Today's topics:
* Gas Prices - 11 messages, 5 authors
* one time please visit my websiteone time see the site
tc - 1 messages, 1 author
* See Sexy Alicia Keys Photos! the Home of Hip Hop - 1 messages, 1 author
* Aloe Vera for Digestive Problems - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Hot Shop Seiko Men's Le Grand Sport - Seiko Minimum Price - 1 messages, 1
SHOES ETC - 1 messages, 1 author
* Printer ink refill - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Question about nitrogen in tires - 1 messages, 1 author
FACTORY PRICE - 1 messages, 1 author
* Did Netflix raise the price of their plans? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* horns and roars of any kind are not welcome - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: Gas Prices
== 1 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 12:09 am
>> Jim
> I guess I still don't get it then. I use cash to buy my gas. The guy
> down the road charges two prices for gas. The price for cash paying
> customers such as myself is less than those using credit cards.
Interesting. That's not legal where I live.
== 2 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 2:30 am
From: "Rod Speed"
William Souden <> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> William Souden <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>> William Souden <> wrote
>>>>> Rod Speed wrote
>>>>>> George <george@nospam.invalid> wrote
>>>>>>> Jim Elbrecht wrote
>>>>>>>> Terri <> wrote
>>>>>>>>> Paul M. Eldridge <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>> I believe it has to do with the VISA and MasterCard
>>>>>>>>>> pre-authorizations (I'm not sure if this is still the case,
>>>>>>>>>> but the MasterCard limit per transaction was set at $75.00).
>>>>>>>>> That makes sense. (Even if using a credit card to buy gas doesn't.)
>>>>>>>> Makes more sense than ever. I get 3% off for using the card.
>>>>>>>> 3% of $4 gas is better than 3% of the $1 gas I was getting when I signed up.
>>>>>>> Not really, you (and everyone else who purchases stuff) is paying for your "rewards" because the merchant has to
>>>>>>> charge more.
>>>>>> Nope, the card companys get it from the interest they charge
>>>>>> the fools who dont pay off their cards in full every month.
>>>>> And they get a percentage of each sale from the merchant.
>>>> Much smaller percentage than they get from the fools who dont pay off their cards in full every month.
>>> So anyone with a bill such as car repair or a family emergency who can not pay in full is a fool?
>> What was being discussed was paying for GASOLINE, you stupid race track bum.
> Still holds true.
Wrong, as always, you stupid race track bum.
== 3 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 4:54 am
From: George
Terri wrote:
> Jim Elbrecht <> wrote in
>> Terri <> wrote:
>>> Paul M. Eldridge <> wrote in
>> -snip-
>>>> I believe it has to do with the VISA and MasterCard pre-authorizations
>>>> (I'm not sure if this is still the case, but the MasterCard limit per
>>>> transaction was set at $75.00).
>>> That makes sense. (Even if using a credit card to buy gas doesn't.)
>> Makes more sense than ever. I get 3% off for using the card. 3% of
>> $4 gas is better than 3% of the $1 gas I was getting when I signed up.
>> Jim
> I guess I still don't get it then. I use cash to buy my gas. The guy
> down the road charges two prices for gas. The price for cash paying
> customers such as myself is less than those using credit cards.
Same here only slightly different. The megabanks pushed through
legislation in my state that prohibits a merchant from offering any
pricing that highlights their tribute. So there are totally separate
filling stations. Some are cash only and are always cheaper and then
there are the CC/cash places that can't offer a cash discount.
== 4 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 4:59 am
From: "Chloe"
"Larry Caldwell" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> (Jim Elbrecht) says...
>> Makes more sense than ever. I get 3% off for using the card. 3% of
>> $4 gas is better than 3% of the $1 gas I was getting when I signed up.
> Next month, Discover is offering 5% cash back on service station
> purchases. I think you have to go online to sign up at their web site.
