Today's topics:
* Bailout costs every taxpayer $24,000.00. Are Americans just fat sheeple? - 1
messages, 1 author
* Any cheap sites for Books? - 2 messages, 2 authors
* OT: Happy Thanksgiving - 1 messages, 1 author
* Some on this NG have questioned my veracity (gasp) - 1 messages, 1 author
* CREDIT CARD MENU - 1 messages, 1 author
* Doorbell always uses electricity! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Acting Poor Is the Newest Obnoxious Trend for the Rich - 1 messages, 1
* Shrinking Canned Tuna. Smaller, more Expensive - 5 messages, 5 authors
* do you plant to lower your indoor temp this winter? - 3 messages, 2 authors
* Bed Bath & Beyond - ridiculous gifts, laughable prices - 1 messages, 1
* Substitute for Pepsi - 1 messages, 1 author
* MONEY SAVING TIP. I come across a variety of things that people do to save
money as an accountant. Here is one that is quick and simple. You and your
business can benefit! - 1 messages, 1 author
* "Business School... in About an Hour?" - 1 messages, 1 author
* Do you want your tax money to pay a forklift operator $103,000.00 a year - 5
messages, 3 authors
TOPIC: Bailout costs every taxpayer $24,000.00. Are Americans just fat sheeple?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 9:51 am
From: Henry <> wrote:
> During the last eight years, higher income people have paid more of
> their income in taxes
That's just horrible! 15% on capital gains is an insanely high
tax rate! Obviously, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, wall street
investment bankers, and Exxon need further tax breaks, and the
middle class should start paying more....
They must find it difficult - those who have taken authority as the
Truth, rather than Truth as the authority. - G. Massey
Here's what happens to steel framed buildings exposed
to raging infernos for hours on end.
On 9-11-01, WTC7, a 47 story steel framed building, which
had only small, random fires, dropped in perfect symmetry
at near free fall speed as in a perfectly executed controlled
Ever wonder who benefits from the 700 MILLION
U.S. taxpayer dollars spent each DAY in Iraq?
"They are waging a campaign of murder and destruction. And
there is no limit to the innocent lives they are willing to
take... men with blind hatred and armed with lethal weapons
who are capable of any atrocity... they respect no laws of
warfare or morality."
-bu$h describing his own illegal invasion of Iraq.
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things
that matter." -- Martin Luther King Jr.
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President,
or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is
not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable
to the American public."
-- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)
Don't let bu$h do to the United States what his very close
friend and top campaign contributor, Ken Lay, did to Enron...
"The new America, born in sin and arrogance, delusional
in Manifest Destiny, bred in overabundant gluttony,
consumerist and materialist, fathered by George W. Bush,
Dick Cheney and the Cabal of Criminality, a country flocked
by sheeple, ignorant and conditioned, indifferent to a world
growing up around it, living delusions of empire and of
omnipotence, building hatred against it and its policies
throughout the planet, slowly dumbing down its citizens,
losing its edge in the sciences and arts, producing a nation
of acquiescent automatons brainwashed to never question
authority and always faithfully follow the crimes of governance."
- Manuel Valenzuela
TOPIC: Any cheap sites for Books?
== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 10:05 am
From: metspitzer
On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 05:22:38 -0500, Neil Jones
<> wrote:
>I am interested in buying some computer related books. Most of these
>computer books are out dated in 2 years. So I don't want to spend too
>much money on such books. Are there any web sites that sell computer
>books at better discounts than Amazon/Borders?
>Thank you in advance.
Here is a source of e-books. I make no warrantees impressed or
== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 4:40 pm
metspitzer <> wrote:
>On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 05:22:38 -0500, Neil Jones
><> wrote:
>>I am interested in buying some computer related books. Most of these
>>computer books are out dated in 2 years. So I don't want to spend too
>>much money on such books. Are there any web sites that sell computer
>>books at better discounts than Amazon/Borders?
>>Thank you in advance.
>Here is a source of e-books. I make no warrantees impressed or
Or even more risky (but pays off big time):
There are others.
BTW I just found out how these people a) get away with it and b) make
If you download anything it won't come from the above; these are just
indexes to places like Rapidshare and Easyshare. You will be
transferred to one of those sites where if you want it free you'll
have to wait while you watch ads for whores in Brooklyn NY and similar
in Russia. Then you get your pdf and avaxhome gets a payout from
Rapidshare etc.
