Today's topics:
* paypal wholesale Sand (paypal payment)(www world-wholesaler com ) - 1
messages, 1 author
* Compact Flourescent bulbs - 11 messages, 5 authors
* Trip Report -- Algodones Dentistry - 2 messages, 2 authors
* Frugal ideas (on topic) - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Please help Burnham RSM-126 oil furnace won't heat hot water after vacation -
1 messages, 1 author
* Amyloid, telemeres and aging - 1 messages, 1 author
* WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS BOOBS AND TITS - - 1 messages, 1 author
* Earn - Rs20,000 INR - Just for signing up! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Nike Air Jordan 1 I Force 1 Jordan Fusion AJF 1 AJF1 AJ1F
Jordan 1 fusionNike Air Jordan 1 I Force 1 Jordan Fusion AJF 1 AJF1 AJ1F www. Jordan 1 fusionNike Air Jordan 1 I Force 1 Jordan Fusion AJF 1
AJF1 AJ1F Jordan 1 fusion Nike dunk sb,
air force one, air max, Jordans, Jordan fusion, nike shox - 1 messages, 1
* Underlying the pandemic off idiocy in America.... - 1 messages, 1 author
* Should I buy a gas gussler? - 1 messages, 1 author
* To juice or not. - 2 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: paypal wholesale Sand (paypal payment)(www world-wholesaler com )
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2008 11:39 pm
paypal wholesale soccer (paypal payment)(www world-wholesaler com )
paypal wholesale Timberland (paypal payment)(www world-wholesaler
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TOPIC: Compact Flourescent bulbs
== 1 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 12:08 am
From: (Chief Thracian)
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 06:27:12 GMT, (Chief
Thracian) wrote:
> All those unhappily unpaid janitors, housecleaners, etc.
Correction: "underpaid".
The Final Testament
== 2 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 1:17 am
From: "h"
"Dave" <noway@nohow.not> wrote in message
> >
>> We have all the same stuff, except air conditioners instead of heaters.
>> Changing out all the bulbs to CFLs made a big difference in the bill. Now
> if
>> they could make a CFL option for my iron, that would be really great,
> since
>> it's on most of the day and it takes a LOT of juice.
> Do they still make irons? I haven't seen one in about twenty years or
> so...
> :) -Dave
Of course they do :)
In addition to a regular iron I'm also using a professional steamer for at
least an hour a day.
== 3 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 1:34 am
From: "Rod Speed"
Chief Thracian <> wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 14:45:10 -0500, max <> wrote:
>> you seem pretty well versed in this topic. How much mercury is
>> inside a CF (say 13 watt) bulb? Are CF bulbs responsible for
>> contaminating fish from people throwing them in the water? (the
>> bulbs, not the fish)
> Not yet, since their new technology. But just wait a few years, when
> the majority of CFLs are improperly discarded into landfills and
> rivers/lakes/ocean.
> I've had three CFLs break so far, due to bumps/knocking over desk
> lamps by either myself (when cleaning a room), or by a visitor. I live
> in a large apt. building where the owner gets the cheapest CFLs to
> light the lobby, hallways, cellar, etc. They burn out within a few
> months, so replacement is frequent. Add up all the other cheap
> landlords across the nation, and you got a BIG problem.
> What about homes w/children and pets running about?
No worse than we saw with the much older long tube fluoros.
> Also, cheap landlords hire cheap help. Do you trust they'll take
> proper care when cleaning up and disposing of broken CFLs?
Dont need to when the much long tube fluoros werent a problem.
> All those unhappily unpaid janitors, housecleaners, etc. across our unfair
> nations: do you think THEY will properly clean up/dispose shattered CFLs?
No worse than we saw with the much older long tube fluoros.
> We have a very poor recycling system in the most folks
> will NOT bring broken or burnt out CFLs to the appropriate centers.
> Instead, they'll be dump into the usual garbage, where they'll then
> proceed to landfills, where the mercury will eventually leach into
> our water system, and vapors into the air we breathe.
No worse than we saw with the much older long tube fluoros.
