Saturday, August 9, 2008

14 new messages in 7 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Inflation - 2 messages, 1 author
* GEORGE GRAPMAN IS A HOMO - 2 messages, 2 authors
* To juice or not. - 5 messages, 2 authors
* Inflate yo tires? the Pledge - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Quick Tips For Applying Eye Makeup - 1 messages, 1 author
* Encinitas (California) red light camera ticket? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Some say 'Knowledge is power'... and a way to make a living. - 1 messages, 1

TOPIC: Inflation

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 4:57 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

George <george@nospam.invalid> wrote
> Patricia Martin Steward wrote
>> AllEmailDeletedImmediately <> wrote

>>> i just read something that inflation is more like 12-14% using pre clinton methodology. so, those of the clinton
>>> era did something to change how we calculate inflation so it's now something like 5%. of course, figures lie and
>>> liars figure.

>> Here's what I know: we had it GOOD in the Clinton era --
>> great economy, low unemployment, and he left a surplus behind.

>> What do we have now?

> You overlooked a lot of the details.


> You forgot the spectacular dot com crash and the reason for it.

Nothing any Prez ever gets to do anything about.

> The Clintons' SEC conveniently looked the other way as pirates such As enron, MCI etc were doing their thing with the
> result that the taxes poured in from all of the stock trading building a surplus.

That wasnt the reason for the surplus.

> Remember even various state governments telling us that they may even drop various taxes because they had so much tax
> revenue money on hand?

Nothing to do with the Prez either.

> You may also remember that one of the Clintons main agendas was NAFTA


> and other treaties designed to lower the US down to the level of other countries.


> It took a couple years but it worked.

Nope, it wasnt what produced the current result.

Slick didnt do anything useful about bin Laden and that did produce 9/11.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 5:02 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

clams_casino <> wrote
> George wrote

>> You overlooked a lot of the details. You forgot the spectacular dot
>> com crash and the reason for it. The Clintons' SEC conveniently
>> looked the other way as pirates such As enron, MCI etc were doing
>> their thing with the result that the taxes poured in from all of the
>> stock trading building a surplus.

> There was some contribution due to over valued stocks, but most shares of those companies never produced taxable
> gains.


> The primary reason taxes poured in was because employment was so good for so long

Nope, because the economy was booming.

> (longest business expansion on record) through good wages / plenty of overtime / good employment rates, etc.

Didnt have anything much to do with wages etc.

That was a result of the economy booming, not the cause of it.

> Jobs lost under GW have been replaced primarily with very low paying (primarily retail) jobs where the number of
> replacement jobs have not been reflecting the reduced paychecks / reduced taxes under GW.

Pig ignorant lie. Plenty of that happened with Slick too, most obviously with offshoring.

>> Remember even various state governments telling us that they may even
>> drop various taxes because they had so much tax revenue money on hand?

> That was GW's first push for his tax rebates. When the economy began tanking upon his election (investors
> immediately flocked to CDs & bonds while business significantly curtailed expansion plans),

Another pig ignorant lie.

> GW did his typical spin & reversed his logic claiming providing tax relief for the wealthy would create jobs & build
> much needed demand.

There was a hell of a lot more tax relief than for just the wealthy.

And the real reason both did quite well on some areas was interest rates, not taxes.

> So which was it? Tax rebates for the wealthy

There was a hell of a lot more tax relief than for just the wealthy.

> because they would not be inflationary (would not create surplus demand) or tax rebates for the wealthy

There was a hell of a lot more tax relief than for just the wealthy.

> because they would create much need jobs through a stronger economy (improved demand)?

Or both.

> Obviously, his first logic was the valid logic, but he did it all through borrowed money.

Another bare faced pig ignorant lie.


== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 5:52 pm


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 6:27 pm
From: Marsha wrote:

I'm happy, too. Your point?


TOPIC: To juice or not.

== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 6:12 pm
From: Pan

On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 15:13:45 GMT, blake murphy
<> wrote:

>> What was this "better shape" that we were in during the Clinton years? Be
>> *specific*...
>nation at peace, federal surplus, market in good are too stupid
>to live.

Not responding to attacks, is not being at peace. Sending troops into
a conflict, then withdrawing, with no results is not at peace.

Federal surplus? You mean additional income from a one time sale, and
a national debt, is not a surplus. Dot com bust, creating a recession,
is not a surplus.

Market is up, compared to Clinton years.

I may be stupid but I live well, because of the GOP, and their basic

== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 6:16 pm
From: Pan

On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 15:06:26 GMT, blake murphy
<> wrote:

>i think it's pretty funny that you of all people should be incensed over a
>measly blow job.

If Clinton had said, " Yes I got a blow job" he would have been
elected to a third time.

But point his finger at the American people, and saying "I did not
have sex with that women" pissed people off.

He was charged with perjury, not getting a blow job.

== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 6:18 pm
From: Pan

On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 15:09:55 GMT, blake murphy
<> wrote:

>> No further attacks on the U.S.A. since 9/11
>...which happened on george 'ok., you've covered your ass now' bush's
>watch. quite an achievement.
>and don't bother to say 'but it started under clinton.' the clinton people
>gave good advice that bush ignored because it came from clinton. too bad.

What good advice did the Clinton people give?
Treat attacks as a law enforcement problems?

== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 6:21 pm
From: Pan

On Fri, 08 Aug 2008 15:15:00 GMT, blake murphy
<> wrote:

>>>but mccain is a foreign-policy ace because he speaks fluent gibberish!
>>>well, sometimes it's fluent.
>>>your pal,
>> And yet McCain is rated much higher on foreign policy, that Obama
>really? what's mccain's foreign policy this week? it's sure to be
>different from last month's.

