Today's topics:
* "U.S. court: currency discriminates against the blind" - 2 messages, 2
* Ways to conserve energy & fuel - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Thoughts on SUV Purchase... - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Currency for the Blind - 1 messages, 1 author
* Equipment for sale RIPOFF ALERT! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Rental Car Using Prepaid Visa ? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Frugal travel JFK to midtown Manhattan - 1 messages, 1 author
* I CONVERTED MY CAR TO A HYBRID FOR ABOUT $150 - 5 messages, 4 authors
* Camcorder Hard Drive - Find Tips - SALES on Camcorders all Brand Names - 1
messages, 1 author
* hai dear friendz - 2 messages, 2 authors
* ANIMAL CRUELITY: Puppy tries to paw and lick his way out of tiny cage, looks
very desperate. :\ - 1 messages, 1 author
* Charter's plan to tamper with user's web traffic and read the actual data in
the packets, and on top of this playing [W][O][R][D][G][A][M][E][S] by calling
this an enhanced user experience! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Earn $1000 To $10000 Per Week No Investment - 1 messages, 1 author
* Let's blessing - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: "U.S. court: currency discriminates against the blind"
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 12:10 pm
On Wed, 21 May 2008 13:26:43 GMT, "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"
<> wrote:
>"George" <george@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
>> jd wrote:
>>> An appeals court said that currency discriminates against the blind
>>> because blind folks can't tell what the denomination of their bills are.
>>> This is another bullshit, frivilous case. Next, the courts will be
>>> saying that Harley-Davidson discriminates against the blind because blind
>>> people can't operate motorcycles.
>>> There are some stupid judges and attorneys. Obviously, common sense
>>> isn't a requirement to go into law.
>>> A simple way for blind people to handle money is for them to ask the bank
>>> clerk for all $5's when they take money out of the bank. They could even
>>> ask for the bank manager to count the money to make sure they weren't
>>> duped. So if they go to Borders to buy a CD and the total comes to $13.
>>> They can peel off 3 $5's out of their pouch of $5's and hand them to the
>>> clerk. And then when they get $2 back, they can rest assured that the 2
>>> bills are both $1's because the clerk certainly wouldn't give them back 2
>>> $10's.
>>> They can have a specially shaped pouch for $20's, one for $5's, etc.. So
>>> they know what's in each pouch.
>> I wonder if the banks that issue cards are also in on this? They really
>> want to insert themselves into every transaction so they can collect their
>> tribute. So they are running these massive ad campaigns showing how nice
>> it is to buy your coffee, donut or whatever using their payment system and
>> offering all of these "reward" programs giving you a little cut of the fee
>> and percentage that is added to all transactions in order to make you
>> forget about cash.
>> I can just imagine them stepping forward to proclaim that if everyone used
>> their cards and cash was eliminated it would "protect" those who couldn't
>> manage cash.
>> Or it could be greedy lawyers moving wealth to themselves.
>the head of visa said that we'd be cashless by either 2010 or 2012.
>at that point cc companies will collect a percentage from both the buyer and
>the seller.
The head of Visa is an opportunistic twit, and besides that, the
article refers to europe, not the U.S.
The mint has been behind the curve for years. The issue of lack of
kinesthetically identifying marks is not limited to blind people and
has been the bane of people handling cash for decades. When rushed,
and putting together straps of money, it isn't unusual for a bill or
two to get mixed into the wrong strap - a fiver in a 50 wrap of ones,
Just how hard is it to put an identifying dog ear on two opposing
corners of each bill? That way, a strap of singles would all have a
notch at one point, a fiver might have a two notches, or a squarish
shape instead of a triangle, or a curved cut off end instead of an
angular one, etc.. This isn't rocket science. As long as the cutouts
affected the ends of the notes instead of the long sides, most
existing equipment would handle the change without modification.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 11:44 am
From: sarge137
On May 21, 1:10 pm, wrote:
> On Wed, 21 May 2008 13:26:43 GMT, "AllEmailDeletedImmediately"
> <> wrote:
> >"George" <geo...@nospam.invalid> wrote in message
> >
> >> jd wrote:
> >>> An appeals court said that currency discriminates against the blind
> >>> because blind folks can't tell what the denomination of their bills are.