> --
> Fluorescent light bulbs contain a very small amount of mercury sealed
> within the glass tubing. EPA recommends the following clean-up and
> disposal below. Please also read the information on this page about
> what never to do with a mercury spill.
Usual mindless silly stuff.
> Before Clean-up: Air Out the Room
> * Have people and pets leave the room, and don't let anyone walk
> through the breakage area on their way out.
> * Open a window and leave the room for 15 minutes or more.
> * Shut off the central forced-air heating/air conditioning system,
> if you have one.
> Clean-Up Steps for Hard Surfaces
> * Carefully scoop up glass pieces and powder using stiff paper or
> cardboard and place them in a glass jar with metal lid (such as a
> canning jar) or in a sealed plastic bag.
> * Use sticky tape, such as duct tape, to pick up any remaining
> small glass fragments and powder.
> * Wipe the area clean with damp paper towels or disposable wet
> wipes. Place towels in the glass jar or plastic bag.
> * Do not use a vacuum or broom to clean up the broken bulb on hard
> surfaces.
> Clean-up Steps for Carpeting or Rug
> * Carefully pick up glass fragments and place them in a glass jar
> with metal lid (such as a canning jar) or in a sealed plastic bag.
> * Use sticky tape, such as duct tape, to pick up any remaining
> small glass fragments and powder.
> * If vacuuming is needed after all visible materials are removed,
> vacuum the area where the bulb was broken.
> * Remove the vacuum bag (or empty and wipe the canister), and put
> the bag or vacuum debris in a sealed plastic bag.
> Clean-up Steps for Clothing, Bedding and Other Soft Materials
> * If clothing or bedding materials come in direct contact with
> broken glass or mercury-containing powder from inside the bulb that
> may stick to the fabric, the clothing or bedding should be thrown
> away. Do not wash such clothing or bedding because mercury fragments
> in the clothing may contaminate the machine and/or pollute sewage.
> * You can, however, wash clothing or other materials that have
> been exposed to the mercury vapor from a broken CFL, such as the
> clothing you are wearing when you cleaned up the broken CFL, as long
> as that clothing has not come into direct contact with the materials
> from the broken bulb.
> * If shoes come into direct contact with broken glass or
> mercury-containing powder from the bulb, wipe them off with damp paper
> towels or disposable wet wipes. Place the towels or wipes in a glass
> jar or plastic bag for disposal.
> Disposal of Clean-up Materials
> * Immediately place all clean-up materials outdoors in a trash
> container or protected area for the next normal trash pickup.
> * Wash your hands after disposing of the jars or plastic bags
> containing clean-up materials.
> * Check with your local or state government about disposal
> requirements in your specific area. Some states do not allow such
> trash disposal. Instead, they require that broken and unbroken
> mercury-containing bulbs be taken to a local recycling center.
> Future Cleaning of Carpeting or Rug: Air Out the Room During and After
> Vacuuming
> * The next several times you vacuum, shut off the central
> forced-air heating/air conditioning system and open a window before
> vacuuming.
> * Keep the central heating/air conditioning system shut off and
> the window open for at least 15 minutes after vacuuming is completed.
> --
> Briefly, EPA recommends that (1) you immediately open windows to
> reduce mercury concentrations inside your home; (2) you do not touch
> the spilled mercury; (3) you clean up the broken CFL glass carefully
> and immediately (but not with your hands or a vacuum cleaner), and (4)
> you wipe the affected area with a paper towel to remove all glass
> fragments and mercury. EPA further recommends that you place the paper
> towel and glass fragments in a sealed plastic bag and bring the sealed
> bag to your local Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
> Collection Site.
> I've decided to eliminate all CFLs from my humble abode, and return to
> incandescent. Until LEDs go down in price to a reasonable level. I
> only use 40 watts anyway. In searching for more info about CFL
> hazards, I learned that IKEA sells 'em with a plastic bubble around
> ' that makes sense. See:
> Other comments from that site:
> This is awful. I fell asleep with the lights on the other night and
> woke up to a loud pop around 4am.... realized it was the new bulb -
> opened my bedrooom door, prayed I'd live till morning and fell back
> asleep. Well, I'm here now & hope there's no permanent damage. I'm not
> really enamored with these bulbs.
