Monday, January 5, 2009

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 25 new messages in 16 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Better think twice about supporting M$ / Windows - 1 messages, 1 author
* Shople stayed in burning mall because they wanted to keep shopping - 3
messages, 3 authors
* Idea to Fix Health Care: Medical Management Aid Societies (MMAS) - 1
messages, 1 author
* You Can Count On It: When the collapse comes ObamaAyers *WILL* try stealing
from citizen Peter to give to illegal alien Pedro instead of deporting Pedro
¡Si se puede! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Processing NFL Jerseys Mlb jerseys Nhl hockey jerseys!China Recently price.
ALL 70% - 1 messages, 1 author
* O.T? Al Franken Wins ! - 1 messages, 1 author
* ( ) wholesale Air Jordan 6 Rings (6 IX Rings) x Air
Force one Fusion - 1 messages, 1 author
* Eating fingernails and toenails!!! - 1 messages, 1 author
* Abundance ! - 4 messages, 4 authors
* Companies closing down without telling their employees - 3 messages, 3
* Credit Unions rule! - 2 messages, 1 author
* If you want to try Linux..... - 1 messages, 1 author
* Where do you get your best buys in cat food? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Children's DVD - Kung Fu Panda - 2 messages, 2 authors
* How to spot a bogus dollar? - 1 messages, 1 author
* Anyone else seeing mystery phone numbers on Embarq long distance bill? - 1
messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Better think twice about supporting M$ / Windows

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Jan 4 2009 9:53 pm
From: John Galt

Ben Voigt [C++ MVP] wrote:
> "John Galt" <> wrote in message
> news:WcU6l.47383$
>> Maxim S. Shatskih wrote:
>>>> People do not like to leave their comfort zone, although that's not
>>>> a wise choice.
>>> In most situations this is a wise choice.
>>> Innovations are only good if they produce new value. What new value
>>> is produced by switching the home PC to Linux, given the fact that
>>> most Linux software are not-so-well made clones of Windows software
>>> (like KDE to Windows shell, OO to MS Office and so on?)
>>> The only value produced by such a move is due to Linux being free,
>>> but sorry, this is not about any _supported_ distros like RHEL.
>>> As about the corporate network - saving money on software while
>>> losing it on 2-times-as-large IT department (and yes, the switch will
>>> require so) - is a bad idea.
>> Uh.....bullshit.
>> My company has 8,000 copies of our infrastructure software running in
>> shops all over the world. The Linux shops are always smaller than the
>> Windows shops. (Flat out, you need fewer Linux servers to serve a
>> given number of users than Windows servers.)
> Fewer servers doesn't equate to fewer people. And it's not clear what
> you meant by "smaller" -- people, number of branch offices, number of
> licenses purchased, etc.

Fewer headcount.


>> JG

TOPIC: Shople stayed in burning mall because they wanted to keep shopping

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 12:24 am

My only comment is WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THEM?!!!!!ONE1!!!

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 9:09 am
From: SMS wrote:
> My only comment is WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THEM?!!!!!ONE1!!!

After the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the SF Bay Area, the news had a
piece on the types of 911 calls that were received. One person called to
find out if the malls would be open the next day. I was talking to a
friend of mine and I said "I heard about you on the news, you called 911
to see if the malls were open." Her response, "Honey, the malls call me."

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 1:47 pm

On Jan 5, 3:24 am, wrote:
> My only comment is WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THEM?!!!!!ONE1!!!

They expected to get fire sale prices and were wrong.

TOPIC: Idea to Fix Health Care: Medical Management Aid Societies (MMAS)

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 1:51 am
From: "Rod Speed"

Reverend K wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Reverend K wrote

>>> I was thinking about this a great deal and what we need is a
>>> free market option outside the government that can cover the
>>> fundamental needs of citizens. I propose we take a given
>>> population size say for arguement 20,000 people in a MMAS
>>> and five of those to pool resources for the second part of my plan.

>> There's plenty of places which have a decent modern universal health
>> care funding system where 100K isnt anything like enough for all facilitys.

>>> Each person should be able to afford one days income a month for health
>>> care at a minimum that would be say $50 (as a base) or $600 per year.

>> Thats more than some modern first world universal health care funding systems
>> charge. If you are going to charge that, it makes a lot more sense to just have
>> a decent modern universal health care funding system instead, what very single
>> modern first world country except the US has had enough of a clue to have gone for.

>>> With the base group that is $12 million. Take that and split it 60/40
>>> for $7.2 million. Use that to set up a primary care clinic with doctors
>>> on salary and some nurses, a few general lab techs and primary
>>> care to the 20,000 people. The rest pool for a community hospital
>>> serving the 100,000 people in five of these MMAS that is $24 million
>>> for a general basic hospital capable of doing 95% of general medical
>>> services.

>> Thats nothing like the split in costs that we see in modern first world countrys.

>>> All this overseen by MMAS commities of citizens in the program to
>>> control costs they would hire the medical staff, fire them, apporve
>>> hiring end expenditures and negotiate drug prices perhaps with
>>> other groups.

>>> For expensive care that the system cannot handle either
>>> the people should be sent abroad to first rate for profit
>>> hospitals in India, Singapore and Thailand with an escort

>> Cant see that being viable for what is a major
>> modern need, heart attacks, stents etc.

