Sunday, May 4, 2008

4 new messages in 3 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Gas Prices - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Coupon for digital Tv converter - 1 messages, 1 author
* Porches: Compare Prices - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Gas Prices

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 10:51 pm
From: Jan Flora

In article <>,
Paul M. Eldridge <> wrote:

> On Sat, 3 May 2008 09:11:36 -0700, Larry Caldwell
> <> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> > (Bill) says...
> >
> >> I say Alaska oil should only be sold in the U.S. for use by Americans and
> >> set at a reasonable price. It is OUR OIL!
> >
> >We can't use it, Billy. All the refining capacity is on the gulf.
> >Tankers won't make it through the Panama Canal. We would have to ship
> >it all the way around Cape Horn. It's easier to just ship it to the Far
> >East, and use the money to buy oil from Venezuela. If it were cheaper
> >to ship it from Alaska to Louisiana, we would do that.
> Hi Larry,
> Some really great points. It's sad to think some of us would turn
> over every last square inch of wilderness, whatever the cost, simply
> to keep gas in our F350s. Well, get a clue, folks! The days of cheap
> gasoline are over, so you might as well suck it up and get use to it.
> According to the U.S. Geological Survey, there are an estimated 4.3
> billion barrels of recoverable oil in the Arctic National Wildlife
> Refuge. Sounds great until you realize the United States consumes
> something in the range of 21 million barrels of oil per day, so if
> every last drop could be brought to market (and that would be a truly
> herculean effort), the U.S. would burn through its entire supply in as
> little as two hundred days. Gee, that's less than seven payments on
> the F350.
> Cheers,
> Paul

Although I'm opposed to opening ANWR at this time, for reasons other
than the price of oil & gasoline, no one, in fact, knows how much oil
there is in ANWR. All estimates are WAG's.

My neighbor was on the drill rig that drilled test wells many, many
years ago. They signed confidentiality doc's before they got to work on
the rig. When we asked the neighbor if there was oil there, he wagged
his eyebrows. (That's Inupiat for "yes.") When we asked him if there was
a lot of oil there, he wagged his eyebrows a lot.

So the neighbor said there's lots of oil there. Well, shit, any bonehead
that has studied sedimentary geology at all knows there's oil there --
the formation of the mountains in ANWR is Sadlerochit -- an oil bearing
formation. The name of the mountain range is the Sadlerochit Range, for
Pete's Sakes. Here's some photos -- (the photog. Roy Corral is a

Why aren't you guys talking about conservation, instead of drilling?
I've been waiting for the Bushies to talk about conservation. Good thing
I wasn't holding my breath.

Why are so many people driving Hummers? I think anyone who wants to
drive a Hummer should be given one of their very own, to drive around in
Iraq. We'll also give them crummy body armor and an M-16 or whatever the
weapon of the day is.

There are oil fields on Alaska's North Slope with FAR more oil potential
than ANWR, and they aren't in sensitive caribou and polar bear habitat.
FAR, FAR more potential for BIG oil. (I drink with the guys who drill
oil wells on the slope. I get this news first hand.) When the money is
right, ANWR will be opened and there's nothing we'll be able to do about
it. Polar bears and caribou be damned. And they will. Not to mention the
G'witch'in Indians who rely on the caribou for food, culture and life.

If anyone wants to poke around, look up Sarah James from Arctic Village.
Her village is in ANWR.

For Paul -- there was a big stink up here in Alaska in the last few
years that USGS wasn't allowed to report Actual Verifiable
Scientifically-based Information. The Bushies spun the info and
published what they wanted the reports to say, not what the scientists
really discovered. I know it's hard to believe that GW Bush would
actually lie to the American public, but he did. *sigh*

Jan in Alaska

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 11:41 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Don Klipstein <> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote
>> Larry Caldwell <> wrote
>>> (Bill) wrote

>>>> Well laws and constitutions can be changed if "We the people" want them changed.

>> Pity they arent actually stupid enough to want the feds to control oil prices.

>>> Democracies normally fall to tyranny during times of turmoil or civil war.

>> Not in modern times they dont. In spades with the US.

>>> The turmoil is caused by the leaders of democracies buying
>>> votes with the public treasury, which bankrupts the government.

>> Doesnt happen in the US.

> In spades or worse still that happens in the US!

No it doesnt. The govt is nothing like bankrupted.

> American congresscritters or prospective congresscritters
> try to get elected/re-elected to Congress all-too-much on
> basis of "delivering pork/bacon" and minimizing short-term
> taxation on basis of borrowing via "Treasury Securities".

The govt is nothing like bankrupted.

> Such "Deficit Spending" has lending by private investors (whether
> American or otherwise) being loaned to subsidizing America's
> congresscritters temporarily delivering more pork than has to paid
> by taxes on short term basis (but has to be paid plus interest on
> long term basis). Such USA Treasury borrowing also sucks away
> loans that would otherwise mostly be loaned to private enterprise!

The govt is nothing like bankrupted.

> Meanwhile, how well known is it that from roughly 2001 to roughly
> 2006 there has been a huge upward surge in a form of USA pork
> spending that has specific name of "earmarks"? Should be well-known!

The govt is nothing like bankrupted.

TOPIC: Coupon for digital Tv converter

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 11:19 pm
From: David Harmon <>

On Sat, 3 May 2008 17:52:33 +1000 in misc.consumers.frugal-living,
"Rod Speed" <> wrote,
>Cash_is_king,and_RodSpeed, don't_forget_it <> wrote
>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>> And even if it doesnt have a connector, its still possible to connect
>>> a modulator to the converter which acts like a mini TV station.
>> Does Australia have its own version of Ted Turner?
>Yeah, Rupert Murdoch. We sent him over there and he's a US citizen now.


Rupert Murdoch Firm Goes on Trial for Alleged Tech Sabotage
By Kim Zetter
04.21.08 | 12:00 AM

Did a Rupert Murdoch company go too far and hire hackers to sabotage
rivals and gain the top spot in the global pay-TV war?

This is the question a jury will be facing in a spectacular
five-year-old civil lawsuit that is finally being tried this month in
California but which has, oddly, received little notice from U.S.

TOPIC: Porches: Compare Prices

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 11:42 pm

Porches: Compare Prices
Find Bargains on Porch Furniture and other Furniture and Outdoor
Decor. Get tax and shipping information, merchant ratings, and
professional product reviews at


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