> --
> This is pretty much why I refuse to buy CFLs. Everyone is focused on
> how much less energy they use, but the disposal and cleanup issues
> have not been adequately addressed. How many people even realize
> you're not supposed to throw CFLs in the garbage, or know where to
> take them to dispose of them, or (most importantly) are willing to go
> out of their way to do so? How many people even realize they contain
> mercury? To my mind that's not an acceptable tradeoff for the energy
> savings.
> --
> Our environmental health and safety department (I am a grad student in
> the biological sciences) just went through a huge effort to replace
> and dispose of all the mercury thermometers in our school and the
> associated hospital. At least in our lab, we've had the same set of
> thermometers for years and years (so it's not like a
> disposable/consumable item) and a thermometer has only broken once in
> the last ten years or so, and he who broke it knew exactly how to deal
> with the mercury danger. Now, all over the place, people are buying
> these much more fragile, disposable/consumable items, with nothing
> like the training we must undergo to be using those mercury
> thermometers. Baffling.
> {I do understand that there is much more mercury in a thermometer than
> in these bulbs, but I'd like to know how the math works out when you
> factor in the mass effect of how many more lightbulbs will be bought
> and broken or not disposed of correctly)
> --
> I was considering switching, but between the dog and child, I think
> I'll stick with my regular lightbulbs. If I have to consult the EPA to
> clean up when I break one (and I dropped a lightbulb the other day
> when I was cleaning out the cabinet I store them in), I'll pass.
> --
> I've been reading on this subject and I'm now sufficiently freaked
> about CF bulbs and proper disposal. I don't feel good about buying
> something that needs to be disposed of as hazardous waste.
> --
> Thanks for the story. My daughter hit a bulb with her basketball and
> brought the broken piece up to me. I just cleaned the rest up, not
> knowing anything about the mecury or potential hazards. Both my kids
> were in the immediate area and I did not have them leave. After all I
> have read, given she touched the debris, I will get her the blood or
> urine test for mecury contamination. Horrible trade off in order to
> use these bulbs. I did not dispose of it properly either, so I have
> contaminated others and the earth. Nothing was on the package about
> any of this. A friend sent me a news clips. Exposure was three weeks
> ago!
> --
== 4 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 3:05 am
From: "Twice Retired"
Chief Thracian related to Julia Butterfly Hill?
== 5 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 6:45 am
From: Jeff
Chief Thracian wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 14:45:10 -0500, max <> wrote:
>> you seem pretty well versed in this topic. How much mercury is inside a
>> CF (say 13 watt) bulb? Are CF bulbs responsible for contaminating
>> fish from people throwing them in the water? (the bulbs, not the fish)
> Not yet, since their new technology. But just wait a few years, when
> the majority of CFLs are improperly discarded into landfills and
> rivers/lakes/ocean.
> I've had three CFLs break so far, due to bumps/knocking over desk
> lamps by either myself (when cleaning a room), or by a visitor. I live
> in a large apt. building where the owner gets the cheapest CFLs to
> light the lobby, hallways, cellar, etc. They burn out within a few
> months, so replacement is frequent. Add up all the other cheap
> landlords across the nation, and you got a BIG problem.
> What about homes w/children and pets running about?
> Also, cheap landlords hire cheap help. Do you trust they'll take
> proper care when cleaning up and disposing of broken CFLs? All those
> unhappily unpaid janitors, housecleaners, etc. across our unfair
> nations: do you think THEY will properly clean up/dispose shattered
> CFLs? We have a very poor recycling system in the most folks
> will NOT bring broken or burnt out CFLs to the appropriate centers.
> Instead, they'll be dump into the usual garbage, where they'll then
> proceed to landfills, where the mercury will eventually leach into our
> water system, and vapors into the air we breathe.
> --
The EPA is essentially broken. Just like almost every other government
agency has been in the past 7 years.
Energy Star estimates that if all CFLs were landfilled they would add
just .1% to the US human contribution of mercury.
A 13 W CFL averages 4 mG, with some newer models down to 1.4 milligrams.
Eating fish is a bigger problem.