> Then I use the cash back account to buy $25 B. Dalton/Waldenbooks gift
> cards for $20, which is another 5%. Then Walden Books has its own
> rewards program. What can I say? I buy a lot of books. Using a credit
> card for gas buys about $300 worth of books a year, at no additional
> cost to me.
If you want to save even more on books, you might be interested in
I've been swapping there for over a year now and it's
saved me a ton of money.
== 5 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 5:14 am
From: Elmo
Jan Flora wrote:
> In article <>,
> max <> wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> "Bill" <> wrote:
>>> A lot of crude oil comes from ALASKA from property OWNED BY THE PEOPLE OF
>>> THE U.S...
>>> Yet the price of this crude oil is dictated by foreign countries.
>>> I say Alaska oil should only be sold in the U.S. for use by Americans and
>>> set at a reasonable price. It is OUR OIL!
>>> Write your elected representatives...
>>> (Ask those running for office if they represent "We the people" or big oil
>>> corporations.)
>> So, what you're saying is... American producers shouldn't get the best
>> price for their product and should be forced to pay a price set by the
>> government? How Hugo Chavez of you.
>> .max
> Actually, Alaska crude belongs to the people of Alaska. The oil wells
> are on STATE land, not federal land.
> It's not YOUR oil, it's OURS.
> Jan in Alaska
And the pipeline?
Self-interest, caused by low selfish desire, is the root
cause of contemporary world chaos and individual misery.
== 6 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 5:20 am
From: Elmo
SMS wrote:
> Bill wrote:
>> A lot of crude oil comes from ALASKA from property OWNED BY THE PEOPLE
>> OF THE U.S...
>> Yet the price of this crude oil is dictated by foreign countries.
>> I say Alaska oil should only be sold in the U.S. for use by Americans
>> and set at a reasonable price. It is OUR OIL!
> When Arco and BP merged, they shut down one of their fields in Alaska
> because they just had too much oil. More than they could refine. It's
> not in their interest to produce as much as they can, and flood the
> market. In any case, the oil companies have been closing down refineries
> to limit refining capacity, to avoid a glut of gasoline. Nor will they
> sell these refineries to anyone else that wants to operate them.
> Of course the oil companies aren't alone in this sort of strategy, i.e.
> when Whole Foods opened a huge new store across the street from their
> old store, they said that they'd sell their old store, but with a deed
> restriction that it could not be operated as a supermarket. They don't
> want an Asian market coming in and selling produce for 1/4th of what
> Whole Foods charge (i.e. conventional, non-organic, navel oranges are
> 3lbs/99¢ at the Asian market, $1.33/lb at Whole Foods).
> The oil companies' investement in George W. Bush and the Republicans has
> paid off well for them.
>> Write your elected representatives...
>> (Ask those running for office if they represent "We the people" or big
>> oil corporations.)
> Why would you believe the answer?
The matter of refineries is enigmatic. Running a refinery is pretty
much like owning a money printing press but no one wants to build any
new refineries. While safety and maintenance should be a very important
matter (see also BP Houston), it stretches credibility to have them
running at 85-90% of design capacity most of the time. Reminds me of
how all of those California electrical generating plants were down for
maintenance just when the power was needed the most resulting in much
larger profits for the power brokers (no pun intended) like Enron than
would have been the case had there been plentiful power at lower cost.
Self-interest, caused by low selfish desire, is the root
cause of contemporary world chaos and individual misery.
== 7 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 5:26 am
From: Elmo
Paul M. Eldridge wrote:
> On Sat, 03 May 2008 21:51:50 -0800, Jan Flora <>
> wrote:
>> Although I'm opposed to opening ANWR at this time, for reasons other
>> than the price of oil & gasoline, no one, in fact, knows how much oil
>> there is in ANWR. All estimates are WAG's.