> >>> This is another bullshit, frivilous case. Next, the courts will be
> >>> saying that Harley-Davidson discriminates against the blind because blind
> >>> people can't operate motorcycles.
> >>> There are some stupid judges and attorneys. Obviously, common sense
> >>> isn't a requirement to go into law.
> >>> A simple way for blind people to handle money is for them to ask the bank
> >>> clerk for all $5's when they take money out of the bank. They could even
> >>> ask for the bank manager to count the money to make sure they weren't
> >>> duped. So if they go to Borders to buy a CD and the total comes to $13.
> >>> They can peel off 3 $5's out of their pouch of $5's and hand them to the
> >>> clerk. And then when they get $2 back, they can rest assured that the 2
> >>> bills are both $1's because the clerk certainly wouldn't give them back 2
> >>> $10's.
> >>> They can have a specially shaped pouch for $20's, one for $5's, etc.. So
> >>> they know what's in each pouch.
> >> I wonder if the banks that issue cards are also in on this? They really
> >> want to insert themselves into every transaction so they can collect their
> >> tribute. So they are running these massive ad campaigns showing how nice
> >> it is to buy your coffee, donut or whatever using their payment system and
> >> offering all of these "reward" programs giving you a little cut of the fee
> >> and percentage that is added to all transactions in order to make you
> >> forget about cash.
> >> I can just imagine them stepping forward to proclaim that if everyone used
> >> their cards and cash was eliminated it would "protect" those who couldn't
> >> manage cash.
> >> Or it could be greedy lawyers moving wealth to themselves.
> >the head of visa said that we'd be cashless by either 2010 or 2012.
> >
> >at that point cc companies will collect a percentage from both the buyer and
> >the seller.
> The head of Visa is an opportunistic twit, and besides that, the
> article refers to europe, not the U.S.
> The mint has been behind the curve for years. The issue of lack of
> kinesthetically identifying marks is not limited to blind people and
> has been the bane of people handling cash for decades. When rushed,
> and putting together straps of money, it isn't unusual for a bill or
> two to get mixed into the wrong strap - a fiver in a 50 wrap of ones,
> etc.
> Just how hard is it to put an identifying dog ear on two opposing
> corners of each bill? That way, a strap of singles would all have a
> notch at one point, a fiver might have a two notches, or a squarish
> shape instead of a triangle, or a curved cut off end instead of an
> angular one, etc.. This isn't rocket science. As long as the cutouts
> affected the ends of the notes instead of the long sides, most
> existing equipment would handle the change without modification.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Uh oh. A logical and simple solution, that could be easily, cheaply,
and almost immediately implemented. You know that's never going to
I lived in Germany for almost ten years back in the pre-Euro days.
The denomations of the currency of pretty much every country I visited
during that period were of different sizes and colors. Now, I can see
how that would create all kinds of problems in a financial system
based on uniform bills like ours, but corner cuts on our existing
bills would to be the perfect solution.
TOPIC: Ways to conserve energy & fuel
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 11:21 am
From: Joe
Some tips:
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 4:05 pm
From: Al Bundy
On May 21, 2:21 pm, Joe <> wrote:
> Some tips:
It does help to review these tips from time to time and tighten up
one's energy game
I disagree with selling the desktop in favor of a laptop for energy
savings. A desktop can be worked on and parts exchanged so much more
cheaply. I could not put up with a tiny laptop screen compared to the
big screen monitor. Also, I've never been a fan of spending money on a
Kill-A-Watt because I favor reading the face plates and knowing what
the power draw is. Then again, I have an amp meter I could use if I
had a question.
All suggestions need to be considered in the user's circumstance. An
expensive electric space heater is often more expensive than more
global heating with a cheap source of gas, if there is such a thing
these days.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 4:38 pm
From: Peter Franks
Joe wrote:
> Some tips:
"If you're going to spend $$ for coffee, spend it at a warm, lighted,
sit-down cafe where you will get:
free electricity for your laptop or for a charger
free warmth in winter, which is cheaper than heating your home
free napkins to use in the car or home "
Pure feel-good garbage.