What you should learn form this is to avoid cheap Chinese non rated
bulbs. It's the same issue that we have with so much else non regulated
Chinese goods. Remember the pet food and pharmaceutical deaths?
== 6 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 7:36 am
From: "h"
> What you should learn form this is to avoid cheap Chinese non rated
> bulbs. It's the same issue that we have with so much else non regulated
> Chinese goods. Remember the pet food and pharmaceutical deaths?
Oh yeah. My surviving cat will be on meds for the rest of her life.
== 7 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 9:59 am
From: Jeff
h wrote:
>> What you should learn form this is to avoid cheap Chinese non rated
>> bulbs. It's the same issue that we have with so much else non regulated
>> Chinese goods. Remember the pet food and pharmaceutical deaths?
> Oh yeah. My surviving cat will be on meds for the rest of her life.
I'm sorry to hear that.
The unfortunate thing for you was that you had no indication that you
were getting a product that came from a country with weak oversite and
It's an unfortunate thing that we even have to look out for that.
With the CFLs, look for the Energy Star as I do not believe that any of
the dangerous Chinese CFLs have that.
Sometimes buying junk carries an acceptable risk, sometimes it
doesn't. I don't think the possibility that your light bulb will catch
fire is acceptable. What kind of government do we have that does nothing
to remove these products from stores?
== 8 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 10:02 am
From: (Chief Thracian)
>Energy Star estimates that if all CFLs were landfilled they would
>add just .1% to the US human contribution of mercury.
Izzat so? Yes, Energy Star claims that "CFLs contain a very small
amount of average of 4 milligrams".
But the following site disagrees:
"Over 300 million compact fluorescent bulbs, CFLs, were sold in the US
last year. A CFL can contain upwards of 5mg of mercury per bulb. Here
is the math: 5mg of mercury x 300,000,000 CFLs = 3306 lbs of mercury
that can be going into the trash and eventually into our environment!
This mercury is an extreme health risk to humans and animals.
News article after news article have posed the same question: How &
where to recycle CFLs? There are very few sustainable recycling
solutions out there for consumers and businesses. The EPA has released
guidelines of what to do when a CFL breaks and does offer a few
resources for recycling to residents. Most of these are local town
hazardous waste days. The number of CFLs in use are on the rise and as
a result the issue of recycling is becoming paramount. What good is it
to "go green" and change to energy saving CFLs if they are just going
to be thrown out into our landfills at end of life?"
(That site BTW, offers a recycling method for CFLs. Go to that page
for more info.)
>What you should learn form this is to avoid cheap Chinese non rated
Yes, and the majority of families on a tight budget will readily
comply by your suggestion.
The Final Testament
== 9 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 10:40 am
From: "h"
"Jeff" <> wrote in message
>h wrote:
>>> What you should learn form this is to avoid cheap Chinese non rated
>>> bulbs. It's the same issue that we have with so much else non regulated
>>> Chinese goods. Remember the pet food and pharmaceutical deaths?
>> Oh yeah. My surviving cat will be on meds for the rest of her life.
> I'm sorry to hear that.
> The unfortunate thing for you was that you had no indication that you were
> getting a product that came from a country with weak oversite and
> regulation.
And since I was buying the expensive food (Iams), I thought I was providing
my cats with high-quality, safe food. I've since gone to Purina, since they
say (if you can believe them) that they produce everything themselves.
== 10 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 10:35 am
From: (Chief Thracian)
Green globes trigger migraines
"A leading British migraine body has claimed eco-bulbs worsen the
symptoms of migraines, epilepsy and the auto-immune disease lupus."
Read more here:
The Final Testament
== 11 of 11 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 10:45 am
From: (Chief Thracian)
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 09:45:56 -0400, Jeff <> wrote:
>Energy Star estimates that if all CFLs were landfilled they would add
>just .1% to the US human contribution of mercury.
Wait, there's more:
The articles listed below (and many more to be added later) set forth
clear arguments against the use of Compact Fluorescent Bulbs, or CFLs,
for a number of very practical reasons, both technical and political.