What happens about copyright is that the owner complains to the data
holder (e.g., Rapidshare) who then has 24 hours to remove the
offending item. No other penalty. Well, 24 hours is an eternity. If
you check daily and download items as they are posted you can
accumulate quite an extensive library. If you snooze, you lose. The
book or other item will become unavailable.
Apparently this provides big bucks for those index services and the
data holders. The only real risk is if they offend the Russian mafia
or they get caught snoozing themselves. Apparently the German police
shut down Rapidshare for a while but it's up again and someone with
knuckles dragging on the ground closed Avaxhome. They moved to China
for a while but now I think they're back in the homeland.
Isn't globalization wonderful!
TOPIC: OT: Happy Thanksgiving
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 10:11 am
From: "'nam vet."
In article
Rick <> wrote:
> Hello group,
> From all of us at the Fiber Arts & Animals Festival and Queso Cabeza
> Farm in Olivet, Michigan, we hope you and your family have a safe and
> Happy Thanksgiving!
> Regards,
> Rick Boesen
> Olivet, Michigan
It's a day of Gratitude. Enjoy !
And thanks for the wish.
When the Power of Love,replaces the Love of Power.
that's Evolution.
TOPIC: Some on this NG have questioned my veracity (gasp)
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 10:39 am
From: phil scott
Hold it raight thar John.... you have me mistaken entirely...
.not only will I admit that i am wrong, but further as I tell all of
my clients, (and Ive had major ones)....
on a scale of absolutes (thats a scale of everything known now and
that will be known in the future, corrected).... I am not just
wrong, I'm wrong 99.999% of the time at least.... and right only
0.0000001 percent of the time at best.
It is my view that we are the drooling cave men of the year 6,000...
dumber than a train load of plywood from that perspective... and
myself most definintely and emphatically included.
dumb de dumb dum.... dummmmmm.
and that is true for the specialty areas for which ny clients hire me
to solve their snitty little problemo's.. often in the billion
dollar range... these days, 'retired' not so big... but still nasty.
From that base of emphatically described, well documented, and proven
complete ignorance we then proceed to solve their problems...every
damn time.
Thats because there are always root causes, and presupposition blinds
you to them every single time John.
thats my chosen base at all times, on all projects, most especially
my own fields..
so now....regarding my posts.
I post my *views, recall of history... etc. for anyones
consideration... at no point do I post or expect that Im right or that
anyone should adopt my views.... I present them for consideration if
the reader so desires.
I recommend rejection of my views however... acceptance of any view
blinds one to all others... or distorts them.....
sadly it takes brains to parse all that, the human condition that we self exterminate... as a result proving mother natures
ultimate wisdom.
(kneels in prayer now, thanks god for mother nature)
I recommend that one and all reject all of what they read everywhere,
use that for the purpose of *investigation only (emphatically NOT for
learning, but for investigation only).
(such as noticing the errors in an authors thinking, mine for
and then noticing which comport with observable reality, currently and
back through recorded history... and then adding in your own
observations as you edit them micro second by micro second....
and then.... after that.. .one has potentially somewhat of an
accurate view...sometimes.
The individual viewpoint even at is very best, is restricted...
we see only our own thin slice of what we think is relevant to us, our
humanity, biosphere etc..., and are thus biased...and at least 99%
blind to the rest of universal reality.
I hope that answers anyones concerns regarding my personal veracity.
Phil scott
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 10:47 am
TOPIC: Doorbell always uses electricity!
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 11:04 am
From: "Rod Speed"
Sam E <> wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Sam E <> wrote
>>> Rod Speed <> wrote
>>>> Sam E <> wrote
>>>>> Maybe you've never heard of "switching regulators",
>>>> Fraid so.
>>>>> but I have a lot.
>>>>> The AC-to-AC converter allows a smaller, lighter transformer
>>>>> (which I expect draws less power with 0 load)..
>>>> You dont know they are AC to AC.
>>> Power to the wall-wart is AC.
>> Yes.
>>> The load on that converter is a transformer, which REQUIRES AC.
>>> A transformer will not work with DC.