NOTHING is conserved here, you are just transferring the direct costs of
these goods to the shop owner who then indirectly passes the costs back
to the consumer by way of higher prices.
If you are going to conserve, stop drinking coffee and don't go mooch
off of other people.
TOPIC: Thoughts on SUV Purchase...
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 11:37 am
From: Seerialmom
On May 18, 4:33 am, "Joe" <> wrote:
> After years of fighting with the idea... My wife's 20 mile a day driving
> and habit of having 3-5 kids in the car at a time have pushed us towards
> owning a SUV of sorts...
> Considering the Toyota Highlander or Mitsubishi Outlander (both 2007 or
> 2008)
> Anyone own one? Thoughts?
> Anyone have tips on the best time to visit a dealership, etc?
> Joe in Northern, NJ - V#8013-R
> Currently Riding The "Mother Ship"
> Ride a motorcycle in or near NJ?
No one mentioned it so I will. Since your wife won't be driving all
that much and you will "sometimes" go to Home Depot with it, consider
an alternative to the SUV or even a minivan: a 4 door hatchback.
Listing a few that would be considerably cheaper (and can probably get
certified/preowned for even less):
Toyota Matrix 25city 31 hwy
Pontiac Vibe (same as above, just branded different) 25 city 31 hwy
Scion XB 26 city 31 hwy
PT Cruiser (dime a dozen these days) 19 city 25 hwy
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 12:12 pm
From: Jeff
Paul M. Eldridge wrote:
> On Mon, 19 May 2008 05:14:08 +0000 (UTC), (Don
> Klipstein) wrote:
>> One thing to keep in mind: A likely major repair item on older cars is
>> the air conditioning system. Failure of a critical part can accelerate
>> aging of a few others of this system.
>> If your "personal business model" is to tolerate a "beater" car, please
>> figure into this "personal business model" tolerating a car that lacks
>> functioning air conditioning.
>> Please keep in mind that a working air conditioning system is a major
>> part of defogging the windshield during those damp or rainy times when
>> humidity output of one human body can fog up the windshield 4-10 minutes
>> or whatever down the road.
> The a/c on my 2002 300M Special died in year four and the two Chrysler
> LHS I owned prior to this had their share of a/c problems as well
> (evaporators as I recall).
Oh man, that sounds like a nasty repair. Got to be hard to get at.
I suppose a lot can go wrong with ACs. GFs just went into instant death.
Turned out to be the clutch, which is a $100 part, new. I'll look to see
what the bone yard offers as that doesn't seem like a part that fails
often. Here in Atlanta, no AC is a big problem.
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 1:18 pm
From: Paul M. Eldridge
On Wed, 21 May 2008 15:12:44 -0400, Jeff <> wrote:
>Paul M. Eldridge wrote:
>> On Mon, 19 May 2008 05:14:08 +0000 (UTC), (Don
>> Klipstein) wrote:
>>> One thing to keep in mind: A likely major repair item on older cars is
>>> the air conditioning system. Failure of a critical part can accelerate
>>> aging of a few others of this system.
>>> If your "personal business model" is to tolerate a "beater" car, please
>>> figure into this "personal business model" tolerating a car that lacks
>>> functioning air conditioning.
>>> Please keep in mind that a working air conditioning system is a major
>>> part of defogging the windshield during those damp or rainy times when
>>> humidity output of one human body can fog up the windshield 4-10 minutes
>>> or whatever down the road.
>> The a/c on my 2002 300M Special died in year four and the two Chrysler
>> LHS I owned prior to this had their share of a/c problems as well
>> (evaporators as I recall).
>Oh man, that sounds like a nasty repair. Got to be hard to get at.
>I suppose a lot can go wrong with ACs. GFs just went into instant death.
>Turned out to be the clutch, which is a $100 part, new. I'll look to see
>what the bone yard offers as that doesn't seem like a part that fails
>often. Here in Atlanta, no AC is a big problem.