>> My neighbor was on the drill rig that drilled test wells many, many
>> years ago. They signed confidentiality doc's before they got to work on
>> the rig. When we asked the neighbor if there was oil there, he wagged
>> his eyebrows. (That's Inupiat for "yes.") When we asked him if there was
>> a lot of oil there, he wagged his eyebrows a lot.
>> So the neighbor said there's lots of oil there. Well, shit, any bonehead
>> that has studied sedimentary geology at all knows there's oil there --
>> the formation of the mountains in ANWR is Sadlerochit -- an oil bearing
>> formation. The name of the mountain range is the Sadlerochit Range, for
>> Pete's Sakes. Here's some photos -- (the photog. Roy Corral is a
>> local)--
>> Why aren't you guys talking about conservation, instead of drilling?
>> I've been waiting for the Bushies to talk about conservation. Good thing
>> I wasn't holding my breath.
>> Why are so many people driving Hummers? I think anyone who wants to
>> drive a Hummer should be given one of their very own, to drive around in
>> Iraq. We'll also give them crummy body armor and an M-16 or whatever the
>> weapon of the day is.
>> There are oil fields on Alaska's North Slope with FAR more oil potential
>> than ANWR, and they aren't in sensitive caribou and polar bear habitat.
>> FAR, FAR more potential for BIG oil. (I drink with the guys who drill
>> oil wells on the slope. I get this news first hand.) When the money is
>> right, ANWR will be opened and there's nothing we'll be able to do about
>> it. Polar bears and caribou be damned. And they will. Not to mention the
>> G'witch'in Indians who rely on the caribou for food, culture and life.
>> If anyone wants to poke around, look up Sarah James from Arctic Village.
>> Her village is in ANWR.
>> For Paul -- there was a big stink up here in Alaska in the last few
>> years that USGS wasn't allowed to report Actual Verifiable
>> Scientifically-based Information. The Bushies spun the info and
>> published what they wanted the reports to say, not what the scientists
>> really discovered. I know it's hard to believe that GW Bush would
>> actually lie to the American public, but he did. *sigh*
>> Jan in Alaska
> Hi Jan,
> Thanks for sharing your insight and for providing a link to these
> pictures; they really underscore the area's immense beauty. I was
> somewhat reluctant to use the USGS estimate because, as you say,
> nobody really knows how much oil exists and, more specifically, how
> much is economically recoverable (e.g., to this point, the last time I
> checked, Shell's Alberta tar sands project was running three times
> over budget and their Sakhalin II costs had doubled to $20 billion).
> FWIW, I'm also told by industry insiders that the USGS tends to be
> somewhat "optimistic" in its assessments (political manipulation, as
> you suggest? .... paging Mr. Gale Norton... Mr. Norton to the courtesy
> phone). In any event, Americans would be ill-advised to squander what
> could very well be their last remaining reserve of domestic oil, for
> reasons of national security if nothing else, unless, of course, you
> plan to invade an oil-rich country, kill their citizenry and rob them
> blind..... opps, never mind. ;-)
> I have to admit I indulge in a little schadenfreude whenever I pull
> into a gas station and see all those Hummers, Tahoes and Excursions
> filling up at the pumps (what can I say, I have my weaknesses). I
> recently overheard one driver complain that the pump would only
> dispense up to $100.00 at a time! You almost want to put your arm
> around their shoulder and say "There, there, don't worry, there's an
> endless supply of cheap crude oil just waiting to be tapped and prices
> will heading back to a buck a gallon any day now. (*)
I recall when the pumps couldn't charge more than 99.9 cents per gallon.
You know what an El Cid Princess is, right? drive a big
SUV way too fast, don't care about running over animals,
tail gate you and blow the horn if you don't get out of
the way. They are more important than the rest of us and
cannot be bothered with life's inconveniences.