>> Or for the accident and emergency either.

>> Or even for the long term treatment of diabetes either. I've been
>> amazed at what diabetes can cost with a couple of individuals I
>> know who have eventually been killed by their diabetes.

>>> OR the government could run such a program for extremely expensive care

>> Thats what a decent modern universal health care funding system does.
>> The US is the last modern first world country that hasnt gone that route
>> and if it does go that route, there isnt any need for your MMAS.

>>> OR both.

>> You only see much of that when the modern universal health care
>> funding system doesnt cover some stuff like cosmetic surgery etc.

>>> To control costs I propose having each member agree in a legal
>>> contract not to sue the MMAS or any provider, the people would give
>>> up most if not all choice of medical providers in the system and> there
>>> would be no government money. As for providers we should look at
>>> loosening the laws so doctors from internationally respected medical
>>> schools could enter the country and practice general medicine easily
>>> without extra training or concerns. As I see it a Cuban doctor should
>>> be perfectly capable of providing general practice care as well as
>>> an American trained doctor

>> Thats less than clear, particularly whether they are qualified to use the
>> range of diagnostic services that are available in the US for the more
>> serious problems like angioplasty and stents etc, let alone bypasses.

>> Its less than clear what Cuba does about those, whether Cubans
>> end up with the same level of care that those in modern first world
>> countrys get or whether its more like what modern first world countrys
>> used to end up with in the 60s etc. Modern first world countrys have
>> moved on a long way past what was common in those days.

Turns out they are badly short of stuff as basic as bandages, so its just
a tad unlikely they they have much experience with modern diagnostic
tools like angioplasty, CAT scans etc, let alone stents and full bypasses.

>>> and would likely not demand a high salary.

>> Thats not clear either, particularly when they have been allowed to practice in the US.

>> I find it hard to believe that most of them wouldnt eventually feel that
>> they were entitled to the same level of salary that american doctors
>> are entitled to and I cant see that it would be viable to get them to
>> sign up to stay on the initial low levels of income for life etc.

>>> And hospitals would likely ahve to focus on wards with several
>>> patients in a room unless there was a medical reason for a
>>> private room or the patient pays for one. But wards were
>>> common and are used in other nations with say twelve people to
>>> a room you would need fewer nurses to care for them saving money.

>> No real evidence that it has much effect on the number of nurses required.

>>> So what do you think?

>> I've given up on that thinking stuff, it just makes my head hurt.

> There is one glaring problem with a government run system, fraud.

Nope, its completely trivial to handle that, and the current insurance
system is even more vulnerable to fraud anyway, because there
are number of insurance companys that pay out on claims.

And the US system costs basically double what the Canadian system does,
and delivers the same result on health care outcomes, and the US medicare
system is a national health care system anyway. The main problem with it
is that it only applys to those over 65, not everyone.

> And the political cronies that will shove in more than the system can afford.

Have fun explaining why every other modern first world country has a
universal health care funding system that works. Even the US does
with medicare, the only problem is that it isnt universal so you can
be bankrupted by a serious medical problem if you arent over 65.

> In the case of the funding with the costs and monies involved even at just $600
> a year one should be able to cover most procedures in community hospitals.

Nope, not with the most expensive medical problems like
heart bypasses, hip replacements, diabetes etc etc etc that
are the major cost in modern first world countrys today.

Community hospitals cant even do stuff as common
as angioplasty and stents at that funding level.

> In those rare or very expensive cases

They arent anything like rare. Angioplasty, stents, bypasses, diabetes, cancer
completely dominate the services provided in modern first world hospitals today
and you wont be paying for that with $600 per year and community hospitals.

> one could alot a small amount to specialty service hospitals and trauma centers.

You'd need a hell of a lot more than a small amount to cover all those
angioplastys, stents, bypasses, diabetes, cancers and road trauma.

> Doctors will just have to take what pay they can make in the system.

Thats the way any modern universal health care funding system
works in every other first world country except the US.

> And with consistant long term care available with primary care
> in the long run the need for expensive care should be reduced.

Pure fantasy. Have fun explaining why no other
modern first world country has managed to do that.

> As for sending people abroad I never meant emergency
> procedures but elective ones that can include cancer treatment

Completely impractical given the time it takes to do the chemotherapy.

> and things such as hip resurfacing or procedures that are not
> needed immediately like stenting that is not in an emergency setting.

Stenting is just that. If it doesnt done immediately, the patient will die
and thats what used to happen before stenting became the common
treatment for heart attacks.

Yes, you could certainly use foreign hospitals for hip replacements
etc, but thats only a very minor part of total hospital costs.

It isnt even feasible for childbirth, let alone the repeated treatment of diabetics.

Your scheme is extremely poorly thought thru and wont work.

It wont even work with the non hospital side.

What does work is a decent modern universal health care funding system
that every other modern first world country has had enough sense to use.

Even the US has that, its just not universal.

