Today's topics:
* Gas Prices - 13 messages, 7 authors
* A bad experience dealing with AT&T Wireless - 5 messages, 5 authors
* Reverse Phone Lookup - 1 messages, 1 author
* For Sale: Premodded Video Game Consoles, Games & Retro Stuff - 1 messages, 1
* cover all brand products ,order more $500 can have a free website - 1
messages, 1 author
GOODS FROM W+W+W.86WATCHES.+C+O+M - 1 messages, 1 author
* Obese judge allegedly napped, made bailiff rub her feet - 2 messages, 2
* FREE EBOOK - "The Portable Investor" - Trade Stocks Anywhere Anytime - 1
messages, 1 author
TOPIC: Gas Prices
== 1 of 13 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 7:48 am
From: (Doug Miller)
In article <U83Vj.2597$hJ1.1533@newsfe17.lga>, clams_casino <> wrote:
>I've never owned a GM / Ford / Chrysler (owned all
>three) that didn't require numerous repairs before 120k (several before
>50k) and none lasted 150k. I'm just one owner, but I'm quite sure I'm
>not atypical.
Dunno; from where I sit, you've had some turkeys.
In 1991, I bought an '84 Buick LeSabre that had about 55K miles on it. It
required _no_ repairs, other than normal maintenance, until at 150K the
transmission decided not to go into reverse any more. The only other
significant repair expense I had was replacing the entire exhaust system at
205K. It was still running just fine when I sold it in 2001, with 211K on the
That's my biggest used-car success story... but I've also had an '86 Suburban,
bought in '95 at 61K miles, that was still in very good shape when it was
stolen in 2004 at 198K. And a '96 Buick Roadmaster, bought in 2000 at 64K,
wrecked six years later at 162K.
And my younger son is driving an '85 Dodge pickup that my wife and I bought
new right after we got married. 148K miles on it, and the only major repair so
far is an engine rebuild, the result of his older brother failing to *ever*
check the oil.
== 2 of 13 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 7:52 am
From: (Doug Miller)
In article <>, Vic Smith <> wrote:
>I can easily get 70k miles of virtually trouble free miles from a used
>GM car bought for 2500-3000 bucks. Since I normally drive no more
>than 10k a year about by the time I get there the car has cosmetic or
>upholstery problems anyway and I pick up a "new" one.
>Not suggesting this is for everyone, because I know cars well, and can
>do all of the maintenance/repairs myself or hire my son cheap.
I'm with you on this one, Vic. That's exactly what I do, for exactly the same
reasons. It works very well for me, and it sounds like it does for you too.
== 3 of 13 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 7:55 am
From: (Doug Miller)
In article <>, Vic Smith <> wrote:
>Do you still post to the Saturn group?
Yes, unfortunately, he does. Nearly everyone there has him killfiled, though.
== 4 of 13 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 7:56 am
From: James
On May 9, 6:56 pm, SMS <> wrote:
> aemeijers wrote:
> > Other than metro chicago and the larger east coast cities, what areas DO
> > have commuter trains? AFAIK, commuter trains in N.A. are largely only in
> > cities that were built out pre-WWII. Any cities that grew in last 50
> > years are largely car-based.
> San Jose to San Francisco has CalTrain, a real commuter train. BART is
> essentially a commuter train. L.A. has a system of sorts, as does San
> Diego. San Jose is definitely a city that grew in the last 50 years.
> Ironically the CalTrain was mainly to take commuters into San Francisco,
> but now the reverse commute is very popular, taking San Francisco
> residents down to Silicon Valley.
From memory, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Portland, OR, Los Angeles -
these are all places I've been to that have commuter trains. While all
of them are old cities, they have all grown substantially since WWII.
== 5 of 13 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 7:59 am
From: Larry Caldwell
In article <v%3Vj.312241$>, (aemeijers) says...
> Other than metro chicago and the larger east coast cities, what areas DO
> have commuter trains? AFAIK, commuter trains in N.A. are largely only in
> cities that were built out pre-WWII. Any cities that grew in last 50
> years are largely car-based.