== 8 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 5:30 am
From: Elmo
Paul M. Eldridge wrote:
> On 4 May 2008 16:08:46 GMT, Terri <> wrote:
>> Paul M. Eldridge <> wrote in
>>> On 4 May 2008 14:48:42 GMT, Terri <> wrote:
>>>> I asked one local gas station about that out of curiousity, as I
>>>> can't recall seeing that on the pumps before. I was told it was
>>>> a corporate decision and that it only means that after that the
>>>> pumps can be reset to dispense more. Why, I do not know but as
>>>> I'm a cynic I'm sure it has something to do with minimizing loss
>>>> reductions for the companies.
>>> Hi Terri,
>>> I believe it has to do with the VISA and MasterCard pre-authorizations
>>> (I'm not sure if this is still the case, but the MasterCard limit per
>>> transaction was set at $75.00).
>> That makes sense. (Even if using a credit card to buy gas doesn't.)
> Hi Terri,
> I suspect the widespread use of credit cards is the primary reason why
> higher gas prices haven't, as yet, fully registered on our collective
> consciousness. But sooner or later, we'll start to get the picture.
I've been thinking much the same -- when you're putting the purchase
price on a general-purpose charge card like Visa, the balance goes
up and the minimum payment goes up but it isn't like you had to reach
into your pocket and pull out dollars to pay.
>>> Here in Halifax, diesel is now selling for $1.43 per litre
>>> ($5.38/gallon), so you can hit this $100.00 limit in as little as 18.6
>>> gallons.
>> I have a friend in Halifax! Her husband is a philosophy Professor at the
>> nearby University. I hear your new sewage treatment system is working
>> well!
> Halifax is a great city and I hope someday you'll have the opportunity
> to see it for yourself (and, yes, our new sewage treatment system is a
> welcome addition, indeed). Here's a quick introduction to get you
> started:
> Cheers,
> Paul
The majority are misguided and ruled by some self-styled
leaders, who seek the limelight by fair means or foul.
They do not want the Truth, lest they lose their selfish
ends and be out of the picture. So, in order to be in the
public eye, they invent lies, concoct stories, distort
facts, and, in the name of public service, they present
these lies before the public. The public is misled either
because they are big names or by the very tricks of the
originators, who have the ability to misrepresent facts with
sensational talks that influence the weakness of the mass mind.
It is the same all over the world -- a game of winning and
losing -- the inevitable struggle for existence is in all
departments and aspects of life. The struggle goes on and on
in religion, politics, morality, ethics, business, industry,
et cetera, at different times and places, in different ways,
according to the conditions.
== 9 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 5:36 am
From: Elmo
SMS wrote:
> George wrote:
>> You have to mark up your prices to cover the costs of credit cards.
>> And either by law in some states and typically always in your merchant
>> agreement you can't offer a cash discount
> Cash discounts are fine. Surcharges for credit cards are not. I've
> noticed a lot of independent gas stations have started having lower
> prices for cash again, something that went away for quite a while.
It's been a while since I saw a surcharge for credit card in a gas
station. I remember hearing that when a merchant signs up to use
major credit cards, they also agree not to offer a cash discount. So
people who pay cash are still paying that 2-3% processing fee.
They're locking them up today they're throwing away the key
I wonder who it'll be tomorrow you or me.
== 10 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 5:39 am
From: Elmo
William Souden wrote:
> Rod Speed wrote:
>> George <george@nospam.invalid> wrote
>>> Jim Elbrecht wrote
>>>> Terri <> wrote
>>>>> Paul M. Eldridge <> wrote
>>>>>> I believe it has to do with the VISA and MasterCard
>>>>>> pre-authorizations (I'm not sure if this is still the case, but
>>>>>> the MasterCard limit per transaction was set at $75.00).
>>>>> That makes sense. (Even if using a credit card to buy gas doesn't.)
>>>> Makes more sense than ever. I get 3% off for using the card. 3%
>>>> of $4 gas is better than 3% of the $1 gas I was getting when I
>>>> signed up.
>>> Not really, you (and everyone else who purchases stuff) is paying for
>>> your "rewards" because the merchant has to charge more.