TOPIC: You Can Count On It: When the collapse comes ObamaAyers *WILL* try
stealing from citizen Peter to give to illegal alien Pedro instead of
deporting Pedro ¡Si se puede!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 3:03 am

On Jan 5, 3:53 am, ""
<> wrote:
> Food Riots, Civil Unrest, and the Disunited States of America
> Note: The author of the essay above tries to strike a "balanced" pose
> in the report but for viewpoints more attuned to reality be sure to
> read the comments left by readers which follows the essay!
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>      What Would the U.S.A.'s Founding Fathers Do?
>   If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and
>  silent we may be led, like sheep, to the slaughter.
>   -- George Washington
>   If the representatives of the people betray their constituents,
> there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that
> original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive
> forms of government ... The citizens must rush tumultuously to
> arms, without concert, without system, without resource;
> except in their courage and despair ...
>   The natural strength of the people in a large community, in
> proportion to the artificial strength of the government, is greater
> than in a small ... the people, without exaggeration, may be said
> to be entirely the masters of their own fate.
>   -- Alexander Hamilton
>   We in America do not have government by the majority.
> We have government by the majority who participate.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good
> conscience to remain silent.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of
> the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe
> depositories.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to
> keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves
> against tyranny in government.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   As our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now
> let us show them we can fight like men also.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Don't talk about what you have done or what you are going
> to do.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the
> Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will
> delineate and define you.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on
> does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which
> they draw their gains.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>  I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied
> corporations which dare already to challenge our government to
> a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our
> liberties than standing armies.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson
>   Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government
> those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations,
> perverted it into tyranny.
>   -- Thomas Jefferson

Small wonder they call the late Uncle Sam "Uncle Suckemoff".

mitch Western Voices World News

TOPIC: Processing NFL Jerseys Mlb jerseys Nhl hockey jerseys!China Recently
price.ALL 70%

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 6:38 am
From: NFL Jerseys

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Devil Rays Texas Rangers Toronto Blue Jays Washington Naationals

TOPIC: O.T? Al Franken Wins !

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 6:39 am
From: "'nam vet."

In article
ChasNemo <> wrote:

> Yup. It's true. Rightards tanked again! <snicker>
> Panel to Name Franken Senate Winner
> MINNEAPOLIS (Jan. 4) -- A state election board on Monday will announce
> Democrat Al Franken has defeated Republican incumbent Norm Coleman in
> Minnesota's U.S. Senate race, state officials told CNN Sunday.
> The canvassing board on Monday will say a recount determined Franken
> won by 225 votes, Secretary of State Mark Ritchie told CNN.

for more;

yes, He won !
When the Power of Love,replaces the Love of Power.
that's Evolution.

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== 1 of 1 ==
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TOPIC: Eating fingernails and toenails!!!

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 10:25 am
From: Carl Dau

Some people do throw them away, but not me, I do eat my fingernails
and my toenails, they are a very good snack and you don't have to buy
chips.You can eat fingernails and toenails instead.

What do you think???

TOPIC: Abundance !

== 1 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 10:35 am
From: "'nam vet."

I would suggest contemplating abundance.
After all, when you have gratitude for what you do have, you'll have
more. And what you concentrate on, grows.
It's not a "Secret"
When the Power of Love,replaces the Love of Power.
that's Evolution.

== 2 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 12:17 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

'nam vet. wrote

> I would suggest contemplating abundance.

I order you to give up on that whacky weed.

> After all, when you have gratitude for what you do have, you'll have more.

Wrong, as always.

> And what you concentrate on, grows.

Wrong, as always. Try that with some chocolate sometime.

Or your pile of whacky weed.

> It's not a "Secret"

You'll end up completely blind if you dont watch out.

Reply only if you cant read this post.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 12:43 pm
From: Stray Dog

See below....

On Tue, 6 Jan 2009, Rod Speed wrote:

> Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 07:17:40 +1100
> From: Rod Speed <>
> Newsgroups: misc.consumers.frugal-living
> Subject: Re: Abundance !
> 'nam vet. wrote
>> I would suggest contemplating abundance.
> I order you to give up on that whacky weed.
>> After all, when you have gratitude for what you do have, you'll have more.
> Wrong, as always.
>> And what you concentrate on, grows.
> Wrong, as always. Try that with some chocolate sometime.
> Or your pile of whacky weed.
>> It's not a "Secret"
> You'll end up completely blind if you dont watch out.
> Reply only if you cant read this post.

In the public interest -- the RS FAQ -- I didn't write it.

The "Rod Speed FAQ" read it below or at the URL for yourself.....
- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - -

After its recent emergence in the thread "How to calculate increase
of home wireless router range?", readers of this group may find
this useful. [based on a post in]

Who or What is Rod Speed?

Rod Speed is an entirely modern phenomenon. Essentially, Rod
Speed is an insecure and worthless individual who has discovered
he can enhance his own self-esteem in his own eyes by playing "the
big, hard man" on the InterNet.

Rod is believed to be from Australia.

Rod certainly posts a lot. Why is that?

It relates back to the point about boosting his own self esteem by
what amounts to effectively having a wank in public. Rod's
personality, as exemplified by his posts, means he is practically
unemployable which means he sits around at home all day festering
away and getting worse and worse. This means he posts more and
more try and boost the old failing self esteem. Being unemployed
also means he as a lot of time on his hands to post in he first

But maybe Rod really is a very clever and knowledgable person?