> Jeff
Hi Jeff,
I was fortunate that my Chrysler dealer took care of the problems with
the two LHS at no charge -- one was covered under the standard
three-year warranty (just under the wire) and the other by an extended
warranty on this specific part. I haven't bothered to see what's
wrong this time -- if I were still living in Toronto it would have
been fixed pronto, but here on the east coast we don't put away our
scarves and mittens until late June, so it's not that big an issue.
P.S. Crude oil is up another $4.69 a barrel, currently standing at
TOPIC: Currency for the Blind
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 11:52 am
From: Anthony Matonak
Cheapo Groovo wrote:
> This is an excellent report discussing Currency Features for Visually
> Impaired People
Who needs currency with this age of debit and credit cards?
These days even the upscale hookers and drug dealers take
credit cards.
TOPIC: Equipment for sale RIPOFF ALERT!
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 11:56 am
From: Danny T
On May 21, 12:22 pm, wrote:
> Much as I hate to decend to the level of this impersonater of Bob
> Morein, on Buzzard news. The items are indeed for sale and can be
> viewed on my website
> The mic in question is of course not new so who cares that they no
> longer manufacture it. I'm not a store. I'm a studio owner with some
> gear to sell off I rarely use.
> On Wed, 21 May 2008 17:38:31 +1000, Soundhaspriority
> <> wrote:
> >In article, ""
> ><> wrote:
> >> Mics
> >> * AKG 1200e's no longer manufactured.
> >> contact paul at glitchless dot net
> >Bob Morein
> >(310) 237-6511
Just a thought .... Your site looks nice but your rate of $50 an hour
or $500 for a 10 hour day is kind of funny. The point of a block rate
is to save a few bucks. There is no incentive to buy a blocked out day
with your rates.......... Just my 2 cents.......
TOPIC: Rental Car Using Prepaid Visa ?
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 1:06 pm
From: (Chris Mc 3)
Going on vacation next week (Denver via Amtrack) and am considering
renting a car for just a day or two while there, to visit some friends
on the outskirts, check out the mountains etc.
Problem is I dont have a credit card, and I really dont want (wouldnt
use) one for any other reason, as my bank card has always been
sufficient and it does have the Visa logo which means I can buy stuff
online or at most stores, provided I have the available funds, which is
the way I prefer it anyway, but (from what I understand) in order to
rent a car you need a regular, major credit card. (?)
I have known for awhile that you can get one through Western Union, and
I see them advertised all over the place, Rite Aid, Costco etc, and at
first glance (at least to me) doesnt seem like you can tell any
difference between one of those (prepaid) and a 'Bank Issued' card.
My question...Is it possible to use a prepaid card to rent a car ? I
have a friend who says he just did it last month, and of course they
(rental company) put a $500 lien against his card (which he made sure
was in there) plus the rental fees etc, but I made a few phone calls to
some of the major Rental Car places and they said NO WAY...The machine
can tell when they scan card through it that its not a 'Real' credit
I know another person who (says) purchased one (prepaid visa) from
Target and didnt find out till he got out on the road (he was on
vacation) that he could not withdrew cash, only purchase goods &
SOooo...(1) Have any of you had success renting a car with a pre-paid
card ? (2) What might be the best rental company to go with, that allows
pre-paid ? (3) Are all the pre-paids basically the same, or what would
you recommend ?
An help/advice will be most appreciated.
Feel free to e-mail me directly if you wish.
Thanks in advance.
Chris Mc 3
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 1:35 pm
From: William Souden
Chris Mc 3 wrote:
> Going on vacation next week (Denver via Amtrack) and am considering
> renting a car for just a day or two while there, to visit some friends
> on the outskirts, check out the mountains etc.
> Problem is I dont have a credit card, and I really dont want (wouldnt
> use) one for any other reason, as my bank card has always been
> sufficient and it does have the Visa logo which means I can buy stuff
> online or at most stores, provided I have the available funds, which is
> the way I prefer it anyway, but (from what I understand) in order to
> rent a car you need a regular, major credit card. (?)