Well it's not Surrender.

And he is still regarded more highly rated then Obama, on foreign

== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 7:17 pm
From: max

In article <>,
Pan <> wrote:

> Federal surplus? You mean additional income from a one time sale, and
> a national debt, is not a surplus. Dot com bust, creating a recession,
> is not a surplus.

The dot com bubble was wholly and exclusively the result of free market

> Market is up, compared to Clinton years.
> I may be stupid but I live well, because of the GOP, and their basic
> economics.

Exactly the ones responsible for the dot com bust.

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TOPIC: Inflate yo tires? the Pledge

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 7:18 pm
From: max

In article <rQ_mk.7857$3l5.7747@newsfe06.iad>,
clams_casino <> wrote:

> A Veteran wrote:
> >
> >do something today!
> >Your tires may last longer too.
> >
> >
> Checked them this am. They were 26-29 psi - filled them to 34 psi.
> Of course, McBush thinks that's a silly way to save gas.

i run my tires at about 110 psi. i save a great deal of gas.


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== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 7:32 pm
From: George Grapman

Obama suggested that people have proper inflation.
Limbaugh claimed he said we should over inflate them.
The dittoheads believe Limbaugh.

TOPIC: Quick Tips For Applying Eye Makeup

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 7:34 pm
From: terryc

You're just beautiful the way you are.
If need be, buying beer for him(?) is definitely cheaper and healthier.

TOPIC: Encinitas (California) red light camera ticket?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 10:18 pm
From: "Ed."

Also, if you have an Encinitas (CA) red light camera ticket (photo
enforcement) that you have not yet paid, see this free-of-any-charge

PLease also note that there is a bill in the CA legislature to allow
speed camera tickets. SB 1325

TOPIC: Some say 'Knowledge is power'... and a way to make a living.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 10:41 pm
From: phil scott

On Aug 7, 7:31 pm, "AllEmailDeletedImmediately" <>
> "phil scott" <> wrote in message
> On Aug 7, 9:34 am, "AllEmailDeletedImmediately" <>
> wrote:
> > "phil scott" <> wrote in message
> >>
> > That prompted the following.
> > snip
> > > For example is you are an engineer and become a tradesman you get a
> > > fairly good match of insight and capability.. or even better if you
> > > can operate as an engineer.
> > dh is an engineer; what trade do you suggest he learn? :-)
> its up to him mon.
> Trades by hourly rate in order:
> Electrical controls, industrial, programmable,,PLC's etc  pays $120++
> per hour free lance... 50 or 60 dollars for a wage position.  You have
> to be sharp.  (about half my work these days)
> Electrical contracting ...industrial pays 75+ per hour.. thats just
> wiring and simple motor controls
> Home wiring a lot less, can bottom out in the 40 dollar range free
> lance.
> he's a broadcast engineer, but was an electronics tech in the navy, so
> he's well versed in both computers and electrical.
> for mech engrs.
> HVAC commcl ind, service pays 95+.. but its hard work.
> Residential hvac a lot less 75 or less
> oldest son did a/c, but is now self employed with division
> 8 commercial installations.   still does a little a/c on the side
> to keep up.
> handyman work in homes pays about 50 dollars an hour.
> thats anything ... fixing sinks, fences, doors and toilets
> that's dh.
> Those are west coast rates... lower as you go inland, bottom is in
> Florida, parts of texas and california not much better... (inland
> areas)  (rates are less than a third of california's best locations.
> (coastal areas, SF, LA, Portland etc)
> pa and sc
> **
> Marketing most efficient by Craigs list and also cold calling
> businesses
> with a card or sticker... 8 hours of cold calling will produce about
> 400
> dollars of work directly arranged that day, and about 2,000 on average
> over
> the next month or so.
> Cold calling one day a week for a few months will have you flush with
> more work than
> you and two helpers can do....  those stats will go south some as the
> economy tanks.
> ***
> Engineering in this area on a wage pays between 25 dollars and 40
> dollars an hour with the 40 dollar jobs getting scarce fast unless you
> are established manager.. not too many of those
> these days, they max at about 60 dollars an hour average... rare
> specialties higher of course.
> those are 10-12 hours per day jobs if you count the hour wasted for
> lunch and time it takes to
> put on the monkey suit properly and drive to work.   (with trade work
> you bill for the travel time).
> you really are an engineer, aren't you?   they tend to be extremely
> focused, which is a good thing :)
> Phil scott

yes, Im an ME with digital controls capability. Its not going badly
lately, it was earlier. I had to learn a new game plan. Shortly I
believe the economy is going to go
utterly south.. then it will pay to know all the angles and have
staged to optimize them.

That approach might keep a good man in steaks or at least the
occasional hamburger... if
overhead is low also.

I dont think
many folks have fathomed just how deep a hole we are in
economically..its a world stage
now, the work is moved to china etc.. not a lot in the US relative to
the talent available...
in order to compete in a world market those rates are going down,
the dollar is worth
less and less. double trouble...

search youtube and google for 'prime mortgage loan trouble'... etc.
thats already double from last year 11% or so deliquent..and projected
to triple in the next few months...that pressure will take out a lot
of retail and food sales etc.. a domino effect.

Yes focus is a good thing in some ways, it deprives a person of much
human sensitivity though and that is not a good thing at all.

Phil scott


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