>> Nope, the card companys get it from the interest they charge
>> the fools who dont pay off their cards in full every month.
> And they get a percentage of each sale from the merchant.
And they call people who pay them off promptly "freeloaders" and
other epithets.
This is an election year. By common law,
the truth is legally suspended.
== 11 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 5:43 am
From: Elmo
Larry Caldwell wrote:
> In article <bosTj.239$yg5.119@newsfe06.lga>,
> (The Real Bev) says...
>> Amex has gone back to giving 5% off gas. One more damn card to carry.
>> My stack is half an inch thick now. No, they're not all credit cards.
>> There's the library, the laundry, medical stuff, a couple of
>> gift-certificate cards and more.
> I have gone to two wallets. One is just essentials - cash, my ATM card,
> auto insurance card, etc.; stuff I don't want to be without. The other
> wallet is for everything else. Often times, it stays home. When I
> carry it, having two wallets evens out the lumps in my pockets.
I have the drivers license and medical insurance card in a separate
little folder that gets stuffed into the coin purse. That way if when
I'm on the bicycle I have what they'll need to identify me if I get
crunched by some jagoff in a gas guzzler and if I happen to make it to
the ER alive, they'll be more likely to try to save my dead ass.
Self-interest, caused by low selfish desire, is the root
cause of contemporary world chaos and individual misery.
TOPIC: one time please visit my websiteone time see the sitehttp://shabinainfo.
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 12:26 am
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 2:15 am
Thenikeshoes DOT net
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TOPIC: See Sexy Alicia Keys Photos! the Home of Hip Hop
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 2:34 am
From: sureka
See Sexy Alicia Keys Photos! the Home of Hip Hop
TOPIC: Aloe Vera for Digestive Problems
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 2:56 am
From: Alya
Aloe Vera for Digestive Problems
You have probably heard that aloe vera can help with any of Digestive
Problems. However, the truth is that only the purest, most potent,
aloe vera will have a noticeable effect on your life.
Digestive problems such as:
- IBD (Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis)
- IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
- Food sensitivities
- Peptic ulcers
- GORD/GERD (Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease)
1. IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)
If you suffer from IBD then you may be all too familiar with the
uncomfortable symptoms both Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis can
cause. From abdominal pain, fatigue and diarrhea right through to
nausea and rectal bleeding, you may feel like you never want to leave
the house and face the outside world.
2. IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome you have probably been
suffering from diarrhea and constipation, perhaps alternating between
the two. You have probably also found this leads to and causes
uncomfortable symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and sharp
pains inside your rectum.
3. Food Sensitivities
Living with a food sensitivity can be a frustrating and depressing
Constantly checking the ingredients of everything you eat to make sure
you do not ingest anything that could give you stomach cramps, nausea
or diarrhea can be disheartening experience.
Eating out at restaurants becomes very difficult and you find yourself
sticking to a plain, boring diet.
4. Peptic Ulcers
Eighty percent of gastric ulcers and 90% of duodenal ulcers are caused
by the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori. Other factors are stress,
smoking, caffeine, alcohol, non-steroid-anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), hydrochloric acid and pepsin.
If you are living with ulcers then you are probably experiencing some
of the most common symptoms which include a gnawing, burning pain in
your abdomen between your breastbone and your navel.
Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease is a condition which allows gastric
acids to reflux into the food pipe causing heartburn, acid indigestion
and possible injury to the oesophageal lining.
If you suffer from GORD/GERD then you may feel hoarseness in the
morning or have trouble swallowing - feeling like you have food stuck
in your throat or your throat is tight.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 4:04 am
From: Al Bundy
On May 5, 5:56 am, Alya <> wrote:
> Aloe Vera for Digestive Problems
> You have probably heard that aloe vera can help with any of Digestive
> Problems. However, the truth is that only the purest, most potent,
> aloe vera will have a noticeable effect on your life.