The big political push toward their mandatory adoption is based on the
belief that the bulbs use less electricity to provide the same light
Fluorescent lighting advocates claim that electricity consumption will
be reduced overnight when people switch to fluorescent lamps; however,
with that in mind, people will naturally be more inclined to leave
their lights on a lot more, since the new bulbs are so efficient.
That offsets the energy savings considerably....
Proponents of fluorescent lights are quick to point out that
incandescent bulbs waste 90 percent of their input power as heat.
CFLs are not 100% efficient, either, but somehow that is never
mentioned. (Of course the light from a light bulb also turns into
heat when it hits the walls and the floor, bringing the "wasted power"
total to 100 percent, unless some of the light goes out the window,
but I digress.) A hair dryer uses a lot more power than a light bulb.
Some consume 1800 watts, and 100% of that power is "wasted" as heat.
Sometimes heat is a beneficial byproduct.
Here's the way I look at it: In the winter, that "wasted" power
contributes to the heat in the house, which makes the heater run less.
I have an all-electric house, and I figure it costs nothing to run a
hair dryer or a computer or an electric blanket in the winter, because
all those things are supplementing the output of my central electric
I can tell you from my own experience that "9 year" CFLs don't last
nine years. A more accurate figure would be nine months. Notice that
the packaging says they will last 10,000 hours. Simple arithmetic
tells us that's only a little more than one year of continuous use.
(Since the life of a CFL is shortened by turning it on and off,
continuous use results in the longest life.) Incandescent bulbs have
been known to operate for decades: The world record is over 100
If your CFL dies prematurely, the manufacturer will blame you for its
failure. (Must be something wrong with your wiring. You must have
turned it on and off too much.) Even if the bulb is under warranty,
and you send it back to the manufacturer for a replacement, you will
spend more on shipping than the price of a new bulb. Those shipping
costs come out of your pocket, and they offset any "energy savings"
you might have realized....
How much are you really saving? Ordinary incandescent bulbs cost less
than 19� apiece. When coupled with the fact that CFLs don't last very
long, it's easy to see that your "energy saving" amounts to
approximately zero when you switch to fluorescent bulbs....
CFLs are marketed with a number of half-baked promises. The packaging
may tell you, for example, that a CFL bulb that uses 23 watts and has
the light output "equivalent" of a 100-watt bulb. On the contrary,
the light is not "equivalent" by any means. Fluorescent bulbs emit a
cold, harsh and unnatural glow, along with an audible hum and a small
amount of ultraviolet light. They don't work in cold weather, and
some of them take two or three minutes to reach full brightness. Most
of all, they are far more expensive than incandescent bulbs, and the
alleged savings are never realized because the bulbs do not last as
long as the manufacturers claim. So yes, except for about a dozen
drawbacks, fluorescent lights are fine, and if the price of
electricity triples, or if I'm forced to run on generator power, or if
I want my home to look like a warehouse, I'll buy more of them.
The Final Testament
TOPIC: Trip Report -- Algodones Dentistry
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 6:29 am
Just a FYI, your bottom line somehow got posted to the top. :-)
Thanks for the detailed info. Makes me remember the glory days of the
MFCL group *sniff*. If we need work, this might be something we would
do. What was the name of the dentist you used? Since the work seemed
to be good, might be nice to have a reference.
On Sun, 17 Aug 2008 21:07:34 -0700, The Real Bev
<> wrote:
>Bottom line: DO IT!
>The natives are friendly. Most speak English, and if they don't there's
>somebody nearby who does.
>The dentists are willing to work for 4 hours or more at a sitting and
>will shoot you sufficiently full of lidocaine that you're numb the
>entire time AND MORE. I had possibly 9 (I didn't count and don't have a
>detailed bill yet) crowns and three fillings. Total chair time 16 hours
>spread over 6 days. $2700. Husband has implants, crowns, a root canal,
>a bridge and a partial. BIL had crowns, root canals and partials.
>Their work required much less chair time than mine. Implant post
>insertion and attached teeth still to go in 6 months.
>They use bottled water for drinking/dental purposes, but the sinks use
>whatever comes out of the tap. Some website said Algodones used Yuma
>city water, but the office didn't confirm that.
