Wednesday, June 25, 2008

20 new messages in 7 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* 2009 Prius - why such a big engine? - 1 messages, 1 author
* How many here own food freezer? - 11 messages, 7 authors
* Would you tip this person? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* CBS News on the economy and grocery shopping - 2 messages, 2 authors
* GPS using Laptop - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Please Vote for AMIN!! - 1 messages, 1 author
* VANILLA ICE FANS ONLY - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: 2009 Prius - why such a big engine?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 12:28 pm
From: cr113

On Jun 10, 10:04 am, cr113 <> wrote:
> From what I've read the new Prius is going to be bigger and faster and
> get slightly better fuel mileage. I don't understand this. Why do they
> need a 1.8 L engine? That's bigger than most gas only economy cars. I
> would think they could use a 1 L engine or even smaller. Do you really
> need to go 115 mph in a Prius? If they used a smaller engine and kept
> the car the same size they could sell it for less and get much better
> mileage. Am I missing something?

I found one thing I am missing. The Prius has an Atkinson cycle engine
while the non-hybrids have Otto cycle engines. The Atkinson cycle
engine is more efficient but less powerful than an equal sized Otto
cycle engine.

TOPIC: How many here own food freezer?

== 1 of 11 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 12:52 pm

In article <s_58k.4764$3q7.2227@newsfe15.lga>, clams_casino wrote:
> Samantha Hill - remove TRASH to reply wrote:
>> JonL wrote:
>>> How long can you keep meat frozen b-4 you start looking at it....and
>>> wondering.....hmmm....??
>> It's all dated, and I don't have the chart handy but I know you can
>> keep it for something like six months.
> Considering the pricing cycle is about 4 weeks and there are usually
> several grocers running sales (often at different times), why settle for
> 6-month old frozen meat?
> We prefer to cherry pick the weekly sales. Could be chicken this week,
> pork next, etc - freezing a minimal amount that fits easily into our
> frig's freezer for consumption within 1-2 weeks.

We like to do this, too, BUT -- lots of weeks, none of the local markets has a
good deal on anything we want to eat. Sometimes it's just seasonal; lots of
veggies and fruits simply aren't available at certain times of the year.
Other times, upcoming holidays skew the pricing; Memorial Day, Independence
Day, and Labor Day come to mind. Since many people will be having
get-togethers on those days, the markets have no particular incentive to
discount food prices during the run-up to the holidays. In view of all this,
having a freezer probably lets us lower our food costs on average through the
year. Oh, and, nowadays, reducing the number of trips to the market because
we can buy in bulk and freeze it when the prices are lower, lets us use less
gas, which is probably more than offsetting the cost of the electricity needd
to run the freezer.


== 2 of 11 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 1:26 pm
From: Samantha Hill - remove TRASH to reply

clams_casino wrote:
>> It's all dated, and I don't have the chart handy but I know you can
>> keep it for something like six months.
> Considering the pricing cycle is about 4 weeks and there are usually
> several grocers running sales (often at different times), why settle for
> 6-month old frozen meat?

Because I am self-employed and my income is not a steady stream, so I
keep cycling food in and out of my freezer so when I have short of work,
we still have food. This is what I said in the first place as to why I
used a freezer.

== 3 of 11 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 1:27 pm
From: Samantha Hill - remove TRASH to reply wrote:
> Would you definitely get a chest freezer if wanting
> lowest possible electric use?

I *have* a chest freezer, and yes, they generally have a lower electric
usage than uprights.

== 4 of 11 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 1:41 pm
From: Parallax

Seerialmom wrote:
> On Jun 23, 8:51 am, wrote:
>> What size?
>> And do you think its REALLY a frugal thing to own?
>> If yes..... how and in what ways?
> I own an upright "apartment size" (5 cft?) model I bought at a garage
> sale about 16 years ago for $140.
> If I keep it packed with on sale meat ($2.99 a lb tri-trip for
> example), then it's fairly frugal.
> half empty...probably not frugal.

That's what milk jugs full of water are for, to fill the space not used.
Also comes in very handy to have giant ice blocks in there when the
power goes out.

== 5 of 11 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 1:50 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Samantha Hill <> wrote
> clams_casino wrote

>>> It's all dated, and I don't have the chart handy but I know you can keep it for something like six months.

>> Considering the pricing cycle is about 4 weeks and there are usually several grocers running sales (often at
>> different times), why settle for 6-month old frozen meat?

> Because I am self-employed and my income is not a steady stream, so I keep cycling food in and out of my freezer so
> when I have short of work, we still have food.

You dont need a freezer for that, you can do the same thing with cash instead.

> This is what I said in the first place as to why I used a freezer.