>> Doesnt mean that the wallwart is AC to AC overall,
> Yes, although you might have noticed I wasn't talking about "overall",
That is what was being discussed tho.
> but about the circuitry that comes before the transformer.
That wasnt what was being discussed.
>> most of them are AC to DC overall and you dont have to have a transformer in it.
> Care to explain how the non-transformer wall-wart changes voltage?
Most obviously with the low current use of a capacitor.
Nothing to stop you just rectifying the mains, then just doing a switch mode
chopping that up and rectifying to a lower voltage without transformer either.
>>>>> Perhaps you mistake "low power" for "no power".
>>>> I never said anything about no power.
>>> The quote I responded to is "They dont have any transformer
>>> that uses power all the time". That's the "no power".
>> Nope.
> OK I did make a mistake there, by assuming the presence of a transformer.
> How would you do it (convert 120V to 12V or so) without a transformer?
See above.
>>> After writing that I realized that the transformer could be eliminated
>>> by operating the voltage regulator on line voltage (possibly practical
>>> with a switching regulator). That would eliminate the transformer,
>> Precisely.
>>> as well as the (input / output) isolation which is required for safety.
>> That doesnt have to be done with a transformer.
> I guess that's the "faith based" method :-)
Guess again.
TOPIC: Acting Poor Is the Newest Obnoxious Trend for the Rich
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 1:30 pm
From: Al Bundy
On Nov 26, 5:44 am, Neil Jones <castellan2004-nsc...@remove-> wrote:
> Interesting trend and article.
I've had the acting poor down pat so long that it's no longer an act.
Now I just have to perfect the "rich" part. This is going to be much
TOPIC: Shrinking Canned Tuna. Smaller, more Expensive
== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 2:13 pm
Thankyou WallStreet criminals who are ignored and/or praised by our
congress co-conspirators, for causing inflation with all the printing
of money going to the corrupt scumbags.
Canned tuna was 67 cents a can for 6.5 ounces a month or two ago.
Now the cheaperst stuff is 75 cents a can and the scumbags have put it
in a smaller, 5 ounce can !!!
We neeed a French Revolutiuon here. The idiots in congress are just
standing by, watching, saying "Oh, gee, that's too bad. Oh well...."
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 2:27 pm
From: "ares"
Why would it have to be French?
<> wrote in message
> Thankyou WallStreet criminals who are ignored and/or praised by our
> congress co-conspirators, for causing inflation with all the printing
> of money going to the corrupt scumbags.
> Canned tuna was 67 cents a can for 6.5 ounces a month or two ago.
> Now the cheaperst stuff is 75 cents a can and the scumbags have put it
> in a smaller, 5 ounce can !!!
> We neeed a French Revolutiuon here. The idiots in congress are just
> standing by, watching, saying "Oh, gee, that's too bad. Oh well...."
== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 2:56 pm
From: BigDog1
On Nov 26, 3:13 pm, wrote:
> Thankyou WallStreet criminals who are ignored and/or praised by our
> congress co-conspirators, for causing inflation with all the printing
> of money going to the corrupt scumbags.
> Canned tuna was 67 cents a can for 6.5 ounces a month or two ago.
> Now the cheaperst stuff is 75 cents a can and the scumbags have put it
> in a smaller, 5 ounce can !!!
> We neeed a French Revolutiuon here. The idiots in congress are just
> standing by, watching, saying "Oh, gee, that's too bad. Oh well...."
If the idiots in congress don't have more important things to worry
about than the price of canned tuna, we're in bigger trouble than we
== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 4:00 pm
From: Vic Smith
On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 22:27:30 GMT, "ares" <> wrote:
>Why would it have to be French?
More colorful. Red.
><> wrote in message
>> Thankyou WallStreet criminals who are ignored and/or praised by our
>> congress co-conspirators, for causing inflation with all the printing
>> of money going to the corrupt scumbags.
>> Canned tuna was 67 cents a can for 6.5 ounces a month or two ago.
>> Now the cheaperst stuff is 75 cents a can and the scumbags have put it
>> in a smaller, 5 ounce can !!!
>> We neeed a French Revolutiuon here. The idiots in congress are just
>> standing by, watching, saying "Oh, gee, that's too bad. Oh well...."
== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 5:06 pm
"ares" <> wrote:
>Why would it have to be French?
It doesn't have to be but if you read Tale of Two Cities you can see
how they put on a really good show. My mind wanders... replace the
bull on Broadway with Mme Guillotine... line the street with
bleachers... the women knitting as the blade falls... the tumbrels
keep rolling to feed the ever more greedy maw of death... Greenspan
screaming "I didn't know"... Paulson, clothes in tatters and dripping
blood from the beatings by irate 401K holders, pretending to fix
things while his buddies continue to raid the larder...
Back to reality, the only people in congress who seem to have the
right attitude are Denis Kucinich, Henry Waxman and (surprisingly) Bob
Barr (the libertarian candidate). Before the election when interviewed
on McNeill-Lehrer he said that the first thing a Barr administration
(dream on!) would do would be to interrogate the Attorney-general as
to why he's not launching a series of prosecutions for fraud. Good
point; why not?
Particularly disappointing was the performance of Barney Frank. He
basically said that all the fat cats would get away with their
millions. IOW he gave up before he started.
And of course the media deserve the wimp award for repeatedly asking
"Have we reached bottom yet?"and "How serious is it?" and supporting
every hair-brained scheme to bail out the wealthy on the grounds that
if we don't there'll be "financial meltdown" (just how does that
"melt[ing]" work). They even have a double standard. They nod gravely
when the pundits say the automakers were ill-prepared and we need a
recovery plan (we do, and they deserve to die too) while no one says
boo about the much bigger Citibank gift. Just where is Citibank's
And I'd be quite prepared to eat canned tuna--even canned dog food
(and will probably have to) provided the big shots on Wall Street now
and then have to do the same.
><> wrote in message
>> Thankyou WallStreet criminals who are ignored and/or praised by our
>> congress co-conspirators, for causing inflation with all the printing
>> of money going to the corrupt scumbags.
>> Canned tuna was 67 cents a can for 6.5 ounces a month or two ago.
>> Now the cheaperst stuff is 75 cents a can and the scumbags have put it
>> in a smaller, 5 ounce can !!!
>> We neeed a French Revolutiuon here. The idiots in congress are just
>> standing by, watching, saying "Oh, gee, that's too bad. Oh well...."
TOPIC: do you plant to lower your indoor temp this winter?
== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 2:13 pm
From: Jeff
clams_casino wrote:
> Jeff wrote:
>> A lot will depend on the type of heat, how you acclimate, how you
>> dress and how active you are. Even if it is drafty. A little cold
>> draft makes a big difference. It seems that over heating one part of
>> the body does not even out another part being too cool!
>> Forced air heat will feel different than radiant. I think I can
>> tolerate a few degrees cooler with radiant.
> I never liked heat via heat pump. It seems to just circulate cold
> drafty air. I'm sure my gas hot air system was less efficient, but
> we did like warming our hands / feet in front of the register when the
> heat kicked on.
> Our current hot water heat seems to be the best compromise.
What kind of hot water heat do you have and how hot is the water?
I'm going to have several hundred gallons of solar heated water shortly.
It does
> not "over heat" the room and it does not create the drafts that are
> common with heat pump systems.
== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 2:23 pm
From: "JonquilJan"
Not too many years ago, I was comfortable at 58. Of course, I layered, wore
shoes or good slippers and occasionally when the wind blew (old house) even
a knit hat. snuggled at night with flannel sheets, thermal blankets, a few
comforters and a flannel nighty.
Now with increasing age and decreasing mobility (disabled and getting worse)
have the thermostat set at 65 - which seems tolerable. I do layer and don't
go barefoot or even stocking footed. And -- again when the wind blows --
put on the knit hat.
I live in northern New York - and right now it's very white outside with 6+
inches of snow last night and it's still coming down. Better than the wind.
Learn something new every day
As long as you are learning, you are living
When you stop learning, you start dying
== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 2:28 pm
From: "JonquilJan"
Napoleon <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 23 Nov 2008 04:44:44 -0800 (PST),
> wrote:
> >I usually have about 73F indoors, but now with the expensive heating
> >costs ive been thinking of maybe going a bit lower.