>They had higher-tech equipment (digital x-rays) than the last local
>dentist I went to.
>If you need a specialist, (s)he will come to YOU, and possibly while you
>Prescription stuff IS cheaper and the big pharmacy is only a few short
>blocks from the border. The pet pharmacy is a little further.
>August means no crowds. Free parking (when that gets filled up there's
>a huge $5/day lot). Short or no pedestrian line to cross the border
>back into the US. Don't even think of driving across the border, the
>parking probably won't be any closer to where you want to go and you
>risk whatever you risk by driving across the border -- not the least
>being a LOOOOOOONG wait even in August.
>We found an ordinary motel with AC, 2 double beds, TV (HBO too),
>microwave, refrigerator and a small pool for $40/night. RegaLodge on
>4th Avenue. The Del Sol supermarket is a few blocks away.
>I know nothing about silver jewelry prices (they price by weight,
>apparently), but the stuff sold by the street vendors is attractive. I
>bought a ring for $20.
>Lots of opticians too. Even with my nasty prescription, I got my
>glasses in an hour. Cheapest: $20 for single-vision or bifocals plus
>$10 for tint and $10 for exam. My right lens was better than the one
>I'm wearing. The left one wasn't, so the guy made another left one in
>my old prescription. An acceptable outcome. If you don't like the
>frames this shop has, go to the next. There are hundreds.
>Had I accepted the offer of a private tour of the Yuma Sewage Treatment
>Plant it would have been the highlight of the trip. There is nothing to
>do in Yuma that you can't do in the town you left because there was
>nothing to do there. Plan on bringing your entertainment with you
>unless you're an alcoholic.
>Air conditioning is essential. Check out the high and low temperatures
>and plan accordingly.
>Food quality was not a high priority ("soft" is prime), but avoid the
>Jack-in-the-Box breakfast bowl.
>If you go in a group, it's probably wise for everybody to go to a
>different dentist. There were only a few other patients while we were
>there, but the three of us did a lot of waiting while the two dentists
>worked on us. I'd recommend bringing some kind of cushion -- my
>tailbone is really painful.
>I don't know how you choose a dentist. My SIL used one recommended by
>someone she knew. I picked ours because they had the most
>professional-looking webpage, handled all the procedures we needed, and
>responded promptly and in excellent English to my emailed questions.
>My tongue is still sore so I can't really tell how the crowns feel, but
>they seem a little rough with some unexpected edges. If they don't
>disappear with time and usage I'll have the guy smooth them down when we
>go back in 6 months.
>Yuma. It's not actually ugly, it's just like every other town of
>similar size in the US that's REALLY warm.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 8:19 am
The Real Bev
<> wrote:
>Yuma. It's not actually ugly, it's just like every other town of
>similar size in the US that's REALLY warm.
Thanks for that report Bev!!!
I've give some thought to doing the
Algondes thing as well
However, I always thought Yuma would be
a pretty town! Guess not huh?
TOPIC: Frugal ideas (on topic)
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 6:36 am
From: P.W. Stynx
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 05:06:11 +0200 (CEST), Gordon <>
>P.W. Stynx <> wrote in
>>>- No Cable TV.
>> We have no TV service at all. Not because we're superior, but because
>> we're in a valley and get Zero, as in NADA, ZILCH, NYET, NONE
>> reception. Thank God for Netflix (($24/month) anad the Internet.
>So do you use the Roku Netflix player?? If so, how do you like it??
I am really, really tempted, but Netflix will need to get a better list of
movies available online first. It's very handy for catching up on TV
series I've never seen, but the move selection leaves much to be desired,
>No I don't go to $tarbuck$. Never will.
>And I know many people that think making your own coffee
>takes too much time. So they spend too much money at
>$tarbuck$. You should see all the commuters getting off the
>train carrying their cups of over priced morning jolt.
Yeah, and it's really quick to make coffee with a french press. I mean, in
actual hands-on time. Put the tea kettle on, and put the coffee into the
press. Do something else until you hear the kettle boil, pour the hot
water, and do something else for 5 minutes. Press, and drink. Really good
cofee, and no filters to mess with, either.