> I have known for awhile that you can get one through Western Union, and
> I see them advertised all over the place, Rite Aid, Costco etc, and at
> first glance (at least to me) doesnt seem like you can tell any
> difference between one of those (prepaid) and a 'Bank Issued' card.
> My question...Is it possible to use a prepaid card to rent a car ? I
> have a friend who says he just did it last month, and of course they
> (rental company) put a $500 lien against his card (which he made sure
> was in there) plus the rental fees etc, but I made a few phone calls to
> some of the major Rental Car places and they said NO WAY...The machine
> can tell when they scan card through it that its not a 'Real' credit
> card.
> I know another person who (says) purchased one (prepaid visa) from
> Target and didnt find out till he got out on the road (he was on
> vacation) that he could not withdrew cash, only purchase goods &
> services.
> SOooo...(1) Have any of you had success renting a car with a pre-paid
> card ? (2) What might be the best rental company to go with, that allows
> pre-paid ? (3) Are all the pre-paids basically the same, or what would
> you recommend ?
> An help/advice will be most appreciated.
> Feel free to e-mail me directly if you wish.
> Thanks in advance.
> Chris Mc 3
I have used a debit card many times to rent cars. Just call ahead of
time. The Western union type can not be used.
Keep in mind that with a debit card they will pull out the full cost
and maybe more at the time of rental and it may take a few days after
the return to get any money that is due.
TOPIC: Frugal travel JFK to midtown Manhattan
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 1:44 pm
From: William Souden
I just returned from a trip to NYC and to took the train connection
to midtown. While not recommended for those with many bags or mobility
problems it worked for me:
Air Train to Jamaica-$5
Long Island Railroad to Penn Station-$7.25 (cheaper off-peak. a two
minute walk)
== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 1:52 pm
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 2:14 pm
From: William Souden
I was skeptical about the claims as well as giving my credit card to
a site that has nor contact details but after seeing a testimonial from
"Kara S." I was convinced.
== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 2:38 pm
From: Seerialmom
On May 21, 2:14 pm, William Souden <> wrote:
> I was skeptical about the claims as well as giving my credit card to
> a site that has nor contact details but after seeing a testimonial from
> "Kara S." I was convinced.
But you know what...I'm kicking myself for basically giving my 93
Festiva to the Toyota dealership (they gave me $100 trade in value to
get my Yaris), because I could have turned it into a solar powered
BTW there "may" be a brief commercial first, that's how CNN is of
== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 4:47 pm
From: "Lou"
"Seerialmom" <> wrote in message
>But you know what...I'm kicking myself for basically giving my 93
>Festiva to the Toyota dealership (they gave me $100 trade in value to
>get my Yaris), because I could have turned it into a solar powered
>BTW there "may" be a brief commercial first, that's how CNN is of
Cute, but it would be nice to have some real information. Stuff like, how
much did the conversion cost, what's range on a sunny day, what's the range
at night, how long does it take to recharge using solar alone, how long to
recharge from the plug?
== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 4:52 pm
From: Seerialmom
On May 21, 4:47 pm, "Lou" <> wrote:
> "Seerialmom" <> wrote in message
> >But you know what...I'm kicking myself for basically giving my 93
> >Festiva to the Toyota dealership (they gave me $100 trade in value to
> >get my Yaris), because I could have turned it into a solar powered
> >car:
> >
> deosearch
> >BTW there "may" be a brief commercial first, that's how CNN is of
> >course.
> Cute, but it would be nice to have some real information. Stuff like, how
> much did the conversion cost, what's range on a sunny day, what's the range
> at night, how long does it take to recharge using solar alone, how long to
> recharge from the plug?
I know...I really wanted to see "how" he turned that Festiva into a
solar car. Did he dump the original 4 cylinder engine and put an
electric one in it's place? How many batteries does he have sitting
behind the driver. That would have been interesting to see. Plus he
can plug it in? Are specs too much to ask for? :-D
TOPIC: Camcorder Hard Drive - Find Tips - SALES on Camcorders all Brand Names
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 2:08 pm
From: "Bill's News"
"Richard Crowley" <> wrote in message
> "Bill's News" wrote ...