> >So last week i tried sinking it all the way down to 60F and see how it
> >felt, and it was unbelievably damn COLD! I had to wear socks and t-
> >shirt while sleeping LOL!
> >Maybe something around 66F would be better?
> >
> >Have you experimented with lower indoor temp? What is a alrite lowest
> >temp?
> Wow. I don't know where you live, but your heating bill must be huge
> if you live anywhere it's cold.
> I posted a week ago about my thermostat settings - 58-59 most of the
> time and 64 for only a few hours a day. Still, my heating bill is
> close to 200 month in the winter for a 1500 sq foot home (upstairs is
> unheated and shut off from the downstairs). At 73 I'm sure that bill
> would skyrocket to 400.
> I'm in upstate NY and it seems alot of people up here keep their heat
> very low - it must be that gouging from National Grid.
> -N
Have National Grid here. But I heat with propane. $361 a month for 10
months. Plus the increase in the electric bill from National Grid.
Learn something new every day
As long as you are learning, you are living
When you stop learning, you start dying
TOPIC: Bed Bath & Beyond - ridiculous gifts, laughable prices
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 2:15 pm
From: Seerialmom
On Nov 26, 2:43 am, Shawn Hirn <> wrote:
> In article <>,
> Patricia Martin Steward <> wrote:
> > Got their flyer in the mail today, and I was laughing out loud at some
> > of the "gifts" they're selling (I'm rounding prices up on those ending
> > in .99):
> > wine chiller - $100 (I put mine in the fridge for free)
> > single-serve coffee brewer - $200 (my four-cup Mr. Coffee cost $14.99)
> > espresso maker - $230
> > knife set - $200
> > Aerogarden to grow herbs - $150
> > Proper Positioning bed pillow - $80
> > Braun shaver - $250 AFTER rebate
> > And finally, my favorite: a "do-it-yourself electric BACK HAIR SHAVER
> > for $40!!!!
> > I can only think they had this printed before the economy went down
> > the drain.
> That flyer was probably printed months ago. Bed, Bath and Beyond does
> sometimes have good bargains though. Last week, I used one of their 20%
> off coupons to buy a vacuum cleaner. After the 20% discount and 7% sales
> tax, I paid $68 for it and it works great.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
I gave one of those Best Buy 20% off coupons to a coworker about a
year ago; he was able to buy the Dyson Animal for a pretty good price
since it was also on sale at the time.
TOPIC: Substitute for Pepsi
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 2:32 pm
From: "ares"
I second that; Publix cola isn't bad.
"Shawn Hirn" <> wrote in message
> In article
> <>,
> "" <> wrote:
>> Pepsi is my one sin. I was wondering if there is a less expensive
>> substitute. I can easily tell the different between coke and pepsi.
>> Pepsi is not as sweet, and it seems to have more carbonation. I like
>> their 24 oz bottles. In the area I live there is Fago brand, but the
>> rest are house brands.
> Try store brands.
TOPIC: MONEY SAVING TIP. I come across a variety of things that people do to
save money as an accountant. Here is one that is quick and simple. You and
your business can benefit!
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 3:00 pm
From: KingofSavings
Simply go to the website, .
This site is a fantastic site that helps you save money on everyday,
ordinary expenses that we all have to have anyway.
I have seen some people save 100's of dollars. Rates are constantly
changing and so it is important to check rates out every 6 months, as
a rule of thumb.
Anyway, check it out and I would be interested in knowing any other
sites that you guys may be aware of.
Chris Webb
TOPIC: "Business School... in About an Hour?"
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 3:17 pm
From: Shaun Eli
"You can learn a lot about how to run your business from a guy making
jokes about kindergarten, his parents and some of the Ten
I'm a Wharton-educated stand-up comedian. My new show "Business
School... in About an Hour?" debuted recently at the American Embassy
in Vienna and opens for previews in NYC next week-- FOR ONLY EIGHT
DOLLARS (plus a two drink minimum).
Show dates:
Monday 12/1 6PM
Wednesday 12/10 7 PM
Friday 12/19 6 PM
Friday 1/9 6 PM
all at don't tell mama cabaret
343 West 46th St NYC
When I went from Wall Street to the comedy clubs (after a decade and a
half of also freelancing as a comedy writer for such people as Jay
Leno) I noticed a lot of similarities between the world of comedy and
the world of money. And that a lot of my jokes could serve as
examples or lessons in business, in addition to making people laugh.