120 miles a day is a regional trip, not a city trip. I think you would
have trouble making that trip by train even on the east coast. Commutes
like that are self-limiting because they eat your life. By the time you
spend 9 hours a day at work and over 3 hours a day on the freeway, you
don't have time to do much but eat, sleep and work. Not many people are
willing to live a life that rigidly constrained.
As we have discussed earlier in this thread, Portland (actually Tri-Met,
the Tri-County Metropolitan Transit District) and Atlanta have very nice
light rail systems for travel within the metro area. They won't get you
60 miles out of town, though. There used to be a lot of whining in
Portland about spending so much on a rail system when the freeways were
so crowded. Since the gas price increases, all the critics have shut up
and are now taking the train.
For email, replace firstnamelastinitial
with my first name and last initial.
== 6 of 13 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 8:01 am
From: Larry Caldwell
In article <>, (Lou) says...
> Say no more - I've been a victim of IT at various companies most of my
> working life. Having you guys not in the office can't be worse than having
> you in the office.
ROFL! I know what you mean.
For email, replace firstnamelastinitial
with my first name and last initial.
== 7 of 13 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 8:12 am
From: Doug Miller
In article <v%3Vj.312241$>, says...
> Other than metro chicago and the larger east coast cities, what areas DO
> have commuter trains?
Pittsburgh and San Francisco - Oakland come to mind immediately. I'm
sure there are others.
== 8 of 13 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 8:51 am
From: Paul M. Eldridge
On Thu, 08 May 2008 12:26:58 -0300, Paul M. Eldridge
<> wrote:
>On Thu, 08 May 2008 08:17:29 -0400, Elmo <>
>>Paul M. Eldridge wrote:
>>> We've been focusing our attention on gasoline prices, obviously, which
>>> after a slight pause have once again resumed their upward march.
>>> Likewise, Nymex crude hit $123.80 a barrel in today's trading, yet one
>>> more all time high in a long string.
>>> We might also want to keep an eye on natural gas prices, which are
>>> rising largely in sympathy with crude oil (some large industrial
>>> customers and electrical utilities can switch between oil and natural
>>> gas and routinely do so on the basis of their relative cost;
>>> consequently, if one goes up the other tends to come along for the
>>> ride). Natural gas is currently trading at $11.38 per MM BTU, a
>>> two-year high and more than double its front-month close of just eight
>>> months ago.
>>> Goldman Sachs recently revised its forecast for natural gas prices
>>> this coming winter from $10.50 to $13.00 per MM BTU; to put this in
>>> context, the Nymex Henry Hub future price spiked to $13.90 back in
>>> October 2005 in the aftermath of Katrina. However, based on what
>>> we've seen over these past couple weeks, don't be surprised if this
>>> estimate gets racketed up another notch or two.
>>> Take away point: if you heat your home and DHW with natural gas, you
>>> might want to increase your budget for this coming winter by 25 per
>>> cent or more. And if your electrical utility is dependent upon
>>> natural gas for a large share of its power generation, you might want
>>> to budget for an increase in power rates too.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Paul
>>My electricity comes from coal but it's going to nearly double soon.
>>Just another way that deregulation helps consumers by keeping prices
>Consumers are getting hit by several things at once -- higher gasoline
>prices, higher food costs, rising natural gas charges and higher
>electricity rates. And one will often feed off the other, so rising
>energy costs in the form of fertilizer feedstock, harvesting and
>processing, ground transportation, etc. translates into higher food
>prices. Ditto, natural gas and power generation.
>Even electrical utilities that primarily use coal are facing enormous
>cost increases due to higher mining and transportation charges
>(electricity + diesel), plus that "high tide floats all boats"
>phenomenon I mentioned earlier. In Y2000, electrical utilities were
>buying coal at less than $28.00 per a metric tonne; today, a tonne of
>northern Appalachia coal runs between $110.00 and $120.00; a FOUR-fold
>increase in as little as eight years. Stick around folks 'cause the
>party's just begun.
As further evidence as to where coal prices are heading, the Fording
Canadian Coal Trust, which holds a sixty per cent interest in Elk
Valley Coal, the world's second largest exporter of metallurgical
grade coal, has reportedly sold 90 per cent of its 2008 production at
$275/ton ($302.00 per metric tonne), up from an average of $97.00/ton
last year -- virtually a THREE-fold increase in just ONE year.
