we all know from experience, some bait is
Cheers, Bev
"Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death."
-- Hunter S. Thompson
== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 3:58 pm
From: krw
In article <cMAZj.156$>, says...
> "Karen" <> wrote in message
> > Irrespective whether you presently work in the retail sector or don't
> > and never have, what would be the ultimate retail store job you'd love
> > working in, if you had to have or choose one and please say why.
> >
> In my younger days I would have said, "Victoria's Secret" but now I
> guess I wouldn't mind spending my paycheck on some of the tools I would
> be selling at "Tool World".
That's the ticket! The Binford Outlet Store. ;-)
== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 4:00 pm
From: krw
In article <48373d89$0$2958$>, says...
> "Woodie" <> wrote in message
> news:o_GZj.176908$yE1.47912@attbi_s21...
> > Karen wrote:
> >> Irrespective whether you presently work in the retail sector or don't
> >> and never have, what would be the ultimate retail store job you'd love
> >> working in, if you had to have or choose one and please say why.
> >
> > Hiring manager for Mons Venus.
> All the best workers in that sector are volunteers.
Hmm, I thought they all drove big Cadillacs with leopard skin
== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 5:41 pm
From: val189
I used to go to a theatrical ticket agent and would depart thinking,
what a job!!
a. customer either takes or leaves it, (picked seat from a chart.)
b. no quibbling on price.
c. stock can be housed in a couple of shoeboxes, at least at the
d. no returns.
e. low overhead
f. miniscule - store was about 15 square feet.
f. one person operation.
g. able to refuse telephone orders or 'put it on hold - I'll be right
Not sure what his cut was, but I bet he slept well at night.
My second choice would be perfume shop - for a lot of the above
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 5:28 pm
TOPIC: Learn How To Rank #1 On Google In 24Hrs Or Less Google SEO Magic NEW
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 10:03 pm
Learn How To Rank #1 On Google In 24Hrs Or Less
Google SEO Magic
Get free website traffic from google with just a few
Get to the top of search pages
TOPIC: Programs That WORK
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 11:22 pm
From: infynitedreamz
I am just an average mom who fell for a lot of scams but, in the
process I was able to find some really great oppritunities that have
helped me gain financial freedom.
I really had to work though. No one is gonna give you money for no
work! So I put in 3-4hrs a day and within 1 month I had my first
Every month after that the more work I put in the bigger my checks
got!!! My family just went on our first trip to Disney 2 weeks ago!! 1
year ago I would have never imagined to be where I am today!!
I really hope this information is useful. Hopefully I can help someone
like me!!
TOPIC: Womens Health and Weight Loss
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 11:27 pm
From: infynitedreamz
Women's health & Weight loss Knowledge is the CRITICAL factor that
separates healthy, fit, attractive women from average women struggling
to stay healthy.
The purpose of the extensive women's health and weight loss
information you'll find here is to teach you not only how to identify
women's health, weight loss and nutrition problems but, how to fix
them as well.
TOPIC: Trader Joe's, Whole Foods
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 11:42 pm
From: "Nicik Name"
"meatnub" <> wrote in message
> When these places opened up near me it was cool to go to them for the
> novelty of something new, different foods and what not, healthier too.
> That was about 2, 3 years ago.
> Have these places gotten any more expensive?
Trader Joes and the like will be out of business in 1 year maybe less
due to high energy prices.
Gas in my neck of the woods is over 4.19 p/g. and climbing.
On stagnant wages you DO NOT shop at a Trader Joes.
One or two stores may linger on in a wealthy area.
At 4.99 P/G for gas the United States slips into a depression.
> Now that I intend to cook from scratch a lot more, and eat healthier
> (now that my wife and I have a 1 year old son), I am thinking about
> going to a butcher for meats and visitings these stores for natural
> food (with less or no preservatives or pesticides in their products).
> I just wonder now that they are popular if their prices have risen
> significantly, esp. with the cost of gas going up?
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