Saturday, January 3, 2009

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 3 new messages in 3 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* Anyone else seeing mystery phone numbers on Embarq long distance bill? - 1
messages, 1 author
* Lane vs Lazy Boy - 1 messages, 1 author
* 2009, "Be prepared to fight to the finish or your kind will vanish". - 1
messages, 1 author

TOPIC: Anyone else seeing mystery phone numbers on Embarq long distance bill?

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 2 2009 10:18 pm
From: "Rod Speed"

Stray Dog wrote:
> brassplyer <> wrote

>> I have a local/long dist/DSL package with Embarq & noticed a couple
>> of calls on my long distance bill that I know I didn't make. It's an
>> unlisted number in a state where I don't know anyone, haven't had any
>> occasion to have any business dealings. The reason I noticed this is
>> that I make very few l/d calls and suddenly there was a larger amount
>> under the l/d than normal.
>> I called Embarq to advise them, and they said as I expected that "on
>> their records it looks like I made the calls" but as a one-time
>> courtesy they'll credit my account for the amount.
>> I went back several months online and didn't find any other mystery
>> calls but something else I didn't notice before is that they weren't
>> printing details of l/d calls on my bill. It refers me to the website
>> for details of the calls. When I asked about this, they said okay
>> they'd start printing my l/d details on the bill. This is the first
>> company I've dealt with that didn't do this by default. They do print
>> intrastate l/d calls by default. I asked if he knew why, he said it
>> was a cost-saving measure. When you do go to the online bill, they've
>> got it buried under several layers to finally see the phone number
>> which you have to go through every time you switch to view a
>> different billing period.

> I appreciate your concern, but you should be concerned. My bank, after Check 21 went into effect, does not send the
> cancelled checks back but provides "images".

Only fools/dinosaurs use checks anymore.

> Then, I noticed recently that even the images have disappeared and they have abbreiviated entries for the "pay to"
> person or entity and so you can't even see any notes you may have written on your check, either.

Only fools/dinosaurs write notes on the checks.

> Companies seem to be deliberately _hiding_ all kinds of things on their website and take the attitude that YOU have to
> go to their website and YOU find any new policy/
> proceedure that they add/change/etc., on your own, and without notice. It helps them get away with murder.

Yeah, yeah, its those damned jews conspiring in smoke filled rooms to shaft us all...

> I don't know what Embarq does for you, but I am looking for any and
> all kinds of "annonymous" systems out there, such as pay-as-you-go
> such as tracfone. I buy with cash a PIN number that adds minutes and
> they don't know who I am (they can know who I call, fine), but I have
> worried less about this system than almost anything else I buy. All
> the banks are getting worse about a lot of things, too. I've even had
> trouble at the USPS over stuff that I should not have trouble with.

You should do the decent thing and set fire to yourself in 'protest' or sumfin.

> Watch out for all that fine print and look for clauses that can give you trouble.

Most havent been given the bums rush and have plenty better to do with their time.

> And, another little doozie: we've noticed here, on certain web browsers on certain hardware, on certain websites, that
> not all of certain kinds of e-commerce show up correctly or completely, either, on what is displayed on your screen.
> Guess what else? Same OS, same web browser, same browser updates, and on different hardware, also gives different
> screens!!!

Thats those damned jews again!!!!!!

> And, when we told one CS department about this, they blew us off.

Cant imagine why for the life of me.

> And, then, weeks later they must have gotten tons of complaints because they fixed it.

Or you ran out of the whacky weed...

> Also no announcement, no "we're sorry we ignored you," nothing. Just big 8,000 lb gorilla out there; take your
> chances.

You should do the decent thing and set fire to yourself in 'protest' or sumfin.

>> So either someone somehow made calls on my line or there's some issue
>> with their billing mis-assigning l/d charges to the wrong bill.
>> Wondering how the former would be accomplished, or if anyone has had
>> problems with the latter.

> Hacking and phreaking (hacking the phone company, etc) may be more advanced than you think.

Or you've been at that whacky weed, again.

TOPIC: Lane vs Lazy Boy

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 2 2009 11:34 pm
From: "Bob"

I'm thinking of buying a couple of Lane swivel, rocking recliners, mainly
because their a lot lower priced than Lazy Boy. Anybody have any experience
with them?

TOPIC: 2009, "Be prepared to fight to the finish or your kind will vanish".

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Fri, Jan 2 2009 11:56 pm
From: "Michael Bay's unhealthy fascination with robotic crotches"

On Jan 1, 11:58 am, wrote:
> Fine articles.
> mitch

Thank you for the laughs. I looked through the articles on that
website and each one made me laugh harder than the previous one. When
scared, racists white people write about race, it's much like a five
year old talking about the monster that lives under the bed. Man,
what a hoot. Scared, white people are hilarious.


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