After a minimal amount of thought and the proper amount of Champagne I
decided to combine business school and comedy into a one-man show.
Using examples from the life of a stand-up comedian and jokes from my
corporate comedy act I can guide people to run their businesses more
intelligently, more efficiently, less stressfully, more profitably and
joyously. But more importantly I can make the audience laugh a lot.
Educate? Sure. But laughter is the priority.
After the show diplomas are offered to the audience. What other show
offers that kind of value? And more– while the show's in previews the
unemployed and recent blood donors get in for free.
Here's what one of the Embassy folks had to say:
"You certainly helped alleviate some Monday blues! I never would have
considered how principles of risk management are applicable to being a
stand-up comedian," said Lindsey Hamilton, Community Liaison Officer
at the U.S. Embassy in Vienna. "This clever routine should be perfect
for New York executives! Keep up the great work!"
Some lessons from the show:
On consultants: "I think if a woman has five tattoos, one of them
should be her email address... so you can write and tell her what you
think of the other four. You can pay a consultant a lot of money for
advice on how to improve your business.... Or you can just open your
mail. Your unhappy customers will tell you what's wrong, for free."
"You think you have a tough job? I have to make accounting funny for
five minutes."
"Have you seen this anti-drug billboard? A photo of a disgusting gas
station bathroom, with the headline 'No one thinks they'll lose their
virginity here. Crystal meth changes that.' The ad's very effective,"
jokes Shaun, " selling meth to 16 year old boys. The lesson?
Point of view matters. Teenage boys are not picky about where they
have sex so this ad isn't scaring them, it's encouraging them. You
have to get out of your own frame of reference and think like your
Reader's Digest referred to me as one of the country's smartest
comics, and Jay Leno said that I write the type of smart comedy that
he likes to include in his opening monologue (more about me on the bio
page of
You can find more info on the show here:
TOPIC: Do you want your tax money to pay a forklift operator $103,000.00 a
== 1 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 4:39 pm
From: Jeffrey Laventure
On Tue, 25 Nov 2008 19:43:09 -0800, Truly Stunned wrote
(in article <>):
> In article <>,
> Jeffrey Laventure <> wrote:
>> Are you old enough to remember an auto workers strikes?
> Yes. And while you have a point, farsighted leaders might have done
> things differently. On both sides. Negotiations were only forced as far
> as the negotiators allowed. Neither side was threatened by more than
> their need for each other.
> And in the end, it isn't the UAW coming in pompous self-importance (and
> private jets) begging to the Congress, is it?
> I leave the matter of whether the companies should get any public
> largesse for their failure (and it is the companies' failure- the
> employees didn't dig this particular grave) to better minds than mine.
> But I reserve the right to wholly disrespect the outcome and the
> reasoning used to arrive at it.
Granted it was mostly the fault of those in charge. But when faced with the
union shutting down your factories and losing millions of dollars then
conceding a fraction of the loss is palatable especially when the American
citizen had few other opitons. The added expense is simply passed along.
I heard a story that when diesel engines were replacing steam locomotives
that their union insisted each diesel engine had to have a firemen assigned.
== 2 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 5:43 pm
From: LeRoy Blue
On Sun, 23 Nov 2008 12:15:13 GMT, wrote:
>In <>, on 11/23/2008
> at 01:06 AM, LeRoy Blue <> said:
>>On Sat, 22 Nov 2008 08:50:41 -0500, "Evelyn" <>
>>>Sorry if I sound somewhat pessimistic, but this abortion issue was decided
>>>fairly many years ago with roe v. wade and the religious wackos have been
>>>trying to overturn it ever since.
>>Do you and those like you qualify as "Abortion Wackos" since you have
>>been supporting Roe vs Wade for so many years?
>You know right wingner, I have a solution for the abortion issue that
>shows you right wign creeps for what you really are;
>We have a national vote on the issue, but you have to use your name on the
>vote. If it passes, all those who wanted no abortion will have that as
>the law of the land -- however, they will also receive a special tax bill
>every month to help pay the way of all those children they wanted born,
>who have no other source of support.