On Friday, Nymex crude hit a new intra-day high of $126.25 a barrel.
Heating oil futures jumped 12.62 cents per gallon and RBOB gasoline
futures advanced a further 6.34 cents. Natural gas futures also
closed up on the day at $11.54 per MM BTU, again, more than double
that of this past fall. So if you thought this winter was
particularly tough, this coming one could prove especially brutal.
== 9 of 13 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 9:04 am
From: SMS
Doug Miller wrote:
> Just for fun, compare prices on 6- to 8-year-old used Saturns to Lexus,
> Mercedes, Infiniti, Acura, or BMW, of the same age and similarly equipped.
> Then you may understand why I already own two used Saturns, and am shopping
> right now for #3.
Just be careful, the Saturns being manufactured now are very different
than the S series that is covered by the Canadian survey. Today's
Saturns are simply vehicles manufactured by GM Assembly, and badged with
the Saturn logos. Still the Aura is a very nice car, and if priced
competitively against the Accord and Camry could be a good choice.
== 10 of 13 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 9:05 am
From: SMS
Doug Miller wrote:
> In article <>, Vic Smith <> wrote:
>> Do you still post to the Saturn group?
> Yes, unfortunately, he does. Nearly everyone there has him killfiled, though.
LOL, it's amazing how those that supposedly kill-file people still
manage to respond to them!
== 11 of 13 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 9:11 am
From: SMS
Doug Miller wrote:
> In article <v%3Vj.312241$>,
> says...
>> Other than metro chicago and the larger east coast cities, what areas DO
>> have commuter trains?
> Pittsburgh and San Francisco - Oakland come to mind immediately. I'm
> sure there are others.
A recent addition was the ACE train from Stockton to San Jose, through
Tracy, Livermore, Pleasanton, and Fremont. This train runs on existing
rail lines, very low tech, and was very quick to put into service.
One thing that's helped increase ridership around here on commuter
trains is that many accommodate bicycles. I.e. the CalTrain can take up
to 32 bicycle per train, helping to solve the problem of how to get from
the train station to work or home (since the bus systems in the counties
served by the train line generally suck, other than San Francisco
county). Also, a lot of big companies have shuttles to the train
station. Google simply has buses taking employees all over the bay area
at no cost, essentially creating their own mass transit system.
== 12 of 13 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 11:49 am
From: "Rod Speed"
Patrick Karl <> wrote:
> aemeijers wrote
>> Other than metro chicago and the larger east coast cities, what
>> areas DO have commuter trains? AFAIK, commuter trains in N.A. are largely only in cities that were built out
>> pre-WWII. Any cities that grew in last 50 years are largely car-based.
> And we have the big oil corporations to thank for that.
> In the 1920s and 1930s they bought and dismantled most of the light rail local transportation systems in the US.
> Cleveland, Dallas, Los Angeles, ... The list goes on.
Pity that the rest of the modern first world that has the same urban housing
densitys as the US, that werent actually stupid enough to let the big oil corps
have anything to do with local transportation systems got precisely the same
result on that car based approach.
== 13 of 13 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 11:14 am
From: Ann
On Sat, 10 May 2008 07:59:15 -0700, Larry Caldwell wrote:
> In article <v%3Vj.312241$>,
> (aemeijers) says...
>> Other than metro chicago and the larger east coast cities, what areas DO
>> have commuter trains? AFAIK, commuter trains in N.A. are largely only in
>> cities that were built out pre-WWII. Any cities that grew in last 50
>> years are largely car-based.
> 120 miles a day is a regional trip, not a city trip. I think you would
> have trouble making that trip by train even on the east coast.
No question, it does take time. But people do even longer commutes by
train (and other public transportation) in the Northeast Corridor.
Downtown Philadelphia to Manhattan is an approx 100 mile (one
way) drive. Theoretically, it can be done in two hours, say starting at
4AM on Sunday morning. But then, where do you park the car?
