Monday, October 12, 2009

misc.consumers.frugal-living - 8 new messages in 5 topics - digest


Today's topics:

* How to get rid of a roommate? - 3 messages, 2 authors
* cheap property in WV,KY,NC,TN? DATA SITE - 1 messages, 1 author
* AT&T Mobility Offers Unlimited Prepaid for $60/month--Compare this with
other Unlimited Prepaid Plans - 2 messages, 1 author
* 2012 forcast: Food riots, ghost malls, mob rule, riots, terror - 1 messages,
1 author
* Cell phone service on Verizon's Network: $24.60 for 1200 minutes/1200 text
or picture messages/50MB of Data. - 1 messages, 1 author

TOPIC: How to get rid of a roommate?

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 11 2009 9:59 pm
From: Balvenieman

"Dave C." <noway@nohow.never> wrote:

>Depending on how long they've been living together though, she might have a bigger
> problem. That is, she might have to formally file for divorce before she can ever get married to someone
> else. Check common law marriage statutes for the state she's living in.
Baloney. That's just another of the lies that ignorant fathers in
patriarchal societies tell their daughters in hopes they'll keep their
panties on. sheesh!
the Balvenieman
Running on single malt in U.S.A.
USDA zone 9b

== 2 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 11 2009 9:59 pm
From: Balvenieman

"Dave C." <noway@nohow.never> wrote:

>If you are living with someone long enough, he becomes your common law husband.
Strictly speaking that simply is not the case in most, if not all,
jurisdictions in the U.S.A. A narrow set of conditions must prevail in
order for a judge (the only person who can do so) to declare persons to
be "common law" spouses. "Common law" spouse just as "fiancé" is, in
common parlance, simply PCSpeak for "cohabitant", "live-in" or
In my view, OP's most constructive and civilized course of action
is to butt out and let her sister live her own life in return for the
same respect and regard.
the Balvenieman
Running on single malt in U.S.A.
USDA zone 9b

== 3 of 3 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 11 2009 11:32 pm
From: ""

On Oct 11, 1:37 pm, watcher <> wrote:
> On 2009-10-11, Marsha <> wrote:
> > My milktoast sister does plan on consulting an attorney finally, but
> > does anyone know what she has to do to get rid of a roommate
> > (boyfriend)?  She owns the home outright.  He's a verbal abuser and
> > plays mind games, like hiding her jewelry and undoing a couple small
> > improvements he's made to her home.  She owns the home outright.  He has
> > never paid anywhere near an equal share of the bills.  I'm thinking she
> > may have to formally give him 30 days notice and then just evict him,
> > probably with the help of some law enforcement.
> > Marsha
> One way might be for her(or you, or some agressive friend of hers) to wait
> until he has to go out of the house for a while.  At that point, she gets the
> locks changed and throws all his stuff out into the front yard.  At that point,
> he might get the message.
> W.

Depending on the location, that could have him winning a lawsuit
against her. We had to take people to court, which took more than a
month for the court date, and THEN, they had 30 days to get out. And
since they were broke, they took the whole 30 days. So, from beginning
to end, we lost another 2 months of rents and utilities in addition to
the amount that they were behind (the reason we were evicting them).

In a situation like this, it would be ideal if there were a way to
make him want to leave sooner than that. But not in a way that would
be considered harrassment.

TOPIC: cheap property in WV,KY,NC,TN? DATA SITE

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 11 2009 11:11 pm

Look at for geohazards maps (quake,tornado, flooding, hurricane)

The areas you mention are Appallachian, hence exposed to New Madrid quakes.
Mostly minor tremors, but the 150yr cycle big one never came yet.
Plus if they start drilling for oil & gas, might destabilise.

Very unusual, but Hurricane Ivan in 2004 actually went up the Appallachians.

Also, check if the areas have water, sewer, methane and electricity.

- = -
Vasos Panagiotopoulos, Columbia'81+, Reagan, Mozart, Pindus, BioStrategist
---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
[Homeland Security means private firearms not lazy obstructive guards]
[Urb sprawl confounds terror] [Phooey on GUI: Windows for subprime Bimbos]

TOPIC: AT&T Mobility Offers Unlimited Prepaid for $60/month--Compare this with
other Unlimited Prepaid Plans

== 1 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 11 2009 11:30 pm
From: SMS

Following the lead of Verizon's MVNO PagePlus, AT&T (starting today) is
offering unlimited voice and text on its prepaid service. Let's see how
these unlimited prepaid services compare. I've also included Straight
Talk Unlimited (offered by Tracfone).

PagePlus AT&T Straight Talk
--------- ---------- -------------
Native Network Verizon AT&T Verizon
Roaming All CDMA Limited GSM None
Voice Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Texts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Included Data 20MB None 30MB
Additional Data $1.20/MB $2/MB Not available
MMS Part of Data Unclear Part of Data
Lowest Cost $33/month* $60+/month $45/month
Fees/Taxes Included Extra None
Roaming Extensive Very Limited None
Roaming Cost 59¢/min No Charge N/A
2G Coverage Excellent Good Good
3G Coverage Excellent Fair Excellent
Handset Choice Good Excellent Poor

*Regular rate is $39.95 per month, but account can be funded with refill
cards that include greater than the face value, and that are sold at a
discount off the regular price. For example, $46 buys you $56 worth of
PagePlus money on the $50 refill card (sold at an 8% discount). $39.95
of PagePlus money is deducted each month for unlimited service. $39.95 x
46.00 ÷ 56.00 = 32.82.