Of course the issue to be balloted on will include the following --
For every child not aborted but born under the conditioned you set
down there would be deported one wrong-winger aka democrap to Canada.
That would even out the load on the majority of tax payers who happen
to be REPUBLICANS, democraps, as clearly demonstrated in the recent
election and its result. being mostly welfare and food stamps kind of
folks.-I know you'll agree,
== 3 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 5:49 pm
From: BE-VA
On Sun, 23 Nov 2008 10:07:35 -0800 (PST), Daniel
<> wrote:
>On Nov 22, 7:58 pm, BE-VA <> wrote:
>> On Sat, 22 Nov 2008 06:52:42 -0800 (PST), Daniel
>> <> wrote:
>> >On Nov 21, 5:51 pm, BE-VA <> wrote:
>> >> On Thu, 20 Nov 2008 08:57:39 -0800 (PST), Daniel
>> >> <> wrote:
>> >> >On Nov 19, 9:34 pm, BE-VA <> wrote:
>> >> >> On Wed, 19 Nov 2008 09:23:55 -0800 (PST), Daniel
>> >> >> <> wrote:
>> >> >> >On Nov 18, 5:22 pm, wrote:
>> >> >> >> In <>, on
>> >> >> >> 11/18/2008
>> >> >> >> at 01:32 PM, Daniel <> said:
>> >> >> >> >On Nov 18, 1:29 pm, wrote:
>> >> >> >> >> You people need to do some homework. The so-called $73 ph, is not cash.
>> >> >> >> >> it includes benefits and retirement costs.
>> >> >> >> >Which is STILL too much money for an unskilled laborer that does nothing
>> >> >> >> >more than hold a tool.
>> >> >> >> Do your homework. Its not unskilled labor anymore.
>> >> >> >Your job consists of holding a tool that does all the work for you.
>> >> >> >That by itself is the definition of unskilled. If you don't like it,
>> >> >> >tough.
>> >> >> While I agree with you with regards to pay for work done I don't agree
>> >> >> with your premise -- by your premise a military pilot flying a 25
>> >> >> million dollar aircraft is unskilled labor since all he does is sit in
>> >> >> the cockpit and pull levers and push buttons.
>> >> >Except that pilot has a 4 year college education, and at least a year
>> >> >of flight school to learn to fly said aircraft, and does it for far
>> >> >less than the toothess goober that holds the machine to tighten lug
>> >> >nuts.
>> >> Never the less he is what you said is an unskilled worker because, in
>> >> most modern day aircraft, the pilot is only there to make sure that
>> >> the take-off and landing are performed properly. Everything else is
>> >> done by the machine.
>> >Never flown a fighter jet I see.
>> And you're never seen the cockpit of one (excepting in your computer
>> games.) I have more time as crew in military aircraft than you have in
>> your local bar, cillivillian.
>Of course you do, and I'm no civilian.
Of course you are. Other wise you would recognize the stupidity of the
civilians arguing about what work is skilled and what isn't.
== 4 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 5:52 pm
From: LeRoy Blue
On Sun, 23 Nov 2008 23:54:12 GMT, wrote:
>No asshole, it means just what I wrote: You have proven yourself
>incapable of learning or thinking clearly.
Better still, you hit the road, Jack! We promise that we'll really
miss you for the appropriate length of time. Now fuck off! How can we
miss you if you haven't left...
>In <>, on
> at 10:08 AM, Daniel <> said:
>>On Nov 22, 12:44 pm, wrote:
>>> Once again for the right wing asshole:
>>> " Move along asshole. You have proven yourself incapable of learning or
>>> thinking clearly. Its a trait common to right wingers."
>>Translation: I have been beaten down by my betters, so now I will
>>continue to
>>foam at the mouth.
== 5 of 5 ==
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 5:55 pm
From: LeRoy Blue
On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 23:57:10 GMT, wrote:
>The problem is a Big 3 management failure. Not a worker failure.
>Furthermore, you are using the total per hour labor cost that is given
>out. That includes current workers and retirees. Using it as a current
>worker number -- as you guys are doing, is spinning the facts to suite the
>The problem will not be changed by whining.
The auto workers got where they are drawing a ridiculous wage and
benefit package by collective whining (of course that will go
swooooosh, right over your pointed head.)
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