Today's topics:
* Reviving dried-out typewriter ribbon - 4 messages, 3 authors
* Washington Post: "Calling on Gospel to Call Off Debt: As Financial Crisis
Grows, Many Turn to Church for Help" - 1 messages, 1 author
* To juice or not. - 9 messages, 5 authors
* Buying clothes off eBay? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Fowl Math - 1 messages, 1 author
* OIL DROP BRINGS NO RELIEF TO THE PUMP - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: Reviving dried-out typewriter ribbon
== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 4:56 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
Jack Ricci <> wrote:
> I have a Royal portable typewriter with an installed black ribbon and
> a spare ribbon. Both ribbons have totally dried out in spite of being
> packed in a plastic bag. Is there a way to bring life back to them,
> especially the new one, as they cost nearly 10 dollars for the plain
> black ribbon? WD40? Stamp pad ink? Rubbing alcohol? Water?
> Anyone has any idea for me?
Chuck the typewriter in the dumpster and get a printer for the PC for peanuts.
> I would like to be able to bring the typewriter back to life,
> in case of an emergency where electricity would not be available.
Just get a portable printer for the laptop.
== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 5:45 pm
From: Seerialmom
On Aug 4, 4:45 pm, Jack Ricci <> wrote:
> I have a Royal portable typewriter with an installed black ribbon and a
> spare ribbon. Both ribbons have totally dried out in spite of being
> packed in a plastic bag. Is there a way to bring life back to them,
> especially the new one, as they cost nearly 10 dollars for the plain
> black ribbon? WD40? Stamp pad ink? Rubbing alcohol? Water? Anyone has
> any idea for me? I would like to be able to bring the typewriter back to
> life, in case of an emergency where electricity would not be available.
> Thank you for any help.
> Jack
Not sure about reviving the existing ribbons, but I'd think if you got
a "fresh" ribbon and packed it in an air-tight bag it could survive.
You could experiment with the stamp pad ink though.
== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 5:45 pm
From: (Gary Heston)
In article <>,
Jack Ricci <> wrote:
>I have a Royal portable typewriter with an installed black ribbon and a
>spare ribbon. Both ribbons have totally dried out in spite of being
>packed in a plastic bag. Is there a way to bring life back to them,
>especially the new one, as they cost nearly 10 dollars for the plain
>black ribbon? WD40? Stamp pad ink? Rubbing alcohol? Water? Anyone has
>any idea for me? I would like to be able to bring the typewriter back to
>life, in case of an emergency where electricity would not be available.
>Thank you for any help.
Most inks used in typewriter ribbons are oil or grease based. The more
volatile components (i.e., solvents) have evaporated, so that's what
needs to be replaced. A light touch with the WD-40 might work (that was
an old trick with dot-matrix printers which used fabric ribbons).
However, typewriter ribbons are still available from places like Office
Depot. You'll get better results by buying a couple of new ribbons and
keeping them in your freezer, so they don't dry out.
Gary Heston
Why is it that these days, the words "What idiot" are so frequently
followed by the words "at Microsoft"?
== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 5:48 pm
From: Seerialmom
On Aug 4, 4:45 pm, Jack Ricci <> wrote:
> I have a Royal portable typewriter with an installed black ribbon and a
> spare ribbon. Both ribbons have totally dried out in spite of being
> packed in a plastic bag. Is there a way to bring life back to them,
> especially the new one, as they cost nearly 10 dollars for the plain
> black ribbon? WD40? Stamp pad ink? Rubbing alcohol? Water? Anyone has
> any idea for me? I would like to be able to bring the typewriter back to
> life, in case of an emergency where electricity would not be available.
> Thank you for any help.
> Jack
One other thought, find some "carbon paper". Of course you need to be
extra cautious as you type as you can't "erase" the carbon paper
characters you just typed. Best bet is to find one of them mom/pop
typewriter shops and see what they suggest.
TOPIC: Washington Post: "Calling on Gospel to Call Off Debt: As Financial
Crisis Grows, Many Turn to Church for Help"
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 5:00 pm
I saw this on TV recently. They also mentioned a religious book by a
woman titled "Out of Debt, Out of Bondage."
It's three pages long.
First half of first page:
By Ovetta Wiggins
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, July 20, 2008; Page A01
Following the advice of their pastor, the men and women shuffled to
the altar, cut up their credit cards and placed them near his feet.
"If we want to have victory, we have to come out of financial
bondage," the Rev. John K. Jenkins of First Baptist Church of
Glenarden shouted during a recent sermon.
Ordinarily Jenkins's sermons are about spiritual freedom and ridding
one's self of sin. But his message has taken a different turn lately
-- one that preaches the dangers of overspending and debt.