The fastest, high priced, option is Amtrak, ~$50, which takes between 1:15
and 1:30 hours. Everything else takes about 2 hours. Coming in at $30-35
are (1) SEPTA -> NJ-Transit (regional transit trains) and (2) Greyhound
express. The low cost leader at $12 is the New Century (a private bus
company), which runs express buses between the Chinese neighborhoods in NY
City, Philadelphia, and D.C.
From Trenton, NJ to Manhattan is about 60 miles. NJ must be of the opinion
that subsidizing rail costs less than building roads because the
NJ-Transit ticket is only $12.50.
> Commutes
> like that are self-limiting because they eat your life. By the time you
> spend 9 hours a day at work and over 3 hours a day on the freeway, you
> don't have time to do much but eat, sleep and work. Not many people are
> willing to live a life that rigidly constrained.
> As we have discussed earlier in this thread, Portland (actually Tri-Met,
> the Tri-County Metropolitan Transit District) and Atlanta have very nice
> light rail systems for travel within the metro area. They won't get you
> 60 miles out of town, though. There used to be a lot of whining in
> Portland about spending so much on a rail system when the freeways were so
> crowded. Since the gas price increases, all the critics have shut up and
> are now taking the train.
TOPIC: A bad experience dealing with AT&T Wireless
== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 7:52 am
From: LDC
On Sat, 10 May 2008 08:22:45 -0400, "Pangloss" <optimist@pessimist>
>> *Sigh* AT&T did NOT "buy out" Cingular. Cingular's parent company, SBC
>> (Southwestern Bell) bought (what was left of) AT&T,and renamed themselves
>> and their "Cingular" wireless divison, to "AT&T" for the name-brand
>> recognition.
>Actually they bought BellSouth which owned Cingular...
That is partially correct but misleading. SBC was an owner of
Cingular since its inception. It was a joint venture between SBC
and Bell South. When SBC bought Bell South they became the sole
owner of Cingular.
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 7:56 am
From: (Jeff Jonas)
>>> *Sigh* AT&T did NOT "buy out" Cingular.
>>> Cingular's parent company, SBC (Southwestern Bell)
>>> bought (what was left of) AT&T,
>>> and renamed themselves and their "Cingular" wireless divison,
>>> to "AT&T" for the name-brand recognition.
And things then come full circle.
I started with AT&T Wireless,
which then became Cingular
and is now AT&T Mobility.
It's all to keep the sign-makers in business
to keep making new signs for the (remaining) stores :-)
>> Actually they bought BellSouth which owned Cingular...
> Almost- SBC (now AT&T) bought BellSouth who owned 40% of Cingular
> (SBC owned the other 60%.)
> I skipped that part for simplicity (and irrelevance.) Cingular was always
> a joint-venture between SBC and BS. After absorbing both AT&T and BS,
> SBC was free to rename Cingular to AT&T.
== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 8:37 am
From: George Grapman
LDC wrote:
> On Sat, 10 May 2008 08:22:45 -0400, "Pangloss" <optimist@pessimist>
> wrote:
>>> *Sigh* AT&T did NOT "buy out" Cingular. Cingular's parent company, SBC
>>> (Southwestern Bell) bought (what was left of) AT&T,and renamed themselves
>>> and their "Cingular" wireless divison, to "AT&T" for the name-brand
>>> recognition.
>> Actually they bought BellSouth which owned Cingular...
> That is partially correct but misleading. SBC was an owner of
> Cingular since its inception. It was a joint venture between SBC
> and Bell South. When SBC bought Bell South they became the sole
> owner of Cingular.
Cingular was originally AT&T wireless. The name changed when it was
sold to SBC and Bell South and we have now come full circle except for
the fact that AT&T is AT&T in name only.
== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 9:38 am
From: "Pangloss"
"George Grapman" <> wrote in message
> LDC wrote:
>> On Sat, 10 May 2008 08:22:45 -0400, "Pangloss" <optimist@pessimist>
>> wrote:
>>>> *Sigh* AT&T did NOT "buy out" Cingular. Cingular's parent company,
>>>> SBC
>>>> (Southwestern Bell) bought (what was left of) AT&T,and renamed
>>>> themselves
>>>> and their "Cingular" wireless divison, to "AT&T" for the name-brand
>>>> recognition.
>>> Actually they bought BellSouth which owned Cingular...