Clever? His posts wouldn't support that theory. As far as being
knowledgable, well, Rod has posted to various aus newsgroups
including invest, comms, and politics. He has posted to all as a
self professed "expert" and flames any and all who disagree with
him. Logically, here's no way any single individual could be
more than a jack of all trades across such a wide spread of
subject matter.

But maybe Rod really is an expert in some areas?

Possibly. However, his "bedside manner" prevents him from being
taken seriously by most normal people. Also, he has damaged his
credibility in areas where he might know what he's on about by
shooting his self in the foot in areas where he does not. For
example, in the case of subject matter such as politics, even a
view held by Albert Einstein cannot be little more than an
opinion and to vociferously denigrate an opposing opinion is
simply small mindedness and bigotry, the kind of which Einstein
himself fought against his whole life.

What is Rod Speed's main modus operandi?

Simple! He shoots off a half brained opinion in response to any
other post and touts that opinion as fact. When challenged, he
responds with vociferous and rabid denigration. He has an
instantly recognisable set of schoolboy put downs limited pretty
much to the following: "Pathetic, Puerile, Little Boy, try
harder, trivial, more lies, gutless wonder, wanker, etc etc".
The fact that Rod has been unable to come up with any new insults
says a lot about his outlook and intelligence.

But why do so many people respond to Rod in turn?

It has to do with effrontery and a lack of logic. Most people
who post have some basis of reason for what they write and when
Rod retorts with his usual denigration and derision they respond
emotionally rather than logically. It's like a teacher in a
class room who has a misbehaving pupil. The teacher challenges
the pupil to explain himself and the student responds with "***
off, Big Nose!" Even thought the teacher has a fairly normal
proboscis, he gets a dent in his self-esteem and might resort to
an emotional repsonse like "yeah? well your *** wouldn't fill a
pop rivet, punk", which merely invites some oneupmanship from the
naughty pupil. Of course, the teacher should not have justified
the initial comment with a response, especially in front of the
class. The correct response was "please report to the
headmaster's office right NOW!"

What is a "RodBot"?

Some respondents in aus.invest built a "virtual Rod" which was
indiscernable from the "real" Rod. Net users could enter an
opinion or even a fact and the RoDBot would tell them they were
pathetic lying schoolboys who should be able to do better or some
equally pithy Rod Speedism.

Are you saying that Rod Speed is a Troll?

You got it!

What is the best way to handle Rod Speed?



== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 1:44 pm

On Jan 5, 3:43 pm, Stray Dog <> wrote:
> See below....
> On Tue, 6 Jan 2009, Rod Speed wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 07:17:40 +1100
> > From: Rod Speed <>
> > Newsgroups: misc.consumers.frugal-living
> > Subject: Re: Abundance !
> > 'nam vet. wrote
> >> I would suggest contemplating abundance.
> > I order you to give up on that whacky weed.
> >> After all, when you have gratitude for what you do have, you'll have more.
> > Wrong, as always.
> >> And what you concentrate on, grows.
> > Wrong, as always. Try that with some chocolate sometime.
> > Or your pile of whacky weed.
> >> It's not a "Secret"
> > You'll end up completely blind if you dont watch out.
> > Reply only if you cant read this post.
> In the public interest -- the RS FAQ -- I didn't write it.
> The "Rod Speed FAQ" read it below or at the URL for yourself.....
> - - - - - - - - -
> g00462.html
> - - - - - - - - - -
> After its recent emergence in the thread "How to calculate increase
> of home wireless router range?", readers of this group may find
> this useful. [based on a post in]
> Who or What is Rod Speed?
> Rod Speed is an entirely modern phenomenon. Essentially, Rod
> Speed is an insecure and worthless individual who has discovered
> he can enhance his own self-esteem in his own eyes by playing "the
> big, hard man" on the InterNet.
> Rod is believed to be from Australia.
> Rod certainly posts a lot. Why is that?
> It relates back to the point about boosting his own self esteem by
> what amounts to effectively having a wank in public. Rod's
> personality, as exemplified by his posts, means he is practically
> unemployable which means he sits around at home all day festering
> away and getting worse and worse. This means he posts more and
> more try and boost the old failing self esteem. Being unemployed
> also means he as a lot of time on his hands to post in he first
> place.
> But maybe Rod really is a very clever and knowledgable person?
> Clever? His posts wouldn't support that theory. As far as being
> knowledgable, well, Rod has posted to various aus newsgroups
> including invest, comms, and politics. He has posted to all as a
> self professed "expert" and flames any and all who disagree with
> him. Logically, here's no way any single individual could be
> more than a jack of all trades across such a wide spread of
> subject matter.
> But maybe Rod really is an expert in some areas?
> Possibly. However, his "bedside manner" prevents him from being
> taken seriously by most normal people. Also, he has damaged his
> credibility in areas where he might know what he's on about by
> shooting his self in the foot in areas where he does not. For
> example, in the case of subject matter such as politics, even a
> view held by Albert Einstein cannot be little more than an
> opinion and to vociferously denigrate an opposing opinion is
> simply small mindedness and bigotry, the kind of which Einstein
> himself fought against his whole life.
> What is Rod Speed's main modus operandi?
> Simple! He shoots off a half brained opinion in response to any
> other post and touts that opinion as fact. When challenged, he
> responds with vociferous and rabid denigration. He has an
> instantly recognisable set of schoolboy put downs limited pretty
> much to the following: "Pathetic, Puerile, Little Boy, try
> harder, trivial, more lies, gutless wonder, wanker, etc etc".
> The fact that Rod has been unable to come up with any new insults
> says a lot about his outlook and intelligence.
> But why do so many people respond to Rod in turn?
> It has to do with effrontery and a lack of logic. Most people
> who post have some basis of reason for what they write and when
> Rod retorts with his usual denigration and derision they respond
> emotionally rather than logically. It's like a teacher in a
> class room who has a misbehaving pupil. The teacher challenges
> the pupil to explain himself and the student responds with "***
> off, Big Nose!" Even thought the teacher has a fairly normal
> proboscis, he gets a dent in his self-esteem and might resort to
> an emotional repsonse like "yeah? well your *** wouldn't fill a
> pop rivet, punk", which merely invites some oneupmanship from the
> naughty pupil. Of course, the teacher should not have justified
> the initial comment with a response, especially in front of the
> class. The correct response was "please report to the
> headmaster's office right NOW!"
> What is a "RodBot"?
> Some respondents in aus.invest built a "virtual Rod" which was
> indiscernable from the "real" Rod. Net users could enter an
> opinion or even a fact and the RoDBot would tell them they were
> pathetic lying schoolboys who should be able to do better or some
> equally pithy Rod Speedism.
> Are you saying that Rod Speed is a Troll?
> You got it!
> What is the best way to handle Rod Speed?
> KillFile!
> .