> Digestive problems such as:
> - IBD (Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis)
> - IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
> - Food sensitivities
> - Peptic ulcers
> - GORD/GERD (Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease)
When something is supposed to cure everything, it usually cures
nothing. Put a little aloe on a cut to feel better. That's about it.
TOPIC: Hot Shop Seiko Men's Le Grand Sport - Seiko Minimum Price
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 4:38 am
Hot Shop Seiko Men's Le Grand Sport - Seiko Minimum Price
Hot Watch Shop :
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== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 5:10 am
TOPIC: Printer ink refill
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 5:15 am
From: ""
Where do you go for yours?
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 5:26 am
From: "Dave"
<> wrote in message
> Where do you go for yours?
If you're still using a printer that can be refilled with ink, the frugal
thing to do is replace it with a laser printer. One cartridge lasts several
years. -Dave
TOPIC: Question about nitrogen in tires
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 6:10 am
From: BillGill
pc wrote:
> Greetings group..
> I've seen a little bit here and there about filling tires with nitrogen.
> Any opinions?
> What are the costs?
> Where did you get it?
> If you have a slow leak can you mix regular air into it?
> ..PC
I did some internet research on this a while back. Mostly I found fluff
about how great it is, by the people selling the systems. I finally found
a report on tire inflation by Goodyear (I think). It was for their truck
tires. In the report they said that they only recommended nitrogen for certain
off-road heavy equipment. They didn't recommend it for their over-the-road
tires. I reckon that pretty much says it all right there.
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 6:31 am
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TOPIC: Did Netflix raise the price of their plans?
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 6:38 am
Did Netflix just raise their plan prices starting in May? I was
thinking about joining, so I have been checking out their plans
lately. When I decided to join, it was at the end of April, maybe the
26th or so. I wanted to wait until May because I didn't know their
billing cycle, and did not want to pay fo the month of April if I
would not get to use it hardly. Now, I go to sign up on May 2, and the
2 movie at a time, unlimited per month is now $13.99. I swear, it used
to be $8.99 several days ago. I called them up to see if they would
give it to me, but they claim they haven't raised their prices.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 6:45 am
From: "Dave"
<> wrote in message
> Did Netflix just raise their plan prices starting in May? I was
> thinking about joining, so I have been checking out their plans
> lately. When I decided to join, it was at the end of April, maybe the
> 26th or so. I wanted to wait until May because I didn't know their
> billing cycle, and did not want to pay fo the month of April if I
> would not get to use it hardly. Now, I go to sign up on May 2, and the
> 2 movie at a time, unlimited per month is now $13.99. I swear, it used
> to be $8.99 several days ago. I called them up to see if they would
> give it to me, but they claim they haven't raised their prices.
Google redbox
Fuck netflix, you could get almost 14 movies from redbox for the monthly
netflix fee. -Dave
TOPIC: horns and roars of any kind are not welcome
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 6:53 am
From: ComandanteBanana
QUOTE(Keith C. Johns @ May 5 2008, 12:10 AM)
"But this thread is about ALL uses of the horn, not just by aggressive
drivers, and horn blows ARE used by good drivers as part of good
driving technique when used to alert others of their presence, and
other polite uses already mentioned. And it is useful to be able to
interpret the meaning behind these horn sounds and not get angry when
the message was not intended to be unfriendly. If you just assume that
any horn blow is mean spirited, you will probably be misinterpreting
many of these and possibly create conflicts with an aggressive
response. Better to realize that all horn blows are not bad, even
including some by drivers of FSUVs."
Well, I see some rare instances where blowing the horn may become
necessary, but I don't see the need to use to give so many different
messages that riders would have to decipher. When you are concentrated
in your thing, or tired from riding, you don't need to be guessing
people's intentions. And chances are you'll feel intimidated when you
have several tons of steel next to you...
Wouldn't it better to educate the drivers NOT to blow the horn at
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