>> That is partially correct but misleading. SBC was an owner of
>> Cingular since its inception. It was a joint venture between SBC
>> and Bell South. When SBC bought Bell South they became the sole
>> owner of Cingular.
> Cingular was originally AT&T wireless. The name changed when it was sold
> to SBC and Bell South and we have now come full circle except for the fact
> that AT&T is AT&T in name only.
Yup, in 20 years we've gone from "ATT" through seven baby bells right on
back to "att"....Karma I suppose....
I wonder how much the logo design firm was paid who told them go from all
CAPS to lower case?
== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 11:34 am
From: Larry
Todd Allcock <> wrote in
> I skipped that part for simplicity (and irrelevance.) Cingular was
> always a joint-venture between SBC and BS. After absorbing both AT&T
> and BS, SBC was free to rename Cingular to AT&T.
A tangled web we weave.....(c;
BTW, the correct reference achronym for BS is actually B$, at least in
South Carolina....
,,,,sorta like Micro$oft.
TOPIC: Reverse Phone Lookup
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 8:40 am
From: clams_casino
Amazon Shopping Mall wrote:
>Find out the owner of any cell phone or unlisted number. Your search is 100% confidential.
And just who could be more trustworthy than a spammer from India?
TOPIC: For Sale: Premodded Video Game Consoles, Games & Retro Stuff
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 9:16 am
We're a video game specialist and wholesaler for modded consoles,
retro consoles and game backups, we ship worldwide. Below are some of
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XBOX 360 Elite (with HDMI)
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Modded and able to run XBOX 360 backups, homebrew softwares and able
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USD 400 (with worldwide shipping)
XBOX 360 Premium (with HDMI, free 2 ori games, Forza 2 and Viva
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USD 330 (with worldwide shipping)
XBOX 360 Core (without HDD and HD cable, only composite video)
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Modded and able to run XBOX 360 backups, homebrew softwares and able
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USD 260 (with worldwide shipping)
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USD290 (with worldwide shipping)
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USD140 (with worldwide shipping)
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USD180 (with worldwide shipping)
Nintendo NDS Lite with R4 (2GB MiniSD card included)
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*** Remarks: All modded consoles come with 5 backups of your choice
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XBOX 360 / Wii / PS2 Backups,
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TOPIC: cover all brand products ,order more $500 can have a free website
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 9:47 am
From: air jordan wholesale
cover all brand products ,order more $500 can have a free website
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 10:02 am
From: 86watches
TOPIC: Obese judge allegedly napped, made bailiff rub her feet
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 10:05 am
From: Wildhare
On May 9, 6:22 pm, (Ruth) wrote:
> Story Highlights
> * Nevada judge faces week of hearings that could end her career
> * Elizabeth Halverson is accused of using staff as personal valets
> * She also is accused of sleeping on the bench
> * Her supporters blame malcontent staffers
> LAS VEGAS, Nevada (AP) -- Elizabeth Halverson is a judge. But the way
> courthouse staffers see it, she expects to be treated like a queen.
> Her former bailiff, for example, says Halverson made him feel like a
> "houseboy." He says the judge -- who is obese and uses a motorized scooter
> to get around -- made him put her shoes on her feet, massage her back,
> cover her with a blanket for naps and make sure her oxygen tank was filled.
> He says she asked him, "Do you want to worship me from near or afar?"
> Halverson also surrounded herself with her own hired guards, saying she did
> not trust the courthouse security force to protect her. Another time, she
> allegedly had her husband sworn in so that she could ask him under oath
> whether he had completed chores at home.
> Since then, the 50-year-old Nevada district judge has been locked out of
> her Las Vegas courtroom, suspended from the bench and brought up on
> judicial-misconduct charges that include not only misusing her position and
> treating her staff like personal valets but also tainting juries and
> falling asleep on the bench.
> Nevada's judicial discipline commission is preparing for a week of open
> hearings next month that could put an end to Halverson's career.
> Many lawyers are unwilling to talk publicly about the case because of the
> powerful figures involved, but expect the proceedings to be entertaining,
> to say the least.
> Halverson denies the allegations.