Please kill file me too if you desire. The Internet is not your father
or mother. You don't have to feel disrespected by whatever someone
posts. Just disregard what you can't use. I can easily filter through
all the posts and consider the information and where it came from.
Presidents of countries and companies get into trouble with too many
yes-men praising them as the ship goes down.

TOPIC: Companies closing down without telling their employees

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 12:03 pm
From: Cindy Hamilton

On Dec 24 2008, 3:59 pm, Seerialmom <> wrote:
> On Dec 21, 11:24 pm, wrote:
> > On Dec 21, 8:37 pm, wrote:
> > >
> Definitely scroogelike of the franchise owner; however California is
> an "at-will" employment state.  The employer has no legal obligation
> to warn the employee of the intention to close the store.  The article
> doesn't really give the franchise owner's side of the story and it's
> obvious the parent corporation was also unaware.  Who knows, maybe the
> owner has to go into hiding from a loan shark or something.  At least
> the employees did get a "final" paycheck; they could have shown up to
> a locked store and an owner filing bankruptcy (which would have made
> the employees "creditors").

My husband worked as a manufacturing engineer for a small electronics
fabricator. One Friday they called everybody into a meeting and said
(basically): "The company is closed and you all have been working
for free for the last two weeks. It's been fun."

My husband eventually got a little money out of some organization that
had ponied up some capital for them to locate in a disadvantaged area
of town. He helped shut down the clean room and ensure that all of
explodes-on-contact-with-air gases were handled properly.

It wasn't until I was doing the taxes for that year that I discovered
their stupid accounting guy had withheld taxes on the 401K

Cindy Hamilton

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 7:00 pm
From: (Gary Heston)

In article <>,
Cindy Hamilton <> wrote:
>On Dec 24 2008, 3:59 pm, Seerialmom <> wrote:
>> On Dec 21, 11:24 pm, wrote:

>> > On Dec 21, 8:37 pm, wrote:

>> > >

>> Definitely scroogelike of the franchise owner; however California is
>> an "at-will" employment state.  The employer has no legal obligation
>> to warn the employee of the intention to close the store. [ ... ]

>My husband worked as a manufacturing engineer for a small electronics
>fabricator. One Friday they called everybody into a meeting and said
>(basically): "The company is closed and you all have been working
>for free for the last two weeks. It's been fun."
[ ... ]

The employees of a local Shoneys' Restaurant showed up one morning
several years ago to open and start cooking breakfast, only to find
the doors locked and a sign on the front door stating "No food or
money on premises". They'd had a crew come in after closing the
previous night and clean the place out; zero notice to the employees.

As a result, I don't patronize Shoneys' or Captain D's (same owners).

>It wasn't until I was doing the taxes for that year that I discovered
>their stupid accounting guy had withheld taxes on the 401K

You're assuming that was a mistake--that was likely intentional, with
the money withheld _not_ going to the IRS. More likely, the owners
pocketed it.


Gary Heston

"Behind every successful woman there is an astonished man"
General of the Army (four stars) Ann Dunwoody

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 9:47 pm
From: (Gordon Burditt)

>> >
>Definitely scroogelike of the franchise owner; however California is
>an "at-will" employment state. The employer has no legal obligation
>to warn the employee of the intention to close the store. The article

He does, however, have an obligation to tell the employee that he
*HAS* closed the store. Otherwise he is on the hook for wages.
I suspect that if the employee reports for work, not knowing the
store has closed, even if it's to a locked store with a sign
saying "out of business", he's still entitled to an hour of wages
for that day.