== 6 of 11 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 1:52 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Samantha Hill <> wrote
> wrote

>> Would you definitely get a chest freezer if wanting lowest possible electric use?

> I *have* a chest freezer, and yes, they generally have a lower electric usage than uprights.

The difference isnt necessarily that great tho, particularly
if you only open the freezer once most days etc.

Even just the more convenient access to the contents
can see an upright actually use less power too.

== 7 of 11 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 3:02 pm
From: clams_casino wrote:

> Oh, and, nowadays, reducing the number of trips to the market because
>we can buy in bulk and freeze it when the prices are lower, lets us use less
>gas, which is probably more than offsetting the cost of the electricity needd
>to run the freezer.

Trips to / from the grocer are no doubt costly. However, I rarely make
a trip solely to run a single errand. More commonly, I make multiple
stops in conjunction with being on the same street.

My business requires me to drop by the post office several times /
week. With two grocers located in between, making extra stops
typically adds no cost for me.

Along that line, one has to question driving 10-20 miles to shop at a
Super Walmart, etc (if its a special trip) vs. a local market. There
are times when it's a lot cheaper to purchase a gallon of milk, etc at
the local gas station vs. driving to a grocer, where poor planning does
have its price.

== 8 of 11 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 5:08 pm
From: Seerialmom

On Jun 24, 1:41 pm, Parallax <Parallax-G@???????.com> wrote:
> Seerialmom wrote:
> > On Jun 23, 8:51 am, wrote:
> >> What size?
> >> And do you think its REALLY a frugal thing to own?
> >> If yes..... how and in what ways?
> > I own an upright "apartment size" (5 cft?) model I bought at a garage
> > sale about 16 years ago for $140.
> > If I keep it packed with on sale meat ($2.99 a lb tri-trip for
> > example), then it's fairly frugal.
> > half empty...probably not frugal.
> That's what milk jugs full of water are for, to fill the space not used.
>   Also comes in very handy to have giant ice blocks in there when the
> power goes out.

I loaded my regular refrigerator this week with jugs of water
(formerly empty juice jugs my son had consumed and were slated for the
recycle bin). But I agree, filling either the freezer or refrigerator
with items to keep it from having just air is good. I even have some
ancient frozen strawberries in the bottom of that freezer even though
I know I'll never ever eat them.

== 9 of 11 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 5:10 pm
From: "Lou"

"Samantha Hill - remove TRASH to reply" <> wrote in
message news:4860e734$0$17199$
> catalpa wrote:
> >
> > You must have dirt cheap electric rates. Most freezers about 21 cu ft
> > more than 500 kWh per year and at the 15 cents/kWh paid around here
> > come to more than $75 a year.
> If you have a newer chest freezer compared to an older upright freezer,
> the difference in cost to run is amazing.

Chances are any difference you've noted is due to the difference between an
"older" and a "newer" freezer. For instance, Sears offers an upright 8.7
cubic foot model that has an energy guide label estimating annual electric
expense of $39/year (electric rate is assumed to be 10.65 cents per kWh).
They also have an 8.8 cubic foot chest type freezer with an energy guide
cost to operate of $31/year (same cost of electricity). That's a difference
$8/year, or 67 cents a month, in favor of the chest type freezer. In my
book, that's a long way from "amazing" - the difference is so slight I doubt
you'd notice.

Both these freezers are manual defrost. I've had both manual and self
defrosting types, chest and uprights. The difference in convenience is
overwhelmingly in favor of an self-defrosting upright, in my opinion - well
worth the difference in operating cost.

== 10 of 11 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 5:18 pm
From: Seerialmom

On Jun 24, 7:52 am, val189 <> wrote:
> On Jun 24, 8:44 am, clams_casino ...
> > We prefer to cherry pick the weekly  sales.  Could be chicken this week,
> > pork next,  etc - freezing a minimal amount that  fits easily into our
> > frig's freezer for consumption within 1-2 weeks.
> But, if you are finding sales this often, then why bother freeze it at
> all?  I seems to me that at some point in time, a person has a ton of
> stuff in the freezer, cuz he wants to take advantage of sales, but
> stocking up can get to the point of never really using it all up.  I'm
> probably making myself not too clear, but doesn't there come a time
> when this becomes hoarding?   When I add up the money 'tied up' in
> food to the cost of the freezer and running it, plus maybe
> insurance.....I just don't see it.
> Like the woman who died and had 50 cans of coffee in the basement and
> still kept searching for sales- she obviously did NOT ever realize the
> savings from all of that stocking up.  Isn't there a name for this,
> armchair economists?

There definitely should be a limit on what's enough of a stockpile.
For example there was another sale on the tri-tip just before Fathers
day...but I still had plenty from the last sale so I didn't bother.
What you're referring to, however, is hoarding and that's a completely
different animal and not rational, even if the coffee were
should have been donated.