Thank goodness I don't have to do the commute thing anymore, either. I
have my own business (computer programming) and work out of my home.
>>>- Don't use VCR anymore to time shift programs,
>> What the flying fuck does this mean?
>We used to spend a lot of money on video tape. With small kids,
>they were constantly getting broken, spilled on, etc.
>Now if we miss a program we can go to the network website and
>watch the back episodes.
Thanks. Sorry about the f-bomb. I was enjoying libations when I
origionally posted, and thought I had cleaned the message up before I sent
>>>- Reduce the amount of trash going to the curb and
>>> get a smaller garbage tip cart (Garbage fee is
>>> lower for the smaller cart).
>> Not here. $1 per bag of trash.
>Same thing, just different arrangements.
> Reduce the amount of trash and reduce your pickup fee.
>M to M == Mobile to Mobile. For a call to another person
>that has the same carrier, there is no cost and no use of
>plan minutes.
Thanks. I don't have cell phone (until just last month there was no
reception here) so didn't know what that meant. I'm fighting hard to NOT
get a cell phone, as I don't want a giant electronic leash that anyone can
yank on whenever they want. The wife is chomping at the bits for one,
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 6:43 am
From: (Tommy)
P.W. , how do you like your vermaposting? Are you just fertilizing with
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 10:15 am
From: P.W. Stynx
On Mon, 18 Aug 2008 08:43:08 -0500, (Tommy) wrote:
>P.W. , how do you like your vermaposting? Are you just fertilizing with
I'm only into my third month of doing it, but so far, I'm loving it. We've
been "composting" for years, but as we never generate enough waste for a
compost pile to heat up, it really just slowely rots. (still helps the
earth, though.)
My goal is not fertilizer, just to get rid of the compost waste. I'll use
any fertilizer I get, but that's not my goal.
I'm loving that fact that there is zero odor from these guys. My wife
hated the smells that sometimes came from the compost bucket before I
dumped it. The only time I had any trouble was when I tried to give them
too much compost at once, early on, then I had some odor, and a fruit fly
infestation. I learned to back off, and be patient, and now they're eating
about 1/4 our compost, and I believe this will increase as they multiply.
And no more odor or fruit flies.
They're incredibly prolific. I originally had them in a large quart-size
yogurt container, and nearly threw them out when I opened it one day and
found a fine white mold growing over it. Luckily I looked closely and
noticed the "mold" was moving - thousands of little worm babies.
They are now in a much larger container (about 2.5 feet X 1.5 feet X by 6
inches) which I named "Wriggly Field", and this morning the top was once
again covered by worm babies, so I'm looking into another population
explosiion, and I'll bet they'll be eating about 1/2 our compost.
I'm looking into getting chickens next srping, and if so, the excess
population will be protein snacks for the hens!
TOPIC: Please help Burnham RSM-126 oil furnace won't heat hot water after
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 6:41 am
From: Mark
On Aug 16, 6:54 pm, Mark <> wrote:
> On Aug 15, 11:59 am, Donita Luddington <> wrote:
> > On Fri, 15 Aug 2008 08:31:40 -0700, Donita Luddington wrote:
> > >> when the burner tries to start, do you get a flame or not?
> > BTW, after I cleaned it, I certainly got a flame (it heated the water) but
> > it goes out after a while.
> > Does that help?
> what does a little while mean....20 seconds or 20 minutes?
> so agin it is hard to say fomr here,,,is your flame going out because
> of lack of fuel or air....or is one of the saftey devices shutting it
> off for some reason...
> if the flame is good and suddenly goes off it would seem to be a
> saftey, if you have a photocell sensor, try cleaning it...
> get a book to tell you how to do that...
> Mark
also if the flame is good for several minutes and then kicks off on a
saftey, then it could be overtemp due to a plugged chimney due to an
animal or birds next.,..this could cause CO to back up into your
if you are going to do your own troubleshooting, I would also get a CO
alarm ...
TOPIC: Amyloid, telemeres and aging
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 7:23 am
From: Al Bundy
On Aug 17, 9:10 pm, phil scott <> wrote:
> I might post something on DNA telemers ..the tails of dna strands.