If you're ever in that situation, you need to worry about getting
a final paycheck, and also worry about the stuff that didn't get
put on the final paycheck. Is your health insurance paid? Did the
money allegedly going into your 401K really get there? Did withheld
taxes actually make it to the IRS?

>doesn't really give the franchise owner's side of the story and it's
>obvious the parent corporation was also unaware. Who knows, maybe the
>owner has to go into hiding from a loan shark or something. At least
>the employees did get a "final" paycheck; they could have shown up to
>a locked store and an owner filing bankruptcy (which would have made
>the employees "creditors").

TOPIC: Credit Unions rule!

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 12:45 pm
From: Stray Dog

See below....

On Mon, 5 Jan 2009, Rod Speed wrote:

> Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 06:57:24 +1100
> From: Rod Speed <>
> Newsgroups: misc.consumers.frugal-living
> Subject: Re: Credit Unions rule!
> 'nam vet. wrote:
>> Credit Unions To The Rescue
>> by Broderick Perkins
>> Been down to your friendly neighborhood credit union lately?
>> You could find that elusive home loan you been unable to get anywhere else.
>> Credit unions didn't need a bail out during the Great Depression, they
>> didn't need federal intervention during the Savings & Loan debacle
> Wrong, plenty of them did.
>> and they don't need government assistance now.
>> In fact, right now, they are rolling out the red carpet for home loan borrowers.
> Mindless pig ignorant lie. They've been affected by the credit crunch, just like everyone else.
>> During the boom, credit unions avoided writing subprime
>> home loans and other easy-money mortgages.
> Mindless pig ignorant lie. Plenty of them did.
>> They also shunned selling packages of mortgages to Wall Street
>> moguls who packaged them into now low- to no-return securities.
> That last is another pig ignorant lie.
>> That means credit unions are relatively untainted by the credit squeeze
> But not unaffected by it.
>> and they have both money to burn
> Pig ignorant lie.
>> and a sound business foundation that allows them to keep on lending.
> Pity about the lack of money to lend.
>> Instead of fearing the next Great Depression, member-owned credit
>> unions are bracing for what could be their boom time in home loans
>> and other financial services, now that banks and mortgage lenders are
>> crashing and burning.
> Just another pathetic little pig ignorant fantasy. They are just as affected
> by the massive overhang of defaulted houses, just like everyone else is.
>> Mortgage production among credit unions is small by comparison to
>> banks and mortgage lenders,
> So much for your pig ignorant lies above.
>> but their originations rose a whopping 10.1 percent during the first half of 2008,
> A fart in the bath given the MUCH smaller volume of mortgages they had been writing.
>> according to the industry's federal regulator, the National Credit Union Administration
>> (NCUA). and ; Less than 1% of mortgage holders in Credit Unions are behind in payments.
> For now...
>> Google that!
> Pathetic.

In the public interest -- the Rod Speed Sucks FAQ -- I didn't write it.

The "Rod Speed FAQ" read it below or at the URL for yourself.....
- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - -

After its recent emergence in the thread "How to calculate increase
of home wireless router range?", readers of this group may find
this useful. [based on a post in]

Who or What is Rod Speed?

Rod Speed is an entirely modern phenomenon. Essentially, Rod
Speed is an insecure and worthless individual who has discovered
he can enhance his own self-esteem in his own eyes by playing "the
big, hard man" on the InterNet.

Rod is believed to be from Australia.

Rod certainly posts a lot. Why is that?

It relates back to the point about boosting his own self esteem by
what amounts to effectively having a wank in public. Rod's
personality, as exemplified by his posts, means he is practically
unemployable which means he sits around at home all day festering
away and getting worse and worse. This means he posts more and
more try and boost the old failing self esteem. Being unemployed
also means he as a lot of time on his hands to post in he first

But maybe Rod really is a very clever and knowledgable person?

Clever? His posts wouldn't support that theory. As far as being
knowledgable, well, Rod has posted to various aus newsgroups
including invest, comms, and politics. He has posted to all as a
self professed "expert" and flames any and all who disagree with
him. Logically, here's no way any single individual could be
more than a jack of all trades across such a wide spread of
subject matter.

But maybe Rod really is an expert in some areas?

Possibly. However, his "bedside manner" prevents him from being
taken seriously by most normal people. Also, he has damaged his
credibility in areas where he might know what he's on about by
shooting his self in the foot in areas where he does not. For
example, in the case of subject matter such as politics, even a
view held by Albert Einstein cannot be little more than an
opinion and to vociferously denigrate an opposing opinion is
simply small mindedness and bigotry, the kind of which Einstein
himself fought against his whole life.

What is Rod Speed's main modus operandi?

Simple! He shoots off a half brained opinion in response to any
other post and touts that opinion as fact. When challenged, he
responds with vociferous and rabid denigration. He has an
instantly recognisable set of schoolboy put downs limited pretty
much to the following: "Pathetic, Puerile, Little Boy, try
harder, trivial, more lies, gutless wonder, wanker, etc etc".
The fact that Rod has been unable to come up with any new insults
says a lot about his outlook and intelligence.

But why do so many people respond to Rod in turn?

