Monday, November 10, 2008

4 new messages in 3 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Dried up Wite-Out - 2 messages, 1 author
* frugal online sources of good music - 1 messages, 1 author
* Skype higher than - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Dried up Wite-Out

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 9 2008 10:20 pm
From: "DemoDisk"

<> wrote in message
> On Nov 8, 11:50 pm, "DemoDisk" <> wrote:
> > Is there anything you can add to a bottle of thickened wite-out to
> > restore it? I know the stuff is cheap, but then so am I, and I'm
> > thinking it would be nice to use up the product instead of throwing
> > damn stuff out one bottle after another.
> >
> > and, yes, I really really try to put the cap on tightly every single
> > time.
> I gave up on the stuff and use that Bic Wite-out correction Pen which
> dispenses a fine of the white stuff from a ball tip. No fiddling with
> that little brush or stuck together bottle and cap. The Bic covers
> really well, too.

I tried one of those "pens" that applies wite out from a ribbon and
thought I was in heaven! It only cost ohh, three times as much.

Then the ribbon *broke*, and I wasted over an hour trying to *splice*
the thing! Gave up and fished my old Wite Out out of the wastebasket.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 9 2008 10:22 pm
From: "DemoDisk"

<> wrote in message
On Nov 9, 4:50 am, "DemoDisk" <> wrote:
> Is there anything you can add to a bottle of thickened wite-out to
> restore it? I know the stuff is cheap, but then so am I, and I'm
> thinking it would be nice to use up the product instead of throwing
> damn stuff out one bottle after another.
> and, yes, I really really try to put the cap on tightly every single
> time.

Most is now water based, so water would do. Some is or was 1,1,1
trichloroethane based, and can be thinned with a wide range of
solvents. Put a blob of it on paper and add water to see if that

Thanx, NT, I'll test it.

TOPIC: frugal online sources of good music

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 9 2008 10:37 pm
From: SoCalMike wrote:
> I as all posters of this ng have probably noticed the migration of
> music downloading to the internet, like itunes. I've come across some
> sites with online radio and other music sites, but I find good sources
> online to number only very few, atleast those that I've come across so
> far. Do the posters of frugal-living have different experience,
> finding more sources of frugal music online?

screamer radio is a nice little program that receives "internet radio"
broadcasts from several hundred stations around the world, and gives you
the option to record them in real time. its basically akin to the old
days of cassette taping off the radio, except this will separate and
file the songs for you.

there are several stations that broadcast at 128k stereo and give ID
tags. you have the option of having each stored in MP3 format by
filename according to ID tag. just about every genre you could think of
is represented.

sometimes the ID tag isnt switched in time, so you end up with the end
of another song at the front, or the beginning of another song at the
end. since it records "in real time" your computer must be on and
running the program the whole time.

i usually run it on a computer for a day while im gone, then go through
and delete all the files i know i dont want.

the good thing is that its untraceable and free

TOPIC: Skype higher than

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Nov 9 2008 10:43 pm
From: SoCalMike

Stephen wrote:
> Long time Onesuite user here. I completly agree that Onesuite is
> cheaper than Skype if not better. Also Onesuite's transparent billing
> is very useful for those forgetful minds.

ive had skype for a couple years now, and i like it. i shelled out the
$30/yr for my own real phone number, and bought a philips cordless phone
that plugs into my router, so i dont need a computer on.

its basically no different than what the internet companies are doing
with their "bundled" broadband service, but they want $30/mo for the
phone portion.

i can pick up the phone and use it just as i would a normal phone,w ith
dialtone and everything.

its not a bad idea to have skype installed on one computer to easily
edit your contact list. once it synchs with the phone, your list is
updated on the phone.

i tried the headset route, and just didnt like it.


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