> In
> replication they get shorter, then after so many replications (its
> been extensively studied) no more telemeres and the DNA goes bad, the
> host organism dies. (telemers are like the plastic tips on shoe
> laces, but made of protiens).
> My view is that toxins in the body (a majority, self generated by
> stress and too much thinking, called amyloids) erode the protien
> coating on the telemeres prompting cell replication (my theory at
> least from a few years experience in the area), burning off the 7 or
> 9
> replicatons available to a dna strand in its life cycle... which in
> my
> book puts new light on just how much crap and bogus burocracy one
> should put up with. (zero)
> It may be wise to arrange to step clear the hell out those
> situations.... the right skill sets and insight on how to do business
> can enable that.
> Phil scott
You ain't baffling anybody with your BS.
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 8:46 am
From: ""
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TOPIC: Earn - Rs20,000 INR - Just for signing up!
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 9:11 am
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TOPIC: Nike Air Jordan 1 I Force 1 Jordan Fusion AJF 1 AJF1 AJ1F www. Jordan 1 fusionNike Air Jordan 1 I Force 1 Jordan Fusion AJF 1
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Fusion AJF 1 AJF1 AJ1F Jordan 1 fusion
Nike dunk sb, air force one, air max, Jordans, Jordan fusion, nike shox
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 9:20 am
Nike Air Jordan 1 I Force 1 Jordan Fusion AJF 1 AJF1 AJ1F
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TOPIC: Underlying the pandemic off idiocy in America....
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 10:00 am
From: Cindy Hamilton
On Aug 17, 4:18 am, phil scott <> wrote:
> the US may still be among the best...however I do business with others
> from around
> the world... some nations are a lot more sane than the US by a wide
> margin.. Norway comes
> to mind. not a lot of others, maybe Japan.
I take it you've never seen any Japanese television programs...
Cindy Hamilton
TOPIC: Should I buy a gas gussler?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 10:23 am
From: Cyrus Afzali
On Fri, 15 Aug 2008 13:20:30 -0500, jakdedert
<> wrote:
>Bob wrote:
>> If you mean SUVs; most SUVs are car bodies on a truck frame (done so
>> manufacturers could get around the CAFE m.p.g. restrictions.) So they handle
>> poorly, and ride badly. SUVs are expensive, and dangerous for the owner and
>> others on the road.
>> Gas prices have Not peaked, but oil production has. And developing
>> countries such as China want more. The U.S. invaded Iraq for the oil. Russia
>> invaded Georgia for the oil. There will be more wars for what little oil is
>> left.
>Bob, did you x-post this from somewhere else? I don't see the OP in
>n.gen...only your reply?
>That reply is somewhat ill-informed, in that 'most' SUVs are different.
> There are a number which are built on automobile platforms, which
>perhaps is what you meant to say. Nevertheless, there are some built on
>truck platforms as well. Most handle 'differently' from cars; but
>'badly' is a blanket statement that is way too general.
That said, they are classified as light-trucks for safety purposes by
the feds and don't have to meet the more stricter safety requirements
of cars.
TOPIC: To juice or not.
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 10:41 am
From: "Jon von"
On Jul 30, 9:12 am, James <> wrote:
> Every now and then I make a nice vege-fruit drink by juicing. After
> looking at all the resulting pulp I'm wondering if it's better for my
> guts to eat all that fruit & veges than to drink the juice. Perhaps
> juice is more about a nice drink than good health.
If ya only do it now and then, it won't affect your health. Just buy
V-8 juice at the store.
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2008 10:43 am
From: "Jon von"
On Jul 30, 12:16 pm, "Stephanie" <> wrote:
> James wrote:
> > Every now and then I make a nice vege-fruit drink by juicing. After
> > looking at all the resulting pulp I'm wondering if it's better for my
> > guts to eat all that fruit & veges than to drink the juice. Perhaps
> > juice is more about a nice drink than good health.
> Yes, absolutely. The fiber and much of the nutrients is left behind in the
> meat.
There may be conentrated pesticides in the fiber. (systemic
pesticides , esp- in apples/carrots can't be washed off)
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