The sermons are not unusual. With the country on the cusp of a
recession and many people burdened by the mortgage foreclosure crisis,
skyrocketing gas prices and rising grocery bills, religious leaders
across the Washington region are increasingly ministering to their
members about financial responsibility, encouraging them to control
their spending.
"We tell our members, don't buy dresses and shoes, take trips, all on
credit," Jenkins said in an interview. "It's killing us."
Churches are going a step further by providing financial counseling
and pointing people to local and state programs that help with
(end of excerpt)
TOPIC: To juice or not.
== 1 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 5:15 pm
From: Marsha
clams_casino wrote:
> wrote:
>> Umm, no. I did better under Clinton because while my income was
>> higher, my taxes were lower.
> I'm paying much less tax under Bush - of course my income has dropped
> significantly...................
Aren't you retired? My taxes are much lower and my income is higher.
== 2 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 5:30 pm
On Aug 4, 8:15 pm, Marsha <> wrote:
> clams_casino wrote:
> > wrote:
> >> Umm, no. I did better under Clinton because while my income was
> >> higher, my taxes were lower.
> > I'm paying much less tax under Bush - of course my income has dropped
> > significantly...................
> Aren't you retired? My taxes are much lower and my income is higher.
> Marsha/Ohio
I'm most certainly not retired. My taxes are much higher under Bush
and my
income much lower, like most people.
== 3 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 5:41 pm
From: Marsha wrote:
> On Aug 4, 8:15 pm, Marsha <> wrote:
>>clams_casino wrote:
>>> wrote:
>>>>Umm, no. I did better under Clinton because while my income was
>>>>higher, my taxes were lower.
>>>I'm paying much less tax under Bush - of course my income has dropped
>>Aren't you retired? My taxes are much lower and my income is higher.
> I'm most certainly not retired. My taxes are much higher under Bush
> and my
> income much lower, like most people.
That was addressed to Clams. Sorry if there was any confusion.
== 4 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 6:16 pm
From: clams_casino
Marsha wrote:
> clams_casino wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> Umm, no. I did better under Clinton because while my income was
>>> higher, my taxes were lower.
>> I'm paying much less tax under Bush - of course my income has
>> dropped significantly...................
> Aren't you retired? My taxes are much lower and my income is higher.
Yes, but my stock returns have been pathetic over the past six years -
taxes are lower, but primarily because there has been no positive
(overall) return.
Fortunately, I made enough in the 80's - 90's to take a very early
retirement. Unfortunately, we are having to make some substantial
adjustments so we don't run out of funds.
== 5 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 7:11 pm
From: Pan
On Mon, 04 Aug 2008 06:47:02 -0400, clams_casino
<> wrote:
>Pan wrote:
>>And the proceeds from the appreciation on your home is tax free ?
>>Wait until you sell. The appreciation is not tax free, it is tax
>Once again, we really have no clue, do you?
>Still making up "facts".......... No wonder you're for McBush.
>bye -
Sorry I didn't get this response, You will have to explain.
== 6 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 7:18 pm
From: Pan
On Mon, 04 Aug 2008 13:45:33 -0500, max <>
>> >*You* *People* didn't believe for one microsecond that Osama was a
>> >threat and you lost forever the moral right to criticize when you first
>> >uttered the words "wag the dog".
>> >
>> >.max
>> Well Max I don't know who "you people" are but, wag the dog, had
>> nothing to do with Osama.
>Let me ask the SECDEF to explain
>from <>
>The attack was launched on the same day Lewinsky, a former White House
>intern, wrapped up her testimony before a grand jury investigating
>whether Clinton lied under oath about their relationship or encouraged
>anyone else to do so.
>"During that time when the attack was launched in Afghanistan and Sudan,
>there was a movie out called 'Wag the Dog,' " Cohen testified Tuesday.
>In the movie, an administration launched a fake war as a political ploy.
>"There were critics of the Clinton administration that attacked the
>president, saying this was an effort on his part to divert attention
>from his personal difficulties."
>Now go ahead and tell us you didn't use the phrase "wag the dog" in
>specific reference to clinton's military ops. We both know you did.
You know, I understand the reference "wag the dog". And the reason
that the reference was made was that there was no intelligence that
Osama was even near the chemical weapons factory, that turned out to
be a dry milk factory.
== 7 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 7:45 pm
From: Pan
On Mon, 4 Aug 2008 11:59:53 -0400, T <>
>Wow, you're pretty optimistic.
Yes I am. I have been thru rough times before and it always improves.
Think Carter years.
>The economy as a whole is screwed. If you hadn't noticed the
>unemployment rate is being reported as 5.7% or so which in reality
>translates to 2 to 3 times that number since that particular statistic
>only records NEW filings.
