Today's topics:
* No chickens - 1 messages, 1 author
* Review: "How To Live Well Without Owning a Car - Save Money, Breathe Easier,
and Get More Mileage Out of Life" by Chris Balish - 1 messages, 1 author
* In what way are you LEAST frugal? - 1 messages, 1 author
TOPIC: No chickens
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 29 2009 9:29 pm
From: "Nick Naim"
TOPIC: Review: "How To Live Well Without Owning a Car - Save Money, Breathe
Easier, and Get More Mileage Out of Life" by Chris Balish
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 29 2009 10:07 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
Scott in SoCal wrote:
> Last time on misc.consumers, tmclone <> said:
>>> It never fails.
>>> Every time this subject comes up there's always some whiner who pops
>>> up with this "I can't use public transit" BS. It's as if you believe
>>> that you are a tree, and you are forced to grow wherever Chance has
>>> placed your seed. You live where you live because you CHOSE to live
>>> there; if properly motivated, you could just as easily CHOOSE to
>>> live someplace else.
>>> One really good motivator is COST. You can afford to live in your
>>> little Country Estate because the rest of us subsidize your use of
>>> personal automobiles. If you had to pay those costs all by yourself,
>>> you'd quickly decide to move to a more cost-effective location
>>> where - incidentally - you COULD use public transit, walk to
>>> grocery stores, bike to work, etc.- Hide quoted text -
>> Boy, are you a clueless weasel.
> Starting off with the Ad Hominem guns, eh? We all know what that means...
Yep, that you pissed her off with your terminal stupidity.
> Which means you could live literally anywhere.
Mindlessly silly. She doesnt necessarily have the money to
live in most places, particularly if the work doesnt pay much.
>> I live in a tiny 200-year-old farmhouse because it's all I can afford
> Could you still afford it if the rest of us hadn't
> paid to build a road out to your farmhouse?
She pays for that via the taxes she pays to live there.
> Could you afford it if you had to shoulder all of
> those building and maintenance costs yourself?
Mindlessly silly. Its just a tad unlikely that the road is exclusively her's.
>> Oh, and exactly HOW THE HELL are "you" subsidizing my ownership of a
>> 12 year old car I bought 3 years ago and drive less> than 2k miles a year?
> Well, Mr. Clueless Weasel, there's that road out
> to your country estate that my taxes helped to build.
Like hell they did if you dont share a county etc.
> There's the "free" parking that you get to use when you arrive at your destination.
Paid for by the taxes on the businesses that operate there.
> And that's only screatching the surface.
Nope, thats all there is. She presumably pays taxes just like you do.
> Now, when you're ready to pull your head out of your ass and learn
> the TRUTH, I suggest you read "The Elephant in the Bedroom" by
> Hart and Spivak, or maybe "Divorce Your Car" by Alvord.
Neither are anything even remotely resembling anything like THE TRUTH.
> And get ready to have your shit-brown eyes opened nice and wide. :)
Starting off with the Ad Hominem guns, eh? We all know what that means...
TOPIC: In what way are you LEAST frugal?
== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Thurs, Oct 29 2009 10:15 pm
From: "Rod Speed"
Gary Heston wrote:
> In article <>,
> Napoleon <> wrote:
>> On Wed, 28 Oct 2009 18:16:52 -0500, (Gary Heston)
>> wrote:
>>> You first. You're so delusional it's laughable.
>> I notice you have no facts of your own. Typical.
> Of course, you're "entitled" to have everything handed to you:
>>> Start by looking at the economies of some of those other countries;
>>> they're collapsing under the cost of those socialized medicine
>>> plans.
>> Ha ha, ha. So funny, it's pathetic. You should get out of America
>> more often. I've been all over the world and when I talk to "dem
>> furriners" they are MORE THAN CONTENT with their healthcare and
>> lives.
> I've traveled; Canada, Europe (including Great Britian), Australia, New Zealand.
> Ever talk to anyone that actually had to use it for a serious illness?
I have, and a number of those I know have too.
> They might have a different perspective.
Not one of those I know do.
> Princess Dianas' family and friends weren't real happy with the care she
> received in France following the accident--and she was someone important.
She's stupid enough to get involved in a massive car accident at one hell
of a speed, hitting an immovable object when not wearing a seatbelt and
with no airbags, there's fuck all anyone can do about that even in the US.
>> anyone's country's economy is collapsing it's the US. Norway,
>> Australia, France, Canada, etc. etc are doing fine and had more
>> growth than the US has had for years.
>>> If Obamas' plan was such a good idea, he and Congress would be signing up for it.
>> Obama and Congress do have socialized medicine. You pay for it.
> Yes; however, what they get bears no resemblence to what
> they're trying to foist off on the average American citizen.
Yes, but you're already part of the medicare system, even tho you
may not be qualified to use it yet. It works quite adequately, and a
hell of a lot better than no health insurance for those of that age.
>> guess you don't want your own tax money to go to you. Oh well. I
>> prefer not to be a masochist and would like the same health benefits
>> the government employees get, since it is my tax money paying for it.
> The federal employees union is calling on their membership--all those
> bureaucrats we're paying--to oppose getting stuck with the proposed
> "reform" plan, as they'd lose a great deal of their benefits.
Their problem.
> What's proposed for us taxpayers isn't anywhere close to what the
> civil service is getting, either.
You're free to keep using what you are currently happy with except if
you prefer to not bother with any form of insurance at all except medicare.
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