== 11 of 11 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 6:41 pm
From: Samantha Hill - remove TRASH to reply

Lou wrote:
> Both these freezers are manual defrost. I've had both manual and self
> defrosting types, chest and uprights. The difference in convenience is
> overwhelmingly in favor of an self-defrosting upright, in my opinion - well
> worth the difference in operating cost.

I agree that manual defrost units use less power -- but have you found
any manual defrost units that are Energy Star rated? I haven't.

TOPIC: Would you tip this person?

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 2:22 pm
From: The Real Bev Far From Home

Peter Bruells wrote:
> George Grapman <> writes:
>> If they go to a hotel the people at the hotel will take the
>> luggage. Driver tells them they are bad tippers. Guests wonder why
>> room service is so slow.
> Because it's a self-fulfilling prophecy?

People who order room service should have no problem with undertipping.

Personally, I don't think anybody should be tipped except for people who
are obviously underpaid in the supported-by-the-IRS expectation that
they WILL be tipped.

Anybody who carries bags from here to there clearly doesn't deserve more
than minimum wage. Why should he be tipped more?

That being said, I carry my own bags and don't stay in hotels.

If you tip a taxi driver, why not an airline pilot?

"Get me there on time, Flyboy, and there's a fiver in it for you."

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 3:57 pm
From: Samantha Hill - remove TRASH to reply

The Real Bev Far From Home wrote:
> Personally, I don't think anybody should be tipped except for people who
> are obviously underpaid in the supported-by-the-IRS expectation that
> they WILL be tipped.

I tend to agree.

TOPIC: CBS News on the economy and grocery shopping

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 2:32 pm
From: The Real Bev Far From Home wrote:

> BTW, quiet around here the last few days. Have the google spammers
> figured out they no longer have an audience???

I'm reading news through a feed ( that claims to
reject googlegroups posts. They seem to be telling the truth.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 3:07 pm
From: clams_casino

The Real Bev Far From Home wrote:

> wrote:
>>BTW, quiet around here the last few days. Have the google spammers
>>figured out they no longer have an audience???
>I'm reading news through a feed ( that claims to
>reject googlegroups posts. They seem to be telling the truth.

Saw on another newsgroup that Verizon is dropping all alt newsgroups
(amongst others), forcing their customers to access newsgroups via
google groups (and other sources).

Several have been really upset to find many users are filtering out all
google groups postings.

TOPIC: GPS using Laptop

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 3:07 pm
From: Mike Copeland

rick++ wrote:
> On Jun 22, 6:32 pm, Martin <> wrote:
>> What do I need to use my laptop as a GPS mapping system. What do I
>> need to plug into a usb port that determines current location and
>> indicates that on some displayed map?
> A few computers have GPS devices in them already. This includes
> the iPhones and iTouches to be sold in July.

I own a Delorme unit which consists of a cd and USB antenna. It costs
under $100.00. I use it extensively and love it.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 7:36 pm
From: Jim

On Tue, 24 Jun 2008 18:07:42 -0400, Mike Copeland
<mcopelandAT@pobox.comcom> wrote:

>rick++ wrote:
>> On Jun 22, 6:32 pm, Martin <> wrote:
>>> What do I need to use my laptop as a GPS mapping system. What do I
>>> need to plug into a usb port that determines current location and
>>> indicates that on some displayed map?
>> A few computers have GPS devices in them already. This includes
>> the iPhones and iTouches to be sold in July.
>I own a Delorme unit which consists of a cd and USB antenna. It costs
>under $100.00. I use it extensively and love it.

If you've already got a laptop then it's simply a matter of buying a
cheap usb GPS. I've just bought yet another cheapie, this time from or whatever it's called, for about the $40 mark.
You'll also need software but you refer to map based stuff, in that
case oziexplorer is good for the job but i'm sure there's other stuff.
Anyway that should give you a couple of simple clues.


TOPIC: Please Vote for AMIN!!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 7:00 pm
From: vote4amin

Dear frens,

Need your help to spend a minute of your time to vote for my little
boy in Cutefam 2008 contest. Please click --->>> to vote.
The rule is only one vote per ip per day. So, you can only vote once
day until 28th June. Appreciate if you can forward this link to your
frens and family. Thanks a lot in advanced for your help.


== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 24 2008 7:50 pm

The "Cool as Ice Blu-Ray" petition has been featured in seven major
news outlets already, including CNN and USA Today. There are already
342 votes to get Vanilla Ice's awesome move "Cool as Ice" released in
high-definition Blu-Ray disc. Add your name (or someone you know) to
the petition today!


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