== 2 of 2 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 11 2009 11:41 pm
From: SMS

SMS wrote:
> Following the lead of Verizon's MVNO PagePlus, AT&T (starting today) is
> offering unlimited voice and text on its prepaid service. Let's see how
> these unlimited prepaid services compare. I've also included Straight
> Talk Unlimited (offered by Tracfone).
> PagePlus AT&T Straight Talk
> --------- ---------- -------------
> Native Network Verizon AT&T Verizon
> Roaming All CDMA Limited GSM None
> Voice Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
> Texts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
> Included Data 20MB None 30MB
> Additional Data $1.20/MB $2/MB Not available
> MMS Part of Data Unclear Part of Data
> Lowest Cost $33/month* $60+/month $45/month
> Fees/Taxes Included Extra None
> Roaming Extensive Very Limited None
> Roaming Cost 59¢/min No Charge N/A
> 2G Coverage Excellent Good Good
> 3G Coverage Excellent Fair Excellent
> Handset Choice Good Excellent Poor
> *Regular rate is $39.95 per month, but account can be funded with refill
> cards that include greater than the face value, and that are sold at a
> discount off the regular price. For example, $46 buys you $56 worth of
> PagePlus money on the $50 refill card (sold at an 8% discount). $39.95
> of PagePlus money is deducted each month for unlimited service. $39.95 x
> 46.00 ÷ 56.00 = 32.82.

Actually there's a mistake above. PagePlus has lowered their data rate
to $0.60/MB for additional data over the 20MB that's included.

TOPIC: 2012 forcast: Food riots, ghost malls, mob rule, riots, terror

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Sun, Oct 11 2009 11:42 pm
From: Curly Surmudgeon

On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 19:45:44 -0700, phil scott <> wrote:

> On Oct 11, 1:36 pm, Jeff M <NoS...@NoNoThanks.Org> wrote:
>> wrote:
>> > phil scott <> wrote:
>> >> I dont think we are looking at armageddon in the faintest.... we are
>> >> looking at vast changes, and for many individuals it will be nasty
>> >> to the core, as it is now.   but the larger world and national
>> >> culture will advance....  thinking individuals will be able to dodge
>> >> most of those bullets, enough at least to have food and shelter.
>> > Agree
>> Me too.
>> > These are fundamental changes coming that would come regardless of
>> > who is in power or how much we wish they would NOT change
>> > Agree on brick and mortar being dead.... already do most of my
>> > shopping online
>> > Agree on housing being ridiculous over capacity!
>> Yep.  I'm waay over-housed.
> real estate should tank another 50% or more within a year or two max.
> and not rebound because 80 m baby boomers are retiring, then dying off.
> meantime desperate local govts are taxing it heavily.
> depending on your situation, it may or may not pay to stay put or sell

I'm betting that will not occur.

Property prices may continue to slump in some locals but nation-wide have
already leveled off and begun to climb in some regions.

Regards, Curly
Beats the Rose Parade:

TOPIC: Cell phone service on Verizon's Network: $24.60 for 1200 minutes/1200
text or picture messages/50MB of Data.

== 1 of 1 ==
Date: Mon, Oct 12 2009 12:02 am
From: SMS

OMG, following PagePlus's unlimited service for under $33, now they have
a new plan that offers 1200 voice minutes, 1200 text/picture messages,
and 50MB of data for $24.60/month (with no extra garbage fees). PagePlus
is a MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) that offers prepaid service
on Verizon's network.

This plan includes 50MB of data rather than the 20MB of data on their
$32.82 unlimited plan. Another feature of this plan is that, unlike the
unlimited plan, MMS messages are included in the 1200 messages (on the
unlimited plan, MMS comes out of your 20MB data allocation and it's easy
to burn through 20MB of data sending photos).

The net cost is less than the advertised $29.95. You can use refill
cards that add 12% more money than their face value to your account and
that cost 8.00% less than their face value. You do not have to use the
$29.95 cards that they sell for this plan. The best card to buy is the
$50 card that adds $56 of value to your account and that sells for $46
during periodic 8% off promotions from The $50 face
value card adds the largest percentage of extra value to your account
(12% extra).

With an 8% Discount Code from CallingMart (offered about six times a
year) $46 buys you $56 worth of PagePlus money on the $50 refill card.
$29.95 of PagePlus money is deducted each month for unlimited service,
so the math works out like this: $29.95 x 46.00 ÷ 56.00 = 24.60.

You can see this plan at
"". But
remember, to get the plan for lower than the $29.95 regular rate you
need to buy the $50 refill cards from a reseller that offers them at a
discount. If you sign up as a fan of Calling Mart on Facebook then
they'll notify you of their periodic promotions (often with an 8%
discount) but you can always get a 5.91% discount with Use coupon code

If you don't have native Verizon coverage in the areas you usually use a
phone in then don't sign up with PagePlus. Roaming on non-Verizon CDMA
networks will incur roaming charges. Also note that there are no
off-peak (night and weekend) or free Mobile to Mobile minutes--all
minutes used are deducted from your 1200 minutes. Extra MB of data are
$0.60 each (which can really add up if you're a heavy data user, but
AT&T and Verizon charge about $2/MB so it's not a bad deal).

You can use any Verizon phone, new or used, on PagePlus, including 3G
smart phones that Verizon won't let you use unless you sign up for a
data plan (and including very old non E-911 capable phones). You can
also use Verizon InPulse phones sold at Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy,
Walgreen's, etc (do not activate the phone on InPulse prepaid).

I have no affiliation with CallingMart or PagePlus other than being a
customer of both.


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