Sunday, October 11, 2009

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 3 new messages in 2 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* There is no "right" to health care - 2 messages, 2 authors
* cheap property in WV,KY,NC,TN? want to build unrestricted - 1 messages, 1

TOPIC: There is no "right" to health care

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 10 2009 11:01 pm

On Sat, 10 Oct 2009 22:20:46 -0700 (PDT), Nickname unavailable
<> wrote:

>On Oct 10, 11:57 pm, Wilson Woods <> wrote:
>> Nickname unavailable wrote:
>> > On Oct 9, 10:57 pm, Wilson Woods <> wrote:
>> >> Nickname unavailable wrote:
>> >>> On Oct 9, 9:35 pm, Wilson Woods <> wrote:
>> >>>> Mrs Irish Mike wrote:
>> >>>>> On Oct 9, 10:46 am, K <Kvisi...@live.con> wrote:
>> >>>>>> False.  I created the value that I traded to obtain the things I own.
>> >>>>>> In some few cases - not many - I created the things I own myself.  I
>> >>>>>> have a right to them; no one else has any right to them.
>> >>>>>> No one has a right to my effort.
>> >>>>> Translation: Mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine. Screw you, mine
>> >>>>> mine mine mine.
>> >>>> Right.  Piss and moan all you like, but it doesn't change the *fact*
>> >>>> that no one has a right to my effort.
>> >>>  liar. taxes are enshrined in the constitution.
>> >> No one has a right to my effort.
>> >  liar,
>> No.
>> > Section. 8.
>> Says nothing about having a right to my productive effort.  No one has
>> any right to any part of my productive effort.  It's mine.
> its mine, mine, mine ,mine, as daffy duck would say. except, you have
>no real idea how the constitution works, and just like daffy duck, you
>scream mine, as you are shrinking into oblivion. the really great
>thing about every thread you are involved in, is that many, and i mean
>many are answering you, america, in fact the world, are sick of your

Mr. Unavailable, you know little and over esimate the numbers. In
other words, your making overly gross estimations. Your predictions
are just babbling words of hope, not factually determined.

Take care.


== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 10 2009 11:41 pm
From: Geopinion

On Oct 10, 9:46 pm, Wilson Woods <> wrote:
> Geopinion wrote:
> > On Oct 10, 6:26 pm, Wilson Woods <> wrote:
> >> Joe wrote:
> >>> On Oct 10, 2:17 am, K <Kvisi...@live.con> wrote:
> >>>> In fact, no one has a "right" to any material good or service.  Someone
> >>>> might choose to provide some goods and services to deadbeats, but that
> >>>> doesn't imply a right to them; and the provider may subsequently decide
> >>>> to stop providing them.
> >>>> You have no more "right" to health care than you have to a big screen
> >>>> TV, Hawaiian holidays, a car, or a lobster dinner.  You don't have a
> >>>> "right" to goods or services.  If you want goods and services, you must
> >>>> pay for them, or you must persuade someone to give them to you
> >>>> voluntarily.  If your powers of persuasion are weak, you'll fare poorly.
> >>>> That's simply how it is, and it's good and just.
> >>> I believe health care is a right
> >> It is not.
> >>> just as every child has a right to an
> >>> education.
> >> That's not a right, either.
> > We, as a nation, have decided that education is a right.  That kind of
> > decision is allowed under the constitution.
> > MLW
> >>> These are not luxuries, but necessities.
> >> There is no such thing as a "necessity".  There are only wants.  You
> >> want a car, a big screen TV, lobster dinners, health care, a house, Air
> >> Jordan shoes, education - you want lots of things.  If you want them,
> >> make them yourself or earn the money and buy them.  You don't have a
> >> right to any of them.- Hide quoted text -
> > It is unlikely that we as a nation would decide that everyone had a
> > right to a big-screen TV.
> There is as much of a rationale for providing big screen TVs as there is
> for providing health care, which is to say, *zero* rationale for either.
>   Both are things that people want.  There's no rationale for forcing
> some people to pay for goods and services for other people.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

What a silly comparison; you're really, really reaching to construct
some kind of false equivalence but all you've created is another
strawman. Surely, even someone with even your limited critical
thinking skills understands the fallacy of arguing that providing a
national health care system means that big-screen TVs must also be

Honestly, what is it about letting people suffer, die or even just
lose everything to medical expenses that gives you Ayn Rand idiots
such a kick? Do you genuinely think you're making a valid point: TVs
= health care? Or are you simply too lazy and blinded by the free-
market gods to develop real ideas?

No wonder other countries are beating the pants off us education-wise,
if you are an example of what our American education system


TOPIC: cheap property in WV,KY,NC,TN? want to build unrestricted

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sat, Oct 10 2009 11:10 pm
From: Tony Sivori

sr wrote:

> Went on the site: I see sm. houses, looks good, for 10,000 in sm towns.
> also one for 1,500. But that is a row house type in WV. The economy is
> coming down even more with more unpaid mortages so they will get much
> lower, I believe

With HUD repos, it pays to be patient. New houses are listed every Friday,
and sometimes Wednesday. It helps to be familiar with the market area
you're considering, that way you will know a great deal when you see it.

Tony Sivori
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