Full employment definition from the Dems is 6%. Illegal's make up
about 5% of the work force, and the bad economy is forcing them to
>Then of course there are the energy prices. Unless you've been hiding
>under a rock, you can't have missed that your electric rates probably
>went up by about 20% and gasoline and oil have gone stratospheric.
Yes your right, but as you can see, the restriction on off shore
drilling, will be lifted, and more oil will flow.
>Energy costs impact food costs.
Wheat supply's are at record high levels, corn prices are high because
of govt. mandated etoh.
>Communities are crumbling because of the mortgage crisis.>
Less the 1% of home are in default.
>And people still believe we're just heading into a recession. I have
>news for you, we're heading into a depression but nobody wants to say it
>because of the panic it would cause. We've now seen 8 bank failures in
>the last two weeks which is interesting in itself. I predict that BofA
>will be the first big bank to fail.
No sign of recession much less a depression. The growth rate is at a
low rate of 2% , but it is growth.
== 8 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 7:50 pm
From: Pan
On Mon, 4 Aug 2008 09:20:00 -0700 (PDT),
>> You mean that You did better under the higher taxes?
>Umm, no. I did better under Clinton because while my income was
>higher, my
>taxes were lower. I have no idea why, but as my income drops, my taxes
>up. For example, in 2007 I made about $4k less than in 2006, but paid
>more in taxes, with the same deductions. My income is less than half
>it was
>under Clinton, and yet I pay about the same $ amount in taxes. Under
>I paid 18% of my income in taxes and now it's closer to 30%. And I
>make even close to middle 5 figures anymore. If the economy doesn't
>so that my customers have some money to spend, I will have to close my
>doors. The Regugnant Party has to go, and the sooner, the better.
So with a tax rate lowered 10%, by Bush, you paid more tax, with the
same circumstances?
Something's wrong.
== 9 of 9 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 9:42 pm
From: "cybercat"
"Marsha" <> wrote in message news:g787jg$egl$
> wrote:
>> On Aug 4, 8:15 pm, Marsha <> wrote:
>>>clams_casino wrote:
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>Umm, no. I did better under Clinton because while my income was
>>>>>higher, my taxes were lower.
>>>>I'm paying much less tax under Bush - of course my income has dropped
>>>Aren't you retired? My taxes are much lower and my income is higher.
>> I'm most certainly not retired. My taxes are much higher under Bush
>> and my
>> income much lower, like most people.
> That was addressed to Clams. Sorry if there was any confusion.
Marsha. This is USENET. Every post is just out there, fair game. You
simple-minded Befuddlican piece of shit.
Do you cook?
TOPIC: Buying clothes off eBay?
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 8:34 pm
This place on eBay has some great prices on Keen shoes
and other outdoor apparel
Anyone ever buy clothes from them? Or clothes off eBay
The reviews look good but I'm leery
What you think?
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 9:49 pm
From: "Rod Speed" wrote:
> This place on eBay has some great prices on Keen shoes
> and other outdoor apparel
> Anyone ever buy clothes from them? Or clothes off eBay
> period?
> The reviews look good but I'm leery
> What you think?
That plenty of stuff off ebay is good value.
TOPIC: Fowl Math
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 9:27 pm
From: Terri
The Real Bev <> wrote in
> Terri wrote:
>> Dennis <> wrote:
>>> While you're at it, maybe you can also figure out if a chicken and a
>>> half can lay an egg and a half in a day in a half, how long will it
>>> take a grasshopper with a wooden leg to kick all the seeds out of a
>>> dill pickle?
>>> ;-)
>> Hah! I'd forgotten just how evil you really are!
>> Maybe I'll just go shoot and eat the neighbor's noisy peacocks.
> Report back, possibly with recipes. I'm sure the people in Arcadia
> (wild free-range PROTECTED peacocks,
Wait. Protected?? WHY?
but I doubt anybody would tattle).
> Damn things poop green glue.
Oddly enough, since I posted that I've noticed there hasn't been a
single peacock heard. I've also noticed a huge increase in coyote
calls lately as well.
Might have to leave an extra snack for Wile E.
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 10:38 pm
From: Tim Campbell
> On Mon, 4 Aug 2008 13:21:53 -0500, "Eddie Haskell" <>
> 'A government big enough to give you everything you want, is
> big enough to take away everything you have.'
> "You cannot enrich the poor by impoverishing the rich."-
"Big-business that is big enough to give you everything you want,
will become big enough to take away everything you have."*
*as our politicians have merely become the representatives of the
corporations who placed them in their positions.
"Yet you can enrich the rich by impoverishing the poor."
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