Wednesday, June 4, 2008

7 new messages in 4 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Range clock - Disconnect it! - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Frugal baseball (San Francisco version)-Feel free to post for your area - 1
messages, 1 author
* Doing Good - Need More Inv. Info - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Poverty in California... - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Range clock - Disconnect it!

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 9:57 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

dpb <> wrote
> Rod Speed wrote

>>>>> Being less intrusive on the environment of the OVERALL process from manufacturing, fuel supply, operation and
>>>>> disposal is the epitome of "green".

>>>> Nope. Infanticide would be very green using that test and you
>>>> wont find too many spruiking infanticide as being very green.

>>> The discussion is of power generation, not population control so the comparison is of no value.

>> Wrong, as always. We were discussing what constitutes green.

> the context of power generation

Nope, the epitomy of green wasnt.

>> You havent got a clue about what that means.

> I know very well how it is used by certain advocates.

Thats how its used by anyone with a clue.

> Whether it is a working definition is another matter.

It isnt even a definition, working or otherwise.

> I choose to look at an entire system rather than whether or not some label is or isn't meaningful.

Pity nukes still arent anything like green even if you do that.

> You'll also note I've used "green", not green if you've been watching carefully... :)

You'll end up completely blind if you dont watch out.

> As for breeders, again I have only expounded on what is feasible

It aint what is feasible that makes something green, its what is actually done that matters.

> (even more so than relying on your acceptance of the conventional green definition) as being a renewable source, not
> that it is presently being used.

Pity that when current power generation by nukes isnt done with breeders,
its completely silly to claim that nuke power is green, as you did.

> You really need to read what is actually said rather than what you think is said.

You really need to retake Bullshitting 101.

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 9:58 pm
From: "Rod Speed" wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> wrote
>>> dpb <> wrote
>>>> Rod Speed wrote

>>>>> The vast bulk of our electricity doesnt come from oil, it comes
>>>>> from coal, and even if we stop doing that because of the CO2
>>>>> produced by that approach, we'll be using nukes instead, not
>>>>> 'various green sources'

>>>> Nuclear _is_ a "green" source...

>>> <>

>> Thats not nuke electricity generation.

> That doesn't make a BIT of difference.

Wrong, as always.

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 11:03 pm
From: David Nebenzahl

On 6/3/2008 5:34 PM Don Klipstein spake thus:

> In article <Syb1k.3334$>, SMS wrote:
>>Just don't turn off a power strip that has a desktop computer plugged
>>into it. The power supply provides +5V Standby to the motherboard's RTC
>>(real time clock) and CMOS RAM (which holds configuration data). When
>>the computer is unplugged (or during a power failure) the small,
>>non-rechargeable, lithium coin cell battery, maintains the RTC and CMOS
>>RAM. Often these are soldered in, not in a battery holder, and difficult
>>to replace. These batteries are not intended to supply power to the RTC
>>and CMOS RAM for long periods of time (unlike computers of 15 years ago
>>where the power supply didn't provide any power when the system was
>>turned off, and they used a much higher capacity battery).
> My computer has an Asus A7N8X-E "deluxe" motherboard for the AMD "Athlon
> XP" processor. That is maybe 5 years old. I got it the same day I got a
> "3200+" processor. The battery is removable and replaceable. I have that
> computer on a power strip that I often turn off.

Similar story here: I have a Tyan Trinity 400 MB w/Pentium, about 8
years old, that I turn off & on daily. It has never lost CMOS data, not
once. (And yes, it has the newfangled type of on-off switch, ACPI, all
that type crap.)

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute
conversation with the average voter.

- Attributed to Winston Churchill

TOPIC: Frugal baseball (San Francisco version)-Feel free to post for your area

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 10:31 pm
From: George Grapman

Went to the Giants game tonight and it was very frugal.

Tickets- I was watching a game at home last week and they announced
a special $11 ticket promotion (Ch.11 is their local station). I figured
it would be bleacher seats but I got two in the upper deck behind home.
They are normally $20 and I consider that a fair price when compared to
any other live entertainment where you see the best performers in their

Parking- Most street parking limits and meters expire at 6 p.m.. The
game was at 7:15. Found a truck zone at 5:45 and waited 15 minutes while
reading the paper. It was 15-20 minute walk to the park but I was lazy
and took public transit for $3 round trip. Also could have driven to the
BART station 2 miles from home for another $3 round trip but knew
parking downtown would get me home sooner,

Refreshments- $5 sandwich at the local deli,a few cookies and bottled
water (the only bans on outside stuff are cans,bottles and alcohol). It
got cold in the 7th inning but I resisted the urge for a $3.50 coffee.

TOPIC: Doing Good - Need More Inv. Info

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Tues, Jun 3 2008 10:41 pm
From: Logan Shaw

7derek wrote:
> A while back I joined an 'Invitation Only' retirement club, invested
> $200.00 and I am amazed at what it has now grown to. I am doing good
> with this and I would like to know about other secure, short term,
> high yield investment clubs that are out there.

There is no such thing as an investment that is both secure and high-yield.

- Logan

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Jun 4 2008 12:02 am
From: "Rod Speed"

Logan Shaw <> wrote
> 7derek wrote

>> A while back I joined an 'Invitation Only' retirement club, invested
>> $200.00 and I am amazed at what it has now grown to. I am doing good with this and I would like to know about other
>> secure, short term, high yield investment clubs that are out there.

> There is no such thing as an investment that is both secure and high-yield.

That isnt correct. They arent common, but they do exist.

TOPIC: Poverty in California...

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Jun 4 2008 12:01 am
From: Samantha Hill - remove TRASH to reply

The Real Bev wrote:
> How about fertility treatments for welfare wannabe-moms? I think that's
> a civil right now...

I have some really, REALLY off-the-wall ideas on medical care due to 15
years spent doing medical transcription for public health hospitals,
teaching hospitals, and private hospitals. Trust me, you don't want to
know what I think.

Although I will say that a local state representative of some sort here
in California tried a few years back to ban increasing the amount of
welfare for those already on welfare who had more children, stating that
between Section VIII housing, food stamps, WIC, and the like, they would
have ample funds to raise additional children. I am ashamed to say that
he was soundly trounced.

Then again, part of the problem is that this is California. Whoever
comes up with the idea of refinancing the state debt at a lower interest
rate to fix the budget crisis while keeping every last social program
intact is now having to eat their words, and deservedly so.


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