> "We believe the Judicial Discipline Commission has overreached," said her
> attorney, John Arrascada. "It's apparent that some people believe her
> physical appearance somehow makes her unable to perform her duties as a
> judge." He added, "Last time I checked, being a judge doesn't require a
> beauty contest."
> Halverson holds a law degree from the University of Southern California and
> worked as a law clerk in the state court for nine years before she was
> elected to the bench in fall 2006. She handled civil and criminal cases
> alike.
> When the bailiff who complained about her, Johnnie Jordan Jr., was
> reassigned, Halverson hired her own guards and let them bypass security
> checks at the courthouse. She called 911 when court administrators tried to
> enter her office.
> In May 2007, the chief Clark County District Court judge, Kathy Hardcastle,
> locked her out of her courtroom. The following July, six months after
> Halverson was sworn in, the commission suspended her, accusing her among
> other things of creating a hostile work environment, hiring a technician to
> try to hack into the courthouse computer system, and causing mistrials in
> two sexual assault cases by improperly meeting with jurors.
> The commission declared that she posed "a substantial threat to the public
> or to the administration of justice."
> The case is laden with subplots. Hardcastle dismissed Halverson as a law
> clerk in 2004, saying that such a position is typically a short-time job
> and that it was time Halverson moved on. Halverson then mounted an
> unsuccessful bid for Family Court judge against Hardcastle's husband.
> Hardcastle has insisted her actions against Halverson weren't personal.
> Jeffrey Stempel, a law professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas,
> said he is troubled by what appears to be an attempt to "micromanage" a
> judge.
> "Judicial removal should generally be reserved for corruption and complete
> incompetence or inability to do the job," Stempel said. "One question you
> have to ask is, `Is this judge so bad we have to remove her before the
> voters have a chance to do so?' "
> Dayvid Figler, a defense lawyer, said he had no complaints after trying
> cases in Halverson's courtroom.
> "In fairness, she believes she's fighting the fight of a maverick," Figler
> said. "I think her position is, `Why should I be another cog in the
> machine? Isn't it what the voters elected me to do, bring change?' "
> Amid the hullabaloo, Halverson has filed for re-election in August to a
> six-year term and is soliciting contributions on her Web site. But she has
> also filed a request to stop the election, claiming that the Legislature
> unconstitutionally changed the procedures. She continues to draw her
> $130,000-a-year salary.
> Halverson did not respond to an interview request. A shirtless man who
> answered the door at her home pointed to a "no trespassing" sign and
> ordered a reporter off the property. The yard is clean these days, after
> the city cited Halverson for leaving it strewn with junk and letting the
> water in her pool grow murky and stagnant.
> In documents denying the allegations, Halverson has blamed disgruntled
> employees and vindictive colleagues.
> She has submitted a report from a therapist who diagnosed her with an
> adjustment disorder, anxiety and depression. And she produced a letter from
> her physician, Dr. Michael Jacobs, who said she is diabetic, uses a
> wheelchair because of arthritis in her feet and knees, and needs oxygen to
> counteract the effects of sleep apnea.
> Jacobs said a drop in blood sugar may have caused a brief episode in which
> she fell asleep in court. But he said there is no physical reason Halverson
> cannot be an effective judge.
This judge is just one of the myriad of incompetent public officials
of ANY weight running around out there. In fact compared to many of
the charges leveled at some of our public officials these seem pretty
bush-league. At least she isn't letting child molesters and rapists
walk the way may of our dumb liberal court officials do.
Besides, what does her weight have to do with her conduct and the way
she treats the rest of the court employees? You can pretty much bet
she would be a whack job even if she were thin, most lawyers and
judges are.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 10:58 am
From: Lady Veteran
On 9 May 2008 22:22:29 -0000, (Ruth) wrote:
An you, brainstem. bring this into SSFA to cast all fat people by the
behavior of one.
What sort of primordial OOZE are you anyway?
Your stupidity should be painful.
"I rode a tank and held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank."
---Sympathy for the Devil-The Rolling Stones
"A fanatic cannot change his mind and will not
change the subject."
---Winston Churchill
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TOPIC: FREE EBOOK - "The Portable Investor" - Trade Stocks Anywhere Anytime
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Date: Sat, May 10 2008 12:31 pm
From: ceedublock
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