It has to do with effrontery and a lack of logic. Most people
who post have some basis of reason for what they write and when
Rod retorts with his usual denigration and derision they respond
emotionally rather than logically. It's like a teacher in a
class room who has a misbehaving pupil. The teacher challenges
the pupil to explain himself and the student responds with "***
off, Big Nose!" Even thought the teacher has a fairly normal
proboscis, he gets a dent in his self-esteem and might resort to
an emotional repsonse like "yeah? well your *** wouldn't fill a
pop rivet, punk", which merely invites some oneupmanship from the
naughty pupil. Of course, the teacher should not have justified
the initial comment with a response, especially in front of the
class. The correct response was "please report to the
headmaster's office right NOW!"

What is a "RodBot"?

Some respondents in aus.invest built a "virtual Rod" which was
indiscernable from the "real" Rod. Net users could enter an
opinion or even a fact and the RoDBot would tell them they were
pathetic lying schoolboys who should be able to do better or some
equally pithy Rod Speedism.

Are you saying that Rod Speed is a Troll?

You got it!

What is the best way to handle Rod Speed?



== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 12:48 pm
From: Stray Dog

On Sun, 4 Jan 2009, John Weiss wrote:

> Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2009 22:11:41 -0000
> From: John Weiss <jrweiss@invalid.invalid>
> Reply-To: John Weiss <jrweissatattglobaldotnet@invalid.invalid>
> Newsgroups: misc.consumers.frugal-living
> Subject: Re: Credit Unions rule!
> "Rod Speed" <> wrote:
>> Wrong, plenty of them did.
>> Mindless pig ignorant lie. They've been affected by the credit crunch,
>> just like everyone else.
>> Mindless pig ignorant lie. Plenty of them did.
>> That last is another pig ignorant lie.
>> But not unaffected by it.
>> Pig ignorant lie.
>> Pity about the lack of money to lend.
>> Just another pathetic little pig ignorant fantasy. They are just as
>> affected by the massive overhang of defaulted houses, just like everyone
>> else is.
>> So much for your pig ignorant lies above.
>> A fart in the bath given the MUCH smaller volume of mortgages they had
>> been writing.
>> For now...
>> Pathetic.
> Yes, you are!

John Weiss, you are too kind.

Rod Speed uses those same sentences in most of his posts as responses to
almost anything.

FYI, FWIW... here is the Rod Speed FAQ (I didn't write it).

The "Rod Speed FAQ" read it below or at the URL for yourself.....
- - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - -

After its recent emergence in the thread "How to calculate increase
of home wireless router range?", readers of this group may find
this useful. [based on a post in]

Who or What is Rod Speed?

Rod Speed is an entirely modern phenomenon. Essentially, Rod
Speed is an insecure and worthless individual who has discovered
he can enhance his own self-esteem in his own eyes by playing "the
big, hard man" on the InterNet.

Rod is believed to be from Australia.

Rod certainly posts a lot. Why is that?

It relates back to the point about boosting his own self esteem by
what amounts to effectively having a wank in public. Rod's
personality, as exemplified by his posts, means he is practically
unemployable which means he sits around at home all day festering
away and getting worse and worse. This means he posts more and
more try and boost the old failing self esteem. Being unemployed
also means he as a lot of time on his hands to post in he first

But maybe Rod really is a very clever and knowledgable person?

Clever? His posts wouldn't support that theory. As far as being
knowledgable, well, Rod has posted to various aus newsgroups
including invest, comms, and politics. He has posted to all as a
self professed "expert" and flames any and all who disagree with
him. Logically, here's no way any single individual could be
more than a jack of all trades across such a wide spread of
subject matter.

But maybe Rod really is an expert in some areas?

Possibly. However, his "bedside manner" prevents him from being
taken seriously by most normal people. Also, he has damaged his
credibility in areas where he might know what he's on about by
shooting his self in the foot in areas where he does not. For
example, in the case of subject matter such as politics, even a
view held by Albert Einstein cannot be little more than an
opinion and to vociferously denigrate an opposing opinion is
simply small mindedness and bigotry, the kind of which Einstein
himself fought against his whole life.

What is Rod Speed's main modus operandi?

Simple! He shoots off a half brained opinion in response to any
other post and touts that opinion as fact. When challenged, he
responds with vociferous and rabid denigration. He has an
instantly recognisable set of schoolboy put downs limited pretty
much to the following: "Pathetic, Puerile, Little Boy, try
harder, trivial, more lies, gutless wonder, wanker, etc etc".
The fact that Rod has been unable to come up with any new insults
says a lot about his outlook and intelligence.

But why do so many people respond to Rod in turn?

It has to do with effrontery and a lack of logic. Most people
who post have some basis of reason for what they write and when
Rod retorts with his usual denigration and derision they respond
emotionally rather than logically. It's like a teacher in a
class room who has a misbehaving pupil. The teacher challenges
the pupil to explain himself and the student responds with "***
off, Big Nose!" Even thought the teacher has a fairly normal
proboscis, he gets a dent in his self-esteem and might resort to
an emotional repsonse like "yeah? well your *** wouldn't fill a
pop rivet, punk", which merely invites some oneupmanship from the
naughty pupil. Of course, the teacher should not have justified
the initial comment with a response, especially in front of the
class. The correct response was "please report to the
headmaster's office right NOW!"