>> The version of OE (6.00.2900.5512) used here seems to provide
>> for such filtering and way more. Which version are you
>> using,
>> Richard?
> My office machine here is using 6.00.2900.2180 (SP2)
> I'll have to check which version I'm using at home.
> So what exactly is the mechanism?
> 2180 won't block arbitrary email addresses
> It also won't block wild-card email addresses
> It also doesn't provide for filtering on most
> header info.
You're certainly right in those complaints, however, you replied
to a suggestion to "filter all google groups" that "there is no
practical way to do that with OE."
The OE news filter "where from line contains people" can include
just the source ISP address and its prefixed @, which traps all
messages from that source. The action chosen can then be
"delete" or "mark as read" whichever you prefer. As debated in
this thread, the delete method sacrifices reception of
non-spammer messages as well - however, if you choose "mark as
read," at least those un-highlighted messages which elicit a
Usenet response are then within your focus. Having found a
blocked group poster who you've enjoyed reading, you could then
add an OE filter to accept his/her posts BEFORE applying the
kill all filter. I'm not aware of a limit to the number of
specific addresses allowed in a filter, though I'm sure there is
one. I have well over a hundred folder routed addresses in my
e-mail filters. I also use these filters to color code certain
senders and sources.
It would be great if OE would automate the content scans,
however, infrequent newsgroup visitors might find it convenient
to do manual scans for chosen criteria before beginning to read.
Sadly, OE is dead with the arrival of MS' new OS. Perhaps some
of these desirable filters will find their way in to the new
reader, should vista EVER become worthy. Perhaps one or more of
those good programmers who've written OE add-on code would
consider expanding its filters to include a solution to your
reasonable complaints.
TOPIC: hai dear friendz
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 2:13 pm
From: The Real Bev
clams_casino wrote:
> srini wrote:
>>start your own home bussines
> Do you include a spell checker with your business plans?
For a while I'm going to send crap like this (with full headers, of
course) to So far every single piece of spam
I've seen today has been from googlegroups.
If they can't figure out how to filter it out the world is doomed.
Cheers. Bev
It's not true that Lucas, in 1947, tried to get Parliament
to repeal Ohm's Law. They withdrew their efforts when they
met too much resistance.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 3:14 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
The Real Bev <> wrote
> clams_casino wrote
>> srini wrote
>>> start your own home bussines
>> Do you include a spell checker with your business plans?
> For a while I'm going to send crap like this (with full headers, of course) to So far every
> single piece of spam I've seen today has been from googlegroups.
> If they can't figure out how to filter it out the world is doomed.
TOPIC: ANIMAL CRUELITY: Puppy tries to paw and lick his way out of tiny cage,
looks very desperate. :\
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 11:03 am
From: (Adolphus Ambiguous)
TOPIC: Charter's plan to tamper with user's web traffic and read the actual
data in the packets, and on top of this playing [W][O][R][D][G][A][M][E][S] by
calling this an enhanced user experience!
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 11:10 am
From: (Adolphus Ambiguous)
(If Charter and the rest want to "enhance my experience" how about
Charter Is Latest ISP To Plan Wiretapping Via DPI
Posted by kdawson on Tuesday May 13, @02:42PM
from the bad-phorm dept.
Privacy The Internet
Charter Communications has begun sending letters to its customers
informing them that, in the name of an "enhanced user experience," it
will begin spying on their traffic and inserting targeted ads. This
sounds almost indistinguishable from what Phorm proposed doing in the
UK. Lauren Weinstein issues a call to arms.
TOPIC: Earn $1000 To $10000 Per Week No Investment
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 4:08 pm
Earn $1000 To $10000 Per Week No Investment
Earn $1000 To $10000 Per Week No Investment
Earn $1000 To $10000 Per Week No Investment
click him.
TOPIC: Let's blessing
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 5:51 pm
Love without frontiers
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