What is a "RodBot"?

Some respondents in aus.invest built a "virtual Rod" which was
indiscernable from the "real" Rod. Net users could enter an
opinion or even a fact and the RoDBot would tell them they were
pathetic lying schoolboys who should be able to do better or some
equally pithy Rod Speedism.

Are you saying that Rod Speed is a Troll?

You got it!

What is the best way to handle Rod Speed?



TOPIC: If you want to try Linux.....

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 1:32 pm
From: Stray Dog

Since there was a good deal of well-meaning discussion recently about
Linux, let me make a few suggestions:

1. It's always nice to learn about the bad stuff before you let your
"dreams" blind you to reality.

So, do a google search on the string "linux sucks" and see what the
authors say and decide if what they say is something you can dismiss or
think about. Its always fun to do searches on strings "X sucks" because
you can get to the dirt under the rug before the dirt gets to you.

2. Some more recent distributions of Linux can be totally booted and run
all the aps off the CDROM disk (in the drive), and some are on DVD disks
(you'd better figure out what is what on DVD drives and disks because
there are different kinds, now, and I can't help you on that). You have to
be able to get into your CMOS BIOS setup and configure the boot sequence
for your CDROM (or DVD) drive first, then anything else.

My most recent tests were with Ubuntu ver 8.0 (about two years old or
less) on a CDROM disk in the back of an UBUNTU book from the local
bookstore ($35 out of my pocket). Yes, it did boot up and I could run it.

But, my disappointment was with the failure of the OS to find my modem.

Those of you with "winmodems" which are pnp technology will be out of luck
unless you can find Linux drivers for that modem. Some computers have the
modem built into the motherboard and that migh make them SOL for you.

But, you can try to boot up, and see if you can get your printer to work
and your modem (or whatever else you have for net access). If you have a
cable modem and fios cables, it might work.

3. Sometimes you can do a lot better by buying those big 800-1000 page
books at discount bookstores on Linux and if they have Linux install disks
in a pocket at the end of the book. My most recent purchass of Red hat
workstations (more expensive than the books) came with incredibly poor and
misleading "manuals" that were more like comic books and I don't see how
any newcomer would have any success at all.

4. My Ubuntu absolutely needed 256 MB of ram or it would not boot up. Both
of my Win XPs work fine at 128 MB of ram.

TOPIC: Where do you get your best buys in cat food?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 2:20 pm
From: James

Is it K Mart, Wal Mart, Target or big box pet stores? Now that gas
is reasonalbe it may be worth it for me to drive to one of the stores
to buy cat food.

I used to get the 7 lb. Purina One but it seems expensive lately.

TOPIC: Children's DVD - Kung Fu Panda

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 3:02 pm
From: ClothesOut

Get the Kung Fu Panda DVD. This extremely popular, animated movie will
keep your young ones laughing the entire time. Don't miss out! Go to for
photos and a complete description.

This three-day auction ends January 7th. So don't delay. Recently
marked down over 50%. Place your bid and shop with confidence. 100%
feedback on eBay.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 3:44 pm
From: clams_casino

ClothesOut wrote:

>This three-day auction ends January 7th.

You're assuming eBay doesn't shut down your site for spamming newsgroups.

TOPIC: How to spot a bogus dollar?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 7:31 pm
From: "'nam vet."

In article
<>, wrote:


why, thanks.
When the Power of Love,replaces the Love of Power.
that's Evolution.

TOPIC: Anyone else seeing mystery phone numbers on Embarq long distance bill?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 10:07 pm
From: " |"

On Jan 2, 11:00 am, brassplyer <> wrote:
> I have a local/long dist/DSL package with Embarq & noticed a couple of
> calls on my long distance bill that I know I didn't make. It's an
> unlisted number in a state where I don't know anyone, haven't had any
> occasion to have any business dealings. The reason I noticed this is
> that I make very few l/d calls and suddenly there was a larger amount
> under the l/d than normal.
> I called Embarq to advise them, and they said as I expected that "on
> their records it looks like I made the calls" but as a one-time
> courtesy they'll credit my account for the amount.
> I went back several months online and didn't find any other mystery
> calls but something else I didn't notice before is that they weren't
> printing details of l/d calls on my bill. It refers me to the website
> for details of the calls.  When I asked about this, they said okay
> they'd start printing my l/d details on the bill. This is the first
> company I've dealt with that didn't do this by default. They do print
> intrastate l/d calls by default. I asked if he knew why, he said it
> was a cost-saving measure. When you do go to the online bill, they've
> got it buried under several layers to finally see the phone number
> which you have to go through every time you switch to view a different
> billing period.
> So either someone somehow made calls on my line or there's some issue
> with their billing mis-assigning l/d charges to the wrong bill.
> Wondering how the former would be accomplished, or if anyone has had
> problems with the latter.

I don't recall any unknown numbers on my bills but I got too many spam
when I had Embarq. I cured that by cancelling service.
And I'll add that felt really good. I haven't had a spam call since.
Plus my internet is faster and cheaper than what is offered by Embarq.
They wanted to bundle services, LOL

Embarq is contemptible...................Trig


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